Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP17

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of regular classes for healthy communities and respecting laws and regulations. They also emphasize the benefits of working from home during the pandemic, including maximizing food and energy, respecting laws, and not harming family members. The company's financial outlook for the year is discussed, including a decrease in revenue from the first quarter of 2019 and an increase in expenses related to expansion into the US market. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting personal health and privacy and offer updates on the company's operations and financial position.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Ashraf al anbiya wa mursaleen Nabina Muhammad in it of one of Salah to attempt to slim and my bad my brothers and sisters in Islam said Mr. aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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You could see that the weather is changing, which means we need to leave this country, not just

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so heavily, it's always nice to be back into the regular routine and hamdulillah. And to continue with what I believe really sets the the platform for our community to move forward in Sharla, to have regular classes, regular halaqaat regular doodles, you know, I travel around and I do a lot of conferences and seminars, and it's, you know, you fly in, you do something a day, two days, three days you leave, and then you wonder is that community really going to build based on what you've done and what you've taught and what you've lectured about? Or is it just, you know, a bunch of fluff, and it's gone the next week out of the minds of the people. So it's important for us to

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maintain and to continue to attend these halaqaat not mine or not this Friday night, helicon. But any of the halaqaat any of the doodles that the massage did and they'll show you the the Mr. Teaching, it's important for us to not only attend, but we should also be taking notes, we should maybe even write down at least one point, you know, one lesson that we learned on our phones, or, you know, whatever we have with us a tablet, even a piece of paper, the back of a receipt, you know, take out a pen and write it down and make it worthwhile, that this Dean's of analog was preserved by the scholars of the past. And we're talking about neighbors, right? That's our topic for today, our

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neighbors? And how do we expect this Dean to move forward from our time to the next time, of course, the loss of Hannah who were to Hannah is the one in control and he will will will allow that to happen, whether we're around or not. But we ourselves should hope and wish for this Dean to move forward from our household, to the household of our children to their children's household and so on and so forth. And so we asked about some panel with Allah to make it easy for us to learn this Deen and to to try and implement the little that we learn even if it's just one thing every single week.

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So we continue today with chapter number 59 Hadeeth number 109.

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The nearest and then the nearest, and then the next nearest of the neighbors, right? So basically, who is considered a neighbor? Right? That's where we left off. And many of us were questioning last week, according to the according to the dean, or according to the Sahaba, according to the companions, according to the scholars,

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who is considered a neighbor, is it just the person in front of me behind me to the right and to the left? Or is it further than that? We look at Hadeeth number 109, where Allah has an imbecile he

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was asked about the neighbor and said, he himself says this, right? He says the neighbor includes the 40 houses in front of a person, the 40 houses behind him, the 40 houses on his right and the 40 houses on his left. Now I actually wanted to do this as a mathematical equation for each and every one of us. If we think of the 40 houses in front of us, and the 40 houses behind us, the 40 houses to the right and the 40 houses to the left, how many houses is that?

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How many?

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160? Right? We're all wrong.

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Way more than that. 800, right. How do you figure 800

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It's a square 40 houses in front of you 40 houses behind you 40 houses to the right 40 houses to the left, connect the dots. Right, connect the dots. And you will notice some handle a you will go 40 houses diagonally this way. 40 houses diagonally that way if you connect the dots, right, and some handle others, so many people and that's what I was talking about last week, when we mentioned the word neighbor, neighbor actually means neighborhood. We're not talking about our neighbor, be good to your neighbor, we're saying be good to your entire neighborhood. How many of us take charge as you know, or take part in the neighborhood watch for our neighborhood? Probably not many of us.

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Whereas if we look around right to the non Muslims, you will notice that there are quite a few of them that will take that responsibility of looking after their neighborhood at night having phone numbers that they will call in case they see something that's that's happening that is weird. You will notice how some of them will take turns looking after the children in the playground if you live in, you know an area where there's townhouses or a park, right so they will look after each other's children and know whose children are whose. But as Muslims. We are very slow

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I won't say that we don't do it because we I know many of us we do that right. But we are very slow at taking these initiatives, we should be the first ones doing that our neighborhood belongs to us, we are responsible for all of those households. And we'll see how on the Day of Judgment, we will have to give question or account for those, those homes or those neighbors of ours. And so it's not just the house in front of the house and back, or 40 houses in front and 40 houses and back. Rather, we look at that entire amount of houses that are around us. And we have a huge responsibility, not only to convey the deen to others, but to also look after one another, to be kind to each other,

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whether they're Muslim or non Muslim, as we covered last week, right? In the next Hadeeth of what I wrote, the longer unsaid, one should not begin

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with his more distant neighbors before the nearer ones, rather, one should begin with his near neighbors before the more distant ones. Okay. And we looked at this last week as well, we're not going to spend too much time on it, that it's important for us to be kind and look after the neighbors that are closest to us and nearest to us first, and then look at those that come after. One of the reasons or the wisdom behind this is that sometimes we might have a friend who lives 10 houses away from us. And we're always going to drop food off at that friend's house. We're always going to look after that friend, we're always spending time at their house, our children are going

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over to their house, right? But what about those other nine houses in between yours and theirs? Have we ever stopped to knock on their door and say, how are you? Have we ever stopped on you know, on our way going for a walk or going to check the mailbox or going to buy milk or walking to the masjid for some of us, we live in an area where you can actually walk to the masjid, right. As we're walking and we see someone maybe watering their lawn, or washing their car or mowing the grass? Do we ever stop and talk to them? Or introduce ourselves simply say, Hi, my name is you no doubt, what's your name? Right get to know each other. We don't do that.

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And we will constantly pay attention to that neighbor who's a friend of ours who might be 10 houses away and maybe even 10 blocks away. But in between those homes, we're not paying attention to them. And you know, the other day I was in my kitchen and I was looking out the window and two houses away from me. The third house is a Muslim family.

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two houses away from me is, you know, this man who lives there, right? And the Jehovah's Witness were walking around. This was on Saturday, I believe, right? They were walking around, and they stopped at his house. Whether they knocked on his door or he was outside, I don't know. But I saw them talking to him. And this was a man who looks so interested in what they had to say. And I thought, you know, what if we were to simply tell him about Islam, if he's so interested in what they have to say about, about what they're believing in terms of, you know, the Jehovah's Witness, then how interested would he be about Islam? For sure he would be interested. Right? For sure, he

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would be interested because this is someone who simply heard one or two things about a religion or a practice or a belief that intrigued him that he wanted to just hear more. What if he heard about the oneness of Allah? subhanho? wa Taala? What if you heard about the greatness of Allah subhanho? wa Taala? What if you heard about the Hereafter, which the Jehovah Witness actually talked about as well? Right? Something that we have in common? For those of you that ever get that knock on your door, you can talk to them about that the hereafter what will happen after death? Right? And some kind of law. We don't do that.

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We don't go and knock on the doors. And no, it's not. It's not something that is compulsory for us to go and knock on the doors like the Jehovah's Witness disturbing others, but at the same time, when we see them, when we meet them, we should show them even if we don't speak to them, they should be interested in wanting to know our lifestyle. They should see us Oh, that's an amazing person. Not that, you know, they look at you and like, Oh, where are these people from? They should just go back to wherever they came from. No, they should look at you and be like, I want to know where they came from. I want to know who these people are. I want to know the type of lifestyle that they live. I'm

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interested in seeing how they raised their children so nicely. Right. And, and hamdulillah as Muslim, you know, as Muslim communities, our children are the best, right? They're not naughty, they're not causing trouble. Right? Right guys, not even paying attention, right? Our children are the best, right? The best children that all the other children on earth want to be like our children, and they look at our children as role models, right? And Subhanallah we should be that type of community and that type of neighborhood

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Now it's not easy. It's easier said than done. Definitely. So we all have to start somewhere. And where does that start with the neighbor to the right, the neighbor, to the right, the neighbor to the left the neighbor in front, the neighbor and back, and then extend, go out, go further. Simply go and bring something over.

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Bring some cookies, bring some sweets, bring something, send your children over. Hi. My name is Fatima right here watching from your backyard. You're watching you're standing on the street, they go they ring the doorbell. My mom baked these cookies. We just wanted to send them over to you. The other day, some kind of love that the Chinese neighbor that lives about six or seven houses away from us. Their daughter is a friend of my daughter's right. They're not Muslim, but they play together in the playground. He came over he says here you know, we just made some fresh dumplings. As I reached out to touch it to take it. I was going to take it from him and then asked him what was

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what you know what it was made of. And as I put my hands on the the bowl, it was like a glass corningware bowl bowl. It was hot. It was like fresh, very fresh. And so I put my hands on. I'm like, Oh, thank you. This is you know, this is really nice. And he says, But wait, before you take it. I just want to know, are you allowed to eat pork because this is pork inside? I said, Oh, I'm sorry. I can't I can't eat it. But I accept the gift. Right? And I'll leave it with you. I can't eat it though. Because we're not allowed to eat pork. He's like, no, I knew you know, your religion, there's certain things you can or you can't eat. So I wanted to know first before I give it to you,

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I'm like, It's okay. Don't you know that he felt really bad. And this is a non Muslim coming to bring food to the house to the home of a Muslim. Now hamdulillah we have a good relationship. My wife knows his wife, and I know him and so on and so forth. And we actually babysit their child sometimes. And in fact, some handle that you'll notice if you open your doors to the children around your homes, right with the permission of their parents, right? If you allow your children to be comfortable with them, and they come to your home, you will notice that those parents who are non Muslim, whose children are friends with your children, they will probably ask you to babysit their

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children if you can. Why? Because they see values in Muslim families. They could see discipline, they could see morals, they could see behavior, they could see ethics. And a prime example I remember you know a friend of mine, a colleague from Medina,

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his father went to Jamaica and opened a school. Many years ago actually his mother opened a school and his father is an Imam there he established about 2425 mustn't massage it or mustards in, in Jamaica, and in the past 2829 years, but handler the mother opened an Islamic school. And 80 to 85% of the students that go to the school are not Muslim.

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Because the local Jamaican people who are not Muslim, see that the Muslims handler has so much there's routine in their life, there's respect, there's, we have to do this, we don't do that. They learn how to live amongst each other, that they want their children to go to that school. Because they see it as the best school for their children. It's in it, and it's an Islamic school. And they teach Islamic studies to those non Muslim children.

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And so panelized simply by showing values to one another, by taking care of our neighbors by showing the importance of teat of treating each other kindly and gently.

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In the next headies, chapter number 60, Hadeeth 111. Even our model, the Allahumma said

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there was a time when no one had a better rights to a Muslims money, then his Muslim brother. So there was a time when no one had more rights over another person's money than the Muslim brother to the other, right. Nowadays, people love their determined dinar more than their brother Muslim, their Muslim brother. So imagine this is at the time of the Allahumma. And he's saying that there used to be a time, right? where people's money and wealth would be as though the prop as though it belongs to the neighbor. As though your money is my money. If I need it, I can simply go and get it. I know that you will give it to me. And he's saying at his time.

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Even our metal dealer

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or the Allahumma he's saying at his time, he says nowadays Not today, not 2015 at his time, right? He's saying nowadays people love their dead ham and Dean are more than their Muslim brother. They love their own wealth more than they love their Muslim brother or sister right? I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say

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Many men will be held to account on the Day of Judgment by his neighbor, who calls out and says, Lord, this man closed his door to me and denied me human kindness.

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Imagine that, and this is this hadith is sound, as in It's good, right due to supporting Hadeeth and evidences. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that there were many, many people, right? Many men, many people will be held to account on the Day of Judgment by their neighbor, who tells Allah subhanho wa Taala, that this man or that person closed their door on me and denied me human kindness.

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as Muslims, this is important, because we know the importance of being good to our neighbors, it is part of our belief, as we mentioned last week, right? When Canada yorklyn will be law, he will do me a favor, whoever believes in Allah Subhana Thailand and the Day of Judgment. For lucrin Jarrow be nice. Do a calm to your neighbor, right. And we spoke about the youth and the children and how especially at the beginning of school, school starts you need to be nice and kind teared, to your friends at school who sit next to you. So imagine 40 chairs in front of you 40 chairs behind you 40 chairs to the right to view 40 chairs to the left of you. That's how much 800 different students,

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that's probably your entire school. So you need to be good to all the neighbors in your school, which are the classmates and the colleagues that you have at school, your friends, you have to be good, you have to be nice to them, you have to be an example for each and every one of them. Imagine, even if you're going to an Islamic school, how many of you children go to Islamic schools, raise your hand, if you go to an Islamic school, right? Or there's a majority of Muslims in your class, good, a good number of you about half of you. Even if you go to an Islamic school, you can put your hand down now.

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And your class is filled with Muslims.

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Every single student in your class should recognize you as being the best in your class. Why? Because you're learning at the bottom of right. You're learning the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well as the Sahaba of the Allah at home. And you're learning about the lives of the people who lived around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the importance of being the best, most outstanding student in your class. So even if your classes filled with Muslims, you should be the best from amongst them. They should all look up to you. Whether you're young, whether you're old, whether you're tall, whether you're short, whether you're smart, whether you don't think

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you're smart, because all of us are smart, or just smart in different ways. You have to be the best. And the exemple for every single one of those students in your class in sha Allah.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala will hold us accountable on the day of judgment

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as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says and this is not by denying someone the deen This is not mentioned that we're denying someone the deen. It's mentioned we're denying kindness, simple kindness, human kindness, that you're a nice to your neighbor that you smile to them that you respect them that you don't swear at them that you don't look at them angrily, you're not upset with them, even if they damage something that belongs to you. You forgive them, you go over you talk to them, if they pay for the damages great. If they don't, you can request that they do or some sort of help and assistance and compensation, but still be nice to your neighbors. Don't hate the person.

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Hate the action. Never hate the person. Just hate the action that they did. If it's a bad action, and if it's something that hurts your feelings and goes against the dean in chapter 61 Hadeeth 112

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a Muslim should not sate or which means become satisfied in terms of their appetite with their own self without first seeing to the needs of their neighbor, Abdullah bin

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said I heard even our bus or the Allahu anhu telling even as a surveyor that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that a man who filled his belly while his neighbor is hungry is not a believer.

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And then who fills his belly while his neighbor is still hungry? is not a believer. Now here's we look at the Arabic words in the English translation. It's different slightly, we could say is not a good believer, because that is what's meant is that your email is not complete. You don't fulfill your email, right? But at this

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Same time, the profits on a long line he was selling them is warning us that if you're not looking around you, and we said the neighbor is not simply the person who lives next to you, oh, yeah, my neighbor works at, you know, Samsung, and the other one works at Apple. So they're both rich, because those are both great companies right now, right? No, the neighbor is approximately your neighborhood. And so if there's someone in your neighborhood who you see, maybe their car needs repairs, but they are not doing repairs to it, so you could assume that maybe they don't have enough money. And so you go over, you get to know them, you ask them is everything, okay? How's the family,

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you just get to know them in general. And if you see that this person, maybe their clothing is not so good, or they're struggling, they're going through difficult times, then maybe we need to start sending some food over to them, maybe we need to start helping them in the things that they need in their lives. Maybe we need to assist them in paying for, you know, the repairs of their car, so that they can make it to work on time and not lose their job, right, and so on and so forth. So it's important for us to look at the neighbors, and we'll see more examples of that inshallah Todd,

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in the next Hadeeth water should be added to broth so that it can be shared with neighbors. Now look at how you know the importance of looking after our neighbors, but also how in this next, Heidi will learn the importance of maximizing our food,

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not maximizing it as in buying a larger garbage can because every single week, we're throwing more food into the garbage because there's too much leftovers because the wife is cooking too much. Right? Not that but maximize our food as in, we stretch the amount of food that we have, in order to give it to others without rhodiola and said, My beloved, or in Arabic quality. My my friend, my beloved friend, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is who he's referring to, in joined three things upon me. So he says, My dear, you know, friend, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam has, has guided me or instructed me towards three things.

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He says,

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here and obey, even if the ruler is a slave with his limbs cut off. So this is not to do with the neighbor. This is to do with a thought, this has to do with following the leader, right, making sure that the person who's put in place and obviously this is referring to the, to the ruler who's ruling Muslims, and he himself is the Muslim, right. But it also refers to obeying, or I should say, respecting the laws of the lens that we live in, so long as it's not asking us to go against our Deen in terms of our belief. All right. So even if you even if the ruler, and I know a lot of people like to criticize Muslim countries and Muslim leaders, and we saw this throughout this week, right

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on social media, how, you know, when when the baby that, you know, little child was washed up on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, and the, the picture of the baby in his in his shoes, and his shorts and his shirt, laying there on the sand, the beautiful sand of the beach, and we're seeing this dead body of a child, many people started to criticize. And I don't want to name names of countries, but leaders of countries who are either Muslim countries, or the leader themself is a Muslim, and started to point the finger at Oh, look at all the Arab and the Gulf and you know, these Muslim countries and leaders, why is it that they're not doing anything in order to help these children,

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whereas these non Muslim led countries are helping all these, you know, refugees, Syria, and so on and so forth. And Subhanallah we saw this switch.

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This switch happened as though someone turned the light on and zoom the lens out in order to give us a bigger picture of what was happening on CNN and BBC and Fox and all that, right, showing us how the Muslim countries and and and those leaders have been contributing.

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But we don't hear about it. We don't see it. And it goes unnoticed.

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And hundreds of 1000s of people have been helped.

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And yet as Muslims, we noticed on the internet, many Muslims were criticizing other Muslims who are leaders in other countries. Whether the country is predominantly a Muslim country or not criticizing leaders criticizing politicians criticizing anyone that's in power, or some sort of authority as long as there are Muslim Muslims were criticizing them and saying, What are these people doing? Why aren't they helping those that are you know, that are struggling? Those that that

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Need refugee status? Why is it that no one's looking after them.

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And Subhana Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us to follow that leader, those that are in those countries, those that are in rule,

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even if they are

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as if they're a slave with their limbs cut off, meaning they can't do anything, they have no power, they might be the leader in place, but they don't have power to do anything, still continue to follow this person. And it's a huge chapter, if we go into it. I know many of you are probably thinking what that doesn't make sense. But it's a huge chapter in our Deen, when we look at the amount of respect that we must, that we must give towards a leader. Now let's move away from that in Shaolin. Because that's not really our topic. Our topic is neighbors, number two. So the second thing that goes out of the law and mentions that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him or

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advised him with regards to, he said, when you make a broth, add water to it, then see to the people in your neighbor's houses and share it with them properly. So he's telling about that on the lower end. And this happened at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, where sometimes they didn't have more than just some meat. Or sometimes they only had a little piece of meat stuck to a large piece of a bone. And so they would put the bone in water, and they would boil it and boil it and boil it and make a broth. And they would take that broth, and they would serve it or give it to their neighbors or give it to people that would come and knock on their doors. And some of this how

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little the alarm on him. They felt embarrassed. They felt embarrassed that I'm giving to this person, look at what I'm giving to them. But that's all you had. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to reinsure them, even if it's just like the foot of an animal, give it to them, cook it, do something with it, use the broth and take the broth and give it to them. Right? Because that in itself is food for someone who doesn't have food. And it's important for us to be in touch and in contact with the people in our cities that don't have food. How many of us know one person who might be homeless? Or who might, you know, be living on the streets within our city? Does anyone know one

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person, just one person?

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No one, not a single one of us?

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No one, we should do this tonight, we should all after a shot, drive our children home, meet back up over here and all go downtown or all go and walk around the streets where the populated areas are at night and you will find homeless people go downtown. How many of us work downtown, many of us work downtown. We work late shifts sometimes right? Or you get delayed and you're downtown. You say you know what traffic is there? Let me just wait. I'll work a little bit more. And then I'll go home. And we see people sitting on the side of the street? Why don't we ask them their name?

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Why don't we ask them? You know, why is it that you're here? How can I help you? Let me buy you a coffee or something. Let me you know, forget about a coffee, give them a meal. Give them something that get to know them. And if we as Muslims don't know, out of all of us sitting here, and I'm assuming that we're shy, but at the same time, I'm probably sure that the majority of us don't know a single homeless person, or someone who's on the streets or someone who we see regularly who we help when we see them on the streets.

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I'm pretty sure of it. And there's many people out there. And in fact, we should not, you know only drop our kids off at home and go and do this. We should take our children with us sometimes planet as a family together as a family. Get some clothing together. winter's coming, the weather is changing. Whatever warm clothing we have from last year that we're not going to use this year. We want to buy something new, maybe we saved for it. Take that that clothing and go downtown. We should be giving the new clothing away. But we should at least take if we have something that's good. And it's usable. Take our families and go downtown. Go somewhere and find someone to give it to get in

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touch with with Aigner relief. Right. It can a relief. I'm sure there's brothers here right now sisters, maybe Who are you know, in tune every single day or at least once a week with igner relief and no people, right in our own community. There might even be people sitting with us right now who need but they're just not saying anything. They might have no job.

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They're probably in tears on the inside holding it in wondering so panela If only people knew my situation, if only people knew that I couldn't put food on my table. There might even be people here right now. But we don't know them. And we don't spend time trying to get to know them. Right? Exactly. So some handle it's important for us to do that. It's important for us to remember

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that we will be questioned on the Day of Judgment with regard

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ARDS to those who we could have helped but didn't help. It is part of our belief. It is part of who we are, that we look after humanity, we look after each other. And we don't simply continue to spend on our families in abundance without caring about those that are around us. The third thing that I moved out of the Aloha and mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised him about is to pray the prayers at their proper times. So pray your prayer at its appropriate time.

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He says, and then if you find that the Imam has already prayed, you will have secured your prayer meaning you have also prayed with the Imam right so you find that the Imam prayed and you prayed with the Imam, your prayers secured, if not, it becomes an additional prayer. And in brackets we see here in English because it's explaining the the Arabic wording since you pray it again behind the Imam meaning for those of us that may have missed us Allah like missed it out word outrightly missed our prayer. The time is up, it's over. Let's say we missed a shot yesterday.

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Right? And then you end up praying it today behind an Imam or you pray shot and after a shot you make up another Florida or something of that sort, right? You would have missed your prayer. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised him about praying our prayers on time.

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In chapter 63,

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sorry, is the same chapter Hadeeth number 114. I both thought about the alarm and says

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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if you cook a broth, add water to it and fulfill your duty to your neighbors, meaning share some of it with your neighbors and this is an authentic narration. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encourages us to share our food.

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And this is a lesson for each and every one of us. How many times as we're done eating supper, maybe we just did that a couple of hours ago, we finished eating supper. And we notice that the mother or the wife starts to take the food, put it in containers, cover it up and put it in the fridge. And if you open that fridge, you'll look very, you know, look, look to the to the very back of the fridge. And you'll notice that there's probably food in there from yesterday. But today we ate fresh food fresh, nice, hot, beautiful food, right, Jani and Kima and all this nice salon and roti and Mashallah everything's so beautiful. tastes nice, right? What about the food from yesterday that's

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still sitting in the fridge. You look behind that food, you'll see food from the day before yesterday, still sitting in the fridge, he looked behind that you might see food that you ate like a week ago, still sitting in the fridge. And so we shouldn't actually have leftovers in our fridge. It shouldn't be a thing. You know that that word leftover should not be in our in our fridge. It should not be leftovers there. Unless you're going to save some for tomorrow to take to work for lunch and you know, the children, the wife and so on. Are you going to eat it tomorrow? That's a different story. But the majority of homes Muslim as well as non Muslim, dumps so much food in the garbage. I

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remember when I was in Malaysia,

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we did a survey. And if I remember correctly, it was in the downtown area of Kuala Lumpur every single night 10,000 tons of food is thrown in the garbage.

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That's a lot of food. That's because every single restaurant when they close their food goes in the garbage.

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And that's a an annoying law that's in place in many countries, that the food that's leftover from the restaurant at the end of the day is to go to the garbage. It cannot be sold. Why? Because someone might get sick someone might get food poisoning. Yeah, the law is in place for four reasons. We know that there's certain reasons why it's there. But somehow not that amount of food goes into the garbage in us in one city alone. Every single day, ask yourself how much food is thrown in the garbage every single day around the world, more than the amount of mouths and bellies that we can actually fill

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in terms of the people on earth, but we throw it in the garbage.

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And we might even notice this ourselves. You know, some handle that sometimes. When I travel I like to meet the poor areas. I remember when I went to Vancouver, right? I was in Vancouver, East Hastings Street. If you ever in Vancouver, I told you that before go to East Hastings Street. West Hastings is where everyone's going to take you. That's downtown. That's where the Lamborghinis the Ferrari is the BMW is the rich people are there the nice buildings, the the beautiful restaurants Everything is there in West Hastings right? East Hastings. How many of you have seen

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The Tbilisi Jamaat estima

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are you seeing pictures of it or you may be attended it? It looks like the HTML of the web Jamaat, or it looks like the calf, you know, in the Ramadan when we had the back row over here, and there was curtains, well forget the curtains, but everyone's sleeping in a little, you know, line enough space for that sleeping bag, or the width of a pillow. That's what the entire sidewalk looks like. in Vancouver, in Canada, a first world country.

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It looks like you're surprised you're shocked. You're wondering, is this really Canada.

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And you just see cardboard boxes lined up and people on the streets, young, old children,

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Muslim as well as non Muslim living on the streets.

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And don't walk through the alleys. Just do not walk through the alleyways unless you have someone with you who's used to the streets, because you will get mugged. Okay, it's dangerous. There's drugs. So stay on the main street and see it and go and witness it.

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And then you'll wonder when you go to that downtown area the next night, and you go to that restaurant or you're anywhere in the suburbs, and you go to the restaurant and you finish eating and there's even one slice of pizza left or half of your Subway sandwich or a one strip of a kebab left. Ask the restaurant to take it to go tell them say can you pack this for me take away

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and bring it with you and as you walk down the streets you will see someone make dua to Allah Subhana Allah Yeah, a lot. I want to give this food to someone who deserves it and Allah will bring someone your way.

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You will notice that you will find someone who needs it and give it to them. They will be happy. And that's what we need to do. Don't let leftovers go to the garbage don't waste food in sha Allah hota

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in Hadith number 115 Abdullah bin I'm originally asked for the Allahu anhu ma said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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the best of companions in the eyes of Allah, the Exalted is the one who is the best to his companion. So the best companion in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala is, is the one from amongst us who is best to our companion, best to our friends. So if you want to be the best friend of your friend, or the best friend, according to Allah subhanho wa Taala, make sure that you are the best friend. And then he says the best of neighbors in the eyes of Allah, the Most High is the one who is the best towards his neighbor. So the best neighbor, according to a lot is the person who's the best to their own neighbor, you become the best neighbor.

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But you have to be the best to your neighbor. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he reminds us and shows us the importance and the status of the best neighbor, that you become recognized with Allah subhanho wa Taala as the best neighbor, and then we look at the good neighbor, and so

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on. Nothing is nil how to set that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, part of the happiness of a Muslim includes three things. So part of the happiness of a Muslim if you want to be happy, there's three things that will make you happy.

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He says, part of the happiness of a Muslim includes a spacious dwelling, a good neighbor, and a good mount.

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a spacious house, right? A good neighbor, and a nice car. Those are the three things amount at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was what a camel or horse today it's a BMW, Toyota Camry, whatever, you drive something nice that you enjoy. It might be the cheapest car on the market, but you enjoy it. You love it. Why? Because it's fuel efficient, right? And so you enjoy your car. That's one of the things that gives you happiness. The other thing is a home a spacious home, where you're comfortable with you and your family. You have everything that you need there in your home. But what makes your home even better is as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions

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a good neighbor. Ask yourself though, this is what we need to ask ourselves, are we giving happiness to our neighbor?

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are we bringing happiness to our neighbors by being a good neighbor for them?

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That neighbor might have a good car, that neighbor might have a nice house, but if we have rotten behavior than that neighbor is not enjoying themselves because of us. So we need to be an example. Even if that neighbor is the one who's rotten to us, then we need to be extra nice to that neighbor. So that neighbor

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changes their behavior because that will bring us happiness in our life. This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam tells us.

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We'll we'll take one more chapter in sha Allah hotaka which is two more heady, the chapter titled, a bad neighbor, a bad neighbor.

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Abu hurayrah said,

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one of the supplications of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, or Allah, I seek refuge with you from a bad neighbor, in a permanent home for a neighbor in the desert can be changed, and basically can move from one place to the other. So Abu hurayrah Allah Allah says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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used to make dua, saying that he seeks refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala. From a bad neighbor,

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who's in a permanent home who's not moving, who's not going anywhere. That neighbor who's there, they're not renting, they own the home, you own the home, you're there, they're there, they're not moving. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make dua seeking refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala, from the bad neighbor showing us that we can make dua to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah as well. Yeah, a lot of neighbors selling their house, please bring someone nice to our neighborhood. Right? Not like someone who's going to harm us, someone who's going to, you know, point the finger at us, someone who's going to be rude and bad to our children and so on and so forth.

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And the next Hadeeth of Moosa are the Allahu en says, The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the hour will not come, meaning the day of judgment will not come until a man kills his neighbor, his brother and his father.

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The day of judgment will not come, right. Until a man kills his neighbor, his brother and his father. Now, I know many of you right now are thinking of different countries on earth, where you're seeing people being thrown out of their lands and pushed away from their society, their their neighborhood, right? thinking of maybe Syria, thinking of people in Burma were being pushed out of their lens, the Palestinians, right, an ongoing thing that no one is thinking of now, because everyone is focusing on Syria, no one really knows what's happening over there. Right. And so so Pamela, we're all, you know, thinking, or we might be thinking that that's actually happening. And

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some people will say, Oh, the end of time is coming near. Why? Because man is killing his neighbor, his brother, his father, their relatives, basically, and we're seeing it happening.

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But that's different. That's like a battle or war, some sort of oppression that's happening on large scale. What about like what we're seeing in the states right under us? how a lot of people are taking these videos, 32nd videos, one minute videos, of how police are neighbors, shoot and kill each other, based on the differences of their skin tone, the differences of their appearance, the differences of their belief, how people are living amongst each other as neighbors. Remember, the neighbor is not just the person next to you, it's your neighborhood, killing people in their own neighborhoods for 25 cents. Yo, man, can you spare some change? 25 cents, no, shoot them. I I've

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seen videos of this actually, when I was in South Africa, I was extremely, you know, on guard to making sure this is handled, I would go out looking like you know, the average person. Don't wear anything nice, right? Just put a T shirt on and walk out running shoes. Don't Polish your shoes, right? Because there's some areas like in Cape Town where there's gangs and drugs very predominant. And people will come to you out of poverty and asked for a Rand or 50 cents, 25 cents, right? $1. And if you don't give it to them, they'll shoot and kill you.

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Literally just shoot you

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somehow don't know what type of world that we live in. And this is a reality, that people really aren't taking the lives of others simply because they don't care about you. They think you belong in a different place. You come from some other lens, you don't speak our language or you have an accent. And all of a sudden you don't belong. No, no, no, this is not the way that we live as human beings. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam warns us about this, that the hour will not come until we see this happening. As in we see it happening widespread, but at the same time some kind of law it's a it's an eye opener for us.

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as Muslims that we have a responsibility to spread goodness, we have the responsibility of spreading goodness amongst ourselves, our communities. And it goes back to the beginning. back to the beginning of what we took today, the distance of our neighbors, what is who is a neighbor who's considered a neighbor, and it's our entire neighborhood. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for each and every one of us from this weekend in sha Allah hota Allah, we begin to get to know our neighbors. From this weekend, we begin to get to know the people that live in our neighborhood. From this weekend, even the person who might live next to us that we might have said

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hi to 1000 times, but we never got to know their name. We will get to know their name this weekend in sha Allah hota Hana I mean out of Atlanta Minnesota Los Alamos America Nana Bina Muhammad wanna do something yourself?

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Before we take any questions and shut up, please

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keep in your dorm.

00:46:05 --> 00:46:44

The mother in law of Brother Mohammed said she passed away just a few days ago in Pakistan, right? So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to forgive her and to grant her agenda to fit a dose. ask Allah subhana wa tada to make her got her grave wide, open, sweet smelling garden agenda. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give her family members patience at this time where it's very difficult. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to accept all of her good deeds and to forgive her. Had she had any sins written in her book of deeds? I mean, and don't forget those as well. in Makkah, just a few hours ago, who passed away, right.

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Dozens of people passed away in Makkah, just a few hours ago. For those of you that didn't know who was a sandstorm yesterday that crept in and the weather was fairly strange, very odd. And there was today at their time, just after also, which is still on a Friday, which is a good time. hamdulillah very nice. In fact, many people think oh, what do you mean it's nice, it's nice. Allah subhana wa tada brought those Hajaj those people who went for Hajj to his home to the house of Allah subhana wa tada now his home as in he lives there, but the house of Allah place of worship

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heavy rain starts to fall. For those that may not have seen the pictures and videos, I have friends and colleagues that are there at this moment right now who sent to me personally.

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And lightning struck one of the cranes we all know that the bottom of Mecca is being renovated and expanded and there's a lot of construction hit one of the cranes. Heavy rain was falling wind was was blowing and it even started to hail in Mecca, hail

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and Subhanallah this crane one of the cranes fell down and killed I think 67 people died something like this 87 now right 87 people died, over 200 over 200 people injured. And whatever the number is, it's a lot. And so a lot of the pictures are very graphic. So for those of us that might see the pictures on on Facebook and YouTube and so on. Try not to spread the pictures. These are pictures of the the the bodies of our Muslim brothers and sisters Have some respect for the for the pictures of the deceased. Let's have a beautiful sign for them.

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Beautiful sign for them and an eye opener for me and you that these people were brought to the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala for Hajj. For most of them probably the very first and only time they will ever go there.

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And they're inside the house. They are inside from the from the pictures they're inside, though, you know, don't think of the bottom as the white building around the Kaaba. And whoever's inside the walls right in the middle that's inside the huddle. Know the Harlem is the boundaries of the bottom right. And that's included on the outside of the walls where the white marble floor is there inside the boundaries of the home on a Friday evening during what is very close to if not the last hour on the Friday. And this crane falls and takes their lives. Allah subhanho wa Taala had written for it to happen. It's not a disaster. It's not a coincidence. It's not as many people are saying in fact,

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there was one website that's called something like joke of the day or you know, laugh of the day or something like that. And they're actually posting pictures of this that look what happened. Muslims went over there to perform pilgrimage and they all die. Right? a crane falls on them. This is sent from Allah subhanho wa Taala he could have sent this rain

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And wind and hail and lightning 364 other days throughout the year, but he sent it today, on a Friday, minutes before the end of the day. Right before Hajj begins when people are in their home. This is from Allah subhanho wa Taala he wanted to take those people, those people dying inside of the atom. They are they're considered like Shaheed

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and they will be buried there inside mcca What better reward Do you want the most sacred place on earth? And so don't look at it as something that's bad. Yes, we feel we feel hurt for the family members. We feel saddened for those who lost their family and relatives and friends. But at the same time, we remind ourselves this is a reminder for us, where will I die? How will I die? And what will I be doing when I die?

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Where will I be? Will I be in Macau? Will I be in front of the camera? Or will I be somewhere on the streets you know doing some dealer or interacting with someone that's how long so it's a lesson for us. And a lot sends this at a perfect time for us to remind ourselves especially those that never went for Hajj before that have to go for Hajj that it's compulsory for them to go for Hajj and have the ability and the the sustenance to go go for Hajj because your time might never come. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to to give patients to those that the family members and relatives and friends of those that passed away and we asked a lot from hanaway to add it to give the deceased the

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highest levels in gender because they deserve it from the from the from the place that they died.

00:51:41 --> 00:51:42

Any questions?

00:51:47 --> 00:51:49

Mashallah, no one has any questions to

00:51:56 --> 00:51:57

me. All

00:52:04 --> 00:52:05

right, very good.

00:52:15 --> 00:52:22

Okay, so for those that didn't hear the question, and this is very relevant and important for us to learn right now. In fact,

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I mentioned this in my drama football, but I didn't do my drama clip out here today I was in Milton.

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The question is, for those that will be offering the sacrifice that would be slaughtering either in a sheep or goat or a cow or anything of that sort either here or somewhere else. Do we have to trim? Are we supposed to refrain from trimming our nails and our

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very bushy mustache that I have right now? Yes. So for the first 10 days those that that are planning to and will be offering the sacrifice, then yes, it is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam authentic knee narrated that he said those that will be offering the the idea then refrain from removing from your body the hair as well as the skin so the nails as well as your hair, right? So almost like you're in the state of the home you can you know, do what else you could put perfume on you can you know have relations as spousal relations and so on. But don't trim your hair and don't trim your nails. Now, I know many of us think well Okay, before aid Sana, right we want to

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take a shower get dressed look good. We want to have a haircut the day before and trim our nails and you know look good on the day. But you know, this read you're supposed to look scruffy. Okay? Especially if you're offering the oath here, you're supposed to look scruffy. Right? So, tomorrow, right? Because we will be looking for the moon in Charlottetown. Within the next day or two. Tomorrow, make sure whoever wants to have a haircut for eight, go and have your haircuts, trim your nails, trim your mustache, if you're going to be offering the sacrifice, right? If not, then you don't have to follow this. Another thing that's important for us to do is these first nine days of

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the hijab the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fast during these days. So these are said to be the most beneficial days as in the daytime of the year. And the most beneficial nights of the year are the last 10 nights of Ramadan, right where we could find later terracotta. So these first Nine Nights, why not? Sorry, the first 10 nine days, why only nine days Why not? 10 days? Why don't we fast on the 10th day because the 10th day is eat. Alright, so the first nine days, we are encouraged, we don't have to but we're encouraged to fast, read more and do extra Eva that try and reconnect with a law. Try and rekindle what we lost from Ramadan, try and bring that back into our

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lives that routine again. And you know for many of us handler, we think we want to go to

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offer and stand on our offer, but we can't we didn't go for Hajj where you can still stand in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala at night you want to spend the night sleeping in was delaford but you didn't go for Hajj where you can sleep in the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala and wake up and perform a little bit of the night prayer right you want to you know sacrifice and go through the hardships well you can sacrifice by offering the the the the animal as a sacrifice as well as sacrifice from your knifes what you desire to do, especially that which might be a sin according to a loss of Hannah Montana sacrifice that cut it out, get rid of it from your life, and you will feel

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so much better inshallah so there's so many things that we can do that relate to Hajj, even though we're not going to Hajj right. So we asked a lot of make it easy for us and Sharma.

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Yes. Okay. So for example,

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in the family, let's say, you know, there's a family and you're slaughtering one animal, so the husband, the wife, and the children, especially those that might be mature, maybe they can't afford to do their own animal, but they're doing it on behalf of their family, then they can also follow this, this son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we can also offer the Odia on behalf of someone else. So let's say you know, someone who can't afford it, you can tell them say, you know, I will I will pay on your behalf for the animal, whether you want to do it here or abroad, which is another question we'll touch inshallah, for you to offer the sacrifice, there was a time where the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, led the prayer, he led how he came down off the member after doing the hotel, and someone had gifted him with a sheep. And so he said, Bismillah, Allahu Akbar, and a need or an FC. So he slaughtered it on behalf of himself as well as and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, as well as those who are not capable or can't afford just to offer the sacrifice. So you can do it on behalf of someone else, as well as for offering the, the Odia or the, what do we call it Qurbani? Right? In in Canada or abroad? Can we do that? Yes, we can do it here locally, we can do it elsewhere as well.

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It's not like Zika, where's the cash should be and its primary place of disbursement is to is to give locally first, and when there's no one in need locally, then you give it abroad. You can do it here or somewhere else. And so kinda this year, I've I personally decided, you know what, I'm gonna do it in Sudan, because many people are focusing I know a lot of people are thinking Syria, Syrian refugees, the whole world is thinking about Syrian refugees. What about the other people that are not being thought of that are going through difficult times, and have friends personally, who went to Sudan last year, and we're going again this year to do that here, and they're going to be doing

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that there. And I know them and I trust them that all every single dollar that I'm giving is going towards that inshallah Tada, in fact, they actually pay for their own plane tickets to go. And so some handle on it, you know, give to people who you trust, who you know, are going to spend that wisely inshallah, right.

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I know, sometimes we look at the pricing, we look at all you know, which one is cheaper $60 for a share in a cow, or, you know, this country cost $110 in that country costs 260 in this country costs 360 Oh, let me go with the cheapest one. But you're looking for a discount with rewards for from a lesser penalty to spend, spend for Allah subhanho wa Taala, you will get more rewards, right? The more you spend, the more you will get. And don't think of it as Oh, why is it more expensive in one country and cheaper in another country, it's more expensive than the other country because you'll notice, those people are so poor, they don't have the food and in order to get the animal and bring

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it to them in their villages costs a lot of money as well. So the animals the food in the poorest of countries, for some strange reason cost the most. And that's why, you know, I was asking the brothers in the UK, who are going to Sudan and I said why in Sudan is 110 pounds, that's $226 Canadian. I said there's local like HCI you know, that $150 that are doing it in those countries they like if you knew what you had to go through to get the sheep over there and to those villages where the people don't have it, you will not complain. And I said I'm not complaining but I'm just inquiring because the Muslim communities are asking. So it is difficult, it's not easy to acquire

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the animals Firstly, because there's a shortage and then Subhana Allah, you know, the the cost of bringing it over

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

is also very costly.

01:00:04 --> 01:00:06

Any other questions before the end?

01:00:10 --> 01:00:17

Okay, so we'll stop there and Sharla does that come along or fader was that a lot of sentiment about again and IBM Hamad whether it was happy or sad

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 17 (11th September 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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