Edris Khamissa – Personal Empowerment – Series 2 – Episode 1

Edris Khamissa
AI: Summary © The host of a video series covers positive relationships with oneself and others, emphasizing the importance of finding a real person to support one's values and achieve goals. They stress the importance of understanding one's oneself and the physical and mental dimensions of oneself to determine one's behavior. The speaker emphasizes the need to reframe one's life and rethinking one's self- Scotch, in addition to prioritizing one's goals and making smart decisions. They stress the importance of actively engaging in one's life, accepting responsibility, and knowing oneself as a person.
AI: Transcript ©
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I greet you with the greetings of peace. I'm your host party my alley. In the first series brother Idris camisa antidote Lacan dealt with moving from where you are to where you want to be. Due to the tremendous popularity of that first series and the overwhelming requests for a series on human relations. We offer you this inspiring presentation on the path to positive relationships with yourself and with others. In this series, our presenters Idris camisa, Asadullah Khan, will be focusing on the path to positive relationships. The topics to be discussed are one, getting in touch with a real you to emotional wisdom, three, improving human relations for the friends you choose. It

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reads camisa is an international consultant in education, and Human Development. He began his career as a teacher of English. His passion and expertise for the subject culminated in his nomination as the chairman of the English Society of South Africa. He embraced the Muslim school movement in 1987, and since then, has been a head teacher of three schools. He has conducted numerous workshops in Australia, United States, Canada, England, Middle East, Nigeria, Lusaka and throughout South Africa. He was one of the founding members of M South Africa. He is an advisory member of ibor International Board of educational research and resources. He is the co author of the ibor manual for Muslim

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schools. His expertise is in staff development and curriculum design is creativity made him a dynamic lecturer in didactics, and methodology at epsa International Peace University of South Africa. He also conducts in service training for business corporations. As a parenting expert and a marriage counselor. he conducts workshops on these topics. Youth Leadership is another area of his focus. He is a regular guest on National and Community Radio stations. Chef sider Lacan has studied law in South Africa, journalism through Britain and religious studies in Egypt. He co presented a weekly wise living television program in the USA, from the streets of LA to the hearts of the world.

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He has presented papers at numerous international conferences in Malaysia, Belgium, Nigeria, Egypt, USA, Iran, Botswana, Canada, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Kuwait, Mexico and Turkey. He is the author of dimensions of the Quran, and co translator of classical text, a pistol for the seekers of guidance. stradella Khan has served as the lecturer for the Academy of Judeo Christian and Islamic Studies at UCLA. Currently, he serves as director of empower development international as a motivational speaker, addressing issues of personal empowerment, youth development, leadership training, art of communication, and fostering interfaith interfaith understanding and cooperation.

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In this session, we will be dealing with getting in touch with a real you, we begin our journey with a question, brother Idris. Why is there this renewed emphasis on the real you, Fatima? I'm glad you asked me the question. It seems that there is also the Unreal you. Many of us have certain personas, we have a public persona, a private persona, and every individual seems to extract a different interpretation of you. When people die. They say he was such a wonderful person, but his experience might be limited to the workplace. But his wife might say he was a dictator. Now the question is, who are you? And you find like wh Auden, the pope spoke about a private persona and a public

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persona. And these are reasons why we have these mask as it were, why we manifest different personalities, different people, except for those who are true to themselves are consistent, because what you see is what you get, no matter who speaks to them, beat a streetsweeper the king or even the wife or the children. They'll say the same thing. I recall asking a someone the other day. Tell me about your father, he said is such a generous person. And I saw generosity in the public places and also in areas

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As a required private, it also reminds me of Iago, one of the characters in Othello, who said, I am not what I am. So what people see is not my real self. Often, we need to get to know ourselves to be self aware, so that what we projecting is our real view. And once we understand the real you, what happens is that you're able to elicit relationships, people can engage with you, because otherwise people are really interacting with the superficial you in that way, they cannot get to know you, your responses are often there to appease them, you are not the authentic self. For me, the suggestion is, and I tell people, be the authentic self. So when people see you, when you smiling,

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because your heart is smiling, when you are laughing, you're laughing with yourself. When you are agitated, you're you need to be agitated. In that way, people get to know the real you understand you can support you and then you'll be able to also unleash your potential because people give you advice that is appropriate to the real you. Very interesting brother Idris shahidullah. We know that human beings are complex beings. So when we say getting to know yourself, what exactly are we referring to? This is the Fatima we need to understand that human beings are multi dimensional beings, at least we are by dimensional, physical and spiritual.

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And even in our physicality, there are different dimensions of physicality. Very often you refer to ourselves as a physical or material body, but the manifest in Arabic is the discipline or the button. And you find also the intellectual dimension of the self, which is the mind.

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And sometimes, of course, the heart, the way physical organ, but very often referred to as the symbol of the spiritual dimension of the physical self, or the axes between the physical and the metaphysical dimension of a person, or even the confluence of the spiritual tendencies, and the physical perceptions In other words, discrimination, the seat of discrimination, and the seat of our emotions and our understandings. We also have what we call a metaphysical dimension, spirit or the soul, which is the essence of our existence, without which the physical body is rendered lifeless. Then on top of that, we have within ourselves what we call the knifes or the individual self or the

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ego, the center of human tendencies of desires, and so on. So, human beings are a combination of fundamental characteristics. We are biological with physical bodies, with particular appearances, with specific aptitudes we are male or we are female, having weaknesses and strengths. We are spiritual Chaco dimension, which is not physical, yet responds to the physical reality around us. We have a mental dimension, we think, we analyze, we imagine, we are creative. We have an ethical dimension through which we filter what we perceive through the prism of our beliefs and our ideology.

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Then we are social by nature, in the tip, interdependent by design, the way independent persons, we are interdependent by design, human beings are one of the few creatures of creation of the of the Almighty, if left alone at birth, we will not survive. So we are independent in some way, but interdependent by design, and finally, emotions. The essence of humanity often seems to be found in our feelings, from caring, compassion, love and joy, through to fear, guilt, and hatred, anger. And these feelings are primary sources of our sense of being alive. So we are indeed multi dimensional selves, and his brother Idris mentions

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within ourselves, the different dimensions to ourselves, and on the outside how we reflect ourselves to ourselves and to the world around us. When we have that as being consistent, then we display a degree of character consistent if he's good with integrity, which is the aim of being a good real you, we can already gather that they are indeed various dimensions to the self. So brother Idris, what purpose does it serve to understand the manifestations of the self? I think it serves many purposes. The one is, the whole idea is when you are interacting with the world around you, is first for you to come to grips with your interior landscape. what goes on in your mind because this is

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what you project into the outside. I'm sure many of you have had this example. When you go to the seaside when the waves are coming in and out when they're rocking. as it were. If you are happy, it seems to be looting his musical is lyrical. But if you said it seems to be

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Like a lingering sadness, he reminds me of the poem by Matthew on the Dover beach, the lingering sadness, there is a kind of sadness not only on the outside, but also in the inside. A very important thing is this, that when we are really interacting with other people, we tend to be also very judgmental. We tend to, for example, speculate, and what happens often our speculation is based on assumptions is based on your own suspicion is based on your own insecurity. a psychologist once mentioned that there are four types of people, a sensing being, a feeling, being a thinking being an A doing being, the whole idea, you cannot always be doing being the means you always respond

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impulsively, or you do things or you cannot also be a person that is always thinking and philosophizing or feeling or sensing things, the whole idea is how to get this balance. And this balance is very, very critical. If you want to be, in a sense, live in harmony with people around you, and also harmony within your mind. These are very important issues. Because one of the things that worries many people also in today's society, that they look at a person's action, they see it out of context, and they make a value judgment, they tend to seminars and pontificate about it. And they have, they don't even know the person, they have no idea what was the motivating factor. But

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all in all in life, I think before we judge other people, hold on, sit back, and try to understand the person, as someone said, is better to seek to understand before wanting to be understood, but I have a variation to this. I said the other day is better to seek to understand before you respond. What happens is a tendency for us to respond. And it's very important and imperative that we are discussing the issues of the actual self and the perceived self. So, we understand that as human beings, we are not uni dimensional, but we are multi dimensional, we are dealing with getting in touch with the real You just said you know, what is the difference between the actual self and the

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perceived self? Excellent question flowing from what brother Idris said, the genuine you the actual self is the genuine you your real identity. In other words, it answers the question, Who are you? Now, when people ask you, who are you, normally we give our name, which can be changed, they give the gender which also notice can be changed somewhat, your culture, which can be matched with a mixture of other people, people intimately move from one place to another, your job, which can be acquired or lost your status, it can be maintained, enhanced, or decreased. So neither none of these neither your name, nor your gender, nor your culture, nor your job, nor your status really defines

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or answers the real question, Who are you? So in other words, all the answers we normally give

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are perceived answers of who we assume we ought to be or what we are supposed to be. So it's not defined by your name, your gender, your culture, your job boys, that is, rather, the actual self is a combination of all the characteristics that are unique to you. There are no two people who are like, even identical twins may look identical, but everything else may be different. So the real you is a composite of all your skills,

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which you may be aware of or not, which are latent, or maybe need to be developed all your talents, your character, and your intelligence. Sometimes you don't utilize these to the fool, sometimes partially, sometimes, we don't utilize some of them at all. So a combination of all of these is who you really are. So who are you? It's a combination of all the characteristics that are unique to you. The perceived self is your assigned self, who you are led to believe you are supposed to be for example, in some societies, you're a woman, your job is in the kitchen. You grow up believing that even if you have a degree of five degrees, you ultimately end up thinking that is what I'm supposed

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to do. In other words, it doesn't answer the question, but it responds to the general notion of who you are not Who are you, but who you are, which is determined by external experiences, and the personal truths that you have accepted over the years. I'm a woman, this is my job. I'm an old man, this is my task. I'm a priest. I'm only supposed to do this.

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Or it is also fully of a socially predetermined role. You almost categorize into a box

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So you're you are limited by that, by that perceived role. So in this case, you are limited to remain where you are, and end up developing only as far as you accept what others allow you to be. So there's two difference, actual self, a combination of all your skills, of all the characteristics that are unique to you, and perceive self, how you are limited to remain where you are, end up living in a compound or in a box, developing only as far as you accept, as far as you accept. Others allow you to be in dealing with getting in touch with the real, you will realize that there is a difference between the actual self and the perceived self. But the Idris, they are external and

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internal factors that affect the course of any person's life. Could you elaborate on some of the external factors that has a great impact on determining the course of life? I think there are many factors. In life, we often say he was a product of his time, he was a product of the home product of the home environment, they speak about his peers having an influence, let us explore some of these external influences. The reason why we need to do this is so that we are able to reflect on what motivates us what it is that drives us. What is it the thoughts of ambition or frustrates us, for example, we look at these external factors, a critical one is when there are certain defining

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moments in your life. These moments are a result of experiences, and outside influences that shape your life, and they contribute to this. Now, as I'm speaking to you, I'd like each of the listeners to reflect on a defining moment, a life changing moment, it could be a tragedy at home. It could be unrequited love. It could be a potted ambition in the workplace, how this defining moment, change your life's philosophy, your outlook. And that's very important, because once we look at how we need to re engineer ourselves, we need to deal with the past, we need to deal with issues that are impacting us. But sometimes, this could be like a crucible, a real test on each individual. Now, for

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us defining moments or concern, they can also be positive defining moments. It could be for example, your wife giving birth, how it brought the family together, these are defining moments, it could be for example,

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a change

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going to another town. So these are defining moments. And often, these moments that said early on, really contribute to our outlook. Just to add to what brother Idris is mentioning about the defining moments. These are events and incidences. And as you mentioned, whether positive or negative, that affect our consciousness in such a way that they have an impact that could transform our life. So they are really defining moments. But very often people don't even reflect upon those, they don't even realize or notice those. And part of that subtler is people recognizing that there have been these moments. Some people feel that in their life, they didn't have those moments. But the way we

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look at things, the opinions we articulate, I result of these moments, some of them could be traumatic, some of them could be uplifting and liberating. And it's important as we are saying in a critical part of the CDs is on self reflection, is to understand who you are, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself Yes, I can. I will, I need to recognize who am I, why I feel this way, and what I need to do to change. The other very important thing is this, that often, we are at the crossroads of our life. And we have to make decisions and critical decisions that are often major factors in determining who you are, and who you have become. This really affects your life, it

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influences your life focus, and set you on a particular path. It could be, for example, a choice of a life partner. It could be for example, making a decision about your own attitude towards another individual. And these decisions that you make, you've got to accept responsibility for it, you got to accept the brunt of it. Therefore, it is important that whenever decisions are made, you must confront the reality seat in its complete context. So you make a more informed decision, not a decision that is irrational, or impulsive. And yes, sometimes the decisions we make often wrong, but the critical thing is this. No decisions

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Really inscribed in stone. It's important for us to be malleable to say, my gosh, I made a decision. Yes, I made a mistake. But the critical thing is not to repeat the mistake. The other important thing, you'd agree, it's about people who influence you, people who have left an indelible impression in your life, there are some individuals who have almost like a halo effect. Everything about them you love, they're so charismatic, everything that touches gold, you want to be like them, and you assume that they are very happy individuals, but you have no idea. But they exude that happiness, they exude that kind of confidence. And they also people who negatively influence you,

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who have a negative impact on your life. So it's important for us as individuals, that when you are interacting with people, we need to root ourselves in reality, and also realize that we also have the potential to do great things, that we must live in the shadows of other people. Yes, choose the right kind of individuals, people that are positive influences, who inspire you to have a generosity of spirit to be heroic, to be courageous to be a person of conviction, and also, more importantly, to be a person that leaves an indelible impression in humanity at large.

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The other point that I need to mention one of the other external factors, of course, there are many more, but for the purpose of discussion, we are focusing on these four very critical areas. It's about principles to live by

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any individual, if you got to know someone, and when he dies, without him articulating his principles, you would say, this man

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who we are bearing today,

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he was a person of integrity. He kept his promises. And you're able, for example, to relate anecdotes, authenticating and validating what you are saying, he doesn't have to go out and articulate those views, but through his conduct, even in his silences is an eloquent expression about who he was. So it's important that we also have certain principles, because when you have certain principles, it gives you a vision, it informs your behavior, it tells you how to relate to people, more importantly, it makes a difference. And you understand that as human beings, we all need to have integrity. Now the speak but others who have no principles, I find very hard to

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believe, perhaps they are such individuals in which they cannot be trusted. They have no principles, they would smile at you and perhaps have another agenda. But sadly, some people also exist. So it's important for us to enunciate wherever, like a kind of creed, like a credo in our home, see, my beloved family, let's sit together and decide what principles we should live by. But the interest has elaborated on the four fascinating external factors affecting the course of one's life. She could you elaborate on some of the internal factors that affects one's life? Yeah, I think, at least for the eloquent preference and expression of the defining moments in our life, the major life

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decisions, and of course, also the most influential people. The fourth one, you mentioned, the principles to live by.

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These are the values that you circumscribing everyday living by, and this is an external factor actually, shaping your life over which we have some control, all the other external factors, defining moments, major life decisions, most influential people you are responding to something by the principles that you live by external factors, but also that you have some control of choice of that. External factors shape your life,

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the internal factors, you can say the way you react to the happenings or the realities of life,

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a person may not have much control over the external factors. But your internal factors allow you a great degree of control over the way you respond to the events of life. So the internal factors are, one, the way you see yourself. I am. I don't forget it's not name, the agenda is not job status. What you say to yourself, about yourself, and about your place in the world, is the way you see yourself as an internal factor. What do you say to yourself, about yourself and about your place in the world? Number two, the way you think,

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the way you think these are long held, overland automotive responses. These are mind responses, with or without real deliberation. People don't think or reflect, oh, I'm a girl. I'm somebody's daughter is no no harm in describing but doesn't define who you are.

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And this is the process of assigning meaning to events affecting your life. This is the way you think, how you assign meaning to things that happen in your life.

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Then the way you perceive yourself, how do you perceive yourself? Not only would you say about yourself or do you really perceive yourself, the categorization of yourself by labels, which society or cult culture imposed upon you, how you perceive yourself. Then the fourth one is the way you conditioned yourself, internalizing of cultural or social labels, internalizing them, accepting them, and eventually becoming defined by them. The first one is the way you react, the way you assess what happens in your life, why it happens together with a pattern of your response to that situation. So, there are three ways basically can react, one is accepting responsibility, a

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proactive and a positive response to life to the incidence of life, analyzing your inclinations, your characteristics, your traits, your habits and your actions, ever aware of the universal law of cause and effect. You can so yes and responsible or you can share responsibility for the events of life. You know, is that my thing is that my fault, someone else will be blamed. You shunned responsibility, or you can be fatalistic actively or passively placing culpability or blame.

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God is God's fault, God determined this now,

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the five internal factors I say, the way you see yourself, what you say to yourself about yourself, the way you think,

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the way you perceive yourself, the way you condition yourself, and the way you react either by accepting responsibility, shutting responsibility, or being fatalistic. These are the internal factors, together with external abilities mentioned that determines how you see yourself and how you are seen by the world in dealing with getting in touch with the real you, brother Idris Can you elaborate on the five internal factors that you saw the love of speaking about? The first point Sheikh Salah you refer to the way you see yourself? That's very important. For example, if you see yourself as a person, that is a benefit to society, in that way, it is almost liberating, it makes

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you gregarious, it makes you part of the society as a whole. But if you have a negative self perception, that is can be debilitating and will not allow you to do things you might cut yourself off society and use almost like you excommunicated by your own free will. The way you think it as it was one philosopher was said kognito ergo sum, I think therefore I am, it is your thinking makes it what it is, as someone said, If you think you cannot, then you are right. If you think you can, then you can. Now these are important things. For example, if by nature, you are a person that is suspicious, you look at people that suspicion informs everything, the negativity, there also

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positive and negative thoughts people have where you perceive yourself, for example, you might perceive yourself as a useless being. Right? This image could be something imposed on you. But you may not be the useless person, but you accepted it. And because you accepted it, you become a passive receptacle, you need to be actively engaged in your own life. The other one, the way you condition yourself on the point you raise early on, you say well, I'm a young lady, I'm a woman, I do not have place in society, I cannot participate in the life of humanity at large, I cannot leave a legacy behind, I must confine myself to the four walls of my room. Now that kind of, as you

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indicated, putting a person in the box, what it does, it really frustrates and thoughts and individual, but sadly, there are many people who accept the so kind of perhaps judgments people make of others, and that can be very, very critical. Now, the other point, the fifth point is very, very important. And you write about this, the one about accepting responsibility. Once you accept responsibility, yes, you become proactive. You do not have a victim mentality. You realize that your happiness is in your hand, that you are in charge of every attitude that you have. I recall the other day, when I got up, I felt a bit tired. I was in the shower. I said to myself, I feel

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energized. I said it to myself. It was a constant kind of affirmation. I did. And I felt great that day. If I said yes, I'm tired. Lack of sleep the whole day you complain about it. The other one is when you shun responsibility. No one can take ownership of your life except yourself. It's important. Life does not owe you a living. It's what you do with life. What you do with time, it's about you and the other one being

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fatalistic, what can I do? I was born in this home, what can I say? blaming everyone else? What is important for us

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to know yourself? know who you are, know why you have those attitudes. Know why you sit back, why you do things in that way, it'll make a huge difference, and you'll be a far happier human being. In dealing with getting in touch with a real you, we realize that both internal and external factors affect the course of one's life. For the EDS, in your years of experience in empowering people through teaching, counseling and seminars, was the issue of knowing the self or the question, Who are you a dilemma that people dealt with on a regular basis? In fact, the question Who are you is not as simple as one expects, as you rightly and beautifully elaborated satellite at the very

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beginning. Who are you? When I start off my seminars? The question I often ask people, people define themselves by the fact I'm Mrs. So and So I said, but I never asked if you married, who are you? I'm a doctor, I'd ask you what profession you belong to. So there are many kinds of questions people ask. So when people realize that the answers are not what I'm looking for, they tend to be very philosophical, that said, Well, I'm a human being said, Wow, what a profound observation, or one of the best answers is a very important thing. If you can answer this question, then it makes a huge, huge difference. The question is, as someone one of the best answers I've got anyway, in one of my

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seminars, when one person said, I am nothing but a servant of God. Now that informs everything you do is a kind of vision. And I found that very liberating, very inspirational, in that way, is able to reflect on day to day reality. It also reminds me of Harold Pinto, the writer theater of the absurd. In one of his books, the birthday party, there was a character that walks in and he walks out. And being a modern playwright that he was, he gives you no background about any of his characters. So a lady asked him this question, who was the person that entered the room? Where is he coming from? And where was he going to look at? His answer is the madam Who are you? Where have you

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come from? And where are you going to? These are very important metaphysical questions.

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Could we safely deduce that knowing the self is indeed a stepping stone to a meaningful life? Indeed, you see, we need to reflect deeply as it is mentioned about introspection,

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we need to reflect deeply on the fact that each action has a purpose. Each life has a memory. And each person has a unique story. As I always like to say,

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irrespective of how small reconsider our story to be, is part of a larger story.

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How does my life and how can I make my life contribute to the larger story of the world?

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You may play a role in your home, or in your street or in your society, which may be a small role impacting on someone who could play a major role. And hence, you are instrumental in that major activity.

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Is it to live a meaningful life, I think there are four things that we need to look at very clearly. One is, we need to be inspired.

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What arouses the mind, what prompts the intellect, what evokes the emotions in the conscience, what leads you to creativity and activity, you must find those things that can inspire you.

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You must be motivated.

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In other words, the reason you choose to do what you do, or decide whatever you decide,

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then you need to look at goals in your life. orientate your focus. This provides direction like a roadmap. It helps you to your desired destination. And we need to prioritize our life. The most inner circle is political and ethical dimension of ourselves, our immediate outer circle our family and our home, then our livelihood circle, our financial career,

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our corporeal and body circle of physical health and physical well being, our mind and intellect, which is the mental and educational dimension of ourselves, and the identity circle our sight in our cultural involvement. So inspiration, motivation, prioritizing our goals, and our commitment to build ourselves spiritually, ethically, intellectually and emotionally. And greatly living comes by living intentionally, living purposefully living with what you call intentional living, purposeful living for a meaningful life, and then also the gaining of self control. Take a close look at your habits.

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Take a close look at the character traits you possess. Take a close look at the opinions you hold and the attitudes you display.

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Take a close look at how you act

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The time that you have for time is the capital of life.

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Take a close look at your diet, you exercise, the key that you make for your general health and your well being. And then of course, take control of your relationship with yourself, with your Creator and with others. So, living intentionally, and gaining control of your habits, characters, opinions, attitudes, your time, your exercise and diet and your relationship and then simplify life to not complicate have a positive attitude which is a breeding attitude, and need to prioritize your life. In other words, if you can hone this in to your own being embodied as part of your of your life, that enhance who you really are, and finding who you really could be in understanding what a

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meaningful life is a chef mentioned inspiration, motivation and goals commitment and self control. For the Idris What are your parting thoughts? For me, it is very disturbing. When you look around you, we look at people, many of them have such tremendous potential to make a huge difference. Firstly, in their own life, the seem to be so negative about who they are, they seem to have a victim mentality is an opportunity to understand that all of us are indeed as we are saying products of our environment, products of the people that we look up to products of our home, a whole range of things, you cannot live day to day the same way. As you said, if you do the same things the same

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way, you must expect the same results. What it requires a paradigm shift. It requires making smart decisions, having SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and timeframe. In the end, I like to believe all of us want to leave a legacy. We want to be people of significance, rather than people of pure success. When people say this man made a huge difference. This man was out there in the community, this individual made a huge difference to society at large. In fact, this person was a tremendous inspiration. So in the concluding words of shake satola I think we owe it to ourselves. Because in the end, we owe it not only to ourselves and to our family, because

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children mimic adult behavior. Surely you want to be an inspiration to your family. Brothers, a doula in closing will realize that we have the duty of knowing ourselves and the responsibility of choosing what is best in all our endeavors. Would you agree? Certainly, I think you use a very pertinent words there. The idea of responsibility, and of choice.

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You see, part of our major responsibility is choosing what is best and doing what is best.

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So we should choose as a mental attitude. And as a means of engaging the world. choose not to lose, you may win some you may not win some doesn't make you a loser. If you run the race and you fall down, is not you don't lose because you fall down. You lose when you don't get up. So choose not to lose. We are not perfect. We are creatures of the Divine, the divine is perfect. We are fallible human beings, do the best we can with what we have, from where we are, we will stumble. But don't have a mentality, that I am a loser. choose not to lose, choose not to be stuck. Sometimes you're so stuck with the past, that we are we are defined by the past. Very often we drive forward looking in

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the rearview mirror, we cannot do that move forward. Looking forward, learning from the past, choose a positive outlook. glass is half full, is half empty, but which half are you looking at? Focus on the half full, because you can do something with it. The half empty can do nothing but complain about it.

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Choose positive emotions, love, compassion. These are the defining emotions and part of the characteristics of the great ones who have come throughout history. Choose positive thoughts because your thoughts influence your attitude, your behavior, your was your action and your reactions. Choose to apply what is best in anything is a choice. Even if you are limited. Malcolm X was imprisoned. While he was a person who went into jail, a pumpkin hustler, illiterate. They put him in the worst hellhole in America. And it comes out literate and the most articulate person America ever produced. There was no excuse, which excuse do we have? In other words, choose to apply what is

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best, even if the circumstances are limited. What is the best I can do in that circumstance?

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Choose to be true you You are the only you that there is there is no other you but you. No one can smile with your face, or cry with your tears, they can mimic your voice, but they can't sing with your throat or, or sing with your voice. So choose to be true you and as it is mentioned, who you really are, not what the perceived self, but the real self, then choose to do the right thing always for the right reason. If you do the right thing for the right reason, then the chances of really bring out the best in who you are, could come to the fore be what I say unique, why are you niQ because you are the only you that there is and God made you special. We thank brother Idris camisa

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Angela Khan for an informative and motivating presentation on getting in touch with a real you. Having responded to why the renewed emphasis on the real you understanding the dimensions of the self differentiating between the real and the perceived self analyzing the internal and external factors that affect you the dilemmas that people face in relation to their personal identity, as well as the stepping stones to meaningful living. Thank you and peace be unto you

Getting in Touch With the Real You

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