Hamza Yusuf – The Jewels of the Qur’an #05

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The title of the book "bringing it" is "bringing it" and the process of Islam is discussed, including the dams and wams, and the importance of understanding the afterlife. The transformation of the spiritual world is emphasized, along with science and culture in modern times. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding confusion and learning about cultural differences between the Americas and Europe, while avoiding confusion and highlighting the cultural significance of "naughty feath centers."
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira 100. In the heart of the amin, Allah Allah in Mallanna llama Maryland center in the cantle earlimart Hakeem alumni alumni and found on LinkedIn I was in there Elma Nakamura visiting hamdulillah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. We're on the 27th day of Ramadan, it's a day that also has a lot of weight. So it's a great blessing these last 10 days, the entire month, but these last 10 days are special days, especially the odd ones. So we're on our session five of Jawahar Quran, which are Jo hora in Arabic, generally means jewel, it can also mean Pearl,

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but he's using it specifically to mean jewel. It also means essence in theology. So like Joe hirato, he does actually, most of the commentators called Mr. Malecon, his book The Pearl of tawheed. So anything precious so the Joe har is the essence of something. And and essences are precious, your own essence is precious, you can lose parts of your body, which are also precious undeniably, but they actually have monetary value in shadia. Whereas the human being does does. The body has a monetary value, but not the soul souls priceless. That's why it's called neps which is from Word, one of the derivations is in the feasts, which is precious. So then this the essence is something

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precious. So he's looking at these precious meanings that the Quran is filled with. So I just wanted to do a quick review from yesterday. He identifies the six aims of the Quran, these are the mock acid and remember Mr. Rizzoli is a metacity scholar like he, he is really somebody who's not he was very wary of what he called the mortara. Simone. And he actually denounces them these are scholars that he felt did not look at the meanings. They were simply trapped in the the form. For instance, in logic, you have formal logic and material logic, the formal logic you can have absolutely sound syllogisms that are completely false. So if you don't know the material of the logic, the matter

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that makes up the syllogism and how that works, you will make big mistakes in logic The same is true in anything. The mcsa should always be uppermost In fact, if if people remember there was a book some time ago called the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People One of them was begin with the end. And this is why the prophets Allah said him said

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no more be mikaze ha you know that matters are based on their mocassin and so the Quran has my acid so MK said is your your aim? MK said in Arabic with the casetta is your actually physical destination but the Mk said, is your is your intentional destination. It's your goal. That is not a material or physical goal. It could involve materiality, but in your mind, it's where you're headed. It's not a physical movement. So he basically looks at what he calls the momentous things. He's more hima. And then

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What he calls the divisions that complete them. So the three motor minima or motema. So at Malmo attempt in da, Ethan materialet, he the definition of the one who men are called men, meaning men and women, Tarifa shiratama, seem to know what the path is to the one you're called to. And then tissue boom, that was a metal Sulukule, that what you have to follow what's obligatory, because he says, The path to God is melasma and mohalla. So those are the two it's it's adhering to certain things and avoiding other things. And this is what is called terapii and tarihi. It's also called allameh, when Noah he these are all terms that are used, the Quran uses Ahmed and Noah he, those

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things were commanded to do, and those things that were prohibited, prohibited from doing and then he has studied for the hall and then also the day he and then really defining the state the highlight of the one who arrives to knowledge of God and that will soul is it's used

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problematically, because a lot of people will misunderstand it will soul to God is not a physical arrival. And it's, it's it means matica that you because what he mama has that he says and it's quite beautiful. He says that there's no physical travel to God because God is a kind of elaina min min min have a little worried he's closer to us than the carotid artery, the thing that gives us consciousness itself, because you cut the carotid artery off in a chokehold, and a person goes unconscious. So consciousness itself is from the carotid artery, you know, the physical awareness. And so what he says is because God is near trust in our juggler veins, not in any physical, because

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God is not in any physical space, but in reality, and and he says, Therefore, it's really the mythos the likeness is a mirror.

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So it's like you're standing in front of a mirror, and God has put all of his attributes that he wants you to know Him by, he's put them in you will feom physical effort that was put on by analogy with the land method, Allah, Allah has the highest analogies. So when we hear that Allah is hearing, oh, he gave us hearing, we hear that a loss seeing he gave us sight, we hear their loss speaking, he gave us a speech, we hear that Allah has his high, he gave us life, that he that all these attributes are in us. So in order for you to come to know God, you have to polish the mirror, because the reason you can't see him is because the mirror is clouded. And the mirror is your heart.

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So that's what you have to polish because the heart will reflect those mirrors. So that's, that's the my Marcus Aurelius project. In a nutshell, I really brought it down to the most basic fundamental principles. So the tatoeba and Mooji been a dour those who answered the call so you know, these are them with him, those things that enhance the first three. So the those things are the condition of those who answer the call in the dunya. So you see like a Hello Allah and you see 100 Walton 100 shirt on earlier Allah Alia Rahman Alia Siobhan. And then the second is also letting you know about the people who reject and what happens to them. And and and then the proofs against

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them. And finally, Mr. Manasa Tarik, so the Manzil of the perrache is the dunya.

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And then, you know, then you have the the monastrell, on your path to Allah. And so those are the waystations in the dunya.

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And then you need basic xad. When a head is added taqwa the best provision is taqwa. And the preparedness is that getting ready for the journey, because we have the journey in the dunya, which is 7060 and 70 years on average. According to the prophets, Allah is known for his oma, as some people can live as long as 120 my own teacher mark that has lived to at least buy confirmation 109. So people do some people do live long lives, but most of us will live between 60 and 70 years that that's what the province is, and our model amati, Medina, soutine was 17. And I thought about that Hadeeth and I realized it's actually a mercy because that's the last decade where people generally

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have good energy and good health when you get into your 70s and your 80s some people

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can retain it but a lot of people begin to break down. So there's there's a mercy in being taken in that seventh decade, I think. Because he's all mercy the province lies to them. And also his his people were given longer

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reward, they get more reward for this work we're at where the workers in the in the Gospel who come at the 11th hour, and they're given the same wages as the one that worked all day and the ones that worked all day they get upset, like why are they getting that that was he says, I they sent him Jesus's indication of the profits on because we're the ones that come at the at the 11th hour, where it too, was sad to animal saqa had seen and then he put his sebab and his will start together. I was sent and the hour I in the hour, my coming in the hour is like these two and you put them together. So

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so those are the six

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and then yeah, so those are the six and then from those he says there's an inch gabb. So the branching out the sharp that come out of that. So the sharp sharp that come out of that, like a tree. The first three he calls kubrat acmar, which is basically the red sulfur, which traditionally was in sacred alchemy It was called the philosopher's stone. It was it was used my aunt who Allah Yura, you hear about it, but you never see it. So they say that the Olia especially the great Olia of the oma. They're like the Cobra hammer because their company is transformative. So they can actually transform somebody who's going the wrong way. And then get them to move towards the right

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way just by their Saba. So that those that's it and then he divides them into three our kids a threat. So he's got the the code which is a precious stone, the red Ruby, and then the a cab, so he's got the amount of the cab, which is probably where the it's like less than hombre they say Some say it's gray, blue gray. But it's it's basically a

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another precious stone, it's less precious than the first one. And then finally, he uses the Azfar, which is the Topaz, which is for the fab. So each one of them are precious, but they have

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root sub ranks. And then the current ad, which is about the afterlife eschatology, if you want a big word for that from religious studies, so they call that eschaton in Greek is the last matters. So what happens in the afterlife? And then you have they could have syrup or Mr. Pim so what's the straight path? Well, the path is the path of test kiya, which is sometimes called tuck Leah, which is the kenosis emptying out so you empty out the negative qualities. And then you have the Talia. So the sirata Mr. Cream is basically adorning yourself with positive qualities and removing the negative qualities. And this is basic character development, but it's also spiritual development

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within the soul. And the result of that if you if you do that path is sometimes not necessarily but sometimes what's called test Leah, and that's really what my mother Sally is indicating that touch Leah is basically what Allah reveals Himself to you and and there's a

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an indication there's a hadith related that that Allah subhanho wa Taala yet modularly NASA Arma with a generally a be back in Hossa, like, allows Tesla to people is general but to have a bucket it was specific. So

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those had this I think sometimes they're they're attacked. But the point is, is that there is this Tesla, for some people, they will really have very powerful experiences, where they become very aware of the Divine Presence and for some people, it becomes constant. It's just the way they are in the world.

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And then the they could, well Alia some people don't like the term saints, this son in it comes from a

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word really which means holy, which is related to our word clouds. And so the saints is the one that under sallahu cetera he has sanctified his soul. So it's a perfectly good word. I think.

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The Jews don't really have a concept they have a concept of the Zadek, which is the righteous person Siddiq in Archer.

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For probably from the same route

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and those are the highest of the Odia. Cydia cone after the prophets every prophet is a welly

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right? There are also a nibi. And then you have the odeya that are under the the. So we lie is montesa

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prophecy is mahoba you can't you cannot have you cannot become a prophet no matter how hard you try No matter how much work you did, but you can become a welly. So it's mock test, but it's earned. And that's why the wilaya

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is the province lies people think oh, well he was just given no, he earned his wilaya. His his wilaya is the work that he did himself is no Buddha is from Allah. So don't think that he's just Oh, it was all just given to him. No, he worked. He did the night prayers. He did the charity. He did all those things. And that is his that's pretty sad for him. But his nabooda his his his Esma the fact that he's protected, all those things are those are just given from Allah. But his wilaya he he he works just just like

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the other people have to work for more. And that's why even though he was forgiven, he still stayed up at night. That's his IQ the sab get our m akuna adventure, Cora he didn't have to do that. Or even coming back. I mean, just the fact that

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that he

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you know, he took on this extraordinary

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mantle for for humanity. And he was his concern was omega two omega t it was never enough to NFC on the piano. They all say NFC, NFC, even the prophets, the prophets, it says on the tomb, it is only one so everybody else is is in that other state. So looking at a hadith earlier and then decode the conditions of God's enemies. So this is what happens to people that

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are in doubt with God like Pharaoh, and then Gods arguments they could have mohajir typical far. So those arguments that God gives his his servants, his prophets and then the slide in. So now we're going to look at the

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the branching of these. So this is in shiana Luma Dini, so this is the branching of the knowledges that come out of these approximate ashera the first knowledge is he calls her Aloma sada now sada is is the shell that

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the Perl is in. So the Perl actually, Rumi has a beautiful

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he makes this argument about the heart being like the pearl, a pearl is from Sam that gets inside the solder off and it irritates the the mollusk so it irritates the sea creature. And so the sea creature excretes this thing to try to put off to ward off this irritation. And so it's through that irritation that the pearl develops. So Allah is putting all these irritants in our lives. And if we respond appropriately, it will turn us into precious pearls. But if we if we fight it, then we're from the neck up in the Jackie Dean. So so he calls these the sort of sciences. So the first one he calls it the end Mahajan. He really means here to sweet because to sweet essentially is really about

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how poke

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a hole, right? The EMA machete, he says that it's about a coolie whorfin hakuho min sivut and the * Mustafa. Whoa. So the definition of tawheed is giving every letter its Huck and its moose. The Huck so the hat is what in here's in it naturally, like the pot of jet or the color letters. So the happens to if you say, you know, put hula hoop ahead so there's a little bounce at the end of that so that's the color color. That's the hack of the dal if you don't if you don't do it then vaanam to dad that you've you've oppressed the dad so he's not going to be happy. So you learn those because after the touch with the Atmel azimo Magnum ujo without Khurana azimo images he says that that you

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have to

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take Tajweed it's a henchman Lazio it's an obligation. And then he says if you do whoever doesn't recite the Quran with Tajweed is FM

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Now I think out of mercy for the community that will not generally not all of them but the vast majority do say that the left hand huffy is not sinful which means that as long as you're pronouncing the letters properly even if you're not able to if you really can't then there's still just a hole in that matter. Some people can't pronounce the ball. It's a hard letter for a lot of people. So that's you know, and then Anima Maharaja health are, you know,

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the Maharaja how to in the Maharaja officer Bashar Bashar Al Allah The tato manif Tabar. So so there's 17 points of articulation. There's five major points and then from those five there's 17 and there's there was a feat of cebo he said there were 16 at fora said there were 14, but people agreed with

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Halle Ibrahima did Faraj hate it because he's the great master that he wrote the first dictionary more

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so so he's the one and then the enemy Lucha, Lucha Quran.

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There's there's just under 2000 root words in the Quran. So in Arabic, you have roots, you have dyadic roots, and then you have

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the tree literal roots. So there's, there's three, so you have like barraba and,

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and from that, you get all these

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permutations from that. So you have like body bone, which is somebody who's doing the bottom, and then you have Mahboob, which is the one who's being struck. And then you have the BB, which is the actual must or the striking up it's old data, right body bone Borbon model Reuben like, so. So that is learning that takes some time. That's called morphology, but the longer he's talking about is knowing the diction that word choice of the Quran. So there's words in the current like level every Arab knows now if I ask, you know, like somebody who's Arab from Syria, what's level they'll usually say like in English, what would you say?

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The entertainment right? Yeah, level. But in in the Quran, it can mean child.

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It can mean wife.

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So you can read the Quran thinking that you know Arabic like if you're a modern Arab, and you read the Quran, like verhaal for shadowfell bergerie will Bihari Allah lot of them because you don't say the bar there are the cities that are near water is not actually on the ocean. Others say it's invested, it's a little smack in the ocean, from the sins of people that the the fish diminish. So learning the language of Oran there's a lot of nuances in the Koran. Like for instance, Allah says lays her calm remain calm. That not a people mark and other people. So it says um, but then it says what he says when you know

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it, then it's so it separates town from Lisa. So why would that be because both of them are only the paternal side of a group. So like the while or not from the home? The maternal side aren't from the own

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can Oran is only prophet that addresses them. He doesn't say yeah, only because he didn't have a father from them. He only had a mother, so they're not his home.

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So that's an example of the lova. This that takes a lot of time to learn. It's called a nova. And then also the just dictionary definitions of it. And then you have now, which is a combination really generally now is Rob. But it's also sort of so now his grammar, and it includes both syntax, which is the way sentences work and inflections declensions conjugations. And then also it includes morphology, so he's considers all of these shell sciences, because they're not at the essence. You're learning them to get to the essence, they're necessary.

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Just like the body is a shell, but the body is for the reason.

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So, the shell is important. You can't ignore it, but it's a

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Shell, you shouldn't be worshiping it or serving it as if it's the most important thing in your life, which a lot of people do. So grammar, and then grammar is basically,

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you know, there's you learn, it's actually not that terribly hard to learn grammar, it takes some time. But it's it's a relatively straightforward thing. But the problem with Arabic is, it is a vast language. And you will always come across things that unless you're a true master, you just haven't seen them before. And you can study I've been working with Arabic for 40 years now. And I'm still feel like I'm a beginner. And I'm not saying that out of any humility. I'm saying that just as a as a true statement. It's an ocean. And so but you can learn these things. And we have beautiful books that that our scholars have developed to teach Arabic.

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In nutrition I studied in, you know, I said that Joe romea, the Malhotra Rob, the elfia. Those those are the traditional books that you study, my own teacher wrote a commentary, beautiful commentary on the elfia. But he was great grammarian chef is a great grammarian. So amazing, his knowledge of Arabic is actually quite stunning. I mean, I'll give you one example of his knowledge of Arabic. So that he studied with a man named Muhammad good Shane, who's a great scholar from Eastern Britannia. He wrote several poems, didactic poems in Arabic rrgs. And I found some

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online like they had, I was, I got really excited about it. And one of them was it was 1000 lines, 1000 lines of poetry on a ship. So it's all the derivations.

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And then the other one was on

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it was on morphology. So it was a very sophisticated tests, I think it was 700 lines. So I got really excited. And I went and I said, Oh, you won't believe what I found on the, on the.

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And then I, you know, I showed it to him, and he looked at it, and then he hands me and he started reciting it from memory.

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And he kept going for quite some time, then he stopped, and he said, Hamdulillah, I learned those from my teacher, because my teacher wrote those. So I memorized those when I was very young. And that's just, that's in a branch, just a Ferrari. It's not, it's not that that's on top of all the other things that those are things that experts study.

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Over and above so but grammar is very important. And I would really highly recommend people, even English grammar is important. People don't realize that you can't have a culture without grammar. You cannot. If you look at the supreme court justices, one of the things that they have to know is grammar. In fact, Antonin Scalia was a serious grammarian, his son did a PhD in grammar.

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His book reading law, a lot of it is gratical. We had a case in Not me, but our civilization. There was a case in Massachusetts, an Oxford comma, some called the Harvard comma, which is after when you have three things, like he's intelligent, comma,

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personable comma, and

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young. So some people will just not put a comma on that last one, between the second and the third and just have the conjunction. And so there was a case, it was a multimillion dollar case. And they lost the case, because there was an omission of an Oxford comma. And so they conflated the two, it was it was a dispute over wages over time. And so because they were put together, it could have been interpreted that they were the same thing, as opposed to two separate things, which the Oxford comma would appear in them. That was a serious case, they lost. I mean, luckily, they had a lawyer that knew grammar is because Brian Garner, who's a great guy, he's probably the greatest American

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grammarian he goes around teaching lawyers grammar, because they don't teach grammar anymore. And it's a tragedy. And and,

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you know, minority communities that don't have standard English are handicapped because of that. And so these people that say, Oh, these are, you know, this is the language that they should be taught in and things like that is a crime against those people because it's, it will hold them back. And that's what it's designed to do. So grammar is it's a birthright really, people should be able to learn, and this idea that people can't learn grammar, so you're saying what they're too stupid like, they can't

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Learn it.

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I mean, that in itself is an insult to say, oh, they're incapable of learning because it's not true. They're perfectly capable of learning. So enema tafsir abohar This is another one. So knowing the outward tafsir this is from the shell sciences.

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And then he has an auto ml Joe how to we'll do Bab. So these are really at the essence. And then he's got to he begins with the simpler for I don't know why he must have a reason for doing that, as opposed to the old Yeah, I suppose to move you up to it. So the topic of Sofia are the ultimate talebi and motema for the sciences of those three divisions.

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In the in this in the six member there were three, the motema. So those are the three in that. And then the second is the pocket earlier, which are so awkward. Also, Manolo Mahima. So those are the three. So remember these, so you have to keep in mind the six aims. So the earlier the higher ones deal with the top three aims, which is knowing God, knowing the path to God, and then knowing the state of the people to get to God. And then the sofa is those lower three aims. So in the circular medivet passes are parents knowing the stories of the Quran. So there's a lot of stories in the Quran about those who deny, and then also the gods arguments. So

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there's the assassin, Mr. Kim studies, these syllogisms in the Quran. And Allah uses antonyms, which are diminished syllogisms. It's called a ps monarcas. So he uses the the Quran to show people, you know, that the reason is logic, one, you know, there's an argument that people make that arguments for the existence of God are

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that you can't ever arrive at this demonstrative proof that God exists. The point of the arguments for the existence of God, which are actually quite compelling. And anybody that says otherwise has never really studied them in any deep way. They kind of owe these five arguments of Aquinas or the Kalam cosmological argument. They're serious arguments. And but the point is not to convince you.

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Because the believer is not going to be the disbelievers not going to be convinced by those arguments. The point is to let believers know that your faith is rational.

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That's the point. The point of those arguments is not to convince you that God exists, you already believe he exists. The point is to show you that your belief is not simply blind faith, it's based on intelligent reasoning. And so your faith is actually it's, it's rational. Okay, because the definition of faith to these materialists and these atheists is, oh, they believe in something that has no proof. It has a dialectical proof, it might not have an addictive or what they call demonstrative proof. It has a dialectical proof, which if they teach logic, people would know what these terms are. They used to teach logic. My,

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my all my, my grandfather, my great grandfather, my grandmother, I inherited her logic book from high school, they used to teach these things to people that they took them out, why did they take them out?

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That's a question for people to really genuinely ask, why did they get rid of logic? If you get rid of logic, there's a there's a sign all over this town that says human beings are not illegal. And that's a reference to the idea of an illegal immigrant.

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That's a logical fallacy. It's a fallacy of equivocation. nobody's saying human beings are illegal, the immigration is what's illegal, not the human being.

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So but they put these things up and then you just wondering, like, well, it doesn't it doesn't mean anything.

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So logic is really important. That's why I remember because I he wrote five books on logic, and really considered it an extremely important science.

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So it actually starts with it apart. So he wrote these two the result of concea is the cover era, aka it's a lesser book they decide for the record is his higher level. So he really, it's very important book and it becomes really foundational for books of calam that follow it because he introduced some new things into Calum.

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And then no matter who dude and remember, EMA Murali was not a proponent of canap. And and there are a few people that attack calam imamura has that he would agree with them, in principle that calam is not something that everybody should study.

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But he felt that it was necessary for a certain segment to study so that they could refute, if you don't study philosophy, how do you refute the philosophers? Rather, Chabot hat is blood is no argument. So you have to know, in order to be able to Howdy. If you don't know the debate between nominalism and essentialism, you won't know why people are arguing that gender is fluid.

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Because that's, that's a statement. How do you deconstruct that statement? Well, if you're if you're a nominalist, and don't believe that there's some essential nature to human beings, then gender could be fluid. If I don't feel like a man, then I don't have to be a man. I can feel like a woman or feel like a non binary.

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But if you actually believe that, no, God has essentially raised you.

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And you're biologically determined. And that's your essence, whether you like it or not, if it

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if you don't, then you've got a psychological which used to be considered an illness. But now, because of the current environment, they say, No, this is normal. But a lot of people feel like this can't be normal.

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So for us, as Muslims, we have to stick to our beliefs, we can't let the Zeit guys the spirit of the age, determine

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our beliefs, we cannot allow our beliefs to shift because of the shifting tides of,

00:36:40 --> 00:37:03

of whatever the opinions of the people are. So that's very important. And then he has the in Malibu and mobile and T SOS Bronwyn is so transactional law, things that relate to marriage and things like that. And then he wrote for that, he wrote that what he's showing you here is he's given a complete,

00:37:04 --> 00:37:09

holistic program to deal with all these issues. I mean, it's quite,

00:37:10 --> 00:37:34

you know, the more you study this man, the more you have to marvel at what he has accomplished, because it really is quite stunning. So he wrote the vasila was sealed and no Gs. And these are all, you know, he These are his books of fic, the the detailed, the concise, and then the mediator between the two, which is the We'll see. So these are in his footwork.

00:37:36 --> 00:37:46

And then he has the robot lg nyad. In the jurisprudence, it's a very small section on what we would call here, the Criminal Code.

00:37:48 --> 00:38:08

And then robot nica, these are the sdsr denisa. So these relates specifically to marriage and the rights of women. The vast majority of rights in marriage are women rights, you know, the men's rights in marriage, he does have some rights, but they're very limited compared to the woman her rights. If you study shediac properly, you will see

00:38:09 --> 00:38:13

that the vast majority of rights are to protect women and children.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:26

And then you have robot and Mama that which is this is that shouldn't be called wrong crime. That's a mistake in the in the thing that should be on the transactions, like

00:38:27 --> 00:38:42

all the things that relate to wealth, I mean, obviously theft and things like that as part of that. But that's in the other little baggie, not yet. So then the topic earlier, so that's the he's looking at those the soflo. Now, the higher ones.

00:38:44 --> 00:39:20

And these are ashara for hollyanne, who are aluminum oxide. So they're there, this is the highest because this is the knowledge of the purpose of why the prophets are sent. They're sent to teach us, our Lord. That's the purpose of the prophets. They're sent to teach us our Lord. So that's knowledge of God and the last day and then knowledge of the set author, Mr. Payne, which has motivated Skeeter naps, and upper lap that have sifat and Molly cat. So these are the things that are destructive. So that's Ischia or it's sometimes called Talia. And then Talia,

00:39:22 --> 00:39:27

the purification of the heart and then removal of the destructive qualities

00:39:37 --> 00:39:38

What happened?

00:39:43 --> 00:39:47

So, so that that is the

00:39:48 --> 00:39:53

the removal of the structural quality and then you have to helliya purification of the soul.

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

So just get to nefs is is basically Talia

00:40:00 --> 00:40:35

And Talia, rules of destructive qualities beautification of positive qualities and then the you have the highest which is marriage of Allah animal that and those are in all of the eyes he identifies all these is by the way, so, these those top three that are they in the olive color those are the enema Dora he calls those the pearls, these are the jewels and this is the the book is the pearls, the jewels and the pearls. So, and then in an era. So, there you have it,

00:40:37 --> 00:40:38

and now you have

00:40:40 --> 00:40:46

bought a fan. So, first you had the element that now you have in a van

00:40:51 --> 00:40:54

and Oh sorry, we're still

00:40:58 --> 00:41:16

okay. So, these are, these are the sciences that come out of his works. So you have medicine, which is the science of health, and then you have astronomy, which is studying the cosmos and looking at the heavens, you know, the

00:41:19 --> 00:41:30

he says alomost sit down us in Imola pani onderdelen Africa thumb and tuck a little animal we don't mercifully digit the sun and the deal.

00:41:31 --> 00:41:32


00:41:33 --> 00:41:41

but with the heck me what I can be Ali Khan Academy. So he says that you have the

00:41:42 --> 00:41:44

I'm fasting some sadhana

00:41:46 --> 00:41:47

because last night was

00:41:49 --> 00:41:49


00:41:51 --> 00:41:52

I'm starting to lose my

00:41:55 --> 00:42:00

weakness of human beings take food out I all I really need is tea.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:04

Like I can go without food but sees the world.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:06


00:42:08 --> 00:42:10

where were we so these are the bottom of his

00:42:11 --> 00:42:20

end with tertiary anatomy and then also all these obscure sciences, nuclear physics and other things and also you have the aluminum elbow.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:39

So then if you watch it smear ability loci by Oxfam or Quran. So everything in the world a possession This is called the animal milk. Right Adam and Mirko Shahada milk is what you can see anything you can see as part of the milk.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:43

And obviously what you can see on a microscope,

00:42:44 --> 00:42:47

animal rabies what you cannot see.

00:42:49 --> 00:43:38

That's called the Mullah quote. So he's saying that the sub attack there and my anti element medical for Quran BMT Ratan Minato Misha had, so why the entities of the invisible world are explained in Quran by means of similitudes from the visible world. So whenever Allah is trying to explain to us, the unseen world, he uses the visible world to teach us analogies, PS because this is the great genius of the human being is that we're able to work in analogies, this is how he's created us. So how to find the connection between the visible and the invisible worlds. So the know with certainty, he says that the secrets of the visible world are veiled from the souls which are defiled by love of

00:43:38 --> 00:44:07

the world. So the dunya will actually be a hijab, it will veil you from the the knowledge of the mallacoota it will veil you, the shells of the Koran are not opened at all to reveal its jewels to those who are unmindful. So the shell, there's people that can learn the shell knowledges but to open the shell and get the jewels, that is work, that's the house, right.

00:44:08 --> 00:44:59

So he uses these allegories of jewels and valuables in the Koran. So here he has for us the red brimstone at a community that Amar which again, has the three and then the terrier called Akbar, which is the antidote those are all of the reasons why you should believe in the Koran and and they cure the destructive poisons entering the the your mind. So it protects you from all those negative ideas that are out there. And then an miskell alpha, which is these are Shea is does have an incentive. One of the miskell as far is something that those of you who have traveled to certain places. There are certain people that have this misc, which is not you can't buy

00:45:00 --> 00:45:07

in the marketplace, and there's also places where you can smell it. There are places in Medina where you can smell it.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:13

There's there's actually a place in the, in the

00:45:14 --> 00:45:15

in Bahia

00:45:16 --> 00:45:19

where it's very strong and there's a place at

00:45:20 --> 00:45:29

100 if you go to Hamza Satan Hamza's grave. And the first time that we were there, because we were told you have to go a certain time was when it comes.

00:45:31 --> 00:45:45

We literally and somebody here was with me, we literally almost passed out, there was so strong, and it's something people have access to. It's not something like that you can't smell and it's not from this world.

00:45:46 --> 00:45:47


00:45:50 --> 00:46:10

and it's saints, you know, the, the Christian saints, that are these pre Islamic saints, their their places have them as well the Christians know about this, because they have the same thing. So this is something a lot give certain people a moment when he spoke, people could smell it from his mouth.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:23

So it's just Biola and then the UHD so these are what happens when you know, these Shelton get what they deserve, which is a great blessing.

00:46:25 --> 00:46:26


00:46:27 --> 00:46:48

the bread brimstone that was turns the essence of the soul from the vices of a beast and the era of ignorance to the purity of the angels in their spirituality. Because we are between the angels, we have an angelic nature which is our, our immaterial nature. And then we have our beastial nature, which is our material nature. Allah has made us a hybrid. So we have this high low morphic

00:46:49 --> 00:47:42

coming together a lot closer to 100 caja de right, dementia, NACA Halpin Aha, like we created you another creation. So when the room was blown into the material body, it became another creation. So we are this, this, this coming together of the material and the immaterial into one. So we have the gravitational pull of our of our our materiality. And then we have the spiritual pole of our immateriality. And so depending on which one you feed, like if you're feeding the beast deal, it gets stronger and stronger. If you feed the other one, it gets stronger and stronger. So one pulls you up. That time for Luna in w sovann. You can't penetrate it unless you have so fun. So it takes

00:47:42 --> 00:47:43


00:47:44 --> 00:47:47

And then the other one will pull you down and destroy you.

00:47:49 --> 00:48:12

So that's the red wound and then the cures for the poison of heresy, passions and errors entering the soul. That's what the pterodactyl Akbar does. And then the fame of a person of knowledge spreads everywhere like Musk, even if that person prefers obscurity. So even ATI, Allah says that the you know, he said,

00:48:14 --> 00:48:35

Men can your head a homophone or other hormone hormones or modern Arabs means laziness, but but traditional in traditional Arabic It means like if you say in Saudi Arabia common they think it means lazy. Is that is that Syria too? Yeah, so so you know Harmon, but hava mall is actually somebody nobody knows about.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:49

So you know, buba leemon ophthalmologic row is a blessing to be obscure, is a tribulation to be well known. But he says in concert to Hebrew homophones

00:48:50 --> 00:49:07

when it comes to the herbivore fant abhor we're at the loss of our la of horrible moto Danny, this the the ABS of Allah, it's the same whether he becomes well known or whether he's kept in obscurity, it shouldn't be something you seek if you seek it, you're sick.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:19

So that that is the end one of the ways that it spread is through lc natera. Who said so that people that envy the person they'll actually

00:49:20 --> 00:49:25

they say that's the fire that lights through that burns the fragrance

00:49:26 --> 00:49:36

and so the aloe the aloe wood is the smoke that rises from the ashes have God's punishment of the hypocrites and his enemies and agreeing brings great benefit to the believers.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:39

So, how much time do I have

00:49:42 --> 00:49:46

10 minutes. So the benefit of employing allegories in the Quran

00:49:47 --> 00:49:54

these are rumors are symbols you know the Arabs have a name but um z. You know, in Egypt days that name

00:49:55 --> 00:49:58

brumos are symbols and so

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59


00:50:00 --> 00:50:15

What's the reason? Right ban sub joden more hidden, but also the Genia. So what is that reason? So he says these allegories open the doors of the unveiling of the seeds of meanings of the Quran to you, and show how to dive into these seeds.

00:50:16 --> 00:50:17

One of the things that

00:50:18 --> 00:50:53

the great Moroccan chef of the 20th century, when Al Habib said in the middle Conal man in our image on the server coolamon, US Rico had a cannon Manila labor, that creation is only images, meaning set up in images. So these are sewer, this is all forms. But there's meanings behind those forms. The manner in here is in the form, just a form of logic, material logic in the material logic is the manner that in here is in the formal, so this is everywhere.

00:50:54 --> 00:51:02

And so and you could look at it in the, in the, in the four causes that that our scholars

00:51:04 --> 00:51:29

took from the Greeks but used in their, in our tradition, the material efficient formula and final. So the formal, that's the formal cause tells you what it is. But the final is, what's the meaning of it? What's it for the materials, what's it made of the efficient is who produced it, but that final is, that's the end. That's the mcsa. That's the mariner. That's the purpose. And so

00:51:30 --> 00:51:50

how can some verses be preferred to others? If they're all Allah's words? That's a good question. So how, like, how can you have some if it's all or on, and it's all cunnamulla? And it's all a sefa of Allah? This can be quite imobie NFC. How do you have?

00:51:51 --> 00:52:22

How do you have some better than others? Well, the prophetic traditions have pointed to the nobility of some verses, and the manifold multiplication of reward for recitation. So there's, there's verses that are held over other verses like prophets are all the same in their prophecy, but some are better than others. In their tough Leal. They're all the same. The prophets, the latter for the Rooney and a unit Sibley Mehta don't prefer me over units have been better, and there's rewires about Moses don't sound better than Moses,

00:52:23 --> 00:52:25

in his Nebraska.

00:52:27 --> 00:52:46

So they're the same in their Nebraska, but then there's data shot within that. So we're all equal in our humanity, but we're not equal in our accomplishments. We're not equal in our virtue and our vice. Some people are vicious, some people are virtuous, and some people are struggling between the two impulses.

00:52:47 --> 00:53:13

This is that you cannot equate Halle Annie, Estonia, Lithuania, Animoto. alladhina, Leia and a moon, are they the same? Those who know and those who don't know? Can you equate them? You can't there. So this whole idea of the modern world wants to level everything they want, say, oh, everybody's equal, they're equal in their humanity. But the Prophet said omit one owners and investment as I was commanded to, a to treat people according to their station.

00:53:14 --> 00:53:23

This is the hierarchy. And and this whole attack on hierarchy is to destroy civilization.

00:53:24 --> 00:53:42

So everybody's equal in their slavery. That's communism, communism, that everybody is equal, they want to level everything. And then all animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others. Right? That's an animal farm. That's the whole point of that book was to explain to you what they were really up to.

00:53:43 --> 00:54:11

Right? Once the great revolutions over the pig show up. You get rid of the king and then you get you get, you know, they got rid of medic Idris, they said, a brizuela Idris, that was a slogan in the Libyan revolution. So they gave a lot gave them a blease. And they had him for 42 years. So he got rid of the king, and then what do you want to do? make his son the next ruler?

00:54:13 --> 00:54:52

It's all lies. And that's why people, people really need to read history and to understand that these are all tricks of the beliefs. So just like we're not equal in our accomplishments, the Quran is equal in that it's all revelation. It's all from God. But it's not equal in the in the manassa. There are some verses that are over other verses. You can't equate it with corsi with the verse about debt. You know, the Dane verse, longest verse in the Quran Surah Baqarah. You can equate the two.

00:54:53 --> 00:55:00

One is about God and the others about human transactions, but they're both revelation. So we honor

00:55:00 --> 00:55:15

Both of them but we recognize the superiority of because of the profits realized him had he not taught so we have Fatiha to keytab the Prophet said it's not our Quran there's a hadith of manhood coming out of this machine the prophet SAW I said, Can I teach you the author of Quran

00:55:17 --> 00:55:18

and he taught him Fatiha.

00:55:24 --> 00:55:47

And then you have is of course a which is say that I have the Quran it's the iron Quran it's it's literally the you know, it's it's the say that it's the the Princess of the verses of the Quran. So the, you know, the master the mistress. And then you've seen, there's an indication that it's Alberto Koran

00:55:48 --> 00:55:49

in the head.

00:55:51 --> 00:55:57

And then you have God who Allah had to do to the third pour on equals 1/3 of the Quran.

00:55:59 --> 00:56:01

floss is a miracle of theology.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:10

So, when we look at, we've got five minutes left. So I think I'll save this for tomorrow, because this is

00:56:11 --> 00:56:13

just worth taking time with Charles.

00:56:15 --> 00:56:17

Do we have questions? Mm

00:56:25 --> 00:56:39

hmm. You briefly spoke about Mr. kozar, his teachers and Sherry usciences. Who were his teachers in to solve are there still spiritual cysts that as with elephas, early in their chain, the

00:56:41 --> 00:57:00

his his own brother was a great master. And they were very close. So his brother was a master. The teachers that he studied with were masters. So his outward teachers were also inward masters. I mean, these were, these are some of the greatest Muslims in our history that he studied with. So rather,

00:57:01 --> 00:57:10

Ronnie, who he studied with, would have probably been he learned to sort of early on.

00:57:12 --> 00:57:18

So it's not like he suddenly had this realization, no, he but he, he did have

00:57:20 --> 00:57:39

a crisis of epistemology of like, how we know and came to the conclusion that intuitive knowledge was the highest if it was sound, but intuitive now is very dangerous, because a lot of people can be diluted. And he was very aware of that. And, and he was also a great critic of Sophie's, I mean, he,

00:57:40 --> 00:58:03

even though he recognized the South is an important science, he also saw the inherent dangers in it and warn about several things. The great scholars of our tradition, were were generally practitioners of the soul, to say they weren't as just it means you know nothing about Islamic history. You just haven't read the literature you haven't really studied.

00:58:06 --> 00:58:38

But the Sophie's also had some pretty significant significant deviants. And it's because of the nature of Sufism. It's very easy to lose your way. And so you had antinomian Sophie's that abandoned Shetty, people that said, you know, I've reached knowledge of God, I no longer have to pray things like this. So you all have that these these traditions were called Mutasa Weaver. They the severe were kind of people that were seen as over. So

00:58:39 --> 00:59:28

but you have, you have tasawwuf is a very important science. I'm actually we're just finishing a critical edition of I think one of the best books I've ever read, which is by Amazon rock, CD, Amazon rock, who was called metastable. Omar would Odia like the arms Boozman of the the Olia and Obama because he was a great honor, but he was also a serious practitioner of spiritual tradition. But he wrote a book which is a commentary on Ivanova, not a sort of post his book called enema Bethan Australia, the basic research or the foundational studies and that's a book on all the rules of the soul. The last section which is called the surface of this age, which was written in the age

00:59:28 --> 01:00:00

set as a ninth century. I mean, he just says I should be happy if hated he shall pursue your admin bad in Asia you the other DMC Allah He Sadek. Who Sadek, who had Yama, his one halleck he says that this used to be the best path now. Now it's just a means of livelihood for people. And then he says, you call the one who goes on this path of salic, but the peak, which means the wayfare, but the the Sadiq who had young the people on it today are Halak they're there. They're perishing so he

01:00:00 --> 01:00:23

He, and you know, he argues that they lost their rigor that they don't. By the 19th century, you see a complete lack of rigor in our, in our books. They're amazing. And I swear to God, and I'm not saying this in any, I would not be worthy of being a student of him Ahmedabad jewelry, you know, I mean, I really,

01:00:24 --> 01:00:32

unless maybe just out of being a convert, he kind of had some pity on me, like, he'd see it as well, if that's cool, you know,

01:00:33 --> 01:00:38

because he's from, you give them Zakat for because he's a convert. But,

01:00:39 --> 01:01:04

you know, he's a great scholar, these were amazing scholars, but the Hadith rigor really diminishes greatly in the latter period. They quote, Hadees that, and I'm not like I quote some of the Hadees that I've quoted, but I point out that they're, they're weak, it's important to point that out. But very often they they, they just say, Allah Rasulullah, and they don't really let you know that

01:01:06 --> 01:01:08

this isn't, so they're they're

01:01:09 --> 01:01:11

this the Sophie's

01:01:12 --> 01:01:22

are. I think they're very important and historically, and they're asking, do the sisters still exist? Alhamdulillah the chain

01:01:23 --> 01:01:53

that I am, the Senate that I have from chef may have been static as he my mother's early in it. So Al Hamdulillah I'm, I'm in a chain, I'm worthy of it. And I admit that with without any false humility. But this is the time we're living in. So it's the latter days. The only consolation is for teachers that lousy teachers is generally the students are pretty lousy, too. So we're all just lousy together.

01:01:56 --> 01:02:39

Can you recommend translations of poron based on someone's level of Islamic understanding, starting from a convert or beginner or advanced, there's good translations of that haleem is good. I mean, all of them have limitations. It's just there's no way you can translate the Quran I truly believe the Quran is untranslatable. I just I believe that it's it's too Arabic is too vast. I mean, I was when we get into the Fatiha You know, when we were putting it together the slides with the serious Mito, may Allah reward him, he's been staying up all night, you know, to do this, to make this so please pray for him. You know, may Allah bless him. And he just did a fantastic job but we were

01:02:39 --> 01:03:03

looking at you know, the translation he used one of the I won't say who but he was one of the translations for economic but the way he aka the stain, it said, we worship you, to You we worship. I said, No, no, you have to put alone because yakka fact that it's more other than Allah Naboo means alone. Own it's for hustle. And that's unique to Arabic.

01:03:05 --> 01:03:46

As far as English goes, like we can't say it in English without adding another word. But in Arabic, if I say if fathia has said, Now Boudicca want to stay in oka, that could mean I worship You, but I also worship lat and oza and manette. You know, in Arabic, you could say that, whereas if you say yaka Abu you alone because it's more of them. So it's the monsoon is macadam. And then yakka look at using the damir there with iaca. Because just the fact that it's it's it's not muscle with it.

01:03:48 --> 01:03:51

It's indicating a transcendence in the actual calligraphy.

01:03:53 --> 01:04:10

Because if I said, No Boudicca, the calf is connected to me that to my verb, now, Boudicca, that calf is more docile. But when you say yakka, the calf is separate. It's one fossil, and that's his.

01:04:12 --> 01:04:14

Arabic, it's amazing language.

01:04:17 --> 01:04:47

So the senses are there. I mean, I, you know, I think you have to be careful with a lot of Personally, I think people have to be very careful. I've always warn people about getting involved you have to because there are a lot of fraudulent people out there. Just it's just the way it is. And so you just have to be very careful, but there are genuine people that can help you on your path to Allah and, and there can be very valuable.

01:04:48 --> 01:04:49


01:04:53 --> 01:04:57

can you recommend so the translation of for a convert I mean, like I said,

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

I personally prefer

01:05:00 --> 01:05:23

arbury E I, I don't know if he was a crypto Muslim, I kind of have a suspicion. I don't know he never declared his Islam. So I can't really say that with any certainty. But he certainly indicates the solace that he got from the Quran, in his introduction is a beautiful translation. I think he knew Arabic very well. pitfalls is good. He also knew Arabic quite well, he was he was also a well known

01:05:24 --> 01:05:30

novelist, pixel, an English novelist. I've never had him I think is good.

01:05:33 --> 01:05:35

I think Thomas clears is very interesting.

01:05:36 --> 01:06:13

There, I have found a few things that I thought were problematic. But overall, it's a very interesting tafsir. He's got a beautiful, I love his style of writing. He's a minimalist, he's got a very beautiful way of wording things. He also did a gender neutral translation, which can be cumbersome and things like I took corsi where you have a lot of pronouns, but he wanted to do it to remove any he so that, you know, people modern people reading that that could be a barrier from them reading the Quran. So I think it was a very interesting

01:06:15 --> 01:06:16

idea behind it.

01:06:18 --> 01:06:47

So and then the study of Quran, there's people that attack it's, it's an extraordinary work of scholarship. And to deny that I think is is that the puzzle as a whole, you know, don't deny people, their do. It's an extraordinary and and several of the people that worked on it, we're not perennials, there is some perennialism in it, which is obviously problematic. I think most people will recognize it pretty clearly.

01:06:49 --> 01:06:56

All you have to do is Google perennialism and read about it, and then you'll know what verses but there's not that much in it.

01:06:58 --> 01:07:04

So it has a lot of really good Tafseer from classical tuff Sears.

01:07:05 --> 01:07:38

So I think it is a very useful book, but and I heard some people, I think what needs to be done is some qualified people need to go through it and then point out some of the problems with it, I think that would be the best thing to do so that people could read it with with that, you know, just it would only be a short essay on on some of the problems that are in in the, the, the effort, but it's an incredible, stunning piece of scholarship. And I don't know to deny that it's just to me, it's not really fair.

01:07:41 --> 01:07:52

What should be the project B for Muslim scholars in our age? Does the revival of a resolve these projects suffice? I mean, that's a really good question. I think

01:07:53 --> 01:08:08

we have to pray that allow brings that everybody has an other place, like to get another as Ali is, is that's going to be from God, if God sends him matambi, he'll probably be denounced by most of the scholars of

01:08:10 --> 01:08:24

you know, if they tried to do the project, but you know, that I'm, I'm going to stick with him. I'm out of his daddy, you know, I don't I know, I know, my limits. You know, everybody has to come to terms with their own mediocrity at a certain point in their life.

01:08:26 --> 01:08:39

exceptional people are just, you know, they're very rare. They do come along. And if you can identify them in your age, and then serve them. That's what I've tried to do. I think one of the most exciting I really believe that

01:08:41 --> 01:09:22

share handle of India is is magette did i mean i and people can say what they want, I think they don't know who he is. And he's also a metalhead, so they have to be careful because he's working with a set of criteria that you don't understand. I mean, I recently watched something of some people criticizing his work. And it was clear to me that they didn't know also, just from listening to the, to the criticisms that they didn't understand the mocassin tradition they so there's a lot of it's good to know who you are. delusion is real. We're all diluted to some degree. For people that know homeopathy, there's a really interesting sangkat on he's a

01:09:23 --> 01:09:59

Indian homeopath, who wrote a whole book about really the foundational problem with human beings is delusion. And so, you know, he has a whole system of homeopathy of getting to the delusion of that patient in front of you. What's his fundamental delusion and then relating it to the to the actual remedies very interesting. So people and then we don't know very much I mean, we we can think we know a lot, but we don't we're our knowledge is very limited. Even the most learned people, what people an immune immunologist, what they know about the

01:10:00 --> 01:10:36

The the immune system, really the immune system? I mean, you think you can learn it just from studying anatomy and physiology and because they're looking at it, and they're just assuming things they don't really know. I mean, there's so many things we don't know. And and scientists are very arrogant often because they think they know. And they don't. They, they, all they can do is do their best. But there should always be humility. And the great ones are humble. If you look at somebody like Richard Fineman, who was

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he won the Nobel Prize for quantum electrodynamics, I actually did his course on,

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on physics is recorded. So it was a course that he used to teach at

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Cal Poly, and brilliant man. And he's like, he's at the highest levels of physics. And he, his definition of physics was our expanding horizon, the expanding horizon of our own ignorance.

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In other words, the more we know, the more we find out, the more we find out, the less we know.

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That's what he was saying. So for instance, biologists like Darwin thought that when you go into the cell, it's going to get simpler and simpler.

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He thought proto because they didn't have microscopes that we have today. So he thought it would get simpler because he thought his whole theory is based on simple to complex. But what they found is the opposite the deeper you go, the more complex it gets. One cell has more genetic information than than the 25 million volumes in the Library of Congress.

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The complexities beyond belief so so the humans should we should just admit we're ignorant well teach them in a lead me Luckily, you've only been given a little bit of knowledge. And then we get arrogant with knowledge with knowledge. You know, if you ever watch because I lived in date orchard when I was in

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the Emirates, I was a mom in a Masjid there. And all my the people that prayed were all African people. And you know, I was molecules. I prayed my hands at my side, and then I read wash. So they were convinced I was just a total ignoramus. So they went and brought this chef to come test me. Chef gel Allah Jalaluddin. Use athalon eemaan in another Masjid. And so he came, he gave me a test. And then he said, I told them all he's okay. And after that, they bring me dead trays of dates and treated me really nicely. But I this date orchard that I was in the masjid was in the middle of the day torture. So dates, when they first shoot, there's it's very straight up. But as the dates ripen,

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it gets heavier and heavier, and it gets lower and lower. That's why the prompts at the moment is like a date pump. So the more knowledge you get the humbler you should get. Because the more you know, you don't know.

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A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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Drink deep or taste, not the pirate and spring for shallow drops in toxic ate the brain. And drinking deeply sobers us again.

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The pirate and spring was the in the mythologies, a source of knowledge. So drink deep or don't drink because a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Where can one learn?

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start learning a song of philosophy.

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I would first learn Islamic tradition, like philosophy is, I would not suggest trying to learn Islamic philosophy I would, I would try to learn followed by once you've learned for nine you can study other things but fall behind first. And then I would really recommend I mean, we have a philosophy track as a tuna in the MA program. The reason for that is we need to have scholars that understand the current

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worldview, you have to understand it like ghazali, who learned the peripatetic philosophy and then wrote his book to have that philosophy but if you don't have people that know it, how can they refute it respond to it? We see Muslims now drinking the kool aid in so many areas. I mean, really adopting things that are very alien to our tradition. So these are problems that we have, you know, in our community, so say Allah, may Allah reward all of you, that's all of you inshallah, increase us elevate us inshallah, may Allah subhana wa Tada. Bless your Ramadan these last days. Shall we have a few more days? Allah says I am meant to do that a few days. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala.

01:14:53 --> 01:15:00

inshallah, give you tofi I would really hope that people that are watching will support the

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College, I hope that you send a gift, even if it's just a small gift. There's a lot of Baraka, you never know where the Baraka is, but whatever you're able to do, please help the college we're really trying to do something, I think is very important here. And we're stewards for now, people who come after us we're building so people after us won't have to build. So I hope they appreciate the works. Because I certainly I, I'm just completely in awe of what he might not have is that he did. And I saw something when I first read it, I literally it made me cry. He said that

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the work that I've done has been done largely without help. And it had I had one I could have done so much more had I had helpers and the prophesies that I'm told us that towards the latter days, he said that people would have the reward of 50 and they said 50 of them or of us, he said have you any they could not add Wow, how is that he said you have helpers to do your that they won't have any helpers. So inshallah whatever help you can give

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it it really is beneficial. And I also want to thank Harun and naman and all the technical people that have been working here May Allah bless them. inshallah. Sarah Marie Kumara Slovak

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