Hasan Ali – Feel the Hunger – Ramadan 2023

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of being hungry during the hot summer and not just fasting. He explains that one of the main ways Muslims eat is by spoiling their meal, and that they eat a lot of foods that are unhealthy and lead to weight gain. The speaker also mentions that they are experiencing painful reactions to the foods they eat.
AI: Transcript ©
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One of the things that Muslims do seriously is they spoil the whole Ramadan because of the food that we have. We Indians have brought to the table of Ramadan we bought samosas pakoras. You know, kebabs she kebabs the RAM kabobs the you name it the fried foods, the pizzas and whatnot right? And all of that has to be given and has to be eaten because we're fasting in the month of Ramadan we eat, right this is this is a really bad thing for Muslims. If you're eating more in Ramadan than outside Ramadan, you're completely spoiling the fast completely spoiling.

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Why? Because one part of Ramadan is to actually make ourselves be disciplined with food.

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What is the point of having you know, what is the point of staying hungry? What's the point the point of staying away from from food all day in Ramadan and saying goodbye from food and we eat so much between Mercury and seafood. We eat so much that you don't get hungry for the entire day. You don't get thirsty for the entire day. You just don't feel like any food entire day. What was the point of fasting?

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Allah wants us to be hungry a little Are you gonna die in series? If you're gonna die then don't fast. Allah told us that don't fast. You realize that the Sunnah let people say what is the Sunnah way of eating?

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Do not even think that the biggest sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Mahad before he ate was hunger.

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His biggest sunnah is hunger. Then he has to not have food. I'm not making this up. You go through the Hadith. He has sometimes you know three days without food sometimes two days without food sometimes a whole day without food. Okay, sometimes he had the lunch but he never had the supper. Sometimes he has to suffer he Nevada lunch is very clean a hadith either Tasha when he used to have his supper he'd miss his next day lunch when he would have a lunch He probably misses Mr. Supper okay sometimes he had both very rarely had both okay, I shot the Allah Hannah she says that three hole full moons have gone by nothing was but not the stove did not even the stove was not even lit

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and three moons had gone by two whole months they you know without fruits I went they said what did you What did you survive and she said water and dates. That's the household of the Prophet sallallahu awesome. So the first thing is he had a lot of hunger then he had some food we have a lot of food and a little bit of hunger. That's the total opposite and the next thing we do is you know all these foods that we put on the on the plate and especially for if we're killing ourselves they know how unhealthy all that food is how bad it is no wonder most of us are ending up in the ICUs and I'm saying there's so much fat and so much stuff that's going down that you know people think that

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that is that is you know Big King of Ramadan yo mashallah Ramadan is coming we're gonna have loads of food you're going to eat so much that people are going to be half dead by the end of Ramadan why in the world is this you know you have fruits there you have foods that you have started that you have to be honest there you have to pull out there you have the you have the you know, the root is there you have the nonce there you have the salad that then I was just a first round then you come for round two after throw away the round three or so who time then you got loads of cups of tea before you know the end of soul. And you basically fill yourself up you're feeling tired, you're

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feeling tired, you don't don't feel like doing so much I bother you feeling a little you know to digest all that food is going to take time you complain even during taraweeh that is you know, his armor is painful. Of course it's gonna be painful, alright, half the people can't even keep the blue. Because you know, you're gonna let something out either you burn comes out or some gas comes out right? You can let go one way or another right? So you're losing you will do as well you're having a painful taraweeh having a painful night. And what for because he just wanted to own the stuff yourself for the reason that you're hungry during the day when Allah azza wa jal wanted us to

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be hungry. Because when you're hungry, then you're awake. And when you're awake, you can connect your mind to Allah. That was the reason why Allah told us to be hungry, that you got not now that I've taken foods away, you haven't got time to prepare the food, you don't have to worry about the food. You don't have to worry about the lethargic you know, reaction you have in your body. And now that you're actually awake, your mind is sharp. And you can actually think about me and you can think of it better. Okay, so that's that's another thing about about that

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