Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures From The Quran – 22

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the importance of respecting the loss of culture and showing acceptance and love for oneself through actions and dress up to show their face to the gods. It also touches on the need for forgiveness and a positive attitude towards it, as well as a weekend where they will receive a prize for their work. The speakers emphasize the importance of showing acceptance and love for oneself through actions and dressing up to show one's face to the gods.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala MV mursaleen Nabina Muhammad and Ali Astana Salatu automata. Slim beshara Holly Sabri Wei acidity and rewashing to lock that a melissani of Gokhale, my brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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We begin tonight in sha Allah on the 21st day of Ramadan as we slowly creep into the 22nd night with salt bath salt, Mohammed Sora till FET Surah Taha gerat surah cough and as yet okay so from cough all the way to there yet surah number 46 to 51 inshallah tada

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hannula you know, is looking at the, the the poster which is on the website as well of the sore, which is plural of surah the sutras of the Quran that are going to be recited in the next few days of taraweeh and we're really close to the end panela like you know, Ramadan, we still have another nine days, but tada we, for pmla sorry for the recitation of the Quran, they will finish on the 27th night.

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And of course, we continue to wait until the end of the month until the morning scene.

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However, just you know, just when you see it, you realize how quickly it's going to end. And so we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to allow us to to benefit from this month of Ramadan I know every single year the last

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evening of Ramadan is always a very emotional time because you know, you gave so much for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, your time your energy, etc. And then you know, it's it's gone It feels like it's done with it's over. But what's really important is that we carry on a little bit of what we do throughout the month of Ramadan after the month is over. And so I know for us Alhamdulillah we continue to have our Friday evening halaqa

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You know, there's a few other things that are taking place in the muster the handle a lot of youth programs as well different things that are happening.

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Online, a lot of people have been requesting that we continue to do this online and shallow, try to sort something out, figure something out.

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to squeeze it, squeeze it into the calendar somewhere in Sharma insalata cough, which is the 46th surah of the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala begins. In the first few verses, actually I'll skip straight to verse number 15 and 16 inshallah, in verses number 15 and 16. And of course, we're not going to go through the entire slaughter, we just can't, especially when you start to have so many different sorts of the Quran. So we're literally just going to be pulling verses out here and there, you know, different verses of the sources that we're going to go through.

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So what I took off is titled, you know, the wind, curved sand hills or the curved sand hills, and in verses number 15 and 16. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us how being dutiful to our parents earns us paradise, we get Paradise by being dutiful, being good towards our parents. But what's really interesting, some kind of law is how Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in verse number 16 that he overlooks, right, if you read there, those are the ones from whom we will accept the best of what they did and overlook their misdeeds. Allah subhana wa tada will overlook the sins of those that are obedient to their parents. In verse number 15. I know I'm going backwards, but I'm doing that on

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purpose to show us how, you know gives us some hope. And then let's see what what we can do in order to gain that. You know, that situation from Allah subhana wa tada where he overlooks our sins, He says, and we have enjoined upon men to his parents good treatment to be good to our parents.

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His mother carried him or her right, his mother carried him or her. So it's not just men that have to be good to their mothers. It's both men as well as women, boys and girls alike. His mother carried him with hardship and gave birth to him with hardship and his gestation or you know, the time period of the breastfeeding the breastfeed and feeding phase is 30 months and he grows until when he reaches maturity and reaches the age of 40 years. And that's said to be the age of maturity. 40 years old. Now when we talk about maturity in terms of praying Salah or the actions in our Deen that become compulsory upon a person is it 40 years old? No, it's not what is it? What is maturity

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to become mature?

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No, not at all.

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You don't wait until you're 18. And that's when you become mature.

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There's no specific age, it's when you see certain things on the child and handler. There's not many children here yet. So we'll go into that slightly right? First of all, you notice that the pubic hairs begin to grow. pubic hair could be facial hair, it could be hair under the arms, it could be that you know, the pubic region.

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And, and so that is an indication of maturity. Also, when a person has a *, right, male or female, they have a *, they see something in their dream and they realize that something had come out from them, that is also an indication that this person is mature for girls, right? When they begin their menstrual cycle when their period actually begins for the first time, that indicates that they are mature.

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Was there was another one I was gonna mention.

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on us, I forgot or by the age of 15, by 15, usually a person is mature, but somehow it comes at various different times. Sometimes you'll notice people are mature by the age of nine, by the age of 10 1112. It varies so everyone is different in that sense. And so that is with regards to someone becoming mature and now they have to pray they're solid, they need to fast they need to pay zakat, if they have the wealth for it, or savings. They had just now compulsory upon them if they have the means to go for Hajj and so on and so forth. But here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that the age of maturity is 40. Now this I want to relate back to the story of use of Allah has set out when we

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took when we did the the Tafseer of sort of use of we mentioned that he became 40. While I'm Bella should the who Bella Urbina center, when a person becomes mature, they now reach the age of 40 years old, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he became the Prophet, he was 40 years old. And so that goes to show us that that is the age of wisdom, that's a that's a time in your life where you've gone through certain things, you educated yourself, you started to work, you know how to interact with people in society, you might have a business of your own or a family of your own, you have a car, you have children, you have a home, etc. There's various different things that you

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now have responsibility over or for. And so now you know how to deal with them. You know how to regulate your wealth, your expenses, you know how to earn, you know how to respect others, you know how to differentiate or divide, I should say, divide your time between Sala and arriba, and caught on and exercise and then work and family and sleep, and eating the right foods and not eating the foods that are no good for you, etc. So by the time you reach 40 years old, you're not just someone who's educated, but you're educated with experience, right? You've gone through things in life. And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us 40 years old, that's when you become mature like yours now

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someone who, who's experienced things. Now, that doesn't mean again, that it's set in stone, someone reaches 40 years old. Now they're of the age of wisdom. No, that's generally speaking, usually around that age, someone is now set in terms of their experience and life's you know, lifestyles and so on and so forth. Moving forward, Allah subhana wa tada shows us here in the verse, that person who now grew and reaches the age of maturity of 40 years in the verse, he says, My Lord, enable me to be grateful for your favor, which you have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to work righteousness,

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of which you will approve and make righteous for me my offspring, indeed, I have repented to you. And indeed, I am the Muslims. A person whose handle that submits to Allah subhanho wa Taala is obedient to Allah and righteous to their parents. Why do we say the righteous to the parents, it doesn't really mention so much about being righteous to their parents in the dorada that this person makes. However, love begins the verse talking about parents and talking about the mother and how she went through hardships and highlights the importance of us giving back to our parents, more particularly the mother. And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in verse number 16, the

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following verse, a person who does that who's obedient to a law who's righteous to their parents, who respects them, and gives back to them and makes do a high for them and constantly looks after them, and asks a lot to make them of someone who will be able to fulfill that Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that he overlooks their sins, by being righteous and good to your parents. So had a lot. And so for those of us that are looking for an extra means of forgiveness and extra way of purifying ourselves, we can simply do so by respecting our parents.

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In verses 17 to 20, those who are unbeautiful to their parents here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows that they will be humiliated right on the Day of Judgment they will be humiliated though made to feel

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humiliated simply because they disobeyed the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they did not follow through in their actions as well. We move on to the next one on surah Mohammed

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what's the next surah?

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surah Mohammed What does it mean

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Mashallah, that was that was not meant to be answered today.

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In verses one, two and three of Sauron, Mohammed Allah Subhana Allah to Allah begins this sort of very interestingly

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instead of beginning to sort of like yeah, you had Latina armano or how meme or golf or Alif Lam Meem, etc. Allah subhana wa tada begins it like straightforwardly Bismillah R. Rahman, you have Lakshmi, and Latina Kapha was like do Serbian in albana. Home. Wow, interesting way to start a surah. Allah some highlights and it begins by saying those who are they immediately he starts to sola and he says, those who disbelieve and avert people from the way of Allah, they distract people from the way of a loss of Hannah Montana, he will waste their deeds. Now, this is important because a lot of people and we've covered this during the month during our tough sessions, we've spoken

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about how people say, why is it fair, that a person who does good deeds throughout their life is really good, extremely good to people but didn't believe how is it fair that they're going to go to Paradise? And a lot tells us clearly right here at the beginning of this surah, the beginning of the surah, titled Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he shows us how those who disbelieve who divert people away from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala their actions, whether they were good deeds, or even if they were good deeds, I should say, they will be wasted if they did not believe in Allah subhana wa Tada. Now a person asks why it's not fair. Well, what about all those that believed

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in Allah subhanho wa Taala that constantly were doing good, because they knew that Allah subhana wa tada wanted this, and they didn't do good simply because they wanted to do good and because Allah wants that from them, they did it because they also believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. They believe they need to be thankful to Allah for what he gave them. And one of the ways to show thankfulness to Allah subhanho wa Taala, other than simply making too hot, because we mentioned that about four or five days ago, that you make dua, hon, do you know sugar, be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala. One of the other ways that we can be thankful to Allah is to simply do good deeds, we believe in

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him. And we believe that He created us and gave us everything that we have. So we give to others because we're thankful Allah gave to us, right. And so the little examples that I gave the other day, we don't want to go over it and waste time are ways that we can be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala by simply doing good actions for other people, doing goodness towards other individuals, or society in general, and therefore our actions are not wasted. And those people that did all of these good deeds in their life and believed in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, on the day of judgment when they see the people, for example, if we use the example of those that make the argument, it's not

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fair for someone to disbelieve, but live a life of righteousness to go to jahannam those that live their work their life in righteousness as well but believed in Allah and prayed and fasted, engages a con went for hydric cetera, they will stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala and say, wait a second, how is it fair for those people to go to Paradise? We had to pray, we had to fast we had to sacrifice our wealth, our time, our energy, our family, etc. And you're just putting them into paradise? How is that fair? And so you see Allah subhanaw taala deals with justice. those that believe don't simply believe

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you have to do more. Belief is not just in the heart. Belief is also in statement and in actions. You have to testify that you believe you have to believe that you believe you have to feel it and you have to do it. There's things that you need to do to identify your belief to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Does he need it? No, we need it. We need to do that. Why, like I mentioned before, so we can show thankfulness to Allah subhanho wa Taala. For what he's given us of this life and this world, in verses 16 to 19.

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The hypocrites Listen, and then they go and chat behind the backs of others. And here Allah subhanho wa Taala tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and among them are Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are those who listen to you. Among them are those who listen to you among the believers are those that come and listen to you. There are those who will listen to you until when they depart from you when they leave. Then

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They say to those who were given knowledge, what is he just said now? What is he? What is he talking about? Now? What did he say? So they go and talk about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam behind his back. Here, Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about the hypocrites, the hypocrites, they will come and they will sit down, and they will listen. And they will pretend like they're listening and believing. And you know, they're, they're part of you, and they will. And we see this throughout the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, they will show or identify themselves as the most passionate, zealous individuals, they will come and they will say, Mohammed Yasuda, we will defend

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you, we will do what it takes. But at the time of a battle, they were like, Oh, you know what, I'm busy, I need to look after my family. You know, my business is not doing so well, I need to make sure that the business runs because if the business doesn't run, then the family is going to suffer. So we'll make all these excuses. Similarly, today, some handler, we see people like that as well, they will come in front of you and this and this, and that, they'll talk to you, they'll smile to you, they'll hug you, they'll give you some they'll talk super nice in front of you. But then they'll go behind your back and start to back bite you.

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And then the person that they were telling, you know, such terrible things to about you, they will come to you and say Hey, did you know this person said this about you? Or this person said so and so think about someone else? And then you go and you confront them say No, that's not true. And then they'll go, you know, to your face, they'll tell you no, no, it's not true. And then five minutes later, they'll go to someone else or go sit in their car and make a phone call and say, Hey, you know what, guess what? He's digging. He's trying to figure out he's trying to find out what we said about him or what we said about so and so person, and then they go and they start to back bite you

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or the other person against the law. We need to be careful of that type of behavior. We're not saying that those people that do that from amongst us are hypocrites. No. We're saying that this is a bad action. And it is something that the hypocrites used to do themselves as well. It's something that's disliked by Allah subhana wa Adana, backbiting it's as though you're eating the flesh of your Muslim brother or sister not after they've been highly modified for you, but after they've died. So you take an animal that's died for example, a cow, okay? You take account where you normally would take this nice cow that you've sacrificed for the sake of Allah and you know, all the blood is

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drained out of it and then you know, it's made into nice steaks or a nice, you know, keema mincemeat, or it's made into whatever you want, right? You have you know, a nice bone this meat Alhamdulillah and then you put in your piano you eat it hamdulillah it was slaughtered correctly. It's meat that you eat you enjoy you like it, you don't even think about it. You just enjoy the flavor. However, someone tells you as you're eating that beautiful biryani By the way, this cow was not slaughtered, it actually died.

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Well, what do you mean? The cow died? like yeah, this cow died? The cow died? What did it die out here? Like, you know, you're trying to get all the all the food out of your mouth. You're rinsing out your mouth. You don't even want anything stuck between your teeth. Like what do you mean this cow died while you feeding it to me? How is it? Hello? It did you know you didn't sacrifice you didn't slaughter it. How does this become highlighted for me? No, but it's a cow. Don't worry, cow is a cow. Whether whether the cow died or the cow is sacrifice, it's a cow. And you're like, No, no, no, it's two completely different things. It is isn't it? Of course we all agree that it is we

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wouldn't like to eat that. Right? Similarly, Allah subhanaw taala shows us when you backbite someone it's not like you, you know made them halal. You halophyte them and I don't want to say you sacrifice them because we don't sacrifice human beings. But Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us that example in the Quran and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions it to us as well.

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It's as though you eat the flesh of another Muslim brother or sister after they've died.

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You wouldn't want to eat a cow after they died. We don't even think we would don't even imagine of eating a human being cannibalism. We're not cannibals. We don't do that. But Subhana Allah, Allah gives us the example of how bad it is, how terrible it is. Immediately when you hear that you'd want to spit up whatever you did, whatever you ate, right, whatever you consumed. Similarly, when we hear the example, we think to ourselves, rubella, why do I want to speak about this person? Immediately you feel you know, disgusted with yourself, and you want to take back those words. You know, you don't, you don't want to say them anymore. You don't want to engage in backbiting anymore. And so

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us that example here. And he shows us how the hypocrites they listen and they go and they chat behind your backs, right? They go in the chat behind the back of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In verse number 24.

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Last hanway to Allah says, I've attended Boone Aluko.

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Amala Paul Punahou bin of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us a fella yet adept baru Al Quran. Don't you ponder.

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Or reflect over the Quran

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don't they? And the question for us is don't we? Don't we reflect over the Quran? We're not pointing fingers at others we're learning the Quran for ourselves today right? If Allah Yata Barun Al Quran don't we reflect over the Quran don't we ponder over its verses and Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah for the entire month of Ramadan. We've been sitting here every single day doing that reflecting over the Quran pondering over the verses, not even the entire Koran, just little snippets here and there, one verse here and one verse there, but we're reflecting over the Quran. And I don't know about you, but personally, even though I've gone over these verses, so many times in the past, you still learn

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something new every single day, every single time you go over the Quran, but Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in the second part of the verse a Mahela kulu bin Lu Ha. Or are there locks on their hearts that their hearts are sealed? They hear the Quran and it means nothing to them. remember Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in the Quran.

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What is the verse? Allah?

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Allah Subhana time I mentioned What do you

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say the verse

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I Latina Rukia en la YG let's go lavon right? Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in the Quran, those who remember the who remember Allah, their hearts begin to tremble begin to shiver. Right? We remember a lot and immediately our heartbeat begins to you know shiver or you feel something inside of you never remember when you were site or you heard the recitation of the Quran drink Tada, we and it was a verse that you might not even understand. But it impacted you so much that when you heard it Subhana Allah, you know, you felt it in your heart, and your heart begins to shiver it begins to tremble. here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us which one are we? Even though we're pondering over

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the Quran? Are we still feeling that tremble in our hearts? are we feeling something inside of us, when we listen to the Quran, when we recite the verses of the Quran, when we study them, when we try to relate it, the Quran to myself to our own lives, to my work life, to my family life, to my childhood, to my parents to all of these things from handle, when we when we put them together, when we merge the Quran, the verses with our own life, do we feel something? Or are our hearts sealed? It's not penetrating our heart. And so kinda sometimes it takes a long time, in order to feel that penetration in our hearts. And that's because we're simply cleansing ourselves slowly. And surely,

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we're removing, you know, all of the evil or the sins that are in us, maybe it's ill thought ill intent, maybe it's just sins that we've done in the past, we're slowly sifting out removing it, cleaning it, polishing our hearts, and then you hear a verse of the Quran, and bone, it impacts you hamdulillah that's a beautiful sign. That's great. Don't think that every single time you hear the Koran, you're going to begin to cry. And this is why it's important when we recite the Quran. And you know, the other day I was showing an example, I'm using my phone now for this, but I would I would play it for you

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an audio file that a friend of mine, his brother recorded and sent to him and he sent to me, and the recitation of the Quran during taraweeh. Sounds like this panel.

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And then a law about what that's not the recitation of the Quran that is not the recitation of the Quran. You can only hear like the first letter or two letters of the verse and the last letter and then you know, he's handled goes off into little court, that's not recitation of the Quran, how are you going to feel an impact when you're simply, you know, you can go outside and listen to the birds and that's going to impact you more than listening to that nonsense. And I'm saying nonsense, because it's not the recitation of the Quran. Someone might say, well, that's the recitation of a foreigner. It's not Allah Subhana Allah tells us what a teeny little guru Tao roti, Allah Subhana

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Allah even in the word tough,

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you have to look at it in the Arabic language Allah subhanaw taala makes that word so beautiful that you hear the letters that are mentioned in the words total t

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right. So beautiful, the Arabic language and how Allah subhana wa tada revealed it to us. And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions, you know, those who reflect upon the core and that's good, that's great Alhamdulillah and we're here doing that. And we ask Allah to make it easy for us to continue to do so after the month of Ramadan.

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We move on to the 48 surah of the Quran which is Surah alpha the surah known as the victory and here we are referring to two victories first of all in verses number one two and three Allah Subhana Allah mentions the victory as what victory which fat?

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For 10 movie, okay, but which which which victory?

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Right foot tomeka the conquest of Makkah, okay, so Allah Subhana Allah shows us here in

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Loki effort

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mubi indeed we have given you all Mohammed a clear conquest, which is the conquest of Makkah, but there's something else that we see in the verses as we go on.

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Allah Subhana wits and in verse number two, he says he mentioned in the last part, his favor upon you and guide you to a straight path. What is that straight path? What is the set autonomous stopping him? It's the dean that we're upon Islam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us to conquest or to two exciting moments in the life of a believer and in the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this habit of the Allahu anhu. The first one that is very simple, which is not really the first, but we just mentioned it as the first, which is the conquest of Makkah. Alhamdulillah. We highlighted that yesterday. Secondly, that you have overcome the time of Jackie Lee, you have

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overcome a life of simply doing whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want, with whomever you want, however you want. You gave into whatever your desires were, but you came out of that and you conquered your own desires. And you submitted to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's the true conquest. The Deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala Islam, that you conquered your desires, and you don't give in to them. And you submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Sahaba, the Allahu anhu. And we know that they Subhana Allah, they went through very difficult times. And I mentioned this I think in the second week or the first week of Ramadan, how their fitna at times was worse and

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more harsh than our fitna. When we say oh, you know, times have changed and you walk outside, even on a day like today Subhanallah you go to the grocery store, and you see people like almost completely naked, seriously, almost completely naked, they're wearing clothing, like some kind of luck, you know, you wouldn't even imagine that you could see through people's shirts, and you could see, you know, maybe their their undergarments. But Allah subhanaw taala shows us at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this leaves and the servants at the time. And we're not talking about the slaves and servants of the Muslims. Because the Muslims, those that had servants, they had

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to clothe them with the clothing that was equivalent to what they would wear. So if you were George Giorgio Armani, not at their time, but at our time, you would have to make them wear that as well or give that to them, gift it to them, whether they wear it or not. That's a totally different story. But they would wear the clothing that you wear. So if you're wearing nice clothing, brand name clothing, they would wear it as well, if you were eating good food quality food, they would eat it as well. But amongst the non believers, those that had servants and maids, etc. They would not close them, they would walk around *. Okay. They would walk around, almost completely naked.

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Okay, so we don't go into any detail because some of the youth joined us now. Right. And so somehow a lot we see that the fitna their time was difficult. And don't think that the fitna Our time is just worse. No, this habit of the Aloma I know, gave up things and saw things right in front of their faces, not in magazines in real life, and they had to walk by it. And this is why this habit of the long run home they were busy and still follow regularly, regularly they would constantly be doing that and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. And people would ask why do you do this akuna Adventure Cora Why do you make your Why do you spend all night long? Why do you ask Allah

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for forgiveness? Shouldn't I be a slave that is thankful to Allah subhana wa tada a servant to Allah that is thankful you're a prophet, your promise paradise, but he was still someone that showed us a beautiful example. So here we see that, you know, this habit of the Allahu anhu they gained that victory over their knifes their desires, and we as well hamdulillah even though we're born into Islam, the majority the mass majority of us I'm looking around and I'm sure the vast majority of us are born into Islam and hamdulillah it's something that still we're challenged with. We still are challenged with our desires. Yes.

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Can you ask me later and Shall I just want to move on? I want to move forward in time, okay. Because I see the clock there and it says at three there's eight and a three and I

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just asked me later inshallah, because I have

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Another two sodas to go read in verses number four and five, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala sends tranquility to the believers and increases their emotion. And this was at the time of her day BIA during the Treaty of davia. When there's a habit of the Allahu anhu them, you know, they meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he's reciting this surah. Right. So what after the fact, and he's telling them this is glad tidings, this is good news for me, right? Really good. And they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what's in it for us? What do we get? And here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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in verse number five, and that he may admit the believing men and the believing women to gardens beneath which would reverse flow. So he starts to explain gender. And so there's a habit of the alumna, and they're asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what's in it for me? Like, what are we going to get? You got good news from Allah, what am I going to get? And Allah subhanho wa Taala shows them right in the in the verse two verses later in verse number five, that you will get gender and you will get gardens beneath which rivers are going to flow, and you will be able to benefit from those rivers, rivers of honey rivers of wine, rivers of milk, Subhanallah, you'll get

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to enjoy it.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala also mentions that he sends tranquility to the believers. And that increases their Eman. And this goes to show us when we're going through hardships in life, and we're patient, we gain tranquility, and it increases our emotion. So sometimes a hardship is something that brings us closer to a lot, just, you know, take any example of someone who has a relative that passed away. And that relative, you know, people say or they talk about how it was a beautiful janazah and a beautiful time when a lot of people came out and you ask the family members, do you still feel like this was something bad for you? They say no, we came closer to a love through this.

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We came closer to Allah through the death of a family member Subhana Allah, you would think that the death of a family member is something that makes a person feel like what's the point of life? Why do I even live this life look at this person, they made millions and then they ended up dying and they never got to they never got to use it. They never got to benefit from any of their wealth, they put it in the bank and they were ready to buy that beautiful vacation home and and yacht and, you know, go on, go on nice trips and travel the world that and they died. And a person says what's the point of living this life, but the believer, some handler they say Look at this. This is an example of how

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I need to get closer to Allah subhana wa Tada. So the death of someone brings them closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. In verse number 21, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah grants the Muslims victory, even when they are

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not aware of it, right, even when they're not aware of it, or Allah subhanho wa Taala this ties into what I was just talking about. And he promises other victories that you were so far unable to realize, which Allah has already encompassed. He already, you know, had planned out for you. And there's victory for you and victory in various different ways. And this is an example for us when we see that the Muslims are struggling and going through hardships and difficulties. Whether it be you know, way back in the day over a decade ago with the the Denmark cartoonists drawing, the so called said to be image of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I say It's said to be the image because

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we don't know what he looked like. Exactly. And that is in no way shape, or form. The description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam found in that cartoon, but Subhana Allah, even if it was that challenge, or the challenge of our sisters today, trying to wear hijab or trying to wear niqab or trying to pray in public or trying to simply go and do their groceries while wearing their hijab and someone with a red shirt that says Canada on it is punching them in the face, right that we saw just the other day happening about two or three days ago, whether it's something of that sort, or any, any type of hardship Allah subhanho wa Taala already grants us victory and our victory, our

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victory could be in patience.

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You could simply stay quiet and smile.

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Right? Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us by either ha taba homodiegetic he Luna calu Salama, when someone who's j Hill, someone who's ignorant someone who doesn't know much, or someone who thinks they know a lot, but they use a lot of physical force before they use this force, right the force in their brain. And we're not talking about Star Wars in case any of you guys are, you know, moviegoers and stuff. Because the youth are here and like all the force within most of the time a lot. You see how Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us wisdom. And when we use that wisdom, sometimes someone punches you and you smile at them and it irritates them. And they get arrested and you know, you might go to

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court and so on. 10 years later, they might think to themselves, why did this person smile at me? When I punch them in the face?

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Why didn't they punch me back?

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They might come back to you 10 years, 15 years later and ask you that question. Why didn't you punch me back? Why did you smile at me? Why didn't you punch me? Why didn't you push me? Why didn't you call the police? Why didn't you do this? Why didn't you do that? Because in our book, Allah says, when someone who's ignorant calls out to you and says something wrong.

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Give them glad tidings, give them a notion of peace. Show them something nice, smile at them, do something nice. Give them a good example of who you are, you're better than them. Don't lower yourself to their standards, raise your standards when someone's trying to bring you down, raise them higher. And so I go out of my way to do goodness, when people are doing things that are hard for me. And then you realize that that person might accept Islam and through their punch.

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They might take you into gender.

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Imagine that they might take you into gender, because many years later, they might realize the truth and they accept Islam through you through your example. And because of your example of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in behaving and using wisdom and being someone who's wise and doing the right thing and having patience. They accept Islam and through their acceptance of Islam, they take you to paradise. Imagine that Subhana Allah, it's a beautiful circle that Allah subhanaw taala places for us and in front of us many times in our lives, but sometimes we just don't take advantage of it.

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Where were we?

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Verse number 21, we move on into sort of too large a lot. So not to hurt a lot, which is the 49th surah of the Quran. The dwellings Okay, the dwellings. Allah subhanho wa Taala begins as Sora showing us that we need to respect the loss of Hannah who were to Allah.

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Allah Dena Amano, la Toka d mu Albania de la hemara su li what taco na

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nama semirara Nani, Allah subhana wa Taala shows us that we need to respect the loss of hanaway to Hannah be obedient to Him, and to his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and don't put yourself ahead of them as in, don't make yourself more important than Allah subhanho wa Taala you're doing something? You want to buy a car, simple example. You want to buy a car, you're not sure if you should buy that car.

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Maybe because you're prone to speed. So you don't want to buy a sports car. So you look at a family car, a caravan.

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Something that's affordable as well, you can't afford a Honda Odyssey. So you opt for the the 84 month interest free 0% financing on the Dodge Caravan they had a sale like that two weeks ago, this brother was asking me about it right? And so you end up choosing that, but you're not sure.

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It says 0% interest? Should I buy it or not? Is it really 0% or not? And so you go and you ask someone and they say hamdullah? It looks like everything in this contract 0% interest, no problem, go and buy it. You weren't sure. So you went and you found out islamically? Am I allowed when you do that you're putting Alon His messengers on a long line that you send them before yourself. Instead of us saying, You know what? I know that, you know, it's a little bit more affordable for me. And yes, it's 0%. But I'm still gonna opt for the Honda Odyssey, even though I have to pay interest on it. No big deal. I'll do it. Because you know, it's going to be better for me in the long run, it's

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going to be better for my family, because you know, it's got air conditioning and the leather seats that are cooled with fans underneath it. So it's better for us because on the hot day, when you get into the Dodge Caravan, the air conditioning takes longer. And there's no fans under the seat. So it's going to be warmer and it's not comfortable for the family and you start to make excuses. And so you go with the one that's a little more expensive, not because, you know, it's what's islamically right, but because it's what you feel is better for you.

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And you drive the car out of the parking lot of the dealership. And this this little Volkswagen Beetle is driving down the street and smashes into the side of the van.

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You're safe, you're protected. It's brand new. It's got all the airbags in it Alhamdulillah they hit the opposite side you're all alone in the van. But it's a complete total write off

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Was it worth it?

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Now someone's gonna say well the insurance is gonna give you the money back. The insurance will not give you all the money that you just paid for because the moment you move that car from the parking lot of the dealership off the lot. it diminishes in value by almost a quarter in the books.

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Right any insurance brokers here. Any of them can back up, you know give us a little fingers. No. I used to work around cars and with cars

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All the time. So I know that the value diminishes immediately. The second The moment you drive it off, especially if it's a manual vehicle, if as manual transmission that's even worse, the value goes down drastically, because you might mess up the gearbox right and destroy the clutch on changing one gear within one minute. And so you ask yourself now was it worth it? Now I'm paying the price for this.

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Now anything can happen no doubt but Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that when you do something for the sake of Allah and to please Him, things happen that are good for you. So put Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before anything else before your own desires and thoughts and wants and needs.

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We move on to verse number four and five etiquette etiquette on speech or speaking to others and don't be rude, don't interrupt, etc. here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us how to speak to the prophets that along with it, he was seldom Of course, you know, we see that in the verses.

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But Allah subhana wa, tada highlights to us when we are told by Allah in the second verse of the surah, right and the second verse, don't let that Pharaoh sweater calm, focus, Oulton Nabhi, don't increase your volume or your tone above the tone or the speech of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that indicates to us that we need to be people. When we speak. We're not harsh to others. We're not trying to push our point, even though we might be right. We're speaking to people with wisdom and in a good manner. Alhamdulillah. That's nice to learn. But here in verses number four, and five, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us indeed those who call you O Muhammad from behind the

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chambers, most of them do not use reason. They're simply calling out to you. And you'll see someone says, Hey, what are you doing over there? They're not using reason, they see you doing something wrong. Or for those that are performing RT Cath, this might happen. So keeping in mind, you might be behind the curtain. And someone says, What are you doing back there? You should be coming out. Tada. We come and pray. Why are you sitting in there doing nothing? You're sleeping? rosabella Wow. Are you accusing this person of sleeping? Even if they're sleeping? Is it compulsory for them to be praying tonight? We know. So what's wrong if they sleep if they made when they're laying on the

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right side? Right? They say they're too hot. They go to sleep they fulfill the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that sleep is very bad. How can we say what are you doing that they're coming prey? you're lazy. You just came here to sleep? No, they're not on vacation. You go home and you have this nice big fancy meal. They're sitting over here looking for a date. Can I have a date? two dates, three dates, right? So don't you know we need to be people of reason. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told by Allah subhanho wa Taala. When people come to you, and they call you up a Mohammed recess and Allahu Allah, even some of them, they were just calling him out,

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right? That person who calls you out, they're probably someone that didn't think so well before they came to you. Or they're just using their emotions. And that's emotions, that speaking in verse number five, and if they had been patient until you would come out to them, it would have been better for them. But Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Now the context I'm not going into, I'm not going into the context on purpose. I know some people are gonna say, well, you're not even touching upon what was happening at the time. Because we'll be here forever if we do that. But the lesson for us is, is simple. We want to speak to someone or you want to call someone you message someone you

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email someone, they don't respond to you relax, they will probably get to you when they have time. Okay, they will probably get to you when they have time. Don't think that everyone is ignoring you. Oh, why are you avoiding me? So Pamela is very, very interesting. It just popped into my head right now. And maybe the brothers watching. A friend of mine who lives in Gold Coast, Australia, brother, Nazif, he sends me a message this morning, he sent me a message or two or three messages just a few days ago. And then another message I think yesterday, and I saw them I read them but I didn't respond because there was nothing to reply to. He was just sending me general messages. So nothing

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to reply to, and I get a lot of messages. And he messaged me this morning is like Sonic umbrella, you know, just checking up on you. I hope I didn't offend you or say anything wrong. If I did, please forgive me. And then I thought you know what, now I have to respond to him. So I picked up my phone and I sent them a voice message. And I said, Sorry, come on, you know, hope everything's good hope Ramadan is going good with you know, you didn't offend me in any way, shape, or form. Just really busy. So kind of I don't have time, and I didn't see any questions there. So there was there was no need for me to respond. And so you know, sometimes we feel that we speak nicely to someone,

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we might even be speaking nicely. But naturally inside of us. We fear that you know, maybe there's a problem. Maybe I did something wrong. And if we did do something wrong, it's nice that we approach the person nicely. But if we didn't go and call them out and say hey, what's wrong with you? You are you avoiding me? You're not speaking to me. What's What's your problem? Well, I'm not at your level or something, you know, some handle if we speak to people like that. Relax, be patient with them. Let let that anger

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Were off and then try to address the topic in sha Allah to Allah in verse number six. Very important for social media and those that use social media. Yeah you have Latina Amano enjoy a Converse econ beneva in Fatah obiano.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us if someone comes to you with information, and this person could be someone who you know or don't know, or trust or don't trust, but here Allah Subhana Allah uses the word fossick someone who's like a sinner, someone who you know is far from Allah subhanho wa Taala are distant from Allah subhanho wa Taala they come to you with information, verify it, verify it always verify information. You wake up in the morning you go on social media, you see something Wow, the first post that you see there, Muhammad Ali dies. Oh, okay, right away. Oh, man, Muhammad Ali was a good guy. You know, my father was influenced by him you start typing the whole thing and then

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you realize, Oh, the information wasn't true. What What do you mean it wasn't true? He's just hospitalized. Oh, okay. kind of feel dumb now don't you? Right? That's exactly it. verify the information first before you go and do something about it. Someone comes to you and says something Oh, chill. Let me check Alright, just like hello Clayton, take it and go and find out is this the truth or not? In verses number nine and 10.

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Allah Subhana Allah Allah mentions here

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help to fix the problems and the matters, the issues that are taking place between the Muslims and if two factions two groups of Muslims are fighting each other. Now here he means fighting like physically fighting, then try to rectify it tried to dissolve that argument between them by by you know, soothing the hearts if one of the groups is oppressing the other than fight the group that is oppressing. So Fight Fight the oppressors. Right, go against them as in try to prove because they're oppressing. So prove them wrong and tell them listen, this is wrong speak to them. And hamdulillah today we're not fighting like physically fighting because it's against the law as well for us to

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like physically fight like throw punches at each other. And so if we're arguing with each other and we see that one group is right and one group is wrong, then try to help that group try to be the middlemen try to resolve that issue. And a loss of haddaway Tyler shows us beautifully in verse number 10 in MLM mean owner

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also near home Bay in Hawaii come what Duncan law? What con la la la Come

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on, the believers are but brothers and sisters of each other. We believe in Allah subhana wa Tada. We're brothers and sisters of each other. Why is it that we argue and Subhanallah one of the biggest problems that we see right now during during our oma or in our oma at our time, is that we argue too much. We argue too much amongst each other. Someone says something right away immediately after the halaqa someone's gonna come and say something, don't you said this? Why do you say, right? I'm using an example. Right? So how do we get upset right away? verify first of all the information if it's not true, if it's not right, okay. Then let's discuss let's talk. Right? So here, Allah subhanaw

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taala shows us this. Now what's really interesting is just before I left home, my nephew sends me this video or on a group that my nephew created. Someone posted this video of a chef, I won't say his name, who he's talking about the moon sighting, right talking about moon sighting. And he's asked the question, you know, why is it that in Saudi Arabia, they say, you know, if the king says, tomorrow's read, they do a read, even if they didn't see the moon, but because this king said it? Where did you get this information from? First of all? How do you know if the king says tomorrow's retreat? He asked people there. This is what the shake was saying. He's like, if you ask people

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there, first of all, no one will say that the king says, tomorrow's eat the king consults with the people who go out to look for the moon and consult with the scholars. Right. That's the first thing. Secondly, he says, we have to understand if they say that they saw the moon it is because they saw the moon. And he said the chef is saying because he looked into the matter. And he says, I looked into the matter. And I realized when they say they saw the moon, they saw the moon. But we look for the moon with our eyes. And according to the humble he must have you're allowed to use a telescope or optical aid in order to see the moon. So they're seeing the moon using a telescope. We can see

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the moon were looking in the same direction as they are but they're using a telescope. So if you stand next to someone with the telescope, they say oh, I see the moon you're standing there going No, I don't see it. Yes, I see the moon. No, I don't see it. I'm looking right at what you're looking at. I don't see any moon. Yes, I'm looking in the telescope. I can see the moon. They see the moon and so this is what the shape is saying. They see the moon you didn't see the moon they use the telescope. You didn't use a telescope Hello. So why argue over it.

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They want to do it read today. Let them do it today. We do read tomorrow fine we do eat tomorrow and he gave a beautiful you know example he says go to the person and say read Moby Dick Mashallah tomato cola today's eat for you here's some sweets make sure tomorrow you give me my sweets because tomorrow is eat for me right? Beautiful, beautiful way of looking at it Don't argue amongst yourselves today is reading the GTA on one side of the city and the East maybe. And tomorrow's on the west side of the GTA big deal. Alhamdulillah today's read in our community we do a read down the street someone else is doing a read tomorrow house. Where did you pray all month here, pray eat here

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have the law. There's no need for us to argue. There's no need. It's a beautiful day. It's a day that shaytaan is not supposed to get between us. It's a day that we're supposed to be happy and united and come together and the Muslims come together and they unite they don't divide. And that's what we see happening after Ramadan. Shere Khan is released and immediately we start to see everyone just dividing. Why did they see the moon they saw the moon wards. So how to Allah? We move on in sha Allah to Allah and verse number 11 Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us advice against those who mock tease or hurt the feelings of others.

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Yeah, uh yohana de

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la yes Coco.

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Coco meanness.

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kuno Claire. I'm in home. One Nisa nissa

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nissa in

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a con

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in Han. Wanna tell meizhou

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be a nice smooth

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one man me too before

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you can move on.

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Oh, you who have believed? Let not a people ridicule another person Don't make fun of each other. Perhaps they may be better than them. Don't let a woman make fun of another woman perhaps she may be better than them right and Allah subhanaw taala goes on to show us Don't insult one another don't call each other bad names or bad nicknames. Right don't don't use these these words for each other. Allah subhana wa tada mentions. wretched is the name of disobedience after one's faith that you disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala after you believe this is this is really bad. Right? If we put in our terms, it's really bad to disobey Allah subhana wa tada after we believed. So here Allah Subhana

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which Allah gives us advice in some kind of a you know, sometimes a simple example you know, because it says, Well, I need certain money certain asset and you're gonna Pharaoh min Han, Allah subhana wa Taala shows us sometimes sisters get together and brothers do it as well. But we need to shift the focus away from the brothers sometimes because we talk a lot about what the brothers do. Sometimes the sister comes in, she's wearing, you know, a hijab, and other sisters, other sisters like that hijab, but they want to say something bad about it, because that was the hijab, they were going to buy for eat. Right? And so they'll criticize it. I'll give her what she thinks today's age or

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something just coming to the mustard. Look at her when this pinky job. Why does she need to wear that. So what she's trying to show off or something who she trying to impress. And they just start talking and talking and talking somehow and a lot have good thoughts, good feelings for one another. Maybe someone gave it to her as a gift. And she's wearing it because the person who gave it to her, this sister is going to be there and she wants to show that sister I'm wearing that job you gave me Maybe she doesn't even like the hijab, but she's wearing it because the other sister gave it to her and she wants to make her other sister feel good. And so we need to stop talking about each other

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and start encouraging each other to do goodness in sha Allah huzzah Hannah, we move on to sunart off, which is the 50th surah of the Quran.

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In surah Kahf verses number one to five Allah subhanho wa Taala shows that the Quran is something that is honored.

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Majeed off by the honors will earn but they wonder who wonders the mushy Kuhn they wonder about resurrection. They can't comprehend. They can't understand it. How is it that we're going to rise from the dead?

00:54:32 --> 00:54:42

How are we going to rise from the dead? I was just checking the time Don't worry. I'm not trying to look into the sisters section or anything. There's a mirrored glass there. Yeah. Gone brothers.

00:54:43 --> 00:54:55

I'm checking the time because it's behind the curtain and I it looks like 858 So unless of Hannah who had to Hannah mentions here, the mushy coo and they can't understand. They can't comprehend. Does that Hello Hannah. That's

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I'll handle it. I always work with this one. Okay, I like to work with one clock.

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So Allah Subhana Allah shows us the machete spoon they can't comprehend. Having, you know, being resurrected, it doesn't make sense. We're living we're gonna die. You're telling me we're going to come back out of the earth? How does that make any sense? But somehow to us as believers, when we're told that we will come back out of the earth, we believe Why? Because Allah tells us that and this is why we unconditionally believe in what Allah commands us to do and tells us to do however, we need to also Allah subhanho wa Taala encourages us to go and learn, learn. Don't just listen to an island or a chef and say, call us because they said it. I'm going to do it. Don't ever do that. It

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doesn't matter who it is. If they tell you something, find out where is this come from? Is there a hadith about it is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did it happen at their time? Is this something that's mentioned in the Quran? I need to verify I need to understand it. So we should always be people that yes, you can trust your teacher. No doubt you trust your teacher. But if something doesn't make sense to you, ask, ask always ask. Don't be shy to ask. It's important to ask Allah Subhana Allah tells us first Aloo Who? The Vicar, the people of knowledge in kuntum letter anemone if you don't know, you don't understand it doesn't make sense. Ask the people have knowledge

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in verses 16 to 2016 to 22.

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I was gonna try and recite these verses because it's beautiful when you recite through them, but you can read them yourselves. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that Allah knows all that we reveal and what we can see you and he's closer to us than our juggler vein. Where's the jugular vein right here. That's what we slice when we're slaughtering an animal, we slice the jugular vein because it's the largest and the blood comes gushing out. And so Allah subhanaw taala shows us in verse number 16, and we have already created men and know what his soul whispers to him and we are closer to him than his jugular vein. This does not mean that Allah is here, nor does it mean that Allah is in

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here. No, it means that Allah is closer to us than even this juggler vein. This is so important to me. But Allah is more important to me than this. If this is cut, I die, I lose my life, all the blood is gonna just start gushing out. But if I lose a lot, that's even worse. Make sense? So the jugular vein is close to us, but Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein. And you can read through those verses in sha Allah who Tana they're absolutely beautiful verses 39 to 40. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be patient, false viettel Allah Maja Kowloon was said behind the obika cobla tolerations, he will

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be patient with what they say about you O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this goes to show us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also would become saddened by what people would say about him.

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So when someone says something about you

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understand that that's a normal feeling.

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And it happened to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam as well. And Allah subhanho wa Taala sent these verses to reassure him to make him feel Don't worry, everything's going to be fine. How do I seek patience? How do I seek comfort? I should say, in this time, well, Allah tells us bla bla to lower and further vocabulary kubla tolerations before fudger

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I need to check because my head is going blank.

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Okay, yes, sorry, before the rising of the sun, and before it's setting so before the rising of the sun and before it's setting before fragile, and before what though how to NASA, the setting of the sun is not an answer. Now, why does Allah Subhana Allah say that basically he's encompassing the whole day, all day long. see patients with Allah subhanho wa Taala seek comfort with Allah subhanho wa Taala and then we move off into the next order that I will only take three verses of the next soda soda that yet Allah subhana wa tada shows us in verses 16 to 19, which is a good lesson for the believers during this month of Ramadan, sleep a little bit and seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho

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wa Taala. Before dawn, sleep a little bit and seek forgiveness from Allah. And you can read through 16 1718 and 19. Absolutely beautiful verses Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us these, you know, this example of sleeping less, and the reward is great. And this is an AMA bond and this is what we're doing right now. So don't feel as though you're tired and you can't do it. The days are going to dwindle away very quickly. There's only nine more days, right? Only eight more nights. This Yeah, this is beginning we're about to begin the 22nd night on the eight more nights if there's 30 days in this month, there could even be seven more nights and that's it Subhana Allah, we ask Allah Subhana

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Allah to Allah to allow us to reach many more months of Ramadan. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to forgive us during this month of Ramadan.

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ask Allah subhana wa Taala to guide our children and ourselves and our family members to the truth and to what is best with Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to protect us from the evils and the fitna that are out there and surrounding us day and night. Amina Arabella alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam which is located in Santa Monica Moroccan to Lahore

Ramadan Tafseer Night 22

June 26, 2016

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