Fatima Barkatulla – 70 Major Sins #01 Introduction – Major & Minor Sins, Shirk-Associating Partners With Allah

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of avoiding major sins and avoiding shamsude in Islam. They emphasize the need for everyone to be aware of the compression of shamsude and the potential harm it brings. They also discuss the use of sh personaes to protect oneself and avoid small and big concessions. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding major sins and not carelessly doing things. They also emphasize the need for caution and caution in shrooming others to avoid causing harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah the assistance salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. I'm so pleased to be back and to be with you again.

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Before I begin, I'd love to ask you, if any of you were attendees for the IE shatter the landhaus series, if you were, if you could just type in the chat,

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it will just be interesting for us to know, you know, if there are people here who were here last time, we had a series

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that's great. By the way, anyone who didn't catch that series, it is up on The Ellen menar.

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Youtube Channel, as well as my YouTube channel. So the recordings, and you'll see, you'll notice that the first recordings had pretty bad lighting, pretty bad camera. And then over time, things got better and better. It was literally the beginning of the pandemic, right. So hamdulillah you can see the evolution of these classes as you you can you can see the evolution of these classes via the quality of the video and lighting. I think. So Panama. Okay.

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Wow. Bismillah Let me begin by sharing my screen in sha Allah.

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And you've got to let me know if the view is okay. Right.

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Yeah, so is the view. Okay, is I'm not really aware how you're seeing this right now. I'm assuming there is.

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You know, the PowerPoint, and then there's me in the corner or something like that.

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Just a minute.

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You have to handle our we have the screen and then you are in the corner.

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Okay, that's great. It's just I'm just concerned about the recording if it's so do you think it's fine? Yeah. In trauma.

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The PowerPoint is the main. Yeah. Okay.

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hamdulillah whoops. Let me go back. So, we are going to be taking a look at the book Kitab al Qaeda by Eman ob. I've got it here with me in Arabic.

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Okay, this is what our class is going to be based on.

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Loosely based on right like I'm going to follow the the order that your mom or their hubby follows and I'm going to be using a lot of the material that I remembered the hubby

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shares with us in this book. And this is actually one of the first books that I bought when I went when I was a student in Egypt as like a teenager. Because Masha Allah, it's one of those books that I if you're a new

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student to Arabic, so say you've just recently learned Arabic or you're learning Arabic. It's actually a very easy book to get into. And a really nice read. So

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I would really recommend it.

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And there's also just for your information.

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A an English translation you can get now, okay?

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It's not a taqwa,

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the major sins.

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Emotions at the end of that hobby. It's a translation. It's pretty good translation. Mashallah.

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But obviously, it needs more explanation, I think, but hamdulillah for somebody who just wants to get a good overview of the 17 major sins, it's a great book to get so please do get a copy. And then that will be like your course material in a way right your class material. Okay, so I just want to remind you all that this class is going to be every Sunday, six to seven o'clock and sha Allah even throughout Ramadan. If that timing changes, and the real The main reason why it might change is due to prayer times.

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That's going to be later on I believe. If it changes, we will of course, let you know. And

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the way to keep in contact is via the email address [email protected], but also the WhatsApp number.

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If you send your number to the WhatsApp number, then inshallah you'll be kept abreast of any changes, please do take your own notes. Okay, I don't want you to get to depend on Matt, my PowerPoint presentation. I try my best to keep PowerPoints really simple and really minimal,

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just as a visual aid because I believe that there is such a thing as death by PowerPoint, right, where you literally have so much text so much to read that you can't pay attention to the class. So I would like you to get your own notebook, maybe a special notebook just for this class,

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and a special pen and do take your own notes in Sharla. Because there might be thoughts and ideas that come into your own head that you'd like to capture.

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And in Sharla, at the end of the session will always try to include a question time where you can type in questions into the chat. Any questions left over we might be able to answer the next time

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and all videos will hopefully inshallah, if the recordings go well

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be uploaded to YouTube afterwards. So you know, if you have to miss a class, then please don't worry. But do you please try to attend the classes because a lot of sisters have said to me that is a completely different experience when they actually attend live, you know, so Pamela, so, what are the major sins? What are the major sins?

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Allah Subhana Allah tells us in the Quran

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in Stoney bukoba you're on Matt on hold on who newcath fear I am consejo Chico one of the hillicon more the Highland Karima if you avoid the big sins kabaya you have that word that about You're right. If you avoid the kabaya, the big sins

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that you have been forbidden from then we will

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look after and come say article we will expiate from you the smaller sense, okay, and admit to you a wonderful entrance into paradise. In other words, right? So here, Allah Subhana, Allah is already

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telling us that there is such a thing as big sins and small sins, we can see that there's a distinction being made here. And Allah saying, if you avoid the big ones,

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then, of course the word carbuyer comes from the word Kabira. Right, which means a big, one big sin, which comes from the word Kabir in Arabic, which is big, right?

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And so Allah is saying, if you avoid the big sins, then the smaller sins, they're easier to expiate. And Allah will expiate them and he will use your good deeds to cover your sins, right?

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Also, Allah Subhana Allah tells us in the Quran Lavina yutani, buena cobertura if me wallflower heisha illa llama in Rob Becker, where Cyril McPhee Allah, Allah says those who avoid the big sins again, can you write it for me? and alpha hische for Waukesha, shameless sins like like Xena basically right?

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fornication and adultery,

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except the small faults so those who avoid the big sins and you know, they might have some lemon, somebody that all small mistakes. Indeed, Allah is vast in forgiveness. So last month, Allah is saying, again, this idea that there are big sins, those a lot have Allah takes very seriously. And those are the ones that we must avoid.

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So what are the major sins? What's the definition of a major sin?

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In a Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said, avoid the seven sins that do a person to the hellfire. And there are a number of narrations where seven in particular are mentioned or

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two or three are mentioned. You know, so there's like emphasis okay.

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And in this one he mentioned seven, he says avoid the seven sins that Doom a person to the hellfire. And it was said, What are they? Yara sola sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said,

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associating partners with Allah. Share

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witchcraft, which is her magic, or, you know when I'm talking about magic tricks we mean sorcery, witchcraft. And then he said, killing a soul whom Allah has forbidden you to kill, except in except lawfully. In other words, you know, if a person is executed, you're due to the law

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consuming Riba, which is

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haram transactions. Yeah, usually translated as interest but it's more than interest.

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Consuming orphans, wealth, the wealth of orphans consuming it, meaning wasting it using it, unlawfully

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taking advantage of it, fleeing from the battlefield is a major sin. Okay, slandering chaste innocent women. So in this Hadith, in Bukhari and Muslim the prophets Allah so Allah mentioned seven, and there are many a hadith in which a number of sins are highlighted over

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And the scholar

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accord to be this is a student of the famous quarter be okay.

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He says, and he goes, he gives a very good definition. He says, a major sin is basically every sin concerning which a text of the Quran yonny something in the Quran, also, na

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mentions it, or scholarly consensus

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states that it is a major sin or a grave sin

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or it's mentioned

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or a severe punishment is mentioned for it.

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Or had the punishment had punishments are like the corporal punishment, you know, and under Islamic law,

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you know, one of the big punishments like being whipped or

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you know, execution, okay?

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If, if there is a deed for which there is a HUD punishment, means it's a major sin.

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Or if the Quran and Sunnah and denounce it in the strongest terms, it's a major sin as well. So this is how the scholars of Islam derived the list of what it what are the major sins, okay, and obviously, there are more than just those seven that we just mentioned in that had Eve.

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And what is the relationship between a major and a minor sin?

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Okay, so the minus sin is that for which no punishment is specified in the world or the Hereafter, so there might be a sin mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. But there's no punishment that is specified for it, either for this life, nor for the next life. Okay, so that means this is how we would know the difference between the major and the minor sin, the major sin, there's usually a punishment attached to it. It's usually expressed in a very, very strong terms.

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The scholars of Islam said that, however, even though there are minor sins and major sins, persisting in a minor sin, can make it

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a major sin.

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Okay, so if you keep repeating minuses again and again and again, it's as if they accumulate and become major sins, or those minor sins lead you to major sins, right?

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Thinking lightly of minor sins also leads to a person's doom. Because you know, you have to be sensitive to since in order to avoid a sin, in order to avoid sinning against Allah. Then you have to of course, take it very seriously. As soon as you psychologically start thinking of it as Oh, yeah, hello, forgive me. It's not a big deal. At least I'm not doing a major sin, right. soon as you start thinking like that.

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You're on the path, downwards, right this the downward spiral.

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Also, the scholar said about

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minor versus major since that avoiding major sins is an expiation for my

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lessons. We already saw that in the eye of the Quran. And in this hadith

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blobbin Massoud narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said beware of these things. Beware of these sins that are regarded as insignificant for they will accumulate until they destroy a man.

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Okay? So we can see these major sins, they're very, very serious.

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If we avoid them, this is why it's important for us to know that right? If we can avoid them, then the chances of minor sins being forgiven but a lot high right?

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And this is a poem some people attribute it to on webinar hubbub, others attributed to other poets.

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But it's a wonderful few lines of Arabic poetry, which kind of really sum up why we should learn about sins and why we should care. So this poem goes like this Hello, the rule of Asahi raha cabbie raha their cat tapa was not kamesh in FOCA all the focus of the show kiya varoma era era happy runner Savi Ratan in LG Birla minahasa

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So, this poem is saying hello, Luba Savi raha what can be euro let go of sins, you know, leave since stopped doing sins, the small ones and the big ones that that took her and that is taqwa. That is what the court is God consciousness is to leave the sins small and big.

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And then the poet says, Let's not again, mash in folk or the shoki. Era, that and be like a person who's walking on top of a land that is covered with forms. Right? Imagine if you were going to walk on a piece of land or a path that was covered in thorns. How would you walk? Yeah, Heather omega. And he has been so careful about

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where he's going to step. Yeah. You'd be very careful. You be tipped up tiptoeing, right. So you're going to not just be like, strolling down the path carelessly, or running, you're going to be literally tip time and being careful, where am I putting my footsteps? And then it says, attacker under severe attack, and don't belittle the small sense, right? Don't think of the small sense as insignificant. Because why? Because in the LG Bella minahasa, that mountains are made up of small pebbles, mountains are made up of small pebbles Subhan Allah. In other words, you allow small sins to accumulate, you allow small sins, to just become a part of your everyday life. They actually

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slowly but surely gathering up into a mountain of sins, right? I think this poem really beautifully, captures the way a believer has to live in the world, right?

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Yes, the way a believer has to live in the world.

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Not being careless, not being completely carefree at any point.

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sounds difficult, right? But this is the reason why the believer is rewarded in the next life. Because they couldn't just take some wine and get drunk and take drugs and forget about their worries, right? The believer couldn't just let go and just follow his or her desires. No, the believer had to be careful throughout their life. And because of that carefulness for the sake of Allah, Allah Subhana, Allah will reward the believer.

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So in summary, we want to learn about the major sins because these are the sins that can cause every Muslim, even a Muslim will be caused to be punished in the hereafter and dunya because of these sins, okay, and they can even end up in the Hellfire, a Muslim can end up in the Hellfire due to these sins if they don't seek forgiveness if they die upon these sins, for example, right.

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Which is a big thing, right? It's a huge thing. So obviously

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We know that a believer, anyone who believes in La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, anyone who is a Muslim,

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even if they end up being punished, either in the grave or the hellfire.

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Eventually, every single believer will be taken out of the Hellfire and placed into Jannah.

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However, do we want to spend even a moment of time in the Hellfire? Do we want to spend years or centuries on whatever the time spans are in next life, which are completely different to the time spans of this life? Do we want to spend that time in the Hellfire? Of course not. And so even we, as believers should not feel safe. I'm a believer, I'll be forgiven. No,

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you're a believer in sha Allah, you will eventually end up in Jannah. inshallah. However, even a believer, first of all, a believer doesn't know if they're going to die upon belief.

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And these are the sins that can lead even a believer

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to become a disbeliever.

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Because the sins are connected to our spiritual heart,

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and they can cause the spiritual heart to die. The more you indulge in sense, the more your spiritual heart can die until even human can die.

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So it's very, very important.

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Also, in our time, you can see all around us that sins are being belittled.

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And not just the literal sense, the big sense, the major sins are being belittled and considered. rebranded, you could say, right, the sins are being rebranded the sin of lewat, which is, you know, the sin that the people of loot used to do is rebranded in our times as being about love, right? And Rainbows, this sin of SubhanAllah. You know, eavesdropping is not considered anything anymore. Nobody thinks eavesdropping is a big deal listening in on people's phone calls. So panela also, like, you know, reading other people's messages that were meant for somebody else. People don't think of those as a big deal anymore. lying, lying is not considered a big deal anymore. breaking

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your ODEs

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is not seen as a big deal anymore. So because in our times, sins are being belittled, it's important for us to re connect and understand what the sins are.

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Also, we might casually fall into these, since if we don't know about them, we might casually fall into them. So Pamela, as I was reading the list of the sins, just reading off the entire list of 70. And by the way, there may be more than 70. Right? 70 all the ones that have been identified by Mama, Debbie.

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When I was just reading off the list, I was thinking, Oh, so panel, I didn't realize that was a major sin. You know,

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I didn't realize this was a major sin. And I think when you hear some of the major sins, you're gonna feel the same way. Because these things have become so casually around us all the time, right?

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Sometimes we might have grown up with parents who did these sins or with people in our families, so we've become kind of desensitized.

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We already mentioned that sins kill our spiritual heart. as Muslims, of course, we believe that there is a physical heart, obviously, the one that pumps blood around our body, but we also have a spiritual heart.

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And the spiritual heart sins, cause it to blacken and darken. If we're not careful, the entire spiritual heart can be covered in darkness, and then a person can't see right and wrong anymore. A person drowns in their sins, and is very, very susceptible to falling away from Allah falling away from Islam.

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So it's really important that we are aware of the sins, Sins of course corrupt society. Right. So many of the ills that we see in society today are because of sins that Allah forbade like, even

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I told people about the sins from the time of the early prophets. You know, even in the 10 commandments, Allah commands people to stay away from the sins.

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In the previous scriptures, Allah Subhana, Allah tells people to stay away from the sins. But because the people of the Scriptures have changed their scriptures, or because they explain away their scriptures, or they say, Oh, it's all metaphorical, right? Or society has changed, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because of all these excuses, changing Allah Subhana Allah is law. Now, even in Christian societies where

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Riba was, was banned, right? Where Xena was banned, where people wouldn't do certain sins, at least not do them openly. Now that become normal, right? Pick up a tabloid newspaper. And you can like list all of the sins that are being mentioned openly in society, right? And that mentioning of sins, not just doing sins, but talking about them as if they're nothing, or, you know, doing it or learning any, like broadcasting Sins of this celebrity and that celebrity.

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All of that corrupts society, and it causes harm.

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And there are other reasons why we need to learn about the major sins, because big sins, major sins are always preceded by smaller sense. or major sins, there are always things that lead to those major sins. So you might have heard you know, of a Muslim, who committed a major sin somebody like, sometimes it's somebody who has some standing in society or somebody who subpanel No, he has a long beard, he wears a thobe, right? or a sister, she's a soprano. She was such a good hijab, and she's so seem so pious she's,

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and then you hear that they fought fought fell into a sin, right? And people say, Well, how could that have happened? Like how that's just sounds so impossible, like how could somebody who takes care of the little things

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suddenly have fallen into a sin? Well, if you were to investigate how they fell into that sin, you would find that so Pamela, there were lots of little sins that they had to take, they had to do lots of little things that they became slack on lots of little violations that a person does. And

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slowly but surely, as we know, shavon is constantly whispering and chip on his on our backs. As believers, there's nothing that shaitan wants more than for us, for our downfall. Right. He wants our downfall. So what he does is, he starts off with the small things. He says, it doesn't matter, just, you know,

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have a bit of chitchat with that guy over there. You know, or

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it's okay. You can wear some makeup today and go out.

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Or, you know, it's such a hot day to day, maybe you should wear that outfit. That isn't appropriate, right. All of these little whisperings Chauvin does, right? And he slowly but surely, when it wears us down, we OBEY Him. We obey Him in the little things, we start thinking is not a big deal.

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And that eventually leads us further and further away from Allah, more and more towards that, those big sins, and then suddenly somebody falls into those big sins, right? never happens overnight. Right? It doesn't happen overnight. Just as there's no such thing as an overnight success. You know, people who are an overnight so called overnight success, they've been working hard towards that in little ways.

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In a similar way, there's no such thing is an overnight downfall. Right overnight, you become a major center. No, it happens slowly but surely.

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So I hope that's clear to everybody that you know, why we need to study this, why it's important to study this and I looked online, I could see that actually, on YouTube, for example, or, at least in the English language. There really isn't anything very easily accessible.

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About the major sense

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except for some short kind of videos and things. So, in short, I hope that this will be

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unique class, and one that we can that more people can benefit from, especially in the English language. So let's look at who am I my hubby was

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my aim is going to be, by the way. Of course today is the introductory class for every every week, I am to cover at least three of the major sense

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except today obviously because today is the introduction.

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And perhaps we will be able to do the first sin.

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So let's talk about remember the heavy remember the heavy shamsudeen Muhammad, even off man, even Kramer's a diminish fee or Shafi

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of the hubby. So remember that B he

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he was actually a his family was of Turkmen ancestry. So like Central Asian, right. Um, and he was I believe that his family came from North North Eastern area, the North Eastern area

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of you know, just above the Arabian Peninsula.

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And his father was a goldsmith and that's why he's known as a verbi. The Hub is gold, right?

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He was born in 673 Hijri. That's 1274.

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And he travelled extensively as a child as a young man.

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He was, you know, involved in seeking knowledge from a young age. He traveled extensively to many, many different countries. He had many teachers and many students that are too many for us to mention. This is just a brief introduction so that we know whose book we're reading, or that we're looking at. He was a student of Ibn taymiyyah Rahim Allah and other scholars, he had so many teachers, so many people he studied Hadeeth with for example, and he even had female teachers.

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He wrote more than 100 books. One of the most famous ones is Sierra lamb and novella, which is, you know, the book that has the biographies of people from our history, especially all of us are harbor and then people of every age of every era.

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It's like, and he was really known for history, as well as you know,

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and mill region, and books of Hadith, etc. He, I mean, he wrote 100, over 100 books, so it's upon Allah. And he had a teaching post in Damascus, he had a position in an institution in Damascus, where he would teach for the last seven years of his life, he lost his eyesight, and that's when he stopped teaching.

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And he passed away in the year 748, which is 1348 in Damascus. It's not that long ago, if you think about it, it's a panel.

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And he wrote a book about your book of the major sins,

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as something that he wanted every Muslim to read, you know, just the everyday Muslim, not necessarily just scholars or students of knowledge, this was a book he wrote that he wanted a list of all of the big all of the major sins 70 of them to be accessible to the Muslims and for them to know them and to be able to stay away from them.

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Look at the time.

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So, the first of the major sins and

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this is like the

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Uber major sin right, like the sin that actually is kind of a different category to the other major sense because the other the other major sins,

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dear sisters, are sins that if Allah once he he will forgive,

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right? A person commits Zina, a person is, you know, extremely sinful even kill somebody. Of course, those are major, major sins. But if they are a believer, and they arrive on the Day of Judgment,

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if Allah once he could forgive them, right

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But when it comes to ship, when it comes to shark, Allah Subhana, Allah has told us that if a person dies, associating partners worshiping others, with Allah

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or other than Allah,

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then and so they die in that state,

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then they will not be forgiven for that. They would not be forgiven for that. And this is why it's known as the worst of the major sins. And remember that Hubby, he says that the worst of the major, wrong actions or sins is associating others with Allah Almighty.

00:35:49 --> 00:36:21

And he says, There's several categories of shirk. And in his book, he mentions two of them. So look, we are not going to go into every single like shark, right? You could have a whole course about ship and about the heat, right? We're not going to go into it in that much detail, every type of shirt every type of No, we're going to do it in broad strokes, right? We're gonna look at the main things you need to know. So and the main things that remember that you mentioned.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:39

So he says that there are several categories of shark and one of them is when a person treats something else as equal to Allah and worship something other than him.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:44

That's the classic definition of shirt right?

00:36:45 --> 00:37:04

Whether it's a stone, a tree, the sun, the moon, a prophet, a chef, a star, an angel, or anything else, okay. And this is the greatest shear greatest shark, which Allah Almighty

00:37:06 --> 00:37:22

alludes to in the Quran, right? So Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, in Allah Allah Yaga funeral and you should be here well, Pharaoh, Medina Valley, carry Masha. Woman you should be life after the pharaoh if men are vema.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:33

Indeed, Allah does not forgive shirk, associating partners with him in worship, but forgive anything else,

00:37:34 --> 00:37:56

of whoever he wills. So, again, we said that this is like the Uber sin, right? This is like, the worst of the worst sins. And Allah says he, you'll forgive other sins, even other major sins, if Allah once he will forgive them. Okay? Just like you know that story about that.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:00

The prostitute that

00:38:01 --> 00:38:08

gave the dog some water, right? Somebody who is involved in major sin,

00:38:09 --> 00:38:16

but because of an act that she did, Allah forgave her. So Allah Subhana Allah can

00:38:17 --> 00:38:24

he can like something that we do so much, that he will forgive us even major sins? However,

00:38:26 --> 00:38:36

not minor, not not sure. Not sure. Allah Subhana Allah says, Indeed Allah does not forgive shirk. But he forgives anything else.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:47

For whoever he wills and whoever associates others with Allah has indeed committed a grave sin has indeed committed a grave sin.

00:38:49 --> 00:38:56

And Allah Subhana Allah tells us, look at the careful levena call in the law who will mercy Hoban memoriam.

00:38:58 --> 00:39:10

Those who say that Allah is mercy, the son of Madame Gani Jesus, and he said um they have certainly disbelieved, okay.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:31

Well call and mercy who Yeah, Bernie is sobre el apoyo de la hora be we're back home, and even the Messiah the Messiah, used to say to the children of Israel, you owe children of Israel worship Allah. Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:43

In the whole manual Shrek below he forgot the * Rama lo la Hill janetta one one, Matt. Well now, law says, indeed,

00:39:45 --> 00:39:48

whoever associates partners with Allah in worship,

00:39:49 --> 00:39:59

then Allah has forbidden made her arm for them. paradise, Jenna, and his home his abode will be

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01


00:40:02 --> 00:40:15

wamalwa volley mean I mean and so, and the wrongdoers the oppressors will have no helpers. And schilke is considered like the, the greatest type of

00:40:16 --> 00:40:43

volume. Because last panel diala, He created us, He gives us everything that we have, he designed us, He made us he, he, he chair is the cherisher. And he gives us parents, he gives us blessings, every single blessing. And then we turn around and we reject a lot or we turn to others and worship them

00:40:45 --> 00:40:53

or relate to them in the way that we should relate to Allah. That is considered the greatest, the greatest of

00:40:55 --> 00:40:58

sin sins and greatest type of oppression and volume.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:07

And then remember, the heavy says, The second type of schilke

00:41:08 --> 00:41:11

is showing off one's good deeds,

00:41:12 --> 00:41:15

as Allah Almighty says.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:19

And then he mentioned

00:41:23 --> 00:41:33

he mentioned various a hadith and ayat, as Allah Almighty says let him who hopes to meet his Lord act rightly and not associate anyone in worship

00:41:34 --> 00:41:49

with his Lord. Okay. So we have this idea that there is a minor type of shirt, which is the V app. And this type of shirt is the shirt that is quite easy to fall into, right? It's quite easy to fall into.

00:41:53 --> 00:42:01

It means in this context that one should not act to show off to other people. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, beware of the lesser shirk.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:04

He said, beware of the lesser ship.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:15

And the people asked messenger of Allah, what is the lesser schilke? He answered, showing off, Allah Almighty will say on the Day

00:42:16 --> 00:42:17

of Judgment,

00:42:18 --> 00:42:27

go to those to whom you use to show off your actions in this world and see whether they have any reward for you.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:29

So Pamela,

00:42:32 --> 00:42:32


00:42:34 --> 00:42:34


00:42:36 --> 00:42:39

if you think about it in our times, this is like, a more C bar, right?

00:42:41 --> 00:43:10

What do people do when they're about to do something really good. They're about to give somebody some charity. They're about to, I don't know, go and work in a in a food bank. Or they're about to go on camera. Or they're about to pray that away. Or they've gone for their 10th hedge? What do they do in our times? type in I want you to type into the chat what people typically do.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:16

I should check in with you guys.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:32

Make sure everyone's All right. They tell everyone they announce it. Yes, exactly. They take a picture and post it on Instagram. They make it their status selfie. Exactly. You have to take a selfie next to the gabaa. Right.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:41

By the way, I'm guilty of this as well. Like, the last time I went on camera I The thing is I was so excited about it. Like

00:43:43 --> 00:43:50

I was so happy. And I was so excited that because I hadn't been to Macau for 14 years or something crazy like that.

00:43:51 --> 00:44:03

And so I just couldn't help taking photos. So panela why I'm thinking about it now. Like why? Why couldn't I just enjoy that moment? and let it be a moment between me and Allah?

00:44:04 --> 00:44:15

Why did I feel the need to put it on? Wherever? See, this is the this is the things kind of that sometimes we even trick ourselves because we think and I'm encouraging other people, right?

00:44:16 --> 00:44:21

I'm encouraging other people, but really, is that really what you're doing?

00:44:23 --> 00:44:37

You know, maybe the first time you go on Hajj, it's not a big deal. But say yes, the second third, fourth time or you're going on Omar every year. Why are you telling people keep it between you and Allah? Keep it a secret.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:50

And the other thing is it makes people jealous. It makes people jealous. Because people not everyone can afford that. Not everyone is in the situation that you're in right?

00:44:52 --> 00:44:58

Hon Allah May Allah Subhana Allah forgive us and may He allow us to be sensitive to these

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

To me since.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:07

Well, in Charlotte, we've got a few more minutes. So

00:45:08 --> 00:45:14

let me just round up what leads to shirk, and then I'll answer some questions. Okay, as quickly as I can.

00:45:15 --> 00:45:17

So these are just some of the things that lead to

00:45:18 --> 00:45:24

lead to shark, the major ship. Now minus shark is not the same as major shark. You know,

00:45:26 --> 00:45:48

in the sense that minor shark is so sometimes so it, you know, difficult to perceive that we're doing it right. Like, you pray Salah by yourself alone? What's the quality of that solo? Compared to when you're praying in front of your friends? Right? So pan Allah, Allah forgive us, May Allah forgive us?

00:45:50 --> 00:45:53

You, I don't know.

00:45:55 --> 00:45:58

The way you relate to Allah, in private?

00:46:00 --> 00:46:16

Is it the same as the way you relate to him in public? When you're sitting in front of people, when you're making blocks in front of people? How come suddenly you, you seem to be able to cry? Right? And it's not funny, I know, it's not funny, but it's just

00:46:17 --> 00:46:25

human nature. And yet you're sitting by yourself talking to alone, you can't even muster up a tear.

00:46:27 --> 00:46:36

Why is that? You know, it's something for us to really question ourselves with. And this is why even the Sahaba, they used to make dua that Allah

00:46:37 --> 00:46:40

protects us from the minor shark.

00:46:41 --> 00:46:47

Yeah, because it's something so subtle, and sometimes it can be difficult to perceive.

00:46:48 --> 00:47:05

So we have to keep asking Allah to, to protect us from the minor ship and forgive the minor shark, minor shark is not to the same level as the major shark, of course. But these are some of the things that lead to the major shark, when we excessively venerate the dead.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:25

You know, you see people that go mad when somebody dies, especially when a share, or somebody who they really respected an elder. And this is exactly what led to shark being developed or appearing in the children of Adam, right?

00:47:26 --> 00:47:33

Because the children of Adam used to worship Allah, of course, how did the children of Adam become

00:47:35 --> 00:47:55

idolaters? You know, in the West, they say, oh, human beings, you know, they, they were idolaters. And then slowly, they became monotheists. Right, which is actually the opposite of what happened. Human beings were monotheists. Of course, they knew that there's only one Allah.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:02

But obviously, when they worship Allah alone, there's no symbols, no signs of that there's no idols.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:16

It's only later on that they started venerating the dead, when a dead person would die, when the person would die of a very wise person, or somebody they loved would die, what would they do? It would make us they would,

00:48:18 --> 00:48:35

first of all, they would, you know, go to their grave, and stand there. And you know, just reflect, then they say, you know, we should remember these dead people. And chevonne came to them and encourage them to make images of those dead people.

00:48:37 --> 00:48:49

And put them at the back of their Masjid, back of the, their place of prayer. And they used to put it at the back of their place of prayer. They said, Oh, it's to remind us to be good worshipers of Allah.

00:48:50 --> 00:48:59

And then slowly, but surely, a generation later, two generations later those images started being put at the front of their print place of prayer.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:13

And then generations later, they started praying to those images, and those statues that they created as representations of those dead people, right?

00:49:15 --> 00:49:22

Until they stopped worshipping Allah and they start worshipping those idols. This is how idolatry came into

00:49:23 --> 00:49:31

any human practice. This is how human beings began practicing idolatry,

00:49:32 --> 00:49:34

excessive veneration of the dead leads to this.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:46

Also be there are all sorts of innovations in religious practice, they eventually lead to can lead to ship right.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:59

And this is why the scholars say the two conditions for an action to be accepted is our sincerity. In other words, not not doing real or not trying to show off

00:50:00 --> 00:50:23

sincerity making it only for Allah. And the second is conformity, making sure that the action that you're doing is according to the Sunnah, it's actually got some mandate from Allah and His Messenger, not something you just made up, you know, and you think, Oh, this will be a nice way to worship Allah, this will be a nice way to, you know, you get closer to Allah.

00:50:25 --> 00:50:43

Yeah, having a weak connection with Allah leads to schilke. Because then you start looking to other things and other people and other beings for connection, right. And that's why when you see people, you know, lying on top of these graves in certain countries, you know, they

00:50:44 --> 00:50:45

saw Pamela.

00:50:46 --> 00:51:02

When my mom was in, I think it was in India, she saw a woman, my mom was passing by one of these, you know, graves with a mosque, what do they call them? mazars or whatever. And she saw this woman draped over a grave.

00:51:04 --> 00:51:06

And my mom said to the lady,

00:51:08 --> 00:51:52

you know, whatever your pain is, like, the lady was crying, right? My mom said, whatever your pain is, turn to Allah, turn towards the pillar, and ask Allah, okay? And the lady said to my wife, Oh, you don't know you don't know, I have no one. But this person. That's what she said. Nobody can help me except this dead person in this grave. And she was draped over the grave. So pallulah see what happens. Human beings start seeking connection through other than Allah, lack of knowledge about a lion, his names and attributes, causes and leads to shirk, when people don't realize that actually, these people, these dead people can't help you. Right?

00:51:53 --> 00:52:02

These other causes, other things can't really help you and Allah can help you. And you can talk to Allah directly.

00:52:06 --> 00:52:08

When they don't realize that they

00:52:10 --> 00:52:11

leads them to shoot

00:52:15 --> 00:52:18

excessive sins in society, of course.

00:52:21 --> 00:52:34

So, I've handled a lot, we've come to the end of the session, I have two minutes to do a bit of questioning and answering otherwise I will carry the questions to next week in sha Allah. So

00:52:36 --> 00:52:41

will you be teaching us how to repent from each of these sins? inshallah.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:57

Next time, what I will do is I will begin the session by talking about how to repent from all sins. There's not like a different way to repent from each sin. You know, there's certain general rulings for how to repent from all sense.

00:53:01 --> 00:53:23

Isn't not believing in anything essentially the same assured because what atheism like for example, yes, it's considered shirk the type of ship because you're associating something with Allah, you associate usually as their desires, right? your desires, you worship science, you worship any other than Allah.

00:53:30 --> 00:53:37

Any other questions? Will it be on YouTube? Yes, we already said at the beginning that inshallah these will be uploaded to YouTube.

00:53:39 --> 00:53:43

The book is not specialized for just Shafi people. No, no, no.

00:53:44 --> 00:53:48

It's not really related to any fic. And in that sense, you know,

00:53:50 --> 00:53:53

it's something that Muslims agree on.

00:53:54 --> 00:53:55

Pretty much.

00:53:58 --> 00:54:00

Any other questions?

00:54:04 --> 00:54:08

On the loved one saying, Salam? Well, it was a meme that was early on.

00:54:11 --> 00:54:25

trusting someone else other than Allah does this amount to major sin. For example, in a place I stay, when a new baby is born, they place a black dot over his face, trusting that black dot would protect it.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:30

Well, exactly these types of practices, yeah.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:40

Depending on the belief that a person attaches to them, can either be shared or they can lead to shirk. So

00:54:41 --> 00:54:46

this kind of dependence on you know, the stairway and these types of things.

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

Depending on the nature of your attachment, you know, so that's why Yes, we should stay away from these things and as you can see is caused by ignorance. If people knew Yes, and called

00:55:00 --> 00:55:10

Somebody said exactly. So they're ignorant about Islam, but in their culture, it says you got to do this. Otherwise, you know, your child your child won't be safe.

00:55:11 --> 00:55:12

And so we have to

00:55:14 --> 00:55:29

remove ignorance from our societies dear sisters, you know, we've got to be the ones who carry the message of Islam properly to our societies, especially knowledge of though hidden and shirked. so that people can stay away from the very fundamental sin right

00:55:30 --> 00:55:34

is depending on someone else, more than Allah considered a major ship.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:41

It depends on the nature of the belief, right? It depends on how that belief manifests itself.

00:55:43 --> 00:55:55

All of us as human beings, sometimes you know, we, we depend on people and we depend on things right, that's not that's not shirk in and of itself, right. But when a person

00:55:57 --> 00:56:04

depends on someone in something that is only something that Allah can give you right.

00:56:05 --> 00:56:14

Then it can either lead to share or it can be a type of shock. So we have to be really, really careful. have to be really careful.

00:56:17 --> 00:56:23

Just Lackawanna Heron, insha Allah, we're going to wrap up the session. inshallah, I'll see you next week.

00:56:25 --> 00:56:36

And with that, I will finish the session just going ahead and for coming, so panicle law whom I will be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta us selfie Luca?

00:56:38 --> 00:56:40

What are two booty like

00:56:42 --> 00:56:45

Joseph como la who Farah

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