Daood Butt – Jumuah Khutbah – Halloween

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The transition from traditional Islamic holidays to Halloween is discussed, including the belief that the spirits of the dead would return to the sky on the 31st of October. The speakers also discuss the negative impact of the coronavirus on Muslims, including scares like clowns and false accusations, the importance of respect for the creation of Allah Sub hang disaster, and the need for children to learn to fit into their culture. The speakers emphasize the importance of teaching children to be parents and not just a means of pleasure, and the need for activities to encourage people to stay in their houses and enjoy the lights.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Anna v Hill Karim Allah He of masala to attempt a slim rubbish rocklea sobre la acidity emri lock that a melissani of Coco de my brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Okay, so before we continue in sha Allah for all the brothers that are sitting on that side of the partition, if you're done your subnet then just maybe make your way to this side. So any of the brothers sitting on the far left, just make your way to the right side of this partition because the sisters are going to come out just in the back there inshallah

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and also for the sisters, you know, maybe just give it about 30 seconds and shall not to a minute and then you can come out on that side. For those that want to

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today, inshallah to Allah and I will stand up in a bit, it just give me give me a moment.

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I hurt my back a few weeks ago, and I'm just trying to, after solder some handle on when I go into the court Institute it just like, the pressure intensifies, but inshallah in a few minutes will be good. Today, what I want to talk about inshallah, to Allah is the topic of who knows.

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keeping your email in

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your mind onsala. Very good. We need to always keep our mind straight and focused company last but what's coming up, which sort of celebration is coming up in a few days.

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Halloween, very good. So we're going to talk about that in sha Allah, Allah and come at it from an angle where we can understand it a little bit differently from an Islamic perspective, so understanding it from Islam, okay. Now, traditionally, Halloween began as something that was known as All Hallows Eve, right, All Hallows Eve, and that's why the word transitioned into Halloween. Okay. Now, hallows, Eve, or All Hallows Eve or Halloween, how it began was that the people thought, and they believed and this was to them the beginning of a new year, so October 31, was set as the date where it would transition into a new year. And they believed at that point in time. Actually,

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I'm gonna have to ask you to turn it that way. Keep it straight. Yeah, otherwise, people watching are gonna go like this with their neck.

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Yeah, so at that point in time, what people believed was that the spirits of the dead, right, the spirits of the dead, so anyone who is dead and buried in the cemetery, on the 31st of October, the the spirit of the ghost of the people would rise come out of ground, and then hunt people. It would not hunt people to like, you know, eat them or anything, but the spirits, what they thought would hunt people who harmed those spirits. So for example, if during your life, you know, someone harmed you and did something bad to you, after you passed away, they would think that now your soul is going to come up on the 31st of October, and is going to come to you to scare you or to haunt you

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and do something bad to you. And so what the people used to do,

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right, what the local people used to do, was that they would get dressed in costumes. So they would put costumes on in order to hide themselves from those ghosts or spirits. Okay, does that make sense? So they would try and cover themselves up. So for example, I'm Deadwood, and I'm coming to the masjid, right. And it's the 31st of October, for example, on that day, what people would do is they would wear a costume to make themselves look different. So when the ghosts were coming out to look for the people that harmed them, they wouldn't be able to recognize them. So they'd be like, Oh, where's dode? Where's this person? Where's that person, they would not be able to recognize the

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actual people. And that's why they would wear these costumes. But as time went on, what they do what the people ended up doing now, they realized, you know, just like Santa Claus, it's not really something that's real. Alright. So as time went on, hopefully your children all know that. As time went on some kind of luck. Do we see that the people, the adults in society, they were the ones that stopped wearing those costumes, and they passed on the wearing of the costume to the children. And so children now started to wear costumes, and would go door to door and say Trick or treat and haunt the people or scared the people and spook them. And by doing so that people would have to give them

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a treat. Right? Stay away from my house. Don't scare me here. Take a candy, take your candy, right? reenacting the same thing that happened in the past. So what we're actually seeing nowadays is people getting their children dressed up for Halloween going from door to door going from house to house, trying to scare people, when in reality those children are taking the place or the position right of the ghosts of the past.

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taking the place of the ghosts of the past, and the people who are living in their houses whose doorbells are being run. Those are the people that the ghosts are going to haunt or spook. And so some panelists really interesting how this is transition right? Now, some people might debate it, and some people might talk about it and say, You know what, it's a harmless, you know, celebration, what's the worst that can happen? Children are going from door to door, who really cares. They go to school the next day to have a bag full of candy, and they feel happy and motivated and excited because all their friends are doing the same thing. Right? But let's look at it from an Islamic

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perspective in a lot of data. There was a point in time when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was traveling with some of the Sahaba. Okay, he was on this journey traveling with some of his companions, that are the Allahu anhu. And at that point in time, you know, at one point in time during the night one of this However, he went to sleep, he went to sleep.

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And as we see in the Hadeeth, of a Buddha would this a habit of the Allahu anhu they took a rope and they tied it around this companion. Okay, so they tied him up, they tied up this companion while he's sleeping. And when he woke up, he got really scared and he started to panic. What is that? Like? What do we see happening today on YouTube? Do we see any types of videos like this, especially the university crowd they might know? What types of videos are we referring to?

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No, not a dead person.

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clowns pranks. Exactly. pranks. Do you guys ever go on on the internet and watch videos of people pranking each other like someone taking a bucket of of you know dirt and throwing it in someone else's face or someone waking up and or maybe someone is sleeping and they come by with a really loud alarm clock or a siren?

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Really loud and it wakes the person up scares them? This is exactly it and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he saw this a habit of the alarm home tying this one companion up and scary when he woke up he was scared the profits on a longer it he was sending him he said that it is not permissible for a Muslim to scare another Muslim.

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It's not permissible for a Muslim us as believers to scare another Muslim. Now we shouldn't do that, in general, forget about it being Muslim to Muslim, its Muslims do not behave this way. That's the lesson that we learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because a lot of people will say, Okay, so I'm Muslim can do this to another Muslim, but we can do it to non Muslims. Now, because when we deal with non Muslims, we're supposed to show a really good example of who we are, because we want them to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's not because we're boasting about who we are as as you know, people, like you know, Mohammed, Abdullah excetera, we want them to

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see Islam in us. And so we try our best to be as good as we possibly can all the time, not for the sake of other people seeing us but because we know Allah Subhana Allah to Allah wants that from us. And we ask a lot to allow us to be those who guide other people to Islam, simply by how we behave, right by how we behave. So that's one example of how we're not supposed to prank people, or scare people or do things that are going to you know, make people feel really, really scared and shocked.

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Also, when we look at Halloween,

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is it a good thing or a bad thing to scare people?

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Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Who says it's a good thing? Raise your hand. Yeah, it's good to scare people. Mashallah, you're doing that as you're leaving? Why? Why are you leaving us? Are you going?

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Just sitting there. Don't sit in front of the door. Right? You're the doorman. Okay, and Shama? Is it good or bad to scare people? Who says it's good? Raise your hand?

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Father's holding his hands? No, no, don't raise that. Who says it's bad to scare people? Yeah, we just finished focusing on that. We said the profits in the long run even sometimes no Muslim should not scare another Muslim right. Now when we see Halloween and what takes place, kind of look.

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People are going around scaring one another but then we also see things like clowns in the middle of a park. Have you ever seen that on TV or in the news where people are driving their car or, you know, children go to the park and as they're playing in the park? And it gets dark early these days? Right? We came from mother We came for a shot and it's already dark at eight o'clock. All right. And so people are in the park children are playing in the park. Mothers are walking home from getting their groceries for example. And all of a sudden there's a random clown just standing there. Right? And then you hear weird sounds like

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right? They start laughing really strangely. Now that scares someone. You don't know if this person is really laughing at you.

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You don't know if they're actually going to attack you, because we've seen recently a lot of movies, where clowns, you know, attack people, and so on and so forth. And so this is something that is evil and bad. And Islam doesn't want us to spread evil. Islam wants us to stop evil things and stop the spread of bad things, right? And so we see that the profits are longer and he was sending them in his own behavior. He would teach us how we're supposed to be good, and how we're supposed to stay away from all the things that are bad, whether it's smoking, whether it's drugs, whether it's eating or drinking, things that are not permissible, whether it's scaring people, whether it's telling

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tales, or lying or cheating, right, these are all things that we're not supposed to do. But at the same time Allah subhana wa tada shows us in the Quran, quantum higher on Mateen oh three Jacqueline us morona bill Murphy, and in Mancha that we are from the best people that ever walked the face of this earth. Why? Why are we the best people that ever walked the face of this earth?

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Because we're Muslim, very good, because we follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu. I knew he was Salaam and the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right? We are part of the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, therefore we are from the best of people that ever walked the face of this earth.

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But that's really interesting, because we're going to see something very soon. About how as Muslims, we're actually really strange, right? really strange.

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But then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, to me, when I've been in my roof, or tenho, Nana Mancha, we are the best of people sent to this earth, right? At the same time, we are supposed to encourage people to do good and stop people from doing bad. Now, have you ever been driving down the road or on the highway and you see around Halloween time? This hand just hanging outside the trunk of someone's car? Right? You've seen that? Or have you ever seen in front of people's houses they put like, it looks like a graveyard where someone is buried there. Right? You see that? Is that something that's good? Or is that something that's evil things that scare people, things that

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promote darkness and promote, you know, the, the, the evil side of the world, and we don't want to get into ghosts and so on and so forth. And talking about the jinn and all that because there's a lot of children here, but that's really what it comes to. And as believers we're supposed to always do goodness. And one of the you know, a simple thing to see how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to do good. His favorite color was in terms of clothing to wear, it was his favorite color. White.

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What does white symbolize this has nothing to do with racism at all. Absolutely nothing to do with racism. People say, Oh, the profits along I needed some I'm used to like white that means he liked white people. He didn't like black people. No, not at all. What does white symbolize in terms of clothing? We're not talking about skin color. We're talking about clothing.

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Peace, what else?

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purity, cleanliness, right. So for example, someone's wearing a white film, and you take something and you spill it on it, you would know that that is dirty, you would know that something is there, because the cloth itself initially is white. But now something dirty fell on it. But if you have, for example, something that's black, and dirt was on it, you wouldn't notice you wouldn't notice in terms of clothing. This has nothing to do with racism again, remember that? Okay? Because the profits on the longer it was on them. In his final sermon, he told the people he addressed everyone and he said the Arabs are not better than the non Arab and the non Arab is not better than the Arab.

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And the white person is not better than the black person and the black person is not better than the white person, right? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he destroyed racism as in he did not want us to have feelings, where we would, you know, hate one another because of our color or ethnicity or background, etc. But when it came to clothing, for example, the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam adore white, and he would like to wear white, because that was something that showed purity and cleanliness. And so even in his clothing, so the longer I think usnm he would do things and show us how to do what is good and stay away from the things that might not be as good. It's not

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we're not saying that wearing black or wearing blue or ring. Purple is not permitted? No. But what we are saying is that those colors would not show an impurity on it if there was any sort of dirt that existed there. Now getting back to encouraging good and stopping the evils.

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A lot of us tend to have problems in our families. Right. A lot of people have problems in their families. They say, Oh, you know what? We're scared. We saw something moving

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In our house, have you ever been to someone's house or heard of someone who inside of their house all of a sudden something just moves? Like you're standing there talking? And all of a sudden it just was

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like, Oh no, there's a ghost. Right? Those are things that are actually a reality that we believe in as Muslims, right? We believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke to us about these things, we learn about the jinn, etc. But that's not our topic for tonight, we don't want to go too deep into it. What we do want to highlight though, is that people make fun of these things. They make fun of the dark side, or the evil that Allah Subhana which Allah created for a reason.

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And they make fun of it around this time, around the time of Halloween. And that's where we as Muslims also need to show others that we need to respect every single one of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So long as they're fulfilling the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we don't hate the jinn. And we don't, you know, we don't say that we don't believe in ghosts or evil things, no evil exists, those things exist. But as long as we are close to a law, and as long as we pray Our prayers, and as long as we believe that Allah Subhana Allah will be the one to protect us, we will be protected with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay, now,

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why is it that we dress our children up in costumes? Yes.

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Because it's Halloween.

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Now let's look at let's look at something different in sha Allah, right? You want to say something about that.

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So that they can bring back candy to the house and and the mom and the dad and everyone can celebrate and have fun. And then go to the dentist and give the dentist a lot of money. Are there any Muslim dentists here? Any dentist?

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No, you're not dentists? Are there any dentists here or your dentist because you go to the dentist every day. Okay, so he's become a dentist and the dentist here? No, I might need one. That's why I'm so nice.

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Why is it that we dress our children up in costumes, sometimes we feel that our children right, are going to live an opportunity that we never had.

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As adults. Now I'm talking to the parents here. Sometimes we feel that because in our culture, where we were born and raised, and I was born and raised here, but I know some of you were born and raised in other places, or because some of us were born and raised here. But our parents did not allow us to go out trick or treating, or go out for Halloween, we feel as though we need to live the moments of happiness through our children. Like I didn't get to go trick or treating. So I'm going to send my child my child to go trick or treating, just so that they can experience something that I always missed out on. And I always felt as though you know, and I'm not saying this with regards to me,

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because I'll tell you about me shortly. Right. So someone might feel as though Oh, because I never got to go trick or treating, I'm going to let my child go. Because I know what it feels like to go to school the next day and not have any candy. And all your friends have loads of candy and loads of chocolate. And your child has no candy and you know what it feels like? And so some parents will send their children out thinking, Oh, you know what, what's the harm, there's nothing that can happen. And they go out and they collect candy and they come back and they go to school the next day and they start to brag to all their friends, they got to you know, pillowcases folder, three

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pillowcases full of candy and chocolate. Now, what's really interesting is that we should not live through the happiness and joy of our child, we should make that child understand their own identity, understand who you are, and some had a lot for men, sometimes it's a lot more difficult for us to understand than it is for the sisters, because they wear hijab.

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And they go to school with their hijab on and they go to, you know, high school and college and university, and they go to work, etc, with their hijab. And sometimes as men, we don't feel it as much, we don't feel that pressure. Because we wear pants and shirts.

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And we fit into society. And we might not look as though we're different, except maybe our own skin tone. And that's the only difference, right and nowadays, some panelists actually a trend to have a beard, like it's part of the style of the world, in any country that you go to, it's a style to have a beard, right. And so some handle as a Muslim, whether you have a beard or you don't have a beard as a men, it's very easy to fit into society. Whereas for the sisters, it becomes very difficult.

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Only if their email is weak,

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only if their email is weak. So for someone whose email is strong, and they understand why they're wearing this hijab, they do it without it without without even thinking twice. But now we see that we send our children out, they put costumes on they go out and they go trick or treating and they have fun. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us better al Islam or horiba was a rule do horiba

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Come on better.

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For to

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that Islam began as something that was strange. And it will return as an it will end as something that is strange and glad tidings are with those who are strange, right? Good news, something good will come to those who are strange. Now what does that mean? this hadith is referring to Islam beginning as something that was strange as in when the prophets a little longer and he was sent and received revelation. He was one person. He went home and he met. Sorry, he met somebody out of the Aloha Anna, and he says, um, you know, nice, I mean, only hold me, he's confused. He doesn't know what just happened. He's shocked. And so he tells her

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that either of the Allahu Allah and she believes, and then a few other of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his relatives and his close friends, they believe. But it was very few of the Arabs and the people at the time of the Quran, who believed in Allah subhanho wa Taala, as in following the method of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his message.

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And then we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he says it began as something that was strange, it will end is something that is strange. How will they end is something that's strange, does that mean that the number of Muslims are going to diminish completely? And because there were only a few at the beginning, there will be only a few at the end? How is that possible? When we see the numbers of Muslims only increasing? How many billions of Muslims do we have on earth nowadays? You guys know? Billions? How many?

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1.7 billion? Is it more than that?

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I believe it's a little bit more than that.

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that's the population of the world, right? Good, Mashallah. He says inshallah, at the end of time, how many? How many Muslims are there?

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Exactly, roughly around 2.5 billion Muslims 2.5 billion Muslims, when we think of it at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Do do do even imagine that this habit of the Allahu Allah could ponder and think, wow, that would be 2.5 billion people who claim they believe in Allah subhana wa, Tada. That's a lot. That's a lot of people. But what we do see is that even though we're big a number,

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how many of us are practicing Islam?

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within the amount of Muslims that we have, how much Islam exists, we have a lot of Muslims how much Islam is actually in these Muslims, right? And so it's really important for us to understand a few things here. First of all, Islam began as a few in number, and it was strange for the Qureshi at the time to see people worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. And believing in Allah without going to the idols without asking the idols for rain, or food or wealth or money or anything of that sort. It was strange, but at our time, if our child does not put on a costume, does not go out for Halloween and trick or treating, and does not celebrate these celebrations. That child is seemed to be weird, or

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strange. The society that we live in will look at our child as being strange. Your child is strange, your child does not dress up for Halloween, your child does not go and collect candies, your child does not celebrate these, your child does not get gifts at Christmas time. Why not? That's really strange. But what's really strange in reality, is that we look at a child who's identifying themselves or human being just in general, it could be a child or an adult who just wants to be themself 365 days a year, a believer in a law who doesn't want to dress up as something that they are not. Society considers that person strange. But according to a law we're not strange.

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According to a law we're not considered strange. We're considered the people that are law created us. worshipers of Allah subhanho wa Taala believers in Allah. And so we don't need a costume. Yes. I'm going to say something you just have your hand up in the air because you like raising your hand.

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Don't say something?

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You just waving your hand okay? Mashallah, anyway, and so we feel as though our child will be the strange child if they don't go trick or treating. That's completely fine. Teach them that. That's okay. Teach them that they are who they are. What's your name?

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Ibrahim, what's your name? I mean, what's your name? Abdullah. What's your name?

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Huh? Mayra What's your name?

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As Corinne Mashallah, I don't know how you spell that. It was very interesting. What's your name? Amira

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See Amira as frean Mayra

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Ibrahim, Mohammed

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amin, Abdullah, they are and everyone else here is who they are. They are who they are. And so we should make them understand and feel that you are special, whoever you are not just the six of them. But every single one of the children that are here and every single one of the adults that are here as well, we should not feel as though we're lesser human beings, or we're not good enough, or we don't fit into society. We don't need to fit into things that are displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala, we need to be the people that stand strong, and let the rest of society know that you shouldn't be doing this. And when we look at society, we look at the world in general, the most

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successful people on earth are the people that did not stay within the conforms of normal society. So someone who became a millionaire, or a billionaire is usually someone who probably didn't finish school, or someone who dropped out of school and did things differently, did something that was very different in order to excel and be known and recognized as something different. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did that as well. He was known as different because he didn't care what the rest of society thought of him, he did what was what was pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so we need to do that as well. We need to be people that tell each other and tell our children

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in particular, that it's okay to be you. It's okay to have your identity. It's okay to not go out trick or treating, that's perfectly fine. You don't need to take part in that we will buy you candy all throughout the year, any single day that you want candy. If it's good for you, and you deserve it, we'll get you something nice, right? You don't need to wait until Halloween in order to get candy and chocolate and save it for the rest of the year. And as believers, that's what's really interesting. And this is what I want to conclude with and shout aloud to Hannah, we should train and teach our children to give and not to go and ask. Right? We should train our children to give to

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others be the upper hand that gives to people that are in need, and not go and train our children to ring the doorbells and knock on the doors of every single person to ask Can you give me a candy? Can you give me a candy? Because I'm so poor? My parents can't often can't, you know, afford to give me a half of a Kit Kat bar. No, we don't need to do that. We should train our children to be people that give to others. And they give throughout the year they don't just give to their friends. You know around Halloween time No, they give all throughout the year. They give regularly. They give to people that are in need they give to people who don't have a house or don't have food to wear to eat

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or don't have clothing to wear. They give to their friends regularly for no reason. They might see their friend at school and you give them an extra apple. You say here this is an apple for you at lunchtime, and this apple give it to one of your friends, train our children to give because that's the method of Islam that we give to others. Why do we give to others because the more we give, the more we get. The more we give to others, the more we get from Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah, do you want to say something? Mashallah, yes?

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Yes, we're gonna work together and try and try and fix this. Okay, shot a lot good. She said Halloween, sometimes the Muslims are the ones giving up the candies to others. Okay, so we'll talk about that. inshallah. Tada, when we do the q&a, I'm sure there's going to be a lot of questions. So I wanted to conclude with this point, the fact that we should be people that encourage our children to give, and one of the best ways to do that is when we come to the mustard, for example, right, and we see the donation box, there's a donation box that goes to the mustard to help the you know, the must should pay for the rent, not the rents because hamdulillah the property is owned, but to pay

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for the the the electricity to pay for the water to pay for various different things. But there's other donation boxes as well. There's a box for zecca there's a box for sadaqa, we should train our child to know the difference between the cat box, the difference between the sadaqa box, the difference between the the general donation box, right? They should know the difference. And our child should come to us sometimes and say, Baba or Mama, you know what today I feel like giving some sadaqa and you give them 25 cents. It doesn't have to be a lot but you give them something where they feel okay, I'm giving for the sake of Allah. And I'm not getting anything in return, because

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they're taking that money and they're putting it in the box, and no one is coming out of the wallet like, here's a chocolate bar, right? No one's doing that. And so they're giving for the sake of pleasing Allah subhana wa Johanna, and we need to train them to do so. They need to understand the difference between sadaqa they need to understand the difference between Zakah they need to understand the difference between a general donation they need to understand where they're working.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:38

is going to wear their clothing is going to wear their food that they're giving is going to. And so it's important for us to teach our children this so that our children don't feel like, you know, we just need to go to school and fit into society and be just like every other child. We are not like every other child. We're not like every other person. We are from the best of the people that ever walked the face of this earth. And we don't need Halloween. We don't need these celebrations to feel happy and excited. Because we have what Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us and that's our Amen. In our Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay, so we're gonna stop there and shut a lot of data. We'll open

00:30:38 --> 00:30:45

it up for q&a, which is awesome. A lot of them are solo cinnamyl American and avina. Mohammed, when he was a son,

00:30:46 --> 00:30:56

you could just stop that. And just push down. If you want. Just bring it to me. I'll close it off in chunks. Okay, questions. I know there's gonna be questions now. Yes.

00:31:01 --> 00:31:07

You have to share. Very good. I shall let you have to share. And on your way out. You're going to ask your Baba for 25 cents, right?

00:31:08 --> 00:31:13

And you're going to choose which box to put it in you choose. Okay. Yes.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:19

profits in the long run in

00:31:29 --> 00:32:05

martial law, your brain is very active is powered on. He said something really interesting, which is very true. He goes, you know, not everyone who wears a costume wants to scare someone. Because sometimes people wear a costume like a hamburger. Right? They look like a burger. And so who gets scared of a burger? Right? You get hungry from the burger, right? I saw lots of Attica ly. But that's very true that not every costume nowadays is actually made to scare people. It's just a costume to dress up. And that's exactly what it goes back to. They would dress up in costumes to hide themselves from the evil spirits. Right? They would dress up in costumes to hide themselves

00:32:05 --> 00:32:07

from the evil spirits.

00:32:08 --> 00:32:09

Good. Yes.

00:32:15 --> 00:33:02

Why do people believe in souls which are ghosts? Because those are real? Those are those are real, right? But can the kenesaw come back and haunt you? In that sense? Allah Subhana Allah tells us he has not given us much knowledge. He's not giving us a lot of knowledge with regards to the soul. Okay, so we know that we have a soul. But what we do know is what does haunt us or what does disturb us sometimes are the jinn that evil spirits that Allah subhana wa tada has created as well that we can't see, but they live around us. But we also need to understand that from amongst the creation of Allah, those jinn are some that belief. So there are jinn that believe, who do pray. And sometimes

00:33:02 --> 00:33:09

they stand with us and pray as well. Right, but we just don't see them. So we need to believe in that as well. Yes.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:12

Yeah, sorry.

00:33:31 --> 00:33:33

Okay, then that was a failed prank, right?

00:33:35 --> 00:33:47

That was a failed prank. So the sister is asking sometimes people will do a prank, and it doesn't actually scare someone, it just makes them laugh, right? So it's technically a failed prank. However, when it comes to laughing as well.

00:33:49 --> 00:34:25

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in another Hadith, he mentioned that we should laugh like when we when a person jokes around, it's okay to do that. But we should laugh only a little bit. Like we shouldn't spend so much time and we shouldn't make it a point in our day or in our life to constantly go and make people laugh. So the Prophet sent along it was send them said that, you know, we should laugh or joke around just like the amount of salt that is put in the food. Now the sad thing is in our Indian and Pakistani community, we put too much salt in our food. So we joke around and laugh too much right? But some handle that goes to show us that in our food, we're not eating

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salt, we're eating meat and salad and you know, rice and all this, these other ingredients and a little bit of what we're eating is salt. And so therefore a little bit of what we eat is the salt and a little bit of what we do is joke and laugh and have fun, right? Yes.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:50

Halloween is the Jin's birthday.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

Okay, I don't know where you heard that it is it is a day that is celebrated. In particular Sam hain, which is said to be the

00:35:00 --> 00:35:20

The God of the spirits, right? We don't believe in that this is what you know, others believed in. And it was a time of the year, every single year on that night. That was when they did begin to celebrate that. So people wanted to spread evil, encourage evil, etc. being scared and spooked. They would celebrate it. Yes.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:22


00:35:29 --> 00:35:31

Yeah, you have to wear something when you go outside, you can't.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:38

You have to wear something when you go outside, right? You need to wear clothing. Yes.

00:35:49 --> 00:36:10

That's very true. That's very true. Like sometimes it really spook someone and scares them to the extent that they can't go to sleep. And it's not only children, it's adults as well. All right. We see you know, these these incidents of clowns, especially in the US that was happening recently. And then they're also attacking people. So attacking the cars that are driving by

00:36:12 --> 00:36:48

chainsaw, yeah, really, really strange things we don't want to mention too much, because there's children here. So I try and keep it very mild inshallah. But yes, it's also in movies nowadays. So if you look at movies, and this is why I discourage watching these types of movies. In general, I don't really encourage watching any movies except something that is a documentary and something that is beneficial and useful, that you're going to learn from, right. So, you know, recently I saw there was a bunch of movies that were made in the past few years, you know, clowns that are going around killing and you see, you can see the children are like acting it out. Right now. They're acting out

00:36:48 --> 00:37:25

some of the scenes that are shown in these movies. And so they even know what's happening and Subhanallah we shouldn't let our children watch these things. That makes us feel as though the life of a human being is useless. That's what these movies are doing. They're making us feel that the life of a human being is is not valuable. And because there's so much killing and so much, you know, harm that happens to human beings that it makes our children feel as though you know what, it doesn't matter if I punch someone. Doesn't matter if I hurt someone, because it happens in the movies. We can do it in real life as well. Do you have your hand up? You got your hand? Your hand

00:37:25 --> 00:37:26

up? Are you just playing around now?

00:37:28 --> 00:37:30

How did you end up there? You were just here.

00:37:31 --> 00:37:34

And then you were the doorman? moving around?

00:37:50 --> 00:37:55

Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, just explain it to them. Also, you're gonna go trick or treating still.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:04

You should tell your dad to buy buy your chocolate. Buy you candy and chocolate 364 days a year.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:08

He's like, he's like Baba, write it down.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:10

Write it down, sign it.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:22

Dates are solid.

00:38:25 --> 00:38:32

Because it's not wrapped. The dates are not wrapped, right? So panela? No, that's you see, these are really interesting.

00:38:35 --> 00:38:40

So I told you, I would tell you what I when I was young. So my mother accepted Islam.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:55

About a year and a half or two years before I was born. So when I was really small, we used to go trick or treating hay when I was really small. We used to go trick or treating. We used to go out for Halloween, we would you know, I saw pictures of us, you know, dressed up.

00:38:56 --> 00:39:37

But then it stopped. And I remember that transition from going to school on the first of November and everyone is bragging about how much chocolate and candy they got. And then did you know all of a sudden not going trick or treating? and feeling like, Oh, you know what I got left out. We didn't get anything. All right. We have nothing to brag about. But what's really interesting is that it developed us into our own identity. Like it developed us as Muslims to be happy with our Deen. But the parents really need to work hard on that. So this is where As parents, we need to be the ones that teach our children. It's okay. It's completely fine. Don't worry, we look after you all year

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round. And we should also be parents that give our children the things that are normal and common in society. And I'm not saying go and buy all your children iPads, right and go and give them the latest designer clothing and stuff. No, but we should try to provide for our children what they need, not what they want. And the things that they need are things that are the norm in society.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:33

Why because then they feel as though and this is important as well for the upbringing of a child, they feel confident in themselves as well that they are not just extremely strange and Islam makes everything how long No, Islam doesn't make everything Haram. It's okay. If you want to buy your child an iPad, it's okay. If you want to, you know, take your child on vacation, it's okay. If you want to, you know, just have fun and go somewhere with your child. There's nothing wrong with that. And we should not be super strict and, and tell our children No, we can't do anything. This is not permissible in Islam. No, we shouldn't do that. Right. Yes.

00:40:37 --> 00:40:38


00:40:48 --> 00:40:48

setting and

00:40:54 --> 00:40:55

we are here.

00:40:59 --> 00:40:59


00:41:01 --> 00:41:05

we should have some kind of informative session for those newcomers.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:08


00:41:11 --> 00:41:51

are habitat we should not follow up. Right? No, you're absolutely right. So the brothers pointing out the need to have more educational sessions. But what I'm going to encourage is, look, it's very difficult when we look at the amount of Muslims that live around this Masjid, right that live in the Oakville Mississauga area because we're on the border, right? We're even Milton, the amount of Muslims that live here, they're not here in the masjid with us right now. So everyone here now becomes an ambassador to this knowledge. Everyone that learns something, even if it's one head, either one, if it's our responsibility to take that knowledge to those that live around us. So we

00:41:51 --> 00:42:12

all now go out. And we start to teach the people that are around us in our society, the things that we learn, and by doing so, will slowly see them also coming into the masjid learning and giving back to society as well. So it's important for every one of us to do that, not to just come and learn but to also go and teach it to others in child law, okay? Because otherwise, it's very difficult to reach every single person.

00:42:37 --> 00:43:10

Very good. Mashallah. That's a good observation. Right? We spoke about that, that we should train our children to be the ones that give and not the ones that take and go and ask. And he pointed out that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not encourage us to be beggars to go and beg and ask people for things. If, look, we're not going to die if we don't get a kit cat, right? We're not going to die if we don't get a Mars bar. All right, we might have withdrawal syndrome, but we might not we're not gonna die. And so somehow we should be people that understand the importance of giving and not going and begging and taking. Yes, and then we'll come there for the questions in

00:43:16 --> 00:43:19

really, So pretend like you're not home.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:38

So here's a good thing. This, this young boy is mentioning something really interesting. I never knew this happens. So he was saying that if you don't give candy, then people will begin to egg your house. They will throw eggs at your house. So this is a good thing for you to do.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:51

Come to the masjid on October 31. Close the lights at your house. And no one will know that you're there. Or you're not there. They won't know the lights are off.

00:43:55 --> 00:43:58

But you're not home. There's no car there because your family came to the masjid. Right?

00:44:01 --> 00:44:23

No, it's not that bad. It's not that bad. Mashallah, there. You know, my father never used to take us to a restaurant ever. We would only eat at home. We will never go to a restaurant as a child. But on October 31. That was the one night a year my dad would say we're going to go eat in a restaurant. And he would take us to get pizza.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:58

We would go to pizza and to a pizza restaurant and just get some pizza so that the lights are off and the car is not there and so no one would come to our house and then we would go back home afterwards. There was no mustard in our city. The mustard was actually in our basement, right? We had once a week, one day a week. The few Muslim families that lived in our city would come to our house and pray either Mohammed and Aisha together. Just one day a week so there was no mustard there's nowhere to go. You have a beautiful mustard and hamdulillah you can come here you can bring your you know basketball you can bring your soccer ball, you can play some sports, you can sit down

00:44:58 --> 00:44:59

and you could you know enjoy

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

yourselves Mashallah wrestle in the back if you want to, you know, enjoy yourselves and have fun. Have fun in that. Yes.

00:45:10 --> 00:45:29

So we don't want to turn October 31 into a religious celebration as well, right? We don't want to invent some type of celebration, but it is good to have some sort of activities. Yes, it is good to have some activities or encouraged you know others to get together, maybe go to each other's house for dinner or something, stay in the basement, whatever. Or

00:45:30 --> 00:46:05

you could be the brave person that doesn't care if your house gets egged and open the door and when people come say we're sorry, we don't celebrate Halloween. But here's something nice. Like the brother was saying maybe a date and maybe just something small that you print out that explains you know, something nice about Allah subhana wa Tada, it doesn't have to be about Halloween. You don't have to print something that says Muslims don't believe in Halloween and we think it's hamat No, you don't have to do that. You give them something nice in return. And that could be a message for them as well. Right? Sharla we got to think outside the box and we have to come up with these ideas. Yes.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:19

People are small and people help the small people help other people, the big people Mashallah, that's really good.

00:46:20 --> 00:46:21

Mashallah, what's your name?

00:46:23 --> 00:46:24

And Masha?

00:46:25 --> 00:46:27

Allah. Yes. Any other questions?

00:46:48 --> 00:46:55

Okay, that's a good that's good to do go to sleep. Mashallah, that's another thing that we can do. Take advantage of that night and go to sleep early.

00:46:57 --> 00:47:31

Why? Or how would people know simple look on Halloween, and your parents will explain to people go trick or treating, and the houses that the latest turned off, they're actually scared to go to for some reason, right? They're supposed to be going around scaring people, but they're scared to go to the house with the light turned off. And so they don't go into the house with the lights turned off, thinking no one is home. And they're not going to get candy. Because remember, they want to go to the house that has the most lights, the most decoration, because those people are probably giving the most candies as well. Right? So that's why the house that has no lights and no one there,

00:47:31 --> 00:47:33

they're not going to get candy. So they don't want to go to that house.

00:47:34 --> 00:47:35

Any adults? Yes. Yeah.

00:47:49 --> 00:47:50

All right.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:57

Yeah, you're absolutely right. There actually is, as the sister pointed out a small group of people who still religiously celebrate Halloween. And in fact, from what I heard, I don't know if they still do it in the recent years. But what they would do you know, in the past years, was that they would take a child and sacrifice that child in order to push the evil spirits away and say here, we did something for you. They would actually sacrifice a child. Alright, so Pamela, so it is up until today, there still are people who do believe in it and they encourage Halloween like they love Halloween because it's something that brings the dark side the evils to life, you could say right,

00:48:57 --> 00:49:07

it becomes something that they enjoy the evils and the spread of evil etc. Any other adults? Yes, do one, two and Hamas and three Okay.

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

Wow, some kind of luck.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:19

See, she's bringing up a really good point that one of her friends was going or someone she knows who went to a Christian school. The teacher said that even though as Christians they looked into and they disagree with with Halloween as well. So yeah, that is very true. So I've had a lot we said one, two and three right so we're gonna come to you yeah, what's your question?

00:50:40 --> 00:50:44

So can we ask Allah subhana wa tada to protect all the children out there, right? Yes.

00:50:58 --> 00:51:20

Very good, Mashallah, that's what we were saying, we need to think outside the box, maybe you could sit with brother Mazel Tov, and share some of these ideas, right? Because he has really good ideas when it comes to these things. Right. So, you know, the our youth was telling us, you know, how we can use the opportunity to teach people about Allah subhanho wa Taala by giving them something nice, right?

00:51:21 --> 00:51:22


00:51:33 --> 00:52:11

very good. That's what this brother was mentioning as well, that it can be dangerous going out trick or treating, etc. And this is why parents go with them. But we asked a lesson how to add it to protect our children and keep us all safe, whether it's on the street from human beings, or in general from the evil spirits and so on and so forth, because that does exist. Remember, in the last sort of the Quran, we recite a little bit of the nurse mullikin nurse Illa Jimenez, Minh Shatta Wale was was in a nurse led us with Sophie so duty nurse Mina Jin Nettie oneness. And so read the translation of that Allah Subhana Allah had pointed out to us that we do get affected by the

00:52:11 --> 00:52:25

whispers of the you know, the evil whispers of the human beings and the jinn etc. And so we asked Allah subhana wa attallah to be the one that protects each and every one of us, which is Akuma located on the southern line on Sunday more vaticana Vina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

Sh. Daood speaks to us about Halloween in this Jumuah Khutbah/Talk

Oct 28, 2016

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