Hasan Ali – Son shave your beard & Daughter hijab off please

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the importance of finding one's religion and not wearing a beard to be a good person. It also touches on the pressure that comes with married couples and the desire for a good job. The segment emphasizes the importance of finding one's religion and not wearing a beard to be a good person.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Brothers and sisters, sometimes you're, you're going to college, you're going to university. You come from a practice, you come from a family that is probably not practicing. And you come to the college or university, and you discover your deen. So you discover your religion. What then happens is typically a girl or a sister, she wasn't wearing her jilbab before she starts to wear her jilbab shoe software and his job. And a boy might be keeping his beard. He know he's interested in Islam, he wants to follow the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, he wants to be a good person, she wants to be a good person. And they start to practice the

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deen the parents, they're not religious. So what do they do, they say to the daughter, don't wear the jilbab they say to the Son, shave your beard. And the reason why they're saying that is because they think that by having the beard, he's looking,

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you know, he's looking like someone who the dad things will never get married. And she's now in a jilbab. I mean, you know, his whole status is probably lower down because she's wearing the jilbab is like in our, you know, my class of people Hamada, Joe class hair, and our rank of people, we don't do this, we don't have these kind of people wearing these clothes and keeping the bid. And because they're all clean shaved, and the mum might have a dupatta something on her on her shoulder, she's always wearing it around the neck, or she's not even wearing one. And they kind of think that this is alien. And it's going to bring some either shame to the to the family status, or it simply

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is that they're not going to get married, or they're not going to get a good job and so on. Now, what do you do as a young person, the thing is brother or sister, you have made the effort to come all the way this far to come close to the mean, and close to the real people who matter to you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, the Sahaba, the alarm or the alarm at nine or less you say the Sahaba yet the women's Sahaba. So what are you supposed to do now the thing that you do now is you be kind to your mother and father, don't shave your beard, don't take your jilbab off or your hijab off because you made that choice. And you did it for a good reason. You did it because you you're

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being modest, and you're being a good person, and you want to show your good luck and good character. And you're not doing it because you're being a bad person. People don't wait till Bob's and keep beards and wear he jobs or hat on their heads because they want to be a bad person. They do it for a good reason. So the Quran tells us to be good to our parents, even if they're committing schilke this is in the Quran. Surah Lockman, you check it out in Surah. Number 31,

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I think is a number 14 or something, you check it out, you'll find it there. But what does what does our whole life become our life sometimes becomes you go home, you kind of get those logs, you get the diagnosis, you get the stairs, you get the you know, you get the kind of the politics tie in, especially when a wedding comes up, oh my Allah, you know, even he job wearing sisters get so much pressure from the parents to go to the wedding without the hijab, or not to take the job. And we even get, you know, maybe young boys who are going on, they want to be nice practicing, they get told to trim properly or to shave or you know, there's this pressure put onto them. And it's all

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because the parents are worried that you're not going to get married, and think is whoever you should tell your parents, whoever has written for you is going to come to you anyway. And is better than a person who's religious as you comes and joins you then to have a non religious person

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or non religious Muslim or non practicing Muslim to come and join you in marriage, because they're going to be trouble for you later. You know, you'll be at one level of religion, there'll be another level of religion, about job look, job is in the hands of Allah and the thing is, you know, we don't want to sell the art era and by the dunya we'd rather sell the dunya and give it to others and by the akhirah and that's the philosophy you should be thinking that what am I doing with the Quran talks about this it says Ooh la la Vina yester una higher dunya Akira, there are people who will sell their Acura, give it away and they want to buy the dunia they'll they'll sacrifice the Acura

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sacrifice the hereafter sacrifice the afterlife. And this is one of the world right now. And those are the people are loving it.

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As losers they've lost okay so think about that. You stick to what you've done be strong you obedience to your parents that there's a statement for this love Parata lil mahalo te fi ma Seattle Holic there is no obedience to you know like some people like your parents when when your Creator he's actually being disobeyed so yes we obey our parents will be good to your parents will be kind to our parents but when it comes to a clash with Allah gentlemen and their their judgment that's when we give preference to academic the preference to Allah azza wa jal Zonda Hydra Salaam Alaikum want to have a look at Hey

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