Hamza Yusuf – Aqida Schools

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The history of the Islamic faith is discussed, including the third leg of the roster, a woman named Missy Ashanti, and Missy Ashanti's claim to being the "uranceist" of the Islamic culture. The significance of the "atheria" in theielding of the "theological" culture is emphasized, along with the history of the he's culture, including the hasn't culture of the Islamic people. The speakers also discuss the differences between the western world and the western culture, citing examples such as the Creed of Jesus Christ and the Chinese Creed.
AI: Transcript ©
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The great formulators of this science are,

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are really three, three men

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over the Hudson Shadi is one of them. And he is a fourth century scholar who

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was one of the great martyrs unite scholars. And then he made Toba from that.

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And he became the great advocate of the what's called the ohana symbol of Gemma, which I'm going to get into in a moment. But over hessonite ashari is a very maligned scholar of late historically he was

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recognized by everybody, as being one of the great new moms, I mean, even even Tamia is very clear in his praise of an Hassan ashati. So when people attack the Saudis today, it's very odd for people that know the Islamic tradition to hear that. It doesn't mean that there weren't

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groups that were opposed historically, but they were never in numbers large enough to really warrant any, you know, serious consideration.

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And then the other one is a woman sort of naturally the, who was in what's now I understand, he was from there, and they were living at approximately the same time. And then the third one is, is probably in the hallway.

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generally, and what I was taught by a lot of my teachers was that the people of hack are the ashati in the metro DD, and everybody else is off. But I think it's undeniable

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that there is a third group of people that are the other 30 people. And

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and I think it's it's important to acknowledge that because it's not really fair to isolate that group and say that somehow they're not part of the tradition because they are. And one of the great examples of that is even after the battle, and the owner of the Mora Beltone. Very few of them were Ashanti's. It was

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out of the who brought the Ashanti method to Morocco and to end lucea.

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But prior to that, they were more athletic in their approach. And they tended to really not like what what is termed sometimes in English speculative theology or calam. So dialectical theology. But

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it's important to distinguish between the atheria who are the people of thought and stick to the, the text without really bringing in what are called the cochlea, or the rational sciences to buttress the theology. Those people were not majestic.

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They were not literalist, they were not people that thought that certain verses in the Quran were to be taken literally, they understood those verses

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did not mean what what they outwardly were saying, but they were not going to say what they meant. They really left it to note middle Bihar amaura de la, we believe in according to what God says about them, and that is also a position within the Azure AD. And then actually the schools also. So that's not just the entities, but that is the early scholars and some of the later scholars from those schools. So when we study creed, we have to understand that creed develops out of problems. When the prophets I send him came, he was not a theologian in that he didn't come with this systematic theology. He came with a truth about God, that God is one and the poor on has a theology

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in it. But the prophets I send them did not bring

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a type of creed that's formulated the way they are now, this came later. And the Sahaba were people that were in such a powerful experiential

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Islam they were living these truths. They were

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mmm it or the line was said that I never saw anything but except that I saw God before and after it in it. In other words that he was witnessing the file of God you know the acts of God

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In creation,

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the idea that no lead falls without the knowledge of God. So being aware of God in that way, in in a very real presence, that was very much how these people were. And so they weren't going to debate things and and

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they just weren't interested in that. So when when the Muslims came up against the Christians who had a very profound theological tradition, because Christianity has much more emphasis on theology than it does on law, whereas the Jewish and the Muslim traditions have been more focused on law on.

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So when they came up against the Christians in Syria, and Iraq and Egypt, suddenly they were asking them questions they'd never been asked before, like, the Quran says that Jesus is, is the kalama.

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The you know, the Word of God, which in Greek is logos. And in the Gospel of john, it says, In the beginning was the Word, the logos, and the Word was with God, the Word what and the Word was God. So does that mean that Jesus is the logos?

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In other words, is he the Eternal Word of God?

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And so, nobody ever thought about that? And then they said, and when you say the Quran is kurama law? Does that mean that the Quran is the logos?

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In other words, is the Quran created? Or is it uncreated? Nobody had ever asked them these questions. And so suddenly, they were forced to think about things that they hadn't thought about before.

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Hence, theology, because that is the means by which they were able to really come to some conclusions about these shoe bohat because these are obfuscations that come in to the teaching that create problems in the hearts of people.

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And the resolution of the problems comes through working through these problems, and coming to conclusions about them. And this is what the mythical man did. This is what the theologians did. And and they created Creed's and how is creed is one of the earliest Creed's

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our hanifa. There's a creed that's attributed to him that precedes this. And there's a debate a big debate about whether he actually wrote it or not, but he Mamata how he is definitely in the line of that creed him and how his creed is almost identical to a Chinese creed. They differ on four points, according to you know, Suki, and that's it.

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Our hesson album and Sora naturally the whose

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creed is

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articulated in the nessa Thea

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is also very similar, he differs on certain things. And there's some interesting differences and their differences that are insoluble, in that you're not going to come to some kind of

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not gonna resolve these problems. So they're just there. And they are what they are. So, having said that, the

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you know, the, the,

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the founders of these Creed's are, are called the founders of this science as well. Now, of the Hudson allegedly was very fortunate in having an absolute genius student

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of a walker balani, who is probably one of the greatest

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intellects in human history, I mean, anybody that really looks at his, his work, and his genius would have to come to that conclusion. And, and he really,

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I mean, he in essence,

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is really one of the saviors of Islam, because at the time when the massive onslaught of Hellenistic rationalism was coming when there were just so many sects and he was refuting all these people it just really extraordinary brilliance and intellect. And

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and one of the things that is important to understand about

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these Creed's is that people that attack them, and I can really safely say this, almost have never studied them.

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And I found this consistently what they do is they read their teachers who quote these people

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And then they attack them from within their own frames of reference.

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And then they rarely actually study because when you say that, Oh, this is a bit of a what is a bit I exactly, you show me where the bit that is? And they'll say, well, it's a bit odd to say this or that. For instance, it's a bit odd to say that the most half is not the cut ama law, which is a shoddy position that when you say cut on the law, about the Quran itself the most half that's why the Muslims differentiate between most half and Koran. Right? The we call the most half is the copy of the Quran is called a must have. And we use it when we say a Koran we're really saying it like my Jasmine.

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So but when we say the Koran, what is the Quran? The Quran is Cara Mala. Mahalo

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word of Allah in.

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The Quran is the word of Allah. It doesn't have syntactical precedents and antecedents. It doesn't have,

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you know, articulation, it doesn't have inflection. It doesn't have part or universals or particulars. It couldn't go in and do the test. Because all of these things are created by their nature. cocconi and Mahima. Professor Kony and Miata Moctezuma like saying, God has acquired his knowledge. So when you say the poor on the most half, is cut out a lot, we say that out of edit, because you don't want to say it's not the cut Amala. That's not the kind of a lot You can't say that it is the parabola, but it's not the cunnamulla that is hadal, mano, because it is in the world. It has paper, it has ink on paper, and it's language

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that came into the world, whereas the Columbia law that is

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is the meanings that Allah subhana wa tada articulated. In his essence, it's the meaning that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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has in his essence. So that's an example of solving a problem.

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Where these people were saying, Are you saying that's uncreated? And if you say, Well, yeah, that's uncreated. Then you you have a religion of people that think things that are created are uncreated. But if you say that it's, the Quran is

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uncreated. Essentially, then what you're saying is an attribute of God is, is is created the Shiva of Allah, because cut Amazon sefa have done with the kingdom, the speech is an attribute of the speaker, the one speaking, and so you say that his attribute is created, then you're saying that a lot is created, that there's an attribute that's created, and that creates a problem. And so this is, this is, in essence, what these men were dealing with. And they did an extraordinary job. When you get to the freewill and the determination. You know, are human beings determined or are they free? These are paradoxical problems that have befuddled all the religious traditions that deal with

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these subjects, but if you look at them, the way they resolve them, they're quite stunning.

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They're still limited by language, but they're still quite stunning. And,

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and that so when we talk about the founder, we're talking first and foremost that that's God that gave us this knowledge. It was transmitted by the province licen, but it was formulated by these great intellects that the community was provided with and we believe it's providential care, because the province I said, I'm said that this knowledge would be protected by people in each generation, they protect it. And so that's what

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what they've done any Mamba, how he is one of the great people of that size and that's why his creed is so important. And then the,

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the name of this is mo is called. It's called also the deen is called the elemental heed. It's called the element calam. These are different names for this science but generally is called also the dean. The roots of this religion because it's what this religion is built upon is tawheed. And this is the science of tawheed

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