Hatem al-Haj – Manāzil as-Sa’irīn #71 – Chapter on Ecstasy

Hatem al-Haj
AI: Summary © The concept of " ecstasy" is the result of intense experiences that can be either joy or sad. It can manifest on body language and can measure one's success or failure. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding confusion and discomfort in one's behavior, avoiding false assumptions, and finding out who is truly in control. The concept of "heat," which is the ability to experience a sudden event or a change in state, is also discussed. Finally, the segment discusses the importance of testing one's spiritual state and finding out who is truly in control.
AI: Transcript ©
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to proceed, today inshallah we will have the chapter on weather

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station avoid ecstasy as most people translated and in fact we would have

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Babel here and Noah

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which is the chapter on reviving barren land and we will have double the island which is the chapter on pure job wages per job wages type of adjara type of hiring

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but a little bit different

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as we will come to known Sharma the first chapter of what to do or ecstasy in manager salary

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chef Allah tada

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in under Halloween, Rahim Allah tada who died in the year 481 after hedra says in this

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chapter which is number 66. Station Number 66.

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He says palo alto de la de PUE him is Carmel a lot of mighty said and we have made firm their hearts when they stood up. This is part of Sora to the gaff Nakamura buena bossa nova to another one dooney de la la Chautauqua.

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We have made firm that hearts when the rose when the stood up, and they said Rob buena Bustamante Lord Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, not another woman dooney Ilan we will not invoke any god beside him other than him.

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Nakata couldn't even sorta, we would have certainly transgress the great transgression, if we do that if we invoke any god beside him. So those are the use of slotocash that

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stood up to the rows that may attend to the rows from slumber, heedlessness that condition that they're the condition of their trial other people.

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And it could also mean that they actually physically

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for Carlota, bonamassa, Mattila, they said, Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens in the earth, we will not invoke any Lord beside them, we would have certainly transgress the great transgression if we did like the rest of our people.

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Why did the shift start this chapter on ecstasy by this particular

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verse, what is started by this particular verse because he wants to say that these people experienced intense spiritual sensation, intense, they received spirit intense spiritual imports, that made them unable to state that anymore, unable to bear the status quo anymore

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to live among the very people who reject God or associate partners with God anymore. So, they were moved by these intense importance spiritual importance, and that is essentially what word is, which comes from whatever whatever means found or experienced.

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When you say, Muhammad, what are the

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if it means Muhammad found his phone

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Hamad whether the fi NFC Deacon or Mohammed whether the some feeling it means that Muhammad experienced some stress or grief uptightness So, it could mean

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found it could mean experienced B it means both in this case, to find that experience because it is an experience that you find.

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Why did the then the these are sort of spiritual sensations that you receive without invocation or

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expectation, because that's why they're called the words

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procurement finding. Literally what the means finding it's a verb noun from what that found, means finding. So to find these spiritual sensations is what is to basically experience intense

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spiritual sensations.

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So that's procurement or finding Why do people translated as ecstasy because ecstasy is the result of the intense sensations.

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They want to say that ecstasy is the result of spread pre spiritual sensations, but it is not always in the form of joy.

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It could, it depends on what the devotee experiences of the devotee experiences the attributes of a lost majesty might rager then the intense sensations will be intense and sensations of reverence, fear

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and anxiety

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and of the devotee experienced intense sensations of the attributes of a loss, beauty, compassion, mercy, then the sensations will be sensations of relief, joy, happiness,

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and these intense sensations could manifest on the body

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in the sense that they could have physical manifestations. So, the body may Iraq, there may be some rhythmic movements.

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without exaggeration, without pretension,

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without inviting the movements, the movements should be a result of the state

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of joy, for fear, reverence, they could be a result.

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They you know, you should not invite the movements and also what could result in a perfect car. It doesn't have to result in the rhythmic movements. It could result in a completely perfect calm, tranquility and calmness.

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So when you say Moroccan Allah when he was talking about Vic, he said that there are three different types of people. When it comes to Vic, he said that there are three different types of people, the people who will develop the Sharia. That's the goosebumps, the shivering of the skin.

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These are manifestations that the righteous experience when they make Vicar of Allah.

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Allah has that option to happen with the shabbiha Masonic Cybermen will do Lavina actually

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submitted Ito to Luma pulu. In Africa, Allah, Allah had revealed that the best of speech Allah had sent down the best of speech, after Hades, duck shadow, minimal Judo, the living action out of

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the skins of those who fear their Lord sever their from from it from that speech, when they hear the speech, their skins shiver, they have the goosebumps and the shivering of the skin. And also there could be some

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rhythmic movement with this,

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some material Gerudo makuu boom in Africa.

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But then Allah said, thereafter, their skins and the hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah. So, there is there is this shivering of the skin. But thereafter, there is the perfect called tranquility and relaxation had the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So he said that the people who are completely sin,

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they don't move, they're not moved by. They're not touched by the thick, they may suffer, they may be suffering from some hardness in their hearts.

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And at the same time, he said that the things that we hear from

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that the things that we hear about the taboo and how they have these like

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vivacious experiences of like, loud sighs and they drop, you know, in coma or they pass out or pass away.

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He said that these are not the best conditions

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He contended that the sahabas relaxation, and the Sahaba, serenity and tranquility was superior, and indicated the establishment of the Sahaba in their stations in their spiritual stations and their spiritual states. Something that we have to stop here and pause a little bit. So when we say that, in the that what may have been heard more commonly among the tabs in the size, the passing out, and so on,

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is not the most perfect station.

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Does he mean to say that they are inferior that we're a when we are when I repeat this? Am I comparing myself to those?

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Absolutely not. That, you know,

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those surveyed, including the people who were describing now as inferior to the Sahaba,

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they could be sort of

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what many light years ahead of us.

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But we're still saying that when you try to emulate, emulate, basically the master, sort of the original version,

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when you look for,

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you know, when you when you look for seashells on the shore, and you find one,

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they use this, to talk about the weakness of PS analogy, they use this parable to talk about,

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address the weakness of analogy, as a method of legislation. But anyway,

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the secondary analogy.

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So when you find one, and then you look for another one like it, and then you leave the first one, you found one that looks like it, and then you look for one that looks like the second one, and you look for a fourth one that looks like the third one, and you look for a fifth one that looks like the fourth one, may be the 11th would be much different from the first.

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But if you hold on to the first one, and you keep on looking for copies of the first one, then likely the second and the third and the fourth, and so on, maybe very comparable to each other, they're close to the first one. So whenever you look for guidance, that does not mean that we abandon our heritage or neglected, but whenever you look for the ultimate guidance, ultimate parameter measuring stick, you know, reference,

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then you look, you know,

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you look to the prophets of Allah Salah, and next to the purpose of Saddam would be the Sahaba.

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And then next to them would be the Tibet, but in this order.

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So when an element for instance, allows us to have sort of sense of humor,

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but sometimes his sense of humor was a little sour. So he would, he had a dog, he had like live students that were always annoying him and coming to his home and knocking him his door. So he released his dog, you know, to bark at them and just like,

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scaring them away.

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And then, when his dog died, he said, Metallica, moldable, model piano harmonica, the one who used to be command good and forbid, just like

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and then sometimes he comes out to his students, he would say nothing broke me out, you accepted that. I hate the people inside more than I hate you.

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Though and

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who else do Lamaze is a great figure in our history? You know?

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We love him, we're expected a great deal. But does it mean that you know is the ultimate measuring stick? No. And does it mean that you treat people like this or you make even even if you want to joke with your students that, you know would not be something that you would expect the prophet to have said right. would you expect to the prophet to have said that? The Sahaba I just hate the people inside more than I hate you.

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And you didn't expect bhakra to say to you expect Omar to say so that's what we're saying. You know, so

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We have the ultimate example, in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam then we should look no farther than the prophets of Allah deism.

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Okay, so going back to the issue of the physical manifestations of words, then some people may have these threatening movements sharing of the skin, goosebumps but then Allah said so much that even to do makuu mila decorilla and then their their hearts and their skins and their hearts would relax at the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Question is,

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the word is not, like I said, it's an intense sensation. Without invocation or expectation. You don't invite it, you don't expect it, it happens to you. You are in your, like bedroom making music. And then you feel some sensation. And then, you know, like, he feel like the rhythmic movement you could feel. You could hear an eye that gives you goosebumps, things of that nature. But it's an eye of the Quran thick, something in your prayer, even sometimes a story about the prophets of Salaam, something that gives you that intense sensation.

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But then do you invoke it? Is it okay to invoke it? Meaning invited, that is called the ledger that's not what that is.

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And the masters of the path disagree over

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should invite the ledger certainly if this is pretentious, no one would disagree. That certainly would be condemned. If it is pretentious, if you're if you're inviting it in the presence of people to show your sort of,

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you know, your connection or your spirituality or that is certainly pretentious. And that's certainly hypocritical. And that's what we're not talking about the pretentious form of it. But let's say you are alone in your bedroom and three o'clock in the morning. And you want to invite to the west, you want to invite those intense sensations, they disagree. Some of them said that is okay.

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And some of them said that is not okay.

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Because it's fake. It's not the real, it's not the genuine thing.

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But those who said it is okay. The condition here is that the means to it are proper means and the means will be proper

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for us and Salah.

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These are proper means so you continue to repeat the repeat Vic,

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to bring it about. But isn't it superior that you repeat the victory to come closer to Allah regardless of the sensation that you would get, regardless of the feedback that you'll get? He has it is superior, that you're not waiting for feedback.

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You want to get closer to Allah and you're not waiting for feedback. But if someone wanted to get to that sensation, and they're making, you know, they woke up to three hours before bed and they continue to repeat the

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thing to get some sensation, some feeling of comfort, some feeling of relaxation,

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whether it be condensable it may not be condensable in this case, because this is proper, this is not pretentious means a proper you know the motive is not pretentious, then it may not be condemned in that case.

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But if the means are improper,

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if the means are improper, if it is you're spinning rapidly or dancing or whirling or doing something, you know,

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what did we hear of the Sahaba de la de him whatever you

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do any of that stuff to bring about that state.

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You know, the the you know the tranquility, calm, dignity, Grace are hallmarks characteristics of our worship didn't allow us to say to us without Lavina the home life and whether or not someone had done it

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and leave those who took

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or turn their religion into something for play and amusement, live and whatever. For play, amusement and diversion.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala condemn the prayer of the disbelievers

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You know, when when he said and sort of amphawa mecanizado meant that at ala mocha was the, to the plaza welcome to Tech foo. And their prayer by the house was nothing more than whistling and hand-clapping

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play amusement

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and Allah says this about

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other groups of religious people as well. So,

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then Allah subhanaw taala say to us in Surah foodora become Dhawan who fear in

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the invoke your Lord with humility.

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You know, humble supplication that was humble supplication, supplication with humility, will hope here and covertly privately in our labor market in in love's not the transgressor they analyze they also sort of rough was kurata caffeine FC Padawan he pattern for doing a gentleman?

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was Granada, caffeine fcwc. Remember your Lord within yourself barwon with humidity will he fit in and out of fear or fright in fear or fright? We'll do that even without being loud. You know,

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in your speech or your invocation

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will go to your outside in the mornings and before sunset.

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Well at least and don't be among those who are heedless, and don't be among those who are Hitler's. They didn't do the Prophet sallallahu Sallam tell us when you come to the prayer, is it to salah and to her Aleykum second or third or

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female Salah falletta to quantum thrown out as

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to how alaikum skeena to Allah, if you come to the prayer or hear the Dharma don't come to to attraction, and come to it with tranquility. And Waqar, which is a combination of dignity and grace, with dignity and grace. So Sakina wakad hallmarks of our worship of Allah subhanaw taala when you watch those videos about the people who you know, like the they do the clapping, or the musical instruments, and they start to spin and they start to do things, do you really feel that they're emulating the Sahaba? Do you really envision Abu Bakr and Omar doing this? You know, and then they drop on the ground and someone comes and hits them and they will wake up and come back? Do you think

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that this scene that you would have seen something of this nature? Among the Sahaba of the prophets are no, no, no, it is? And if if there is, then they would have been reported, but nothing of this nature was ever reported.

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But then, why are we not recognizing that all that people are not all the same? Why are we not recognizing that some people want relaxation? Why are we driving the people away, because we are always talking to them about strict rules, and not recognizing that people are stressed out, and that people want some relaxation or some sensation that

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helps them with their stress. So why what is wrong with the larger to try to fight to get to try to procure that sensation,

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procure some sensation of comfort,

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otherwise you people are going to look for yoga, for instance, or some

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some other technique to find that relaxation.

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You don't have to.

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The idea here is we're not even judging those people because we don't like we're

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judging those people in the sense of a final judgment. We're judging the practice, but then a sense of final judgment and judgment of the people we're not making final judgment of the people and that is extremely important. Because when you watch a video like this, and then you come out and not only judge those people, but say, you know, Sophie's are just this or that,

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that that blanket statement includes in that blanket statement, everybody who identified and certainly you know, the truth is do not identify themselves as superior because it is not to say,

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you know, don't basically don't praise here.

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but people who would consider themselves to be following the path of someone like a genetically modified copy of the cottage earlier, somebody

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and they're trying to do it right. And they're trying to do it consistently and they're trying to be compliant with the Sharia, but they are trying to pay attention to the interior and trying to pay attention to the purification of the self for the purification of the soul and so on. Then you would have a basically

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condemned all those people is that fear?

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Is that conducive to unity is that conducive to any goodness is that can solve absolutely not insaf is to say, some people, you know, when it comes particularly a large group like this to say,

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you know, from an ensemble player out

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enough, see, some of them are Vanguard, as I said about the Sufi of the soul. Some of them are of the vanguard among the Muslims. And they will not be shortchanged by lost Mata. Some of them are, you know, the mixed good and bad deeds, some of them have transgressed themselves. They're the different types. But going back to the issue of what if someone wants to get you know, to have some of these sensations, he tried to prescribe for them, you tell them, you know, you could do it with without, without these intense movements, because the intense movements at the end of the day, it's not about the body, it's not about the your physical entity, it's about your soul. So, you want to

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get the real thing or you just want to get dizzy

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or you want to sort of affect your mental state by intense physical movements. No, you want to get the real thing you know, the real spiritual imports. So, sit down wake up before Feds sit in your room and you know

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repeatedly repeatedly that you

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can you could say it a little bit out loud

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to get that you know, because part of it part of it in our direction the relaxation that comes from yoga and comes from the and sports as well, you could advise people to practice sports.

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Part of the relaxation that comes with this is basically to regulate your breathing and to have deep breaths and regulate your breathing. So, the Word Online itself allows you enables you to do this because when you say Allah, what is happening with your tongue and your palate, your tongue meets your palate right? Hum law hum hum holla say hola

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what happened to the touch your palate, the roof of your mouth, okay. So, and then what happened? There was released

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okay. So, if you say like, the light will have this also, but it is it is a complete form the formula that includes negation and affirmation. Therefore, it keeps the balance between negation and affirmation so that I have a law there is no deity other than Allah.

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With in the in the negation party are saying that all of the deities that others worship we negate them, we affirm Allah.

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If you repeat a lie alone, then you and then that could result in the self absorbed in the absorption in the absorption into the focus of your music and that is

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the pheno and we have said before several times that subsisting with Allah by Allah for Allah is superior. So you want to keep the formula that the prophets and certain thoughts you want to keep the vicar that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to us is the best thing that i i and the prophets before me have ever said later Hey, Lola, so you c'est la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la la la if you save repeatedly, and if you say out loud, you will combine both. You will combine both the relaxation that comes with regulating your breathing and the spiritual imports that come with the color of Allah subhanaw taala particularly if you have focus, if you have focus, but

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if you don't have focus repeated

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Naga mala in his 47th aphorism, he said let's look at the atom prodotti Kamala Nava secondary said let's look at zikalala

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Boudicca Barlow for in this year NACA.

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NACA, Han will do the victory,

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sovereign mini sciatica

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fee we'll do the victory. So don't abandon Vic. Because you don't feel your presence online.

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Because your forgetfulness, your forgetfulness of his remembrance, is worse than your forgetfulness in his remembrance, your forgetfulness of his remembrance, remembrance is worse than your forgetfulness in his remembrance.

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Also, nobody and Parkman zicklin Maya ezicleen Maya kazaam zicklin Maya Declan madhuram and zicklin mahadeo Executive Marv Ibom SEOmoz core, so maybe allow it elevate you from as zyk

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with heedlessness or forgiveness, forgetfulness to Vic, with alertness and from zixu with alertness, the clue is presence, presence in you know or feeling your presence

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with the divine

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and from victory was presence victory was absence that is your absence from other than the divine. But anyway, the beginning of this is important. Don't give up on victory because you don't feel your presence with Allah will have no idea how to feel the unknown superdata those who strive for our cause we should guide them to our

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paths. Some of the setup said hi. I struggled with the night prayers for 20 years and then I enjoyed it for 20 years. 20 years he is struggling 20 years, he's not getting that sweetness that everybody wants 20 years

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20 years, he's not getting the spiritual importance that everybody wants. He's struggling, you know, he's trying to wake up for salted pmla he's trying to stay You know, he and he's, you know, the perfect way. And then he got to enjoy it for 20 years. Because what if you die before that you get to enjoy you

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is when you will enjoy the fruits of your night prayers. When Allah subhanaw taala

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shortchange you for the night prayers will last

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you know, under compensate you for your prayers, absolutely no plan, you get to enjoy them in the hereafter. If you die before there

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is still a good deal. Perfect. So the idea here is consistency. And then

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those people that you know that they would still want something more

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they can do this in group.

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That is not the preferred way in my understanding. But that's a that's a controversial issue. Such a key controversy. Such a big controversy. How many's in Japanese were particularly warmer to group zyklus.

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medikidz and canopies.

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Surprisingly, canopies and medic keys were more averse to groups than Japanese buddies.

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But the preferred way is, well, you know, what could our book if enough secret, I don't remember your ear, your Lord within yourself to that Ron waqif you know, with humidity and supplication and in fright.

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But then at the end of the day, don't make up

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an act of worship, you know, because it to use music and instruments or the rapid spinning gore or all of that stuff.

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That is now that's now a clear departure.

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That is now about not about 50 controversy anymore. That is a clear departure

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from the way of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his companions.

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Okay, so we spend a lot of time we spent a lot of time on on just

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identifying what what it is because it does require some sort of detailed explanation. Then we'll go back to what the chief

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said here. Jeff seven words do not have to add the domain to who they are the noclip In other

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is a flame that is ignited upon experiencing an unsettling encounter it is of three levels.

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So, what is a flame that is ignited upon experiencing an unsettling encounter? It is of three levels. It's a flame that is encountered that is ignited upon experience in Ghana unsettling encounter are not settled yet. Because what is you know, in the shakes? Sort of book, what is not what dude? Would you is translated as being or actualization, actualization of that presence and, you know, your being in the Divine Presence, that actualization of being in the Divine Presence is will do

00:35:46 --> 00:35:46


00:35:47 --> 00:36:23

but what's the short of the, what is an experience, that experience moves you here and I am here How do you make victory recite the Qur'an and 30 you have an experience that moves you, it moves you to seek, you know, your goal, which is that being within the Divine Presence, that being entered, that will do then the Divine Presence. So you're unsettled until you get to that phase of will dude in the chicks on.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:28

And that's according to

00:36:31 --> 00:36:33

him, you know, his his

00:36:34 --> 00:36:37

his own classification. And then the sheikh said

00:36:38 --> 00:36:48

three levels daraga una voz de Fuca houzhang to somehow saddle buzzer outside will take up a heavy asset on how will you be

00:36:49 --> 00:37:03

different first step is transience find that alerts the observant hearing sight and reflection whether it leaves a lasting impact on the one who experienced the experience that or not, this is a transient fine

00:37:04 --> 00:37:06

and once it is in general transit,

00:37:07 --> 00:37:13

but the impact is not transient, what it is in general state that you go through

00:37:14 --> 00:37:18

a state that you go through not a station that you are established.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:32

So, but the impact of the words there is not transient particularly if the web is what the by the soul not the devices of the soul, this first level

00:37:33 --> 00:37:35

is what is the by the devices

00:37:36 --> 00:37:43

here or here site here hearing here your intellect, reflection by the intellect.

00:37:46 --> 00:38:15

So the first limit is a transient finder that alerts the observer and hearing sight and reflection whether it leaves a lasting impact on the one who experienced it or not. It will leave a lasting impact if it is genuine, whether it will leave an impact. Certainly it will leave an impact but this impact may be may be overcome by heedlessness afterwards may be overcome by sin afterwards. So that is why that she accepted may not leave an impact.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:26

That's why I put between parenthesis last day because I did not say that. But he may have meant it does not leave a lasting impact.

00:38:29 --> 00:38:36

And then he said what that other 270 words don't stuff he put our rubella in or in azulay our Santa Anita and

00:38:37 --> 00:38:49

Jen just been happy in apcalis I believe so. Polly Nora. So the 30 hours Don't disturb people. The second level is a find that that awakens the soul.

00:38:51 --> 00:38:56

Find that awakens the soul. Now you see the difference between the second level and the first.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:13

The first level is basically what is the by the intellect by the hearing by the sight, the devices of the soul, the devices of the soul, that the vices of the soul look at what the signposts that point towards the ultimate goal

00:39:14 --> 00:39:16

Allah the destination.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:19

So these signposts

00:39:21 --> 00:39:26

are engaged, by engaged by the sight the hearing the intellect,

00:39:27 --> 00:40:00

but the soul, he said the second level is a find that awakens the soul. The soul basically goes beyond the signposts to the one the point to to Allah subhanaw taala. So the second level is a fire that awakens the soul by the glow of the light of pre eternity, the glow of the light of pre eternity when they when they when they basically throw the button

00:40:00 --> 00:40:16

over the world over the world that we live in the life of this world throwing a blanket meaning go back in time go back in time go back in time before this before this before this before this you get to the point where can allow me I can say

00:40:19 --> 00:40:25

so there was nothing else was with him nothing else was with him that is

00:40:27 --> 00:40:30

llama inordinately the glow of the light of eternity.

00:40:34 --> 00:40:39

Because this light was this disrupt all the darknesses

00:40:40 --> 00:40:55

all the existences around you are layers of darknesses that keep you from the glow of this light the origin where we all came from, distract you confuse you.

00:40:56 --> 00:41:10

He said Bella inordinately Elsa, Marina, Diana, Willie, the glow of the lighter pre eternity or hearing the first call or a divine attraction. Some are in need and what they have just been happy. What's the first goal?

00:41:12 --> 00:41:23

Sarah was with becoming Benny Adam and Woody and the reaction was unforeseen. And that's to their of deikun Carlo bellezza, hidden under polyoma calamity in economic diversity.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:26

Public univariable nobody.

00:41:30 --> 00:41:34

So who is Benny Adams Maria, Tim

00:41:37 --> 00:41:45

Evans, avoiding very fussy, and remember when your Lord took from the loins of the two of Adam, his offspring?

00:41:46 --> 00:41:58

And then he made them testify of themselves? Saying, Am I not your Lord? And they said, yes, you are portobella Show Hidden we testify.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:06

We bear witness, we bear witness, and tokuyama cavatina cannot have a pity.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:19

Less to say on the Day of Judgment, we were heedless about this, we did not hear this we did not know of this. So here you are bearing witness.

00:42:20 --> 00:42:36

We said that the remains of this because you don't remember it right? You say well, but I don't remember the remains of this is called federa. Your genuine inclination, your natural inclination, natural inclination is what remains of the first you know, pledge.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:49

When you pledge to Allah subhanaw taala that easier, Lord, before you came into this material body, be four years old, came into this the matter of the body.

00:42:50 --> 00:42:58

Because this is this is the difference between belief and disbelief, you are not the body, there is something happening in the body.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:06

Personality identity is a big thing that people talk about all the time spirit. So

00:43:08 --> 00:43:10

some people refer to this as mind.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:12


00:43:14 --> 00:43:21

David Hume said you're just a group of memories, nothing else because he just like couldn't get sort of his

00:43:22 --> 00:43:25

couldn't empirically verify that you have a soul.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:31

But who are you?

00:43:33 --> 00:43:36

You just can't be this body. But if you lost your arm,

00:43:38 --> 00:43:39

are you the same person?

00:43:40 --> 00:43:42

But if you lost both arms,

00:43:43 --> 00:43:46

are you the same person? You are?

00:43:47 --> 00:43:52

Your that does not this is not the you know part of the mahane

00:43:54 --> 00:44:01

this this is not part of your essence. Here the same person lost both legs and both arms are you the same person.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:03

But if they

00:44:04 --> 00:44:13

took out your kidneys transplanted kidneys into you, and liver, guts, heart, heart and lungs. We do this now.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:24

They're even talking about brain brain transplantation. There is philosophical literature already about that. You know what can we replace all the parts?

00:44:25 --> 00:44:26

Are you you?

00:44:27 --> 00:44:30

Yes you are. But what is you then

00:44:31 --> 00:44:32

can be done buddy.

00:44:33 --> 00:44:36

Buddy is it is not i.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:40

So the soul

00:44:42 --> 00:44:49

existed before the body descended into your body. You don't remember all of this because it is meant for you in our treatment.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:52

Otherwise there will be no test.

00:44:53 --> 00:44:57

But that's all was the center has the center but before that

00:44:59 --> 00:44:59

before that

00:45:01 --> 00:45:13

When you were a soul, the spirit outside of the body, Allah subhanaw taala made you testify bear witness that he is your only Lord.

00:45:14 --> 00:45:24

That is an Adela with a need and only hearing the first goal have just been happy for divine attraction, just basic divine attraction.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:27

Matt zoob does not have to be insane

00:45:29 --> 00:45:42

there is that is when the strands of or strains of Sufism corrupted the you know, the whole discipline the whole path

00:45:44 --> 00:46:09

by saying that the meds Do you know that the people that do all the crazy people in town are much doobs they're that they were pulled by a light divine attraction. And then, you know, you are a greater believer, you have a greater connection, you have a spiritual state that is greater than anyone else if you look, you know, dirty or you look

00:46:10 --> 00:46:19

crazy for this. But what about the first community? What about? What about the Prophet? What about that, you know,

00:46:21 --> 00:46:24

what about some men are these people not spiritual?

00:46:26 --> 00:46:39

So, so the just the the attraction here is when Allah pulls you, when a law pulls you from center to thaw from Australia to town when a law pulls you from a station to hire station, so divine attraction.

00:46:40 --> 00:46:43

And then the chick said in Epcot as a heavy reversal.

00:46:44 --> 00:46:58

This would leave on the one who experienced it a permanent garb or a guiding light, a permanent garb, but that is the established you in one of the loftiest station.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:20

This lab will establish you in a station a lofty station and gets you sort of confirmed within a lofty station, you could have an intense sensation of intense spiritual sensation, you could receive intense spiritual imports that will allow you to stay in and be confirmed in the station of the record, for instance, your alliance

00:47:21 --> 00:47:34

you know, have to these intense sensations after this intense experience. You have become so reliant on a law you don't have an anxiety anymore. You're so relaxed. And so

00:47:36 --> 00:47:54

a permanent guard it basically gave you a permanent guard in this case established you in one of the lofty stations. Then the sheikh said what data to study that was done the active lab there are many other COVID-19 while mahato mana human Darren has

00:47:55 --> 00:48:04

whereas lubu men repeat your clean in saliva who answer who smile. We're in LA Mr. boo, boo rosmah

00:48:06 --> 00:48:41

adonijah 30,000 for the abdomen Minh, he added coordinate the third level is a fine is procurement is what this excellency that snatches the servant from the grasp of the two worlds snatches the person serving from the grasp of the tour's what two worlds this life and the hereafter. But aren't we all about thereafter don't we will want to get to the after he wants to say that you're focused on a lot of Hinata will distract you even from the hereafter. But we're saying that this does not mean that you're not hopeful in general,

00:48:42 --> 00:48:58

that you don't have hope in Germany, it means that what matters to you the most is the pleasure of Allah and even in general the ultimate pleasure and Jen is the pleasure of Allah and is beholding Allah subhanaw taala

00:49:00 --> 00:49:02

domani Omen Dara can have.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:15

So, it will take him from the two worlds and purify him from the fields of self interest, purify him from the cells, that are that disease,

00:49:16 --> 00:49:18

the disease fails

00:49:19 --> 00:49:22

and have has the means work self interest,

00:49:24 --> 00:49:39

self interest, can we not have self interest is completely it may not be possible that we have no choice of even salvation is of interest. Even entry in Paradise is of interest, whenever we make

00:49:40 --> 00:49:59

and Allah subhanaw taala asked us to make that is self interest, self interest, but the self interest that is the self interest that is condemned to self interest that is dangerous is the self interest that will make you distracted from the pleasure of a lie that will make you that

00:50:00 --> 00:50:36

Make you pursue it at the expense of a loss of pleasure that will make you pursue it with through transgression that will make you competitive to the point of transgression that you want to chip me to get ahead of me that you want, you don't have goodwill, you know, you have sibling rivalry, you want to be better, you know, in front of your parents than the rest of your siblings. So you want to make sure that they look worse than you. It's not like you try to prop them up, you try to elevate them, you try to say good things about them.

00:50:37 --> 00:50:38


00:50:39 --> 00:51:19

basically, if you want to get rid of the bats of interest, or certain things that you need to do do things in private more than in public, maybe you're not going to be able to maybe it is not advisable anyway to do to cut down on what you do in public. But how to make it may make your private work out number outweigh outsize here your public work. And then you want to overcome self interest. You know, it is hard for you to put yourself down, put your competitors up. That's your siblings, they compete

00:51:20 --> 00:52:03

for your parents pleasure. That is your co workers, that's your classmates that is your, the other guy or stairs or email or this or that, who's competing with you, you feel that you feel it is a bad feeling. How do you get rid of it, you know, put yourself down maybe hard for most people, although sometimes it's needed. But the easier thing to do is put your brother put your sister elevate them, you know, praise them in front of people, so that you could overcome that dangerous, can dimmable self interest, but not simply interest, per se.

00:52:05 --> 00:52:36

Because even our pursuit of salvation is is of interest. Every time we invoke Allah, there is some self interest. And the Prophet told us to ask Allah for everything and to invoke Allah for everything. And then he said, whereas lumen can make you obscene and release him from the captivity of the water, water and soil. That's the matter in which that Spirit descended, in which your soul descended, the captivity of the matter, the matter?

00:52:37 --> 00:52:44

And we talked about this before we'll talk about this later inshallah. But this is what the Chief

00:52:46 --> 00:52:50

inserra who answer was no enemies, who are Horace mahoe.

00:52:51 --> 00:53:05

This would either make him forget his own name, because he forgot himself, because of his absorption, his focus on his Lord, his beloved, made him forget about himself. And if you're gonna forget about yourself, if you forget your name,

00:53:08 --> 00:53:20

he will forget his name or leave him alone form Leave him alone, for that is a little bit lower than what the chief wants you to get to which is self-annihilation or,

00:53:21 --> 00:53:55

which is what we said many times before, is not the ultimate station, the ultimate station is to subsist by Allah for Allah with Allah, like the first community, like members of the community, there are role models the idea community, that of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his companions, they were very grounded in the reality, but the reality never distracted them from seeking the pleasure of their Lord could only hold on to the body electromechanical action learns

00:53:57 --> 00:53:59

we will take seven minutes and come back and follow

00:54:02 --> 00:54:04

the glow of the light of eternity

00:54:08 --> 00:54:13

because this light was this disrupt all the darknesses

00:54:14 --> 00:54:28

all the existences around you are layers of darknesses that keep you from the glow of this light. The Origin where we all came from, distract you confuse you.

00:54:30 --> 00:54:44

He said Bella, inordinately sunshiny day and I really the glow of the light of eternity or hearing the first call or divine attraction somehow in the day and and what they have just been happy. What's the first goal?

00:54:46 --> 00:54:59

So Tara was becoming Benny Adams Williams the reaction was unforeseen as to become Cabela's hidden and Tacoma clementina Canal at Tacoma public univariable

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

The body after

00:55:04 --> 00:55:05


00:55:06 --> 00:55:07

many atoms

00:55:10 --> 00:55:19

are becoming very evident, avoiding very fussy. And remember when your Lord took from the loins of the chair of Adam, his offspring,

00:55:20 --> 00:55:32

and then he made them testify of themselves, saying, Am I not your Lord? And they said, yes, you are portobella Show Hidden, we testify.

00:55:33 --> 00:55:40

We bear witness, we bear witness, and tokuyama cavatina cannot have any

00:55:43 --> 00:55:53

less to say on the Day of Judgment, we were heedless about this, we did not hear this, we did not know this. So, here you are bearing witness.

00:55:54 --> 00:56:10

We said that the remains of this because you don't remember it right? You say, Well, but I don't remember, the remains of this is called federa. Your genuine inclination, your natural inclination, natural inclination is what remained of the first, you know, pledge,

00:56:11 --> 00:56:23

when you pledged to Allah subhanaw taala, that he is your Lord, before he came into this material body, be four years old, came into this the matter of the body?

00:56:24 --> 00:56:32

Because this is, this is the difference between belief and disbelief, well, you are not the body, there is something to have in the body.

00:56:35 --> 00:56:40

personal identity is a big thing that people talk about all the time, spirit. So

00:56:41 --> 00:56:43

some people refer to this as mind,

00:56:45 --> 00:56:46


00:56:47 --> 00:56:55

David Hume said, You're just a group of memories, nothing else because he just like couldn't get sort of his

00:56:56 --> 00:56:59

couldn't empirically verify that you have a soul.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:05

But who are you?

00:57:06 --> 00:57:10

You just can't be this buddy. But if you lost your arm,

00:57:11 --> 00:57:12

are you the same person?

00:57:14 --> 00:57:15

But if you lost both arms,

00:57:17 --> 00:57:19

are you the same person? You are?

00:57:21 --> 00:57:26

Your that does not this is not the you know, part of the Mediterranean.

00:57:27 --> 00:57:34

This this is not part of your essence. Here, the same person lost both legs and both arms are you the same person.

00:57:36 --> 00:57:36

But they

00:57:38 --> 00:57:47

took out your kidneys transplanted kidneys into you. And liver, guts, heart, heart and lungs. They do this now.

00:57:48 --> 00:57:57

They're even talking about brain brain transplantation. There is philosophical literature already about that, you know, what we replace all the parts?

00:57:59 --> 00:58:00

Are you you?

00:58:01 --> 00:58:04

Because you are but what is you then

00:58:05 --> 00:58:06

can be that body.

00:58:07 --> 00:58:10

That body is it is not i.

00:58:11 --> 00:58:14

So the soul

00:58:16 --> 00:58:23

existed before the body. We sent it into your body. You don't remember all this because it is meant for you and attainment.

00:58:24 --> 00:58:26

Otherwise there will be no test.

00:58:27 --> 00:58:31

But that's all was the center has the center but before that,

00:58:32 --> 00:58:33

before that,

00:58:35 --> 00:58:46

when you were a soul spirit, whatever buddy Allah subhanaw taala made you testify bear witness that he is your only Lord.

00:58:48 --> 00:58:58

That is an Adela with a Ghana with a hearing the first goal have just been happy or a divine attraction, just basic divine attraction.

00:58:59 --> 00:59:01

Matches OOP does not have to be insane.

00:59:02 --> 00:59:16

There is that is when the strands of or strains of Sufism corrupted the you know, the whole discipline the whole path

00:59:18 --> 00:59:42

by saying that the meds Do you know that the people that know the crazy people in town are much doobs there they were pulled by a light divine attraction. And then you know, you are a greater believer you have a greater connection you have a spiritual state that is greater than anyone else if you look, you know, dirty or you look

00:59:44 --> 00:59:53

crazy for this, but for what about the community? What about what about the Prophet? What about that? You know?

00:59:54 --> 00:59:58

What about some man? Are these people not spiritual?

01:00:00 --> 01:00:12

So, so the jazz the attraction here is when a law pulls you, when a law pulls you from center to law from a car to town, a law Pudsey from a station to hire station to divine attraction.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:17

And then the chick said in a paradise I believe so,

01:00:18 --> 01:00:31

this would leave on the one who experienced that a permanent garb or a guiding light, a permanent garb, but that is the established you in one of the lofty station.

01:00:32 --> 01:00:54

This was the what establish you in a station, a lofty station and gets you sort of confirmed within a lofty station, you could have an intense sensation as an intense spiritual sensation, you could receive intense spiritual imports that will allow you to stay in and be confirmed in the station of tobacco for instance, or Alliance.

01:00:55 --> 01:01:08

You know, have to these intense sensations after this intense experience. You have become so reliant on a law you don't have an anxiety anymore. You're so relaxed. And so

01:01:10 --> 01:01:28

a permanent guard it basically gave you a permanent guard in this case established you in one of the lofty stations. Then the SEC said What better to 30 that was done he acted for them and he added Cabernet Romana home and Darren has

01:01:29 --> 01:01:38

West lubu mineral. My scene in Santa Barbara who answer who smile. We're in LA Mr. Boo are Horace Mann

01:01:39 --> 01:02:15

darja 33rd for the abdomen Minh, he added Cabernet the third level is a fine is procurement is what this excellency that snatches the servant from the grasp of the two worlds snatches the person serving from the grasp of the tour's what two worlds this life and the hereafter. But aren't we all about thereafter, don't we will want to get to the after he wants to say that you are focused on Allah subhanaw taala will distract you even from the hereafter. But we're saying that this does not mean that you're not hopeful in general,

01:02:16 --> 01:02:32

that you don't have hope. In general, it means that what matters to you the most is the pleasure of Allah. And even in general, the ultimate pleasure and gender is the pleasure of Allah and is beholding Allah subhanaw taala

01:02:34 --> 01:02:36

domani Omen Dara can have.

01:02:38 --> 01:02:49

So it will take him from the two worlds and purify him from the fields of self interest. We have purified him from the self, Darren, that's disease,

01:02:50 --> 01:02:52

the disease, filth,

01:02:53 --> 01:02:56

and have has the means what self interest,

01:02:58 --> 01:03:12

self interests, can we not have similar interests completely, it may not be possible that we have no Some even salvation is of interest. Even entry in Paradise is of interest, whenever we make.

01:03:14 --> 01:04:02

And the last minute I had asked us to make that is self interest, self interest. But the self interest that is the self interest that is condemned to self interest that is dangerous is the self interest that will make you distracted from the pleasure of a lie that will make you that will make you pursue it at the expense of a loss of pleasure. That will make you pursue it with through transgression that will make you competitive to the point of transgression that you want to chip me to get ahead of me that you want, you don't have goodwill. You know, you have sibling rivalry. You want to be better, you know, in front of your parents than the rest of your siblings. So you want to

01:04:02 --> 01:04:10

make sure that they look worse than you. It's not like you try to prop them up, you try to elevate them, you try to say good things about them.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:12


01:04:13 --> 01:04:52

basically, if you want to get rid of the bats of interest, or certain things that you need to do, do things in private more than in public. Maybe you're not going to be able to maybe it is not advisable anyway to do to cut down on what you do in public. But how to make it may make your private work out number outweigh outsize here your public work. And then you want to overcome self interest. You know, it is hard for you to put yourself down. Put your competitors up. That's your siblings, they compete

01:04:54 --> 01:04:59

for your parents. Pleasure. That is your co workers. That's your classmates. That is

01:05:00 --> 01:05:37

You're the other guy or stairs or email or this or that, who's competing with you, you feel that you feel it is a bad feeling. How do you get rid of it? You know, put yourself down maybe hard for most people, though, sometimes it's needed. But the easier thing to do is, put your brother, put your sister elevate them, you know, praise them, in front of people, so that you could overcome that dangerous, can dimmable self interest, but not self interest, per se.

01:05:39 --> 01:06:10

Because even our pursuit of salvation is, is of interest. Every time we invoke a law, there is some self interest. And the Prophet told us to ask Allah for everything and invoke Allah for everything. And then he said, Where's Lu boohooman? Can you obscene and release him from the captivity of the water, water and soil? That's the matter in which that Spirit descended, in which your soul descended? the captivity of the matter. The matter?

01:06:12 --> 01:06:18

We talked about this before we'll talk about this later inshallah. But this is what the chief

01:06:20 --> 01:06:24

instead of a who answer was no enemies, who are who are slow.

01:06:25 --> 01:06:39

This would either make him forget his own name, because he forgot himself, because of his absorption, his focus on his Lord, his beloved, made him forget about himself. And if you're gonna forget about yourself, you forget your name.

01:06:42 --> 01:06:54

He will forget his name or leave him alone form Leave him alone, for that is a little bit lower than what the chick wants you to get to which is self annihilation, or,

01:06:55 --> 01:07:26

which is what we said many times before, is not the ultimate stage and the ultimate station is to subsist by Allah for Allah with Allah, like the first community, like members of the community. There are role models, the idea community, that of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and his companions. They were very grounded in the reality, but the reality never distracted them from seeking the pleasure of their lower quality,

01:07:28 --> 01:07:29

clinical knowledge and action learning.

01:07:30 --> 01:07:33

We will take seven minutes and come back and sell

01:07:35 --> 01:07:36

and sell

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