Haifaa Younis – Islam and Nature
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AI: Transcript ©
salam ala Rasulillah while they're early he or sock be here woman WADA Loma Linda myInfo now on foreigner Bhima alum tena in a Kissimmee on would you with dua llama now do we come in and milliamp hour I'll be shocked when I've seen that tissue Ah What do I lose my Robin Allah to Sao Paulo Ghana bad is her data no habla Malankara in a cut into the hub of Israeli solder us Lee Emery. Why you love the terminally Sandy of polio welcome everyone, masha Allah I'm happy that you all came in at hamdulillah Brahmin this will be actually the last Tuesday and then I'll see you after Ramadan Chawla. So hopefully be in Allah. Allah pantalla any hamdulillah Brahmin I think, at least for a
year now if not even more from the law, we learned a lot of things. And I'm talking about to everybody including an including myself we learned about the Quran we learned how to read Quran, we learned about Ramadan, we we learned what do we need to do time come into
practice. And I need everyone to ask herself is like how much more I need to learn to practice reality, you don't need much to start. So
put it this way, it may sound a little bit hard on you. But sometimes we need to raise the bar. So say to yourself, this Ramadan, no way is going to be like last year.
Just put it as a goal. Put it as a goal, right? At least Yeah, this is what I say if you put a plus minimum you will get B but if you put the B there's a good possibility you will get F
right. So always put a higher, don't say I can do it. Once you say I can do it, I'm gonna tell you, I'm not going to do it.
They always say in sha Allah and you mean it be in Allah, and Allah will make it easy. So the first thing is I'm going to this Ramadan is going to be different,
how it's going to be different. I can't give you one recipe. Because what applies for me can't apply for you and what apply for you can't apply for you. But in general, you each one of you and this is why I chose this subject and the last. I'm sure many of you are like why? Why is this subject at the end before Ramadan? Why? Because that's how you're going to be different. Because everybody talks about Ramadan virtues of fasting and you have memorized it and let me see it in practice. This is something is easy. B isn't allowed to practice if you focus on it. And if you make it a priority, like everybody makes fasting a priority you should this subject, nature and Islam. It's absolutely
an act of worship. That's number one thing you have to change meaning when you say I am not going to drink in a bottle of plastic water in a in a plastic bottle. I'm not being a green movement.
I am actually being a Muslim, a practicing Muslim. That's number one thing has to change. I mean I looked before I came in, there is so many there was a PhD thesis in Arabic about lb al Islam nature understand the title.
PhD thesis, we never think of that. Why? Because again we as Muslims narrowed how we made ourselves so narrow how we look at this time we we made this so small. It's you know what I pray I go to the masjid I put hijab I fast. I'm perfect. Jana is waiting for me. You are a b I mean, I don't know Sharla it is but I don't know. But there is other things. So when you come to the in Arabic nature, it's called they'll be right. And if I if I want just to let you know what, or just to learn what this word mean, it's gonna reflect the way you look at this earth or where we are living. And we'll be nature you know what it is, nature is actually a place membawa in Arabic language, a place where
you settle, where you find comfort, where you can where you find peace. So when Allah puts me on this earth, that this earth already he created it and he fashioned it in a way
that it is a place of comfort, a place to serve me a place I enjoy and most importantly it's a place I serve Allah.
Allah didn't create the earth so I come and do whatever it is my place and I let me ruin it. Let me do whatever I want because I like it. So every time you literally doing something right
lated to nature.
The first thing you're going to say this is a good deed. I'm going to get TimesTen
you know when you when you invite someone to your home to break the fast why?
She's my friend invited me last year
right? Am I correct? Am I making this up? No, it's reality. My apology, this reality is not an act of worship. Versus man for Taurus. I'm the person who is going to invite a passing person, to, to what to serve him to break his fast or her fast. That's an act of worship. That's act of worship TimesTen
when I am in the masjid, and I go into the door, and I don't waste the water. That's not only an act of worship, I am actually it's an act of obedience. Because the opposites please pay attention. What I see in the bathrooms is beyond me when women are doing what I do.
When I waste them the water I am disobeying Allah and fasting. I'm getting ready to go to break my fast to pray Maghrib and in the masjid anything better than that? And it's Ramadan. And here I am doing will do wasting the whole water.
Why the water is on? And I am washing my hand. Can't I just washed once hold, close it. Wash second cause how long it will be more how many seconds longer? But you already Obaidullah.
Same thing when you wash your feet why the water is running?
It's about one we'll do. There's a hadith of Rasul Allah salatu salam, dally Komarov all some of you may know it, right. One of the acts that shows me and you as a person who's persistent and stable in her act of worship, one of them is Isbell will will do al mCherry is when you do your will do in in situations you is difficult for you for for example, it's very cold and there is no hot water in the house. And you have to do what to how painful, right that's called a smuggle word or al McCarrick meaning something, I do it perfectly but it's not in the best situation. One of the meaning of this is when you perfect your model with a little bit of water.
You will perfect your model in a little bit of water. The average amount of revenue waterfall model how much one cup
can we make it remember we said is this Ramadan is going to be different. Here you go. I am not going to go to the bathroom in the masjid and turn on the faucet. No, I'm taking a cup. I feel the cup. I sit in the area where hamdulillah they made it for Waldo, right beautiful. Sit there is going to take you longer in the beginning because you're not used to it and teach yourself and when you learn it well.
You will have some water left in the cup.
And you have done it perfectly with all the sudden with all the sudden that's number one.
Ramadan is going to be different this year. In my remember I told you last week three things, my relationship with Allah, my relationship with people and I hope everybody forgive everyone last week.
And I don't want to hear anything, because I'm not gonna accept it. Now number three is my relationship with nature with the Earth with the creation of Allah. Water is a creation of Allah.
I'm going to every time I also recommend if you're doing or do at home, get a container. Any container, put it under the faucet when you're doing what we'll just see. Just see how much water is in that container. I've done it before. That's all waste. Because you don't need that much.
This is all coming from the faucet in there. Are you all with me? Do it. You're going to see what are you going to do with the water in the in the container? Throw it away, right hamdulillah if we learned nothing.
What are we gonna do with this coming from me? Did I say drinking?
Water the plant. Right? If you have a cat button for the cap porch in your kettle and let it boil, talk to the people of Gaza.
Talk to the people of Gaza how they're going too fast. Don't ask me. Do you think anybody will not trust because it's too difficult? No.
So number one is water.
Number two
is research
verses and summer is going to tell you how Allah created everything in balance. Everything in balance if this balance tilted, that's what we are seeing, you know, the weather, the changes, the hurricanes, earthquakes, all this because we tilted the balance. So number one is water number two, and I honestly beg everybody in this room,
you do not waste a single grain of rice, anything you are eating, that plate is completely empty, that people say did you eat? That's how it should be. This is an act of worship.
This is not you are mashallah Tabata cola. And you know, parents three rays do well or you are a person who pay attention to details. This is an act of worship. And if you don't do it, I hate to say this, but it's not my words. It's the words of Allah Who created you and me 1234 And now you have when was ravine don't waste he does not like those who are wasteful, had the land this No Don't is an order.
Those of you who know army and when you put order in the Quran means it's an obligation unless there is an exception and there is no exception in this it's twice came in the Quran both relate to food. One came a circle and and the other one is out of ebony Adam who Luzina to come and the coolie Masjid Children of Adam beautify yourself for masjid or for Salah. What color was trouble eat and drink, right? Food while at a thrift.
Whether you are invited, whether it is in your home, whether it is an Iftar in the masjid, it doesn't matter whether you just ordered food whether it's a sandwich and you're eating, it is the issue is not what you are eating. Look at your you I don't want you to look at anybody. Look at yourself, don't say this to your children and your your plate is full of food.
Whatever you put on that plate is gonna go to your you're gonna eat it, or you're gonna pack it for its for tomorrow. Give it to someone that's a different story. But don't you ever, ever, ever allow yourself as a Muslim fasting, obedient to Allah, you want your Ramadan to be different? And then you throw food in the garbage? Don't tell me I don't like it. You're gonna hate it.
The more you train yourself, these habits are trainable. They are changeable.
Third, learn to compost.
Learn to compost. There is many ways of doing it. I don't know if you're going to talk about it. But I definitely do it for years now. And I can tell you how much less trash is in that trash bag or that trash can
compost everything don't throw anything in the garbage even the gardener today and he said you know that the coffee we drink don't throw it the guy's not a Muslim. And he was looking at me says what is what is there on the on the planet? These are great food Subhanallah and this is our deen so water.
I find I had if I had the the ability or the authority I will burn
water in plastics and mustard period you manage if you go to when I learned honesty, because when we find it not available, we will manage.
We will all pay attention. Oh, I didn't bring my cup. I will put one in the car. So every time I go but if it is there in front of me is here and why do I want to worry. But lets me be the pioneer. Because if I do it, you follow me. I'll get a reward and I'll get your reward and your reward will not be less imagine you do it. Everybody in that row follow you. Imagine you do it beautiful use my beautiful daughters and then your friend do it and your friend do it and your friend do it. Everybody is doing it you will get the reward.
And we only think a reward is on NATO Cadet when I am standing in Salah and I start crying and make it the end of the world if I have my menstruation at that day, and I missed a long list of good deeds. So water, food
and don't ruin the Earth.
Don't ruin the Earth. Everyone you live in California we live in California Hamdulillah. Make sure you plan something that's that's Hadith by itself. I can tell you what to do to me. The meaning of if the day of judgment comes and you are holding in your hand. A plant by Allah who's going to think about the plant is the day of judgment. You know what
What does that mean? And what was the order of Roswaal risotto Sinha planted,
it has zero. Zahra is going to be turning upside down. But he still was teaching me and you do a good deed to the last breath in you.
And that's plant.
Plant. You gotta tell me I have a lot of whatever animals they will eat it or let me give you a good news.
Every time you plant anything, especially edibles, whoever eats from it, human being or animal, you will get the reward. It's a sort of, like act of charity for you.
plant fruit trees, plant any fruits or plant any trees or any flowers. Why is that? It's a you're going to talk about it, it brings back the balance not because all's only to beautiful, or wherever the reasonable brings back the balance the balance of this or that again, we destroyed. How do you somebody was telling me those of you maybe been here for a long time? They said in the I think they said in this in the 80s? Or 90s? I don't recall, this city was all Why is called Orange County.
Right? What are kundala? Why it's called the Orange County teach them it was all orange trees. All of it? What did we do?
Got it, all of it. Why? So everybody can live in to one person live an hour. So two people live in a house. And then what happened? The balance is imbalance. Because when Allah created this place full of trees, he is an moudaber. He is all Kadir he knew who will hacking. He knows he's the wise you know why this place was trees. And the other place was not. I come in, I want to live, everything is being cut. What should I do 100 law, he gave me a house. Let me plant, bring it back. Again. I don't want to take too much time because I want someone to come and talk to you about the reality of it. And then I'll come back again. And we'll take your questions. Bismillah. So each one of you get one
thing, I will highly recommend the water.
How the wastefulness of water is is something beyond me. And once you make it a habit, it becomes natural. Natural. My friends knows if they come to my house. And if they are and that sink and the water is running, some of you are laughing. Right? They know I don't say anything, I just come and I close it. Or I'm gonna say why the water is running. I am putting the dish in the dishwasher. Okay, you're putting the water dish in the dishwasher. Why the water is running.
You see, it's one less than maybe 10 seconds. But what it's going to cost me if I did this only. Again, put the containers and see how much water we are wasting. May Allah subhanaw taala teachers the best May Allah subhanaw taala help us to practice and may Allah subhanaw taala change everything we do everything we do to become an act of worship. So I'm going to ask somebody to come in my place. And then I will come back and show you another 20 minutes then I'll take your questions and answer and please don't ask me about trip, please. Right. I think we have heard it all. Come on. Do you understand?
You want to you want to come in my face? Yes, sure.
Let me just come down. This
This was really okay.
been beat up quite a bit
sad, okay. Okay.
All my notes. Okay.
They'll be stuck in the subsidy. Why Sydney? Empty? Why?
Why not enough to dumb in the sand if you have trouble, Chloe. First and foremost, May I share today be a reminder to myself more than anybody else. Oh, first and foremost, may have what I share today via right reminder to myself more than anyone else, and may be beneficial for everybody. And if it is, that's from Allah subhanaw taala. And if it's not, it's just for me. So I just wanted to start there. So when I was trying to think of what to talk about today, first of all, my name is Samah worry. For those who don't know me, I'm from the art and wilderness Institute. And some say I'm the director of it, but I want to tell you, I'm a naturalist.
run through like a nerdy naturalist who goes out. And I go, and I study nature and I do
very adventurous things in order to study Allah's creations, and, and my thirst for understanding, and will solid, the fashion or the designer, how he puts everything together has driven me all over the world to study nature and to see it. And like many of you, I grew up in Orange County in a bubble. And, you know, I didn't go hiking, when I was a kid, I didn't really know much about nature, to be honest. And I use Styrofoam. And I use plastic water bottles, and, you know, just going along with the flow like we all do. And, you know, for me, something changed one day actually in Syria. I was 16 years old. And my uncle was a healer in Syria, and he would make medicine out of plants. I
mean, you would walk into his house, and it looked like Indiana Jones. And one day, I had the cyst in my eye. And so my aunts were all like, you know, influenced by friends, and we'll take you to our doctors, they're real doctors. And then my uncle looked at my eye, he said, What's wrong with your eye and said, Oh, it's, you know, there's a cyst. He said, Okay, I'm going to, I'm going to give you a plant, and it's called White Sage. And we're going to and my answer like, no, no, we'll take her to our real doctor. And there was this little fight going on. And so what happened is, he said, No, no, come back here. He took them atomia. So raise your hand, if you no matter me, as some of you
know it. He boiled it, he let it sit. And he had me rinse my eye out with it. And it had been bothering me for like a week. And instantly it was gone. And that was the moment I went from loving animals to thinking plants were kind of cool. So there was the shift starting to happen much, much, much later on. And I'm telling you the stories you can understand. So we can all understand where does our love for nature sort of begin? It starts with some kind of connection that we have. And so what happened is much later on, I wanted to get a job taking care of animals for the Orange County Department of Education. So I applied, they looked at my resume, they said, Oh, you've taught Arabic
school. And so why don't we try? You know, we'll teach you to be a naturalist. I'm like, what? What's a naturalist? What even is that? Like? Oh, you can you know, you lead hikes and stuff, but like hikes, I don't even know any trails. Like it's okay, we'll train you. And then you'll learn all the, you know, science out on the trails. So my very first day on the job, my boss said, Hey, that plant over there, this one's about ethnobotany how Native Americans used plants. That plant go put that card on that plant. That one is called White Sage. And so like white sage, that sounds so familiar. I took it and I placed it and it clipped it on the plant. And it said White Sage, the
Tongva who are the native and the indigenous and the first people of this area, they actually used it to heal their eye
Subhanallah and in that moment, it was like Hollis, this is there's something about understanding and reading
all of the plants and reading nature and
chicks Mossad McRobbie is one of my teachers that I'm taking classes with, he he mentioned recently, and I thought this is really interesting. He said in Surah Telok, when the very first word which is extra, does not only refer to Accra, the Quran, it refers to Accra, everything, nature of creation, so that we can understand it, even the DNA that's written in every plant, and that makes me look different than you. And I thought that was really interesting that, you know, for us to understand the Quran and to connect with it on a deep level, we have to be able to read nature as well. And that also made me think Wait 70% of Americans are environmentally illiterate.
That means that if we were to go on a trip even in our name and say, what's that to say? I don't know. You know, what, what comes where do Where do acorns come from? I don't know. When oak tree I'm not sure right. And to not know that means that we're we have been disconnected. So very disconnected. from Allah's creations from understanding Allah subhanaw taala how and we'll solve it puts everything together. And so I wanted to best illustrate this by sharing with you
a story and the reason why I'm wanting to share this story with you is because it was one of those moments again for me, that made me understand, like, wow, you know, when you say Subhan Allah and it comes from your soul, like you're in awe, and that when you when you when we do that when we go on we set sunrise and we say Subhan Allah, or we see a sunset we Say Subhan Allah and you're seeing all the clouds, they're changing the colors and everything and the wind on your face and you know, hearing the birds and all of that and your anxieties going down and you're listening and you're saying Subhanallah there's something actually scientifically that happens in our brains when that
happens. And what it does is it reduces our anxiety. And actually, there's scientific studies showing that that prevents onset of Alzheimer's, as well. So when we're in that mode, and we're out in nature, and we're doing all of this, there's actually scientifically good for us because we're supposed to be part of nature, right? And so, one of these moments was when I was in Alaska, and I went to be a naturalist in Alaska for a while, and I didn't know anything about Alaska, I didn't know like, glaciers, they're like this white stuff, that clot, you know, there. It's like ice and it does something. And I don't know why I need to know why they're melting. But you know, something
about that. So I was like, you know, I need to go study this. I don't know anything about it. I'm going to Alaska. So I go to Alaska. And as we're learning from, you know, they brought in, you know, people from National Geographics, and all these amazing teachers that are showing us out in the forest, how everything's working in this balance, that we're talking about this food chain.
Something really interesting that it's like an interesting thought that occurred to me in this whole process, because we would go out and we would study whales, and we were doing research with Noah and trying to track where the migration of whales are. And I realized something and this is something really interesting. We most of our oxygen, does anyone know where it is? Most of our oxygen come from trees. Actually, it doesn't. It doesn't come from trees. It comes from the ocean. 70% of our oxygen comes from the ocean, because all the tiny little plankton and organisms that are on the surface, all along the surface of the ocean are tiny little organisms. And these organisms, they're
phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton makes plants it's their plants that makes oxygen. zooplankton are teeny tiny little microscopic animals. And they eat the teeny tiny little tiny plants and then the krill come in they eat that and then the small fish come in they eat the Kroners Subhanallah this whole food chain so everyone take a deep breath
70% of that breath was from the ocean
so Subhanallah so now when we're thinking and hold on to that thought is that because once we get into you know some environmental issues happening we're gonna go back to the ocean. So we have you know, all of this happening over there. Now check this out. This was just like, blew my mind. I thought about this. All the whales are coming to Alaska. Not all of them but the ones from Hawaii are going to Alaska. Okay. So bear with me. What happens in Alaska in the summertime
what happens in the summer way up north? Is there a lot less light Or? Or? More light? Yeah, a lot of sunlight. Right? If you barely have like three hours of dark. So here's what happens. The during those 18 hours, the ocean turns into a form okay?
The glaciers here's What glaciers do this is what I didn't know. Glaciers are slow moving. rivers of ice Yanni look at it from the top from an aerial view. It's literally a slow moving river of ice. And what does it do it bulldozes the nutrients off of the mountains. And in those nutrients are magnesium silica.
What else silica magnesium. Let's see your iron right and the silica check this out the silica you know when you buy shoes and there's that little packet that says do not need? That's silica, okay, and silica is what covers the plankton so the plankton can grow. So, it bulldozes the silica it sends it down to the water. There are 40 glaciers in Juneau, Alaska, all doing this. They send all these nutrients to the water plus 18 hours of sun equals perfect fertilizer equals tons of plankton, like tons of plankton, so all the whales come to eat. Now Subhanallah look at Allah subhanaw taala its design when a will goes to the bathroom. Really interesting. They don't go to the bathroom down
it deep, deep, they actually come all the way up to the surface. And why do they do that? Because their feces is actually fertilizer. So look at this design Subhanallah he's animal solid. He's He's like it's a perfect design. So all that fertilizer, all that plankton the glaciers are moving. They're bulldozing, I mean, ice water is stronger than rock. So water gets in the rock, it freezes and that freezing chips off the glaciers and that's why if you actually have seen a glacier in real life, they look dirty like you look at it and you think it's gonna be blue, beautiful and bright blue and clear. It's not It's like has dirt in it and it has rocks and boulders.
And that's why if a cave forms in a glacier and you go in one, you have to put a helmet on because as it's melting boulders are falling from this ice cave. So here's the thing. This gets better. It's like, I'm like, Oh, wow, it can't get better than this. Watch it does. And this is the reason I'm telling the story is because we've lost this connection with what's going on outside. And then I thought this cannot you can only like, hear about cool things in Alaska. No, it's happening here in Orange County, too. There's all kinds of cool stuff happening as well. And this is where we're going to learn how to build our awareness. But back to Alaska for a second. So here comes the whales.
They're eating and they take one big gulp of water. And they like they go, and they strain out all the water and they eat all this tiny plankton this huge animal eats all this tiny plankton and krill. And then what is it do? It licks it's, it's its tongue, its tongue licks the top of its mouth, and it swallows sculpts. And it does that all day long. Okay. So in the meantime, this is really interesting. Think about it, the glacier sending all of these nutrients down to the ocean. Now, what how is the forest? Going to get the nutrients back? It's sending it all to the ocean.
And guess what? Birds? That's one way what's another way? Anyone else? So I hear birds, I hear the wind? How are the nutrients getting back? Yep.
we'll see so well, the whale feces over in the ocean. So enter the salmon Dunt Dunt. on mute the sound effects. So here comes the salmon. Now look at this Subhan Allah, the salmon.
Allah gave their their sense of smell is so good that when they're born in the forest, in a tiny stream, they remember that one spot in the forest, and that in that one tiny rock near that one little pebble, they remember that and they go and they start swimming downstream to the ocean. And as they're going, their body changes colors. Subhanallah, it changes when they get to the ocean.
They actually are now adapt, they have the body has changed. And now they can live in the ocean. So they actually go all around the ocean, and they collect nitrogen from the ocean. And then they're like, Oh, time to lay eggs, I'm gonna go back upstream, straight back to the forest where I was born. And they start against all odds jumping in the river up against and that's why when we build dams, they can't do that anymore. So think about all the things now as I'm trying to think about all the things we're doing, that's disrupting this balance, okay, so check it out. Now they're going they're trying to get upstream and they make and as they're going, their body is dying, it's
deteriorating, they have limited time to make it back, lay their eggs in that one exact spot where they were born, they can smell one dot and like 1000, I don't even know what I forgot what the scientific unit of measurement is called. But they can in purple parts per million, they can smell like that one. If you put one.of. Like, let's say Jasmine, in water in like, you know, 10,000 million gallons. That's not even a number but a lot of water. They can smell it. Their sense of smell is extraordinary. And they will smell that one spot they've been imprinted on. They go all the way back up. Okay? And then what happens on the way up, here comes the bears the birds, like, Oh,
I'm hungry. And this is why bears are really important to panelists. So check out this whole system. bears come and they start eating the salmon. They're ripping it up, and they're very wasteful on purpose. So they start eating it and they're like, Oh, the brains I love it. I'm gonna throw you over there all you know, I'm gonna catch another one. And they just start doing this. And then look what happens. Everything in that forest. And I mean everything eat salmon, the smallest little rodent to the deer to the Eagles. The Eagles are lazy. By the way, they're like, I'm not gonna hunt. I'm just gonna go take the bears fish. This is great. And so then the eagle comes in, it takes the
salmon, the little bowl that goes under the soil, takes the salmon. Now remember, what what did the salmon bring back from the ocean? Does anyone remember? Nitrogen? That's right. So it's bringing the nitrogen back. So when the ball goes now under the soil, and it's eating the salmon and it goes to the bathroom, what is it putting into the soil, nitrogen, when the eagle takes the salmon and it flies to the furthest tree, and it goes to the bathroom? It's spreading that nitrogen in the high places that other animals can't reach. And when I learned this,
it was like a wake up call for me. Honestly, it was a moment in my life that brought me back to Islam. Because for me, it was like Subhan Allah, Allah is and will submit every little detail. He had it fashioned. He has it completely in a beautiful system. And I watched I went back every summer for four summers in a row. And I watched those glaciers disappearing faster than they had ever done.
appeared in life in in all of history, they shouldn't be melting this quickly. And so by 2100, we're going to lose half of the glaciers on Earth. And if I honestly had heard this statistic, before I had spent time in Alaska, I wouldn't know what that means for us. But think about it. If I came to you, and I said, holler, I'm going to take all the ice from your freezer, and you don't get you don't get electricity either. And no ice in your cooler. Without where are you? Is your meat gonna go bad? Yeah, everything's gonna be off balance, right in our inner freezer and a refrigerator. And so therefore, everything that Allah has created is in perfect balance. And when we're Where is, how
is this all happening? Some call it global warming. But the correct term is more climate change. And it's actually an imbalance. It's not the warming is that in some it's extremes, right. And we've seen this, right, like, we go for seven years, and there's no rain, and all of a sudden, it's like rain, and then all of a sudden, there's no rain, and we have not understood even how to capture our rain, we'd let it go it goes to waste, it drops on the asphalt, and it goes down the drain, and it goes back to the ocean, we don't even capture in our soil. Think about it. So here's the here's the thing.
As Muslims, I think it's our responsibility to first we have to connect, we have to if our hearts not worried about that, right now, for example, we're facing the largest extinction of animals since the dinosaur era that we know this. We are in a mass extinction event right now. We lost 50% of our biodiversity of insects, which is scary because every insect as we learned from what the whales do and what the salmon do, just because we don't know what an insect does in the system doesn't mean it's not important. For example, Western Fence lizards there, that lizard you probably have in your backyard or anywhere. That lizard, by the way, is the reason why we have less Lyme disease in
California than in New York. And the reason why is because if a tick bites that lizard first and then bites you that blood in that lizard removes the Lyme disease from the tick SubhanAllah. And then when it goes to bite you, it's like it's just a bite. But that Lyme disease is no longer there. And so we can't say as much we can't as humans, and as Muslims, we can't say, oh, I'm going to decide if that animal or creature is valuable or not. You know, if the science just because we haven't figured it out, does not mean that Allah has wisdom, that that means that we are not trusting Allah's wisdom in why he put that creature in that habitat. And every single habitat is
Until we mess it up
until we mess it up. And so
building our connection, by the way, the word conservation comes from the root word, conservative, it's a Greek word that means to get to know, you're not going to get you're not going to fight for anything unless you get to know it, right? Like we're not going to care. Like unless, you know, let's say you go walking on your Jeffery trail every day. And then they say, Hey, by the way, we're gonna get rid of that trail, you're gonna be like, wait, what? No, I use that trail every day. I care about that place. Because you got to know what you spent time. But if you didn't know what that was, and we said, hey, we're gonna pave that and we're building 20 Starbucks's along that trail,
you'll be like, oh, cool, I can stop at anyone I want and not wait in line. Right? So. So the point is that, you know, we don't care about things unless we get to know them. And that is why nature connection is really important. Also, what Schiff and a fat was saying about us, taking our own water bottles, places, taking our own coffee bottles, I have that yellow one, and I have a red one. The red one keeps my coffee and my Chai, and the yellow one, as you can see, it's very beat up. It's always with me, it has my water. And if I don't have those two things with me when I leave the house, something's missing. And I try my best to not take paper cups to not take any of that
because, you know, I used to work in a coffee shop. I saw how much waste would go every day. I love coffee two times a day. Yes, please. But that's 365 days times two cups. How many cups are we putting into the landfill? By the way, if you have not gone to the Irvine landfill, you can get a free tour. And I encourage you to go see what's going on over there. It is it is.
It was we couldn't believe how much waste was going into the landfill. And by the way, Orange County where we live is one of the most wasteful places on planet Earth.
We make the most trash more than any other city.
So this is really scary. So we got to rethink how we're doing things. How are we going to do this one. We need to get informed
On. Well, actually, it's pretty simple. We kind of learn this with us. I think we started getting good at this. We used to believe when we were little that there were three R's. Reduce, reuse, and what and recycle, I would argue there seven, starting with refuse. So someone you know, you're at an event a fair and someone's giving out some free plastic thing, and you know, it's just gonna end up in a drawer somewhere. Say, No, thank you. No, thank you. You don't need it. We don't need it. Do I need it? No, probably not. Do I need to go buy another jacket? Or can I just repair what I have? And by the way it is so now to repair our own clothes.
Except I don't do for good job. So my mom's like, Give me that. That looks really bad. Did you do this like with your eyes closed while swimming underwater? Like sorry, Mom, I'll get better at sewing. And just Okay, so we got refuse. Okay, we got our repair. So let's repair what we have. Let's restore restoring the earth, restore our yard plant trees, get rid of your grass, and put soil because the soil will absorb, it'll actually absorb carbon better. And if we take care of our soil, which is when the if you have living soil, you can grow anything. Lettuce from soil that's damaged is not the same lettuce from soil that has living bacteria and mushrooms and mycelium in it, the
nutrient content is going to be very different. Right? So plant trees so that butterflies and bees and all of these creatures can benefit from coming to your yard, right?
And then recycle, we said restore, so restore our habitats,
and replenish. So you know, replenish. So we have this mentality that we're supposed to have a zero carbon footprint, actually, as Muslims, we're supposed to have be actually contributing back to our presence made this earth even better than how do we not live? Not that it's a zero carbon footprint, but that our existence left a better life for the next generation. And honestly, I feel embarrassed when I look at my students who are some of them are sitting here. And I tell them, I'm like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I messed up your earth. I'm sorry, you have to live through this. I'm sorry. You have to deal with the consequences because I was being careless and wasteful. I didn't know better.
But no, I do. And I'm going to try to be better. And I'm not saying I'm perfect. I drive a lot. That's a lot of carbon, I put it but I we try to plant more trees, right like that. So at art and olders Institute for every class that anyone signs up for we put aside money and we buy a plant or a tree for that person to offset the carbon of them going to the classes and things like that. We're trying. But there's so much work to do the green Masjid initiative, just seeing how much Styrofoam was at messages during Ramadan. And Styrofoam never breaks down millions of years later. I mean, we have plastic floating in the ocean. That's like three, four times the size of Texas that shouldn't
be there. It's floating in the ocean. It's you know, this is I'm wondering, I'm embarrassed. Like, I don't know if any of my stuff's out there in the ocean. Right? But these are things we need to hold ourselves accountable for. But there's hope. There are a lot of amazing resources. And there's it starts with education. I will say get outside, ghost watching out for an hour.
Go on a trail. If you're not sure if you're scared. There's many amazing organizations. We have our wilderness Institute we have women's hikes, you can join them they're free come join and we go out every other week. There is let's see here. I made a list. SoCal must some outdoors for the families. It's free. They take everybody out. Go join that group. There is zaytuna permaculture class with roomies. Can I just say that it was amazing. We learned all about soil and agriculture and farming and I didn't know anything. I was not a farmer. I'm a wilderness girl. So I was learning about that. Off the Grid sisters, Dustin tribe. There's a lot of Muslim organizations that do hiking out here
and Mashallah. They're all excellent. They're amazing. So, get outside, because if we're not outside, one, it's bad for our health to be inside. There's so many chemicals inside buildings and whatnot. And two, were not able to say subhanallah I can't tell you how many times on the trail. It's not forced, like, Okay, I must do my liquor now. You know, it's like, you're out there and you're like, wow, so we got the panel on, look at this. And look at this B, and it's just natural. You're in a state, we're in a state of the kid outside. It's easy. Because it's in our football, we're meant to look at the stars. We're meant to look at wildflowers. And we're meant to we're meant
to have gratitude in our heart for everything that Allah gave us. And so I don't want to take up too much more of our time together. And inshallah we have a table outside if you want to talk more and nerd out with me more
Nature, I'd be happy to do that. And once again, I Well, I wanted to thank you so much for attending CIC and really think Dr. HIPAA, I know she lives green, I've seen it, she does compost and she doesn't have plastic and she doesn't, you know, bringing wasteful things into her house, I've seen it. And it's, it's amazing. And it's inspiring. And I feel like it's a decision, we're faced with decisions. Every second of our day, when we go to the grocery store, it's a decision, we're filling it with the boycott. We know this, but it's also with packaging. It's also and so I'll end by saying this
the safest thing we can do to prevent damage, there's no such thing as a cheap way out. If something's really cheap, something paid the price for it, either a mountain got exploded in a very shortcut way, a lot of creatures died. Or, you know, like, for example, mining for lithium batteries for Tesla's and whatnot, you know, Congo is paying the price for that. So there's always a, everything has a price, the safest thing we can do is put in our own sweat. And I recently learned at that permaculture class, that we actually have 500 kilojoules of energy each human a year to use, but we, we kind of we, what we do, is we so well, I'll just pay someone that I don't have to use my
energy, right? But if we use our own sweat, like instead of, you know, hiring someone to clean our house, get extras and going to the driving to the gym, instead of going the gym, exercise in your house by cleaning, cleaning our own houses, right like that's exercise, or farming go outside and compost and farm and that's exercise too, but we're putting in our own sweat. We're making our own food and we're connected in that way. So use that Glocca thank you so much. And go outside go get your hands dirty. Go dig in the soil
everybody is gonna go on Qantas Oh my shot.
Everyone gonna go and plant tree? How about you do this? Really? I mean, let's make let's let us be people who not only or only listen, there's nothing comes up.
Right? Because Allah is gonna ask me and ask you, right? You listen to her talk to you. I mean, the sound and I love sound and I never know someone does all that. Right? So amazing is the balance Allah subhanaw taala said now connected with the Quran for zero fill or the form Bortel walk on this earth and see
cave habitat and how he started all this creation. So each one of us I mean, what about the 100 year in this in this? If everyone
tomorrow, planted a tree in your backyard, and whatever, you can plant a tree, you are the earth 100 trees to this earth.
Once a month and look at it as an act of charity. And again, it's an act of worship is what I don't want you to belittle people, this is a problem. People will belittle you, oh, you're gonna you're gonna
correct all this and I said yeah.
People say this to me.
At least when I stand in front of Allah's pantalla I'm gonna say I was not part of it.
This is how that calorie Ma'am, look, I will have a customer ma'am. Look, this is what I can do. This is what I can afford. Right? But I'm not gonna sit and do nothing. sit and do nothing. That's almost what a proactive our deen is a proactive spa how much we changed it. It's a proactive you change. Look at our soiree Software Center. How much he changed, are they much they did. So here you go. All of you. The best way is the green Masjid. Again, I'm not going to be with you in Ramadan in the masjid. But let's show Allah number one. The best of us, the best in us. And let's show everybody else that we can do it.
No plastics, period. Definitely no stifle Styrofoam. Everyone go and get your own cup. Bring your cup with you. Yo, forget it. Join my club. Right. That's why honestly, somebody took it to humbler but I mean, I'll go and get another one. But do it be conscious? This this paper plates or plastic plates? Where did this come from?
Where did this come from? Panama. So we we all have to change period. And Allah has gonna say subhanallah this was supposed to be a community lecture. But then Subhanallah last minute, the schedule changed and
I was like no I need the community to hear this before Ramadan because Ramadan is the biggest
wasteful month unfortunately So alhamdulillah you all came May Allah reward you let's do it and each one remind the other if your friends are going to the masjid you see are carrying a bottle of water. Oh, let me go and get mine. You're carrying a bottle plastic No no no.
Because the issue is even with recycle. I'm sure you have seen it don't feel I mean it's better than nothing. But it is not what you think. Unfortunately. So may Allah subhanaw taala again help us to do this and let's be people of change
people of change I mean you all know last month last Ramadan when we did the builders of nation the series in Ramadan I can't tell you how much I learned from those woman.
They changed they some they changed some they produced men who changed or they raise I wish May Allah forgive me not pretty they raised that were woman. Some of them didn't know how to read and write.
So let's all of us do this. Be it Nila. Take care of our Masjid. Keep it clean. Please don't tell me I didn't throw it. I don't care. I'm going to pick it up. You don't want to pick it up. I'll pick it up. I'm gonna get the reward. Be hunters of good deeds, all of you in every aspect. Ramadan is not only about fasting and prayer and is a cow fundraising. That's part that's everybody else. What's going to make your Seon different than everybody else. What is it has to be something 99% People look at you and says what
really isn't what it is. Yeah, it is with a smile.
And be happy be it Nila. Any questions
Where is it? I'm not seeing Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'm not seeing where did we get that lady was the oldest unable to
say that again. What's the metaphor drinking water in
this in here?
Oh, they're all over Kataria has everybody.
Drinking water.
Impact of plastic.
You get you get this. You get this right. Get a filter jug has filter don't buy junk plastic.
The jug has a filter. You put the water in it, leave it outside the water is filtered for it in your bottle and
you know what? My parents and a majority of your parents grew up on this. They have something called heavy remember is the clay container. What is the clay container? They didn't have fridge. They put the water on the clay container it filters the water and then the water get very cold and it's very yummy. Guess what? I have one in my house? Absolutely. It's in the Arabic language called heb ha But put a Cassandra I don't know if you can buy it I'm sure you can buy it somewhere.
Okay, questions let's not talk between us because we're not going to learn please.
Ali cousineau doesn't really? That's okay.
Our Palestine Bismillah.
This week in my school, I go with rich High School. It's cultural week. And they have they have lives like all over the school. And they have palisade squad and they also have Israeli Swat. So my friend, I'm really proud to be her friend, especially after what she but she kind of tore apart Israel flag.
Don't do that. That's not smart. They, they gave her like Saturday school and they're gonna make her watch a video on anti semitism.
And like, we all got in a lot of trouble. Like, I've got my sister in trouble with the restaurant. So we didn't do anything. But like they just saw us like around the area. And
so what is your question? So like, I just want to know like, how do we respond to it and like this is where do you all I'm sorry to interrupt you but because of the other people are raising their hands. You have to be very, very smart. And you have to be actually principal indeed. Honorable Morrow for Nahan monka when you enjoying good and prevent evil, the principal in general. The first principle in this principle is make sure when you enjoying good, that will bring good and make sure when you prevent evil is going to not bring another evil like economical dilemma out of human Cara. So why
Do I want to do that? Again, I don't blame you, you're all young, you know you're full of energy and you want to do something. But this has brought way more harm than if I stood up and said something, gave them the history. And done. I'm not going to talk about religion, I'm not going to talk about politics, I'm just going to give the history or I put a flyer or whatever, I don't know, whatever they allowed you. Next to it is the history of this is for everybody. If you're going to talk about the subject, you have to be very careful. You say what will serve is not about emotions. They don't need my emotions, they need my support. And they need me saying the right thing. So now you have to
be all of you very careful. Right? And even if it means I'm going to apologize, because the act you did is not something pleasing to Allah. I'm not talking about you are rejecting I'm talking about the act itself was not the best action. I wish before you do anything, consult people ask the elder, right. I mean, even ask care, they will absolutely guide you have to say things that is very effective. Very effective to the point.
May Allah make it easy. And may Allah reward you for your feelings?
Yes, please. The last one. Yes. You need to stand up. Good luck if I'm going to hear it.
AR Ali kusina?
Right, the Heaven. Yeah. The clay container?
No, no, I didn't look for it locally. I don't know if it is, but it is not true.
Okay. Another question, please.
I was just at the first store, you can get these thermoses in the thrift store.
Right, that's a good look at that. You want to save money?
Yes. So go to this $1 store, thrift store. I mean, we all want to make announcements for stores. But also, you know, you don't have to buy 20 or $30 for a container. Right? Then if you lose it, don't worry.
Yes, please stop shopping. So when we shop at thrift stores and garage sale 7am, Saturday mornings best.
You're buying something that's already been used and here nor 10 People use something like one time and then they put it in their garage sale, or they donate it. And so what that means is that hasn't gone through the process of natural resource extraction. So that means that if I buy this new it took dynamite to explode a mountain to extract the rock to take out the metal from the rock to make this and if I buy it at a thrift store it means it's already been used you're not you're not we're not contributing to that. So that's a really good thank you for bringing that Yeah, exactly. No. Absolute see hamdulillah Yes, any other Oh, really? Already Sarah Malika?
Okay, nothing about Ramadan. Everybody is ready gay. Really? Nothing. Yes. My
trip when she said no, that's probably
no, I met her on camera last year. Actually. That's how I met her. She was with me in Omaha. So we're not going to go into that detail.
No, no, don't worry about that. Now we need something that will benefit everybody. We don't want to be personal. Okay, any question? Any comment? Okay, I'm gonna ask you this question because we have two more minutes what's your goal and Ramadan? Each one of you one go Don't give me taco don't give me general
let me ask the US.
Oh, no. Okay, no, no, I'm not gonna put you on the spot. No, no, anybody? Yes please.
To finish reading the Quran, you have not done it before.
Mark Mashallah. See for us is like what is finishing reading the Quran, Allah show us things that are stuck. You better be grateful. Yes.
Check on it. Yes, plant a tree and check on it and take care of it and talk to it. Right? Because you don't know maybe that plant. That tree will get me to Jannah. Yes.
To prepare every Sudan including the Sunnah, yes.
to compost. Yes. You have three ways of compost. How many of you in this room? Compost?
Ouch, ouch, ouch.
There's only four hands. It's less like less than them. 4% Oh,
Okay, you have three ways of compost
in California. Some places I don't know if it's every place, but they will give you a green container. The green container is compost. So whatever you have in the yard, you put it there, wherever things that are, that you can compose, which you can compose everything, except bones of the meat, Jonnie lamb, beef, you can't. But fish, chicken peels, anything that you are, you will normally when you're cooking or eating, you throw it in the trash, that's compost, and you can just leave the green and you are, they will take care of it. Second one, you need to have a yard, where which I actually used to do it, basically, again, everything comes out from your kitchen. But then
you have to go back if I remember what sack 4060 Where you put anything comes from the yard. Meaning if like when the when the weather change, and then you have all the three leaves, anything you're cleaning, you put it there. And then there is a certain machine, either machine where you literally do what your hand, or you can put it outside and then you you need to tilt, it's a process, but it will become compost at the end. Now the easiest way, of course, you're gonna cost your money,
you're going to buy a machine, and they are many of them. Don't buy a coffee machine by a compost machine.
And basically it has I have it in the house, it has a bucket, you put the bucket in your kitchen, wherever you are, you're eating orange, right, you peel the orange, it's not going to go to the trash, it's going to go in that bucket. Everything till you till it gets full, you put it in the machine, turn it on, three hours later, it's compost. I use it this morning, I planted trees, and I put it there.
How much I tell people it's the best whatever dollars I paid for in my life is this machine. And every time I look at it and say you're better, you're better want to see it in my
right book. I right. It took a little bit extra effort a little bit extra money, but this is what it is saving the Earth. Why don't you do it? Everybody has how many machines in your kitchen? Don't tell me I don't want to know.
And have a bit how often we use it once a year.
So this is the three ways of doing a compost. Yes, I understand that there are certain things that are recyclable like paper and those kinds of things. And many of the trash companies will pick those up and take four to four papers, what shred them. And if you're doing the compost, not in the machine, you're doing it naturally the papers goes into the compost and put helps. Usually, we start to do it in October or usually October and then by the time you get to April you have compost. Yes.
And your backyard.
If you have a small backyard, backyard if you don't have a backyard, in a pot
in a pot.
We do habitat restoration with parks and things. So if you want to get on our email list and we have volunteer days and you come in with us on Shahla but you can put it in a pot in your home or in the backyard if you have a backyard. Yes.
Okay, okay, can we can we please listen to Zach malarkey?
Washing your hands. Yeah.
Do not let the water run while you're brushing everything. Brushing your teeth. Yeah, no, no, no. The most common one is when we wash dishes. Because this is two or three times a day that brushing the teeth is usually once or twice a day. But and it is about two or three minutes if you do three minutes, but the two major waste is dishes and modal. Yes.
As we have
a lot of people they are hungry after the work and we never had this thing before. Once I read a woman and she said my father was wise enough to plant a lot of olive trees around. Nowadays we go like for flowers and nobody knows where war comes. Yeah, now in Palestine, Syria. So yeah, plan not only flowers, but plant fruit trees.
Olives, if you can. California is a place where you can grow all but you have to be very patient
You may not see the olives in your life because it takes a long time. Yes, yes. Yeah, there was somebody from the youth Yes.
for the plants because once you smashed
mashallah, that's true. Yes, that's really great. Back to the olive tree comment, I just want to share something this is should be very inspirational because nobody talked about a lot of sad things tonight. So I was recently in Turkey and my friends I said, Sam, I would have to show you to introduce you to this man who talks to trees, so 4000 year old trees, olive trees. So we went and what this man does, he's a Syrian refugee living in Turkey. He actually finds out from the government where they're going to build a road next, and he beats them there and he pays the fella who owns the land, how much you're gonna, what are you gonna do with that tree, we're gonna cut it
and make firewood. He says For how much 75 He says I'll pay you 100 To leave it alone. So he goes in, and he brings excavators and they dig around the whole tree with the soil, they put a belt, they take the whole tree to the nursery, and they grow it for five years, and they resell it for up to $100,000. And so he's moved 7000 trees from being cut down within the last six years. And I thought that was an interesting way to do it.
Just like hello, hi. Yes. Any other questions? I'm gonna give you extra time today in case you wonder, because it's the last class I was up to 10pm yesterday with a young professionals, yes.
Yes, please.
Do a demonstration of
absolutely, I have done it, you have to come with me to ask.
Because you really need this in HUD, you definitely need it, I mean, you will reach a point there is no water. This is how you do it. Okay, all you can do, it's also in the bottle is little bit easier, but half the bottle, but if you have the cup, just any regular cup, okay? So basically, you're going to do even
you everything is going to be with your right hand. So you put your right hand in the cup, there's going to be water, right? More than enough. One,
and then two,
and then three, same story, right? Same when you come to the hand is a little bit tricky. So you're going to put it in here and do your hand like that. And do it. second, and third, come to this site. Same thing, either here, or if you're young, you don't feel very comfortable, your left hand brings the right hand and washes. Now you come here, that's very easy. The last thing is the feet, that's where you have to be really conserving the water, I usually put it in my the same thing here. And then make sure all my feet are what is not I'm not wiping you can't wipe on their feet, you have to wash the feet. I see this every time in the in again, when women are
doing older than you wash. So you're not going to pour because if you pour unless you really have a good control port is a good idea also, but sometimes you put on into Oh, nothing left. So I normally in the beginning, when I learned that it's more than 20 years, I learned it was my hand. Now I can control it. And then I just put most of the time there is things left in the cup. And I actually drink it afterward because it's my hand was there.
Yeah, it's very easy. It's just a matter of it's like the non Muslims Look at you all of your fields in less than 10 days. Fasting, nothing, no water, no food. And I said no. I'll die.
And I said I've been doing it since 20 years of age and I'm still alive. So it's a matter of training and practice and Focus. Focus. I want to do it because it is an act of worship pleasing formula.
Okay, hamdulillah burn me. You're a bureaucrat? Yes, please. So you're talking about where it goes from? Yes. So there's it's a very small i don't care i Let's do it. I heard that a one to one you say where you say I have to recruit you have to every fall? Yes. There's a hadith that says that nothing will stand between you and Jana except that you have a failure.
Absolutely right when you went after every single that's one of the goals. The habits we need to establish, don't move after your sauna. Sit down what is what are you rushing or Suarez or to some sort of Sahabi the finish sada and he ran. And he said,
he has nothing to ask Allah
Bala he so he said he has nothing to ask or not nothing. So you said, you if you don't know it, it's all over. You can download. You can print it
What are you going to say? You know it's tough for long than you do and that you do AYATUL kursi after every Salah there is if you die there is nothing between you and Jana how long it takes you to read it of course most people know it by heart Hamdulillah you don't know what the return the Quran
does that killer look at this you use are amazing. Yes.
playing on time
Yeah, the Salah is accepted if you if you late meaning within the time, but it's not at the beginning of the time. It's definitely accepted. But you missed on a better reward.
Yes, please. All the youth are asking the adults knows everything much.
They're perfect. Perfect. You're going to just observe them in Ramadan. Give me a report. Okay.
Is it through one?
Allah knows, Allah knows, you know, they are creation of Allah. Talk to them. Amina Rasul Allah saw to Sudan, talk to the tree. And he talked to the animal. Well, that's a Rasul Allah, He saw it. But what if you look at it and says,
How beautiful you are? What is the creator looks like that.
That's an act of worship, because you remember the law. And you looked at the beauty of His creation? So talk to them? Yeah, why not?
Yes, please. I have a question about prayer. And I am currently using an app to guide me through like she's a new Muslim.
Thank you so much, but I don't know if it's okay to hold it in my hand and like do like the motions. Can you do it before? Before you start the salah? What do you remember?
I struggled with ADHD and stuff. So I know that if I don't have the app, like in my hand, I'm gonna know how much how many motions you're going to do with the app. So usually what I do is, see the the things we have no problem with.
See, this is maybe a nitpicky thing that I'm worried about. Holding in my left versus my right hand is no right handed swimmer, but I don't know if I should have my right hand for you when I'm doing motions. Where do you want more in control?
He was dominant. Hold us to the left hand, okay, perfect. Because you're not eating in the left hand. Eye. Well, that's another story we'll talk about later.
But the issue the issue the main thing is is is usually the eating the left hand and when you start with things start with the right hand, but this is a necessity because now you can focus better you can you're more in control absolutely
everything going on in frustration I of course have the phone not in my hand, but everything else I've noticed if I tried to put it on the floor something I mess up completely. Okay, so just want to ask like is that like do your best I'm doing my best that's how it is do your best Allah who will reward you on the efforts Absolutely yes. So is it okay to read from your wild your which one?
Which Salah that you are okay to read from the Quran?
If it's an obligation The answer is no. Unless you are a revert you don't know anything from the Quran. But if you are in the voluntary Salah Yes, you can.
Yes. Anything else? I told you no. I told you no. fetco But you still insist on the smelly one for quest Bismillah.
Love to pray in your mouth, of course.
Good. So this gentleman.
All of them who's the Imam?
So your your
then I will pray my see you have to know that why. So I will pray my own firm on time. And then I'll pray my Nuffield with my children. And then I get the both rewards. But I thought Hamza will be the Yeah, because then that's then that's. That's legitimate to Joomla Yes.
You will not. You were not here last week.
You weren't okay. That's okay. We're all of us forget because I put the last the most common 10 Questions woman asked in Ramadan. It's in on YouTube. The woman coming to Tarawa Is it allowed? Absolutely. Is it recommended?
Let's see how many 14 This
I love the answer. Now you learned you're here last week. It depends. It depends. Number one, how I am coming to the masjid. Please, please. And honestly I beg everybody. Please it is not my house and
yours it's on law's house. Respect the house of Allah. Come in the way that pleases Allah. You want to do whatever you want to do outside that's between you and Allah has planted who I am to judge anyone, but inside the house, it's his house, come dressed properly, come covered. Even if you're not covered outside, again, that's between you and Allah but inside, if you're coming for Salah you need to be in Salah. Don't go outside and start chit chatting and talking and everything and distracting everybody. That's when I say to the woman, You know what, stay home
why you're coming? Why you're coming. We all go to what? To listen to the Quran to feel the community feeling right. I love it when I get tired but she's still doing it. That gives me energy. Right? And yes, that's one of the one of the virtues of Serato drummer, but if I'm coming, I'm not doing most of this. Why I am in the masjid. Running around dressed not exactly the right thing. I laugh my talk is very loud. I'm distracting everybody why I'm in the masjid.
Sometimes the woman says, You know what, I will have way more focus in the house than when I am in the masjid. And you know what? That's true. We all felt it during COVID. So yes, but it's it's allowed. Absolutely. It's allowed. There's a saying to say Dinesh and I want all of you to hear it. Some of you may or not here last week. This is after Rasul. Allah Assad was around died.
And this is C died. So this is less than maybe 40 years after a Roswaal even less because she died in her 50s. She said if a rasool Allah has salatu Sera, so what women are doing in the masjid, that time, he would have prevented them from coming.
If any of us did know will say is not allowed for me and how we're going to feel. I personally will feel offended. Right? Why? Why he did not say it.
But if I'm going to come and I am going to create fitna I'm going to create issues, then I need to really think why I'm coming. Because it is not me only it's people around me. And it is not woman only it is mixed. That's how masajid are right? But I need to be very careful. Or every time I'm putting my foot in the masjid. I want every breath in this Masjid to be to witness for me on the day of judgment. I don't want any act in that Masjid. It will be I'm coming to obey Allah I ended up leaving and Allah is going to ask me you did this we did that too. Or you didn't do this or he didn't do that. Please don't bring your phones to them to the masala this morning Fajr the imam is
reading literally your heart will melt and of course the phone rings
and the phone rings and there is melodies at least put it as a as a ring. And then handler took about maybe two minutes and then she turned it off.
If she's not doing it on purpose, that's for sure. But we all forget don't bring it. Leave it in the car. Leave it in the car and the car is not how far is it from the Masjid. That's number one. You get tired. Leave, leave hamdulillah whatever Allah opened up for you. But don't sit in the back chit chatting. You are hurting the woman who are praying last but not the least the most important if you have your cycle you cannot sit in the masala
you can't I can't tell you how many times I've seen it. I was like what is this what happened? You can't even though Salah is empty when they listen to the Quran, be outside the prayer area, like in our Masjid beyond this on the stage or be in the two classes classrooms, but you can't be in the prayer area where people are praying nuts for a class but the Salah is on I comment and I say why you're sitting you can pray? She said no. I said then why you're sitting here. Let's all learn law Hillywood it's such a weak Hadith, but more than one incident he he said I'll use AutoSum I will I do not make the masala allowable to the woman during karma situation.
So please remember this desert Mala Hydra has ended here because we still need to praise panicle Lahoma are we handing a shadow Allah stuff Hirokawa to Bullock's Allah, Allah say no Mohammed while early he was hobby he just him and Kathy Romania.