Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP10

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of maintaining kinship and maintaining relationships with family members, especially when it comes to personal information. They emphasize the need for people to be considerate and careful in their behavior, and stress the importance of reciting Surah till strangers and not sharing excuses until one is successful. They also mention the importance of not wanting to mix with bad behavior and not wanting to be in a group of people. The speakers provide advice on maintaining relationships and being proactive in pursuing a goal.
AI: Transcript ©
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we, before we start our halycon shama horchata. First and foremost, I want to ask all the children if there's any children outside or even if there's little girls that are in the sisters section. If the fathers can look after the little girls, that would be great. In fact, they don't even need to look after them, they can just send them out inshallah, we'll have all the sisters sit over here, the little girl sit on the side inshallah. So they can also take part in answering questions and getting candy. Right, and chocolate inshallah Tada, so if any of the mothers are there with sisters and sorry with daughters.

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They can't hear. Can they hear now?

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Go check. And let me know. Okay. All right. So hamdulillah that's good.

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Okay, good Masha Allah. So because of the sisters setting up, whatever they're setting up for in the gym, please, whoever has children here, just bring your children into the mustard because that's going to disturb them and cause some trouble and issues over there. So bring all the children in sha Allah inside the mustard. And we have all of this colorful stuff over here for them, which is good and great. And also the girls I don't I haven't seen the door opens on opening I'm hoping some of the girls from the from inside from the ladies section will come forth inshallah Hosanna is the door unlocked should be unlocked. And they can come through because it's not fair. You know, every single

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week the fathers say well, what about our daughters, right? And then the mothers say, Well, what about our daughters? They don't get the chocolate too so well they didn't answer the questions you didn't send them through. So send them through inshallah Tada, we have a reserved seating for the VIP daughters. There's reserved seating for those that want to sit in the back corner there and also reserved for them over here in the front. Okay, so I've made that very clear. Now none of you can ever complain about this. All right. So whatever daughter's little girl Come, come, come come get them to come inside inshallah you can sit there or you can come sit here. It's up to you. All right.

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Okay, good.

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That was the first thing the second thing that I wanted to remind each and every one of us about is we're studying the book known as a double Mossad. Right? For those of you that don't have a book that want one and want to maybe grab one now, the box of books is here and Brother Mohammed, Jihad will write your name down. So you could just come over here right now inshallah if you want to grab one. So we're studying a double mo flood, a double Mossad is the book of Who can tell me? What's the title of the book?

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What's the title of the book guys?

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morals and etiquette. Right? Is that it? Book of morals? And etiquettes? Who is the author of this book? Who wrote the book? who authored it? Who put it together?

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And emammal Bukhari, right? What is he famous for? What other book is he famous for?

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What other book is he famous for?

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So he's known as a jam, he went right over your head at a jam in a Friday. Right? That's for him. I sound like a jam. Right. And that is the book that has or the very well known book of emammal Bahati that is compiled filled with authentic Hadees. Right.

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This book that we're studying, is a book of morals and etiquette. So it's only normal and natural that we take care of our books, right.

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Now, some of us have the question, can we put the book on the floor?

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Can we put the Qur'an on the floor? That's the first question.

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Should we be putting the poor and or the most half on the floor? Who says it is not permissible? And how long? Raise your hand?

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Okay, who says it's not how long but it's my crew. It's disliked, raise your hand.

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Who says it's halali Cooper on the floor, you can put it on the table, you can put it wherever is clean.

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Now, of course, right, you could put it wherever it's clean. But the real, or the correct opinion here is that it is disliked if you put it on the floor.

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If there's an absolute need, so for example, you're about to make sujood. Right? Where are you going to put it?

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You're about to make sujood. Let's say you're in Fallout, Fallout two tarawih. And you're praying to God, are we and you're following behind the Imam with a must have in your hand? Where are you going to put it?

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Now it's a regular size one, are you going to put in your pocket? Does it fit? No. Where are you going to put it? Are you going to put it under your arm? That's possible, right? You might be able to put it under your arm or you

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Making your suit correctly?

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Probably not. Right? Are you going to hold it in your hand and makes you dude? And you're going to do this? Right? You're going to hold it in your hand and put your palm down this way.

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Is that making your food correct? No, it's not. Right. So we have to know the morals and values with regards to the war on itself. It is disliked to put the Quran on the floor, but in a time of necessity, it can be permissible, okay. But it is only for that time and that period. Now with regards to this book that we're learning in any other book, whether it's, you know, this book of Hadith, or any Hadeeth book or any book of the deen, we should try and show some sort of effort on towards the book, right, show some,

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some, some love some care for the book and not just put it on the floor and throw it around, you know, it's in front of you and you want to move it you just move it with your feet. You don't do that. Okay, you tried to take care of the book, the book contains verses of the Quran. The book contains Hadith and statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So let's try and take care of it. It has the names of Allah in it as the name of the Prophet Mohammed from Lahore, and he will send them in it. Let's try and take care of the book. Some of you will notice that you might bring a bag or school bag or something, you could put it on your school bag, some will have it on top of

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their laps. Sometimes you might put it on the floor, if you put it it's, again, it's okay. But it's preferred that you don't do that. Right? So try and take care of the book as much as you possibly can. All right, it contains the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So before we actually study the book, we should learn study. Sorry, we should study the morals and the etiquette with regards to taking care of our books and the books of Hadith, the books of the Shetty and the dean. Okay, so I don't want to see anyone putting the book on the floor in sha Allah unless there's an absolute need to do that.

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Okay, this means I have 100 Rahim hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Manuela Hammarberg. So we left off last week. In other words, when we were discussing the topic of

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what we were discussing,

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being dutiful, towards the nearest relative and then

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and then the next Well, actually, we didn't really leave off there.

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Okay, look at the page before

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maintaining ties of kinship will prolong life. Okay. This is worse.

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I don't know if the sisters can hear if the sisters can hear. Let me know in shumba. Okay. Maybe one of you girls, can you check if if the sisters can hear?

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So here, this is good. We left off at chapter 28. Wake up, wake up, wake up. Chapter 28. Right. We left off at chapter 28 where we were discussing maintaining ties of kinship. And this will prolong a person's life. Who can tell us a few things that we learned last week very quickly. Don't want to spend much time Yes.

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Parents should treat each of their kids equally good or justly right? That's not yours. You need to answer something if you want it. What did you learn last week?

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You should What?

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Okay, very good. So if your parents or someone a relative is asking you to do something that pulls you or takes you further away from the deen or is disliked by Allah subhanho wa Taala your obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala could be if it's such a severe issue could be in your maintaining the distance with that person not cutting the ties of really the ties of kinship, but to limit your relationship with that person. Okay, very good. Mashallah. Let me ask someone else inshallah, who else What did you learn?

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What about being dutiful towards your parents?

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What about it?

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Yeah, but what?

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If they asked you something, you should do it. Why?

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testing you?

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Why do you do it? Why should you do what your parents asked you to do? What's the reward for it?

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Right, you get rewarded for it. Your parents are proud of you and happy with you and Allah subhanho wa Taala is happy with you as well. Good. Very good.

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Good, yes.

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Right? Very good. So if the parents love one child more than the other, they shouldn't show it to their children. You can have that love in you, but you should not show that love to your children. You shouldn't display it or portray it to them. Hamza, you're going to be my messenger. Okay? Come your total soon. Right? You're the messenger. Take this and bring it to that sister over there. Okay?

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Go Go get up, go go run, run, run.

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Yes. Last one.

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Don't forget to talk with it is on the line.

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Okay, good. So let's pan with Allah loves those who maintain relationships with their parents, and even after their parents are gone, you maintain the relationship with those who your parents liked, or were near, either out of the relatives or friends and so on and so forth. Okay, so that's what we learnt last week in sha Allah hotel. Next week, we'll finish off this portion of the book that deals with parents and parenting and we're going to switch it towards children. Right? We're going to switch the the attention from parents like being good and dutiful towards parents. And we're going to start focusing on the children in sha Allah who tada and then you'll see how the theme of the

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book moves on. So those that have the book, you can look through the book and see how we're going to handle that inshallah. Tada, can the sisters here okay, you checked, they can hear good, I'm Delilah. Today we're going to continue with chapter 29. On page number 53, Chapter 29. Page Number 53, which is the chapter title Allah loves the one who maintains his ties of kinship. Now, we're not going to spend too much time on some of these headings because they're very similar to the previous ones that we looked at. And be careful pay close attention because I'm going to ask you all a question and I'm going to give you one minute to come up with your answer and every single one of

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you has to come up with an answer.

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And I will ask people randomly so pay close attention in sha Allah, Allah.

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Allah Allah is the one who maintains his ties of kinship. There was a girl that had something Yes, you had your hand in the air. What did you want to say?

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What did you want to say? You want to candy? Yeah, okay, my son you want to candy or chocolate? We'll give you coffee cuz I know your father likes to stay awake late at night so you can keep him up later. That's for her in Selma. Right? Goodbye, sama.

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Even aroma rhodiola harinama he said in Hades number 58. If someone fears his Lord and maintains his ties of kinship, his term of life will be prolonged, he will have abundant wealth, and his people will love him. So we see here a beautiful example we took the previous chapter which is maintaining ties of kinship will prolong a person's life and we see here the statement of Norma Is this a statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

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Is this a statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

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Hello, is it a statement of the Prophet? salallahu alayhi wasallam? No, it isn't who made this statement?

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Even armor? What type of headache is this?

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Come on. We spoke about the different types of Hadeeth one that goes to the companions and one that goes to the Prophet for the llama. It was on the meaning that chain of narrators go back to a Sahabi and then there's a type of Hadith that goes back to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, figure it out. It's your quiz for next week. inshallah we gave you the answer at the very beginning when we started the book. So even our motto be Aloha and Houma. He said if someone fears his Lord, meaning you fear a loss of Hanwha to Island, you maintain your tie edge of kinship. His term of life will be prolonged, as we saw last week that you will have a longer life you will live on earth for a longer

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period of time, maybe a shorter period of time that's a little bit longer. It might be a year maybe two years might be 10 years might be five years. That is completely irrelevant. At this point in time, you will have abundant wealth. So Allah Subhana Allah will give that person more of the wealth that they possibly didn't think they could even acquire. Right and we spoke about this last week as well. And his people would love him. This is the

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the shy

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the shy hater. This is the

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point of the Hadith that we want to focus on that the people will love you. Why would the people love someone who maintains their ties of kinship?

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Why would people love you?

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Who can tell us? Yes.

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They'll think you're kind good.

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Do you think you're nice? Good, Mashallah just passed us back down. This microphone is restricting my throat. So sorry? Yes.

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They'll think you're special. Good. What about the parents? What about the adults? Why is it that the people of the community, for example, would love someone who maintains their ties of kinship? Ask yourself? Are there people sitting here in the mustard that you know of that you pray next to regularly, that are good individuals who maintain the ties of relationship with with their families? And you like them? Why do you like them?

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They're caring.

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They're caring. They're they're people who will look after relatives, and not only relatives, there will be individuals who generally we'll have concern for others will overlook the problems and faults of others will try to connect with them, even though they might not even know their name. Right. And those people, and not every single person is like that. We all know that. We might be one person in the house and another person outside of the house. And if you ask any of the spouses or children inside the house, is your father is your mother, are your relatives that live in your house the same as they are outside of the house?

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A lot of the time they will say no. Right? Because we're one person in the house and another person outside of the house with our friends, we are nice. We're good. We're kind right? with our family members, because we see them all the time. And because we're married to our spouse, it's like what where's she gonna go? Where's he gonna go? We're married, right? Where there's nothing to hide between us, right? No place to go. So we start to become our true selves, our true selves, right? We are one individual inside of our houses and another outside some of us. And so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to be one person inside the house as well as outside the house. We

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are the same person regardless of who is around us. We fear Allah subhanho wa Taala hadn't had enough number 59 is very, very similar. Just the wording is different. So we're not going to now sorry, just the internet is different. So the chain of narration is slightly different. We're not going to cover that Hadeeth it's the exact same,

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you know, meaning from the Hadeeth chapter 30 being dutiful to the nearest relative, and then the next nearest now, this is a question you had last week, right? Being Dude, I think it was that, you know, he was you Yes. So being dutiful towards the nearest relative and then the next nearest

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I'll make them even madikeri he said the profit for it'll be a lot more and he said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah enjoins you to be dutiful, he commands you to be dutiful towards your mother, then he enjoins you to be dutiful towards your mother, then he enjoins you to be dutiful, towards your father, towards your fathers. Then he enjoins you to be dutiful towards the next nearest relative, and then your next nearest relative. Two things I want to point out Firstly, when the heady states your mother's and then your mother's what's the point of mentioning the mother twice? Who can tell us

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the mother's sister

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so the Auntie's Okay, that's

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not quite, but

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it's emphasizing the importance of the mother. I'll give you this.

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emphasizing the importance of the mother, right.

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And we notice here The second thing I want to point out, you'll notice that the profit for the longer I think you have send them says, Be dutiful, towards your mothers, be dutiful towards your mothers. This shows an importance of being dutiful towards a mother's Why? Simply because we've covered this before. The mother has gone through a lot. She sacrificed a lot she's you know given from her life she's given from her house she's given from her. Her beauty she's given from her youth she's given from from many aspects of her own life, for the sake of bringing us into this world. And that is something that is very difficult for us to repay. Why does it say though? Perhaps, why does

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it say mothers and not mother Do we have

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One mother or multiple mothers.

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Do we have one mother? One mother?

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Only one mother.

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Okay, do we have another mother?

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grand mother masala. So we see here in the Hadith if you look at the Arabic it says Maha

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Maha tiecon. Right. And then he says the Abba a comb. Your father's when he says father said along either usnm What is he referring to? He's referring to not only the father, but

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the grandfather and then who?

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Prophet Adam.

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That's a very good answer. I'm going to give you a kid cat for that. There's a smart answer. Right? Perfect. Adam is your grandfather. You didn't you didn't know that. He's your grandfather. He's a great, great, great, great, great, great, great

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grandfather. Right? I saw much so that's a wise answer. Yes.

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Your uncle, it could possibly be your uncle. But here when we're speaking about mothers and fathers, it's referring to the Mother, the Father, the grandmother, the grandfather, the great grandmother, the great grandfather and so on and so forth. So you have to be dutiful towards them. If someone here has a great grandmother or great grandfather, does anyone have great grandparents? You do? Mashallah. You do they're still alive myself. Ah. So you still have to be dutiful towards them as though they're your mother and father. Why? Why do you have to be dutiful towards your great grandmother, great grandfather, just like your dutiful towards your mother and father.

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He saw the candy and he lost his words. Because what?

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala loves when you listen to your parents and your grandkid, Jenna, but why do you have to be dutiful towards your great grandmother, or your great grandfather?

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Because they're, they're not only the relatives or parents, but your parents have to be dutiful towards them as well. Right? So your parents have a responsibility of being dutiful towards them. It is a responsibility that they have upon them. Yes. Did you want to say something?

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Because they brought your parents up as well. Right? That's exactly it. That's what we were saying. Right? So they raised your

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they raised your parents, so therefore you have to respect them also, because it was them who brought your parents into this world and from your parents. They brought you into this world? Okay.

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actually give one to the other sister sitting next to her. Okay.

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The messenger has, he has to limit his chocolate intake. His father takes him for hot chocolates, that country style very often, so don't worry, right. A summer? Yes. Okay, I didn't answer. I didn't ask a question, though. Sweet. I know. You guys want chocolate and candy. It's coming. It's coming. Don't worry. It's coming. It's coming. Summer. What?

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You're asking the question. If I answer it, do I get a chocolate?

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Oh, it's not exactly a question anymore, then I don't want to hear it.

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It's only the 21st century going to which profit?

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Our date our calendar, What year is it? 2015. That calendar started when?

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During the time of which profits

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right after

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Isha Allah has shut up. So Adam was way way before he shot his setup. Right? Why? How many years did know how they have sent him? preach to his people for

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how many years?

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You're raising your hand while you're raising your hand? 40?

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No, not 40 909 150 years.

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Right? 950 years.

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So it's much much more than 21 generations, right? Did he answer it?

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being told to give you a candy I just don't remember why. But if I answered the question, I get a kick cat right or a Coffee Crisp?

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Right? Okay, I'm just joking. Okay, so we'll move on in sha Allah. So the prophets

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Aloha I didn't even send them here says Omaha to come on mahato calm and then about WooCommerce but beyond that he can be about equal because of the half job then he enjoins you to be dutiful towards your father then he enjoins you to be dutiful towards the next nearest relative and then to the next nearest relative in the following Hadeeth we see here, are you

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sorry, you have Sulaiman.

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The molar of man even a fan said, I will write or be a woman came to us on Thursday evening, the night of Friday. So if he came to them on Thursday evening, when was it? what day of the week was it?

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I thought you would get it. Such an easy question

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is Thursday. He came to him on Thursday evening, right? The night to Friday. Why do we say the major Friday

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Because islamically the Knights begin are the days actually begin after Salatin Muslim or Atma have a break. So after most of that is already Friday. So tonight right now what what day is it? islamically Mashallah, let me choose someone who

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Saturday. That's right. This is for you. Right. It's Saturday. It's a Saturday because

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it's a Saturday because the Davis family starts

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on the night before. So when we say on Jumeirah, we should recite Surah tilcon.

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When do we recite surah to calf

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after motive on Thursday is when Friday begins. So you can recite it on Thursday night, which is actually Friday, according to the Islamic calendar and week. So he says that Abu huraira, the long run came to us on Thursday evening, which was the night to Friday, he said I obliged every individual who has severed ties of kinship to leave our company. So imagine, he comes into the gathering. And he tells every single person, let's say I come in right now, or go, the Mohammed's I had comes in and he says whoever has cut their ties of kinship, whoever is bad to their family members, and they don't speak to them anymore. Leave.

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Right? Sorry.

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He's like, okay, I'll do it.

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Right. So imagine he comes in and says, Whoever cut their family ties, just get up and leave, leave this gathering don't stay here, don't sit here.

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So no one left, until he had said this three times, then the young man from amongst them went to his paternal and from whom he had severed ties for the last two years. He he went to her and he asked, sorry, he went to her and obviously told her

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and she asked him, oh, nephew,

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what is this? Where did you get this from? Right? What has brought, you know, what made you come to do this, come to see us and try to bring us together.

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And so he said, I heard about whatever, I'll be alone and say such and such meaning he came into the gathering and said, Whoever severed your ties of kinship, then just leave, right. And so she said, Go back to him and asked him why he said that. So he goes back to Abu huraira, viola Moran. And he said, he asked him, obviously, and who responds and he says,

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I heard the prophet SAW the logo, and he was one of them. See, the actions of the children of Adam are presented before a law, the Exalted every Thursday evening, the night of tomorrow, he does not accept the actions of someone who has severed ties of kinship.

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Now, this is a week Heidi, and it's mentioned right there, those that have the book. It's a weak ID. But we learned from it the importance of keeping ties of kinship, that even those who were close to the Prophet for longer, and he would send them the companions of the habit of the llama, and they would not want to mix with those who are bad to their family members, those that cut off their ties of kinship, they would distinguish themselves from them. And they wouldn't want to be in the same gathering of those individuals. Because when a loss of how to which Allah accepts or hears the actions of the people, they wouldn't want this person to be from amongst them. Now in the commentary

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for those of you that have the book, we see here, that it's authentically reported from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam where he said regarding

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His fasting of Monday and Thursday, that actions are presented to the Lord's to our club.

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of all that exists on those two days. So our actions are presented to a law on those two days, Mondays and Thursdays.

00:30:18 --> 00:30:54

And I love as a prophet SAW, the longer it was on them said an authentic narration and I love that my actions are presented while I am fasting. So this is also one of the reasons why the prophet SAW the long line he would send them would fast on Mondays and Thursdays. In the next Hadith in our mode of the Aloha in Houma, he said, whatever a man spends on himself and his family anticipating a reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala will not fail to be rewarded by Allah. Exalted is He is this a statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is it? No, it's not who said this.

00:30:55 --> 00:30:59

Even armored, the son of armored Abner kabob of the lava. And

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then he continues to say, you should begin with your immediate dependence, meaning your immediate family members, the spouses and the children, and the brothers and the sisters, and the mother and the father, right their immediate family members. If there's something left over, you should spend it on your nearest relative, and then the nearest so you look at those that branch out from them. So from your brothers, you might have your nieces and nephews, their their children, right. From your parents, you will have your uncles and your Auntie's. from them, you will have the other uncles and Auntie's from your grandparents, you will have their sisters and their brothers from your children,

00:31:47 --> 00:32:04

you will have their children so the branches go out. So you start with the nearest to you, and then you branch out to the other relatives. If there's still something left over, you can give it away to whom you think is more deserving. Now the chain of this Hadeeth is weak.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:14

What does it mean? When we say the chain of the Hadith and the Hadith, meaning the much in the wording? What's the difference? Who can tell us?

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00:32:33 --> 00:32:36

Okay, so as the brother is saying, for example,

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you might see in the chain of narration, people who narrated the Hadees right. From amongst them, there might be one person who, maybe his memory wasn't so good. Maybe he was good at writing, but not good in memory. Right. Or he was someone who was not thicker, someone who was not

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at the standards of the scholars and the students of Hadith, that he was someone who was respectful, someone who had a lot of add up and a clock, right, someone who respected human beings, someone who respected animals, someone who respected the trees, someone who respected every, every single ounce of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala, including his own self and his clothing and his prayer in terms of the purity and so on and so forth. Right, someone who didn't waste food, someone who was always conscious of a muscle kind of Watada, if he had those characteristics, that's good. If he didn't, and it was lacking in some way, shape, or form, then the grading of the Hadith, or the

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grading of the chain would slowly go down.

00:33:47 --> 00:34:04

And the same can apply to the wording of the Hadith. If no other change of narrations meaning, I tell all of you something, you go and tell someone else something from amongst all of you. Some are people who are good in memory, let's say some who are bad in memory.

00:34:05 --> 00:34:11

And those that are bad in memory, they're writing every single word. So they go and tell someone else

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by their memory, but they're no good in their memory. That chain becomes

00:34:19 --> 00:34:24

maybe weak, let's say, right? So I tell you something, are you guys following me?

00:34:25 --> 00:34:30

The following. There's a halaqa too late, you're falling asleep. I'm gonna change it to 730

00:34:32 --> 00:34:43

sama. So I tell you something, you write it down, but you go to someone and you don't read it to them. You tell them from your memory, but you're someone whose memory is bad.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:46

That chain

00:34:47 --> 00:34:48

is weak.

00:34:49 --> 00:34:53

But someone else who's sitting here, their memory is really good.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

And they listen and memorize every single word that comes out of someone's mouth.

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They go in, they tell someone from their memory, same exact statement that came out of my mouth is being told to two different people by two different people. One chain could be good sound authentic, another one could be weak because of the people who narrate the Heidi. Okay? Make sense?

00:35:18 --> 00:35:20

Does that mean that the statement is different?

00:35:22 --> 00:35:42

The statement could be different. If we go with the weak chain, if we go with the chain of people who who knew what they were talking about whose memory was great, the same statement would be considered authentic. Right, based on obviously some criteria. That's a simple way of putting it. So here we see that

00:35:44 --> 00:35:45

this was a weak chain.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:05

And we also, you know, those that want to read through the commentary, however, one begins with his immediate dependence is authentically reported from the profit for the long either usnm by Abdullah bin Ahmad, and other companions, and the resources there, let me ask you a question. I said, I was going to ask you a question, right?

00:36:06 --> 00:36:13

You have one minute, think of this answer. Now we're talking about being good and dutiful, towards parents.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:23

Take a minute to think of ways that you can be dutiful towards your parents,

00:36:24 --> 00:36:56

because we talk about being dutiful. But what does it mean to you to be dutiful, towards your parents? For some people as an example, I said, Take a minute, right? For some people, their parents are harsh towards them. So for example, I had a sister who came to me once, I think it was in Australia, and she was a new Muslim about a year. And she said that her parents because she accepted Islam, they don't want to see her in their house anymore.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:08

And she misses that she misses going to see her parents, she wants to see them. But because of their stance, she's not allowed to go to their place.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:33

So I gave her tips and tricks on how she can regain that relationship and reclaim the relationship of her parents. But I want you to think of tricks and tips. What would you do? What do you do? What can you do to re claim or maintain those ties of relationship with your family members, when you know it?

00:37:34 --> 00:37:34

Stand up.

00:37:36 --> 00:37:42

And I want everyone to be standing, including the adults. So take a minute to think of what you would do when you know what you would do stand up.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:50

Let me check my watch. So we don't take more than a minute.

00:37:57 --> 00:37:59

Like I said, Everyone has to be standing up.

00:38:13 --> 00:38:21

What would you do to build that relationship with your parents, or to maintain a close relationship with your parents?

00:38:25 --> 00:38:37

Now remember, by me telling you to stand up doesn't mean you're actually going to have to face something. So don't get scared of standing up. It's a way of initiating our brains. So you still have 30 seconds.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:41

What would you do?

00:38:44 --> 00:38:45

Now just keep your hands down.

00:38:48 --> 00:38:55

I'm getting stand up to because I know what I'm going to do. And when I was thinking of this, when I was thinking of this actually went and did something

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before it came to the Holocaust, so I can practice what I preach, right.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:19

And for those that might be sitting down because their parents are no longer alive. We covered chapters on how you can maintain relationships with your parents, with your relatives, even after they've passed away. Right. So you should know how

00:39:21 --> 00:39:29

everyone should be standing. Right? Good. Almost everyone is standing those that are sitting I think they have excuses for why they're saying okay.

00:39:30 --> 00:39:41

Now, the reason why I want to do this is I want our halaqaat to be a proactive halaqa one where we actually do what we learn.

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And so each and every one of you stood up in the house of a loss of hand. What is it like the 27th night of Ramadan where

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each and every one of us stood up in the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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To no one else other than a law, because no one knows what's in your heart and mind right now that you will do what you thought of, and you are actually going to do that. For the sake of pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. For the sake of avoiding, as we'll see in the Hadeeth,

00:40:20 --> 00:41:03

kinship chain to a wassup, panel, Atlanta, I did this and I did that, and I cut ties. And I said this, and I swore at them, and I cursed them. And I, you know, disliked them, and I backed with them, and so on and so forth. So you all know your reasons. Now, you all know what you're going to do. You all know what you need to continue to do. And you don't need to share it with anyone, unless you absolutely want to, and actually want some of you to share it with some of us. But remember, you're standing in the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there will be a day where we are standing in front of a loss of Hannah what time it will be like this. And we will all be here and

00:41:03 --> 00:41:23

all those that were with us that passed away will be with us. And those that are even going to be born in a few years will be standing with us. We will all be stripped of our clothing. And we won't even care what each other looks like. We will be so worried about maybe even this own question, this very question that I asked

00:41:25 --> 00:41:40

how did I maintain relationship with my parents? How did I maintain relationship with my family, and the sun will be right above our head? And we'll be standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala sweating bullets?

00:41:41 --> 00:41:43

thinking, What am I going to say?

00:41:44 --> 00:42:14

I thought that night in the mustard, I will do something. But am I actually going to do it? Did I actually go and do it? Did I get the opportunity to do it? Some of us will say I never got the chance. Yeah, right. You never got the chance. We all get the chance. Now the other day, a non Muslim friend of mine. He posted on Facebook saying like his grandmother passed away. And he wished he had one more chance to tell her how much he loved her.

00:42:15 --> 00:42:32

And he said for like seven years he hadn't spoken to her seven years. some odd years. I don't know how many years, a number of years. You didn't speak to your grandmother. And now you wish and you're crying and you're telling the whole world. I wish I could just see her one more time. I wish I knew she was gonna die.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:45

It's over. It's gone. She's gone. And he wrote his post on Facebook as though he's sending her a message wherever she is in the heavens. She's checking Facebook.

00:42:46 --> 00:42:51

Right? Do we think our relatives have passed away or checking Facebook? They're not checking Facebook.

00:42:52 --> 00:43:17

Right. And that goes to show us how much Allah subhana wa tada has given us that he's not only given us the tools that everyone else uses on Earth, but he's given us an Auckland given us the ability to recognize him, and given us the ability to recognize how we can rectify the issues that we face with our families and relatives. So I'll be the first one to start. When I wrote this question down in my book,

00:43:18 --> 00:44:00

I went downstairs, got my children, and got on Skype with my parents who live in Montreal, just simply called them up. Went on Skype, how you doing? My dad? You know, he's always stressed out like you all know, right? Every parent is usually stressed out, especially when they get a little older, stressed out tired, right? shoulders are hurting, and so on and so forth. So much work to do. And like he retired, isn't it? Yeah, and so much work to do, right. And Subhanallah just sat there for about 20 minutes, right up until the time I had to leave to come to the mustard. We stayed on Skype. Right. And that's what I did. So I shared with you what I did and what I continue to do. This has

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been a habit of mine since I was in Medina. From the time that we actually got internet connection in our university, which was near the end of the university days that I was there. I would go on Skype almost every single day with my parents, right. So let's hear from a few of you. Everyone can sit down those that want to share what they're going to do to maintain the relationship. Raise your hand and let us know.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:29

Yes, what are you going to do?

00:44:33 --> 00:44:36

You're going to help your parents with chores. Good. What are you going to do?

00:44:38 --> 00:44:43

clean up their house. Good. are you actually going to clean? I'm going to ask your father next week.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:57

Whatever hard work they have to do, you're going to do it for them. And you're going to you're never going to complain about it right? Good Mashallah, what are you going to do?

00:44:59 --> 00:44:59

You're going to buy some

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

something for them good What about you

00:45:06 --> 00:45:07

always respect them and

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try to protect them hang out with them. Right? Good Mashallah. Very good. What about some of the parents or adults? Anyone want to share anything?

00:45:23 --> 00:45:40

Make draw for them. Wow, my son loves that, right? a righteous child that makes do are out for their parents after they pass away is one of the few things that we take with us in our grave. Some of the adults I want to hear at least two or three adults, what are you going to do?

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00:46:44 --> 00:47:03

So try to help even the children maintain the relationship with their grandparents even at a distance and when they're around try and spend as much quality time together. Very good mesh on lots of busy lifestyle. Everything's tough. Like I said, I want to hear from the adults don't worry. I've given you guys so much candy. No, No wonder you're so hyper. Yes.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:06

My son My

00:47:18 --> 00:47:19

son in law

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00:47:28 --> 00:47:47

Mashallah, may Allah subhana wa tada bless you may Allah subhana wa Tada, bless and forgive your parents and grant them of wide open sweet smelling garden of genda in their grave mean and that goes for every other one of us whose parents have passed away as well. One more adults, john Medina. Yes.

00:47:54 --> 00:48:31

Good. So if our parents are alive, do some sort of Seneca jatiya for them, stay in touch with them as much as we possibly can, if they're still alive, if they've passed away, give in South Africa recycled on as our uncle was saying. Do as much goodness as we possibly can, that is in accordance to the Quran, or the likes of Allah subhana wa to Hana as well as the son of the Prophet sallallahu. And he will send them the reward of our actions of their children that will be given to them. They taught us this, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for each and every one of us does not come alone. That's enough for now. We'll continue in sha Allah.

00:48:33 --> 00:48:37

What time is a set tonight? 10 o'clock. Wow.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:58

Do you want to stop there? Should we stop here? It's almost time we'll take a few questions and Samba if the event is going to go very soon. So we'll stop here in sha Allah. Tada. We'll continue with chapter 21. We actually covered half of what I thought we would cover tonight, but that's okay and saw a lot of data.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:03

So we'll continue with chapter 31. Next week, and

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we'll fly through a lot of it. Like I said, a lot of it we've covered already and it's, it's a little bit repetitive, because it's different headings. So there's one or two things that they're highlighting extra than what we've already covered. So we'll stop there for tonight inshallah. Tada tshabalala Santa Monica Nana Vina Mohammed Wanda earlier Sunday. We'll send them if anyone has any questions. We can take some questions. Yes.

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 10 (1st May 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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