Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP11

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of maintaining family ties and avoiding negative consequences in order to avoid negative consequences. They also emphasize the need to test their actions and emotions during the Day of Judgment and find connections of kinship. The speakers stress the importance of finding connections of kinship and maintaining ties of kinship. They also discuss the importance of communication and sharing information about family members, and provide examples of how parents can change their behavior and be removed from their lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa rahmatullah Tolkien Sunday Sunday Marla Asahi ambia. mursaleen Nabina Wahhabi Buddha Muhammad Ali Baba sada to autometer slim am about my brothers and sisters in Islam Shalimar alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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so I know half of you are thinking where's the candies and chocolates? I'm trying to figure that out as well. Did you guys eat it all or something?

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I sell and sell it or come somewhere in the building gela

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who can tell us

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you know we always ask this question and whenever we're giving out candies and chocolates everyone raises their hands but it's there's no candies and chocolates here that gee how many people raised their hands in summer? So who can tell us what we what they learned from last week inshallah Yes.

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Being dutiful towards parents, but what about being dutiful towards parents? Give me an example.

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Okay, behave

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good Mashallah. So he we have to behave towards them and even if they pass away then we should still try and fulfill that our him and mend or keep those ties of relationship open with our family members. Who else what else did you learn? Yes.

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Right. So if your family members or relatives or stripe are trying to cut you off from you know, having a relationship with them, even if they're trying to do that continue to have a relationship with them. Okay? Yes.

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Be nice to your parents. How can you be nice to your parents?

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By listening to them good very good. Mashallah, what about you? You don't know.

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Also that girls are always nice to their parents right?

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What else who else

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everyone's looking to see if the chocolates came through the door. What did you learn last week?

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We covered some juicy stuff last week Yes.

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Sorry. I can't

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help your parents Okay, so if your parents need help with anything menu assist them right very good. What else? What about some of the adults What did we learn?

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You're an adult Mashallah.

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You already gave us an answer. We're gonna wait for three adults to raise their hands and tell us something inshallah.

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Right. What about us? What did you learn last week? You were in Dubai? What did you learn? You must have went to the masjid there Mashallah. benefited from some doodles. halaqaat What did you learn there? Salah?

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I'm not asking for money. This isn't a fundraiser. I'm just asking you to tell me what?

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You know, I'm not gonna take the debit machine and give it to you have to reach adults. I want three adoptions. Allah should be very easy, very simple. Yes.

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Right. So we saw the example of how individuals who were sitting with the companions that are below her and home that were bad towards their relatives were told to leave right go away because they didn't want the companions will be of our own home didn't want them to be amongst them, especially on the Thursday night, for example, when the deeds would be reported or presented to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it's important for us to keep Family Ties because if we don't, then Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't really associate himself or doesn't like, or enjoy to be in contact with the person that that breaks their family ties. Who else to more people.

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I'll start picking you out of the crowd. If you don't, and then you know, you're gonna get chosen.

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Especially if you don't look at me.

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Right after you learn?

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Very good. Very simple. If you're nice and dutiful towards your parents, and you maintain family relationship then Allah subhanho wa Taala will extend your life and grant you a longer life. Yes.

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Follow your parents footsteps when they pass away in terms of doing goodness, right. So in terms of doing goodness, good inshallah. So we'll continue in sha Allah Allah today we're covering chapter 31, which is Hadeeth numbers 63 on page 56

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Six. So for those of you that have to book, turn to page 56, and we will start with Hadeeth number 63. And Abdullah even Abby opha are the alohar and said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, mercy is not conferred on people when there is someone among them who severs ties of kinship and this is under the chapter of mercy will not descend on the people when there is someone from among them, who cuts or severs their family ties.

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Like that. Right. So from amongst us, we touched slightly upon this last week, if there's people who do not mend or do not try to bridge that gap between themselves and their relatives, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not shower His mercy upon us. Now, this is a weak Hadeeth. Nonetheless, we know the importance of maintaining family ties in relationship with our relatives. So it's important for us to do that. And it's also a beautiful thing to point out that our community, our community, relies on having good righteous individuals. So we need to make sure that we always will bring an invite to righteous people towards our communities to be part of our, our, for example, our gathering our

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gemera and so on and so forth, so that the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala can continue to descend upon us. In the next Hadith, Chapter 32. We see here drobeta been moved to about the Aloha when he said, he heard the Prophet trot along rather he was sending the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, the one who severs ties of kinship will not enter gender. Now there's two things that we need to point out here, a person who does not fulfill or they sever they cut off ties with their family members, they will not enter agenda Now does that mean you will never ever, ever ever enter paradise?

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Now let's look at the commentary for those that have the book mmm and know who he says two things. The first thing is the person

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who severs family ties, knowingly and willingly even though they know the importance of it, they know the punishments for it, they know the reward for those that continue to meant to maintain family ties, if they still continue to cut their their relationship with their relatives, they will not enter Paradise

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Right. That's the first thing that he says. The second opinion or the second statement that he makes is the person who severs Family Ties will be punished and will not enter Jannah from amongst those who enter it first, those that get to enter done that directly without going to john them for a period of time, that person will not go to gender directly, they will have to pay a little bit for the price that they charged their family members we could say and then they will go into general. Alright, so there's two sort of opinions that we see there that come out of this.

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So if a person intentionally severed their ties with their, their family, their relatives, and they knowingly know that they're not supposed to do that, but they continue upon it, then that is where the first statement

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applies, or the first opinion, okay, in the next idea of what I thought will be a long run, he said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, or wash him is derived from Rahman, the Merciful, and it would, and it would say, My Lord, I have been wronged and we spoke about this we covered the Hadeeth very similar to this one as well. So it will speak to Allah subhanho wa Taala and communicate to him.

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My Lord, I have been wronged My Lord, I have been cut off my Lord, I have this I have that and so on and so forth. My Lord, my Lord, it will complain to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhana wa tada answers, aren't you content? Listen to the statement, the response of Allah subhanho wa Taala? Aren't you content? Aren't you happy that I cut off?

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The ones who cut you off. And I maintain ties with the ones that maintains ties in relationship with you. Right? So we know very well that, but I will speak to Allah subhanho wa Taala it will testify either for us or against us on the Day of Judgment. And Allah will respond to it and say either,

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you should be happy because those that cut themselves off from you, I cut myself off from them. And those that bridged the gap between you and their family members. I bridged the gap between them as well. And so it's important for us to remember that on the Day of Judgment, we could be standing there as we you know, took a short, small little example last week where we all stood up, right and we all

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You know, pretended or felt as though we were standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment. And we all wish that we would come and stand before him, testifying and saying goodness and our limbs and body and even the feelings that we have and the emotion that we have in the regime that we have would testify goodness for us on the Day of Judgment. We don't want to spend too much time on this Hadeeth because I want to move forward in shot along we already spoke about it. In previous chapters

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Hadeeth number 6630 you didn't serve and he said I heard about all the Aloha and praying seeking refuge from the rule of the young in the foolish and this is an important Heidi for our communities. Right? How many of you are young? She has no chocolate. So this evening, right? How old are you?

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10 710 How do you?

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Yeah, 16.

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Yeah, no tricky, just messing with us. Like what? You're young. Mashallah.

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So we have like some 15 year olds, we have some 10 year olds, we have some 20 some odd year olds, and so on and so forth. Right? Listen to this, listen to this. And so a lot of times, he says, I heard of what I can say. Now, this is not a statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is a statement of one of the companions will be a lover and home. I've never ever said he was sorry. He heard of what a seeking refuge and Allah subhanho wa Taala from the rule of the young, meaning those who are immature, and the foolish, the young people who are immature, and who lack wisdom, they are, you know, not very sensible. They don't know how to make proper judgment. Right. So say I

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even said, Man, he said, and this is where at this point, this this first half is, is authentic. Okay, the statement is authentic. And then the next half isn't okay. So even half on a journey, he said,

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Sorry, he told me that he asked Abu hurayrah when Abu hurayrah was taking in was was seeking refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the young and the foolish. He asked him, What would you you know, what would be the outcome? What will be the result if there were young or foolish people who were our leaders who became in a position that they would rule? Right, he said, then the ties of kinship would be severed, those who misguide people will be obeyed, and those who guide rightly will be disobeyed.

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Now, this is important, because in our communities, every single mustard has a

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Shura. Right? There's a committee. And as people in our communities, we always, or sometimes many of us will complain and say, Oh, you know, it's a bunch of dichas. They're all old, and they don't know what they're talking about, especially youth. Right? They're like, if we, if we were put in charge, we would run this place. Yeah, you might run it good, right. But certain things might happen as well. And you see here in the example, that Abu huraira will be longer and shows that those that are young, meaning a little immature, they're not yet mature, they don't have that wisdom. They haven't experienced things in life. You might run the mustard nicely, you might see it full of youth, you

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might see it full of people.

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But you might also notice that the older generation doesn't come to the masjid anymore, or they don't go to that one.

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Because the younger people will not focus so much on mending those ties or or keeping maintaining, I should say it and why keep saying mending today, maintaining those ties of kinship, because that's important. And we learned this from the statement of Abu huraira Viola and so the outcome is that ties of kinship would be severed. And you'll notice if you think of it, if all of our youth were let's say 18 to 30 years old, if they were the runs only running the mustard, right? Our entire shoot, I was completely changed every single person working in the mustard. I'm not saying dismiss it. I'm saying every mustard in general. Right. So and hamdulillah I don't even know the people that

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are on the Shura. So don't think I'm talking about anyone. I had the only person that knows Breton brother, Mohammed, jihad, and anyone else allowed.

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And I told him last night, I think he's doing a good job.

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our short on our committees, right? If we were to completely remove every single one of them and put a bunch of 20 or 25 year old, young adults, you might see that there's activities, there might be badminton tournaments for the elderly, there might be basketball tournaments. For those that are a little bit young. There might be you know, certain activities that take place in the mustard you might see barbecues happening every single

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Sunday outside, which is something I suggest we do as well, right barbecue is happening outside. And you might notice that we go on camping trips, and we do.

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We do a bunch of fun things in the mustard, right?

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But the older generation is gonna say, bah, bah, whenever there's a barbecue. These used, they don't care, they delay Sharla McRib is, you know supposed to be at this time, they do it 25 minutes later, because they're too busy eating their burgers, right. And they have sleep overs and they all sleep through fudger they went camping and not a single person woke up, right, and they'll start to criticize, and then they will stop coming to the community, to the mustard to that specific one, they might go to a different one. Right? So we can see that this trend. Now, the important thing to learn from this is take an example of

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Armada metal hip hop, he brought even less fruit, it'll be a lot more fun to the modulus shooter when he was young.

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And when he brought him there, he actually clarified some of the verses of the Quran.

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You know, surah, lm nasura, la sobre. He clarified some of the sources of an

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evangelical why was that right?

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So Elijah and I sort of why he was he clarified some of the suit and some of some of these verses to sort out to those

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elderly that were on the list from amongst them as omitted.

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So the lesson that we learn is, it's important for us to have a

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moderate amount of elderly and young adults, and maybe some teenagers 1819, why you train the youth to take those positions when they get a little bit older. Those that are young adults that are 2530 years old, they in a few years will become the presidents and the chair, people and so on and so forth. Right? If we keep, you know, our friends that are 5060 years old, 40 years old, on the on, the shorter, we will notice that nothing different will really happen in the masjid.

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A constant trend will continue for a decade, two decades, three decades, for decades. And then people will say, you know what, we don't see the youth in the masjid anymore. Whoa, you don't see the youth in the machine anymore. Because the complete opposite thing happened.

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the complete opposite thing happened. The parents kept, you know, being part of the shoot up.

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And yeah, they were good. asking each other you know, it'd be good to your parents, be good to your parents be good to your parents telling those young adults all the time be good to your parents. But the young adults are saying Yeah, it'd be good deal. But what, you're not doing anything fun for us. So we'll go and do fun things ourselves, right. So you'll notice that there's going to be a drift, there's going to be two different groups that are going to form in our communities. And so it's important for us to remember this. And so a lot of times when we vote in shooters, when we recommend or suggest people to be part of the shooter, there's nothing wrong with a 22 year old who's mature,

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who's mature, an 18 year old who's going to give good inputs have fresh ideas, who's going to help, especially with youth coordination, right? Or you might appoint someone who is, you know, part of the shoot up but he has advisors and from amongst those advisors, or two or three youth

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who will give advice. This is what we need. We used to do this in the mustard, we don't see it anymore. When we were growing up. We had this where's it, it's gone? We don't have that anymore, right. So you'll notice that that is something that will happen in shallow Tana if we pay focus to that. Also, he said, aside from ties of kinship being broken,

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the foolish they lack judgment. So those who misguide people will be obeyed, and those who guide rightly will be obeyed. So you'll notice that if we have 25 year olds running the mustard,

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they'll just tell one of their friends who's a half of a quart and you'll be the Imam.

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Right? He might be a great half of a record and he recites taraweeh from beginning to end without making a single mistake. Not not a person needs to stand behind him listening to his recitation, perfect. But does he have wisdom? Can he make a decision? When the people put him on the spot and ask him a question where he has to say something against the shoot off? For example, as the Imam he's going to say something that is islamically correct.

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Will he do it? Will he have the guts to do it? Will he be able to stand up and to speak when the truth is needed to be spoken? Right? So you'll notice that these are things that happen if we don't pay attention to those that are part of it.

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The community and building it and growing it in sha Allah. Let me pour this out and ask you some questions.

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Okay, there's not much today

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and next week we're off inshallah so hopefully in two weeks we have some more. So what do we just finished talking about?

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What do we just finished talking about?

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The elder people have to train the youth Good, very good. Shall I catch that? Yes.

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Good there should be elderly as well as using the shooter. There was this hadith that we just covered a hadith which is the words and statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was it? No, it wasn't whose was it?

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Abu huraira Viola Han said the first part and then after that after that part it's not considered authentic the first half is the second half was obviously a narration that was

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questioning about what about about his seeking refuge catch you ready? You catch my show? You don't look like

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Skittles these

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are the halal Skittles

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checking greens Can you check them you know if they're valid or not check Shama? Okay, don't eat them not.

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Chapter 33 inshallah, the punishment of the one who cuts off ties of kinship in this world it had added Mashallah, very good. Okay. I'll keep this one here for someone special.

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I know growing up Skittles didn't used to be halal. And when I was living in Malaysia and Medina used to enjoy just making fun of my wife who would say they're not alone. Many years ago, someone

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had number chapter 33. The punishments are the one who cuts off ties of kinship in this world. Abu Bakar robiola, Han said, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there is no sin more deserving, that a lot is swifter, in punishment in this world, in addition to the punishment that he has in store for the wrongdoer in the hereafter than cutting off ties of kinship and transgression. We covered this Hadith, very similar Hadith the wording is slightly different. In chapter, I don't remember what chapter but it says there, Heidi's number 29 where we spoke about how a Muslim Hannah Montana, you know,

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should give as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, should give the punishment to the person who is an oppressor, and who cuts off their family ties. That person is more deserving of receiving their punishment quickly on Earth as well as in the hereafter because of their behavior. So

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we don't necessarily talk about the punishment of the person here. But we noticed that a punishment is deserving upon that person. A punishment is deserving upon the one who cuts off relationship with their families. And so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect each and every one of us. Are you good to your parents? and handed in that? You don't deserve a candy? Don't worry, you'll get done then shall Okay. Okay.

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But lay shall worldly to Bill McAfee. Chapter 34 the one who maintains ties of kinship is not merely the one who reciprocate. This is a very interesting hobby. I'm delighted and I'm a

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little bit longer and Huma said the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, the one who maintain tie who maintains ties of kinship is not the one who simply reciprocate, meaning. If your family is good to you, you're good to them. If someone gives you Skittles, next week, you give them back Skittles, you know, your your relative buys you a gift, the following month, you buy them an equivalent gift or something very similar. If they say something bad to you, you say bad things against them. If they don't invite you to a family gathering. at another point in time when there's a family gathering, you don't invite them to that family gathering. So whatever they give you, you give back whether

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it's good or bad, right? So he said the one who maintains ties of kinship is not the one who simply reciprocate gives back what they get.

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For various reasons. The one who truly maintains ties of kinship is the one who even when his relatives cut him off, he still maintains ties of kinship.

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So we see here that there's two levels of importance. There's the one who maintains ties of kinship when those ties are being maintained with them. They get a reward, no doubt. But the person who gets an even greater reward

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is the one who their family members and friends

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The tubes are bad to them.

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But they are still good back to their family. Right. So what did I just say?

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You should do it to them. If they do bad to you, you do bad to them.

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Right? If they do good to you, you do it to them. What if they do bad things to you?

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You shouldn't do it, you still have to be good to them. Right? Okay, you want to get off?

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If I want?

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Do you want chocolate or Skittles?

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You don't need it. It's not good for you.

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Do you want something else?

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what do we just finished talking about?

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Yes, Mr. Dubai.

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Okay, and there's two levels that we just focused on? What are those two levels?

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So there's the level of the person who

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maintains ties of kinship, right? That's the first one. They maintain ties of kinship, they're good to their relatives or relatives are good to them. That's fine. The second level is I give you the first one, you have to give me the second.

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Write, but

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okay, and which one of the two levels is better?

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Exactly. So like we said, just to recap, there are two levels. The first one is your relatives are nice to you. You're nice to them. That's the ideal situation like brother Assad said, right? It's just beautiful, it's perfect. The next level is your family members, your relatives are not nice to you, they cut off family ties, or they're evil to you. They're bad to you. They say things about you. They, you know, might not invite you to family gatherings. They might spread rumors about you and so on and so forth, but you still maintain ties with them. The reason why you are more rewarded in the second than in the first level is because you have to sacrifice from your own self. You are

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being put down but you're raising yourself up. You're building yourself, you're struggling and anytime in the deem that a person is struggling, the reward increases. We noticed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us when a person recites report right there half of a Quran and you listen to them reciting Wow, Mashallah. Beautiful, right? Like we heard for laughter there's a beautiful, beautiful recitation, right? But you sit there and you're like, panel, I really wish I could recite like this, right? I wish I could recite like that. And you take the Quran in like a lamb do na E, and you're trying hard to pronounce that read and muhaddith the letters the way it's

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supposed to be done. But you struggle, it's hard, it's not easy. And especially if you're so used to reciting or you have a sort of accent when you recite and it becomes difficult for you, the harder you try to correct it and the more you push yourself to recite the Quran properly, Allah subhana wa, tada rewards you two times more than the person who can read nicely and beautifully. You get two times more than reward. Right? Because you're struggling. And anytime in the deen when a person is struggling, that struggle is rewarding. Because you're you're getting the reward for achieving that good deed. But you're also getting the reward for striving hard. And this is what we talked about

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when you know people use the word Jihad and they use it in the in not the wrong sense. Sometimes it gets twisted and used in the wrong way. But Jihad has as many different types. And one of the types of jihad is Jihad enough that a person sacrifices from their own pleasures, what they're comfortable with? So someone might say, you know what, I only know 10 sutras of the Quran Surah Fatiha in the last 1011 Sutras, right. Those are easy for me. And they feel comfortable and they sit on it. That's it. That's enough for me, right? But if you try and you push yourself to recite more of the Quran, you get written, you get rewarded for that recitation, as well as you're striving you're doing jihad

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enough. you're sacrificing from what makes you feel comfortable, putting yourself into a difficult situation and placing hardship upon your own self for the sake of pleasing Allah subhana wa COVID. So you get rewarded double, right. So we see here that

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Even when the relatives cut person off, they still maintain ties of kinship which is not authentic Howdy.

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The next chapter inshallah hotevilla chapter 35. the excellence of the one who maintains relations with relatives who are unjust and this will be the last idea that we take inshallah

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Okay, I bought a robe Yamaha and he said a bed when men came and said to the Prophet for longer, and he was solemn prophet of Allah Teach me an action that will enable me to enter. Here it says garden but in Arabic genda agenda is literally translated into garden, but it's referring to den paradise. He said, for the longer it he was solemn. The question is massive. This is a heavy question. It's small and short. And this is why, you know, at some handler, I feel bad right now, something just came into my mind. There was a brother, as I was walking in for Juma today.

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In Milton, this brother came up to me, and because the park reserve parking spots were taken, I had to park really far down. And so when I came into the mustard, who was literally like, one minute before the oven for jumar, so this brother came up to me, he says, I have a really short, simple question. Can I ask you? I'm like, if you don't mind, I'm going to do jomar. Right. So ask me afterwards, but I never saw him after. And in my head. I actually thought of it when he said that and I told him, I said, you know, sometimes the shorter answers have such heavy long explanations. The short questions have such big answers, right? And so see here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

00:31:40 --> 00:31:49

sallam said, the question is a wide one meaning it's so heavy, it's it's an intense question, What was the question? Who can tell us what was the question?

00:31:56 --> 00:31:57

What was the question?

00:31:59 --> 00:31:59


00:32:00 --> 00:32:05

Right, tell me something that is going to get me into gender right? Right.

00:32:08 --> 00:32:23

Mashallah is entering very good. Give that to him in some very good sunlight. So, the question to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Teach me an action that will enable me to enter Jannah right teach me something that will get me into Jenna.

00:32:25 --> 00:32:54

So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, this is a heavy question, though you have asked it in only a few words meaning such a short question and it's, it's, its answer is going to be very heavy inshallah. So the Prophet followed along with it, he was someone says six things. Firstly, free someone free a slave, right? Free someone and set a slave free. So the Prophet foot along I think he was someone was asked by this men, this bedwin men, he said,

00:32:55 --> 00:33:16

Aren't they the same thing? freeing someone and shedding that person free. Right? Isn't it the same thing? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No. Freeing someone is setting someone free yourself. And setting a slave free is to contribute to the cost of setting him free. So the first one is actually

00:33:19 --> 00:33:37

let's take the second one first, so we can understand it. The second one is that you will financially contribute to purchasing the slaves freedom. We don't have any slaves here today. But we do see that sometimes in some countries, like the brothers reminded me the other day, like in India, you have

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not really some people call it the slave market. But you know, they hire people and maybe break their limbs and do things panela that's very, you know, disturbing, and then they put them on the streets to raise money, and then that money goes to the boss, right?

00:33:55 --> 00:34:10

So if you purchase someone's freedom, you financially pay the master of that slave, that person, you pay them and say, You know what, 20,000 here's 20,000 rupees, hopefully, right? And I will set this person free.

00:34:11 --> 00:34:21

They become mine. You don't have to tell them what you're going to do with this person. Right? You purchase their freedom. So you pay that amount, that slave now becomes your property.

00:34:22 --> 00:35:00

And then you set them free. That's just that's the first one. So you financially contribute is the second aspect of it, shutting them free, and freeing the slaves you yourself. You tell this person the slave, I have nothing to do with you go you're free. You don't owe me a favor. You don't have to come back and work my land or look after my property or give me money or pay rent or know nothing. You're free. I don't expect a single thing from you. nothing, not even a thank you. Not even a Docomo hater not even to do I just go, you're free. I just earned my agenda. I don't really I don't need anything. Right. And so those are two different aspects there.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

We see, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

00:35:04 --> 00:35:43

is the third thing though, lend an animal for milking that has a lot of milk, meaning you've got animals, other people might need this milk. Right? Or they need these animals for some reason. Now, of course, this is during the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam and animals. But what if we have things today that we just have hanging around? And it might even rock? It might get spoiled in our fridge, and we're not using it, we're not eating it. We have, you know, boxes of cereal like, I've been to some people's houses Mashallah, like they asked you what do you want to eat for breakfast? And like, cereal is fine. They go, which one do you want? Like, what do you have?

00:35:43 --> 00:36:12

They're like, we have pretty much everything the grocery store has. Wow, masala. Right? How do you eat all this cereal? Like always just have it in case you know, there's a guest over how many guests Do you have at your place all the time. Right. So some kind of law sometimes we have so much food and provisions in our home that we can give it away. Just give it if you're not going to use it. Don't throw it in the garbage. Give it away before it goes spoiled, right? Bring it to the halakha inshallah before before it's spoiled, so we can enjoy them children. Right.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:50

So mendon animal for milking, that has a lot of milk. Now here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't say give the animal away. He's just saying lended meaning let people consume that milk. So you might have for example, we have farmers, right? Who have access or excess milk. Now, I don't know what the laws are here in Ontario, because I'm not a fan of drinking fresh milk. But I know growing up, my father would always go to the farm in the suburbs of Montreal and Quebec, and you're allowed to go but you can't pay. So by law, the, at that time, at least the farmers could give you this milk for free.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:25

Right? Your if something happens, you're liable. It's your responsibility. You took it, you consumed it, that's your problem. They're not showing it to you. Because they obviously have to sell the milk or give it to the government or whatever the companies. That's the agreement that they have. But people who want the milk can come and take it for free. So here you want to take it. And that can be with almost anything. Some of us might have gardens, right? gardens, where we plant tomatoes and fruit and chili peppers, and they grow fast. masala. Right. And we noticed that in our gardens, I don't know Do people grow garden you have gardens in your homes?

00:37:27 --> 00:37:30

No, in Ontario, the backyards are like 10 feet by three feet.

00:37:32 --> 00:38:08

I don't know in Quebec, our backyards are like the size of this mustard. We have a lot of land there on the land, our houses are have to cost. So somehow to let you know we have gardens and I remember some there was a Muslim brother growing up, he passed away now. Allah subhana wa Tada, forgive him. He had this massive garden and he didn't care Muslim, non Muslim, anyone who wanted to go in his backyard and pick a cucumber, some tomatoes and eat it Go ahead, because he enjoyed just planting it. But he obviously couldn't consume all of it. So you wouldn't just take it and throw it in the garbage or we can't eat it. No. Anyone who wants is he told his neighbors. And in the community,

00:38:08 --> 00:38:44

there was about 20 Muslim families, anyone who wants to come to my house anytime go in the backyard, take whatever you want. Right? It's nice, beautiful. And so we learned this lesson from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, these are things that are going to enable us to enter junda. Remember, the fourth thing the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, give generously to your relatives. give generously to your relatives. Do you notice here it says give generously to your relatives? You remember before a few weeks ago, we were talking about relatives and Vica. And they were saying well, you know, why shouldn't we give our as a cat to our relatives because your relatives shouldn't

00:38:44 --> 00:38:44


00:38:46 --> 00:39:27

They shouldn't need it. They shouldn't be in that position where they need that kind of money from us. We should be taking care of our relatives so much that they don't need to ask for Zika they're okay. They might even be giving a little bit into the cow themselves. Right? The fifth thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said is if you cannot do that, you can't do any of the above then enjoying the right and forbid the wrong I'm going to be marital for Nahanni Mancha. This will get you into gender. This is an action that deserves gender. You see something good you encourage someone like Mashallah you youth are in the masjid here. Come to the masjid often Mashallah here

00:39:29 --> 00:39:38

come to the masjid often there's girls over there you can catch she's like yeah sure. There are some that come to the mustard often inshallah okay

00:39:43 --> 00:39:47

well, you didn't get one Mashallah who didn't get one of you didn't get Mashallah, here we go

00:39:49 --> 00:39:53

Smarties for you the smartest you look smart. Because you're searching simply

00:39:55 --> 00:39:59

simply awesome muscle. Ah Here you go. off. Oh, sure.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

Awesome, awesome catch.

00:40:04 --> 00:40:04


00:40:05 --> 00:40:40

So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if you cannot do that then enjoying the right and forbid the wrong meaning. If you see something good that someone is doing and it's good it's according to the deen encourage them to do it more tell them say Mashallah, that's great. You see someone with a nice master Mashallah I love your smile, that in itself you're not telling them smile more often. You're telling the muscle Your smile is amazing. They're like whoa Mashallah, my smile is amazing. They're gonna keep smiling right? you hug a brother? Mashallah, you smell good, even though you're like, ooh, and he didn't brush his teeth for fudge today, right? He's gonna say

00:40:40 --> 00:41:16

Mashallah, I smell good every single day if I don't, he's gonna be like brush, put some nice clothes on, take the pajamas off put perfume and Mashallah he's gonna come encourage people to do good and forbid the evil as well. You see someone doing something wrong, don't go up to them in their face. And he's like, how long? How long? How long? How long police everything. How long? How long? How long? Right. So I wouldn't be hard on like, everything is a big x. Well, it's not like you know, immigration to some countries you apply it Nope. Rejected but rejected by rejected No. And not everything is wrong. You see someone doing something that is wrong, disliked, not, not pleasure,

00:41:16 --> 00:41:54

some to the to Allah subhanho wa Taala advice. advise them nicely. speak to them become their friend. If you're someone who's not going to let them influence you, you're older, you're more mature, you're more wise to become their friend in order to take them away from that hardship that they're going through. Right? Take them away from the sin that they're passing through. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, If you can't do that, like, come on, we can't do that. Like, how easy is it for us to encourage people to do good? But he then says for the long? How do you sell them? If you can't do that?

00:41:55 --> 00:42:42

Then restrain your tongue from anything or from everything except that which is good. So if the absolute least thing that you do, and remember, he is asked about actions for the long run, he was he was asked what actions can we do? And the action of remaining silent gets us into genda? How hard is it to do that? For some of us? It's impossible to remain silent. It's impossible. Sometimes I post things on Facebook and Subhanallah you will notice people who always have something to say and then you I post if you have nothing to get into say remain silent. Yes. But in certain situations you have to correct people that's their response. Elia D.

00:42:43 --> 00:43:11

May Allah guide you. Right, so hon Allah, we always have to say something. No, we don't. And today, my football is telling people you know what, if you if you absolutely have to bite your tongue, hold on to it with your fingers. If you need to bite it with your teeth, even if it hurts your tongue might even scratch it and you start to you know, bleed a little bit. Don't bite it off, right? Nothing bite doesn't bite. But hold on to your tongue. Right? control yourself.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:18

Control yourself. You see something that makes you upset.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:40

A Shin, for example, from another Muslim, do like the Prophet for the long run of us on them did it upset him and disturbed him so much like when some of the companions about the Aloha home came, you know, a couple of times, there were those that approached the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said we committed this sin, apply the head.

00:43:41 --> 00:43:50

You know, either it's stoning or lashing or, you know, beheading apply it onto us. What did the Prophet sallallahu wasallam do when he heard of their sin?

00:43:51 --> 00:43:52

turned his face,

00:43:53 --> 00:43:54

turned his face.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:00

Go ask a lot, go ask a lot. First, go ask a lot, right?

00:44:02 --> 00:44:37

And so when we see something wrong, and it bothers us that we, we get all upset and we want to say something, just chill out. Just go out and play some basketball. Tell someone over there to come and speak to this person, someone who you know has wisdom. Someone who you know can correct someone's mistake, someone who you know is going to advise the person and make them feel good. Oh, you know what, I did something wrong, but I'm good. I'm happy, I'm cool, don't worry, I'll change and inshallah everything's gonna be fine in sha Allah. So we'll stop there today. These are very, very important points that I wanted to end with in sha Allah data. It's a beautiful Hadith of the Prophet

00:44:37 --> 00:44:42

sallallahu alayhi wasallam authentic hadith. I remember studying this hadith when I was in Medina.

00:44:43 --> 00:45:00

And I remember going through the words and not even understanding the Arabic at that time and we had to translate a lot of other words. So subpanel is very interesting to see how as time goes on, you know what we learnt. We ended up learning it well and teaching it to others. And this is a cycle of life in shallow Tana and I hope

00:45:00 --> 00:45:34

The each and every one of us, myself included takes these lessons, especially this Hadeeth and some of the other lessons that we learned to our family members that are not here. Try and mend. Right now I'm using that word again mend those family ties, build the relationship with our relatives that we may have cut, contact with, call them up, speak to them, send them something randomly without even calling them maybe go online order something and have it delivered at their house right. And this will be something that will bring the hearts together in shallow Tana Xochimilco Hayden was subtle, I'll send him over to Vietnam, how much or how early you were shocked he was.

00:45:37 --> 00:46:18

There's any Just a quick reminder next week, because of the Islamic convention, we figured why should we hold the halaqa at the same time as a conference or convention in our own city that's really only about 10 minutes away. So we decided it's best in order to bring the communities together. Of course, this is what we want to do unite. We will suspend our halaqa for next week and join the convention inshallah we'll be speaking there will be a number of other speakers that will be there as well, I think brother, so does selling tickets Still, if not the debate, I said the other asset, right. There's two assets. Right? And so if anyone wants to attend in shallow data,

00:46:19 --> 00:46:21

just get in touch with us and inshallah

00:46:23 --> 00:46:31

but we'll resume again the following week. Okay, we resume again the following week, and we go up until the first week of June inshallah. Tada.

00:46:35 --> 00:46:47

I don't have all the details, but I know it's Friday afternoon. I believe it starts until Friday after also until Sunday night. Right. So continuously goes on and on.

00:46:48 --> 00:46:53

Question. Yeah, so we'll be sending a microphone back for any sisters that might have questions.

00:46:54 --> 00:46:59

Which I highly doubt will be, why doesn't he go that way? Just someone stopping stopping.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:02

Simply awesome. So that way, I shall not

00:47:06 --> 00:47:08

use any any other brothers have any questions?

00:47:15 --> 00:47:17

Yes, the Heidi's question. Right.

00:47:21 --> 00:47:22


00:47:24 --> 00:47:34

Okay. You couldn't find the two names, the two differences? Any? Did anyone find out? The answer? So Heidi's a statement that goes back to a companion of the law?

00:47:36 --> 00:47:56

Or a statement that goes back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam? What is the difference? What types of Heidi theranos. We set it at the very first class when we began this book. But some of you are not paying attention to some of you are not there. Right. And so today, we saw an example of the statement available right out of the locker and right when he was talking about the youth and those that are

00:47:58 --> 00:48:03

the youth end, what was the other one? Two things? Hello, asako. Brother.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:06

My question to you

00:48:07 --> 00:48:28

sometimes if you are so nice to the your relatives or other people too, they are take advantage of your niceness. And they are put it down a lot. This means that you feel like I'm in the cycle. Why am doing a vine for being nice to them? To add that situation what I have to do.

00:48:30 --> 00:48:31

Sister Can you give us an example like

00:48:33 --> 00:48:51

Mississauga, if you're being nice with someone Mississauga is the same thing. Just like somebody cut it down. And you are welcome welcoming them in keep doing keep doing at the end the people you are welcoming them. They thought maybe I am something. That's why.

00:48:52 --> 00:49:32

That's why I mean, just like I am going to them. So they're taking advantage? Yes. Yeah. Just like that. So question. I think we all heard the question. And so a lot of data would have family members, you're nice to them, and they take advantage of you. Yeah, you have to be a person of principles. You have to be someone who you will do for family. But if that family relatives are taking away from for example, the wealth that you need, not the wealth that you have the wealth that you need to maintain your family, then there might be a problem, right? Or they might say, you know what, we need a house, we're taking yours, you move out, go go find your own place, like wait a

00:49:32 --> 00:49:49

second, right? So if you're being taken advantage of and they're abusing it, then abuse is where you draw the line, right islamically this is wrong, cannot abuse you. At the same time. However, when it comes to parents, specifically, specifically parents.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:55

Sometimes we say that we need a certain amount to maintain our families.

00:49:56 --> 00:50:00

But we don't need that. That's the comfort zone that we're in

00:50:00 --> 00:50:39

So we might be able to sacrifice a little more from what we have for our own family in order to give to our parents. And if we are struggling, and we are sacrificing for the sake of our parents, then it's good. It's good. And we should communicate communication is very important. And sadly, this happens a lot in our I know, my father is Pakistani in our in our culture, we don't communicate enough. Someone says something. We can't, we can't argue we just do it, right? No, it isn't. It's not about arguing. No one said to argue with the person. But if someone's asking you to do something that's ridiculous.

00:50:41 --> 00:50:43

communicate with them. So for example,

00:50:45 --> 00:51:24

two cousins that want to get married, this is a typical, typical example. Right? You grew up, you're born and raised here, for example, right? And your parents say, you have to marry your cousin from back home. And you're like, no, right? Exactly. Isn't shaking their head, you know, right. But you have no choice, you're forced into it. And we know, especially for the sisters handle that sometimes they're taken advantage of the parents will say you can't do anything, you have to marry them. And so they feel as though I can't speak up, I can't speak back to my parents. I don't like this person. And I've had dozens of cases come to me. In years, many, many years since the beginning of, you

00:51:24 --> 00:51:54

know, 2000 questions coming from sisters, my parents are forcing me to marry my cousin, I don't even like him. He smokes, or he does this or he I see his facebook profile. He's chilling with girls all the time. Why do I want to marry someone like that? And the family says, Oh, you need to marry them as your cousin and then they need to come to Canada, you know, right. So don't take advantage, don't abuse each other. Speak, communicate open those channels of communication and a lot of data for the family members. You had a question?

00:52:03 --> 00:52:11

When someone annoys you, and does something very bad to you, are you thinking to go and make a hire right away. And hamdulillah you deserve another error?

00:52:13 --> 00:52:28

Right? Usually, when someone's really upset and extremely angry, the blood is flowing, their eyes are red, right? They're not going to think you know, I'm going to make the log guide this person. Even if they make a drive for the person whose email log in, they start going off on the person, right?

00:52:29 --> 00:52:58

And make bad do eyes against this person. So and it's not only when you see someone do something wrong, right? Someone who is not doing harm, maybe they're doing something that's disliked. Right, maybe, you know, doing something that invalidates their solar, or something of that sort makes their saw that nuts, you know, valid. So you're going to advise them and speak to them in Charlottetown. If you can't, and you know, you're going to go to them and just punch them in the face, then get someone else to do it. Okay.

00:52:59 --> 00:52:59


00:53:08 --> 00:53:11

So if you know someone is bad, why should you go near them and get close to them?

00:53:13 --> 00:53:47

That's your question. Okay. So if you know someone is doing something bad, and like I said, you can't change their mistake their problem. Get someone who's older than you, someone who can help that person to help them. Alright. It's not good to make your friends people who do bad things. You should always have friends that do good things. Those are your friends, people who you learn from, and the people who do bad things, they will see you and look at you as Oh, well. You're a good person, they want to be with you too. So they will change themselves to be with good people. All right.

00:53:48 --> 00:53:49


00:53:55 --> 00:54:03

If someone's doing good then they should continue to do good. Good. Mashallah, here, I'll give you a candy. Okay. Any sisters have any questions?

00:54:05 --> 00:54:08

Sister nothing, brother. Don't have questions.

00:54:13 --> 00:54:14

Repeat the six points.

00:54:15 --> 00:54:18

This book is currently selling for 3999

00:54:25 --> 00:54:26

It's a shopping channel.

00:54:28 --> 00:54:32

So the six points not the six points that we know is six points right.

00:54:33 --> 00:54:39

And then we stand up and say brothers if you want to go into much for 40 days, those six points not those six points.

00:54:40 --> 00:54:41


00:54:48 --> 00:54:51

actually wrote a thesis that had the six points in it.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

No, no, I'm just because my thoughts are going somewhere else now. So the first thing is free, someone

00:55:00 --> 00:55:18

Second one is set a slave free. So purchase and set them free. The third thing is mendon animal for milking that has a lot of milk. So let's give an animal lend to them so that people can benefit from it. Fourth thing is give generously to your relatives.

00:55:20 --> 00:55:40

Okay, you're writing it down. Don't ask me to say it again after, write it down, give generously to relatives. fifth thing is enjoying the right and forbid the wrong so I'm gonna be meroofer Nahanni Mancha. The sixth thing is restrain your tongue from everything except that which is good to

00:55:42 --> 00:56:04

stop your tongue from saying anything except good things. So only say good things if you have nothing good to say don't say. Right. So those are the six things if you want to ask me later, no problem. I'm just joking. I'm always willing to give you this is knowledge that we have to share in somewhere right? And anyone that has the book, you can turn to page 60 it's in there and someone does not come alongside and it's time for the

00:56:06 --> 00:56:10

shuttle launch animal Baraka Nana Vina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 11 (8th May 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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