This Good Deed will INTERCEDE for You Beautiful Hadith

Haitham al-Haddad


Channel: Haitham al-Haddad

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The transcript describes a situation where a character named Selim talks about wanting to die as a Shaheed the prophesy. Selim says he wants to die because he loves going for his acts of peace, and the prophets convey this message to the person on the Day of Resurrection. The prophets also mention a reward for fasting and encourage people to take action.

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One of the companions and he said he also loved going for jihad. So to do that, I will go die as a Shaheed the prophesy, Selim doesn't make dua against any person to die. So the person says,

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I went for Jihad and we heard the booty of war, and we came back. And then the second time, I was about to go for jihad. So I said yeah rasool Allah make dua for me I want to die especially. So the promise are seldom said Oh Allah, save them and give them the booty of war. So he said, we went and we got the boot your phone and came back. The third time I said the same thing. And Alhamdulillah I was saved and came back. Then I went to the prophets, I send them and he said, Yeah rasool Allah.

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Okay, tell me about an action that I should do, which means amazing action with a huge reward. So the prophets Allah wa sallam said, stick to fasting for there is nothing is equal to fasting. Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam said that fasting and Quran they intercede for the person on the Day of Resurrection, and some scholars said This includes even the grave