Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – Sunday July 18, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of fasting during the day is discussed, including the use of expiration deadlines and intentions in actions. The use of words and actions in situations where there is uncertainty and the importance of breaking any oath. The use of mobile food and clothing can avoid overwhelming the system and avoid eating too many people, and guidance is key in achieving Islamist goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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righty. Let's get started

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa he was Salam O Allah to be healed Karim Allah He follows Salah to Adam tasleem rubbish really suddenly were suddenly Emery watnall orchidectomy lisanti of Coco Lee, my brothers and my sisters. Isetta more Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. So today is Sunday, July 18 2021. It is also the eighth of the hedger. In fact, at Madrid, it's going to be the ninth of the ledger. So tomorrow is the day of alpha, the ninth of the ledger. And the day after tomorrow will be the day varied in sha Allah how to add at all

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for the

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for the year, what are we 1442 right? So hamdulillah you know, tomorrow's a day of Ramadan mercy. Tomorrow is a day where do as accepted tours a day that Allah subhana wa with Allah forgives the sins of the previous year and the year to come?

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So it is encouraged, of course, through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to fast tomorrow. Some people were asking me a messaging, should we fast on the ninth and the 10th?

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You know, or the eighth and the ninth, right? Like for Ashura? But no, the answer to that is no. We fast on the day of alpha, and we don't need to follow up with two days of fasting, of course, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of out of sorry, on the DVD, the other power

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after the prayer, he would then sacrifice the animal, and then have some of the meat of the animal that he sacrificed the lamb,

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you know,

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cooked, prepared and would eat from it, right? So that's one of the things that the Prophet sallallahu ala usnm, would do. So for us here, what we need to focus on in sha Allah and just give me a second, I'm just gonna I'm going to adjust this camera a bit, if you don't mind. It's just a little off.

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There we go.

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Yeah, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, of course, it's encouraged to fast tomorrow. And so we encourage ourselves to do that. Now, today, we are continuing, I know that usually, we will learn about the thick of certain things that are relevant, but we went over that on Friday night, so Friday night, those of you who missed out on the Friday lecture, you can go back to either my YouTube or Instagram or the mustards, YouTube or Instagram or my Facebook as well and you can watch the recording of what we taught on Friday night. And again, we were encouraging people to fast on the day of alpha and also explained the read prayer. So for those that missed it, the thick of the

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read prayer and how to go about the day have varied

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you know, especially looking at all this can't wait to trim this after the animal sacrifice after the David read the prayer that needs prayer, right trimming the nails men can't stand it don't know how how women do it. You know, the long nails and lots of Callaway data you know, guide us all but long nails, not something that's easy to do. And all this fuzz and Amazon rain forest is growing under my nose just needs to come off on the law.

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So all of that we described and explained on Friday night so if you missed it and you're curious as to how to go about the day of the day of iPhone what to do, how to spend the day, how to pray that prayer what to do in the morning preparing on the way going to the prayer and coming back from the prayer and so on. Then go and watch Friday night's lecture inshallah, as a simple reminder, before we get into our topic,

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do I owe that we should say regularly on the day of alpha as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say, la isla in the law where the hula Shetty Keller not only molekule Alhamdulillah Allah Felicia in recorded in the law, the hula Sherry Keller library Maluku al hamdu lillahi wa ala colletion Kadir

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you could add to it let you know in a lot way they will ask

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Hello Hello Ollie malko Allah will handle your healing you need to be identified one more Allah coalition Kadir, you know, that's a drought of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he would say, on the day of our offer. Okay.

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So we took oaths last week, okay, we started the chapter on oaths and vows, and we looked at

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the first two of three oaths that are out there. Okay. The first one is the unintentional oath. And then the second one we looked at was the false oath. And today we're going to be looking at the inactive oath. Right? What is the inactive oath? Well, it's not a false oath. Right. And it is not the unintentional oath. The unintentional oath, as we said, last week, was, you know, when you go to Saudi Arabia, you go for hydrometer or you go to, you know,

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a dinner with a bunch of Arab friends. They are, you know, constantly saying one law, right? Well, my family to get out, well, they had to do well, but again, you know, everything's one Lalalala. But that's just general lingo for them, right? That's just the way they talk. So it's an unintentional oath, okay. They're not taking an oath by Allah Subhana Allah swearing By Allah, it is just taking the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala as Vicar as remembrance, okay. Today we're looking at the inactive oath and its rulings what is an inactive oath, an inactive oath refers to that oath, which was intended by the person who made it and he or she is determined to fill it as a way of

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emphasizing that he or she is going to do or not going to do a specific act. So basically, it's an oath that a person says, I'm going to do so and so thing or I'm not going to do so and so thing and they take the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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as a you know, assurance or as emphasis that they are actually going to do that thing or not going to do that thing. For example, one law he, a person says, Well law he, I'm going to drink out of this cup, and they drink out of it, and a person says, Well, I will never use this cup again. Right? You know, that's an oath that's taken now we're going to look at whether that's permissible or not, okay, we're gonna look at whether that is permissible or not in a minute or two inshallah, or in a few minutes.

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So if the person fulfills their oath, there is nothing further upon them. So if a person says, well, law II, I'm going to attend tonight's class, and they come in, they attend tonight's class, cos it's done. There's nothing upon them, okay? However, if he or she breaks his oath, he must expiate it as Allah subhanho wa Taala has said with respect to oaths, in Surah Baqarah, verse number 225. When can you see lukumi mercaz Sabbath kulu bukom Allah subhanho wa Taala also said, while lacking you O phaedo can be met tomorrow.

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So it must have Han with Allah says

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he as an Allah will call you to account for that which your hearts have earned.

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And the loss of hanaway data also says he will punish you for your deliberate oaths. Okay.

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So a person who takes an oath must follow through with it, or there's an expiation that we'll look at. Later on in sha Allah Tada.

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oaths are determined by their intentions, okay, I'm going to know football better The longer I narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, verily, all actions are based on intention. So every single action is based on the intentions now if a person intends to take an oath, then they've taken an oath. If they're not intending an oath, then they're not intending an oath. Okay. We'll take an example of that. If someone swears by something, but inside, he is concealing something different.

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Then the determining factor is his intention, and not his wording.

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Okay. swayed, even humbler said we went out intending to go to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. With us was well, even, even Hojo.

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Along the way, an enemy of his grabbed him.

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The people found it very difficult to make an oath, stating that he was with them. Therefore I swore, okay, he says, I swore that he was my brother, and therefore he should be let go.

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When we came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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I informed him that the people felt very uncomfortable about making this oath. But I swore that he was my brother. The profits on a long ladder he was seldom then said, You have told the truth. A Muslim is a brother to another Muslim.

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So what do we see here? We see something similar to the eggs into the example of Ibrahim Ali has sent him with who with his wife. Which wife

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with sada. Right. Ibrahim Ali has sent him with his wife. When

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Yeah, Ibrahim Allah has sent him with his wife, when they are questioned as to their relationship. And it is mentioned that this is my sister to sister in Islam, it's his wife, but it's his sister in Islam in faith, right. So a similar example there that we see with the Sahaba, the alloga and home. Thus, the intention of the one making the oath is taken into consideration. Okay, so the intention of the one who is taking the oath or making oath is taken into consideration. Unless accept, okay, there's always an exception, or there's almost always an exception, okay? Unless he is asked to swear to something as in taken oath, regarding something specific,

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for example, a judge in a court of law, right? Ask someone swear by a law that you're telling the truth. And they swear by Allah, that they're telling the truth or swear by Allah, that you were in this place at that time on that day with that person, and they take an oath and swear by Allah that they were in, you know, at a certain place with a certain person at a specific time. Okay. So if they're being asked about something specific, if he is asked to swear to something, something specific as we mentioned, then it is the intention of the one doing the requesting, that is the overriding factor. What are the Allah who reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said, the oath is according to the intention of the one who requested it. So if the judge is requesting an oath from you, then it is according to that not according to what you as the one saying the oath intends, as we saw in the previous example. So the difference here is the previous example it was saying, I swear He is my brother.

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is not your real blood brother Alicia beep, but he's your brother in Islam. Right or your sister in Islam in belief.

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Here the difference is the judges saying take an oath and swear to this specifically, okay. So now you have to act upon the request of the oath. Right?

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You cannot lie. You cannot play with words right display on words. You can't do that. In this case. The oath is according to the intention of the one who requested it as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he also narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said of what I love the Allah and narrative that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, your oath is on what your companion is telling you to affirm. So if a judge for example, Muslim judge is asking you, Do you swear by a law that you were in this place at that time with this person? Yes, I swear by a law that I was in this place at that time with this person.

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You don't have a choice there. Okay.

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Okay, we move on forgetting or doing something by mistake does not break one's oath, forgetting to fulfill the oath, or doing something by mistake, that goes against the oath that was taking, does not break the oath.

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If it makes an oath not to do something, or

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sorry, and then out of forgetfulness or mistakingly.

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He does that act. then in this case, he has not broken his oath.

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In the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Baqarah verse number 286 on Benelli to

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Our board, do not punish us. If we forget or fall into error. If we make a mistake.

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We forget, then we ask Allah Subhana Allah not to punish us, right? So we use this as evidence to say that if a person took an oath and said, Well, why he today, I'm not going to use your mug.

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And later in the day to forget and they go and they take your mug and they drink out of it. Oh, I forgot that I wasn't supposed to that I took an oath. They said I wasn't gonna do that. Call us.

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It's not upon you. You did not break the oath, you forgot a law made you forget. Right, I'll need you to forget.

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Okay, making an exception, while stating the oath, making an exception while stating the oath.

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If, for example, someone makes an oath and says, if Allah wills insha, Allah, He has made an exception to the oath.

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As such, there is no such thing as breaking this kind of oath. Someone says,

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will lie he, I'm not going to use your mug for the rest of the day in sha Allah,

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then that is basically an oath

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with an open door, right? It's an oath, that isn't really an oath.

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It's intending something, while stating that if something else happens, I'm not held responsible.

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I know it sounds weird. But when we say insha Allah

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then it's saying that I leave it up to Allah. And if Allah chooses for me to do something differently than how can you hold me account to it? Right.

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And so we see in an example of even our model, the Allahumma, who said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever makes an oath and says, if Allah wills insha Allah,

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then he may fulfill the oath if he wishes or discard it without violating the oath.

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Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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which is greeted as Sahih authentic, I shift a little Bernie, and found in

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the sight of sun and magia and also in Abu Dawood and recorded by a necessity. Okay. So staying in Sha, Allah to an oath is basically opening the door to not fulfilling that oath. And if that oath is not fulfilled, then there's no expiation upon it.

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Now, whoever swears to do something and then finds a better thing to do.

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Okay, you take an oath,

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that you're going to do something but you realize there's something better that you should do instead of that.

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Example, Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrated by Abu Zubaydah or the lover and where he says

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that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if a person swears an oath, and then finds that something is better than what he swore to, then he should do that better thing, and expiate for his oath.

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So for example, someone says to their wife, husband says to his wife, while llahi, I'm not going to talk to you for the rest of the day,

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and his wife shows kindness to him. And through that, Allah Subhana, Allah softens his heart. And he feels like he wants to be kind to her and speak to her. But he said, Well, law he, I won't speak to you for the rest of the day.

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Isn't it better for you to resolve the difference between the two of you and to start to speak to her? She's showing some sort of compassion, some showing some sort of, you know, mercy, some some sort of discussion between the two of you should take place to resolve the issue that's happened to between the two of you, shouldn't you do that? Yes, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions if a person swears an oath, and then finds that something is better than what he swore to, then he should do that better thing, and expiate for his oath. So you break your oath, and you do that which is better? Because it's better for you. Just because sometimes people say

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you'll find at times a father will say, well, lahia will never let you marry this person.

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or, even better. A father

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We'll say to his daughter, well law he, I will never let you get married until you turn 30 years old or even better, well law, he will never let you get married until you finish your PhD.

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And his daughter says, two years later, when she's applying for her master's,

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Baba, if you don't get me married,

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I'm going to find a boyfriend.

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I'm going to start dating.

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Or I'll find someone myself. And I'll just get married.

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I will appoint a new

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a new wikia. And I will get married, without your permission, someone else will grant me that permission.

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Father says no to bad

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law, he I will never let you get married until you finish your PhD.

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And then along comes this awesome guy

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who fits the perfect description of who he wants

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to find for his daughter, and fits the perfect description of what she wants in a husband and she wants to marry this person. And he's like, not what law he I'm never gonna let you get married until you finish your PhD.

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This is an example of how it's better for him to break his oath and to allow that which is better to happen and to take place then for him to hold on to that oath. And of course, you know, that is this is an example of oppression. This is a form of oppression for someone to do this to their daughter or to their son, and loss of Hannah want to add and make it easy for every single one of us to follow through with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and do what is right.

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You know, so many parents and I don't want to get into a marriage discussion right now. But so many parents do listen to their children by forcing them to stay

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in a state that is pleasing to the parents pleasing to the family, but not pleasing to the person.

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And regretting it years later. Or,

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you know, a number of things happen I don't want to get into is how to love so many things. I can talk about this topic all day. And now let's find a way to add to make it easy for all of our young adults actually make it easy for all our Muslim brothers and sisters, whether young or younger, okay, whether young or younger. What I mean by that is young

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or younger,

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in a respectful way. Now let make it easy for everyone who's looking to get married, to fulfill their marriage in a halal way and to find and to be blessed and happy with the person that they are happy with and pleased with. And a person that helps to fulfill their Deen for them and with them.

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I know Dennis you're absolutely right. The way the Muslims using sha Allah these days does not mean

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do not mean what they want to say. Yes. So Hello brother called me yesterday. And it was as I'm leaving to go lead Juma? Like I'm pressed on time. And he's like athlete, can you tell and I completely forgot till now. I didn't I didn't even respond to the messages you might even be watching now. Forgive me for watching and he's like, you know, can you check the messages and respond to it? I'm like, right now I'm heading to Juma and I was super busy Friday actually wasn't even yesterday today Sunday's panel. Look at where my mind is right? Friday Saturday Sunday is just back to back busy and

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I was looking shot lol check it later. You know, I haven't even checked the messages yet. I'll respond to it when I check the messages. And he's like, a real inshallah, you know, not a fake inshallah. I'm like, oh, inshallah I will but I'm not. I'm not the person that says the fake in sha Allah and then doesn't do it. I say the insha Allah and try to do it. If I say I'm going to do something, I try my best to do it. If Allah Subhana Allah doesn't make it easy for me to do. The content of Allah subhana wa without and I still didn't even check the messages I just remembered now and had been back to back all day and Subhanallah

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we can start soon.

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Allah knows best. Alright, prohibition to insist on one's oath. Okay prohibition to insist on one's oath.

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Allah will look at the use of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or the Allahu Allah narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, By Allah, it is more sinful in Allah's sight.

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For one of you to persist in an oath regarding his family, than giving the expiation which Allah has obligated, I'll say this again. And it ties into what we were just talking about prohibition to insist in on one's oath

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or a narrative that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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by Allah.

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It is more sinful in Allah's sight, for one of you to persist in an oath regarding his family, than giving the expiation which Allah has obligated.

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And look at the explanation of this hadith. The word in the Hadees implies continuing act, even after its error has been made clear. mm and know where we are. Law stated that the meaning of this hadith is that a person makes an oath, whose continual pursuance is harmful to his family.

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And thus, he should break his oath and expiate for it. Instead, the person insists that he will not break the oath, out of fear that he will be committing a sin. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam encourages us, if there is something that we've taken an oath to, and we are persistent upon it, and it is related to our family, and there's something better that we should be doing, but it, it includes includes or requires us to break our oath, then break the oath, and have the expiation of the sins done, and move on. Right.

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So what is the expiation?

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Well, the expiation for an oath that is violated or a broken oath, Islam.

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Three things that we look at first, okay, three things that we look at first, first of all,

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feeding 10 poor people, an average meal, that you would feed your own family. So an average meal that you eat yourself, or you would feed to your wife or to your husband or to your children, or your parents write a meal that you would feed to your own family.

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That is the first thing, feeding 10 people

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a meal, so 10 meals, one meal for each person 10 people.

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Second thing that we can do as expiation for an oath that was taken and broken,

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clothing 10 poor people,

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clothing, right, blessing them with clothes, buying them clothing or giving them clothing 10 people 10 people, right for saying well lucky and breaking the oath or tulla II and breaking the oath or biLlahi or taking the oath or I swear by Allah and breaking the oath right? Taking an oath by Allah subhana wa tada and breaking it. First of all, like we said, feeding 10 people,

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each with a meal, that is equivalent to the meal that we would feed our family members or our own selves. For example. Second thing that we can do as expiation,

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clothing 10 for people.

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Third thing,

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freeing a slave

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which one are we doing?

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Which one have we done?

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How many times have we broken an oath and not fulfilled that oath?

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Or not fulfilled the explanation for the oath I should say.

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Now, people say but I thought we just have to fast for three days. Wait a second. Wait a second. Look at what Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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verse number 89 of saltoun that EDA

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law you see the common law will be love Wi Fi man eco Malky you feed okonjima are contouring

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for CalHFA to wash off Latinas keen I mean I was up Thema Toblerone moon Lee come to home with a hurry rock

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the need

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to hurry Raka MLM egd firstly

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Then you have a man either Hanif done. So Allah Subhana Allah says,

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Allah will not punish you for what is unintentional in your oaths, but He will punish you for your deliberate oaths. expiation for for its expiation of deliberate oath, right. Feed 10 poor people on an average that you would feed your own family. Okay, an average meal that you feed your own family.

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Oh, kieswetter home, right? or close them. Oh, Daddy Iraq, Baba, or free a slave. And then Allah Subhana. Allah says mellem yejide falsly 30.

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Allah subhana wa Jalla doesn't say,

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Actually, I'll say what he says Allah subhanaw taala says, But whosoever cannot afford to do the first three things, one of those three, he says, For melamine aged, whoever cannot afford to do those first three things. Firstly, I move that at a young age, then he should fast for three days. And these are three consecutive days. Okay.

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That he can follow to a manickam either how often that is the expiation for the oaths when you have sworn.

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those of us who say, Oh, I said, what why he and I broke it, I need to fast for three days, well, wait a second, you first need to feed 10 poor people, not 10 people who have food, don't invite your friends over to your house and feed them and say it handled I invited 10 people over and they ate? I'm done. No, no, you need to feed 10 poor people.

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Not your friends who have lots of food in their fridge. Okay, don't invite you know, the email over in his family or don't invite, you know, your your your siblings and your family and your parents and feed them No, no, if they have food, then they're not poor. You need to feed 10 poor people, each a meal that is equivalent or more to the meal that you would feed yourself or your family.

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If you can't afford that, then close them. Take from your clothes, right 10 suits 10, phobes 10 by 10 something, give

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each one to 10 people.

00:32:41 --> 00:32:51

Right? If you can't afford that, then free asleep. Of course, this is probably the one we can all say that we're not able to find to do, right.

00:32:52 --> 00:32:58

So then, if you can't afford to do any of those three,

00:32:59 --> 00:33:11

then fast three consecutive days. So don't resort to fasting three days consecutively first, that's what we do when we can't afford, we have to actually do more.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:34

It's hard. It's painful. To find 10 poor people sometimes and feed them a meal. What I mean by painful is for some people, that's a lot of wealth. It's not easy. It's not easy to feed 10 people sometimes some families they say you know what, once a month we'll go out and eat. Now you have to feed 10 people, where do you get the money for that? Right.

00:33:40 --> 00:33:45

Let me just finish up and then if there's any questions I'll answer that inshallah. last page,

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sweat hearing to forbid something. Okay, swearing to forbid something. If someone says My food is forbidden for me.

00:33:57 --> 00:34:13

Right? This food, how long for me? angry with their spouse, for example, the husband cooks dinner, which is like usually never the case, right? The husband cooks dinner. The wife is angry. I don't know why the wife would be angry if the husband cooked dinner.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:16


00:34:17 --> 00:34:25

the husband cooked dinner. The wife's angry with him for something that happened in the day. So he cooks dinner. And she says

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well law he will not eat this food. This food is forbidden for me this food is how long for me.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:36

Or someone says

00:34:39 --> 00:34:42

it's how long for me to go and visit my mother.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:50

It's haram for me to go and visit my father I forbid myself from going to visit them because of whatever differences

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

saying something like that. These are examples that I'm giving right saying something like that. Then those acts do

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not become forbidden for that person. But if the if if he or she does say these statements, then they must expiate

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from their oath. Why?

00:35:17 --> 00:35:24

Because they made something haram for them that Allah made halal for them and we are not allowed to do that as Muslims.

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And Muslims says, I forbid myself from eating

00:35:30 --> 00:35:47

or will lie I will never eat meat or chicken again. I am now a vegetarian. You can refrain from eating the meat and chicken but don't say Tom for you. And they'll say well why he is hot on for you, right? can do that? Why Allah Subhana Allah says

00:35:49 --> 00:35:51

in Surah two in verse number one and two

00:35:52 --> 00:36:11

smilla rahmanir rahim Yeah, Johan nabee Ulema to have me Mama. Ma hulak Tabby taleem overbought as logic will log of a fool's washy him God your photo album of hula commentary letter amen an econ

00:36:12 --> 00:36:36

O Prophet. Why do you ban or forbid for yourself that which Allah has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives, as in seeking to please others. And Allah is most forgiving, Most Merciful. Allah has already ordained for you,

00:36:38 --> 00:37:04

the men the dissolution of your oaths right human beings, Allah subhana wa tada has already mentioned to you what you need to do. Shadow the Allah and her said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to have honey when he stayed in the house of Zainab bint jash, or the llama and her half slept and I she says I shut off the alarm and her says hafsa and I are the llama and Homer

00:37:08 --> 00:37:18

therefore secretly agreed that when he the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes to either of us, we should say, Have you eaten mobile food?

00:37:20 --> 00:37:26

What is mobile food? It's has that nasty or not at not pleasant scent, right?

00:37:27 --> 00:37:31

Have you eaten this, I can smell move off it in your breath.

00:37:32 --> 00:37:42

So he said some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, when he came, and you know this happened? No, but I had honey with Zane bintan jash

00:37:44 --> 00:37:45

I will not have it again.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:59

I have taken an oath to that. And do not inform anyone about this. Right? So the profits are longer and he was selling to an author, he would not have that honey, again,

00:38:00 --> 00:38:48

of loss can with this does not allow even the profits on a longer it was seldom taken oath for bidding something upon himself that Allah has made halaal for him. So if the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam can't do that, we can't do that as well. Even our best friend said concerning expiation of an oath in which one has forbidden himself something permissible, that it is to be expiated. If a person does this, then they have to follow through with the expiation. And he then stated a diverse law called the Canon and aquafeed rasulillah. He also has an indeed in the Messenger of Allah, you have an excellent example to follow some Allahu alayhi wasallam. That is all the time that we have

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for you today.

00:38:50 --> 00:39:11

I will look at some of the saw a question there. I'll just scroll up and check it very quickly. Because almost time for motherhood. At work, we can't say inshallah, what recommended wording can we use when we commit to work and can't deliver on time? First of all, try not to commit to something that you know you cannot deliver on time.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:57

Right? Let them know hint to them. Right? That I will try. Second of all, why are we taking an oath? Again, like I said at the beginning of this chapter, we as Muslims, our word is the truth. If I say I'm going to do something, I should follow through with doing it to the best of my ability. We as Muslims should not have to say, well law he I'm going to go to sleep tonight. No, it's normal, natural, that's something that you do you're going to go to sleep at night right or, well, why he'll get my work done. We as Muslims, if we say I'll do it to shut a lot I will do it. If I can't do it or can deliver on time is from Allah subhana wa, Tada. And remember, intention is important. So in

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your heart, what's in your heart is it

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

What you know what is taken as your word? Okay

00:40:09 --> 00:40:20

Sharla sister set up from Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for you and your husband and grant him his visa May Allah subhana wa Taala bless all the families in any hardship and difficulty that they're going through.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:30

What happens when a person takes an oath before dying that affects all of the family?

00:40:31 --> 00:41:06

Well, they took an oath and they didn't follow through with it, then it's between that person and Allah subhana wa Tada. Right. I don't know exactly what you're mentioning if you want to ask me specifically you can do that. But generally speaking, you know if a person takes an oath that is between them and Allah subhana wa Tada, okay, I'll make it easy for every single one of us. I mean, gonna head over to the masjid inshallah, just like on the level of healing for attending barakallahu li calm and Allah Subhana Allah make this knowledge beneficial for every single one of us and bless us with goodness and hate and Baraka May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us all safe and upon email in

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Islam, and having full taqwa and your clean and Allah Subhana. Allah is the one that will help us in anything that we go through in life. I mean, does that come along with failing barakallahu li Kama Sutra la Salim albaraka abena Mohammed where Allah Allah, your asylum was Salam or Aleikum, wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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