Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – Sunday September 19, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of following rules and documenting evidence of one's wealth is emphasized in Islam. The speaker emphasizes the need to be given specific instructions and avoid confusion. The importance of giving gifts and sadaqa to help people to be more humble and productive, as it is not a good idea to leave one's wealth. The segment also discusses the implementation of the Prophet sallam and avoiding giving too much wealth to avoid unnecessary consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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alameen wa salatu wa he was Salam O Allah and V Hill Karim Allah He of masala to attend tasleem rubbish rally Saturday where silly Emory Washington Lockwood attending the Sani of Cabo Kohli. My brothers and my sisters said Mr Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Today is Sunday, September 19 2021. And we will start a new chapter in our essential thick class that we have every Sunday evening. So tonight we are covering fic. For those who are new or don't know what fic is. It's basically a ceramic jurisprudence. What does that mean? Well, that basically means how, in a nutshell, we could say, how do we do things in Islam? Right, how do we do them?

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Of course, this is based off of the Quran verses that we find within the Quran as well as

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teachings of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. Adda usnm peace be upon him. So we'll get started in sha Allah we plan on. So my plan tonight is to begin this chapter requests and finish it today as well. So we're going to begin and finish the chapter of the quests and shot a lot of data. Get ready, get some piece of paper, pen, pencil, phone, some Notepad, iPad, Apple Pencil, whatever it is that you use to take notes, and take some notes in sha Allah data, like I say all the time and encourage you and myself to myself to do as well is to take notes. So it's important for us to take notes. When we are studying the deen of Allah subhanho data, we never know when we're going to need

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it in the future. And things usually pop into our minds. And then we say, Hey, I remember studying this, but I can't remember what we were studying. I don't remember exactly what we were saying. So if you took notes and you have your book with you, then you'll be able to ensure all that data, go back to it and read through your notes, refresh your memory, and you'll know exactly what to do. Sharla

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Alright, so,

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bequests, what is bequests? The Arabic word for bequests comes from the term implying connecting, so implies connecting Okay, and we'll take the idea very soon inshallah. But one who makes a bequest connects what is in his life, with what is after his death.

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So what are we doing? We're connecting something that's part of our life now. With

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something after our death, okay.

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islamically when we look at this term, or in the Shetty if we say, you know, according to the Shetty in the deen from an Islamic perspective, it refers to a person bestowing upon another an item, credit, or use of something to another as a gift after his or her death. So it's basically leaving something behind for someone else and writing down or having it stated that this person will not inherit, there's a difference between inheritance and a bequest, right. So inheritance is specific and mentioned within the Quran. And we'll give examples of it. But we will also look at that next week in sha Allah to Allah. So next week, we start the chapter of inheritance. Today, we're going to

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begin and finish the chapter on the quests. Basically, the quests are things that you indicate to go to those people who will not inherit from you. Now, this is really important for us to keep in mind and to learn, those of you who are online, don't go away. Those of you who are online, send a message to your friends and family, let them know to come on, because this is a problem that we find in our Muslim communities everywhere. The issue is

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that in our lives, we usually think to ourselves, when I pass away, my wealth will be divided according to the dean. But we also might say, I want this to go to that person, I want that to go to this person, and we don't know who to allocate items to we don't know how much to allocate to those people. We don't know if they're going to be inheriting from us or not, can I include this person, you know, to, to receive something as a request from me or not. So this is really important to learn. And, you know, pay close attention to it because every single one of us should have a will. And within this world, you'll probably want to leave something or a few things to people who will

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not inherit from you, for example, your children, your parents, your siblings, you know, your spouse and so on.

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So what is the ruling with regards to bequests to make to make a bequest is obligatory upon the one

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Has wealth that he or she wishes to bequest. So if you wish to leave it behind, you have to let someone know so you basically are going to put that in your will. You must let someone know or have it documented written down and that's the best thing is to actually have a documented and witnesses witness your actual document right? So it's attested that that wealth is going to be left to so and so person or people.

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Allah Subhana Allah says in verse number one 180 of Surah Baqarah

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rule that we lay him in a shade shaytani r Rajim quotevalet ecom either hamara hai Docomo Tanaka Han Iranian Worsley, Tony guerra de de anyone a carabin ab marrow roofie How can I talk me in Allah subhanho wa Taala that says, it is prescribed for you, when death approaches any of you if he leaves wealth, that he make a bequest to parents and next of kin according to reasonable manners. This is a duty upon the pious. So it's our responsibility to make sure that we do this. Okay.

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We also see in the hadith of Abdullah, Abdullah bin Omar or the Allah and Homer, who narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is not right, for a Muslim who wishes to request something to spend two nights except that he has written bequest

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except that he has his written request with him. So basically, if you intend to leave something for someone, document it, like don't leave it off, don't delay, document it because like this death can come to us. We don't know when we're going to die when we're going to pass away. Right. So Pamela, just the other day, we buried a two year old child. Today, I heard of, you know, the passing of one of the mother of one of one of our friends. Who's Pamela you know, just saw his mother on Friday. Today, Sunday. She was in good health. She had no health conditions, no health issues, and she passed away in her sleep. Just that fast. You don't know none of us knows if we're gonna wake up

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tomorrow. None of us knows if we're gonna go to sleep tonight. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us a long life upon the man in Islam, with good health, strength, and wisdom. I mean.

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So let's look at this again. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, it is not right for a Muslim who wishes to request something to spend two nights except that he has his written request with him. To make sure that you write it down, make sure that it is documented, make sure that you leave some sort of instructions to the people who are on this earth after we leave this earth. Because remember, when we leave, we can't tell people what to do. We can't leave instructions to them. So we have to start by leaving instructions from now. So what is the amount of wealth recommended to bequest what is the amount that we are allowed to leave? Or to,

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to specify to be given and distributed to certain people? How much can we actually allocate from our wealth? Saturday May not be what costs are the longer unsaid the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to visit me while I was in Makkah.

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And he disliked for one to die in the land from which one had emigrated.

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He said, may Allah have mercy on even afar?

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who had died in the land from which he had emigrated? Right.

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Basically, if you left the land, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not like for someone to pass away in that land because they left that land for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to go to a different land that was better for them for the dean, right?

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So sad, even a viewer cos says I said O Messenger of Allah, shallow, bequest, all of my wealth.

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So he's asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Shall I bequest, all of my wealth, shall I appoint all of my wealth to be given to certain people?

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He said, No.

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I said, half

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of my wealth. He said, No. Then I said, a third

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of his wealth.

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And he replied, son, Allahu Allahu wa sallam by saying 1/3

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is permissible, but even 1/3

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is a lot. So 1/3 but 1/3 is a lot. This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying is that let's just say you have

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$100,000 or $99,000. Right? And

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you are Saturday. But of course, you're asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Shall I leave the $99,000? That I have

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to, you know, certain people

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as a bequest, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, No, he says, Shall I leave half of it? What's half $45,000? Right? No, sorry, 45 or six or 747? in half, right? So he says, No, says Shall I leave 1/3 and the profits no longer any usnm says 1/3 and 1/3 is a lot. So basically $33,000 of the $99,000, the other $66,000 you leave for inheritance, right? The people who will inherit from you. Now the Hadees continues. So he says 1/3 is permissible. But even 1/3 is a lot. He says, so the longer it was, for you to leave your heirs wealthy, is better than to leave them dependent on what the people give them. As in if they are poor, and they have to beg, they have to ask people for

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wealth. It's better for you to leave the people who you leave behind from your family members, your heirs, those who will inherit from you. It's better to leave them wealthy than it is to leave them poor. And you'll notice that Subhana Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says this yet there are some people who think we need to give all of our wealth and leave our families with nothing. And they use the example of Abubakar Viola and an earthman of the lung, or, and an aroma of nuclear power, but on the long run, and many have this habit of the Allahu Allahu gave all of their wealth, half of their wealth, a third of their wealth, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be used for the Muslims.

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But I always remind people, when you see that Abu Bakar of the old man comes and gives all of his wealth.

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He's giving all the wealth that he had with him now here physically.

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But he was still a wealthy businessman who had businesses running trade, he was a merchant of cloth material, right. And so the very next day, his family was receiving wealth, once again, even though he may have gone and left with all of their physical wealth that they had in their possessions there. And then, the next day, that few days later, you know, as sales are being made, and the people who work for him were, you know, trading, the wealth that they accumulated, obviously, is going to the well set up a worker of the Alolan head.

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So I always like to use that as an example, because many a time we find people saying that we need to leave our families with nothing. And if we pass away, they have nothing hamdulillah No, the profits on a longer alayhi wa sallam is saying,

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for you to leave your heirs wealthy is better than to leave them dependent on what people give them. Therefore, we should be planning and this is a reminder to myself first, planning and investing and building the capital, that we have money that we have investments property, build it up so that our family members after we pass away are able to attain acquire that wealth, and they can live comfortably, especially especially for brothers who have you know, for the brothers who have their spouse and their children to look after. Right? It's absolutely important. I don't know what will happen. Right? And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us in our families, to never be

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in a condition in a state where they are poor, and they have nothing and they have to beg and ask others. I mean, so the Hadith continues. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, For you to leave your heirs wealthy is better than to leave them dependent on what the people give them. Whatever you spend properly, will be an act of charity. Even the morsel of food that you raise to your wife's mouth, perhaps Allah May lengthen your life, so that some people may benefit from you, while others will be harmed due to you at this, at that time, sad had only one daughter. So sad, or the yellow and only had one daughter to inherit from him. Okay, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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mentions even like, you know, a sadaqa is an act of charity can even be the morsel of food that you

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Place in your wife's mouth, where you give to her to eat. Nowadays which wife eats from the hands of their husband? Right? And the problem is not the wife. The problem is which husband takes the food and puts it to the mouth of their wife?

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Yeah, romance Sharla we get better at it shuttlepod

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Okay, let's move on. This is important now. There is no bequests for the pre determined heirs, those who are already mentioned as inheritors of our wealth, there is no need to appoint them as someone who will receive a bequest from us because they're not entitled to it. Okay. So for example, someone says that, actually, let's read through this first. So there's no request for the pre determined heirs of mama bear, Haley, said that he heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say during his speech of the farewell pilgrimage, the final sermon.

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Verily, Allah has given each his due, right. Thus, there is no bequest for the pre determined heirs. Here's an example.

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For example, there's a husband, who has a wife and two children, whether son or daughter, okay, I'm not going to get into the specifics, because it's going to confuse you right now. And next week, we're starting the chapter on inheritance, not this week. So

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that's all the family members, for example, that this person has all of their other relatives, siblings passed away, no cousins, no uncles, no aunts. No.

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No parents, no grandparents, everyone else has passed away, for example.

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This person cannot say, in their will, that I want all my wealth to be divided up, according to the Shetty. And I'm also leaving this as a bequest to this daughter or this son, and that as a bequest to my wife, you can't do that.

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If they're already going to be those who are inheriting from you. So the ones that are mentioned and will be inheriting from us, we can't leave them the quest.

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Okay, this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that it's better to leave them wealthy. So don't give away all your wealth. Don't appoint it to others, leaving your family with nothing. And I no examples of this. People think, oh, no one does that. No, no, no, this happens very often. It's happens very often, where people put in their will. And because we live in Canada, the will is not necessarily carried out islamically because it's carried out the way they make their will. And so they say in their will. I want, you know, my son and my daughter to inherit everything from me. And my wife gets nothing.

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Where's she going to live? Now? You know, the inheritance. Part of the inheritance is the house that your wife is living in. Right? And so now you pass away, she has no home, and your children start fighting over that. They're like, well, the house is worth a million, we need to sell it because it's $500,000 I need the 500,000 I gotta go buy a house on my own right? Dad left me the house 50% of the houses money, for example. Right? If it's being split 5050. So So Pamela, and that's another issue is the percentages that are being used? You know, in North America, or in Canada, let's just talk about our own country, you know, just the division of wealth. Sometimes people say I want it to

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be split equally amongst my children. And because that's what's written in the wealth legally, you've got to go with it. Right? And so what else you have no choice. Right? You have no choice, but 5050. And everyone else misses out.

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And this is where within the dean, we look at those who will inherit a loss Penwith Allah mentions within the court. What again, we'll look at that later.

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But to leave them with the majority of the wealth is important, because we have a responsibility to look after them. They're our family. Yeah, you have larina Ave, CO and fusa como alikum. Now, right, you will have that responsibility as a husband in particular to look after your family. Right. So that's something to keep in mind. As the Prophet sallallahu ascended mentioned, Verily, Allah has given each his due right. Thus there is no request for the pre determined heir. Now. What can be done? What can be done? Some people say, Well, wait a second. A brother, for example, came to me. This was a few years ago.

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And he said, I have four children

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and I live in my house.

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With my wife.

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And I have four other properties. He has, he had four other homes and totally has five homes. And he said, I want to write in my will, that all of these houses, one will be given to each of my children and my wife will get the house that we're living in.

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Can I put that in my will?

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Well, you can't request that to your children or to your wife, because they are those who will inherit from you already.

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And then again, you're looking at, what are you giving away? Are you giving away all of your wealth? So he said, No, no, no, I have, he said, Hamdulillah, I have, you know, a very generous amount of money in his bank account. And, you know, that will will be used to divide according to the Sharia. So it was like, Wait a second, you're going to give each person a house, and the wealth now is going to be divided according to the Sharia. He's like, yes. So okay, so one of the things that I would suggest that you do is, if you really want them to have these, these properties, one each, they're probably going to fight over which house they want. After you pass away, one will say I want the

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bigger one, the other one says, I don't want the one that's in that area, I want the one that's in this city, I want the one that's closer to mom, and so on and so forth, they're all going to start arguing. So my suggestion is

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from now,

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give them those houses as gifts. Right?

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Give them most houses.

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It now belongs to them. You may have an agreement in it, in that, you know, contract that okay, I'm gifting you that you're my second son, you're getting this house, you're, you're the third child, you're getting that house, you're the fourth and these homes are being rented out, your agreement might be okay, I'm giving you the home, this is your home, and you know, a certain percentage that you're going to give me from it from the rent or something of that sort, whatever the case is, right?

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But what's important to keep in mind is if you give someone a gift in your life, then it's no longer yours. So I reminded him once you give your home, for example, the home you're living in, I said, do you do you want your wife to have that home? When you pass away? He said, Yes. I said, so then gift it to her now.

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Let it be her home. Right? Change the name,

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the ownership of it from you to her, and it's her home. Right? Of course, you got to go through it legally and do all this stuff. And you can contact Shabazz, right? He's a real estate agent, or broker, he can help you, inshallah, to figure these things out.

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And then the other properties, give them away as gifts now, and that's something that we can do, right? You have something that you want someone to have after you pass away, why wait until after you pass away? Give it to them now. Get rid of it. Now, it will humble us, it will make us more humble before Allah. So how do we tap into the best gifts or the gifts that we give to our families? Right? The best type of sadaqa is the sadaqa that is done to family and what is it don't consider it like a sadaqa like oh my god, I'm giving charity to my family know any good deed that we do is considered a sadaqa it's good deeds, its rewards for us and the best sadaqa the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam teaches us is the sadaqa that we do towards our family as in the gifts that we give and look after our family with. So do that now. Share it with them, right? And hamdulillah if you have wealth, then you're good. You have wealth to fall back on. And that wealth as in the money that's in your

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bank account, or in your savings or wherever else it is, that will be used to

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be divided up as inheritance, right? So that's a way of going about it. People say it, can I write it in my will afterwards my children will get it No, remember, that's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that those who are inheriting from you are not you're not allowed to bequest, something to them.

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And an example of what people do sometimes, like I know, my my wife's uncle.

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He passed away and he had no children wasn't married.

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And he from his wealth, his home.

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So a portion of his wealth was his home he gave in sadaqa to

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an Islamic charity. Right and Islamic Relief organization and sort of hamdulillah he left that aspect of his wealth to be given away and no family member claimed that right the other stuff, the inheritance is there. But you know, that was given off to someone else, to the organization and the law to be used.

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For those that are in need, right

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Alright, so what should be written at the beginning of the request what should be written at the beginning of the request

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unece at the lower end said they used to write the following at the beginning of their bequests as in the Sahaba, the Allaha and Han used to write the following at the beginning of their bequests, In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. This is the quest of so and so who bears witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone, without any partners, and that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. He also bears witness that the hour is coming without any doubt, and that Allah shall resurrect those in the graves. I advise those who might have left behind from my family, to fear a law and make matters proper between them.

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I also advise them to obey Allah and His Messenger, if they are truly believers, I advise them with what Prophet Ibrahim Ali has sent him advised his two sons and Yaqoob.

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All My Sons, Allah has chosen for you the religion and therefore do not die, except as Muslims.

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Powerful, isn't it? Now think of writing this at the beginning of an official document that you leave and you pass away. And those who are left behind open up this document, see it and read it. The very first thing that they're reading is not like who's getting what wealth it's a reminder to fear Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and to obey Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as in follow the Quran and follow the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and if you truly are believers, then you will do what is found within the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Adda us that in itself powerful statement. Now, this is something that is used as you

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an example to show what this habit of the law no one would put in a request or right at the beginning of a request.

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And of course, have a lot you know, any reminder you can include like add a hedgies, or Ayat of the Quran. What Turku Yeoman to Raja Runa fee in Allah Salma to West Kowloon FC Marchesa Toma Islam on verse number 185, sort of tillbaka right, what Taku Yeoman total Jamuna fee in Allah some metal wolf cool unit FC Makassar at one law with lamode I believe it's 185.

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The last idea as Chateau de Allah mentions is the last idea that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Reminding those who are now going to divide our wealth, not to argue over it don't become divided over it be united for the sake of Allah. Fear Allah subhanho wa Taala is punishment if you do something wrong,

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and be conscious and aware of the fact that one day you will stand before Allah what duck uhlmann total Gerona fee, no fee and Allah that you will, you know, you will leave this world as well and you will stand before Allah subhana wa Tada. So do what's right.

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Thumb to with cool lunasin maca said that all right, every single one of us will leave this world you don't have a choice to guarantee every one of us that's here. We don't have a choice in this. It is the guarantee of our life that we will die. Right? There's no other guarantees. There's no guarantee you're gonna hear there's no guarantee you're going to eat. There's no guarantee you're gonna smell there's no guarantee you're gonna see there's no guarantee you're gonna walk. There's no guarantee you're going to talk there's no guarantee. There's no guarantee that there's that there's a tomorrow for you, but there's a guarantee the death will come at some point in time. And we don't

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know when

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we move on. When does the person receive what he was bequeathed? So when can a person receive what was left for them by someone who passed away.

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The one receiving a bequest is not entitled to it until after the bequeath either has died. So the person who's leaving the wealth behind for them has passed away.

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And after his debts have been paid off

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if his debts can

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Assume all of his estate.

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Nothing is to be given as a request

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earlier or the Aloha and said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Sorry, earlier the longer answered the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to settle the debts before fulfilling the bequests, even though you recite in the Quran as the ayah mentions, after any bequests made, or debts to be paid, okay, after any requests made, or debts to be paid.

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there's a reason for that. Why is it that we pay off the debts first, because that is outstanding. And the bequest is extra. That's a bonus. But someone is already in debt, someone is owed his old wealth. So we need to pay off that debt, first, clear the debt, and then we can

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see what's left, right, and give that fulfill that. Okay.

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An important thing to keep in mind. And this is the last thing that will take in a lot of data and important note,

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given that the majority of people today are engaged in very shady stuff,

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as I was mentioning before, right, they're engaged in very shady stuff as in things that are an innovation in the deen right, not following the proper method of fulfilling you know, the will or you know, leaving inheritance or bequests, especially in matters related to Gen as a funeral, right? It becomes obligatory upon a Muslim to write a bequest demanding that he or she be prepared and buried, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet send along it was sent them. So think of that as something to write as well.

00:32:14 --> 00:32:15

That you leave behind

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00:32:20 --> 00:32:30

who will properly look after your janazah. Now remember, especially us living here in Canada, or in North America, or in Muslim minority countries.

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We may have relatives that are not Muslim, we may have someone in our community who is new to Islam, or embraced Islam many years ago, but is the sole person who embraced Islam in their family. Now, when they pass away, who's going to look after the genetic or the funeral of that person. And this does happen at times where a Muslim passes away, but the family members are not Muslim. And they request and take charge take responsibility of burying that person in a way that is an Islamic I even know cases of Muslims who have passed away, but because there's no Muslim relative near them, or around them, or no Muslim relative at all, that that Muslim gets cremated

00:33:25 --> 00:33:26

and buried.

00:33:27 --> 00:33:55

I know examples of that were a Muslim who embraced Islam, but because none of their family or relatives are Muslim, that there is no one there to carry out from the family a jenessa an Islamic funeral for that Muslim who passed away so the non Muslim family goes about conducting the funeral the way they want. I know Muslims that were cremated and buried

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because their non Muslim family members looked after the funeral. And so one of the things that we're we are advised to do is to not just create a will and leave you know instructions there.

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But to point out who will receive a bequest and what it is and what amount but to also indicate that my funeral should be an Islamic funeral and you can even go through certain things and mentioned do not do this. Do not put things in my in my coffin. Do not put a Koran or verses of Quran in there with me. Do not put roses in there. Do not put jewelry or rings or watches or things in there Do not you know dress me up in a suit or anything No.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:59

Indicate those things if you feel that your family may do that or if you fear that that may be something that gets carried out and and no Muslim or no one else is around to

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To help out remember, sometimes the Muslim community cannot step in because the family has the right to look after certain things.

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And so despite a person being a Muslim,

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sometimes it's very hard for the Muslim community members who are not relatives have that person to actually carry out a janessa. Some, some, some families refuse and they say, Nope, not coming to the mosque, we will do a funeral for our son or daughter that passed away, for example, upon the religion that we are, or the face that they are on, right the beliefs that they are upon. ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for every single one of us. So this Act would be implemented, would be an implementation of the verse of the Quran where Allah Subhana Allah says, which is verse number six of suta to hareem. Yeah, you are Latina, m Anu enforcer, como le canara, Mako Johannes, will

00:35:58 --> 00:36:05

hija de la Hana he catenary nails and she did lie asuna la Hannah Amara home wife aluna May

00:36:07 --> 00:36:12

Allah Subhana Allah says, Oh you believe ward off from yourselves and your family members.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:27

A fire whose fuel is men and stones over which are acquainted angels, stern and severe, who dis who do not disobeyed Allah's command

00:36:28 --> 00:36:36

they receive that they receive from a lot, but they do that which they're commanded to do.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:59

So from this, this habit of the lower and home of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to leave a bequest that there janessa is carried out in the Islamic manner. According to the Quran and the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are reports of this to can be found,

00:37:00 --> 00:37:31

for example, and it had been sad, even of you what cos told his son during his final illness, right when he was ill just before passing away, make the grave with a niche to the side and erect a brick over it, as they had done for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he gave him instructions to bury me, in the same manner of the grave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay.

00:37:33 --> 00:38:11

As in bury me in a grave that is similar to the grave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which is, and I've spoken about this before, it's a grave that's dug, and there's a niche to the right and a niche to the left, right. So you know, there's one person one grievous dug down, there's one person on his side, one on the other side, he says, make the grave with a niche to the side and erect a brick over it, as in the method is to just put a stone at the head in the foot to indicate that there's a grave here, not to put an actual Tombstone, but just, you know, a stone just to indicate that there's a grave here, so no one goes walking all over the grave malice panel, which is

00:38:11 --> 00:38:34

to protect us all, and grant us the ability to fulfill the son of the prophet SAW lava and he was Solomon, follow the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Anna, you know, that we do. I mean, so there were some questions there, I'll open it up for q&a. But if you feel like you want to leave anything as a bequest, you know, to, to this humble person feel free.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:37

You know, Subhana Allah.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:43

I remember when we were living in Malaysia,

00:38:45 --> 00:39:37

people leave their wealth to the massage it or leave their wealth to Islamic organizations, charities, right? So they appoint a portion of their wealth as a bequest to the poor, so that they're giving sadaqa from their wealth, and then the rest goes to their family. Now, of course, remember the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, 1/3 and 1/3 is a lot. And it is better to leave our family as in our heirs, wealthy than for them to go about asking and receiving wealth from others, begging, right. So make sure that we don't leave our families in a situation where they do not have wealth to survive and look after themselves and maintain a lifestyle that

00:39:37 --> 00:39:37

they have.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:48

Any questions? I'll scroll up here, I saw some before. If anyone has any questions, feel free to type it in. This is your chance.

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

Ready to go.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:06


00:40:08 --> 00:40:51

someone says, Is it haram to want money and be well off? No, it's not harm to be well off. We just should not love wealth so much that we start to worship the wealth that we have. Right wealth comes and goes, comes in one hand and it goes, right comes in and goes, doesn't penetrate our hearts is and doesn't get to our hearts, we don't start loving wealth more than we love the love spanaway to Allah, we don't start missing our Salah, we don't start skipping out on aspects of our Deen, because we're busy working and I need the wealth, I need the wealth, I need the wealth, right? We make sure that we earn and we are allowed to live comfortable, well off lives. Alhamdulillah but remember, the

00:40:51 --> 00:41:23

more that we give the more or less bandwidth Allah gives us. And when you read through, you know, the lives of some of us have, it'll be a lot more I know, man, even the terrain and so on, they would give so much in sadaqa, that Allah would bless them with so much more and they didn't know what to do with it except to give more like I have all that I need and more so I need to give charity so they give in charity. And because they're giving more now and charity Allah gives them more than we don't know what to do with this. So they keep giving that charity and Allah keeps multiplying it and multiplying and multiplying that becomes super super wealthy by giving and giving

00:41:23 --> 00:41:25

and giving. And so

00:41:26 --> 00:42:07

train ourselves we should train ourselves to give, give something small at least. And remember Allah Subhana Allah says Allah you know I had to come to your head, as he may your head will enough see that none of us will truly and fully have a strong sense of Eamon right as in our email is not complete until had your head bully a fee until he loves until you love for your brother, which you love for yourself as a new love for someone else what you'd love for yourself. If you love these glasses for yourself, then you should love to give them to someone else. And they're just blue light glasses, by the way. So they're not like, you know, super expensive funky glasses. There's just like

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00:42:12 --> 00:42:16

can we find is written somewhere. Okay, mentioned that book.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:23

Any other questions? No questions. I'm glad we have a good attendance today. It's nice, nice to see.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:30

All right. Alright, so keep in mind, first of all, those who

00:42:32 --> 00:42:47

are inheriting from you a few key points to remember those who will inherit from you. And we will start the chapter of inheritance tomorrow. So today, we started and finished the chapter and bequests. Those who will inherit from you are not allowed to receive a request from you.

00:42:48 --> 00:42:59

Okay, and 1/3 is a lot as in the most that we should leave as a request to someone or to others is 1/3 of our wealth that remains.

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And debts should be cleared out before the distribution of any bequest. Okay, so these are key points to keep in mind. Remember, again, the example that I gave of the brother who had five houses for children and a spouse. And he wanted to leave each one of them with a house after he passed away. And remember, I encouraged him, you know what, why, why leave it to them later? Why not give it to them now? Why make them struggle now to earn a house or to own a house? Why not just give it to them now? And so how Allah he actually said that he was going to do that, right that he would, and I know this brother, I've, you know, prior to COVID, he's elderly, unless Pena we gotta keep him

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safe. I need to give him a call. He's elderly, so he hasn't come to the masjid throughout COVID. But I know he would always ask me questions and always do the things that you know, the answers he got, if there was a Sonic, you know, proof backing it up from the Quran or the Sunday he would do it and carry it out. So I'm pretty sure this brother did that right, where he gave the properties away to his children, and whatever wealth he has left and that will be divided, you know,

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accordingly, must finally try to bless all of you with lots of wealth, wealth, that you give in sadaqa in charity, and you enjoy from it luxuries of this dunya and May Allah subhana wa jal and make it a means for your entrance into paradise and be something that works for you and not against you on the day that we stand before loss penalty to Allah mean and their loss. panaderia grant me myself and my family, that wealth as well. I mean,

00:44:51 --> 00:44:59

I'm notarizing Muslim wills so I know that in Milton we have Han law right con law

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

You can go to them to to have your will notarized I know that

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they worked closely with check it out as well to figure out the Islamic method of the wills and stuff like that so that would be a resource in Shama

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you can also go to

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so if you're looking for people say we want to find an Islamic will like a

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template so go to Muslim will.ca okay Muslim will.ca and you'll be able to handle other Canadian Council demands as accredited that are basically certified it is in its properties that make Will you could fill that out and then take it to get notarized inshallah so if you want to just look through that go to Muslim world.ca I know they used to have a option where you can pay I don't know how much it was but they would have it notarized for you. I'm not sure if that's still an a service that they're offering. But you could still you know, fill it all out and then you can print it afterwards and a document is kept there as well. So like you can have the PDF documented and so on.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:18

And then you can just get that notarized and handle that makes it super easy, streamlined.

00:46:19 --> 00:46:22

No no issues there. I hope that's

00:46:24 --> 00:46:53

you know, the information was clear today and next week in sha Allah will start the chapter on inheritance where you need to do some math Subhan Allah inheritance is tricky my last Penwith Allah make easy for every single one of us does not come alone Hayden. I'll see all of you soon. Panic alone will be handy. Masha Allah in in the internet still Filipina to break some law or send them over AutoCAD and have been hammered while earlier some of you are selling him or send him or any commodity lucky

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