Fatima Barkatulla – Womankind Spring

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The New York Times held its first year of conference where women were highlighted as sources of fear and attention, highlighting the negative impact of legalization of women's sexuality and the "orn out of fear of povertising" movement. They also discussed the rise of feminism and the " pest apocalypse" movement, as well as the "weacing" movement and the "monarchic culture" that led to the collapse of Muslims in the Middle East. The speakers suggested ways to improve one's appearance and others' lives, including creating small packs of books and posting them on social media. They also touched on the negative impact of relationships on women, including the difficulty in protecting identities and the need for supportive people.
AI: Transcript ©
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will bear the consequences of what evil it has earned. Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or earned our Lord lay not upon us a burden like that which you laid upon those before us, our Lord and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear and pardon us And forgive us and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people.

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I have an announcement. My dear sisters photography is not allowed.

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A kawaii ma'am Novato swim mirafiori pinata soiree Kanchana bill cool. Monahan

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and I have another announcements, my dear sisters, we have bins in the back because yesterday they found the place was

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full of litter. So please, if you have litter, you can put it in the bins behind thank you for your cooperation.

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In this conference, we have focused on empowerment of women. Since many of the women's issues are common between our Muslim women and women of the developed countries and communities around the world. Say one care is giving special attention to the women Care Initiative. We aim to focus on exploring the dynamics of our mothers, sisters and daughters. We must work towards giving proper support for education and proper understanding of practical life under Islamic principles to our women.

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If Muslim women do not get proper education, they are at risk of lacking in Social and Health development. This will directly or indirectly affect the society.

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Save one care project has a serious observation on women's health. Due to the alarming statistics of cancer. May Allah protect us all. Breast Cancer specific mortality rates tend to be higher among Arab Iranian South Asian and African women as compared to the Western women. Even though the breast cancer occurrence is low among this group.

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Breast Cancer specific death rates are higher among Muslim women because of poor understanding of healthcare. Say one care project team is dedicated to develop and implement a breast cancer awareness and screening among Muslim women to improve health care and breast cancer intervention. st one care project team will do its best to promote accurate knowledge among Muslim women. We are looking forward for the movement of so improvement of Social and Health Education Development in Bahrain, also neighboring countries and other communities around the world. We plan to do this development along with the peace through care message under Islamic perspectives through this

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esteemed gathering of the general public professionals, thinkers and truth seekers. The women's care conference life of women beyond the veil is a brand new initiative. We have many development plans in the coming years in short alone. This event is organized by the same one care project team in between. Say one care is a nonprofit organization dedicated to develop a positive change in our society. We plan to enhance the health and well being of our society.

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Say one care aims to provide social support to our people through Islamic principles. Say one care team areas of work include arranging practical training programs based on teamwork, offering free counseling services, providing specialist support to Islamic organizations, building international partnerships. The major sponsors of this conference are the youth group of the same one care project. We are really privileged to have them. We are especially grateful to our current commercial sponsor for his continued support as early perfumes.

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We thank Allah subhana wa Taala that he has chosen us among those who are present here in this blessitt gathering. Allah has truly honored us to have world renowned scholars and international diaries present in our first years of the conference. Tonight. We are also honored to have a prominent Islamic diary present here at our conference. Our first speaker is sister Fatima Baraka Tula from the UK. I will give a brief introduction of our system.

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She is a writer and a public speaker. She regularly contributes to mainstream mainstream media. She is married and has four energetic children. May Allah protect them. Sister Fatima had a rich Islamic education at an early age thanks to her parents.

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She went on to study Arabic and Islamic Studies in Egypt at prominent Institute's such as

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unfetter Center hosted by Institute and as her University, she continues to pursue her Islamic law studies in UK. She has attained a number of scholarly licenses Ijaz us through visits abroad. Sister Fatima has contributed to many documentaries and live shows which have been broadcast on channels like BBC Radio four and the World Service BBC television also Islam channel, she regularly contributes to discussion on London radio stations.

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Additionally, sister Fatima has written for the national newspaper and the Times Online face section. Sister Fatima has written on topics promoting the understanding of Islam. She has also contributed to a number of Muslim publications such as angioma magazine, MLM magazine, the Muslim weekly. She is a columnist for The sisters magazine. Tonight sisters lecture by sister Fatima during her Bahrain tour has a very interesting title woman can spring a revolution for humanity. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to reward Sister fotmat for her efforts in propagating authentic Islam in the West and other countries around the world. We ask Allah to accept her service to Islam and reward

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her for removing the misconceptions regarding Islam and causing positive changes amongst society. Without further delay, it is truly an honor for me to invite sister Fatima barkatullah to the stage

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him in a shape on a regime Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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in Al Hamdulillah na muda who want to start a new minister Pharaoh when I want to be let him in surely and fusina woman say it I'm Melina man Yeah, the Hila fella mobile Allah minute lil fella howdy Ala Wai shadow La ilaha illallah wa who lashari Kala shadow anna Muhammadan, Abu rasuluh.

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Indeed, All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him. We seek His guidance, we seek His forgiveness and we seek his help.

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Whomsoever Allah guides.

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We seek protection and Allah from the evil of ourselves and from the evil consequences of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide. And whomsoever Allah leaves a stray, none can guide I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah alone, without any partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was his servant and Messenger

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My dear sisters in Islam as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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I didn't come all the way from London to hear Salam like that.

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So I expect some energy in your Salaam inshallah as salaam alaikum aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Once more, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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That's much better. Mashallah. So sisters today

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I want to speak to you without my niqab.

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So maybe I'm gonna move there. Is that okay?

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Because I feel like this is a woman's conference, I should be able to connect with you. Otherwise, what's the difference between having a man here and me?

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I'm gonna move

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Okay, sisters, so

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for a moment, I want you to imagine something with me. Imagine that you are not a woman living in Bahrain, but a single mother living in Germany, maybe you live in one of these, you know, rundown block of flats, and you're not you're, you're, you've hit hard times, you know, you don't have much money, you don't have a job. And you're really in a desperate situation. So what you do is you go down to the welfare office. Yeah. And you apply for welfare allowance, or as we call it in Britain, Jobseeker's allowance.

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And you stayed at the Job Center, that you'd be willing to work as a waitress, maybe in a cafe, or maybe in a bar, you know, as obviously, as a non Muslim would maybe.

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Then a few weeks later, a letter comes in the post for you. And in this letter, it says

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that the there's a job available. So you go back down to the Job Center, and you ask the lady there, what's this job that's been offered to me.

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And she shows you

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the details of the job.

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And to your horror,

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it's not the type of job you were looking for. Because the job being offered at the Job Center, is actually as a prostitute working in one of the 1000s of legal brothels that are running in Germany today. So you're being asked to sell your body, your dignity as a legitimate commodity. And naturally, you feel horrified. So you say to the lady in the Job Center, how could you even be offering me this? What kind of a woman do you think I am.

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And the lady in the office says to you, well, I'm sorry. Since prostitution has been legal in Germany for the last 10 years, there's actually nothing morally wrong with it in the eyes of the law. In fact, it's equal in the eyes of the law as being a waitress or being a teacher or being a nurse.

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And she further tells you that if you don't accept this job, your welfare allowance will be cut.

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And so Subhanallah, you're stuck

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between a rock and a hard place between choosing what is moral, and poverty.

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Now, I know you probably think that this story that I've just told you, or this scenario that I've just asked you to imagine is fantasy.

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But actually, this is a reality. And this is just one example, out of many such stories that are really taking place in European countries, and especially in this case in Germany, today. Now, you may ask, how could a country How could a country as advanced as Germany, a country that is known for democracy and human rights? How could it have come to the point where it allows or it encourages its own women to be prostitutes, sell their bodies for the use and abuse of men, and has made that into a legitimate job.

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And by the way, it's not just in Germany, it's actually in 22, or more countries all over the world that prostitution has been legalized.

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But is this the Europe

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that says women have never had it better?

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It is not the people who want to emancipate and free the Muslim woman

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and free us from the burqa and the hijab and the Sharia, you know, in Britain, when Britain was going to war in Afghanistan, one of the main reasons One of the main media reasons anyway for going to a handstand, or for for convincing the public that we should go to Afghanistan and invade Afghanistan was, look at the way these men oppress these women.

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You know, you can't even see their faces. They're so oppressed. And this was used as one of the main reasons as well as these men. They won't let the women be educated.

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So and so these are the countries we're talking about. Are these not the people who want to preach to Muslim, the Muslim world that we are oppressed?

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What kind of emancipation do they want to bring us when their own countries and their

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own civilizations are suffering because of the way of life that they are propagating.

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My sisters in reality, this is just a symptom.

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And it is the true state of affairs for societies that are bereft of the guidance of the Creator. When human beings use their own minds, their limited intellects, their subjective views. subjective means, you know, limited from your perspective, I see something this way somebody else sees something another way.

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When human beings use their subjective and limited views, to form laws, and ways of life for themselves.

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This is what causes all these problems. Let me just give you some more examples just to convince you further. Because I know that many, many people in Bahrain and many other countries in the Gulf, aspire to be like people in the West and see these countries as role models.

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In my country in Britain,

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every year 100,000 women are raped.

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According to research by feminist organizations, that's like 300 women a day.

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The number of men paying for sexual services, as they call them, has more than doubled in the last couple of decades.

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Lap dancing clubs have doubled in the UK in the last nine years. Now, I don't know if you know what a lap dancing club is. a lap dancing club is basically and they sometimes call them gentlemen's clubs, you know, they make all these nice names to cover up the the rotten core that is underneath.

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Lap dancing club clubs are basically clubs where men, sometimes even men, who are businessmen, etc, they will gather and they will go there.

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And there will be naked women dancing and doing certain favors for them. Okay, and the men can offer the money for that. And it's completely legal.

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So these clubs have doubled in the UK in the last nine years. And by the way, every everywhere that a lap dancing club pops up

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the rate of attacks on women, and * in that area increases by up to 50%.

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And this is what's happening in my country. Let me tell you about the self esteem of women in my country in Britain. 66% of women in Britain want to have plastic surgery, because they are miserable, unhappy about the way they look.

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Sick 63% of girls aspire to be glamour models.

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Now a glamour model is another lovely name for something that is not so lovely. glamour model is basically a model who's willing to take her clothes off and be photographed,

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naked or in alluring positions. And this is something that in a survey done in secondary schools in the UK, 63% of girls actually aspire to be glamour models,

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seen as you know, something very glamorous, something very aspirational. Now,

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according to the NHS, the National Health Service in Britain, one in five British women are depressed or have suicidal thoughts.

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And things have gotten so bad. And by the way, you won't notice this, if you come to Britain. I'm not trying to put anyone off coming to Britain, by the way.

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A sister came up to me earlier and said she might be moving to Britain. I'm not trying to put her off.

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But I'm trying to show you that the image that you see on your TV screens in the movies, and this is Britain, America is a lot worse, by the way. You know, the images that you see, they just they just like a you know, if you had rubbish and you put it into a box and you wrapped it up with wonderful wrapping paper and the lovely ribbon, you're seeing the ribbon and the wrapping paper. You're not seeing the rubbish that's underneath.

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So I'm trying to give you an insight into what's really going on.

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Things have gotten so bad that one of the leading feminists in the UK, cat van yard, who is the founder of UK feminist stuff, which is a feminist activist organization. She says in her book, the equality illusion, she says today, and this is about Britain and the West in general. Today, women's and girls bodies are widely denigrated as inanimate, inanimate objects to be publicly scrutinized, judged, maintained and manipulated for the benefit of others. They are shared public property.

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A female body is

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deemed an object that could and should be made beautiful at almost any cost for the benefit of those looking at it.

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And anyone who's been in the UK will know that the newspapers, the magazines, they don't care about what a woman has got to say. Even princess Kate, you know, all they care about is what she's wearing, how she's looking, oh, she's looking a little bit fat today. So, all she's recovered so well after her pregnancy. She's looking great. What is she done to her hair? What foundation is she wearing? What clothes you're wearing what she is is she wearing? That's all they're interested in.

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And sisters, the situation for women in the world is really dire. So really at breaking point.

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This is a picture of

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a baby girl in the womb of her mother.

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This baby is a very is a precious soul, a precious soul that allows apana with Allah created to be born and to worship Him. Allah elevated human beings when he said in the Quran

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that He created us He is Anita Queen, for Mara that now as filosofi Nene and then he reduced us to the lowest of the low human beings have reduced themselves to the lowest of the low when Allah subhanaw taala in fact created them for us Anita cwieme in the highest

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in the highest way possible elevated. Allah subhanaw taala made human beings. So this little baby is a precious soul.

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And now I'm going to show you a picture of another baby.

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Okay, this little baby never was never named.

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So I'm going to give her the dignity of giving her a name.

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Let's call her Halima.

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Little baby Halima was found in a rubbish dump

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in a little corner of her village.

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And in her country, there are about 10 sorry, there are yes 10 million babies like her baby girls every year

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who are killed by their own parents.

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And I know that it's quite horrific. So far, I've given you so many horrific and terrible statistics, my sisters, but sometimes we need to hear this stuff so that we wake up.

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Let me tell you how people in the country in leamas country kill their babies, their baby girls.

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When they when the baby was born when Halima was born, her parents didn't regard her as precious.

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They should have regarded her as precious, but they didn't.

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And they they actually made her inhale some rice, or something like this in order for her to choke and die.

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If they didn't even have the the humanity to give her up maybe to for adoption or something else.

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And she is just one.

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And let me tell you what the real statistics are sisters 100 million girls are killed or missing. In the world that we live in today. Due to genocide. genocide is the

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is being aborted or killed after birth just because they're girls. So Pamela,

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her parents didn't know that a lot of Hanover Allah has told them what

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to see a lot, be a evim kottelat that when the newborn girl will be asked on the Day of Judgment for what crime she was killed, they didn't know that a lot of Hanover, Allah said, Don't kill your children out of fear of poverty, we will provide food for them and for you.

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So my sisters,

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what about the daughters of Adam? What about the daughters of Adam and Eve? Who are not killed by their parents? Let me tell you that.

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Every day, there are 68 million search engine requests for *.

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And we're not just talking about * is bad enough as it is right, degrading as it is. We're talking about often violent *, * where women have been forced to do things you know

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As almost like slaves,

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they've been forced.

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At this moment, there are 14 million women walking the streets of the world as prostitutes.

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I want you to remember that these are the daughters of Adam and Eve Salaam.

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They were created precious just like the baby that we saw in the first picture.

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But what happened?

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So what is the solution? My sister's? What is the solution for all of this? All of these things that are happening related to women in the world?

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Some people will say, well, we need a new feminism, a new feminism for the 21st century.

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But I would say no, feminism is not the answer. And by the way, they're trying to import or export, sorry, this feminism to the east, especially to the Muslim world. You know, in the Ukraine, there's this organization called fierman.

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And they are these radical feminists who started this huge campaign on the internet called and they call it a populist jihad. It says to the Muslim women,

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stop letting these men oppress you, these men that are oppressing you, they're forcing you to dress the way you do.

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And this Sharia, you know, it's just oppressive. It's just a man made oppression, they say.

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So they were encouraging Muslim women to take their not just the hijab off to take their clothes off and photograph themselves and post it on the internet. And they call it * jihad.

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Well, we say no to feminism, because, and here are some of the reasons.

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Feminism is very unclear. Even feminists themselves, they're not very clear on what they agree on what and what they disagree on. This conservative feminism, liberal feminism, I just mentioned radical feminism. There's all sorts of that they can't even agree themselves on what issues they should support and what issues they should not support. Number two, feminism was very much a Western phenomenon for Western problems.

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Most of the rest of the world has a different history, and we're definitely my sisters have a different history.

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Let me tell you some aspects, some of the key aspects of the history of feminism in the West, and why it doesn't suit us.

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First of all, when Christianity came to Britain and to sorry to Europe,

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in the Bible changed Bible as it existed at that time and it exists today.

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Okay, we'll just wait for the avant Sharla

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try the one number.

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I think the nearest athon is finished so we shall carry on.

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So we said that there are some here are some of the reasons why feminism doesn't fit for us and it doesn't fit for the world today and that we shouldn't turn to feminism for the hour.

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Isn't the solutions for womankind, we said feminism is unclear, they're not very sure about what they represent themselves. And that feminism was very much a Western phenomenon. So we said, let's look a little bit to the history in Europe when Christianity came to Europe,

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in Christianity,

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the story of Adam and halwa, Adam and Eve, Eve was responsible for making Adam go astray. She was the one who enticed Adam, and caused him to eat from the tree. And, and so the Church Fathers they used to say, they used to call women evil. There are many books where they described women as evil. They said, women were the root cause for the downfall of man. Okay, so they have an inherent evil in them.

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And because of this, in the 15th, and 17th, the 15th to the 17th century, all across Europe and America.

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There were huge witch hunts taking place. We don't really know about these things, you know, because we don't study these things in history. But they were huge witch hunts taking place where people even called it a Holic, a holocaust against women, some historians call it where some people say, from about 60,000, to millions of women were just killed, burnt at the stake,

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by churches and by priests and by religious people, just for very arbitrary reasons. Even lipo girls, sometimes they'll get accused of being possessed, or, you know, indulging in witchcraft, just by somebody who didn't like them, and then they will just be killed. So there was a holocaust against women in Europe,

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between the 15th to 17th century,

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in the 18th century, and remember, we're just talking like, less than 300 years ago, the Enlightenment took place in Europe.

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But still, even during the Enlightenment, which they see as their time, you know, when they started having more rational thinking, and they stopped relying on religion.

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Still, women had no property rights. When they got married, everything they owned, was in the name of their husband transferred automatically to their husband.

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They had no legal identity, apart from their husbands. And this is where the title Mrs comes from, you know, so when a woman when,

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when a woman gets married to Mr. Smith, she becomes Mrs. Smith, because she belongs to Mr. Smith basically. Right?

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So she used to lose her identity when she got married.

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Just less than 300 years ago, women were not allowed to have degrees in Europe. They were not allowed into universities. In fact,

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the first woman to be allowed into a university was actually in the 19th century

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suparna law and this

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when in the Muslim world, just in the ninth century, which is like 200 years after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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just about 200 years after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Fatima alpha Hurry,

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set up the first university in the world, called the Kira, we in the University of feta weed. So she not only, you know, women were not only allowed into universities, they were the ones who are given the degrees, giving the jazzes to the next generation of scholars in our history. Whereas in their history, as I said, just 300 years ago, they were not allowed to get degrees.

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In the 19th century,

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the first US woman was allowed to address a lawmaking body.

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The first female doctor was accredited in Britain. And for the first time, in the 19th century, married women were allowed to own their own property and dispose of it as they wish without their husbands, say.

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And again, for the first time women were allowed into universities.

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Just last century, the first wave what they call the first wave of feminism came about which was in the early 20th 1920s. Women were for the first time allowed, sorry, in the 19th century, they were allowed into universities, but they were not allowed to get degrees. So they would come to university and just attend the lectures. But they would never be allowed to have a certificate or something to prove or to let them have some sort of qualification. Until the 1920s. Can you believe it?

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When the first woman was allowed to have a degree in Britain, and then the suffragettes You know, there was this big movement of women, they wanted political participation. They wanted to be able to vote.

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And so they had this huge gap.

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Pain, women were for the first time allowed to work and encouraged to work. There was the rise of individualism. So people didn't no longer wanted to look at the family as a unit, but look at the individual as a unit.

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And then in the 60s and 70s 1960s and 70s, maybe the time when some of us were little, or some of our moms were alive at that time. Or sorry, our moms were young at that time, the second wave of feminism took place. And this was known as the sexual revolution. Okay, which basically means that fornication, adultery, you know, all these things became very free and open. women's bodies, you know, they said women's bodies should be allowed to be used, however, women want them to be used. The pill and contraception became widespread. And there was a huge anti marriage agenda. Marriage, they said, marriage just is like shackles, you know, it just holds chains women down.

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And they were very anti motherhood as well. This was the 60s and 70s. And until we've come to where we are today.

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So this is the western history of women's rights. It's completely different to our history, and inshallah we mentioned some of our history in a moment. The third reason why sorry, the third reason why feminism is not the answer is that feminism is a reaction to a specific problem, which needs a holistic solution. Okay, so there's so many problems in societies now, especially in the West, so many problems, even in our societies, because we have left Islam.

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There's so many problems in our societies, they're not going to be solved by just putting a plaster on them. And that's what feminism is like. It's like just putting a plaster on it. Let's just focus on women, women, women, and ignore the fact that women don't exist in a vacuum.

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When you give women rights, it affects everybody, it affects children, it affects the husband's affects men, affects the whole society. So we really need a holistic solution, not just a limited,

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short sighted solution to this huge problem that women are facing all over the world.

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The fourth reason why feminism is not the answer is that many of the feminist ideas that were propagated, and that were taken as being absolute truths in the past have been completely proven wrong. I'm just going to give you three examples. One is that feminists used to say that gender is a construct. What that means is that being male or female, your biology

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actually has no effect on you. It has no effect and should not affect your roles in society.

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These things are just made up. They said they're just a construct made up.

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But now we know. And I'm just going to quote from some of the modern day books, in the in her book, The female brain by Lou and brandy, and she says,

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scientists have documented an astonishing array of structural chemical, genetic, hormonal and functional brain differences between men and women.

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In his book, why gender matters, Dr. Leonard Sachs says, today, we know that the innate differences between girls and boys are profound. Boys and girls do differ from one another in systematic ways that should be understood and made use of not covered up or ignored. And he actually called the 60s and 70s the Dark Ages, when it came to gender said, because nobody would accept that girls and boys are different in the West. It was very unpolitical II correct to say that.

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In fact, they used to give boys goals to play with and girls cars no trying to force them to to be similar.

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So we see that one of the premises that they used to push out so much that gender is a construct has been completely

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The second idea that feminists used to promote a lot was the idea of free love. The free love movement, they called it, which was anti marriage, and it was pro Xena, basically, pro contraception, anti family. They said, you know, why do we need to have? Why do women have to be so trapped in these marriages? These men are just trying to control them. But look at what the result of that movement has been. We mentioned some of the statistics already, and I believe that some of those things are a direct result of that movement.

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The free love movement has caused the devaluation of women. How many children don't know who their fathers are. How many broken homes have in Britain so far

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Now the government is giving tax benefits to people who get married. Because they know that marriage brings the best is the best context in which to raise a child. The government is saying that now in Britain, they're trying to encourage people to get married.

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And look at how much men have gotten used to using and abusing women now, especially in the West, just use them and leave them no commitment. sakala no sense of responsibility.

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Women are not sacred anymore. In the past, women were seen as something precious to be protected, even in Britain, even in the West. But now they're not seen as precious anymore. They're like, cat barnyard said in her book, public property, just public property.

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There has been a huge rise in the number of abortions because of that free love movement. One ladies panel, I was reading an article where she was talking about that movement and how she was part of it. She said, because of that movement, men used to take so much advantage of women of girls, especially when she was young. And she said it was soul destroying. That's how she described it that age that it was soul destroying, because we were told we should just be free and available to any man. You know, and this was freedom. This was cool. This was like, you know, empowering for us as women, apparently. But she said it was soul destroying.

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Another premise, the last premise that I'm going to mention, that feminists use to promote is that there's no such thing as maternal instinct. They said, there's no such thing as maternal instinct. This is just something that men have made up to control women, to get women to just look after the kids, you know.

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They said, anyone can be a mother, anyone can take that role. In fact, they started having marches and demanding

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24 hour childcare. You know, they said, We want you to 24 hour childcare as soon as the baby's born, the state should help us to look after them.

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And they were anti breastfeeding as well. They said, breast milk, this is like backward, we don't need that. We don't need that at all. We can just use bottled milk, it's fine.

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But this has all been discredited, even even Western countries admit that now. So Panama, in her book, The female brain again luann Prison Dean talks about the mommy brain. She shows research, which proves that scientists say that when a woman becomes a mother, her actual brain structure changes, the hormones that are going through a body completely change, how priorities change, even his sense of hearing his sense of her instincts change so that she becomes very sensitive towards this new baby of hers.

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And in his book, early child care, infants and nations at risk by psychiatry's Peter Cook, he says daycare. Meaning, you know, the nursery is where you put very small babies. You know, in the West, we have nurseries, I don't know if they've got them here now. But we have nurseries, where six month old babies can just be dropped off. Okay with a complete stranger

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who's probably looking after three or four or five other babies, and they just left in the courts. And you know, sometimes they've done these films with hidden cameras and looked at these nurseries how they run. And for most of the day, the babies just left in the cop. Because the nursery worker they don't even love the baby. Why should they care when the mums not looking? Why should they care? Just make sure the baby's nappy has changed, and put them back in the car. And scientists are saying babies need constant eye contact.

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A loving soothing voice to talk to them, somebody to carry them move them. All of those things actually make more brain connections in the baby's brain.

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And the best person to give those things to the baby is the mother.

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So he says they take care. Peter Cook said days daycares the greatest threat to our future mental health.

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And psychologist Steve Biddulph in his book raising babies says

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there has been a trebling trebling in 20 years of the number of under threes in daycare centers. And he says an epidemic of mental health problems have taken place among children and adolescence in that time span. So he made a direct link between the fact that mums were leaving their babies from a very young age with people who didn't love them

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and the mental health problems that youth in Britain were having.

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So you see some of the biggest campaigns that feminists led have all been discredited. These are just three examples.

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The fifth reason why feminism if you're not already convinced, the fifth reason why feminism is not the answer is that feminism didn't lead to the emancipation of women. In fact, it could be made a lot of things worse. The exploitation of women has increased. The objectification of women treating them like objects rather than human beings has increased, manipulate the manipulation of women has increased.

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And the sixth and final and probably the most important reason why feminism is not the answer is that feminism is a human made a man made human made, woman made concept. And it's very subjective, right? What's right to one human being is immoral to another.

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And so we know that we need not the subjective view of human beings,

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to look at the world and find out which what the best way of life is for human beings. We need the objective view, the objective view that Allah subhanaw taala that the Creator has, who knows us better than we know ourselves, who when he tells us not to do something, it's because He loves us. And he knows that there's something so evil in that thing. And that's the reason why he's telling us not to do that thing. And when he tells us to do something, he only tells it to us because He loves us. And he knows that there's something good in that thing. And that's why he tells us to do it.

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He is the only one who has the right to tell us and who can solve all of these problems that we are facing as women in the world.

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My sister's Islam came

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and instead of making other men, other human beings the reference point for him for women.

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It made a lot of the reference point. And Allah is not a man. Allah is not male and he's not female.

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So we rejected the idea that Islam or that religion, Islam is patriarchal. No patriarchy means created by men in order to subjugate women.

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Islam was not created by a man.

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Even the Sunnah, you know, Subhana Allah, even the Sunnah when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam told us something. It wasn't a man telling us because Walla Walla, young people and in our world,

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he doesn't speak from his own desires, in who are in you. It is but a revelation that is being told to us. So even everything that is in the Sunnah, it's actually from Allah Subhana, Allah, the creator, who was not a man.

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Allah subhanaw taala, encouraged women to be educated. All of these things that we've just mentioned, and we've looked at, they're not our history, our history has been completely different.

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Islam came to a society that was in a very terrible state when it came to women.

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And yet it was able to lift that society out of that state.

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Islam encouraged us to be educated to such an extent that a historian called Ruth roaded, she wrote in her book, women in Islam and the Middle East, she says, in reading the biographies of 1000s of Muslim women scholars, one is amazed at the evidence that contradicts the view of Muslim women as marginal, secluded, restricted. In her study, she found and she says that the proportion of female lecturers in many classical Islamic colleges was higher than in modern Western universities. We know that I should have loved her. She was one of the greatest scholars of Islam.

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And she conveyed some of the most Hadith.

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The first university in the world, not the first university in the east, but the first university in the world was set up by a Muslim woman, Fatima al fieri, as I mentioned earlier.

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So when there's oppression going on right now in the Muslim world, and the West points to it.

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It's not because of Islam, that that is going on. It's not because of Islam, that women are not being educated.

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It's because people have left Islam.

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Even the Muslim world is suffering because of that.

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Islam recognized that women and men have the same potential in the sight of God.

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It gave women property rights right from the beginning. It gave us an identity right from the beginning. It gave us rights to inheritance right from the beginning.

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It recognized the differences between us and that's why Islam is just

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where I spend

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Islam is not.

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Because Islam is about justice. It's not about giving women more rights. It's not about focusing on one person's rights only. It's about a balance between men and women, we are not in competition with each other. We complement each other.

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Islam gave us the right to political participation way before it was given to women in the, in the West. You know, the women who gave back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the women who could just come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and ask him for anything. But women who were given a special time in the modulus of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to come and talk to him about any matter, even legal matters. The women who could come in front of Omar halifa, rhodiola, and who, and correct him,

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correct to the highest, you know, leader in the land. And they had the right to come to him the highest authority, the highest legal authority in the land.

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Islam elevated our roles as mothers and wives.

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Islam elevated us and caused a revolution in female scholarship, as I've mentioned already,

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it protected us.

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Marriage, the marriage contract is actually it actually protects women.

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No, it's not a way of controlling women. It protects women, it forces men to take responsibility. It says to a man, that if you want to be close to this woman, you have to take responsibility.

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You can't just love her and leave her.

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You have to commit to her. You have to commit to her and take responsibility for her and any children that may result from this union.

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Islam protected us by telling us we're telling the men not to bury their daughters alive, encouraging the raising of daughters.

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Islam allowed us to be true to our nature. We don't have to compete with a man like women in the West are constantly comparing themselves to a man. You know, that's limiting yourself. We want to be better than each other. We want to be better than men. We don't want to be to the same level as a man.

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And we have the potential to be

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Islam demands that men treat women properly Subhan Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when have you heard of a head of state, in his speech, in his final farewell sermon, talking about the rights of women, and warning the men about the rights of women.

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And Islam gave us real role models as women, women as role models, not the role models that we see today. So kind of love the women today that are held up as role models in the West, for example, and even in the East now

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are women who are miserable, leading miserable lives, you know that a few years down the line, you're going to find out that they're in some rehab center, or that they've been found that in a hotel room. And these are the women who have it all. They're beautiful, they're talented, they have money, they have the attention, they have fame, they have all the things, all the things that the media and the society keep telling us are things that we should want to have. And yet they're miserable. And they're often addicted to drugs, and they found depressed.

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So my sisters

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we must call womankind back to the Creator, back to Islam, more Muslim women as well as Muslims too, who are chasing after this dunya chasing after this way of life that they think is going to give them happiness, which is just a delusion. It's just a delusion.

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We must be the agents of change in that by fixing ourselves our own homes and then our societies.

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We need to make that spring for womankind happen.

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And womankind spring will mean that more and more women will reject man made laws and isms and schisms. They will reclaim their bodies, they will reclaim their true status. They will reject being shackled to social consensus and social pressure. They will reject being shackled to fat, the fashion industry and the music industry. And all these materialistic capitalistic industries that are trying to manipulate women from every direction and they will choose being shackled to Allah subhanaw taala because true freedom, the only type of freedom that we can truly experience comes from shackling yourself to Allah. You know this idea that human beings are free freedom, they say

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The West is a delusion.

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Tell me in what way all human beings?

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Did you choose where you were born?

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Did you choose who you were born to? Did you choose whether your parents would be rich or poor? Did you choose the color of your skin? Did you choose who your brothers and sisters would be?

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Did you choose if you would be treated well in your childhood or badly?

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We didn't choose anything about ourselves and then we pretend and we think that we're free. SubhanAllah like one of the brothers he was saying, being born is like being sold into slavery without your choice.

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Being born is like being sold into slavery without having any choice in the matter. Is it not justice? Can you see, we're not free in any way. But the scholars of Islam said the only way a human being can truly be free. And remember, every human being is a slave to something.

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You're either a slave to some

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other being of a God, or false god, or some other ism, or some pressure from society, or your friends, your peers. Every human being is a slave to something and people even when they think they're slave to nothing, they are slave to their own desires. Wherever the desire leads them, they go, without any control.

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Every human being is a slave to something. So the scholars said true freedom only comes from freeing yourself from slavery to everything else, and being a slave to the creator alone.

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So my sisters, this is what I mean by womankind spring, the spring that we must make happen. My message to us sisters is

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in conclusion, don't forget who you are.

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You are the daughters of Islam. When you look at yourself in the mirror, my sisters say to yourself and remind yourself. My mother is Arusha. My ancestor is Haneda. My leader in general will be Fatima. My role model is asthma with Abby Bucher

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and free yourself first from the shackles that I've mentioned. And hold on and shackle yourself to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And if you're doubting your ability sisters, maybe you're thinking what can women do? It's the men who do make the real change. Let me give you a beautiful example of some women who caused the whole dynasty to change.

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Subhan Allah you know, my husband, he's his family is the jump die family. The dog dies, they are descended from the Mughal rulers of India, the Muslim rulers of India.

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And the name of Ty is actually the son of India's Han, you know, Chinese Han?

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Who was not a Muslim, shocked I was not a Muslim.

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And how did let me ask you a question. How do you think these barbaric people, the Muslims, okay, well, the Mongols at that time, who came to the Muslim world and completely ransacked it? You know, the scholar said that the way the Mongols came in is Khan and his sons and his descendants, the way they came to the Muslim countries and destroyed them

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is like, the worst thing the Muslims ever faced in history is even all the suffering that the Muslims are suffering today is a fraction of what they faced at that time. You know, they would kill women children, just when they entered back about the mortals what they what the Mongols. What they did was, they said, for 40 days, it's open season, any one goal can kill any Muslim, man, woman or children. And they killed over 800,000 people. And this is at a time when there were no bombs. There were no guns, literally one by one butchering them.

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They took the leader and they stopped him. And they wrapped him up in a carpet and they had horses trample him.

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They said that the Euphrates River became black with the ink of the books from the big libraries in Baghdad, because Baghdad was the capital of the Muslim world at the time. And the and the Mongols actually just completely threw all of the books and destroyed the books, threw them into the river, so that the sea was black with the

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this these type of barbarian people

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within 80 years became Muslim.

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You know, how did that happen? How do you think that happened? Let me tell you. One of the key reasons why this happened was that when they killed all

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of the Muslim men especially and they and women, the women that were left over, they took them as prisoners of war as slaves.

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And one of them was Princess risala. Okay, who she was taken prisoner by the son of being Han.

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And what she did, and what women like her did was they brought Islam to the households of those Mongols. They taught Islam to the children of the kings. They taught Islam to the household, so that within just a few generations, what happened, the whole civilization became Muslim Subhana Allah.

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And they went from being barbarians to being the people who built the Taj Mahal.

01:00:49 --> 01:01:15

Or Hannah, the wife of Gura, who's this grandson of cha Chi, he was the son of King gets home, she converted to Islam. And she did our to the son of Cora, the grandson of Chuck dye. His name was Mubarak Shah. And he converted to Islam. And then his whole, he converted the whole kingdom to Islam. So Panama, and this was the work of women like you and me.

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So never doubt, our ability, my sisters never doubt your ability.

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Our message my sisters, to these feminist activists, who want to free us from Islam, is we will not submit to men and we will not submit to women, we submit to our Creator. And we wish that you could experience the sweetness of faith that we experience the sweetness of being a woman that we experience, and we invite you to Islam. We invite you to look into Islam, to the so called progressive Muslims, our message should be

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and these are the Muslims who say, there's no such thing as hijab. You know, in Britain, they're building these mosques called mixed mosques, where men and women can pray side by side, and we can have a female Imam for Juma

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for the men.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:18

So to the so called progressive Muslims, we say to you, the Quran is clear, the Sunnah is clear.

01:02:20 --> 01:02:27

We don't feel embarrassed by Islam, you may feel embarrassed by it. Because of the inferiority complex the colonized mind that you have.

01:02:28 --> 01:02:43

We don't feel embarrassed about a loss loss. We invite you to open your eyes and look at Islam properly for what it is the message from the creator full of wisdom and stop looking at things through the eyes of your colonialist masters.

01:02:45 --> 01:03:01

To the European politicians who keep trying to ban Muslim women's clothing. We are saying to you, more and more women in Europe have reclaiming their status, are reclaiming their bodies and embracing Islam.

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And we will not leave our clothing and our dignity for you.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:28

To Muslim men who oppress women, our messages, come back to the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said it the whole law half in this up. He said fear Allah with regards to women, for in a coma have to Muna be amanatullah. For indeed you have taken them as a trust from Allah.

01:03:29 --> 01:03:32

And I'll message my sisters to women all over the world.

01:03:34 --> 01:03:41

If you want more from life than what's been given to you, if you want to reach your true feminine potential.

01:03:42 --> 01:03:50

If you want to experience true womanhood as your Creator intended for you, then we have what you are looking for.

01:03:51 --> 01:04:01

So we invite you to join us We invite you to look into Islam. We invite you to look at this book, which is full of good news for you.

01:04:03 --> 01:04:05

And we invite you to become our sisters in faith.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:09

What aku Kohli have asked optional lalibela

01:04:11 --> 01:04:24

Muslim Subhana Allah Houma will be handing a shadow Allah Allah Allah and stop Federica to be like, Jews acuna, la Hey, if there are any questions, maybe I can entertain some.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:27

If I can, if I know the answers Charla

01:05:30 --> 01:05:30


01:05:33 --> 01:05:35

depends how loudly you speak.

01:05:36 --> 01:05:36


01:05:49 --> 01:05:52

Yeah. Okay, so I'll repeat the question. I will repeat the question.

01:05:54 --> 01:06:19

I know how these conferences are, you know, the sisters always complained you didn't repeat the question. So I know, I have to repeat the question. So the question is from the sister that we talked about the hour and woman getting involved in power, and being involved in so many different things, how do we strike the balance between that and our families and prevent the neglect of our children, etc?

01:06:20 --> 01:06:23

Well, first of all,

01:06:27 --> 01:06:34

we have to realize that our families and our children, our husbands, they are our number one responsibility.

01:06:37 --> 01:06:50

Okay, Allah subhanaw, taala is not really going to ask us about the rest of humanity, if we haven't taken care of our most of our own households and our most primary responsibilities, okay.

01:06:51 --> 01:07:09

But there are so many ways that we could get involved in our activities, as well as maintain that balance, you know, every single human being has a different capacity. Right? Some people have more supportive husbands and others, some people have a family setup where

01:07:10 --> 01:07:26

they don't have so much to do as others, you know, so every single individual has to look at her own situation, and judge accordingly, never compare yourself to another person. Because you don't know what situation that other person is in, that's different to yours.

01:07:28 --> 01:07:45

But Mashallah, in our times, look at the different ways that are that we could make time for that hour. First of all, how much time we waste? That's one thing that we have to identify. How much time do we waste watching television? How much time do we waste on the internet?

01:07:46 --> 01:07:48

How much time do we waste?

01:07:50 --> 01:07:51

chatting on the phone?

01:07:52 --> 01:07:56

All those all the time that we're spending in those things could be spent

01:07:57 --> 01:08:01

working on something positive? For the sake of Allah. Okay.

01:08:04 --> 01:08:11

Never underestimate the importance of what we're doing in raising our children, my sisters as well. Okay.

01:08:12 --> 01:08:24

SubhanAllah that's gonna be our greatest legacy. Our children? How are we raising them? Are we raising them to be confident, proud Muslims? Who can articulate Islam who can explain Islam who will do our

01:08:27 --> 01:08:36

but let me just give you say, four or five little ideas that are quite easy for a Muslim family, maybe especially a Muslim woman to do. So for example, we have

01:08:38 --> 01:08:40

in Britain, for example, we have

01:08:42 --> 01:08:43

we have a program called

01:08:45 --> 01:09:06

the my neighbor's program, we've printed books, okay, or just our literature that we can get hold off. And we put them into little packs. And, you know, maybe write a little note, and we post them into the doors of the non Muslims in our neighbor neighborhoods. Okay. So obviously, you're in Bahrain.

01:09:08 --> 01:09:19

Maybe you've got some places where you know that there are a lot of non Muslims. Is there some way that the women could get involved in preparing packs or something, you know, that's one way you could get involved.

01:09:21 --> 01:09:21

The internet,

01:09:23 --> 01:09:48

promoting positive Islamic ideas on the internet, this is another way of doing dour. Okay. Setting up a webpage, something very easy that you can do, even if you don't write your own articles, you can just post things on there. Just make more and more material available on the internet that is positive about Islam. Right, you can choose a theme maybe either Muslim womanhood or something like that and just

01:09:49 --> 01:09:59

promote Islam in that way. But probably the most important way and the way that we kind of encouraged the most in Britain is wrong.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:12

to one hour, the non Muslim women that you actually meet day to day or on a weekly basis or whatever regularly the non Muslim women that you actually meet during that hour with them.

01:10:13 --> 01:10:27

And that's why in a couple of days, I'm going to be having the power training course Call of Duty. And in that course, what we focus on is how you can have a basic dour conversation with somebody.

01:10:28 --> 01:11:07

And this method is very effective, Mashallah, a lot of people have come to Islam through this method. Obviously, we're not the ones who died, people's hearts, but at least we could convey the message in the best possible way. So those are just some ideas. I think it really depends, as I said, on your personal situation, first of all, thinking of ways you can cut down on wasted time. Yep. And then having a conversation with your husband, talking with your family and thinking of ways that you could, as a family, get involved in our, you know, maybe the organizations that already exist here, how you could contribute to them.

01:11:09 --> 01:11:13

And another way that women can get involved in Dawa is by donating money towards power.

01:11:15 --> 01:11:16

And that's something very, very important.

01:11:18 --> 01:11:37

You know, because when you give money towards our every single project that is funded by that money, you will get reward for that. And you can say to online Sharla on the day of judgment that you support it that way, in that way. Yep. So I hope that that answers your question somewhat.

01:11:38 --> 01:11:39


01:11:40 --> 01:11:41

is any other question.

01:11:43 --> 01:12:01

Sam, Annika, I have a question about knowing the GIS, especially for us young people, like how exactly do you do it? I know, it's something we have to do, but I barely see anyone doing it. So I don't know exactly how to do to lower the gaze. Could you repeat the question? Sorry.

01:12:03 --> 01:12:07

The question. I have a question about lowering the gaze.

01:12:09 --> 01:12:14

How should we lower I guess? Yeah, yes. Okay. So

01:12:17 --> 01:12:41

basically, you know, when you see something that is causing you some fitna, especially, then the first time you see that thing, okay, then that's forgiven for you. But you should not look back at that thing. You know, that's, that's one important aspect of lowering the gaze. Okay, so whether it's a man, whether it's an a picture, an image, anything that is haram,

01:12:42 --> 01:12:46

when we look at it the first time inadvertently, that's forgiven.

01:12:47 --> 01:12:52

But if after that, we should make a conscious effort not to look back at that thing. Yep.

01:12:54 --> 01:12:57

Does that answer your question? Yeah. Okay.

01:13:04 --> 01:13:12

Salam aleikum. Sr, I want to add to her question about lowering the gates. For example, when we're watching a talk by a chef,

01:13:13 --> 01:13:24

are we allowed to look at him? Or are we just supposed to hear him? It's my question. No, no. Okay. I've mentioned that because I've, this is a question that we are some of the shoe in Britain, and

01:13:26 --> 01:13:40

they said that look, looking at a woman is not the same as looking at a man. Okay? I mean, a woman looking at a man is not the same as a man looking at a woman doesn't have the same effect. Okay. This is something scientifically proven as well.

01:13:41 --> 01:13:42

But however,

01:13:45 --> 01:13:56

if a woman feels that she personally is finding fitna, in looking at this particular speaker or something like this, then definitely she should lower case. Okay.

01:13:57 --> 01:14:06

But if she's just generally looking at him, to get the knowledge and it's not affecting her in a negative way, then it's fine for a woman to look at a man.

01:14:08 --> 01:14:11

But the other way around is not is not fine. So

01:14:13 --> 01:14:34

even though sisters, we are wearing hijab, and etc, it doesn't mean that we should, that means that a man should look at us, even our face, even if we don't wind up. It doesn't mean that Islam encourages a man to look at our face. Just because we're covered. No, still the men should lower their gaze. So I hope that answers the question.

01:14:41 --> 01:14:43

Yeah, I can't see who is

01:14:46 --> 01:14:47

the question that

01:14:48 --> 01:14:55

usually during deliveries, when the bleeding does not stop, and then I can't hear you. I'm really sorry.

01:14:56 --> 01:14:57

During deliveries,

01:14:59 --> 01:14:59

the birth of the child

01:15:06 --> 01:15:08

During deliveries

01:15:10 --> 01:15:17

when the bleeding of the patient does not stop, and then there is a procedure where the uterus is removed,

01:15:18 --> 01:15:21

because the bleeding has not stopped, Is that allowed?

01:15:24 --> 01:15:30

Are you talking about an operation where the uterus is removed? That is after the delivery?

01:15:32 --> 01:15:36

Sorry, I really can't hear the full question. Maybe we can use one of these.

01:15:39 --> 01:15:40

after childbirth.

01:15:42 --> 01:15:44

The uterus is removed. Okay.

01:15:46 --> 01:16:10

I would prefer that you address those types of questions to the shield, because usually, there's more follow up questions they need to ask, you know, about the individual situation. Yeah. So I will avoid answering that question, sister, if you don't mind. So I want you to get the accurate and a good answer and somebody qualified needs to answer that.

01:16:14 --> 01:16:15

I'm sorry, I can't be

01:16:18 --> 01:16:19

blood donations.

01:16:21 --> 01:16:25

I can't hear his blood donation allowed.

01:16:26 --> 01:16:46

From what I know Yes. Generally, that's fine. Yeah. In Britain, we had a campaign where we were encouraging Muslims to donate blood, especially because I guess there was like to show the people that we are positively contributing to society, etc. So yep, inshallah. Semi come.

01:16:48 --> 01:17:03

So my question is about the misuse. Ladies, if there are Muslims, it's happening. I know that in the West Country, they have their problems. But we as Muslims, we have also. So for the misuse ladies that

01:17:04 --> 01:17:11

it affected them, and also affect the young girls Yanni. For me, for example, there are some stores of

01:17:12 --> 01:17:30

memories in my mind about them, like one person who did what he did to his lady, and then suddenly, before going to Hajj, he just called her and told her, please forgive me, I'm going for Hajj. And we are these are Muslims. And another thing is one lady, she's calling in the program. She's asking the shave.

01:17:31 --> 01:17:43

I am the second wife and my husband doesn't want babies. And so what can I do? And the chef, what's what he can do? Actually, we don't have like, strong

01:17:44 --> 01:18:14

judges here for supporting the ladies. And for me as an not married girl, I feel there is something affecting my mentality about the idea of marriage. So how can you do about the idea of of marriage? Marriage? I feel it's like, it isn't for Annie says it is my wife. It is my second. But what we see there are very bad negative things. It's not like that. It's only about relation.

01:18:16 --> 01:18:32

That type of relation, that that is a close that you can change it. It is more in the West Country, I believe. But we still have this in our country. So what can you advise me as any and also advice piece misused ladies? Just

01:18:37 --> 01:18:37

I think

01:18:41 --> 01:19:07

definitely, you know, unfortunately, we are not saying that. problems don't exist in the Muslim world. There are many, many problems in our countries. But as I said, these are because people have left Islam. People don't have Taqwa anymore. They don't have that God consciousness anymore than they used to, that would prevent them from doing such evil things and haram things, especially to young people, especially to the vulnerable.

01:19:09 --> 01:19:12

So, I think definitely,

01:19:13 --> 01:19:15

in our societies, we need

01:19:17 --> 01:19:51

services, we need people, professionals, you know, to help these women who've suffered in this way. We need there to be justice for them. So I don't know what the situation is in terms of, you know, women being able to report these sorts of things. I know that they probably feel that there's a taboo attached to it, and a stigma attached to it. But you know, these type of individuals, they should be brought to justice. People who do these kind of evil things, okay, so we shouldn't be shy to report them if we need to.

01:19:54 --> 01:19:59

for you as a person who's maybe hearing about these kinds of things, I would say that

01:20:01 --> 01:20:47

Because bad things happen in the world, this shouldn't make us overreact, you know, you shouldn't overreact and then regard something as completely evil or something completely bad. Okay. So Pamela, there are many McAfee men out there, there are many, God fearing men out there who are not like that. Yep, with whom inshallah you can get married and have a very beautiful marriage. So don't allow just a few stories or some quite powerful stories that have stuck in your mind to make, you know, so affected to the extent that you're looking at marriage in a negative way, the most important thing is to find somebody who's a Mottaki to get married to, you know, because then that

01:20:47 --> 01:21:10

person in sha Allah will not treat you badly. Somebody who has a similar or equal status, somebody who, and this is something that scholars would talk about, as well, you know, character, Islam, as well as background status, all these things are good things to take into account. Obviously, the most important thing is that

01:21:11 --> 01:21:19

so I would encourage you to not think of marriage in a negative way, because there are millions and millions of people who were happily married as well, you know,

01:21:20 --> 01:21:33

and to focus on the most important thing you need to look for when you think of getting married, which is a mortality, you know, person, for the women who have suffered, you know, I feel very,

01:21:36 --> 01:21:37

I really feel for them.

01:21:39 --> 01:21:48

I think they should find, help, you know, not just keep it to themselves, they should find some support and help if they can.

01:21:50 --> 01:21:57

But the most, the best helper is, of course, Allah subhanaw taala. So they should first of all, turn to Him,

01:21:59 --> 01:22:00

unload their burden to him.

01:22:03 --> 01:22:30

And, you know, beyond that, you know, Subhana Allah, I find it very hard to give advice for this country, because I don't really know what's available. In Britain, I would say to those sisters, we've got some services available that can help them Islamic support services, you know, and maybe that's the type of thing we need to exist in these countries as well, as well as Justice. So those men who perpetrated those crimes they should be brought to justice.

01:22:33 --> 01:22:39

inshallah, I hope that that's the extent to which I'm going to answer that question. You know, Charla May Allah.

01:22:41 --> 01:22:44

Allah is all of our burdens and all of the

01:22:45 --> 01:22:52

you know, all of us have a burden that we're carrying, maybe something from the past. But one of the beautiful things about Islam is that

01:22:53 --> 01:23:03

it encourages us to put the past behind us. You know, Allah Subhana Allah doesn't encourage us to dwell on the past one of the beautiful daughters is

01:23:05 --> 01:23:41

along my Nia with a becoming an HMI. Well, honey, well, honey, well, yeah. Well, I'd see Well, castley so we ask Allah to and what hum and hum and husband what they mean is hum is having anxiety about the past? You know, and sorry, I think his home is having anxiety about the past hum is having anxiety about the future. Yep. So we ask Allah to prevent us from having all these worries about the past and of the future. So maybe, inshallah, these are some of the things that can also help.

01:23:42 --> 01:23:48

But beyond that, I feel unqualified to kind of comment on the situation here. So just.

01:23:56 --> 01:23:57

Salam Alaikum

01:23:58 --> 01:24:02

Salam Alikum. My solution to that a

01:24:04 --> 01:24:25

few days ago, I was just debating with a sister, not most, but she was non Muslim. And I was she was just saying me that in India, because of the rapes, like increasing now. So she was saying that rapes are happening in India because of Muslims. And I told her that

01:24:27 --> 01:24:35

the Muslim majority countries like the Gulf and Indonesia, why aren't rates happening over there? And she told me that.

01:24:36 --> 01:24:59

And I also quoted about the statistics of America and certain European countries and their * rates. She told me that your countries are so backward, that you don't like women report rapes to the government. And in our countries, we report it but you don't report it as well. So I answer to that.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:07

But my answer did not satisfy her it was not quite relevant. So can you please answer that question for her?

01:25:09 --> 01:25:20

Yeah, I think I've heard that before. I mean, people say that in the West as well, you know, they say, Oh, no Muslim countries, they don't report *, but they don't. And it's probably true, actually, it's probably true.

01:25:21 --> 01:25:45

because of the stigma that people feel is attached. But having said that, okay. Definitely people who come to even Western people who come to to the east, especially to Muslim countries, in the Gulf, for example, they definitely realize and feel that there is a certain level of safety here that there is an over there for women as well, you know,

01:25:46 --> 01:25:56

I don't think we should look at this as like a competition, you know, between nations. That's not really what the purpose of my talk was, for example, what I was trying to highlight is

01:25:57 --> 01:26:04

that the people who are trying to propagate their way of life to the rest of the world, okay, they're invading countries because of it.

01:26:05 --> 01:26:10

They can't really claim to have a way of life that is

01:26:11 --> 01:26:16

beneficial to the world, you know, their own countries are suffering because of that.

01:26:17 --> 01:26:33

And our countries are suffering because of that as well. So although I would defend the Muslim countries, I wouldn't defend them too much. You know, and you're talking about India. There, it's just so hard to know, who's doing what, in India Anyway, you know?

01:26:34 --> 01:27:21

And how many people in India and Pakistan, how many of them pray, how many of them really care about Islam anyway? You know, so I would rather not defend and, and stick up for any particular nation or other? You know, I would say to people, look, you know, there's a lot of propaganda going on against Muslims. So we can't really trust that statistic. Okay. But the main message that I'm I want you to kind of take on board is that not that the east is better than the West is worse? No, not at all. What I'm saying is that east or west, people need to come back to Islam. People in the East are leaving Islam. No, I saw a documentary on TV in Britain. And they were saying how

01:27:22 --> 01:27:42

the Arab world is having an obesity epidemic, because everyone's eating McDonald's and KFC and so all of us are being infected with the same culture. All of us have been infected with the same culture, whether east or west. Okay. And no, people can claim to be better than another except if they have Taqwa.

01:27:43 --> 01:27:57

So, really, as I said, I wouldn't really necessarily defend any particular nation or other. I would just say, if they were following Islam properly, then this wouldn't happen. Yeah. And that's what we want to call people back to.

01:28:03 --> 01:28:20

I'll take two more questions in sha Allah. salaam aleikum, sister when it comes Salaam, sister, we just want to know, what was the most difficult question you have been asked? Sorry, what was the most difficult question you have been asked in your district? But by anonymously? Yeah.

01:28:26 --> 01:28:29

The most difficult question I have been asked personally is,

01:28:33 --> 01:28:43

well, I'm gonna give you a bit of a cheeky answer, which is that if you come to the DAO training course, in two days, you will see that no question is difficult. And

01:28:46 --> 01:28:46

that's my answer.

01:28:54 --> 01:29:12

Yes, we don't see who's asking. Sorry. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Still, we'd like to know how do you manage to keep your Islamic dress code while being in UK and having confidence? How do we manage to wear Islamic dress code in Britain? Yeah. Especially the niqab. Okay. Yeah.

01:29:13 --> 01:29:14


01:29:15 --> 01:29:17

okay. There are certain areas of

01:29:18 --> 01:29:22

London for example, that are very, it's normal to see niqab. You know,

01:29:24 --> 01:29:28

East London, for example. Just normal and people have just accepted it.

01:29:29 --> 01:29:35

But there are areas in Britain and in London, even where it is quite difficult to wear the niqab.

01:29:36 --> 01:29:40

I don't necessarily wear the niqab all the time in Britain, you know.

01:29:42 --> 01:29:43

depends on where I am.

01:29:45 --> 01:29:56

But there are sisters who do. There are many sisters who do and they're very strong sisters, and I respect them a lot. But they do sometimes experience some verbal abuse, you know, from people.

01:29:57 --> 01:30:00

But as I said, it really depends on where you

01:30:00 --> 01:30:00


01:30:01 --> 01:30:38

because I've seen in the areas where people are used to seeing a niqab or Muslims, you'll see that they've, it's very normal to them, and they don't even, they're not even really worried about it. But it's really the areas where maybe it's not so common. But then, and also because the media often whips up some core sort of negative news and negative ideas about niqab and I think that's what causes a lot more people to be worried about it, where they're not really worried. You know, having said that Britain is one of the best places in Europe for Muslims to live really is

01:30:40 --> 01:30:42

unlike France and countries, which are quite

01:30:43 --> 01:31:11

hostile and, you know, they they're very kind of what we call aggressive aggressively secularist countries, Britain, generally, the people, they're friendly, they don't really want to offend anyone. You know, you might get some nasty people here and there, but the general people, you know, they they accept us, especially because we were born and brought up in Britain, when it comes to the hijab is completely normal. Now in Britain.

01:31:12 --> 01:31:18

The niqab isn't so much. But wearing an abaya wearing scarf is

01:31:20 --> 01:31:31

completely normal, you won't have any issue with that, Mashallah more and more sisters are wearing Hijab more and more non Muslim women are coming to Islam as well. Every year there are about

01:31:32 --> 01:31:38

a conservative estimate is 5000 converts to Islam

01:31:39 --> 01:31:39

in Britain,

01:31:41 --> 01:31:43

but most of them are women.

01:31:44 --> 01:31:51

So Mashallah, and you know, a lot of the time when the new Muslims come to Islam, they they become very strong Muslims. So

01:31:53 --> 01:31:53


01:31:54 --> 01:31:56

So I hope that answers the question.

01:31:58 --> 01:32:01

I think that was the last question, wasn't it? Yeah. Okay. Okay, this is

01:32:03 --> 01:32:03

a really,

01:32:04 --> 01:32:18

I'm really pleased that you know, I got to meet you and the organizers as well. And I'm very thankful for your hospitality. And I hope that as many of you as possible join us for the day our training course which is on

01:32:19 --> 01:32:20


01:32:22 --> 01:32:26

which is a one day training course which will help you to have a good conversation answer

01:32:28 --> 01:32:59

any question inshallah. And the day, I think it's Wednesday, yes. On Wednesday, we have a course called that the now ready to grow course, which is about supporting new Muslims. How do you support new Muslims when they become Muslim because we have statistics in Britain that show that many people actually become Muslim. They take their Shahada leave Islam within the first year because they don't get adequate support, you know, so I hope that you'll join me for those.

01:33:00 --> 01:33:04

I look forward to meeting you there inshallah. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

01:34:53 --> 01:34:59

That was really an eye opening and really educational talk. May Allah give us the chance to apply the good

01:35:00 --> 01:35:07

into our lives. I mean, I would like to thank Allah subhana wa Taala who made all of this possible.

01:35:21 --> 01:35:57

I would like to thank Allah subhana wa Taala who made all of this possible. We ask Allah to bless all our speakers and all those presents in the conference. We ask Allah to forgive our sins and enter us all genital for those Allah Allah by His mercy. I would like to thank and congratulate all the organizers and volunteers who worked very hard, and with sincerity for the sake of Allah. And they made this event really successful and beneficial. In sha Allah, we hear what we hope to see your continued enthusiasm and commitment to serve this theme and to strive to please Allah subhanho wa Taala.

01:35:59 --> 01:36:06

The next speaker will be chef Mufti, smile monk, and he will be here shortly inshallah.

01:36:07 --> 01:36:11

And I would just like to remind you that there is the workshop, our training workshop

01:36:12 --> 01:36:17

on Monday and Wednesday, if you'd like to register, my sister Fatima Baraka to law

01:36:19 --> 01:36:20

second law

This lecture was delivered at the ‘Women’s Care’ Festival & Conference 2013

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