Muiz Bukhary – 27th Night Ramadan Reminder – The Path to Seeking Forgiveness

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the need to address the issue of forgiveness and the potential consequences of the war in India. They emphasize the importance of acknowledging the consequences and finding forgiveness. The speakers stress the need to motivate oneself and pray for the heart to avoid harming others. They also emphasize the importance of planning ahead for events like the ratchet of death and the rise of the sun in the sky, and stress the importance of not allowing anyone to do too many good deeds. They emphasize the need for everyone to have a good heart and not be afraid of others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, I think we can begin then.

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A Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam mohyla shawfield ambia evil mursaleen Nabina wa Habibi now karate ioannina Mohammed bin Abdullah alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi of la sala de Vita Mata Salim.

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We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We ask him the almighty the Lord of all worlds the exalted to send his choices of blessings and salutations upon the final messenger, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path without more sincerity until the day of the AMA. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam We sincerely make dua we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses each and every one of us to make the most out of these last 10 nights of Ramadan. And we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses us all to attain a little quarter to attain the night of power, the Night of

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Decree, I mean,

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we are in the last sprint of this blessed month, the month of Ramadan. And along with that, our hearts are heavy. Our hearts are sad with the departing of this beautiful month. And when we look around us, we see what's happening to our brethren in Philistine

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we see the difficulty we see the cruelty we see the oppression that they are undergoing and and our hearts go out to them. And on the on the flip side, the pandemic is is ravaging you look at what's happening in India. You look at a lot of places, most parts of the world they are either in lockdown or in partial lockdown coming out of lockdown going into the third wave. So the end, conclusion that we arrive very swiftly is that we see fit then we see trials and tribulations around us we see challenges we see difficulties around us. And at this juncture, my dear brother, my dear sister, it's it's I know it's difficult, it's very hard and our hearts are drooping. We are in this abyss of

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despair. We are sad we are full of grief. But at this juncture we need to turn to the Quran. We need to turn to the Quran we need to turn to the Sunnah of Mohammed Salawat Robbie was Allahu LA for solace for relief for guidance. We are living in very trying and chaotic times my dear brothers and sisters, there's no doubt about it. We're living in very trying and chaotic times. Like I said earlier on, on one side you have the pandemic raging you have you have all these sicknesses unheard of Subhanallah gripping the world and at every other juncture you see cruelty you see oppression, you see evil you see darkness, spreading its its tentacles Subhan Allah at a juncture like this, my

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dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to turn to the Quran and the Sunnah. And this evening tonight we are going to be reflecting on a very powerful solution that has been given to us through the Quran and Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam.

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Firstly, to put things in perspective, we need to understand that it is within our own hands to bring about a change. You see each and every one of us we are going through different trials, we're going through difficult different difficulties, we're going through different challenges. For some it may be medical For some it may be financial For some it may be you know other related problems. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Noble Quran in surah two room verhaal fossa do feel badly well Bahar Bhima Casa but ad nas luzia cohoon Bye hongbao levy ami Lula Allah home your Jerome

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verhaal. facade Duffield Marie will buffer the facade corruption corruption has manifested has appeared throughout the land and by sea Bhima cassava but ad nurse because of what the hands of the people have earned. Lee Cahoon Baba lhaviyani Lula Allah whom you're German, so that he has a Virgil may let them taste part of the consequences, if you will, the ramifications of what they have done so that perhaps they will turn back to him like alohomora June so that they will turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So if you're going through a trial, you

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If you're going through a difficulty if you're going through a challenge, you need to be aware that this is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. In a move that you should turn back to him subhanho wa Taala and that's what this reminder is going to be all about. It is about the path of seeking forgiveness, and insha Allah tala, I want to try and address this topic, seeking forgiveness from a slightly

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different angle.

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And to do that, we first need to be aware, we need to acknowledge the problem. You see, at the end of the day, you and I, we can easily identify ourselves as perpetual sinners, we regularly commit sins.

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And we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala accepts our tober we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala accepts our seeking of forgiveness and we sincerely seek forgiveness from him the Almighty, the the most forgiving, the Most Merciful.

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You have to understand my dear brother, my dear sister, the consequences of sin, the ramifications of sin, to understand the depth and the gravity of of wrongdoing of transgression of sin. You see, there's a Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Hadith is an authentic hadith it has been recorded in the book of Imam Ibn imagi Rahim Allah, and I want you all to reflect on these serious words of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Abdullah Ibn Umar radi Allahu line Huma, Paul, so Abdullah bin Amaro de la one Houma, he's saying, Aqua Bella Elena Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for call Jamar shahrul Maharaj Ji in the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he faced us and he said

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omo * rune, yamashiro Maharaja rune There are five things with which you will be tested. Allah Akbar and I seek the protection of Allah I seek refuge with ALLAH lest you live to see them. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he is addressing the Sahaba and he's selling them yamashiro Maharaja rune or yamashiro mohajir. in Omaha g rune, there are five things with which you will be tested. And I seek refuge with ALLAH lest you live to see them.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he goes on to mention the five things number one, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions that when immorality appears amongst a people to such an extent that they start committing it openly.

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If you have far harsher in morality in decency, you see all of this happening in the open. People start committing it openly perpetrating it openly. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, plagues and diseases that were never known amongst the people of the past will spread amongst them a lot.

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The words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, well my anticline in her in her Illa you knew her? He does not speak out of his own desires. My dear brothers and sisters, your messenger he does not speak out of his own desires, but he speaks his divine revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. With regards to the deen and look at what he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, When immorality appears amongst the people to such an extent that they start committing it openly, they start perpetrating it openly. Look at the prophecy of the Prophet plagues and diseases, plagues and sicknesses that were at our own, while our plagues and diseases that were never known amongst the

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people of the past will start to spread amongst them. You see, you will see all these plagues, these sicknesses, these diseases spreading amongst the peoples. So these are the words of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi Wylie he will sell them

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so we seem to be getting some comments in Facebook saying that the volume is low.

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How is it now can you hear better?

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Is it better now?

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Let me know in the comments, is it better?

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Is the volume better now? Let me know in the comments. Please.

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have adjusted it. And also just try increasing the volume on your devices as well.

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The volume is okay.

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I can hear it loud and clear. So the the brothers were saying that the volume is low, please try to increase it on your devices in Sharla because I've set it at max.

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It's at max. Alright, I can't think I can't increase it any further. So I please yeah, okay, have increased it. Alright, hello. Let's continue with Java.

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Does I come here for the feedback? May Allah bless you all, may Allah bless you all. Alright.

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So coming back to this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. As you can see, he's saying, but in morality, the minute immorality starts to appear. plagues and diseases that were never known amongst the people of the past will spread amongst us Subhan Allah, look at this situation. I mean, think of this, this pandemic that we are in, it's gripping the world, wave after wave. And the people of the past. Yes, they experienced plagues, they experienced sicknesses, but this is Subhanallah unheard of. Look at look at the way it's mutating. Look at the way it's spreading. Look at the way it's gripping mankind and look at how contagious it is. The fact that we

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have to, you know, so much of safety guidelines that need to be adhered. And at the end of the day, it's for our safety and we really need to be cooperating with our local, you know, authorities wherever there is a lockdown. Please adhere to the guidelines and stay home as much as possible. Please stay safe. We pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala eases our affairs and Allah brings about a cure, and that Allah takes us all back to normalcy soon. I mean, not to go on with the narration, the prophecy, that's number one. And then the next. The next test that he said a lot while he was lm goes on to mention the next thing from the five things is that

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when they start cheating in weights and measures in weights and measures, so in business in trade, you will see a lot of lying, a lot of corruption. You see, so if it is in a traditional form of business, where you have to weigh and sell, they start to cheat in the ways and measures. So this can be you know, based on analogy you can apply to almost every industry that you are in. So in business in trade, you will see a lot of a lot of lying a lot of false hood, a lot of treachery, a lot of betrayal. And is that not the case today in the marketplace as my dear brothers and sisters? Is it not the place into is it not happening in today's industries? Today you you're scared at times

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you have money and you want to invest, but you're scared to invest. Why? Because people are hoodwinking one another charlatans fraudsters scams going on scam after scam so that's the word you don't hear when you look at the traditional word cheating in Weights and Measures you may think that it's not applicable. But don't you think the word scam is familiar? Why because constantly be reading right scam here scam there. This scam that scam, scam after scam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he goes on to say, When this happens, they will be stricken with famine, they will be stricken with severe calamity and their rulers will begin to oppress them May Allah protect us

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The rulers will start to oppress them.

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Now, this is why I started off with the idea before we move to the solution we first need to identify the problem. We need to identify the problem and create an awareness about that we first need to realize that it is because of our own hands.

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We are putting forward all of this Subhanallah we tend to grumble and complain oh why is this happening to us? Why is that happening to us? But we need to understand by the doings of some of us. We're putting everyone into trouble. May Allah protect us And may Allah ease of affairs.

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So that's number two in the list. Number three, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says they will they will begin to withhold their Zakah and the narration goes along the lines of these words, yeah, I'll come across them, they will start to withhold the zecca of their wealth. And because of withholding the zecca of their wealth does a cat basically, rain will be withheld from the sky and wait not for the animals. No rain would fall upon them at all. A law.

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They won't give out there's a cat properly.

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Today think of it. There are a chunk of us who don't give out Zakat at all. We think why why should I give from my hard earned wealth?

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another chunk of us give out Zakat yes but we don't give it appropriately. We don't study about it. We don't further our knowledge about this occur. We just randomly calculate a certain amount and just give it away to you know

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anyone. This is not the way how Zakat is supposed to be administered. It's a certain amount from

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Certain types of wealth and it also needs to go to certain types of people. That is when you have fulfilled your obligation. Let's say you wake up for Serato fetcher. And instead of praying how you supposed to be praying Serato fudger, you end up doing something else. Let's say you roll on the ground, you wake up at the time for some other feature, okay? You perform your ablution. And instead of praying to rock,

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you roll on the ground, and you're like, you know, this is going to be my future. Now, will it be accepted, it won't be accepted. So similarly is a cat needs to be given out a certain way. It's an obligation, a divine obligation, and you need to understand my dear brother, my dear sister, that percentage of Zakat that is in your wealth is not your money. It's not your wealth. It belongs to the recipients of Zakat, it is a divine obligation, a mandatory obligation that needs to be given out. So the Prophet here in this Hadith, he says that, they will be told there's a cut of their wealth, and because of that, the rain will be withheld from the sky, and by it not for the animals,

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no rain would fall upon them at all. And this has been also interpreted in such a way that you will have rain, but it will rain in places where you don't need the rain and Subhanallah do we not see that happening? It's raining in the cities where we don't need rain, sometimes you know, but where you have vegetation, where you have agriculture going on, not a drop of rain, and we stricken with famine stricken with drought,

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ease of affairs, the next item on the list of the proposal alysus dimensions in this Hadeeth that they will break their covenant with Allah and His Messenger, they will break their covenant with Allah and His messenger and because of that, Allah will enable the enemies to overpower them, the enemies in other words, our enemies will overpower us.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes on to say, unless they are leaders rule,

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as per the book of Allah and seek all good from that which Allah has revealed. So you have the leaders of the community, right? You have, you have important people, you have leaders who are leading the community, if they don't follow the Quran and the Sunnah. Allah will cause them to fight one another we will start to fight amidst ourselves and is that not what's happening today? Subhan Allah, we are fighting amidst ourselves, are we not? We are fighting amidst ourselves. We are bickering and fighting amongst ourselves, when we could unite and do so much of good instead, we are fighting amongst ourselves and these are all prophecies put forth by the prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam. So many brothers and sisters in Islam, you need to understand the ramifications of sin, you need to understand the dark consequences of sin. You see the month of Ramadan, we know that the month of Ramadan, the Sheltie and the devils are all shackled up. And there is this beautiful spirit of goodness. But this month is rapidly slipping away from us. And we are going to go back and see that's the thing. We need to really motivate ourselves and remind ourselves not to go and slip back into the same dark abyss all over again. It needs to it needs to serve as a stepping stone for us to turn over a new leaf.

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See, we have turned to Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to continue that journey, you know and keep that momentum. We need to keep going on that same momentum. Not go back again to our old and bad ways. May Allah save us all.

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The more a person indulges his indulgence in sin, his heart too begins to darken his heart. His or her heart begins to harden. You see once there was an individual

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who goes to Ali bin Abi taalib rhodiola one you know the son in law of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Ali bin Abu Talib rhodiola one, he goes to him and he says the amirul momineen in the Hadith for him to Salah believe

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in indeed I have been deprived of prayer at night I find it difficult to pray. I find it difficult to pray. So in other words, he's saying I'm finding it difficult to pray. I'm finding it difficult to do good deeds at night. And Ali rhodiola one who he says, and Roger alone for the year that no book and Taraji alone called the kazoo no book, you are a man. Your sins have shackled you your sins are weighing you down. So my dear brother, my dear sister, if you are finding it difficult to do good deeds, if you're finding it difficult to savor the recitation of the Quran to relish the recitation of the Quran, if you are finding it difficult to stand in front of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala to stand in Salah if you are finding it difficult to give out sadaqa if you are finding it difficult to give up zaca See, the difficulties attached to the worship is one thing let's say going on Hajj is not necessarily an easy journey. It's a journey with a lot of difficulty, but still

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Amidst the difficulty, you know, deep down you're being rewarded by Allah subhanho wa Taala and that serves as a driving force, but to despise the deed where you don't even feel like reading the Quran you don't even feel like praying at all. you despise it you don't save it. You don't relish it, then you should know that your sins are weighing you down like a heavy anchor. Your sins have shackled, you shackled you and you need to work towards turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala and purifying yourself My dear brother, my dear sister. So like I mentioned earlier on sins kill the heart. For every sin. There is a dark spot that forms on the heart. And if you don't swiftly polish your heart

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and cleanse it, the dark spots, like tumors and like a cancer, it will start to spread an envelope the heart until the entire heart becomes black and dark. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said, Allah, we're in nephila Jessa de Moldova. Indeed, in the body, there is a piece of flesh, either solid, solid * Jessa dokolo II that piece of flesh is upright if that piece of flesh is good, then the entire body is upright the entire body is good for either fossa that, if that piece of flesh is bad, first, we'll just do the entire body becomes bad becomes corrupt becomes evil. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam goes on to identify that piece of

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flesh Allah here called know that it is the heart I mean, Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to purify our hearts. I mean, may Allah azzawajal keep our heart soft and supple, soft and tender, soaking his remembrance soaking his words, soaking the messages of the Prophet ik teachings sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in another Hadees when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was talking about taqwa, he went on to say a taqwa Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata Hakuna Chateau de la Sol de salles and he pointed towards his chest and said taqwa is over here. taqwa is over here. Daca is over here. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, you understand that the heart is the seat of

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taqwa. taqwa is to be mindful of Allah subhanho wa Taala to be conscious of your makeup. And you have to understand that you know these good deeds.

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We pray that when we stand in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala we will see mountains and mountains of good deeds in sha Allah Allah Imam even if I am Rahim, Allah He mentions

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that good deeds do not vary, okay? They do not vary in terms of their outwardly appearances. In other words, the quality of good deeds don't necessarily vary based on their outwardly appearances or based on quantity. See, some of us were thinking of only quantity, you know, how many how many records can I pray? How much of money can I give? How many Quran Can I complete? You see, we are only focusing on the number, you see. See, it's not only about the number, my dear brother, my dear sister, the scholar, the chef, he goes on to say that the actual distinction is based on the hearts based on the hearts It is based on your intention.

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And a good example to illustrate, let's say an individual gives out a million dollars, a million dollars, and you have another individual giving out only $10 Okay, $1,000,000.10 dollars, Person A is giving out a million dollars, Person B is giving $10.

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Person A is giving out that $1 million

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with an intention. In other words, he's doing it for sure. Let's say he's doing it for name and fame. He is doing it to be known as a very charitable individual in society in the community. He is doing it for popularity. He is doing it to you know, be in the front of certain magazines and whatnot saying that he has given this much of charity, a very charitable individual and all that stuff. The other individual that $10 very secretly full of a floss full of sincerity, he gives out the $10 I asked you my dear brother, my dear sister, which of these deeds Do you think you will see in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala now in terms of outwardly appearance, Subhan Allah $1 million, a

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lot of money, right? So much of good and all of that stuff. But which deed do you think will stand in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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I don't think I have to answer that question. And you yourself

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would answer it.

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So this is why it is of utmost importance, that in terms of our good deeds, we do them with the right mindset.

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with with with the right heart with the right intention.

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This is how important the heart of an individual is see another Hadith I want to mention that this hadith is recorded.

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Again, it's an authentic hadith and if I'm not mistaken it's recorded in the book of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reputed to have said, temptations, temptations, temptations, in other words,

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if eaten trials and temptations will be presented to the heart of an individual, just like a read mat. You know, these read mats in some of the massage, you have them, you know, these read maths, they are maths that are woven, and you have these read sticks one after the other. So the example that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is citing the Hadith is that temptations will be presented to the heart of an individual like a reed Matt is woven stick by stick.

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So in other words, temptation after temptation trial after trial fitna, after fitna will be presented to the heart of an individual

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and the heart that is impregnated by them that soaks in these temptations, we'll have a look that on soudha, a black mark put onto it.

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And the heart that rejects these temptations, these trials, these phippen will have a white spot put on it.

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And the result is that there will now be two types of hearts one white like a white stone, the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which will not be harmed by any turmoil, any temptation, so long madam.

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So long as the heavens and the earth India and the other heart black and and suit colored, you know black like an overturned vessel, it will not understand what is good or what is right. It will not understand because it's dark, it's black. It's impregnated with passion, with with wrong desires and it's an overturned vessel smiddy brothers and sisters Islam as you can see, this is how important it is to maintain a pure heart and to stay away from sin.

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Now, another thing that you know we are all concerned with risk, risk provision Yes or no? Every single day, when we wake up, we are worried we are concerned. How am I to put food on the table I need to earn X amount of money, yes or no? Now I want you all to internalize the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this regard Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam Ahmed an Imam even imagine Rahim Allah, it is again an authentic hadith it is a it is a you can integrate it as a lesson Hadith

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the narrator thoburn rhodiola one who called Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said,

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Nothing increases one's lifespan, except righteousness. And nothing repels the Divine Decree except supplication. If something were to, you know, repel or change Divine Decree, it would be through do it you can achieve that. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam goes on to say, Man, an individual may be deprived of his risk of His provision, by a sin that he commits.

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So by committing sins, you are restricting yourself from a pure prohibition from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now let this hadith

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settle in your minds and hearts. I want you to internalize this but at this juncture, okay, whilst internalizing this Hadith, I'm sure a question arises in your minds and in your hearts, you might be thinking, but then, shall we see people who are bellowing in sin I mean, in manifest open sin, but yet they are leading luxurious lives. They seem to have you know, mansions if you will, expensive cars, they have access to a lot of wealth, you see, abundance in wealth now as per this Hadeeth sins restrict provision, yes or no. So how come they're enjoying all of this? How come they have all of this whilst openly they are committing so much of sin? openly they have rejected Allah subhanho wa

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Taala Hannah,

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my dear brother, my dear sister, I'd like to answer that question with the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says and the Hadith is recorded in the book of Allah Muhammad and this is another serious Hadith

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either Allah your habit Amina dunya Allah ma si Hema you him for in ma who was did the Raj

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if you see that Allah is giving an individual

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from this dunya all that he wishes whilst he is engaging in sin whilst he is engaging in wrongdoing then you should know that this is instead the Raj in the Arabic language is the Raj can loosely be defined almost like

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you know, when you when you fish you throw the bait into the water right

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now what does the fish think the fish things Oh tasty looking bait

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and then the fish jumps and basically hooks itself onto the bait. And now before reeling the fish in, what happens is at times you you loosen the the the fishing rod if you will to give it a little bit of a slack before you read the fish in. So this is to the Raj, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, you are given some despite you are let loose to indulge in all of your desires and what your heart wishes. So now you are in this you know in this in this mirage of fantasy where you're thinking, Oh, you know I have all that my heart desires. Why do I have to turn to Allah? Why do I have to do good deeds? I mean, despite what I am, I can do whatever I want to do and I have access

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to all of this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentions this and then he goes on to read filamin asuma leuke Ruby fatahna I lay him abueva coolish he had either 30 hobbema Auto hauls now home Botha for either home Mobley soon. So when they forgot our reminder lysing this in the corner and when they forgot our reminder we opened for them the gates of every good, every good. So they're enjoying in abundance, they're valuing in luxury and they think that they are in prosperity. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentions we opened for them those of good until they became proud with what we gave them and then a horse Menachem Baja, we took them away all of a sudden, and lo and

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behold, they were plunged into destruction. So media brother media sister good example would be around around a diabolical ruler, an oppressor a tyrant. Allah gave him everything.

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He was one of the most powerful rulers and what was his end, my dear brother, my dear sister, what was his end at the end of the day? So similarly, you should know that if you are enjoying blessings and you have not turned to Allah then it's extremely scary. Because at any juncture, everything could be stripped away and you could be plunged into destruction. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to take heed of his reminders in the Quran and in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, now that we have, to a certain degree understood the ramifications of sin, we have understood the gravity of sin, the consequences of sin, it is

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imperative that we turn to Allah subhana wa Tada. We turn to him as a Virgil in in Toba.

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You see when you turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in Toba, Allah subhana wa Taala is waiting to forgive you of your sins. Allah azza wa jal he introduces himself in many places in the Koran in Allah has often in Allah have afford Indeed Allah is the most forgiving the Most Merciful. La takana to me Rahmatullah do not lose hope do not despair in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So regardless of however many sins you have committed, my dear brother, my dear sister, now you've understood the detrimental effects of sin, the consequences of sin, the dark ramifications of sin. Now you need to understand that regardless of however many sins you have committed, if you turn to

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Allah in sincere Toba, Eliza Virgil is going to forgive you of your sins, and Toba is understood as being one of the cornerstones of what it means to be a true believer a true Muslim. Eliza Virgil addresses the believers yeah you are Latina amanu in a la Hito. But then NASA when talking about the when addressing the believers or you who believe turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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In sincere Toba, so as you can see the ones who are being addressed are the believers not not just the transgressors and the wrongdoers but rather the me known or you who have brought in Eman. Turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in sincere

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Toba in another place Alize he says to Boo in Allah Hey Jimmy and you help me known law law come to flee Hoon, turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala all of you or believers, Laila come to flee home so that you are victorious and successful in this world as well as the next. So when talking about the conditions of tober, they can be broken down into into a few easy steps. Number one, being you need to seize with regards to that particular sin. In other words, you need to come out of the sin that you are in whilst indulging in that particular sin. You can't expect to

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perform a sincere Toba. So you need to come out of the scene entirely.

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of cola in the Arabic language, then you need to have an Adam and Adam regret. Your heart must burn with the regret of having committed that sin.

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My dear brother, my dear sister, it is better for your heart to burn with regret in this world than to taste the fire of Jan.

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Would you not agree? It is better for our hearts to burn with the regret of having committed those sins, rather than having to taste the burning fire of jahannam. May Allah azzawajal protect us all from the fire of Johanna Amin.

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So Olive color and Adam in the Arabic language, Allah abandoning the sin and Adam,

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regret sincere regret, alarmism firm determination and commitment not to repeat the same and you need to at that point, formulate a pure intention not to return to the same. I hope that's clear. You need to formulate a pure intention not to return to that sin. And the last step before I get into that step, you also have to understand that at an individual level, at an individual level, this Toba needs to be done before what is known as

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the rattle of death, the rattle of death Sakura to the mouth,

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that rattle of death when the Angel of Death comes and stands in front of you. And now when you know it's your time to go, because the angel of death that is not going to give you even one second extra, you will beg and you will plead but it will not be given to you. And when he comes in stands in front of you and when the veils have been lifted and you see this worldly life for what it truly is. Your Toba is not going to be accepted at that at that juncture. So before the rattle of death, and that is a scary moment. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself is reported to have said, towards his latter stages in a little multi

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soccer art in a little multi soccer art. Indeed, that has its pains, its rattles, if you will, may Allah May Allah bless us all with beautiful endings. I mean, I mean,

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so at an individual level, your tober needs to happen before the rattle of death.

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And at the collective level, the Toba needs to happen before the sun rises from the west. The sun rising from the west is from the major science of the day of karma, you have 10 major signs of the day of karma. And from these 10 are SRA to saddle Cobra from these 10 major signs. One is that the sun will rise from the west. So normally it rises from the east, this rising from the west, some of us take it very lightly. But for it to rise from the west, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, you will have to experience huge cosmological changes it's going to be a

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huge, huge a colossal phenomenon that all of us are going to witness. And only Allah knows how that you know, I mean certain Allah knows best I mean, certain orbital tracks would have to change for the sun to rise from the from the from the rest SubhanAllah. When that happens at a collective level, the dose of Toba will be slammed shut. So your tober needs to happen before these two occurrences at an individual level before your own psychological mode at a collective level before the sun rises from the west. And the last step, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam is to restore the rights of others.

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You see, one is you have hokuriku law, the rights of Allah that you may have infringed that you may have transgressed. Now that is between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is the most forgiving and as per the teachings of the Prophet salaallah Islam Allah is more forgiving and more merciful and to us than our than even our own mothers. This

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at the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala at the mercy of Allah is a budget.

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But when it comes to Coco cola Habad, the rights of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If your sin,

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if your sin is a sin where you have violated the rights of others, then you must seek amends, you must seek to make amends through every possible means, depending on the situation, depending on the situation.

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Let's say you have

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slandered somebody, or back bitten about someone to the extent that you have defamed that individual and you violated the rights of another individual. Now you would have to seek amends, let's say you broke the heart of an individual, you would have to seek to make amends. Because otherwise this individual can claim his right from you on the day of Oklahoma.

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And that is going to be a very dismal state of affairs, don't you think? So? We are with a lot of difficulty you have accumulated good deeds and this is why you have to remind yourselves My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, you're striving so hard to accumulate good deeds, but by backbiting you know what you're doing, you're transferring your good deeds just like that. Subhan Allah, you're transferring your good deeds, the good deeds that you strove so hard to do. And on the day of karma, when you will stand in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala with in sha Allah mountains of good deeds, you wouldn't want someone or people to line up and start claiming your good deeds. That's going to

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be a scary situation. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes this individual known as a morphus, a bankrupt individual, he will go with a lot of good deeds, but because he has infringed the rights of others, they will all queue up and take the good deeds scoop the good deeds from this individual until he is left with no good deeds at all. But the line has still not finished. People are still waiting, and don't you think so today? Today, there are people, you know, Subhanallah you have wronged the rights of so many people in trade, you have taken, you know, loans and you have not paid them back and you've taken investments and you've cheated people you have usurped the rights of

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people, you have broken the hearts of people. So what do you think in this world, perhaps you can escape? You can switch off your phone, you can run away to another country, you can hide somewhere, but on the day of karma, in the court of Allah, in the court of Allah, where are you going to hide? Where are you going to run away?

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And they will claw away at all of the little good deeds that you have. And now when you don't have any good deeds, what's the currency? It's not going to be crypto, it's not going to be Bitcoin. It's not going to be USD. It's not going to be GBP. What's the currency there? allama sila, good deeds. Now you don't have any good deeds bank balance zero. So now how are you going to set off accounts with these people, their sins will be transferred to this individual law.

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He started off with so many good deeds and he will be left behind with now mountains of sins. He is a moralist, the bankrupt individual may Allah save us all from such a plight. I mean, even if your good deeds are little, my dear brother, my dear sister, let's say you don't have mountains of good deeds, just you're doing a few good deeds. Just make sure that your heart is clean. Make sure that your heart is clean. Make sure you're not backbiting about others. Make sure that you're not infringing the rights of others and if you do a few good deeds in sha Allah in the eyes of Allah, you are successful. Just make sure that you don't infringe the rights of others. This is what a lot

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of us we are weak at my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Because with the rights of Allah you need to understand Allah is so forgiving, so forgiving.

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I mentioned this hadith all the time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions. They were once together. A mother is looking for her child frantically.

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Perhaps they were about to help the mother looked for her child, okay. And then they spot the mother supporting her child. So initially there was there was fear. There was sadness, etched on the face of the mother, and the minute she finds her child. Now you can see relief washing down the face of the mother. She rushes to her child, she hugs the child brings the child close to her bosom. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba they were moved by the spectacle and the Prophet seizes this opportunity to educate the Sahaba and by extension, all of us he asks them, do you think this mother would throw her child into a fire? Abubakar Viola one who was moved to tears and they

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said, No, you're sort of

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the prophets that allow you to do something says Allah is many, many more times more merciful than this

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mother used to her sleep is to her child. Allah is many, many more times more merciful to his slaves then this mother is to her child.

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Allahu Akbar, the Hadith of the last person to enter Jenna, this person, my dear brothers, my dear sisters will almost stumble into the fire of jahannam and he will be saved and he will thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for saving him from the fire of Johanna, the last person to enter Jana By the way, the last person and he will see a tree and because of being so close to the fire, he will pray unto Allah Allah let me fall by the tree, let me you know, take some rest by the tree. And it will be said Allah will tell that individual what will make you stop asking me or my slave and this man this poor man will say Allah, if you allowed me to fall by the tree, that is enough for me, his wish will

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be answered and he will be granted respect and permission to fall by the tree. He falls by the shade of the tree and he sees another tree that looks even more beautiful. And there's water running underneath perhaps and is this not the nature of men? He immediately cries adiala can I make it to the other tree? And again Allah will address this level my slave what will make you stop asking me and this man will say y'all I just want to make it to this tree again his request will be answered and he will make it to the second tree now he sees a third tree even grander with a bigger shade if you will. Again he bleeds into alarm. Again the the the question that is asked is what will make you

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stop asking me and the man has no y'all I just want to make it to the story. He'll be given permission to be to go to the third tree the entire narration goes along the lines of these words. Now he's by the gates of Jenna and perhaps he can hear the people of Jenna he can hear them Mary making them frolicking them being happy in Jun nine is a heart yearns for Jenna and he prays unto Allah, Allah

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and now Allah subhanho wa Taala will address that slave or my slave.

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Will it make you happy? And will you stop asking me if you are granted entry into Jenna and if you are given an agenda that is equivalent to this dunya the last person to enter Jannah this man will cry out y'all Allah How are you making fun of me Allah you making a mockery out of me. Even in my sorority Allah one who was the narrator of the Hadith he smiles at that juncture. And he looks at the people around him and he says, will you all not ask me why I'm smiling? And then they will all ask him.

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Why are you smiling? And he will say the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam smiled at the same juncture. And we all asked him Yeah, rasulillah Why are you smiling? And the sort of lies that allow while he was lm told us that Allah, Allah, our Habib, our beloved, Allah will smile at that juncture. And he will say, Oh, my slave, I'm not making a mockery out of you. Rather, I am Allah and I'm all powerful, and I'm able to do whatever I wish. This is the last person to enter Jannah and what I'm trying to illustrate here, my dear brothers, my dear sisters, is the mercy of Allah is Ever Ever encompassing. This is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it is imperative

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it is important that we remind ourselves of the mercy of Allah azza wa jal at this juncture

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at this point, because we're going to seek the forgiveness of Allah we're going to turn to a line since thetop. So you need to understand that Allah is waiting for you to seek His forgiveness. So my dear brothers and sisters, Islam tonight could be a little hotter. Tonight could be a little colder. So turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Begging for the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal make a sincere intention to turn over a new leaf. As you bid farewell to this month of Ramadan, ensure that you turn over a new leaf and that you don't go back to your old ways. turn over a new leaf and progress towards goodness progress towards light. May Allah Subhana Allah bless each and every one of us. I

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would like to conclude the reminder with a Doha insha Allah Allah and you can all say amin to the DA and with that we will conclude this reminder

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