Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – August 23, 2020

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the minimum amount of wealth Zika is obligated upon and how it is calculated. They also talk about the use of silver and gold coins, the Hennessy Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah v Hill, Kadeem Halle of Allah sada to Adam with a slim rubbish roughly southern US Sidley, Emery Washington, Millis any of Gokhale, my brothers and my sisters were Eddie come to LA he robot a cattle

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ask Allah subhana wa tada to make everything easy for every single one of you and to bless you and your family. And to book Baraka and fade in your wealth and your earnings and your spendings ask Allah subhana wa tada added to strengthen every single one of us,

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in our faith, in our health, in our wealth, in our understanding of the deen and the last panel, what to add to bless us with the best of this world and the best of the mean.

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Today, in short, a lot of data we continue essential, thick, and we left off discussing the chapters or the chapter of zeca. Okay, the chapter related to zecca. The last thing that we took was who has to pay zeca as in who is it an obligation upon who who must pay zakat. And the very last thing that we took was the types of wealth upon which zecca is an obligation. So the types of wealth upon which zecca is an obligation. And we mentioned that Zika is obligatory upon money, crops, fruits, livestock, and treasures that are found in the ground.

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So we're going to be explaining those a little bit further in shallow data.

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But just to recap, the things that we're going to be covering to start off with right now is the types of Zika or the types of wealth that Zika is an obligation upon us. And we have to pay second if we have this type of wealth. And so it's an obligation upon

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those who have money, gold, silver, money, right money, paper, money, wealth, things that we use, and I know, there's this really gray area around money because the dollar that we have is technically backed by some gold, or it's supposed to be and this is where we look at it and consider it to be wealth of some sort. So we can purchase things with it. And also people say no, there's no goal, there's just a bunch of numbers in the bag. Well, technically it has some weight, because you could purchase certain things with it. And therefore it has value. Therefore we have to pay sick now on it. There's crops as well, fruits, livestock, and these three, we're just basically going to go

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over in fact, even treasures that are found in the ground, we're not going to spend too much time on them. We'll just explain it briefly in shuttled on the data.

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Most of us don't have animals that we farm and for those who do I think they probably know how to calculate those a cat on the animals that they do have or farm. And if they don't, then they can reach out to try and find out how to calculate that in terms of crop as well or crops. You know, the different types of crops that are out there. We'll discuss that briefly. But not how to calculate each one of them because again, it doesn't really apply to most of us here in Canada. So I'm not going to really talk about things accounting reasons if none of us have that much reasons to begin with. Okay.

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So we'll begin with Zakat on money gold and silver and the reason why we put them together is gold, silver and then money is usually backed up by gold and silver or money itself is gold and silver you buy and sell or trade in gold and silver and the minimum amount upon which is is due for gold and silver is 20 Deneuve for gold, and 200 dyrham for silver. Now someone will ask what is it the knob and what is a denim? These are of course currencies that were used during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So a gold coin was called a D knob and a silver coin was called a demo. Okay, so the knob ended up. And so if someone has 20, Drina, then they have to raise the cap. Of

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course, that's if someone had 20 Dino in their possession for a year in savings, then you know they can they have to pay zakat on that. And if someone had 200 dyrham, which is silver, and we'll talk about you know, we'll go through the whole chapter and then at the end, we'll talk about figuring it out at our time. How do we do this at our time? I don't have that much gold. I don't have that much silver, you don't have that much gold or silver. You might show lots of Arcola, that's great.

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But how much is a de nada and how much is a denim and what is it equivalent to in grams?

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Today we will talk about that after we go through everything so let's try to understand it. And I know a lot of the time we try to jump to the end of things and this was actually the problem that I had when I was studying the chapters of Zika as a student in Medina, I was always trying to figure out okay, well what is it that a teacher is just telling us this like you have to pay the cat on

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20 Dina anyone who has 20 gold coins then you have to please look out like well how much is a gold coin? Like how much does it weigh and what is the equivalent to with what's the amount in terms of current day dollar equivalency? And I was like always jumping ahead like she if I don't understand this, why are we talking about it this way? None of us have this none of us have sheep none of us have you know, date palm trees. None of us have camels, you know, we don't have that stuff in our country. Please, you know, talk about it in dollars and incense instead of golden silver or Dean on GitHub. And he would always tell me, Hasbrook

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has book

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as in like, be patient, like, calm down, relax, like chill. And in fact, that's really what made it difficult for me in this subject in particular was the fact that I just wanted to understand it for present day, you know, current times what we go through in our land in our country, but sometimes you just need to learn slowly and steadily. Take it easy. Understand the chapter first and then we'll start to look into calculating it okay.

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So, the minimum amount upon which this account is due upon for gold is 20 Deneuve. Okay, and for silver it is 200 Dirham. I had even thought about the logo I narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if you have a $200 home,

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and you have them for one year,

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you must pay $5 home

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and there is nothing upon it, meaning gold until you have 20. Dina, if you have 20 Deneuve and you have them for one year, you must pay half it enough. So what do we learn there? We learned that if a person has the equivalent to or sorry if a person has in their possession 200 silver coins.

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And they've kept them with them for a year. So it's been in your possession for a year and you haven't gotten below that you've had 200 or more for a year, then you are to pay zakat on those coins. And if you've had gold, amounting to 20 Dina, I don't know if I said down before, do you not I may have made a mistake, but you know what we're referring to when we're talking about silver coins and gold coins. If you're if we're talking about gold, and you have 20 gold coins,

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and you've kept them for a year, then Zika is due upon that as well. And how much is it? Well it's 2.5% to make it simple. Okay, someone will say okay, so I have to pay five for every 200 or I have to pay half a dino for every 20 it's very simple 2.5% of your savings that you've kept with you in your possession for one year. Simple 2.5% just remember that 2.5% Okay.

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Zakat on jewelry, now we look at jewelry and this ties in with what we were just talking about golden silver so

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is that God is obligatory on jewelry due to the generality of the verses and the Hadeeth of

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related to golden silver. And so generally speaking, we're going to say that

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you have these account on your jewelry. However when we look at the breakdown within the mvat hip you know the Hennessy must have says you only pays account on

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sorry, yeah that you only pay zakat on the jewelry that you are not using and the jewelry that you are using. You don't need to base it on it because it's something that you're using. And this is known as one of the more common

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opinions or views of the scholars. Why because it makes it a little bit easier on the people. Right It makes it easier on the people there's a lot of people who have jewelry but they don't use all their jewelry, most people in the US are drooly once or twice or three times a year specific jewelry and then there's other jewelry that they wear daily like a ring or earrings or necklaces that might change and you know wear it one week not wear it the next week or wear it a few weeks later and then change it again and and so on. So there's there's the daily use jewelry and then there's the you know one or two or three times a year use jewelry the one or two or three times a year, that's or

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even less than that than that.

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Really what we're looking at in terms of calculating a castle, we'll just make it easy that way, okay. So if you're only going to be using it a few times a year, once or twice you go to a wedding is the date of age you put it on, then you take it off, you never wear it again until the next week, or you don't wear it until another wedding, which might be in a year and nine months or 10 months or two years, then of course, we're going to be looking at calculating, that's okay, because it's just sitting there, it's not doing anything, right, we're not using it for anything we use once or twice. And that's it, it's technically it's not really being used. It's just being taken out as shown and

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then putting right back, whereas something is being used. Like for example, someone you know, a sister says, I have a gold watch and watches made out of gold is not real silver, so don't worry, it's not like crazy expensive or anything. But some kind of a lot, you know,

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a watches is a tool, it's different. I'm not going to consider it to be jewelry unless it actually has gold or silver on it. But let's talk about rings, necklaces, pendants and stuff like that earrings, you know, if they're gold or silver, and we're using it regularly and daily, then, you know, most of the scholars will say that the ones that you're using regularly and daily is something that you're exempted from calculating within your habit, the stuff that you have in your savings or the stuff that you just have in a lockbox in a bank somewhere Some people think you know what it's been in a lockbox for, like six months, and it's been locked away and I don't do anything with it.

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Or sorry, six years or 10 years or 15 years. You have to pay account. Some people like Yeah, but I don't use it. No. Well, that's the point is that it's just sitting there and it's just being hoarded. Let's look at two Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, on Salah mode Have you ever heard her said I was wearing jewelry? Made from dyrham?

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Sir, I was wearing jewelry made from Dena of gold. I said O Messenger of Allah is this a hoarded treasure. And he said, What reaches the level that you must pays a cat on and you pays a cat on it is not a word, it's treasure. Okay, so

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here's an example of jewelry that's being used. And she uses it she was wearing it and his jewelry was made of you know, gold and silver. And she says I said O Messenger of Allah is this afforded to treasure as and I'm just keeping it like it's it's wealth, but I'm just wearing it.

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And the profits is a lot more sellable says whatever reaches the level, right as in, you've had it for a year and it's above a certain amount, in terms of value. Whatever reaches that, then you must pay zakat on it. And if you pay zakat on it, then it's not considered something that you're hoarding. And the reason why she's worried about that is because hoarding is not something that we're supposed to do in Excel, if we have wealth, we either use it, or we give it away in charity, or we invest it, or we you know, buy and sell and do trade with it or something of that sort. We shouldn't just hoard it and keep it there. Also, I shut up the lover and said, I came to the

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messenger of a loss on a lager, I do send them wearing silver bracelets, it's the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he said, What are these Aisha? What are these?

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She replied, I put them on to beautify myself for you.

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Well, messenger of Allah.

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And so he replied, did you pay this account on them?

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I said, No, or whatever Allah wills, right? She said, No, or, you know, in sha Allah is and whatever Allah wills.

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And He then said, it is sufficient for you of the hellfire. As in, you're not going to be things that count on this, this is this is a punishment, this is something that's dangerous, right? So make sure that you're going going to be going to be wearing going to be paying Zakat on it even though you're wearing it so she was wearing this jewelry. And this is why, you know, a good number of the scholars will say no, you should be calculating the jewelry that you wear as well in your zeca calculations, okay.

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Now, it also depends how much jewelry a person has like some people will hardly have anything and it doesn't reach that minimum amount, which is fine. And other people have a lot and it reaches way more than the minimum amount. And so we need to make sure that we're looking at everything all together.

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zeca on greens and fruits. What types of crops is a kind of dual lens it has only to be paid on four types of crops. As were clarified in the Hadith of the viola I narrated from both of Moosa and more out of the 11 that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu that he was send them send them to Yemen,

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to teach the people the matters of their faith to teach them about Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the two of them not to

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Take zecca except on the following crops,

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barley, dates and raisins. So wheat, barley, dates, and raisins. Those are the four types of crops that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged, taking zecca on from the people when he sent more other than jevelin, Abu Musa, but the law and to me

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I'm not going to go into any more detail with regards to crops. There are certain things mentioned in the Quran, as well. But I'm not going to go into detail because I don't think you know, people in Canada have, or the majority of people don't have this type of thing. We don't have this amount of you know, crop wheat, barley, dates and raisins, we don't grow that much in our backyards, for example, so it's not really something to be too concerned about. However, if someone does own a farm or owns a piece of land,

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then they should be concerned. And they should also look at calculating that Zakat on livestock, the only thing we're going to take with regards to this is that livestock are of three varieties, camels, cattle, and sheep, camels, cattle and sheep. So that's all we're going to look at. And again, the reason why I'm not going into detail with this is because I don't think any of us is sitting there holding onto 25 camels.

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I don't think for the most part, in fact, some some of us might be depending on the areas of the world that we live in. But then again, probably don't have

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many people watching that have cattle that have sheep and so on. So we're not going to go into detail with regards to that.

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What is not to be taken as far as in what should we not take from the people

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even above or below and when I said when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent more other than just Djibouti Yemen, he told him avoid taking the best of their wealth. So when we're out of the bin, Javelin or the other I was sent to Yemen the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him avoid taking the best of their wealth

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as in don't take um

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you know what, what people are are going to feel hurt by by it being collected. What I mean by that is don't take the best of people's wealth as a profit so the longer it goes send them send someone you know works really hard and they have all of this wealth but the best of it you're going to come and take it's like saying you know, I have all this jewelry but so you have all of this Okay, let's say you have all of this jewelry, but this has sentimental value, right? These two pieces has sentimental value. So those two pieces Why would you take that you know, it has more value or it's of the best of what they have, you know, there's there's some connection with it. So avoid taking

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that avoid what's going to cause harm or cause some sort of ill feelings caused some kind of emotion within the people. We also see the viola narrative, the prophets that Abu Bakar of the law I wrote to him concerning the obligatory is that guy that Allah Subhana, without obliged upon His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he stated neither an old nor blemished animal, nor a male goat may be taken as zeca unless the collector accepts it. So something that is blemish something that is not

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full, or not proper, should not be taken as well, in terms of for example, when we're looking at animals, looking at

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you know, let's say someone grew a whole bunch of reasons, right? A whole field of reasons you don't go and take from the reasons that are spoiling and rotten and there's gonna be no use for them anyways. Right? You don't do that right, you take from the middle, you take the average of what the people have, okay?

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And try to do justice with that unless there's a cat collector, except unless there's a cat collector accepted

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co owned wealth. So wealth that is owned by by two or more people, multiple people. So if two or more people share in some wealth, which is that that is due upon then it is possible for that wealth to be calculated and distributed to them.

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have just got the coffee delivery.

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So if if two or more people own wealth together, so they might be part

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on something, you might own an entire farm, but you have two or three partners. Okay, so how do you collect that? How do you how do you calculate that? And so the longer I narrated that book of the lover and wrote to him, the obligatory is Acad, that Allah obliged upon His messengers on a lot more and he was selling them. So he wrote to him, letting him know letting under some of you Well, I know what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made as an obligation with regards to Zika.

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And he said, they're, neither should the property of different people be collected so as to make one whole, nor should the whole property be divided for fear of giving more zeca.

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Okay, so some people will say, wait a second, if we are three partners, in owning, let's just say husband and wife, but gold together,

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okay, and they bought

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19 and 1948,

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Dena 48, gold coins

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together, the two, and they say, Well, 48 is over 20, the minimum amount is two points. But because the two of us bought it together,

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well, let's just calculate it as you have a 10th, you have 19, and I have 19.

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Right? Sorry, not 4838, you have 19. And I have 19. Therefore, we didn't reach the 20 mark. So we don't have to pay like that.

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So they shouldn't do that. If they went in together as partners in purchasing that, and partners and owning it, then they should calculate it together. And not, you know, play games to try and pay less. Remember, zeca is is an own that Muslims pay to help society. And we're going to look at the different categories of where this wealth can be used. Right, it could be used to build streets to build hospitals to you know, the infrastructure of the city, the town, can it be used to help the poor and the needy? Can it be used to, you know, help someone who's traveling from stranded right, these are different things that the Muslims can use their wealth on, that's an obligation for us to

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give every single year as a minimum amount from our savings. 2.5%, right. So we shouldn't look at it and say, Well, I want to avoid paying this amount. We look at it as an act of worship, that we're giving away our savings, a portion 2.5% of our savings that goes that surpasses that minimum amount, in order to better society in order to help society. And it's a part of our belief. And so we shouldn't try to play a game with a lesser penalty to add it, we shouldn't try to play a game with God, when he's decreed something upon us to give that will help society that will better society, you know, we all need hospitals, we all need streets, we all need water, we all need, you know,

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electricity, we all need certain things and necessities for us. And so

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as a Muslim Ummah, as you know, a community when we give what Allah has made an obligation upon us to give, which is such a small amount, right 2.5% of the savings that you've kept for a year that hasn't gone below a minimum amount, right, which is like, there's so many conditions to reach it. But most of us actually are able to pay that even if it's $20, or $30, or $50. In the whole year, it's something that we should, you know, not try to cheat out on or

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let slip away.

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So if the property is possessed by two partners, they should pay zakat collectively. And they will be considered as having paid there's a cap equally. So the two partners can go in together in a way we own. We own these 38 coin, gold coins, for example, we own it, and we own it together. So we're going to calculate it and pay that one amount. And that's sufficient for the two of us, right? We don't need to try and figure out who's paying what it's sufficient for the two of them because they're both partners in it and they own for example, in equal amounts, right.

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And then of course, we can go into detail if anyone has any questions with regards to how much or you know, if the partnership is not a 5050 partnership, if it's like a 3070 or 6040 You know, that's something that could be discussed at a later point in time inshallah. Alright, so now let's look at the recipients of Zakat who is eligible to receive Zakat? Again, Zakat is something that we as Muslims give away to purify our wealth, right? We believe that this is something that is part of our belief and submission to Allah submission to God that will purify our wealth and we give it away to us.

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help society to help others to better, you know, the lives of others and to bring the more stable

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financial situation in society as opposed to just making the rich richer and the poor poor, we level it out by those who have more, well, they have to give a little bit of their evenings, which doesn't bring the rich lower in status because we know when it's done when we give away and charity, a lot multiplies that and rewards us with even more, and the amount is so small and insignificant that it actually doesn't take away from the wealth of the rich so much 2.5% is nothing

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but it helps to raise that lower class, it helps to, you know, bring some sort of level in society in terms of that financial situation.

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So the recipients of Zika Allah mentions in Sula, Toba verse number 60. RUBIN. Schaffer, you're watching him in cartooning.

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He will, he will be the

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was in a car.

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He never sees.

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Any semi

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man he mean when happy,

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almost kind of with Alice's verse number 60 of sort October, the ohms as in the charity, the second are only for the poor, the poor, the needy, those employed to collect the Zika. Right, those who are employed to collect the funds, and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined towards them isn't someone who, you know, feels okay. Islam is right for me, and you're helping them you're not you're not buying their Islam. This is where, you know, we'll discuss it in Charlottetown, as some people misunderstand, and they think, oh, someone is encouraged to become Muslim, give them some money and be like, yeah, okay, I'll become Muslim. No, it's not like that. Not at all.

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We have another verse in the Quran that says, Let it cut off your deen, we don't force anyone to become Muslim, right, and we should not force them. And we should not bribe them. There's no such thing as bribery in Islam as well, the prophet said, a lot of them spoke specifically about that. Remember, there are times when people become Muslim,

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or people want to become Muslim, but they're scared because their family might cut them off. Or, you know, they might go through really difficult times, because they're making a decision that is really at times challenging for some family members. And they may be asked to leave home or to go through hardship to go, you know, they might put them through some sort of hardship. And so we can use this as a kind of to help them to help people who are going through certain hardships. So that was what three or four, the poor, the needy, those employed, to collect, and those whose hearts are inclined towards Islam, and

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to free the captives. So if anyone is a slave, and we know that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, you know, they used to free slaves, they would buy their freedom and freedom, right? So they would purchase the slave from some other slave owner or Master, and they would purchase that person and freedom and aboubakar with the loved one was very famous at this, he actually used to free a slave every single Friday. Right, he would look for someone who was a slave and he would free them every single Friday, he would buy their freedom and for those in debt, so we can use the caf for those who are in debt. And for a loss cause as in for anything that is needed to

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sonically For example, we need to print some urns. We need to it could even be for things like this and modern day, you know, time which we don't use any of that kind of money for the live streaming or anything of that sort. But it could be used for stuff like that, right for, you know, lice, live streaming the aesthetic classes. zeca technically could be used for that, but we don't have enough so I'm actually using my personal phone and my personal laptop and, you know, using using things that has not been bought by anyone in the community using Zakat money or anything of that sort.

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And the last one is for the wayfair, the traveler who is cut off from everything, so someone who has been cut off from it could be a traveler who, you know, arrives in Milton, for example, and has a flat tire like I was just driving before going home and I saw that there was a

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car with a trailer behind it. And they stopped and someone had stopped to help them, which is why I didn't stop, I usually do stop. And now families were stuck on the side of the road because I'm a mechanic as well. So I always feel, you know, I should use my skills to help people. And so it looks safe. And it seems like, you know, the situation is not dangerous, then sometimes and the place is not dangerous as well, I'll pull over and check and ask you, you know, do you need some help, sometimes someone needs a tire change quickly change your tire, it might take some people two hours to change a tire. And it takes me about 10 minutes, not even right takes me a half an hour to

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actually change all four of my tires, when I'm changing my wintertime, summer sometimes takes me half an hour. So for me, it's a lot easier to do that. So that's a skill that you can share with others. So someone who's stranded on the side of the road, you can use your account money for that, or someone who's coming and traveling here and they need to stay in a hotel for whatever reason they need to quarantine themselves because of COVID-19, for example, well, then, you know, that's something that we can look into in terms of using that as well.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:08


00:31:10 --> 00:31:18

Alyssa kind of added and concludes the verse by saying, and Allah is all knowing, the all wise, we all know we're all wise.

00:31:20 --> 00:31:37

All right, so let's look at the different categories, we have a few more minutes, inshallah. The first category is the poor, right, someone who's poor, and the second is the needy. So I'll discuss the two of them. Someone who's poor, and someone who's needy, what is the difference between the two?

00:31:45 --> 00:31:48

The poor are those who have nothing.

00:31:50 --> 00:32:04

Okay, as in, there might be someone who's homeless, they don't have a home to sleep, they don't have a kitchen to cook food, they don't have groceries to actually put together to eat a meal, they don't have clothing to wear,

00:32:06 --> 00:32:07

or a change of clothing to put on.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:33

They don't have a mode of transportation, or the mode of transportation they have is broken, or, you know, it's really poor. So the poor is someone who doesn't have. Okay, they are trying to get by, but they can't, because it's very difficult for them. And I like to sort of use the example of someone who's homeless, because usually someone who's homeless doesn't really have.

00:32:34 --> 00:32:40

So the poor, we can use as a cat for them. The needy is someone who might have,

00:32:41 --> 00:32:43

but doesn't have enough.

00:32:45 --> 00:32:49

Okay, so this could be someone who's living

00:32:51 --> 00:32:53

in a three bedroom house,

00:32:55 --> 00:32:56

who lost their job,

00:32:58 --> 00:33:00

due to the pandemic, maybe, and

00:33:02 --> 00:33:41

the wealth that they may be, and let's not, let's not talk about what the government is providing the law that's there. But let's just say the wealth that they have in savings has now depleted and they have no way of purchasing food put on the table, they have no way of paying for certain clothing, or what they even are getting from the government is just not enough for them because the cost of their expenses is too high. It's too difficult for them. Maybe they have a lot of children. And we know that Muslim families, you know, a lot of families have a lot of children. So at times, it can be difficult, right? They might the seasons change know they need winter clothing, they don't

00:33:41 --> 00:34:02

have enough for winter boots for all of the children, they don't have enough for, you know, hats and gloves and mitts and coats and jackets and snow pants and stuff like that right mode of transportation in the winter. Especially we're in you know, some areas that we live in Canada, you need to have a vehicle, right. So the needy is someone who might have certain things, you look at them on the outside, you're thinking well that person has.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:31

But inside of their home, they're in need of something else. So they might have a home but they don't have any food in their fridge to eat. They're in need of food. They're in need of some clothing to have other clothing or they have a home they have food and stuff like that, but they need most transportation, right in order to get to work, for example. So that's the difference between the poor and the needy, the poor don't have the needy has but are not able to fulfill certain things, right? They're in need of certain things.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:43

Those, the third category is those employed to collect the funds of Zakah.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:59

And you'll notice that as Muslims for some reason, we get super picky and emotional with this, right? We look at organizations we look at charities and because we're giving our hard earned money to an organization

00:35:00 --> 00:35:11

We expect none of it to go to the pockets of the people that are working in those organizations. But we should ask ourselves a question, how do we expect them to survive?

00:35:12 --> 00:36:01

If, if everyone working in a charity in an organization that does charity work is not able to receive a paycheck from the work that they do for the organization, that charity? How do we expect those people to survive? Not everyone is, you know, multi millionaires or billionaires can, you know, they just help charities out for free. It's not the case, a lot of the time, it's people who are selfless, who don't have much to begin with, and they want to help others, because they know what it's like to not have or to have less. And so it's ethically it's permissible for the people who collect the Zika to actually receive their payment from the Zika wealth. Now, of course, their

00:36:01 --> 00:36:46

salaries are not supposed to be like extravagant salaries that people are saying, Hey, wait a second, you're living like luxury here. But it should be the norm, as it should be an average salary, what people would get as a salary. That's what they're collecting as well. Okay. So the first category of people that are eligible to receive the cat art, the poor, second is the needy, the third are those who are employed to collect the funds. And I could tell you that for the most part, handled when it comes to Islamic charities, I would say that many of the Islamic charities, especially here in Canada, that we know of, you know, they try not to pay their employees with zeca

00:36:46 --> 00:37:20

money. They try not to, even though they're allowed to islamically and I remember once talking to the CEO of one of the assignment charities, and, you know, just asking him straight up, why don't you pay your employees with this account money, you are eligible islamically to do that. And that was because I felt that the employees were working so hard, and so well, and doing such amazing work. But I felt that they were probably not being paid enough.

00:37:22 --> 00:37:37

And so he was asking me islamically, you know, is it permissible? Like, yeah, you should, you should, maybe a portion of it. So, I know a lot of the charities and hamdulillah talk to, you know, many of the people inside of charities and work their

00:37:38 --> 00:37:52

part of management, board members and stuff like that. And I could honestly say that, from my experience, a good number of the static charities here in our area, can't say around the world that can't speak for the whole world, it's not fair,

00:37:53 --> 00:37:55

that a good number of them.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:40

Try not to use that kind of money to pay their employees to pay those that are working there. They try to get funding from people that is not considered zeca. So we might call it a donation. Or they we might call it, you know, people looking after the administrative costs or fees, or administrative costs of that charity. And so for example, you get a few, you know, wealthy people that will say, okay, we're not giving our account money for this, but we'll donate X amount of dollars every year, and they get a whole bunch of people donating X amount of dollars, in order to cover the operational costs of those charities. And that's where, you know, you see you have like, five employees and the

00:38:40 --> 00:39:15

operational costs are X amount of dollars, you're like, Wait a second, how much are you guys paying your employees, you're hardly getting paid. And that's where, you know, the beauty of SM comes in and people's personality that they don't want much to help others. They're willing to help others even if it's sometimes for free. But as well Islam teaches us not to take advantage of those people, right to look after them. They have families as well. They have you know, children, they have spouses they have, you know, expenses, we need to look after them, it's our responsibility not to take advantage of others.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:25

We will suffice with that for today inshallah, we'll get into the rest of the categories next week, inshallah next Sunday,

00:39:27 --> 00:39:35

the remainder of the five categories and that brings us up to his accounts and fifth of which we spoke about

00:39:36 --> 00:39:37

at the beginning of Milan,

00:39:39 --> 00:39:59

but we could go through it very briefly inshallah, and then we will cover voluntary charity, and then the chapter of Hajj pilgrimage. Okay. So we'll suffice with that for today in sha Allah, Allah Haven, robotic a lot of people are some of the lot what send them over out of your head where Allah Allah give us

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

ascending, which is a couple of feet in the sand we had a little while back.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:22

And I will allow for a few questions if anyone has any questions, general questions and Sharla because I don't like ask. I don't like answering specific questions on a live stream. Because it can be taken out of context.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:29

Because some people will be watching in different parts of the world, right different regions of the world.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:33

So if anyone has any general questions, it doesn't have to be about Zika could be anything.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:36

Feel free to ask in the next minute or two.

00:40:52 --> 00:40:54

Silence is beautiful, isn't it?

00:40:58 --> 00:41:02

I'll assume that a question will be coming in soon. If not,

00:41:03 --> 00:41:04

we'll end the live stream.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:16

All right. Yes, I'll show lots of Arcola, how do you get that note on your face? Mashallah, it's very simple. Yes, I'm using the new loom cube.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:28

Portable light that's actually suction cups onto my laptop, shining in my face. So the news that you're talking about is from loom cube.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:31

And I have it on full blast right now.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:35

Some pre vote.

00:41:36 --> 00:41:42

mamas. I think you mean minimize with Friday prayers. What is your opinion? Okay, so

00:41:45 --> 00:42:05

I'm not really sure what your question is exactly. Some phrasal verb with Friday prayers. What is your opinion on that? So if someone prayed Juma prayer, then there's no need to pray love. Right. But if someone is unable to pray Juma, then they should praise for that.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:06


00:42:09 --> 00:42:14

Is this a kind of do on the rental property value or only on its rent?

00:42:16 --> 00:42:16

Good question.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:26

So if you are receiving payments, because you're renting it out, then

00:42:28 --> 00:42:36

I will double check but to my knowledge, you are going to be paying sick out on your earnings from the property. Okay, on the earnings from the property.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:40

Which and yes, it Yes, Mark.

00:42:42 --> 00:42:46

Who I haven't seen in a long time, whose brother is supposed to give me a haircut?

00:42:47 --> 00:42:59

From gwelf we don't see him because he lives in gwelf. And there's no internet there. There's no electricity, there's no running water. It's all farmland. You need to you need to ride a camel in order to get there.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:05

All right, any last questions?

00:43:12 --> 00:43:24

Good. I don't see any questions or suffice with that inshallah. desikan low Hayden for watching and we'll see you for essential fit next Sunday. Once again, inshallah. Take care said MIT comm

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