Haitham al-Haddad – Message to the Muslims

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet sallseri's use of words to indicate when a woman would be comfortable with him is discussed. The speaker emphasizes the need to stay in a state of silence to earn reward and avoid losing time. The importance of worshipting Allah during a night to earn reward and praying in a specific area is also emphasized. It is important to avoid drinking water and engage in praying in a specific area to avoid problems with parents.
AI: Transcript ©
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Somebody's gonna have to worry about I care two brothers and sisters Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. The best 10 nights and days of our life are about to commence. In order to understand the importance of those nights. Let us examine how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to treat them, how he used to conduct himself during those nights and what he used to do during those blessed 10 Nights shall be allowed to her and her his beloved wife explained that in numerous narrations, she said that when those nights start, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with would roll up his sleeves and would tighten his lower garment,

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which means that he would be really ready to do something that is important, extremely important. Audit means that he would abstain from having any sexual relationship with his wives, which means that he would be engaged in something more important than that. And in one narration, she said that, during the first 20 nights, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would worship Allah, Allah, Allah and would asleep. However, when those nights commence the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we would stay in worshiping Allah, Allah, Allah Allah the entire night Subhan Allah, why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do something like this, my dear respected brothers and sisters,

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because he understands the significance of those who blessed 10 Nights. They have Leila to each other. And Leila is the greatest night in our life. Elijah no other revealed one complete a chapter in the Quran that talks about Leila to other in Zelina. Who feels that the other lady or the hiring official then has their own mother it could work if he had it in Europe be him in the salon when he had

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this chapter doesn't talk about anything except the labor to others to show the significance of Layla to other in that night Allah Allah Allah Allah mentioned among the blessings of Laila cell because of the first one is what that he chose this night to be the night in which He He revealed the entire Quran and he started also the revelation of the Quran to this humanity in Les little other. The second thing, Allah Allah Allah Allah said that Leila is better than 1000 Denied. What does that mean? It means that worshiping Allah, Allah Allah, in that tonight is better than better not equal, better than worshiping Allah, Allah Allah for more than 1000 months, Subhan Allah 1000

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months has 30,000 nights, so worshipping Allah, Allah Allah in one night is better than worshiping Allah, Allah, Allah in 30,000 Denied. In fact, someone might say that it is better than worshiping Allah, Allah Allah, in what in 60,000 between nights and days, Allahu Akbar, you cannot imagine the reward of worshiping Allah, Allah Allah during that night. That's why worshiping Allah, Allah Allah in one in one hour, is Ara is worshiping is like worshiping Allah, Allah Allah, in what, in 3000 days around the city, 1000 days, just one hour, is equal to what is equal to 3000 days almost. And that's why we say when you become tired during this night, imagine that worshipping Allah, Allah

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Allah, in one minute, is equal or similar to worship Allah, then Allah Allah, in how much you calculated

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Subhan Allah my dear respected brothers and sisters, and that's why that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam used to observe a decaf and worshipping Allah Allah in one minute is similar to worshiping Allah, Allah Allah. For 50 days Allahu Akbar, can we imagine the amount of reward

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Hold my dear respected brothers and sisters, which also means that if you do anything, such as saying Subhan Allah such as saying Allahumma salli wa salam ala Rasulillah, where Allah, Allah Allah in return since and Salawat upon you in normal circumstances, that is multiplied by 30,000 times. Imagine the Hadith when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whoever says La Ilaha, il Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Who

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do who Allah condition in Cadiz 100 times Allah, Allah, Allah will reward him 100 It has Allah, Allah Allah will remove 100 Say, Allah and Allah Allah will reward him as if he had silay as he freed 10 slaves of Benny is married. Imagine if those figures are multiplied by 30,000 times. You cannot even imagine the amount of reward. That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not want to waste any single second of those nights. And the best way not to waste any single second is to stay in a state of silence throughout the day, and most importantly, it's throughout the night. But how? How can you stay in a state of Nevada for the entire day and for the entire night? The only

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way to do that is to observe a decaf.

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Why? What is the secret behind a ticker? My dear respected brothers and sisters, the secret behind the curve is the fact that

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you are staying in the masjid because you are waiting for the next Salah that is considered to be an act of Salah for you because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam says that the is

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one of you will remain in a state of Salah as far as he is waiting for this Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that when you are staying in your place of Salah after the Salah, the angels will be seeking forgiveness for you. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also called Waiting for the second Salah after you complete the salah. The firm's Allah seldom called it a rebar which is a stay in firmly and the station in the face of any maze. So if you are doing a bot in the masjid or if you are waiting for the second Salah as if you are standing in the in the front lines Subhan Allah and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam

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used to observe the calf every single year. In one year he missed it out to calf because he was busy, and he made it up later. His wives also made a calf the righteous people also used the calf in Amazonia. He said, I wonder why some Muslims left Africa and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never left he kept in his life. Why have he used to sometimes leave certain a Baghdad because he wants to say that they are not obligatory but he did not abandon or he did not leave decaf at all. sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, and Subhan Allah. My dear respected brothers and sisters, despite the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam used to be very

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busy because he was running the entire country and he was a prophet. He was the teacher. He was the main person to look after the entire community after entire the OMA yet he used to take what we used to call or what we call holiday holidays, an emergency holiday actually because he was telling everyone leave me alone. Leave me to worship Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Despite the fact that Allah Allah Allah Allah has forgiven all his sin. As Allah Allah Allah mentioned us this in the Quran, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam don't want to miss this great opportunity, and he wants to teach us about the importance of those nights. Now, many brothers and sisters might ask that if we

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cannot do Attica, what shall we do? Brothers Sisters,

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the minimum you can do is to stay in the place where you pray.

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Marguerite, to stay in it until Asia and then after Asia to do as much as you can pray on till failure. If you can't do pray the entire night, then stay istation In your place of Salah waiting for the Fajr Salah Of course, you might need to drink water and you might you need to go to the toilet, just come back again and continue engaging yourself in Salah in particular. Then after Salah you can do a dog and they can sisters, of course you can have your Sahaba as well. sisters who are observing the menses, they can also worship Allah, Allah Allah during those nights. Of course they cannot stand in prayer, but they can continue making Degroof Allah, Allah Allah, they can continue

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making dua, they can read Quran without touching demos have also brothers and sisters, let us remember the hadith of Aisha Robbie Allah to Allah and her when she asked the Prophet sallallahu wasallam if she witnesses Leila, to what she would ask Allah, Allah, Allah and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told her to say, Oh Allah, you are asked for giving and you will like to pardon and forgive, or Allah pardon us, Allah who met in the California to hibel Alfa for Anna. So brothers and sisters, apart from standing in priamo Lane in Salah. You can by the way, you can make long, standing up in Salah you can make long sujood long ruku

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apart from Salah you can engage yourself in Degroof Allah de la Jara in making history of Afar and the citation of Quran. Try not to do anything other than that, of course, you can give sadaqa if you can give it immediately. The only exception I might say is that if you have a problem with your parents, then make sure that you fix those problems in this in this night. Don't delay that because the rights of the parents are very, very high. And it is, as you know, it is next year from a certain perspective next to the right of Allah, Allah Allah or it was mentioned next to the light of Allah, Allah, Allah Allah which could lead whatever the data

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we ask Allah, Allah Allah to make us among those who witness Leila tilaka and we ask Allah, Allah Allah to be among those who witnessed a little further to be among those who are worshipping Allah, Allah Allah during that night because this is the meaning of witnessing Leila Concordia Rasul Allah wa salam O Allah gonna be much louder and he was so happy

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