Faaik Gamieldien – An Amazing Woman

Faaik Gamieldien
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the challenges faced by Muslims during the COVID-19 pandemic, including losing their jobs and wealth, and the importance of mercy and deeds of Islam. They also touch on the deeds of American Unions and the deeds of Islam, including the use of the symbol to symbolize the culture and the importance of not losing one's finger to receive the joy of Islam. The speakers also discuss the use of words like "has been written for me" and "has been written for me" to describe actions and consequences, and the importance of sharing water and food to establish connections with the gods. They also touch on the misunderstandings of real estate industry and the importance of having a strong connection with Islam, including leaders using "will" and "will face" to describe their actions and expectations.
AI: Transcript ©
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This audio is brought to you by Muslim Central. please consider donating to help cover our running costs and future projects by visiting www dot Muslim central.com forward slash donate brothers in Islam a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa Taala. Welcome cattle

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allows for $100 season hold on I quote verse again robina in a sentimental reality be wired in a daily design debate tickle Muharram robina up masala, fragile, ada tamina necesita de la him was akumina thammarat la la homea screw

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this verse on surah Ibrahim deals as you can hear

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with say that

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we're in Sydney Brahim when he left, and his smile, the small baby smile in mock at the time, his story I think is very well known amongst all of us. The two things I want to talk about this morning. And hopefully it was my shortest road by ever.

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Two things I want to talk about.

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And I want to talk about other,

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other, other and other.

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all of us

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without exclusion.

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Always faced with challenges. Every one of us have a challenge. Whether we Muslim, non Muslim doesn't fit on our race on our status. On our emotional state, it doesn't depend on anything, every single person allows for handler says, there Do you think I am going to leave you alone just for you to say, La ilaha illAllah. And ne, you know, allows for hantera tests each and every one of us. And in the holistic model, Allah test every single person will be created. And these challenges that allows behandlar gives us a challenges not only of material things, their challenges of our religion, challenges of our faith, challenges of our wealth, challenges of our families, challenges

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of our jobs, we are faced every day with all kinds of challenges. And we know you're asking me psychologists or psychiatrists that because of these challenges, and the fact that people cannot handle these challenges, people are affected mentally and emotionally, physically and spiritually by the challenge which faces them. And the reason for this can be attributed

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to the fact that maybe the answer for our worries and our troubles are to be found right in front of us. Right in our own right in our own history. But because we we don't see, and we do not read and do not contemplate on what allows for how the law says that maybe we miss out on the what allows one that says in the Quran, one who knows zero mineral for any man who was she felt one warahmatu limit meaning allows for losses. And we have seen done in this book, in which there is a

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shift. We say it is a medicine and a cure for every disease. What are what we need? And the most important thing that we need today is mercy.

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When we look at the world, what do we say, allows one of us taken the mercy out of the hearts of the enemies of Islam. They have no mercy for Muslims. And so even amongst us we find there's very little mercy

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and we see now our massage some of our massages are under attack, not being bombed by by by the Russian army, or by the American army, or being blown up by ISO a mosque and attacked by the very people who make Salah inside this message. They are fighting inside the masjid Subhana Allah is supposed to be a place which is at peace with itself. So and if we can't see this

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a damnation almost to use a very bad word of how we must understand this faith in Allah has given to us so today inshallah I want to talk about, about other what is other

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we've heard the famous Hadith narrated by none other than the second half of Islam Omar Bill hottub. There are a lot around himself the righteous howdy howdy deals with three things. It deals with Islam, a man and son. I'm not going to quote all the all know the Hadith

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how to deal with the question of others.

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Krishna Father

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jabril, arson evisa salam ala rasulillah.

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What is what is a man?

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And he said, we answered initiate an email No, and took me in a villa he

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won Milan melodica t wakatobi. He was really, one taught me know, Bill 180. He was he?

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What did he say? He said that belief is to believe

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in the books, the messengers, etc, of allows for hunting and to believe in good and bad

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to believe that there is no other divine that has constructed this universe, and nobody else that commands his universe, and nobody else that directs this universe, and nobody else that is decreed what is decreed in this universe.

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So we shouldn't believe as Muslims. The first point, which I want to tell you is that everything has been pre pre ordained by allows for high school either recorded sad or shut down. So our last one is decreed the good and allows for hydroton is also the evil. What do we mean by that? We mean that Allah didn't create evil Allah, Allah created, the deeds which we do which create which, which, from which emanate evil, we do things which becomes evil. There is nothing evil in this world. It's what people do, that makes things which are not evil, evil. And we believe in Islam, that everything that happens to a movement is good.

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Even if it looks bad from the outside, everything that happens to a Muslim is good. Our job and the amaryl movement

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sometimes isn't, it is our job and the moment I am amazed

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at the moment and the deeds of a movement and the life of a woman in America, hula hula,

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everything that he does is good.

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If a calamity befalls him,

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he says a hungry lion is good for him. And if good comes to him, he says Alhamdulillah and is good for him. So everything that happens to a movement is good.

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So there was this king,

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who was a very good advisor, we had a personal advisor to advise him on all these matters. So one day, this king was involved in an accident, and he lost his finger.

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So he went to his advisor, and he said to him, what do you think you know about this calamity that struck me, you know, I, I lost my finger in this accident. So the advisor smiled at the king. And he said to the king, fade in Sharla.

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fading charlamagne is good, inshallah. So of course, the king was very upset by this remark, because the thing to do was to sympathize with him. And so for those who don't know, fading, Charlie's smile, and he said Fabian charlo. So the king was so upset, he put him in jail.

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So later on, while the man was languishing in jail, the king went on an expedition, and he was captured by a king was a idol worshiper.

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So at the time when he was captured,

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at that time, this tribe of idol worshipers, they it was the aide. And what they did on day eight was to sacrifice a human being on the need.

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So the king thought, well, this is another king, our gods will be very pleased if we sacrifice him, to our gods on this day to the idols, but that one rule that the person to be sacrificed to be a complete human being and the king would himself personally inspect the human being. So we inspected this thing, if I saw the king only had nine fingers.

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And he said to the thing, oh, you're very lucky man. You know, we would have sacrificed you to our God because you only have nine fingers. You're not complete. We can't sacrifice you to today. So eventually, it was set free. And he came back. And

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he was an event any course secretary, the adviser said, well, law he, if it wasn't for the fact that I'd lost my finger, sivanna louder with a dead man today.

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And the advisors say to him, Hey, insha Allah. Similarly, if I wasn't put in jail, I would have been with you, and they probably would have sacrificed me in your place.

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Why? Because there was nothing wrong with him. So everything that happens, whether you put in jail, whether you lose a finger, whether you lose a kidney, whether you lose whatever you have at all.

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Last time is given to you your money. What What should you always say? Always say, hey inshallah, there must be good in within that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has given to me. So allows Muhammad Allah then

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has the key everything. There was a man as a hobby. He says he was actually the he was

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the son of this hobby. And this hobby is actually the travel.

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He was in the army, and they went for jihad. And while he was traveling, they say to him that his father in Medina was very ill. And he had to go back when he went back to Medina. He came to his father was extremely he was in his last

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and he said to his father, yeah, but he

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before you die, give me some good advice.

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So they put his father up against some cushions in the setup. And he said to his son, he said,

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we have to do my son.

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Learn to the catarman darmody he said to his son, oh, my son, you've asked me for advice.

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Let me tell you, you will never taste the sweetness of the deen of Islam Hatta.

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You will never taste the sweetness of Islam until Hector took me until you believe that whatever has struck you would never ever have missed you.

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Whatever has come to you, whatever has happened to you would never have missed you. No matter what.

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And so many times I was driving my car and I just buy like one second they would have been an accident barnala or one second somebody would have but just I just made the right move at the right time and I just missed the activity. I'm sure you've come across. You just miss it by shot. You know you, you sweat when you're out of that sort of experience. So his father said to Him you will not taste the sweetness of Deen and till you believe that that which has come to you would never have missed you. It was meant for you.

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And whatever has missed you would never have come to you.

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and if you don't believe this situation, then you will never taste the sweetness of the Dean of allows peloton and he said semi to Rasool Allah. Allah said he said to his son, Samir, to Rasool Allah, He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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called he said I heard the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala say a one mahalo Allahu Allah, Allah. The first thing which Allah created was the pin

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for call Allah azza wa jal

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and allows them to say to the pain right and the pain said yeah Allah what Mr. Right

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and allows one let's say to the pain of

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ma who

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a heart attack to Mr.

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Musa Salim said allow song to say to the pain, right?

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Right, everything that will happen to everything that I've created. Everything right everything.

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Everything that happened to every human being everything is will happen to the to the planet in the sky, everything will happen to all the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and he said to his son, while law he my son,

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if I pass away and you do not believe in what I am telling you, then I wash my hands of you. I'm free of you. This this is the foundation of the belief of a lot many. He believes in Canada and whether that allows for higher Matala and another Hadith which is narrated by Imam nawawi in his shadow on the Alba arbaeen Hadees on the 40 Howdy. Howdy thing they were in the Navy Salam said that allows for handler wrote down

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the life of every single human being and everything else 50,000 years before he created created the earth 50,000 years before allows for handler created. So that is how a Muslim should believe they should believe that everything that happens to him is good. Alternative goodness. And humans believe that everything that happens to him is from allows hunter so if you lose your job Alhamdulillah Allah decreed this for me If you lose, your child has decreed it to me. If you lose your wealth, unless you can, it's always good in it for me. Always look at the good side of it. So

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I want to use I want to say I'm saying this to you.

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Because I want you to apply this to your own life. And I want to look at the life of

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Allah salatu salam, and I want to see how he dealt with the calamity that allows vahagn what Allah had placed in front of her.

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He allows Allah says,

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In Surah Tauba

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reverse I think which we should all memorize, allowances, talks about our lives, and Allah says, land new see button. Allah says land new cebuana land means never, never land use even land new cebuana

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in marketable Allahu Allah, Allah says, O Muhammad wa salam say, nothing will be for you, nothing will happen to you, except that which has been written for you.

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Who am Allah, Allah, Allah if Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah allows mahanta laser projector.

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And on allows for handler, we put our trust and our dependence. So

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you remember, everything that happens to is good. If it comes your way is good. And in hindsight, you will see that what happened to you was a very good thing that happened to you. So remember, Father is not only what's gonna happen in the future, it is also what has happened in the past, whatever has happened in the past is part of your culture, a part of the Divine Decree for you. So many times we look at the president who say I failed, or I lost. But what about the past when you didn't fail, when he was successful? When he had well that is also part of your culture. And so when something happens to you now always look back and say but you know, I had a good life before. This

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is a test from Allah subhanaw taala my often come back, my welcome, come back. But my belief in Allah subhanaw taala, if that wavers that can ever come back. So one day in the time of Rama, even

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a man had stolen something,

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and amaretto hardtop

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had given the verdict Teddy's and should be cut off.

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So this man was a clever man.

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He knew is the head. He came in front of the court. And he said to Omar, but how can you chop my head off and allows you to handle it decreed that I should see what I still

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say the prophet SAW, Selim said, Allah decreed everything before we were born 50,000 years before he created the heavens and the earth.

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So I looked at them. And he said, Well, if Allah decreed is not responsible for it, so you can cut on my hand, has been written for me. So I smiled at him and said,

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and it's also been written for me that I should cut of your hand.

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Everything has been decreed by our laws.

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So for every deed that you commit, there are consequences. You can't just say that Allah has decreed this for me, there are no there are consequences. And there are consequences for all of us, in this world and consequences in the after.

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The second part of my lecture is the question of hajat, Allah salatu salam. And I want you to imagine

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this is a woman,

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a black woman, but nevertheless, she's a woman could have been a man as well. I think the calamity would have been the same. And she's been in the desert.

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We know Makkah.

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Of course, we know now that

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some of the real estate around the Kaaba is what some of the most expensive real estate is to be found on the cup.

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Maybe 1000s of years later, but we know at that time, there was no thing called real estate. There was only desert. In fact, Nabil Brahim attests to the conditions in Makkah, at the time when you left his wife a Ravana. In a scan to be in the real world in the rain. revisar. And he says, Oh Allah, I am going to leave of my family here. Let me say the harder and it's by Allah Hema of salatu salam.

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And he tells all of the conditions, he says be wired in a redesign online, let's place this Wadi, this valley that I'm leaving them in, there is not a single blade of grass growing in this valley.

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It's completely barren, it dry, stone dry. There's nothing here.

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I'm debating on Mahara. But he says, Oh Allah, I'm leaving them at your house, at your place at house.

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So reading this verse you think hon Allah this man's going to leave his wife, his newly born child

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in a desert where there is nothing not a blade of grass in mind water there is absolutely nothing just

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mountain love might have love in the mountains of Makkah and desert

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and then what is he asked the last panel tada? Does he asked allows mahanta to look after them to save them?

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give his wife standing crying in front of him with a baby in arms. No, he said Ravana Leo crema Salah, said online I'm leaving the media in order for them to establish Salah

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I'm leaving them near so that they may worship you.

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What are they going to ask? You know your wife is going to die under under all circumstances she's gonna die and your baby's going to die.

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But what was it? That may not be Brian say what he said it was because he believed in the color of allows pinata. He believed that if they should die fine, as part of the color of our last part of the decree of our laws ponder but I'm not going to be a negative list. I'm not going to be pessimistic. I'm Bill I believe in Allah asked for the best and the best that I can ask for is for my wife and child to establish Salah.

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More than what they need water more than what they need food. They need to be connected to Allah subhanaw taala. And the only way a Muslim can be connected to Allah is spiritually we can see Allah. We worship in essence we can see but we can't see.

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So when Allah Allah talks about the full ban, for example, in the Quran,

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where I quoted the verse, Lanyon, Allah Allah home Wah, wah, wah, wah Kenya otaku, amin come, Allah Subhana Allah says, when you make your sacrifice when you make your quarterback, that meat and blood doesn't come to me, that is not my connection with you. That is the sacrifice for you to eat and give out and distribute on this earth has nothing to do with me that sacrifice

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is for the dunya

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what is for me? What are you doing for Allah says your taqwa comes to me.

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Your Salah comes to me, you can think what are they called Bandha don't accelerate the merkabah your command is rejected by love. Everything that you do is rejected by Allah subhanaw taala if you don't make salah and the divine confirms this

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to me,

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let me say something since the first thing I was gonna ask you in depth pmas about your

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family that facet si romiley. And if you fail the test of Salah you fail all the tests, and if you pass the test of Salah you pass all the tests. It's like if you get today there was 33 and a third percent in your subject and three for your subject you pass exam.

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But if you fail in my time you failed English Africans, you failed the whole exams.

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So that was like Salah. So what did they ask for? Salah?

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What do we should we leave here and as a heritage to our children. Sala people see as you know corbon is the heritage of

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solid heritage you must leave behind. This is the fundamental of Islam. Leo theme of surah fudge, either tamina nursey de la him. And number two, he asks

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for the hearts of men to turn towards his wife and his child.

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Not that they should come and feed them. No. He asked for their hearts and minds to be close to his family. People must love them.

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What a Zuko Home Minister ask for something really great. really outstanding, really out of this world. He says what a Zuko May Allah give them

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of all the nicest fruit on the dunya

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This is not for water or for food. Now he says he wants to Murat Murat means fruit. all different kinds of fruits vanilla, look at his

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tawakkol on

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allows Mohan he believes that allows the handler could bring the best fruit to that empty desert. He believed Allah could send millions and millions of people to that empty desert with good hearts when they come to that place.

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He believed in those things, and he believed that place will become the cradle of the greatest civilization that was ever that ever came into this dunya on the heels of a baby from a wall of water, Allah created the greatest civilization and the greatest face Subhanallah through the sacrifice and the understanding of Ibrahim and Hodges, alayhi salatu salam. So now she's there.

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And she's, she's just given birth to the baby, her * empty to normal milk. And she says to novembre Eve, oh, my alma husband.

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My I would have said, Oh, my husband, you're a prophet. Why are you leaving me?

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No. She didn't say Why are you leaving me? She said, Oh, my husband? Did Allah tell you to leave me?

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Did Allah say you must leave me? He said yes.

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imagine you don't come with own with any money in your wife says,

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My husband, is this the decree of Allah? subhanaw taala? He says, yes. And your wife says

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Why did she say that?

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Because the connection that they had with Allah Subhana Allah was a direct connection of absolute trust.

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In the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what did she do?

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What did she do?

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She ran.

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She ran, she ran from one

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Hill to another Hill, and back to the first Hill, and then back to the second Hill, and back to the first Hill seven times here and up and down.

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mathematically speaking, she in fact went nowhere she stood still there was just an in between.

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One of the thought examiner is looking for what they would run on over baby on top of the mountain, maybe it is around the valley to see. But she she she then why did she do that?

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She did something which he thought she had to do. She knew that allows the hotel wanted her to do something. Just like when we are in dire straits allows us to do something, you can't lose your job and set a dome and lock the front door, you have to do something. If you're out is giving in you have to do something. You have to take medicine, you have to beg exercise, you have to do something.

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If you're in a situation, we failed at something, you have to do something, or let's fix us always to do something Why? So that allows the handler can put his Baraka in that thing. So she knew there was nothing she could do. She was giving her nothingness as somebody wrote, she was giving a nothingness to our laws. There's nothing she would give to our laws, except to do something and all she could think of doing was that so people will lose their job. Some people come salsa boys, some people go door to door. Some people do something that they never thought they would ever do. But because they know that if they if they get up and they do something allows fatherhood Baraka, it was

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in my Allah put Baraka and Allah said we do something. So we hear that Salah is important. We are that we don't make Salah Yong, go to Jana, all your deeds is 00. So what do we do? What should we do? We should do something?

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Should we should try at least make one set up for a start every day? You can't just say well, you know, no, you must do something. And if you do something,

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if you because what are you trying to do? You tend to get close to our last Hunter. If you come crawling to Allah, Allah comes walking to you, if you can't walk into Allah, Allah comes running to you and if you come running to Allah, Allah comes to you like lightning.

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Subhana Allah, so harder.

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What happened, allows her to ascend

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the hill of Israel, a world came out and water cane, that was the water of a start of, of a civilization. So these, this is the example of * Allah of salatu salam

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Believe in the Divine Decree of Allah Husqvarna who wattana. So today, Muslims find themselves in the world at that level.

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We have no power.

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And we seem to be losing everything. Everything as a hegemony over everybody rules us.

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We have never been at this low point, historically, then in the 1400 years that Islam has been,

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yeah, we had an extremely low point.

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And when we add this, at this low point, many people react to it in different ways.

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Some people become despondent,

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some people become angry.

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Some people go to the extreme, and they become violent,

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which is not part of Islam. Some of us become extremists. Some of us leave the Drina become secularists.

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Because we try and implement and follow the sacred earth model, the modern model, the secular model, the only way we can win is by having arms and an army. And by being in league with the big nations of the world, that is Russia, or America, or China, whatever it may be. And we refuse and we ignore the model of our grandmother hajat. Alia salatu salam,

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the model of struggling even when it looks hopeless, having hope even when it looks hopeless, and never going against the sin of Hamas are allowed is a love in our struggle, and never going beyond the junctions of the Quran in our struggle. So when allows the handler only the first ones to this incident in the poorer

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in the suffer will matter with them in sha Allah. Furman had * our uttama fella Judah highlight highly Yato for the Hema woman totowa.

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In this verse

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Surah Baqarah lost his first 158 I think it is, Allah refers to that safa and marwah.

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one incident changed the whole world, the cycle of one woman

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with a newborn baby change

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the direction of the whole world. And so, in this verse 48, if you read verse 58, and you go back to verse, and then 53, and you read from 153 258, you find the coherence of the Quran, which is called the another of the Quran.

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And what is another of the Quran, Allah speaks in the first verses about about sacrifice. Allah talks in the first verses from 53 onwards, about sacrifice and about patience. And only the last verse, Allah gives the example of the greatest patience, and the greatest sacrifice any person is ever made. And the beauty of the sacrifice was that it was a sacrifice that was given with the utmost of patience. So panela with the utmost of patience, and allows for him describe the people around him as a word, that he was a man with a very soft heart. So that tells you how hurtful It must have been to him. But how great his faith must have been in a loss.

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Today, something happens to us so behind Allah, something small happens to us and we think we're the old world is now you know, going to come down upon us, or we get sick and we say, Oh, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. So how long winded What are you concerned about die? be concerned about living? Death is in Alice hands. This is Mugabe still alive. He's 93 years old.

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His wife married him she thought he was gonna die quickly. Grace married him and she thought well, you know, this is old man.

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Maybe liver even. That is in the hands of our last panel. So May Allah give each other that we put our trust in Allah subhana wa Taala that we read and contemplate on the struggle of our role models, our grandmothers

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let me say that you know hydrolase salaam that we cling to the Quran and Sunnah of Mohamed Salah Salah, because that is the sure method of success, and that we listen to the great stories of the Sahaba in the lives of Salaam and we carry it back to our homes and infuse it into our children and tell them what the important things in life. Now Allah Allah give each other Did you ever good at each Allah, May Allah forgive that Allah must accept

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Hola corbon ma Allah, Allah give to those who have not yet made intention to make for BB. Remember the book of Allah has given us four days. So if you haven't yet made any intention, make intention now.

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Make intention now not only for now if you can't afford it this essay Allah next year in sha Allah say next day inshallah I spoke to a man yesterday, his name is Abdullah attends this Masjid, he lost his job,

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time ago. And he came to me and he said to me and OSHA, you one day said that we must not be involved in Riba and revise or destroy us.

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So he said, and when you said that, I went home to my wife, and I said to my wife, you know that. She said, you know, we mustn't involve ourselves in the labor. I've made my day and I sit on that I said, make your intention that you're going to get out of river today, make it today, today. Now also, not only for that you will make it today that whatever transactions, you're going to do make a vow to Allah, that you're not going to get involved in labor, and you're going to leave this as a legacy for your children. And he said, he went back to his wife and he said to his wife, his wife says, yes, you lost your job. You're going to bond in your house with a bar, you get a loan on your

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car. They said I make money. And he said he's got his money from his previous job, he paid off a lot of his bond, he paid his car off Subhanallah and then six months later, Allah gave him another job. So hon Allah who is not involved in Riba not involved in he says he we work there was, you know, it was a supermarket type of animals wide. So Allah gave him another job, a better job. And so behind Allah says, When I look back now, is it everything that happened to me was good.

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Everything I thought it was bad. I thought it was the worst thing that could happen to me. I had a wife and children I was in a car. And yeah, I lost my job in the middle of a recession. SubhanAllah So I said to you, in

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the near,

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near in Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Azza McComb, what I can yonder illa

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Baku Baku. Professor Salim says Allah doesn't look at who you are what you look like with you look like a mama Russia or molana interested in this was not interested in this. I wear this because to elevate the day they have innovation. They have glorified our last hydroton we our best clothes that he sells himself.

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So Allah looks directly at your heart. You say to Allah looks not in your face as it looks

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in your heart, and Allah sees right out at the bottom. The slave of mind wants to be good. The slave of mind wants to do the right thing. And he's made his name has been to do same with height meconium for height.

Friday 26 June 2020

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