Hamza Yusuf – The Neglected Sunnahs

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The abuse of traffic laws by Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam has been criticized, with the legal principles of protection for life and religion being criticized. The speaker discusses the use of shaming to show one's credential, the tension between desire and fear, and the expense of disputing accusations of Muslim fraud in the West. The importance of love in shaping behavior and the tension between desire and fear is emphasized, along with the need for people to be aware of the consequences of their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Law spinarak ma ma ma ma salada Sita Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam to sudima along with Dana mitica. One Charlene and biometrika, the other injera direct from Salida, Madison, Mohammed, Ali, wasabi and Karen. What are Hoda? quwata illa Allah Allah Allah and Alvin Hamza 100, a wooden statue sheffy 131 attack a llama. Step, Step

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Four of what I wanted to talk about was,

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so it's bad for a student to speak in front of his teacher. So May Allah forgive us our bad Adam, the topic is about neglected sooner. And

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there's no doubt that the Sunnah in its entirety, has been neglected. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Man, as soon as Eva Anima, Jani, whoever brings my son to life, it's as if he brought me back to life of a honey for the lawn, who saw in a dream that he had the bones of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam before him, and he was assembling them, putting them together. And he asked one of the people who knew about dreams, what that meant, and he said that he would be one of the people that clarified his teaching to the people. Because the shediac, the prophets of light Islam gave us is more of a constitutional law than statute law. Law is divided into constitutional

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law, which is when you look at the principles that you have the legal principles in law, the power of law, and then you have statute law, which is the colognian and Makana, the laws that you follow. It's prohibited to stop at a stoplight, to go through a stoplight. Why is that prohibited? Why is that a law because there's a constitutional idea that the preservation of life and the protection of life is something that the government is supposed to do to protect people's lives. So the government acknowledges that if we don't have traffic laws, statute laws, then lives are harmed. So much of what the prophet SAW the lady what it was send them gave us our constitutional principles, legal

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principles that we then in turn, are also lunars scholars about school, look at them, and look at them or posit or the intentions behind them, and then implement them. Now one of the intentions of our religion is the preservation of religion itself. However, the dean, this is at the root of the Islamic tradition. And how is the religion preserved? It's preserved through worship through monastic, we're now in the the laity. Asha, we're in the 10 days of the ledger, and each month has things that we do that are specific to that month, because every month has those devotional practices that you do. There are four jus mas in every month, there are five prayers each day, and

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then certain things happen in different months, that are also acts of devotion, Ramadan, so all of these things Allah has given us but the greatest gift that Allah subhana wa tada has given this oma, the greatest gift is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And there's no doubt about that. The Quran itself is a miracle of the Prophet. The Quran is much easier to who the Quran is proof of who he is.

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We forget that that the Quran is cunnamulla. But that qalam is a mortgage is that in order to indicate that this man is speaking on my behalf, and he's speaking to you, my creation, and through him, I'm going to speak to you what my intentions are for you.

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And it's not only through his words, but it's through his actual behavior. Because we forget that the prophets Han is the thing that impacted people more than his words. He was a man of few words, people walked into His presence and believe he mama bizarrely said that Eman is a very unusual thing. He said Eamon is not something that you can limit to berhane proofs or Kalam imageclass dialectical theology. He said anyone who says that his Eman is multideck. He said he man can come to a person in a dream. It can come to a person from a state. It can come to a person from meeting a righteous person. A man can come into your heart I met an atheist somebody who

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been an atheist.

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And he told me the moment that faith came into his heart was when he met Dr. abubaker Sirajuddin, who some people know as Martin lings, who wrote the book, the life of the Prophet. He said he was a confirmed atheist. And the moment he met that man, he said, he man enters his heart. He said, because I had never seen piety embodied in a human being before I met that man.

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Now that is a human being living in the 20th, or the early 21st century by hitting the wall Ah, he died last year. But that is a man who was living in the 21st century. How was it then for people whose hearts were open, that met the Messenger of Allah, Mr. Mirza, he says, a bad one came into the presence of the Prophet. And immediately, he believed, by seeing the property, he said, Well law, he lays Shahada, which who condemned This is not the face of a liar.

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And this is what the Arabs called fear, rasa. The ability to see in people's faces something of their reality, and he saw that he's not lying. If he's not a liar, then he's truthful, he saw them.

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And he believed so one of the things that we have forgotten of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is that he himself

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literally trying to embody his character. This is the neglected sooner. There are people that that wear beards, the beard is assumed that that people who don't even believe in Islam can share. There's a website called beards for peace. And the only reason I know about that website is because I gave a talk. And somebody actually, from beards for peace is a non Muslim organization. They grow beards for peace. And they said, Thank you for joining us. Like they were thanking me because I had a beard. So there's people that beards for peace. That's as soon as of the province a lot isn't that he wore a beard it's as soon as of the MBR.

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So that aspect, there are people the Prophet wore a short

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is on his is always short. And he's he said in power and kawaoka it's something that there's more piety and wearing a short thing, it lasts longer. It's cleaner. If you have a long it gets thread worn. So the Prophet sighs him said that, but it's also a sign of piety. Why because you're worried about an agenda

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and things getting on that thing. abubaker Radharani complained, he said jasola because the province said that people that do that out of arrogance that it's in the fire, and abubaker was a man who some people do you know, people that are always pulling up their pants. There's people like that their pants are always slipping down. abubaker delana was somebody whose EHR was always slipping down. And he said you're a pseudo law. He said my EHR slips down and the province license said you're not amongst those. In other words, you're not wearing your EHR long because you're arrogant because the Arabs some of the Arabs used to wear long E's are to show that they were wealthy because

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they could replace them as they got threadbare. So it was an act of butter.

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So the province I Sam said that that's not who abubaker omiana What so there's people who have taken the outward summon which are good that outward soon and are beautiful. Anything that you do that the province allies that I'm done, he mom

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in the tiny fat he Mama giorgianni said that there are some men that he called sunon alhuda. And then he said there are Suna zoa. Id there are sooner than houda which are those sooner szenen that you do because Shara who individualize them it's part of his practice. It's either men do his sooner, sometimes there are times when it's Medusa or it's a normal ekkada that we have different technical terms for these things. But the problem is all alive they were it was send them did things like the two rockets before fudger. He did those constantly. But then there are sunon as the law is, this is what Imam giorgianni calls it and he said these are like the way the Prophet SAT. The way he

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dressed. The way he combed his hair, the way he ate. He did these things and he said to follow those is a good thing. He said it's Fabiola. To do that. There's a story that even Omar was the learner once was on his horse, and he came to a place and he moved the horse. He literally moved the horse and one of the men never said, Why are you doing that? He said I saw the Messenger of Allah do it. He said There used to be a rock there. He said I don't care.

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In other words, I saw the messenger of a

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Do that I just want to do it. Because it was something he doesn't have that

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in and more hipper and more happy material. That's something when when you love somebody, you do what they do. And there's lyrical poetry is filled with these examples. People that fall in love, they go to extremes, they'll do anything. They'll learn a language because the person that they love knows that language

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really, they they'll learn there's people that will learn Arabic because they fell in love with the Arab

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they won't learn it for Koran or Hadith or but because Layla is Arab.

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Hello, Danny seriously, that happens. People fall in love. And suddenly they're like for Allah.

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And they're doing it not for anything spiritual just so they can say yeah, Laila in your hip buki?

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That's what they want to do. That's love. muhabba is an amazing thing. People will go to these extremes for notice. He's got his own voice. There's a para shadow, you see, to be healthy, he manga that Allah gives people voices, that whoever he wants, there's people that have beautiful voices. I was once as a true story. I was once in a place. And I heard the most beautiful voice. A talking boy, he was just talking. It was such a beautiful and I turned around. And it was a singer named Lionel Richie. I'm not making this up. And I said, and you don't have to sing, just just talk.

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And he looked at he said, I love it.

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That's a true story. I also met Marvin Gaye. In London, I was walking and he had a Nigerian had on and I thought he was a Muslim. I just come out of the mosque. And I said Salaam Alaikum. He said while he comes around. And I said Are you from Nigeria? He's from America. And I said, Really? That's a Nigerian head. He said, I have a lot of fans in Nigeria. And then I realized it was Marvin Gaye. That's what it was, but he said why they consider him. So a great elbow hanifa if somebody says that you should think that they're Muslim, if they give you the peace or anything like that, you should have tunnel vision with them and think that they're Muslim ohana.

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So, love is an amazing thing. Now one of the things that we have neglected about the Sunnah and this is what I want to talk about. If you look at the Messenger of Allah, the orientalist present two different prophets. They have a Mexican Prophet, and they have a medini prophet. Literally, if you read the books of the orientalist, they will say the Prophet Muhammad was a very wonderful man in when he was in Mecca, he was very peaceful, he was very loving and he was like a prophet. But when he got to Medina, he changed his personality change. This is very common. And there are several books now out attacking our Prophet and this is the premise of their attack is certain things that

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happened in Medina, what you have to understand is the Prophet is not a different prophet. He is the same Prophet, but his circumstances changed. And when circumstances change, people have to behave according to their circumstances. And this is why I want to explain the neglected sooner. There are many of our own ama and ally, to hammer home will you jazzy home.

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They're great people.

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But some of our own ama believe that many of the verses that were revealed in Mecca were men suha. They were abrogated was bairrada mahapurush.

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Amira, whether Nibbana mocha de bien de Masato

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Hindi Jabbar, I mean these these things in the infallibility, all these ideas of turning the other cheek, and bearing things patiently, they said, I had to say, Mr. Hutt, had Elijah and you will see this in some of the commentaries. You'll see this. So how did he know Razi in his tafsir, Matthew helheim says, These are the highest principles in human civilization, and there is no way that they have been abrogated. These are the highest principles, but what you have to understand is those principles for government, they're abrogated in government, when you are a ruler, and somebody comes to redress, they're wrong. You cannot say to the person, you know what, forget about you're wrong. I

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forgive you.

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If somebody comes and somebody stole their car, and they come to the judge, and the judge says, I know he stole your car, but let's forgive him. That's not the role of the judge. The role of the judge is not to show Rama to

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To show mercy, the role of the judge is to redress wrongs. When the province of a licen m came into political power. He became a governor. Then his his certain things that he did change from his behavior in Mecca. This is a very important point to understand, because Muslims fail to understand that his behavior in Mecca is still applicable to every individual Muslim, that's not in state authority. If you do not have state authority, the Sunnah of the prophet in Mecca, is mahkamah. The way he behaved, the way he had patience, the way he prayed for the people that were harming him, this was his character. This was his Sunnah. And he did not deviate from that Sunnah. But when he

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came into state power, when his alma was threatened by genocide, and this is why the Prophet is different from Jesus. We're in the days when these Christians I was the other day in California, looking at all the lights in my area. And it's very beautiful to see that it's some people call it light pollution. Some people call it a waste of energy, but people put up Christmas lights. And this is a it's a way of celebrating the coming of Christ, the birth of Christ. It's their molad. And so when you look at that, Jesus, and this is part of the the trouble that Christians have with Islam, is their only understanding of a prophet is Jesus. It's Isa, they don't know a prophet in power.

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They've never seen a prophet with authority. They've never seen a prophet as a general, they've never seen a prophet as a father. They've never seen a prophet as somebody who distributes vast quantities of wealth. And this is unique about our profit. If you look at this extraordinary book that Michael Hart, a Jewish historian, wrote about the 100 Most Influential People in human history, he put the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as number one. And I believe that is an honest assessment from a non Muslim Jewish man who is just simply telling it like it is. There has never been a human being in human history that was more successful than this man. And show me show me one

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prove it to me historically. Show me a man here we are in Toronto, Canada, several 1000 people and we are celebrating the Messenger of Allah. We are here because we believe that he was a father and must do. That's why we're here. There's no other reason for us to be here. But the prophets Allah lining was telling them did not just show us how to be oppressed.

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He did not just show us how to be impressed. He showed us also how to govern. He showed us how to rule he showed us magnanimity, he showed us how a conqueror should behave.

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