Riyadh Walls – Taraweeh Program Talk Only (29th Ramadan 20 Apr 2023)
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The transcript is a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize. The speakers discuss the use of " ear" in worship and the importance of it in context of Islam, emphasizing the need for people to live a life of peace and be true to Islam. They stress the importance of staying connected with Islam, staying aware of one's actions, and reciting the Quran. The segment ends with a mention of a new national security law and a news program about cancer treatments.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah either
early he was Safi woman.
Temecula scimitar Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah he all wa
barakaatuh correlo Tabata, Kota Isla vikita Belaz used by other
world builder him in a show you turn it Rajin well
the irony for in the Carib G Bucha our today either the and failures
G Brulee well you know the law Allah homier should do so the
colada the
what was the mean?
We started with Bacara Surah Baqarah. We are backwards Surah
verse number 186 Verse number 186. Your current Mr. Commissioner, Mr.
Camus, Commissioners for skeleton commission, Camus
homies, masha Allah, Allah Subhana Allah says in surah baqarah verse
186 We're either Celica a birdie
and if they ask you
Oh Mohamed Salah Lonnie was salam if My servants ask you about Me
almost wanted to either he then says for any body he didn't say
for cooling
in all the other verses will be here Yes. Aluna
Yes, Lulu Hill. Yes. Aluna can even my heel is a luna can Anil
hamari will may see is Aluna coma the UN field Khun yes Aluna can
infer in all of these other questions, even Yes, Aluna Can you
every time? Allah subhanaw taala says could you say to them Oh,
Mohamed salah. They asked you tell them
they asked you about such and such tell them
except when it comes to this ayah except when it comes to dua
well either Celica a birdie and me for in need, not for call in need
something to think about. And if they asked you if my servants
asked you, oh Muhammad salallahu Salam about me, then indeed, I am
here, not tell them I'm here. Because when it comes to dua,
laser bailarina we're being Allah he will settle in as far as do is
concerned. There is no intermediary between us and Allah
subhanaw taala. Every single dua that we have learned in the Quran
begins with Robina Oh creator and sustainer direct.
And every single dua taught to us by our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu wasallam begins with Allah Humam, O Allah direct. We
say it 17 times a day in our Fatiha ear canal
where you're gonna stay and we have done the masala of tuck them
into here. When you bring the object and you put it in front of
the verb of the doer it's for a specific reason it's for
restriction IACA meaning you because we don't normally speak
like that.
Luckily, there are a token bill. I saw you yesterday. I don't say ear
karate terms that you I saw yesterday we don't normally speak
like it unless for a specific reason. In this case for hacer for
restriction IACA number meaning you and you alone, do we worship?
What ear can stay and from you? And you alone? Do we seek for
help? So do Anja moto Muslimeen something that lies at the core of
worship ne it is the core of worship ne it is worshipped
our beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam he said a dua maclary
dua is the
What's more, you know, the, if you if you open up the bone, the, the
the, the
the marrow is gonna speak English, the marrow of the bone marrow
and actually, the brain is also referred to as the
not mock mock is a brain it is cold but it means it's the core of
worship. In other revises a dua who will do
What is worship? Why because what is in dua?
Tala if Tikar I need you so I'm asking I make dua, a doula, a
doula be
you a nurse and Tamil for Quran, Allah Allah Allah manual Hamid
Are you a nurse all mankind, you are all in need of Allah
and Allah subhanaw taala who will need at least three of one.
Allah is not in need of anyone or anything but everyone in
everything is in need of Allah, O mankind, you are all in need
of Allah subhanaw taala and Allah is three of one two most praised
Gela fear Allah. So do Allah jamatkhana Simeon, very important,
and we will make it you make it directly to Allah subhanaw taala
because we believe that he is the only one that can answer those who
has nobody else because he is the one and only creator cherisher
nourishing Sustainer manager, controller owner and ruler, guide
and helper of everyone and everything in the heavens and
earth agenda. But look at the trade Allah mixed with us that was
one of dialysis where either Sir, look everybody I need for any
Corrib jiba Dawa today either and if my servants if they ask you, oh
Muhammad Salah about me, indeed I am here, I answered the prayer of
the one who is the one who was praying for earlier stage Eboli So
let them respond to Me, I will respond to them.
I will respond to them.
As you become and your Creator and Sustainer has said, Call on me.
I will answer your prayers. Pray to Me I will answer those prayers.
Allah guarantees that
as the giblet so I will respond to you but you must respond to me
fairly SDG boo LEE
Well you know be so respond to my calls is Allah and believe in me
laleham Your should do? Let them respond to my call. Let them
believe in me in order that they might be upright
in order that they might be righteous walk the straight path
of Allah subhana who were to Allah and we find this right throughout
the Quran. And right throughout the Sunnah.
Well, it's one of the Isla where he makes this bargain with us. For
example, in forgiveness will Yahoo. Will you let the hipbone or
your Pharaoh Lola come, pardon and forgive. Don't you want Allah to
forgive you? Well, actually, no, come on, son, Allahu La. We're
asking well,
come on, son, Allah Who and do good as Allah has been good to
you. Always in the hadith of our beloved prophet, sunnah Salam, Ra
honeymooner your hammer home Rahman era hammelmann Fill out
your Himachal Memphis sama. The people who are Merciful, the Most
Merciful will be merciful with them. Be merciful with those in
the dunya the one in the heavens to be merciful with you. It's a
give and take. It's a give and take. So especially when it comes
to Dr. Gemma to Muslim,
Allah subhanaw taala. He wants us to put the right foot forward.
Even before making dua, we have to make sure that we are living a
life of Toba. Number one a Toba today Mr. Mira that we are always
repenting and returning to Allah every single day of our lives were
to boo il Allah He Jamia You, Me noon. LUCAM to flip phone and all
of you repent to Allah.
Oh, those of you will believe we tend to be believers, we should
always be making Tober always be repenting and returning to Allah
subhanho wa taala. And that means of course, staying away from
haram. Because what are the three conditions of Toba between us and
Allah number one, to stop what we've been doing wrong, staying
away from haram regretting any wrong that we did in the past. And
number three, making a sincere intention not to do it again. If
we have those three conditions in place, but if they lie to Allah
between us and Allah, then every time we lift up our hands, Allah
subhanaw taala will answer those doors.
But if we are going to be dabbling in Haram, and we are going to be
living a life of heedlessness and carelessness, not worrying about
the boundaries of Allah subhanaw taala. Then we're going to be like
demand which is described in the Hadith about IRA. What rajulio
TIRF is suffer the Corolla, your telophase suffer. abou Hurayrah
Jelani said and the messenger SallAllahu Sallam he mentioned the
man who was on a long journey
mohtarma Who haram Malbis who haram Mashallah.
haram Olivia Bill haram Yara Feria de la semana for Anna you stir
makes mention of the man who was on a long journey. His food is
haram is drink is haram is clothing is haram. He sustained
with haram. He's lifting his hands up to the summer to the heavens.
And now you stage How are his do is going to be answered.
So, let us make that trade with Allah let us respond to Allah's
call. He does believe in Allah, let's stay well within the
boundaries that he has set for us. And when we lift up our hands we
will know that it be lighter and Allah will accept out to us and we
must be conscious when we are speaking to Allah.
call upon your creator and sustainer and be assured of his
answers, be conscious of what you're asking for famous Allahu
Allah Akbar. Lubin talbin Garfield in line because Allah doesn't
accept the dua of a frivolous, unconscious heart, which is making
dua making dua but not not thinking about you know, what's
for supper? Well making dua and thinking about the next business
deal or making dua and thinking about fulfilling some lust a whim
or fancy or desire. No, we speak to Allah and we are conscious of
what we're asking for. And don't be shy.
Fairly Yes. Ah ha
ha ha li che
Licious Natalie, a female Hadith. Let one of you ask Allah for
everything. Even if it is a shoe lace is on Tata that is broken.
And you need a new shoe lace. ask Allah for a new shoe lace in the
other wire I will meet if you are short of salt. ask Allah for salt
because of Allah doesn't make it easy. If Allah doesn't make it
possible, it won't happen. So do you want to see me or Hamdulillah
we are in the last 10 days and 10 nights of Ramadan inshallah Eid
will be on
on Saturday inshallah. Inshallah. I hope so.
I don't think we've ever had two days in between somebody else's
eat and our eat, so inshallah it should be on Saturday. But the
point I want to make is that especially since Hamdulillah,
we've been fasting all these days, standing reciting the Quran for
all these nights. And as a result by default, we've been asking
Allah more, we've been turning to Allah for all our needs. And this
is something that we need to carry on with. This is something that we
need to maintain. Allah loves us to ask him, Palma Yaga will become
Robbie Lola to outcome. Look at that verse, Allahu Akbar, say to
them, oh, Mohamed Salah Salem, that your Lord wouldn't even take
note of you.
Allah, your Creator and Sustainer would not even tell them
that your Creator and Sustainer wouldn't even consider you
wouldn't even take note of you if it wasn't for your doors. If it
wasn't for the fact that you were asking him
for Qatar Cadabra two minute ALLAH turns to the kuffaar but you have
denied in disbelief for so for your communalism.
So for your communalism because you have turned away from Allah
disbelieved and aligned you don't ask Allah, you will have to suffer
the consequences of his punishment. But as for the
believers, let us continue to ask Allah. It just ask Allah and Allah
who we are in such need Democ as an ummah, Allah Akbar, the Amaze,
bleeding, OMA is suffering.
We are facing so many challenges so much fitna and facade let us
know in this Ramadan is we've connected with Allah and we are
asking Allah let's stay connected and continue to ask Allah may
Allah Azza Allah to us all are good to us if you make for
ourselves and for the on my leave you the words of the poet he says
leftist Alana Bonilla Mahajan was selling the the Ebola hula to
political Bernie them we have double arena use aloo wala who
young doctors who?
He says don't ask mankind for anything.
But ask the one who's doors never close. But he added mankind he
gets angry when you ask him and Allah gets angry when you don't
ask him what did you say? The Prophet saw him say to Ben I bursa
but it's so
firstly law if you ask ask Allah is a standard first staring below
and if you seek help seek out from Allah wa
lo each term in file can be seen let me in phone commission in the
marketable Lola we're in each tema Are you the Royal Commission? Let
Through commissions, Ilana Catawba, who roof it
with Jeff, and know this, that if the whole world to come together
to benefit you with something, they couldn't benefit you with
anything except that which Allah had written for you. If the whole
world had to come together, this is the words of Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam, it's the whole world had to come together to harm
you with something, they wouldn't be able to harm you with anything
except that which Allah had written for you. The pins have
been lifted, and the pages have dried. And Allah subhanaw taala
guide us to always ask him and may always hear our calls, may respond
to his call, and may always respond to alcohol or accurate
data and hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen You want to see me we're
going to make dua for Al Hajj Jamil Effendi, who is undergoing
an operation
for throat cancer tomorrow morning. And Mubarak to Ibrahim.
I can't make this out to Khalil
Sorry, I can't read this. I don't know if it's my glasses or the
handwriting or maybe a combination. Ibrahim Khalil
something kalila maybe