Haitham al-Haddad – Imams Should Pray Witr According to All Madhabs

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the ways of praying withers, including the Hanafi way, which involves praying in a different way. They stress that the matter of Witter is flexible and that the matter is about the way of praying withers. The speaker recommends teaching everyone the different ways of praying wither to be tolerant and united.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now brothers and sisters,

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regarding Salat al Witter,

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let us understand

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the matter of Witter is very flexible.

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There are 3 main ways of praying withers.

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There is the Hanafi way which is to

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pray 3 with 1 taslim at the end.

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You pray 2 rakah,

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then you sit for

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tashahood, you stand up, you read Surah Fatihah

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After Surah Fatihah, you read some Quran, maybe

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Surat Qulhu Allahu Ahad, then you say Allahu

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Akbar in a standing position

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with raising your hands, and this is wajib

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according to the Hanafi madam. And then after

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you do unut, short unut, quietly.

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Some Hanafi scholars allowed also, loud

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In a standing position, after you say Allahu

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with raising your hands

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which is in the 3rd raka. And this

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is what? Before the Rokkur.

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So this is the Hanafi way.

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The Jumhur,

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they pray witter,

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in a different way. 2 rakah,

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sit, make the sleep, stand up, and then

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you do

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one rakah alone.

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The shafi' is so the Jomor, this is

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the Malekis and the Hanabilah, Although Hanabilah have

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different ways.

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The Malekis, they prefer this, which is what?

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2 raka,

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do taslim,

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stand up,

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no unut,

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and do 1 raka.

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And they consider any way other than this

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is macro as far as I,

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understand or as I remember.

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The shafi'i

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is the opposite.

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They they,

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3 consecutive rakas

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without sitting in between. So first raka, second

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raka, you don't sit for tashahhut at all,

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continue for the 3rd raka,

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and then you do the qunut

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after the,

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3rd raka, after ruku of the 3rd raka.

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So now as you can see that there

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are 3 main ways.

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All of them are valid,

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every single madhab has its own daleel for

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The agenda support all of them.

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To say brothers and sisters, I know that

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du'aat and prominent, you know, you may call

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them scholars,

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they say that the Hanafi

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madhab is against Sunnah. You cannot say this

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because it is impossible

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to have

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a school of thought that is followed by

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of scholars, and they are doing something that

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is against sunnah. I don't want to go

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now into the discussion regarding their daleel for

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that. Every single madhab, my dear brothers

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and sisters whenever it is adopted by the

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madhab and the scholars in that madhab, they

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don't deny it,

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then you cannot say that it against sunnah

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Be careful, please. So don't say that

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the Hanafi witter is against

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sunnah. This is maybe in of itself is

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a problematic statement.

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Okay? So these are the 3 main ways

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of doing witter.

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I strongly recommend

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that in a multicultural,

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in a multicultural

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in a multi,

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a multi madhub society,

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salafis, you have Hanafis, you have Hanafis, you

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you have shafis. Of course, that doesn't mean

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that the salafis are against the hanafis or

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they are different. I have my own view

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about it that Hanafis and Shafis and,

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Malikis are all Salafis. Okay?

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To distinguish them from Salafis, this is another

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story, but anyway.

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You have in each masjid all.

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what to do?

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I strongly prefer

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that we as imams

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need to teach

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the congregation

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that there are different ways of praying wither

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and that

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and that the imam is accommodating

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always and is

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the whole congregation.

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So one time pray as Hanafi, and this

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is what we do in our Masjid in

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Darul Hasan. One way pray Shafi'i,

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one way

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pray Maliki. In Dar al Hassan we have

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not yet prayed Shafi'i way, but we've been

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because one of our imams, Jazalullah khairam, is

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Maliki. We want to cater for him as

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well. And for them it is Magrukh to

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pray the 3 raka'ah,

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which is the shafi'i way. Yeah? So anyway,

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the the the I strongly prefer that, especially

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our main masajid,

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the big masajid. They should pray wither in

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ways. One time Hanafi, one time Shafei, one

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and they can alternate

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between that, my dear brothers,

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and sisters. The I I think this will

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help us to be united, will help us

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be tolerant to each other. And as we

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said, that the matter is very flexible. The

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gave us,

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and the prophet

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also prayed the 3 together. There is 1

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narration and 5 together, and that gave the

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how to pray Salatul Uyghur.

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