Haitham al-Haddad – Tafsīr Sūrah Rūm #04

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the importance of the "har vi" meaning in Islam's culture, emphasizing the need to stay true to Islam and not to give proof to anyone who is going to. The speakers also discuss various topics related to the title of Islam, including the Day of Resurrection, the Day of K relevance, and the use of "immements" in writing. The importance of good deeds and staying active during the day is emphasized, and the use of "will" in writing is discussed. The transcript also touches on various topics related to the title of Islam, including the concept of the holy eye, the holy eye, and the meaning of "naughty time."
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Rahim. hamdulillah blandino salatu salam ala nabina Muhammad Ali wasabia drain we are doing Tafseer of Surat room.

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Last time

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we explained the first few Ayat of the surah. And we said that Allah Allah Allah, in the surah mentioned that the Romans have been defeated.

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By who? Allah Allah, Allah did not mention this, but Allah Allah Allah mentioned. After that they will also defeat

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which means that our model Allah wants to draw our attention to our reality. What is that reality? The reality is, no matter how powerful you are, one time you will go down. And then no matter how you were weak, one time, you will progress and you will become strong and you will defeat others. This is similar to a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When he said that happen Allah Allah, it is established upon Allah, Allah took this upon himself, that whatever in this dunya, someone becomes superior, except he will become what inferior. If he one time wins, another time he or it will lose.

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There was a camel for the prophets, Allah they sell them on by the promises lm called the swap, and she used to win any kind of competition and one time

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that camel was defeated. Yes, it lost the competition. Then the prophet SAW Selim said, How can Allah Allah, it is upon Allah, he took this promise upon himself, that anyone anything, that he wins one time, he or he or she will lose.

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This is the reality. So behind Allah, this is one of the Divine laws. This is one of the Divine laws. Why is this because Allah Allah, Allah wants to give hope to hopeless people. Allah, Allah, Allah also wants to remind people that this life is the dunya the lowest, this life is temporary, this life don't think to live in it forever. Yeah, this life, even if you become really happy, one time you will lose. Yeah. And moreover, at this point, imagine that if there is a person who is winner all the time,

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what will happen to him? He will become what? arrogant?

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Yeah, he will become arrogant. And not only that, he will become complacent to the dunya.

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Yeah, and that's why even they say the wise people they retire when they are on the peak, because they know that they will, the peak will be followed by a decline. Yeah. So they retire when they are on the peak in order to what to do in order to retire while they have this glory. Yeah, and this is status, but if they retire after the defeat, yeah, it is meaningless. So Hannah, Allah, this is how those who understand and Allah Allah, Allah wants also this divine low helps people helps people to have to have a balance of power. Because you cannot win all the time. No one time you will be defeated and the balance of power or the power will be moved to another nation or even another

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individual. It is a balance of power. Also part of this divine law is that Allah Allah Allah created this dunya madatha. Yeah, madatha one pulls the other side and one push, pushes the other side. Whenever they allow him. That's about one development demo. So on one side you do ubicado karasuma. If you use the code, Wolfie has malai kathira hadn't Allah, Allah Allah repelled one another one by the other? Yes. Which means one will push and the other one will resist.

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Yeah, otherwise what would happen? The defeated people will be completely defeated. And the winners will destroy everything. There will be no massage. There will be no synagogues there will be no temples in which the name of Allah Allah, Allah is mentioned the

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This is Han Allah the dunya and super Han Allah at the end of the day, the person knows that superiority winning all the time happiness all the time will be where

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in that gender in the asherah more of our My dear brothers.

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I don't know Have I mentioned that it will give hope yes for those who were defeated, they will not think that they are going to be defeated forever.

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Yeah, one time they will win just unique, you need to keep struggling. Anyway this is the balance of of power.

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So this surah is talking that Listen, you human being is talking about this reality. Listen, you are a human beings, Allah is superior above you all the time. Whatever you do one time you will be defeated. Allah is Allah Allah.

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Allah is the Creator. He is the only one who controls everyone. That's why we mentioned this surah is talking about

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Allah we don't have to make a dough woman I am Holla Holla cuminum fukumura delitos como la and so on. Okay, so this was the beginning of the surah. Then Allah Allah Allah started to glorify himself. Yeah. started to talk about it's already started to focus on that otherwise, glorifying God Allah, Allah is always there in the Quran. But Allah Allah, Allah started to talk about his glory, explicitly. So Allah, Allah, Allah says,

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Almighty, Allah is the only one who generates the creation and he is the one who returns the Hulk either returns it in the dunya or he returns the Hulk to him on the Day of Resurrection. Then Allah Allah Allah says why Amato, Masato believe sudima

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and on the Day of Resurrection or when the hour happens, now the hour here Well, my tabula rasa hour is established or starts, okay. The hour when it is mentioned unconditionally, it refers to the Day of Resurrection, which part of the Day of Resurrection it is not important in general, because the death resurrection is what the death resurrection it takes place in steps. Yeah, there will be the Sahaba the blow and the trumpet. The first one, the second one, then the people will be resurrected. And then the accountability, all of this from the second say one all of the people, some scholars said even from the first so I have from the first blow the trumpet. Yeah, it's called the Day of

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Resurrection. It is easy anyway. Okay.

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So, in general, well matakohe massage when the day of resurrection is established when the hour is established, or started your beliefs almajiri moon? Yeah, we mentioned last time that there are a number of meanings regarding new beliefs with mercury, moon, and Libra as they mentioned five meanings for it, most of them are very close to each other. And most of those meanings revolve around two or three meanings. Either as, as we say that yo my way or my takamasa yo benissimo de mon they will lose hope.

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This is a blast and a blast. And they say also a blaze is the one who lost any kind of hope. A police Yeah, this is one meaning. So I will ask you if your beliefs are legitimate, though, will they will lose hope they don't have any any chance to change their situation. Yes. Obama yo de la de la Cabo Cabo masamune

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muslimeen they wish if they become Muslims, but no more hope

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they lost. That's it. There is another meaning you bristle majorem on that they will deeply regret.

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Yeah, they will deeply regret. And that kind of regret is the worse is the worst Why? Because now, which is linked to the first meaning now they have no chance to change their situation. Okay. And maybe the third meaning is your beliefs or material, they will stand still and shocked in a state of shock. This is the hour we used to deny it, this is the hour now the reality comes now this and that will happen to us. Okay, and as we said last time, I'll move to the moon here and we'll get him on there.

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Although to the translation the literal translation is the criminals, but here it refers to what the disbelievers yeah and as we said, When Allah Allah Allah mentions that adapt, that adapt for the masjid a moon in the alpha it means that adapt for who for in particular in particular, it is the adapt for the disbelievers. And Allah Allah Allah confirmed that this was a miracle long, shoulda coulda, woulda, coulda shoulda him so far, they do not have or they will not have or they don't have from those whom they used to associate besides Allah, Allah Allah anyone is willing to

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to intercede for them.

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Yeah, which means that they are what the kuffar the machine, not the criminals who may be the criminals are from the Muslims, this is talking about the disbelievers. Okay, while I'm here colome inshallah, inshallah, and this is, this is the reality. This is the relative of any partner whom used to be worshipped besides Allah, or any person or individual whom use whom the kuffar used to glorify, other than Allah, Allah, Allah. And voila, he, yes, my dear brothers and sisters, the person should think, as we said, I think we mentioned it last time, that he should think if he were to connect himself to be attached to someone, he should think whether this person or this entity or

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this whatever, he is it going to help him on the Day of Resurrection or not?

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Yeah, is this entity going to help this person? Yes, to help him or to help her on the Day of Resurrection or not, this is the key message. This is the key message that we need to be aware of. And this message is the essence of the heat. Why? Because the essence of the heat is to know that no helper for you in the feel of First of all, other than Allah. And when the person when the person thinks of that, and he links himself to Allah, Allah, Allah, He will establish the reality of the heat in his dunya. And that's why even in Dawa to those who have been involved in some shaky aspects, yes, and some acts that can be seen, as shall

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we say to them, we say to the brothers, who are giving those people that will make sure that you focus on what helps the person on the Day of Resurrection. And they remind those people to think of what they will help them on the Day of Resurrection. And if they were to claim that well, so unsure any oral hessen or alley or saying on Hudson, or

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Abdulkadir Gilani, or anyone is going to help us on the Day of Resurrection, then we say to them, bring any proof and we say to them, don't worry about us just worry about yourselves. Yeah, Worry about yourself, you need to present a proof that to those whom you are moving your heart towards them, and being attached to them connected to them in this dunya make sure that they will help you on the Day of Resurrection. That's all what we are saying. And so when Allah in the Quran, we see that Allah Allah Allah focused on this reality is da da da da da da da ba da ba ba ba, ba, ba ba.

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Ba ba ba, ba Ba, Kong Mata Amina Kevin de

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hacer la la him. Wang Bihari Dena Mina na, yeah, this is insulting batara remember if Kabbalah when the followers will free themselves or when those who used to be followed? Yeah, they will free themselves from those who used to follow them.

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Yeah, they will say we have nothing to do with you like the shape and rapala shape and hula Amro in Nevada kumada have to come fast enough to cook macaroni Nadia Allah commercial Panini Landau to confess stadium Tony salata Romani, Sakuma Mimosa kumana and to Mimosa in Nika found to be National Monument. Yeah, they say meaning the Chapin was followed. They say pan will come to those who are going to be thrown in the fire of him saying similarly if Devon Valentina to Manila de la when they see the other up, those who used to be followed the

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They will say Allah, we have nothing to do with us. They have nothing to do with us. We have nothing to do with them. Yeah, we have nothing to do with them they Chapin will say, Oh guys, I have nothing to do with you. Why we used to worship you? Yes. He said no. Have I forced you to do so? No, I didn't force you to do so. All what I did is I called you to worship me. You blame yourself. Don't blame myself. Don't blame me. You need to blame yourself. Same thing. Those who used to be followed with their followers, they will say we are free from you. If tovala Deena to be Amina la dee, da, da da water, Papa Venus above all the ASVAB means will be what will be cut off. Yeah. Except what

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Allah, Allah Allah will accept on the Day of Resurrection. And this reality is established in many verses in the Quran. Yes, when when we mentioned last time,

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the day the Delta COVID pilot

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robina la luna Fatima de Femina, na polyquaternium death, yes, in Surah Tila when the first will free themselves from the last. And then the last again will free themselves from the force. Everyone will say Oh Allah, we have nothing to do with them. And the the first whom used to be accused that they have, they have misguided the later one, they will say to them, by the way, by the way, you will not be better for us don't claim that we are the source of fate enough for you. Both of us will be in the other. Both of us will be in the mechanical Marlena colada. Yeah. Both of us will be in data. That's why I happen. The wise person, my dear brothers and sisters, before this happens to him

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on the Day of Resurrection he needs to what he needs to make sure that he is safe in this dunya Yeah, the dunya is your chance to be safe. And yeah, sometimes even even, you know for some arrogant people or even for biani the other day. The other day one one brother said to me, Subhana Allah that He was

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talking about his father and his father, he doesn't want to pray. Yeah. Hey Subhana Allah, he's from an Arab country. And he believed that all of this prayer and etc, is just yearning for the person to to to become a better person. Otherwise you'd be a Muslim. You'll be Christian. You've been Yes. As far as you are not atheists. You will be yes. in a good shape. On the day of resurrection and Yani says stuff for Allah. That Allah doesn't look Yeah, I need to lease Jani. What is salah and fasting, Allah is greater than these things. Yeah, he's saying this. So I said to him, Subhana Allah, and then he said, anyway, anyway, so for a lot of them. Look, when when the person becomes arrogant. He

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says to his son, by the way, you and hamdulillah you are good. Yes, you are good. And God, God, don't think of God that He is like a star for a lot of the minister. God is merciful. So you are good on the Day of Resurrection. If I am bad, and you are my son, you are good. Allah will place me with you in paradise. Yeah, so don't worry about me. I said to Han Allah subhana wa dimia Annie, this is Yanni the utmost level of arrogance. By and he already judged himself he already stopped for Allah placed himself. Yeah. In the place of Allah, Allah Allah. I said to the brother, no, yeah, he tell him Allah, you need to tell your father now. If this is the case, and he's 70 or something,

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yeah, tell him No, I'm worried about you. And tell him what law he on the Day of Resurrection. I will not help you.

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Yeah, tell him on the Day of Resurrection. I will not help you. You are not my father. On the Day of Resurrection. There is nothing called. You may have forgotten or Amina II. II. It is unclear in the Quran. When the person flee, please yeah, he runs away. My father I don't care my mother I don't care my what I am. is a NFC NFC NFC NFC. We mentioned Hadith xtrema. Yes. A statement by academic commenting on this. I Oh my

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god, we're so happy to have any. He said on the Day of Resurrection the person will pass by his wife will pass by

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His Son, and now it is the day of resurrection is started, and the fire is surrounding the entire humanity. So the people will see the reality now, and they will see the fire. And now helaas they know I that it is this fire or even was forever, forever, or paradise. So the person will be looking for any single escena My dear brothers and sisters will be looking for every single person. That's why Subhana Allah is one of the self said, I imagined myself next to the agenda and now, yes, or I imagined myself in the fire of *. And then I imagined myself in the agenda. And I said to myself, if I am in the fire of *, what do you want? Then, of course, I will say to myself, I will I want

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to go back to the dunya in order to do some good deeds. Yes. And even if I am in general, you will be delighted that there by the name of john, etc, then I will say to myself, What do you want? Then I will say to myself, for sure, I want to go back to the dunya in order to do what more good deeds. Then he said to himself, I said to myself, and now you are what? Already in the dunya so why don't you do more good deeds. Why don't you do more good deeds. That's why the wise person will not leave any chance but to earn good deeds, any kind of good deeds either liquor from law test beer history fall, giving sada smiling, giving dour, being active, being

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charitable person, being nice to his parents having good luck. And if he is not doing anything, he should intent of doing good deeds, because intending doing doing good deeds is what is a deed itself? Yeah, when you sleep, when you sleep, the main thing in your mind think of what you want to do tomorrow. So think of having good sleep in order to wake up tomorrow to do good deeds tomorrow, then your bed or your sleeping time will be what has enough. Yeah, this is a very easy and effective way to make your sleeping time six times six hours or five hours or eight hours or whatever. You are sleeping because you are thinking of tomorrow yeah tomorrow What am I going to do? I'm going to do

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this and that I'm going to work because I need some money in order to send them for to my family or I need to collect someone money to give soda or I need to collect some money to get married. So I become Yeah, chess person I need some money in order to keep going because I don't want to beg people think of tomorrow and just think that I am is leaping because of this. Yeah, because of what being able to do good deeds tomorrow this will turn your what sleeping done as a good deed Same thing with with food etc etc. Even when you have fun. Yeah, when you have fun, I want to have fun for a purpose not just for the purpose of fun, I want to have fun, because I feel low I feel or I

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want to have fun in fourth hour Yeah.

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Or I have I want to have fun with my children for a purpose and that purpose should be a noble purpose. Then this will turn the fun you have the joke. Yes When you joke it will turn into what it will turn it to be good deeds anyway. This I was going to mention this on subhana wa Hasina to sunova Hina to Spooner where he little hero Yeah, anyway, so the wise person will turn all of his life as what

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as a bad because of the if he is thinking of the Day of Resurrection all the time, okay, so Allah Allah Allah then he said, What am I a kilometer am schufa

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wakatobi Shaka is in Catherine, they will this believe they will be the first people to disbelieve in their Shoraka and their partners. Yeah. And their partners. Okay, then Allah, Allah Allah said, well, matakohe Masato Yama idiota Roku. Yeah, we mentioned last time, I think it was a mistake from myself, that you bliss means to follow. Your bliss, doesn't mean to follow as I have mentioned the three meanings that the word jubilees is revolving around, but the third row is mentioned here. Well Metropole Musa, again. Allah Allah mentioned the Day of Resurrection, in order to emphasize on what is happening, that what will happen there on in order

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To make the day of his election live in your mind all of the time, yes. So you remember the hollow of the Day of Resurrection. We all met Abu Musa to Yama, Eden yetta farrakhan here while matakohe, Masato and on when the Day of Resurrection happens or when the hour comes, Elma Eden, it is only Yama, Eden. Yeah, it is only at that time. So he repeated the oma way oma takamasa when the day or when the hour happens on that time, Yama Eden, on that time there will split Yama is

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of course, the believers. Yeah, always is played to from the disbelievers, but this is the real split physically emotionally, everything in terms of destination everything, how Allah Allah Allah mentioned it for a millennium environmental solidarity for home theater, but in your garden, we mentioned this it is a clear straightforward for those who used to believe and used to do good deeds family dynamic

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fair home again

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the word home they Yes, it was repeated to emphasize that they and they are the only one yes. So the translation of this family the nominal Amarillo sila hottie not Pharaoh button for whom Pharaoh that means then as for those who believed

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and did righteous deeds, such shallots so there was such such a difference to the reputation of the home. Are you following this? Yes, it is different from Sophia robot in your bedroom. In some verses in the Quran, it came like this. And in some other verses, the emphasis were repeated in order to establish the fact that they are the only one to be receiving this kind of aim or delight. Yeah, for a millennium and ramadasa they hadn't found fear or what in your humor? Oh, no. He said rah. Rah means like a garden. Yeah, or the middle of garden. You mean they are receiving types of delight or they are listening to singing? Yeah, they mentioned some other forms of delight that they are going

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to enjoy and enjoy with. And then unlike the other said, mentioned the other party. Well, I'm alladhina amanu.

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Sorry, why Medina? Kaffir. waka wbI Athena, in Allah for Allah caffeine.

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For those who these who disbelieved, and those who denied Our Ayat, as we said, not only this believed, but they deny that Our Ayat And not only that, they also denied meeting us on the Day of Resurrection, which means that they deny that they will be what resurrected for all he can feel that we must borrow again, for Oda, it is like a repetition of a Mullah Dena is a shot of amlodipine After all, Erica not saham fella Debbie de la vaca means another emphasis that they are the people they are the only people who will be what filled balloon, yes, mush balloon hear the word balloon, there are they shall be brought from the ship there is sorry they shall be brought forth to the

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torment. Yeah. The word Maran has two meanings,

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similar meanings in fact, they are going to be brought in general and the other meaning they will be thrown in the punishment.

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The first one they will be just brought forth. Yeah. And then there will be held accountable. Yes. And definitely because they are

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sorry, and they they will be brought forth and then they will be sent to the punishment. This is one meaning and the other meaning is they are Philadelphia Maroon, they are punished in the other. Yeah. Anyway, the difference is is is minor because there are some young some of our city and said the word Maroon always means because I borrow you know the word Bara in Arabic.

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You know the word Bara or hubiera? Yeah, Havana means what he came. He was brought by the Iranians. He was brought in

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Not necessarily he was brought to be put in the other, but he was just too broad. So one meaning is that they were just too broad. And then because the word adapt was mentioned, so they are broad and obviously means that they are going to be thrown in the other. Yeah, in the punishment, the other meaning of Barone that no,

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some of Assyrian said whenever the word about now is mentioned in the Quran means punished, the word itself means punished anyway, the difference is not that big, okay, as you said is a minor difference, but the meaning is that those people are going to be punished. Yes, in the torment of jahannam, then a larger law after this, after mentioning what will happen on the Day of Resurrection, and the people will be split into two parties, the parties or the party of Ghana, and the party of the fire of * on the other side, all of a sudden look at the miracles of the Quran. All of a sudden he moved to another subject. Yeah, for subhana wa hanaa to mizuna mahina was behind.

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Yeah. And this move although it is move Yanni from maybe the east to the west, from the future, because those two are talking about what the future that they have resurrection from the future to the present. Yeah, you don't feel that there is a break

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with this kind of a shift shift in terms of the place in terms of time as well, because this one is not talking about gender not and also it is not talking about the future. So there is a shift in the place and there is a shift in time for Subhan Allah He in a tomb soon our Hina to be home.

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This mean the ayah The meaning is simple. So you glorify Allah, yeah, glorify Allah when you come up to the evening and when you enter the morning yes for subhana wa hanaa Thompson our Hina toast bacon

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festival Hannah, first of all, he said fat Suhana fat fa fa

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II as he translated it. So

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Okay, this is one way of looking at it okay. And another way of looking at it is as if the Kalam linguistic sorry, from a grammar perspective is disconnected okay and far is like a new statement Okay, sometimes it is used in Arabic as a new statement and the other way to look at it is what? So, therefore, hence, yeah, okay. If we go for the second one, which means, so, therefore, and thus

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and thus Suba Hana This is fat Suba Hana Suhana. So, the HANA is the master of what does B. We mentioned previously, that a test B is mentioned frequently in the Quran, by

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Allah Allah mentioned, Mathurin in the beginning of the sutras, we have Subhanallah Dr. sarabi

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and then you said the Holy lahemaa is semi what you will use of the Holy Land is somewhat you will out Subhan Allah, Masha Masha Allah Subhana Allah Hema, somehow it will not fill out and then we have Sep behaves smaller because

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yeah, this is all test B who does test B me? Yeah, by test B, as we said,

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test be establishing the

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the perfection of a larger lower Allah against any shortcoming or any deficiency. Yeah, establishing the perfection of Allah de la vida and glorifying Allah, Allah Allah to be the highest. So he is free and above any kind of what imperfection or any kind of deficiency. Yes, this is the meaning of Subhana Allah, although although it is used when the person is amazed of seeing something, but the actual meaning of subpoena or the word that has been is this yeah

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Now it comes in it is a verb sub the use of the who sub A

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sub behalf means what? He established the glory of Allah Allah Allah and the perfection of Allah Allah Allah Subhana it is what allow the use of be who is the president said that his work is the command super Hana is what is the master what is the master? Yeah What is the master the master I don't know what you call it in English anyone knows what we call master

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No, no, no, no, no, no no, not so much that in Arabic in grammar is

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no no no no no not source not origin must be in now.

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I don't know that you have like that in English, but

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we say Khattab Akita button Yeah, kettlebell kita button. So kettlebell is the verb kita button is a master this is the pattern of the word Yeah, this must this master either eight refers to what is written or the process of keytab yeah ketaki turban or kita baton Harada is Rajan akella UCLan So, this must be this must which either refers to what was done or the process Yeah, the process by a if it refers to what was done, yeah, catabolic, a Taliban or catabolic at the bottom means he wrote a book. So Kitab Athenians means the object will be what was written the other possibility of the master the other the other possible meaning of the master is what is the process yeah tatoeba kita

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button kita button means he is what Haha, writing the process of writing. Similarly, by the way brothers, you know, when we always translate the books and we say kitahara yeah Kitab the chapter of what bahara bahara means what?

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See, purity, purity means what? The state of purity

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agree, this is that apparent meaning to you, but no, in fact, kitahara also means the book of the process of purify Yang.

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So how to purify yourself not only the pure things, or the purity, now the process of purifying is a declared because will is taharah widow is tala, not the state of football, there is the state of Ohio and there is the process, the action of what of the action itself. Yeah, so this is called as well. bahara. So it refers to the process or the action. So here, first of all, Hannah is a master. Yeah, he's a master,

00:38:20 --> 00:38:23

the translation here, and

00:38:24 --> 00:38:46

so glorify, he said, so glorify us. If Allah Allah Allah said, so make us be but he doesn't say this. Are you following this? he translated it as what so glorify, is this the only the only translation

00:38:49 --> 00:39:17

No, no, no, not active verb. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't don't confuse it. But is it clear what I said about the, the kettlebell kita button and the process and the actual Yani the actual outcome? Yeah. Here, he said, so glorify, glorify, when he put it like this, this is almost as if Allah Jalla Allah said said

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yeah, as if it as if it is a command is it declared,

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but here it is not a command, it is what it is a master Subhana it may refer to what to a command, it may differ This is a one possibility. And the other possibility Jani Allah Allah Allah said for Subhana means said there but the other better meaning is to say that Allah is established his glory and her His perfection. Yeah, His perfection by and because he mentioned here

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That His glory is established

00:40:04 --> 00:40:13

his glory is established in the morning and in the evening This implies that you need to do it in the morning and in the evening.

00:40:14 --> 00:40:33

Yeah, because when if why Allah Allah Allah said for subhana wa IE not too soon enough to behold not faseb before Maha in a tomb soon our henna toes behind anyway yeah, and for those who understand Arabic they they can figure out what I'm trying to say. Yeah, by

00:40:34 --> 00:41:21

So, the word here for Subhana encompasses more than what haha than you do okay. It is a fact and it is a reality that Allah okay he is given this be or that is we have a large Allah Allah is made yes in the morning in the evening and in the morning by and because it is a fact and it his glory is being established in the morning and in the evening. You as a human beings need to do it in the morning and in the evening. Is it clear? Yeah. And some scholars said no fuss Aparna hear me and said

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yeah, said the hula hoop in a tomb sooner. Rihanna was behind as I told you, I believe or maybe the first one is more encompassing? Yeah, for subhana wa hanaa tim Suna Rihanna just be home.

00:41:38 --> 00:42:33

By Katana, I really need to finish and live by nine. Okay. Some scholars said some scholars said that this refers to the Salah. Yeah, because most of the Salah is what is the speed establishing the glory of Allah Allah Allah and it is what the morphology Lada Yeah, establishing the magnificence of Allah, Allah Allah okay. So they said for Subhan Allah Hina tomb Suna at refers to Muslim salah and some of them said it refers to what Maghrib and Isha Salah This is Messiah haina Timisoara means when you are entering the evening and during the evening, it refers to all the time, but after the end of the year. This is hanaa to mizuna.

00:42:34 --> 00:42:52

So it refers to salaat Alma and Alicia Yeah, and we're here to speak on when you enter the third year when you enter the morning in a toast behind. When you enter the Saba it refers to what it refers to salatu salam Yeah.

00:42:54 --> 00:43:01

This is Eonni some scholars say this some other scholars by said hanaa tomb Suna.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:25

Yes, okay. Hannah Tom sooner it delivers to the Corolla, Allah Allah nothing specifically to Salah it refers to the Corolla Allah Allah in the morning and in the evening. Okay, then our after that Allah Allah Allah said while I will have to fish somehow it will only work as he no hanaa to the hero and his

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his are all praise and tongs and the heavens and in the earth. Yes. Yeah.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:37

In the afternoon, which is

00:43:38 --> 00:43:41

or Asha, and when you come up to

00:43:43 --> 00:44:47

and when the day begins to decline, which is Rihanna to the hero, so handloader the translation is so far from the Jani the beauty of the Arabic language, Okay, anyway, here, here the meaning is and to Allah wa sallahu to Allah belongs all types of praise. Yeah. And as the scholar said, he started with well, Al hamdu means, the real hammer the full hammer, yeah, all types of Hamden, thanking and thanking Allah, Allah, Allah and maybe you can say, praising Allah, Allah Allah for his bounties. All of this belongs only to him. Well, I will. Yeah. And this all of this belongs to him in the heavens and on the earth, which means that no one to no one deserves to be thunks in the heavens or

00:44:47 --> 00:44:59

in the earth or on the earth except who accept a La Jolla, it belongs to him only. Yeah, no one deserves that. Why? Because he is the soul

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Have all types of neon and bounties Yep. And

00:45:07 --> 00:45:11

and then So, in terms of the place

00:45:12 --> 00:45:37

in terms of the place fits somewhat well fill out in the heavens and on earth This is in terms of the place and in terms of time, why she Radovan why she Ashiya is the beginning of the evening. Yes, this is this is one meaning of the Ashiya and when you come, how he translated here

00:45:38 --> 00:45:54

in the afternoon, yeah, okay, this is the this is the guy she means the time in the beginning of the evening, okay, what he told her own joaquina Toby roll

00:45:56 --> 00:46:21

it is the one of its meaning is when the time of war starts, this is one meaning, another meaning His praise is established what a lot a lot and thanks is belongs to him in terms of them icon in terms of the place which is in the heavens and on earth, yeah. And in terms of time Ashi

00:46:22 --> 00:46:36

according to the other interpretation, refers to the the darkest point of the night which is what which is starts with Asia, they said Asia, Asia starts when

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when the Twilight ends, and they said when the Twilight ends, it is the beginning of the real dark, the real dark of the night is the point where there is no possible light coming from that what from the sun and the failure it starts when the light starts to appear, then the light of the sun starts to appear, yes, on Earth, which starts to appear on the horizon. So, this is Asia and fragile. So here said why Shinya means in the

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real darkness of the night, his thoughts were he not of their own and when you are in the lower lower means, in the midst of the day, which is what the lightest, yes point of the day, so in the darkest point in the night and in the lightest point in the day, this is like macabre. Yeah, this is adjacent to this.

00:47:49 --> 00:48:33

The some scholars said, What is the motto of The Virginian? We're here to do your own it refers to is according to the first interpretation, it refers to select the mode and select an answer. Yeah. So that the Lord unsalted acid, so for analyzing it in atoms, you know, Hannah tells me on it refers to sober and mammal evaluation. And what I will come to the module of the worksheet do it refers to what well and awesome yeah, someone's gonna say this. Yeah. So they said this, this is a reference for what for the prior times. Yeah.

00:48:34 --> 00:48:57

The other interpretation of Ashley no hana to the moon. Yes, according to the other interpretation, it follows it, it will become like this for some Hana Hana tomb soon our Hana was the Messiah, the Messiah refers to refers to Mohammed Salah on Li

00:48:59 --> 00:49:35

joaquina to speak only to the first to sober Salah. According to the other interpretation of the other hand at of your own is the word time. Yeah. Is that the whole time? And that what Ashiya is what is the asset? Okay, because the start of the evening is the asset. So they covered that five times. The matter is easy, and it's not really really a big deal. But it is established that Allah Allah Allah wants his remembers to be what

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to be established all of the time.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:59

One point before we dwell into the remembrance of Allah, Allah, Allah maybe because I really need to stop here. Some scholars say when after, when I learned about us in fiscal Panama me and said before law, yeah, established the perfection of Allah, Allah, Allah and

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exalt Allah, Allah, Allah above any of the imperfection, above any kind of imperfection. Allah Allah, Allah after that said, what I want him to do, and how it belongs to him. Thanks belong belongs to him. He wants to say that, listen, when you make this bit of a law, don't think that Allah needs it. Allah is free from Allah is self sufficient. And in fact, he hadn't found King belongs to him. He doesn't need you in doesn t need your test.

00:50:39 --> 00:50:51

Is it clear? That's why Allah Allah Allah said, fella who, whenever I'm in general, normally test B is what link to what? Uh huh.

00:50:52 --> 00:51:33

Yeah. And that's why the prophet SAW Selim said kelim attorney for FIFA, Daniel, isn't that a technical reason? What are they? To handle law will be handy to have a line of the year and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says the best of the species works from Han Allah hamdulillah Allah Allah Allah Allahu Akbar. And there are many, many a hadith regarding the focus the virtues of this vehicle, follow the law, maybe one time in sha Allah or next time we can mention some of them because I need to stop his desire to allow Baraka lumpy coma, you'd like to take questions but

00:51:34 --> 00:51:40

I need to go Yeah, I have another appointment is open. lol Hello saramonic Bye

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