Hasib Noor – Succession – Rise of Abu Bakr and Umar

Hasib Noor
AI: Summary © The upcoming Prophet succession will be broken down into four parts, with 30 years after the throne. The success and importance of markings in the culture of the Muslim Empire is discussed, along with the importance of competitiveness and rivalry in a situation where a worker is faced with overwhelming difficulties and challenges. The speakers emphasize the need for honesty and transparency in leadership, and mention a future video about leadership.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls Welcome to an episode of tagalong I am your host Bilal Khan I'm here we have with us let's ignore coming out from Medina in route to San Diego. So he's in town just putting together some material for recording he's teaching a class on and I'm going to go with the title that we discussed is so initially came up with the idea let's call it succession which is cool. The rise of a blocker now if I were to ask you your break this class down into its four parts, how would you break it down? Well, after the passing of props, I sell them yeah.

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The profit slice them himself gave us you know, solace and comfort that there will be 30 years of succession, okay of righteous Hofer, which are six people who succeed and this era will be filled with justice will be filled with positive even though he said that the most, you know, the worst calamity that befall the Muslim Ummah will be his past. Okay, so he gives a prophecy even before he passes away, which is that the prophets lie Selim will succeed those 430 Well, they'll have good times for 3030 and then we'll be corrupt monarchy. Okay, so there's 30 years of everything will be good. And did he say corrupt monarchy? Yes. Or did he say what was the there's there's there's

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multiple narrations one of them says mold can owl been which means a monarchy which will be full of oppression okay. And corruption, okay. And another narration says Kingdom okay. So kingdom will come after that. So, then the scholars discuss what that means. Okay. But then discussion of succession, the prophets, I said him himself would say that those who came after him for 30 years will be the righteous successors. And that is why this class called succession the rise of weapon I'm one because the first one to kind of take the flame of the prophets of Allah Hudson's legacy in his own head was a look at all the one. Sure, and he handed it off to Oman. And this is where you see like

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the height.

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Building up to the height of Islamic civilization or Islamic succession. That's exactly Yes. Last succession. Not Islamic rule, right.

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Islamic succession. Okay, right. Now, why? What inspired the name succession itself? this Hadith of the prophets, I sent him, okay, they will come after me. He laughed. And I'll oftentimes when we say Caliphate, yeah, you know, there's all these images that come to your mind. Well, the word Oh, it's interesting in Oriental Studies, they always put eight, right on eight on eight, right? caliphate. Right? But I think anything that's not European, right? they'll add eight, eight, right, right. So there's an element of orientation, as you mentioned, yeah. So what it actually means is, at sessions of is to fluff in Arabic, which means to succeed, or hurt. So it has such a beautiful meaning in

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Arabic, that the prophet SAW Sam was speaking about the inheritance of prophethood. Okay, and he's speaking about the succession of prophethood. So I was like, You know what, let's take back our own narrative. You know, they stopped saying Calvin, let's say succession, like the pulse on it. I like the word succession. And I don't know if this is appropriate within the lexicon of English in the English language, but the success and succession are they related? I don't know the person.

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But it could get a lot of cool, because that's what I mean, when you think about success. Sounds great. Right session. Right? It's like this wasn't in use. Yes, exactly. There you go. So continuing success, right. The rise of a bucket. All right, cool. So what now as I understand it, right, the the succession

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abubaker. himself was just maybe over two years or under two years. Right. Right. Right. And then above, his succession lasted for like 12 years. 10 years? 10 years? Yeah. 10 to 12. somewhere around there. So how do you intend on presenting? Like, what are you going to have that that's like 12. Like if we're talking a total of say, 12 years, maybe? Right, including a book one on one together? So is that like, two hours of the classes abubaker. And then the 10 hours of the class is almost no old, the class will be broken down, in a sense, more focus on the the elements of success in their role, and in the time that they were rulers of the Muslim Empire. Okay, what made them who they

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were? Sure, so this will not necessarily be a timeline kind of class where we go through the entire timeline as it was, so we have to focus much more normal. It's rather what made them great what brought about that greatness. So I would assume then a lot of what made America great was the fact that he had the closest proximity to the prophet

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in his life, considering he became Muslim before any of the other hola photoshooting. Right. In addition to that, he also had I guess, more. More FaceTime with the Prophet c'est la vie.

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And so I'm guessing you're going to cover a lot of that right? Before the heat becomes halifa. Right. Right. And that's what's that's what's so important because sometimes when people discuss individuals, right, yeah, we don't talk about, you know, well, who were the main personas or people that influenced those individuals to become who they were? Okay, we only talk about looking online in their proximity to the profit center. Okay, so what we're gonna do is actually look at how they were in the life of the Prophet, what did the prophets I say, impart to these two individuals, which made them the best of successors. Okay, so that's what we're gonna go now. So, having having that

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said, it would actually make more sense to give a book or even more screen time than just, or class time.

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than what like, a few hours. Exactly. Right. So I'm now are you splitting it up? Like, day one day to? Like, the normal? No, it's gonna be pretty much almost exactly even. Okay, it's gonna be discussing the role of a woodworker and the discipline the prophets, I sell him in his life, okay. And the influence that it actually had on the life of the prophets, I sell it. Okay. And that's, like, an amazing concept of how this man actually influenced also the prophets. I said, Okay, like a lot brought, this man asked to be the best companion. Okay, so we're going to discuss the life of a worker of the Londo in relationship to life of the process. Adam, okay. They want to talk about his

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life. Yeah. And then transition to obviously, his passing, and some of the legacy that he left behind Sure, and what events happened in his role, and then move on to our model, the long haul do the same exact thing. Okay. So,

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so are you presenting the two stories independently, but parallel to each other? Yes, no, but they're going to be there's going to be elements of parallel discussion, okay. Because Because the way I'm seeing is like, when you present you the story of a blocker, and his rise, that's one timeline. But that timeline overlaps a lot. Exactly. With the timeline of opening up, right. So but you're telling them to independently of No, no, I'm, what I'm going to do is speak about them when it comes time to them. Yeah, handily. Okay. But you're gonna follow along one story with both of these two characters. So is so I'm just imagining now, because generally, sometimes some of the best

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stories that I've read is when you're following

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two people. It's not good guy or bad guy. Right. But rivals, you gotta say, right, because they were kind of like, rivals, right? No.

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They had a sense of rivalry, which I think we we we may misunderstand and say it's bad rivalry. No, I'm not. I'm saying a positive or Yeah, golfers, they had a they had a very positive rivalry amongst each other to succeed. And their

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deeds. Right. So to speak. Right. Yeah. So and I'm just wondering if that's an element that you competitiveness, maybe, yes.

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That rivalry comes through combat? I agree. I agree. So I'm just wondering is like, is that something that's gonna be simply touched upon? Or we're gonna discuss their lives? And, you know, how they work together? And when did they come in and the life of the Prophet setup, and lived in among the left the process elements, some of some of the things that made them human? Okay. Right. So there's moments where you're just going to be like, I knew I would have never, you know, what is? what's an example of that? When I look at it? I'm one of the Alon who started to argue over a decision with regards to choosing a person who would be a commander or leader in an expedition that

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the prophets I send them or we talk about how to do it.

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No, no, not everybody. regards to the expedition will be sent to Nigeria, which is a real area. Okay. So basically,

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a walk out on the lawn, who picks a person Okay. And then I'm one of the Ilana says, No, I don't think he's good. Let's pick this one. jasola Yeah. And a worker literally, like screams out saying, you just said that just disagree with me. Okay, like I saw you want to do, okay, and it was literally in that tone. And the prophets I said, I'm just kind of smiled, but I will, I'm one of the a lot of responded to Yeah. And then they started to go at it look at another until the prophets hasn't got up and left.

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Like, I'm not gonna sit here when there's disagreement. Oh, there's such powerful lessons as much as it's amazing to see the human nature of these people, right, because sometimes what we do is we think they're so beyond, you know, measure that we can't relate to. Right right. So the prophets I said comes back and hold on was actually revealed, okay, that don't raise your voices in the presence of the problem. Ah, and our model Delano after that, it hit him so hard. Yeah, that every time he was in the machine, he would not raise his voice even after the proselytizing passing. Okay, even though it wasn't talking about necessarily, necessarily, literally the voice but as as well as

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figuratively, you know, would this be one of the reasons why, cuz for some electricity, I mentioned about a mobile hotspot, right? how he's a door against fitness, right? And that door would be broken, right. So

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And part of that characteristic of being a door against

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what would be the appropriate word for fitna. And if you were to describe it in English, even if you were to put it into a sentence, you know, adversity, I think is a very good word. Okay? adversity, I mean, oppression, hardship, difficulties, adversity, okay? A lot of times people use it. I don't know like this word, tribulation. Yeah.

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Religion like a trial or what they use the word into like trials and tribulations. So basically just overwhelming difficulty. Okay, that's a good way to put it. So as part of that infusion, that's part of it. Okay. So, so he's basically it seems though, through his life, right, he does things to not only prevent him or block the means of doing something. But even a step forward. Like before where there's even a buffer before they even get to it exact get to that like before it even gets to the problem. Yes, he solves a problem. He cuts it at the end maybe literally.

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Yeah, so

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whereas a walker wasn't necessarily like that, he seemed he seemed to be the more easygoing he had an Arabic something called halen, which is forbearance or just to just to let people like kind of learn from their mistakes, okay, like, you know, that person that just like, sits back and just lets you, it's like, it's like the Father. You know, the joke where, oh, my God, don't let the kid touch the stove or the iron. Right. Right. Right. And then the mother comes home. So what happened to our son is like, oh, he learned what hot is today? Exactly.

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Okay, not only that, but he had if you could put it into central like kind of discussions. I will look at how decentralized leadership. Yeah, and I'm one of the along had centralized leadership. I mean, he was the one who was kind of love to take control. He's more of a micromanager. Right. Okay.

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Not a bad thing. No, no, of course. Some people are really good at and strong in micromanagement. It depends on the situation. Yeah. So if you just let people go, yeah, and they are not ready for that. Right. That's a bad and I think this is where the strength of leadership also comes into play is as a micromanager, you can afford to put people in the position where they're not ready for it. But through that micromanagement, right, you develop them exactly where as Rebecca said, he won't put somebody into position unless they're ready for it right. And that allows him to not my manager, allows him to decentralize, right. And this through this, I mean, amazing thing that you mentioned,

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we learn the different types of leadership, personas, which are, which shows you like leadership is not one format, right? A lot of times when we look at the life of the prophets, I said them, people use his example and saying, Look how the prophets I said was, yeah, and that's excellent. But we don't look at how the prophets, I'm bred leaders as well. So this is a question about, okay.

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We see the example of the prophets of Salaam breeding leadership. And these two individuals, what this seminar is going to be about, knowing very clearly what kind of leadership that they do in their own style, they know themselves, they're very self aware in that regard. But the question now i have is, and I'm assuming this is gonna be part of the class, how does the attendee How does me not assume I don't know what my style of leadership is, right? How do I or how does an individual identify that within themselves, and then appropriately deploy that? So knowing that if one is a strong micromanager, not to take the approach of laissez faire decentralized approach? Or to know

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that if they're not a good micromanager, they would rather but how does one be self aware about oneself in their leadership ability? Well, that's the beautiful thing of why it's so important for us to actually learn it through the life of these individuals, right? They learn that the, the highest form of liberation is liberating from your own self. Okay? And understanding who you are, is what made them great. Be able to be leaders of others. Okay. So I mean, the first step of person listening to this class, we're gonna go through some exercises, which help you to really sit down and be honest with yourself. I think honesty is the first aspect you have to really realize what are

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your strengths gotta be real. Right? Yeah. real with yourself. Yeah, I mean, and we're living in a time, you know, unfortunately, social media has made this projection.

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filtered, right? What you what you project to others is now and it's statistically been shown, this is what people care about most now. What do you mean, what their perception of who they are is to others on social media? You know, it's interesting that you mentioned this, because on one side of the spectrum, you have people trying to put forth a particular persona, that it's not authentic at all right, right. On the other side of the opposite spectrum, which I also don't think is appropriate, is they say, be yourself, right? And, and the reason I don't feel that's appropriate is because one shouldn't put publicly who you are now, but rather what you are truly aspiring

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authentically to be. You get what I'm saying? No, but so.

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So we were talking so when I

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It would be like, so you're working on this project or legacy project, right? And one of the things is like, you don't want to put any of the content and stuff out there until it's ready. Right, right. And I was mentioning it right. You don't have to put it out right now because it's not ready. But you can document the process. You can showcase what you're doing and basically present that. Yes, I agree with that. Yeah. So it's like, Look, I'm not here yet. This is what I want to be. Right. Right. Right. I'm no expert right now. Right. I'm not like whatever. But that's the path I'm going in. That's what I want to be. who I am today is not where I'm going. I understand. Yeah,

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that's pretty cool. We're as people like, other people, because how great I am now, or are like, more like, I am going to do all these things. And I'm gonna showcase my vices, because that's who I am. I don't showcase my failure. So like, I agree with that. Yeah. So and I think that's, I think that's the appropriate amount. And I'm wondering if there's some aspects of that.

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Yeah. 100% Okay, what you will see is, I will look in our model, the Allahu Ra. Yeah, you know, uncut how they developed and overcame some of those things because they were so authentic to themselves. And the interesting thing is not necessarily, that they were trying to aspire to become the the leader of the entire Muslim pray, right, right. But at the same time, what the prophets I sent him intrinsically, you know, ingrained in them, for them to be ready for that, okay. So when they when when it came to them, they they recognized it, that this is leadership, they shouldn't reject Sure. And this is all from the prophetic discipline. Okay. So that's the beautiful thing as a

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person when you look at how they developed and were honest with themselves, and how they liberated kind of their own thought their own, you know, perceptions and their own kind of view. When leadership came to them, they were ready for it. Got it. Cool. Well, guys, thanks for joining in on this episode. We're gonna be probably doing many more. Several more, just discussing this topic. Stay tuned.

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