Abdal Hakim Murad – Fasting & Mortality Ramadan Moments 3
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah, where Ali he
was Safi or Manuela.
So as we move deeper into the ocean of Ramadan, we observe
certain transformations.
Most of what is valuable in religion is beyond the reach of
human language. But we know that we are changing.
And we know that
we are accustomed we accustoming ourselves to what the scholars
called Teddy read, stripping away, that during the day, the little
child within that wants this treat, and that treat is has given
up is, as it were, cried himself to sleep. And we experienced a
kind of austere liberation.
Under the Iftar, we, as it were come back to life again. And there
is a sense in which we experienced a little death
and then come back to life again, to be given another chance. It's a
little bit like artifact, resurrection, that is before the
resurrection, because in the grave, of course, we will all be
fasting. One day, we will all be taking our last morsel, and
choking on our last drink, that time will come to all of us.
Ramadan is a time when we learn our vulnerability of dependence on
the risk of the Creator and also breathe a different air and start
experience ourselves as detached from the normal kind of life
support system, the the
sucrose drip of our treats and customs. So reflecting on this,
I've been
reading some of the great poetry of the OMA
in which the souls of the transformed ones continue to move
us over enormous gulfs of space and time.
And I've been reading most recently, and with considerable
respect, the poetry of somebody who I think is not sufficiently
known, although who's known in the Turkish speaking world, Central
Asia. Somebody called Roger Ackman yesterday,
who spent most of his life and died in what is now Kazakhstan
is somebody who really spent his life to the dour, spreading Islam
in those very inhospitable places. In the middle of the largest
continent, sweltering summers, subzero winters, difficult for him
and his disciples to go out talking to these wild shamanistic
tribes and bringing them to tell hate but that was his, his
dedication, and his particular calling was to those who were most
unfortunate, the poorest, the isolated those who had been
rejected by their tribes.
orphans, is famous as a lover of the poor and this was his
modality of following some aspect of the enormous prophetic
personage, the the HELOC housing. So I've been looking at it he's
lived so long ago. He knows in the middle of the 12th century, this
is before the Mongols before all kinds of things happening.
And much of his poetry has been lost, or its present only in half
verses or variant readings. It is the first truly great Muslim voice
from that region, as Islam takes those people and takes that
language, which had previously been just for talking about horses
and camels and talks, and rival tribes and turned it into a
absolutely exquisite and beautiful instrument for the conveying of
the fullness of Islam. Islam, uplifts, transforms, turns to gold
languages wherever it goes as well as soul. So looking at
one of these poems, which I hadn't read before, and I'm still coming
to terms with it. And some of the verses are not complete.
You get a sense of his awareness of this tense read this sort of
little death that we experienced during Ramadan.
And it's a poem in which he has a verse about every year of his
Some of missing but most of it is here,
explaining his spiritual state, his weaknesses, his strengths, how
Allah is taking him up to his 63rd year
when he reached his 63rd year, which of course is the Prophetic
age for death, he felt that it was not appropriate for him any longer
to be on the surface of the earth. And so he carried on the remainder
of his teaching and his iPad in a kind of cave underneath the
ground. So he'd entered the earth as it were before
before his actual death continued with
his extraordinary process of transforming this great Kazakh
nation which is now
I think the biggest territorially Muslim country and enormous area
and it's his soul really that transforms these people. You
couldn't conquer these wandering tribes you affected their soul. So
let's look a little bit a few of these few of these years. He
reaches to us over the centuries under this time of adulthood and
doing without and contemplation. I think it's particularly effective.
I just read a few verses. He begins Bismillah that pay on a
letter Hickmott I
told the player good do you give her such tomorrow? riyals at nicop
to Tartu, con la YouTube. Ben deftly Sonya says in Austin run
I begin the words with Bismillah and begin with wisdom. I wish to
spread pearls for true men.
At all times, this is part of my discipline and my hardship.
eye opening for this another
depth dafter another notebook.
And then verse three.
Chi Dickerson Kennedy Sinek moorhen Bogle. ondoc Muslim y'all
darker sent and then Bogle, Rosie ma Shara de da ma Ramboll girl.
More women lick Hello Yorkton Koston mono.
Wherever you see a broken heart,
be the medicine for that heart.
Whenever you encounter on your way, someone who has been wronged
become the friend and the fellow traveler of that person.
Thus, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be close to Allah's
I have fled from those who say me and on my behalf. I have fled from
that humanity.
Group faqeer your team letting the residents say they are Shoal Creek
a mirage trochu de dar cara de on Saundra Gary fucker Halden solder
curry Blarney is in his lap your doom and
hazard team Mohammed at all times loved the stranger, the penniless
and the orphan.
He was transformed on his Mirage and beheld the beauty of the
After that, he showed complete concern for the isolated and for
the impoverished.
So ice also seek at all times in his way to be with
the very player those who are left on their own.
In netball Sun Gauri Blanca tarbiyah Bogle, Ayat Hadees Hakim
Eitz, Asana one girl, Razak Is he her neighbor say corner ball girl
CarNet bolo Shara Shara Alden each team mono
if you are from the OMA of
the Holy Prophet, then be at all times at the side of the
Always extend your attentive ear to those who read or earn and
treat Allah in His Name Allah Zack as always sufficient for you.
I have
consumed the
wine of love, and I am satisfied in all things.
Oracle airson Gary Blanca Coonan Avila most of our deck Eleni kcpa,
Team kala dunya. Paris. Najin slurred invoice on Tala or Yan
Tao, love Daria Bordeaux Tosh to mono.
If you are an intelligent man.
draw close to the souls of the strangers.
Spread goodness like the Holy Prophet, to all people.
Look for an ask after the orphans.
Do not turn your face towards the worshippers of the world.
I have turned away my face
and everything has become like a great ocean.
They move forward a little bit. The translation obviously is very
crude and on poetic but we get a sense of the particular spiritual
state of this stranger who lived for the strangers and lived for
the orphans and brought a whole country into Islam.
So, now he goes through his years year by year so
on Yushin the overland Baldan Cole Hotjar. Net * LeClaire Benard
Koryo Quran my thoughts how German the fuel the cow son Vanya has
also the tin ultimacy terrier gear carried him
Oh Hajah Ahmed,
when you were a child of 10
rose up to the position of a Hajah a religious teacher, that you did
not worship
what a shame it is to say I am a religious teacher, when you were
so much remains on the road. For this reason, in the in my 63rd
year, I went beneath the earth, so this becomes the final line of
each quatrain for the rest of the rest of the poem.
horsecar Yep. 10 others kill the collagen DACA Zeke right dead easy
Korean i i tip your demand no excuses learning occurred in their
sales Calgon also obtained H Tucana. Called Amano.
A beautiful voice came to me came to my ear from the unseen world.
This is when his turn, remember a lot.
And for that reason, I became a remember remember of Allah.
I saw that those who had no love for Allah could not remain
steadfast on the path. And for this reason, I opened my shop of
It goes on, there's so much that's beautiful. But the point is that
we get the sense of somebody who was following the Holy Prophets
commandment couldn't be done yet. And the Corrib arbalest
be in this world, as though a Wayfarer
or a traveler. Oh Hari, the believer in this world, with its
worldliness and with those who are worshipping the world feels a bit
out of place and strange. And that's the place of the believer.
In this time. The believer is, as it were detached, has this teddy
read, and is constantly recalling
the grave hoping that it will be for him the most beautiful garden
that he's ever seen.
And because of this alienation from this world, which is
symbolized by the Holy Prophet, salallahu, alayhi, wasallam, in
his Mirage, leaving the world but coming back to the world as it
worth seeing things in perspective. He says that when you
have that understanding, that's when you're in solidarity with the
poor, with the orphan, with the helpless and you walk side by side
with them
on their path. So this was this particular spiritual fragrant
converter of Kazakhstan, may Allah have mercy upon him and raise him
up to a high degree. And may we in this fasting month, this month of
austerity of Ramadan, in sha Allah tastes something of the sweetness
and the blessing, and the love that comes from teacher eat. This
is not really a time for sorrow. This is the time for love. As we
set aside distractions, and we look at the world in a mature way,
and see the beauty and see the divine purposes at work, and
single out the brokenhearted who are particularly close to him for
our loving care and are solidarity. May Allah accept our
fasting insha Allah and bring us to the aid in safety and in
humility, and benefit us insha Allah from the depths of this
amazing time, so no more aleikum wa rahmatullah.