Daood Butt – 30 in 30 Daily Quran Explanation #16

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing and values in the cycle of creation, avoiding loss of life, and love for progress. They stress the need for service and avoiding confusion, and emphasize the importance of avoiding loss of life and knowing that progress is not yet achieved. The speakers emphasize the need for continuous improvement and innovation, listening to customers, and taking care of the environment. The pandemic is noted as a potential impact on the economy and the need for caution and safe cautions.
AI: Transcript ©
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hola hola him al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Anna v Hill Karim, Allah he follow Sala to ultimate tasleem rubbish roughly suddenly were Sidley, Emily that Emily Sani of Cabo commonly my brothers and my sisters said Mr. La come to LA he robot our cattle.

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I hope everyone is doing well in sha Allah Allah Today we are going to cover the 16th Jews of the Quran.

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Why do we have vibrations going on here, hold on.

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Alright, sorry about that. So we are going to be covering the 16th jewels of the Quran in sha Allah Tada. Which

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means we will finish off similar to the calf's meridiem and sort of Baja as well. So now as the sort of get shorter, we are going to end up covering more so what will end in the day, and sometimes possibly even just skip over some of them? Because we can't just take every single,

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every single suit on every single lesson that is found within. So

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that's what we're doing for today. As a reminder, once again,

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half the half of the month of Ramadan is pretty much gone. So this is it, you know, before we know it's going to be the day read inshallah, and we'll be celebrating all together from the comfort of our home, on the internet. ask Allah Subhana Allah data to make easy for all of us, I mean, all right, so let's begin. So to recap, we left off yesterday, we were talking about

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the people that cave today we're going to talk about the story of moose. And

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so we saw the fitna of money and wealth in yesterday's story. And now we're looking at the fitna of knowledge, right, the story of Musa and Hippo, what we see here is to make it really short, if you read through the ayah, if you read through the verses, or the you even pick up the translation, you read through the translation, you actually get a really good idea of the story. So you know, you don't really need me to read through all of it at Hamdulillah, just like the story of use of addicts. And I didn't read through the whole soda, in fact, they just literally picked out a few things. And then, you know, went with that. But if you read through the whole soda, you'll actually

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get a better idea of what's happening there. So lots of hidden with that it shows us here in the story in sort of two cows

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in the store, what do you need Nina?

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In the story of Moosa moves on

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there are three things that are that are shown to us here. And

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Moosa goes along with them and kind of says, you know, you're not going to be able to be patient with me, you won't have the patience to endure what I go through and what I will be doing. And most is like, you know, don't worry, I can I got this right, I'm gonna be able to handle this. And then, so he goes along with him. And he, you know, he that is well known, and there's a boat that's passing by, and they need to travel by boats. And so they allow him to embark without, you know, charging him or anything. So he gets on the boat, and he removes one of the planks of wood from the boat, allowing water to seep through. And so, you know, they now have to, like, scramble to, you

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know, get the water out of the boats and so on.

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Who says like, what's going on? Why did you do this? You know, you know, that's not nice. It's not fair. You shouldn't do that these people are poor, and they're taking you for free. Why? Why are you damaging their property? They're not even charging us. And there was like, You see, I told you wouldn't be patient with what I'm with what I'm going to go through. And so he's like, okay, okay, I'll be patient with it. So they continue onwards, and then they come to,

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you know, the land, and then they see this boy, and then it goes up to the boy, and he literally just grabs him by the head and like, takes his head off.

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And somehow Mullah.

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I'm smiling because I really don't know how to explain this any further. I lost some time with Adam mentions it in the end. And, you know, for us, it's a lesson we look at him, like really, it didn't really happen. But we'll know why afterwards why this happened. So further, you know, does that and I was like, wait, what's going on then? You know, you just you just killed someone you just murdered someone that, you know, you're not allowed to do that you can't do this is not right, this unjust. And he's like, you see, I told you wouldn't be patient. And he's like, okay, fine, you know, be patient and he's like, Listen, if you're not, if you're gonna question me one more time, that's it.

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It's done. Right? You can't come along with me anymore because you're not going to be able to endure what I'm going through. And so I was like, Okay, fine. I'll you know, I'll be patient with it. So they continue to, you know, travel and move on.

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They come to this area, no one wants to give them food. No one wants to, you know, give them lodging or a place to stay, no shelter. And so they're like, you

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Going through a little bit of a difficult time. And there's this wall, you know, this structure that's built like a wall. And it's like falling apart. So it goes over and he starts to fix it by hand, he actually starts to rebuild this wall. And I was like, what's wrong with you? Why are you building this wall for these people, they didn't give us any food, they didn't give us any shelter, you know, that are helping us. They're not being nice to us, we shouldn't give them anything in return. Like, why are you doing something good for them, they should pay you for it, right? You're deserving of being paid for doing this good kind of service to these people. And so for me, it was

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like, that's it, you know, I told you that you can't question me anymore. And you question me, and I'm not going to keep you with me anymore. You know, you can't come along.

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Most of us, like, you know, what's going on here, like, explain what's happening. So unless that explains it to us in this one. So he says, As for the boat, look, there was a king or ruler, who was unjust, and who was basically, you know, taking all of the ships that passed by you that were in good condition. And any ship that was in bad condition, he would just, you know, let go.

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So, he wasn't, you know, taking any of the ships that had some problems with it, or any of the boats that were leaking, and, you know, not really functional. And so for them knew that these people, their livelihood depended upon that ship, like they needed the, or the boats, they needed the boat to go out on the water to fish and to bring back their food and stuff that they needed in order to survive. And so in order to allow them to keep their boats, he removed that plank, so that when they pass by that, you know, unjust ruler, he would see that their boats is, this boat is like, useless, it's, there's no point in US keeping this boat. So he would just let them keep it and then they can

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obviously, you know, use that boat and go out to sea and capture their food and so on that they need. And so he was doing them a service.

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Then, with regards to the boy who he basically took the life of the boy, he explains that, you know, this boy,

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his parents, you know, it was very hard for them. And when they finally had the child and he was born, they put all their time and their energy and effort into raising this child, and he meant everything to them. But this child is going to grow up to be someone who just believes in Allah subhana wa Towne or someone who just pleases Allah Subhana, WA Tada. And he would then you know, cause a lot of pain and a lot of hurt and a lot of trouble to his parents. And so it's better for his parents to cry over him being dead now than for them to cry over him, you know, going away from a lesson plan was added later on. And so that was the lesson that we learned there, right, the fits

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of knowledge. And then the third part that we see is that wall

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could have a nose knows that this wall underneath it, there is a treasure or the wealth that we should say, of these two boys that were orphans, their father buried wealth for them to inherit, when they get older, and he didn't want them to have this wealth until they got older, and the the wall, the structure was falling apart. So who there built it, and moose, I was thinking, you know what, you're doing a service to these people, they don't deserve it, when in reality, there was like, I have knowledge that you don't have, and I'm doing something that I know is better for these people than then then what you see on the outside, right, the outer appearance of things. And so we

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learned from from these three stories, you know, that knowledge itself is important, but knowledge can be very difficult sometimes to act upon. And we need to be very honest and true in the way that we that we learn knowledge, receive knowledge, you know, and handle the knowledge. You know, Allah Subhana, Allah has blessed us with knowledge, every single one of us has knowledge of whatever sorts, right, someone may have knowledge as a mechanic, and you know, how things work in function. Another person has knowledge,

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medical knowledge, right how the body works, you know, another person might have Islamic knowledge and so on. And, you know, at times, some people can sort of, you know, mix and match and all this together, like sort of merging the knowledge together. But there's a limit to that, because not every single person is eligible to talk about or to, you know, explain something or even, you know, teach or act upon knowledge of a certain field that they don't really have. So for example, I'm not a doctor I'm not going to cut you don't come to me and ask me about medical questions. Unless it's something basic like oh, I have this really you know, sharp pain in my head. Well, did you take some

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Tylenol? No. All right. So take some Tylenol, drink some water, maybe have a coffee, get some rest and you should be good, right? anything more than that? I don't know. Right?

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And even that you don't just go and tell someone to take some medication. usually ask them are you drinking enough water? Have you been resting enough? Are you in front of a lot of bright lights right shining in your face like right now you're live streaming a lot through a lot of bright lights shining in your face? You know, stuff like that. And then you know, the last thing you do is ask them, and I learned this. Over all the years of traveling is like, even when it comes to taking a painkiller like Tylenol or Panama.

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Or, you know, something like ibuprofen, Advil and so on. You don't usually tell people to take it right away because you don't know their health conditions. And so you have to be very careful very sensitive.

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I see that in

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cabin crew members, right cabin crew members on airplanes if someone comes in they say, you know what, I have a really bad headache and I have, you know, something for my headache, they'll be very hesitant to give that that passenger some Tylenol, you know, to sort out that headache at first I'm going to ask some questions and number of questions and I always observe that and notice how they are not going to step over and cross boundaries into an area that they are not familiar with, even though they have a responsibility up in the air. Same thing with us as human beings, we have a responsibility to look after the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada. But we don't cross over into certain

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limits that we are not aware of simple example. My brothers and sisters, you know, this whole question on air decaf and stuff like that, or, you know, things to do with Ramadan and live broadcasting and following along with our we live from others and stuff like that.

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Allah subhana wa Jalla has made it such that, you know, people who have knowledge are the people that are going to deal with this. And there are certain consequences. Some people have knowledge, and they're too quick to answer. And I'll say that very straight. Sometimes I make that mistake myself, right. But I try to catch myself in the moment. I usually try not to comment right away. And so how nowadays the last few weeks, I've noticed that this has been something that's very common with many people, many of us, you know, we

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we see things right away, and we shouldn't you don't need to comment every single post that you see on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter, you don't need to comment to every single thing that someone says to you. Someone says something nasty to you, you don't have to even reply to them.

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Simple example, on my Facebook account, what I you know, the policy I've been following for the longest time is, you know, people are entitled to their own opinions. If someone doesn't like what I said, hamdulillah if someone doesn't agree to what I said, and humbler someone thinks that you know, someone has their own opinion on things 100. Right. Should I stop them? Should I ban them from my page? No, unless they cross a certain limit, and I have that limit, I set that limit, right, not someone else. And so, you know, when it comes to certain things related to the dean, it gets me a little bit frustrated, because you spend so many years studying the dean and then you have people

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who have not spent

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any dedicated time, any dedicated time not saying that they don't have Islamic knowledge. But I'm saying they don't, they haven't spent any dedicated time, any structured time. Or you can even say to have no degrees in it, which I don't really like to use all the time, because not everyone with a degree is knowledgeable. Not everyone who doesn't have a degree is not knowledgeable. So we have to be very respectful of that. And that's what we learned here. You know, in the story of Musa Pinto, you know, when it comes to knowledge kind of had knowledge that Moosa didn't have and Moosa was judging him based on what he saw on the outside. A lot of the time, what you see on the outside is

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not really what's happening on the inside, you might see something nice on the outside, and that's not what's happening on the inside of the person, right? You may see something on the outside. And that's not what's happening like you, you're looking out my window and I see this beautiful house across the street from us of hamdulillah. You know, it's a corner house across the street, there's a door on the side, there's a door on the other side is it has lots of windows, Allah knows what goes on inside the house, maybe the people living in the house are suffering, maybe they are suffering financially, maybe there's some problems that's going on, maybe there's some family issues, maybe

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there are health issues. So everyone is going through something right. And what we see on the outside is not necessarily what's happening on the inside. So we need to be very careful of that my brothers and sisters, let's move on and shall.

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Let's move to near the end of the surah verse number 103, Allah subhana wa tada says, Good noona will convene a serene arm Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, say all Prophet, shall we inform you of who will lose the most deeds. So good deeds

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are gone to waste, if the intention is not right, and if the person who's doing them is just doing them for the sake of doing something.

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And of course, when we as human beings see good deeds being done, we appreciate it. It's a good deed, but to Allah to our Creator, that's a different thing. So for us a good deed and hamdulillah we accepted it is what it is and so on and so forth to Allah subhanho data, if the person is not a believer, the good deed is done, and it's a good deed. But it's a good deed of this world. It's not a good deed that will benefit them in the hereafter. And this is where a lot of handling data is coming from a nice as he says, say, shall we inform you of who will lose the most deeds who is going to lose the most of their good deeds. We don't want to be from those people, right? unless some

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handling data says that they are those whose efforts are in vain.

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In this worldly life, while they think they are doing good, it is they who reject the signs of their Lord and their meeting with him rendering their deeds void. So we will not give their deeds any weight on judgment day. So they may be good deeds that are done in this world, but in the Hereafter, they're not you know of any benefit. They don't hold any weight. And they are basically left you know, as as is.

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So my brothers and sisters have handed in love for Islam Alhamdulillah for believing and you know, some kind of law earlier today was really nice. I was, you know, Mufti is married men key goes live on Instagram all the time. So, you know, my wife usually clicks on it, but today, she was busy with something. So I opened it up, and I usually listen to it while she's, you know, listening to it. But today, I open it up myself and I was listening to it. And it was, it was a woman from Canada. He actually, you know, clicked on someone, and they're from Canada. She lives in Toronto, apparently. And it was really nice, because like, oh, Canadian, and, you know, he asked her, where are you from,

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and stuff like that. And she was, she was being very respectful. She's like, you know, Mufti, listen to a lot. This is my second little Milan fasting, and he's like, oh, did you recently become Muslim? Or were you not so practicing before and you started to become a little more practicing? She's like, No, I'm not actually a Muslim. But I like Islam. And I've been following a lot of what you say, and I listened to your lectures and stuff like that. And, you know, this is the second year that I've been fasting. And you know, so Pamela she, I felt that was just absolutely amazing. That you know, someone who's not listening is listening to lectures of someone who is Muslim because they feel that

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those lectures are beneficial to them. And it has an impact upon them in their life. And they get to be a better person through learning the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so he made a nice to have for her, you know, and I was I was thinking to myself, you know, I'm here in the GTA I'm in the Toronto area would be so nice. You know, if we had a system where we could easily just like link people up like okay, here you go, you're in this area, that mustard this mustard, that mustard and so on and so forth. And then you know, people who are going to be patient with others, in giving them the Dharma and showing them the way to Allah subhanho wa Taala inviting them in a way that

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would make them feel happy and comfortable with becoming a Muslim. That was someone who was who was married, she even mentioned, you know, my husband is resting right now. And I'm working and I just took a break.

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from, you know, from work to to listen to your live stream. I was like so Pamela that's a non Muslim taking some time out of her day to listen to you know, the live stream of an Islamic scholar so that was absolutely amazing to see. Now, we ask Allah subhanho wa tada to open her heart to the deen to make her from amongst those and her husband who come to Islam if her husband is not Muslim, I don't know. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make her a means of conveying Islam to others as well. And we ask Allah subhana wa COVID, to edit to make us, you know, be pleased with the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we see non Muslims being pleased in content with with, with the aesthetic

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knowledge that has been shared. Imagine how how, you know, we should feel when we are Muslims, you know, we have more of a right over that knowledge is his knowledge of our religion. And so we ask Allah subhana wa tanunda to make it easy for us to love the knowledge of Islam. I mean,

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verse number 109, and 110, Allah Subhana Allah says, Good locaton and barrameda then you can imagine Robbie, the nephew Delbanco, cobla, and 10. For that, can you imagine what would be what I would get into the meat of the matter that almost kind of went ahead and says say, he says to the profits in the long run, I need to say to the people, if the ocean were ink for writing the words of Allah subhana wa tada as in the blessings of Allah Subhana, WA tada all the things that Allah has given to us and granted to us on this earth. You know, talking about Allah subhanho data himself his greatness to describe Allah subhana wa Tada, who he is, what he does, you know, his status, his

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position, how he is deserving of being praised, and so on and so forth. You know, if we were to write to all of that the ocean, if it was transformed into ink would not be enough ink in order to write all of that out. And it would certainly run out before the words of my Lord were finished. Even if we refilled it with its equal. Look at what Allah subhana wa tada says, even if we refilled it with its equal, if the ocean was in, and you were to write about Allah subhanho wa Tana, Allah azzawajal. If you were to write about a lot, all of the ink of the ocean, right, all of the water of the ocean, if it was ink would run out. And if a law was to replace all of that with ink again, all

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of that would run out again. So had a lot and you wouldn't be able to finish writing about the loss of handling data which which really,

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I remember when I was a student in Medina and our teacher was explaining

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To me, I was thinking to myself, so Pamela,

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I really don't know enough about Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah. If that's the case, when it comes to, you know, the ink, the ocean being turned into ink. If that's the case with regards to that, then how is it going to be for us as humans in this life living and transitioning through this dunya? If we don't really know about a loss of animal etana? And how much do we really know, like, how many of us have even read a book on, you know, the oneness of a loss of time with Adam, or the names and attributes of a loss of habitat? It's rare that we do this as well. Some of you may have read one A long time ago, but we forgot about it right? And so it's important for us to constantly

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be educating ourselves and researching and looking up things and constantly refreshing our memory with regards to what we've learned in the past. Then a loss of handling data says, well, in an obsessional, miserable you have Elijah and Elijah who can either work from in Canada, Julie, behavioral, young, 11, inside her weather usually can be a burden to be he had a loss of Hannah Montana says to profits, I love riding with someone once again, say, I am only a man like you say to the people, and only a man like you, I'm a human beings just like you. But it has been revealed to me that your God is only one God. So the difference between me and you is that I've been chosen as a

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prophet and a messenger. So I'm a human being, but I've been chosen to convey the message from God to you. So whoever hopes for the meeting of your Lord, whoever hopes to meet lots of cannabinoids added up, let them do good deeds and associate none in the worship of their Lord, very simple formula. This is the formula to you know, meeting meeting Allah subhanho wa Taala you want to meet Allah subhana wa Tada, very simple. Do not worship anyone or anything

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other than a loss of kind of what ad or in association or partnership with a loss of data, don't do that. And continue to do good deeds very simple, right? worship Allah and do good deeds, and doing good deeds is amazing. Because there's so many so many things there that are LinkedIn associated to it. First of all, when you're worshiping Allah subhana wa tada in the way that you do your good deeds is going to be different than just doing a good deed. Like for example, if you go outside and you see a piece of garbage on the ground, and you pick it up, and you remove it, it's a good deed. But when you do it, believing in Allah subhanho wa Taala, you're doing it not only because it needs

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to go in the garbage, you're doing it because you're protecting this world, because it was created by a law, it's a creation of a lesser kind of data, you're doing it because you're receiving rewards, you're doing it because you're earning your paradise you're doing it because it increases in your Amen, you're doing it because it's looking after your neighbors. And that's the right the right of the neighbors part of our belief in Islam. Right, you're doing it because you're looking after your neighborhood as well, you're doing it because it's the wave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you're doing it because it's what the Sahaba of the Aloha home would have done,

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you're doing it because a loss of habitat has given us the command to do that in the first place, right to make sure that we look after the world and everything that he's created. So there are so many things that you're doing it for linking it to a loss of habitat as opposed to the person goes outside sees garbage takes it puts it in the garbage can costs no the believer is doing it with so much more in mind and so much more focus and so much more intent behind it and so much more hope and joy and rewards coming from a less dependable way to add now later and in the future in the hereafter. So we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to continue to do good in this

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world as well as in the hereafter. And I mean

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let us move to sutra millennium. So what ammonium is is an interesting pseudo because when you talk to you know people who are Christian you talk to Christians and you tell them that in you know they talk about Islam like all you know you Muslims this and that, and blessing all of them. But some Christians don't know that in our culture. And we have a chapter titled Millennium who was Millennium the mother of Isa at his center and so the fact that that's titled within there's there's a chapter in our end not only titled but talking about her life talking about you know her story and what she went through and that's exactly what we're going to look at right now. So many um I must

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have had was added begins talking about Kenny Yeah, he says

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beacon was a kid he also kind of with Adam begins his soul out of course with

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him and then he mentioned the disjointed letters, kind of yeah and in the end sod. He then says this, what the end is a reminder of your Lord's mercy to his servant zucchetti Yeah.

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When he cried up to his Lord privately, saying, My Lord, surely my bones have become brittle and gray hair has spread across

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Cross my head, but I have never been disappointed in my prayer to you, my lord. And I am concerned about the faith of my relatives after me. He's concerned about his relatives after him, since my wife is barren, so grant me by your grace, an heir, who will inherit, inherit What? We said that the profits don't leave anything behind for the family to inherit. But here he's referring to Prophethood, right, who will inherit Prophethood from me and the family of Yaqoob and make him Oh, Lord, pleasing to you.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala sends the angels to Zakaria to announce to him and the angels announce. Yes, Carrie

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Shiro cabbie meanie smooth.

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Yeah, yeah. lemna Jeremy

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Corbyn, who sent me

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the angels announced to Zakaria and he has sent him Oh, Zakaria. Indeed, we give you the good news of the birth of a son. Right that you will have a son whose name will be Yeah, also known as john. A name we have not gotten to a sorry, a name we have not given to anyone before. So we see here that yeah, I think his venom was actually named by a loss of time with Anna, I actually find that really cool. And the other thing I like about Yeah, the name yahia. itself is almost every single person I know who has the name. Yeah. has certain characteristics that we find. are specific to prophets. Yeah. Allah has sent him

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and so that's something that's really interesting there then. So unless some kind of with Allah mentions that here, and then he says he wandered My Lord. Sorry, he wondered, right? Yeah, exactly. I wondered, my Lord, how can I have a sun moon My wife is barren. And I've become extremely old. Like I'm old. My wife is old. You know, she's past that point where we're gonna have children, how is it possible that we are going to have children and the angel replies to two's Acadia, Allah has sent him. So it will be right. So will it be it's going to be your Lord says it is easy for me just as I created you before, when you were nothing. So it must have had without and created us from

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nothing else behind without it can make a woman pregnant when she's past that stage in her life of you know, being able to have children.

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And that's just the plan of Allah subhanho wa Tada. So my brothers and sisters, the beautiful thing that we see is a lesson kind of with Anna takes this, you know, cold this cry of his servant seriously. And he accepts it and embraces it and grants in what he's asking for. And then we see in verse number 12. Yeah, for the Nikita. One. What

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be the last kind of what's added now shows us some of the characteristics of Yeah, yeah. And he sent him. It was later said, Oh, yeah. Oh, john, hold firmly to the scriptures. So yeah, he helped. He held on to the Scripture. He used to love to recite them. And he recited them often. And we granted him wisdom while he was still a child. So he was young, and he was wise. So when you find it, yeah, who's wise?

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And there's a Yeah, it was dear to me. So Pamela, who was young and very wise, and I got to know him in an older stage in his life when he still looks young, and is even more wise now. Right? He's in his 40s. Now. And that's Yeah. is a good friend of mine and hamdulillah. Chef. Yeah.

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And that allows some headwinds, Adam says, as well as purity and compassion for us. And he was God fearing, right. So yeah, Allah, He sent me held on to the Scriptures, he was still young, Allah blessed him with wisdom, and he was pure, right, and he had compassion within him. You know, it's amazing. When we give a child a name, we expect that child to learn about this name, and to act in ways that are linked to the name that they are given. So if we name a child, yeah, they will look into one day and they will find that these are the characteristics of a prophet of Allah that was named Yeah, yeah. So I need to be this kind of person. And he then says, and he was God fearing he

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had that fear of a loss of habitat, what can it be?

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We ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us also from those who are fearing of a loss of Hannah Montana, who are conscious of Him and do not want to upset a law, thus resulting in possibly being punished by a loss of cannibal attack.

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He then says, and he was kind to his parents. Yeah, it was kind of his parents. And he was neither arrogant nor disobedient peace be upon him the day he was born and the day of his death and the day he will be raised back to life.

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You know, I even have a student here in the mustard. There's a lot of things that I want to say about. Yeah, yeah. And you know, I have a good friend named Yes. Pamela. And his name is not Yes. And Pamela His name is Yeah. Period. So I've had a lot exclamation mark.

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You know, my good friend. Yeah.

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He, I went for I'm gonna with him. And it was a bunch of us. We actually were 15 and COVID instructors at the time we went for, we took a group of a couple 100 people. For him, I think it was about close to 200 people from this was in 2014, April 2014. I remember it specifically because I couldn't get my visa while I was living in Malaysia. And so I flew all the way to Canada, just to drop off my passport for one day to get a visa and I flew all the way back to Malaysia, in order to take the group for them from Malaysia. So kind of like it was it was a it was a mission and a half I literally had four hours. From the time that the ticket was purchased. I needed to go for Ramadan. I

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couldn't get the visa and the last. This was this was it. It was only a few more days before we had to leave. And I remember you know, Brother sagittis Hello, may Allah subhana wa tada have mercy upon him

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and grant him the best of this dunya and, I mean, he literally he went online, he bought me a ticket first time of my life. I flew on KLM he bought me a ticket. He's like, Here you go, go home, pack your bags. You're leaving in four hours. I'm like, four hours is like yeah, I'm taking you to the airport. So Pamela, we literally went home I grabbed the bag. I didn't need much. I was coming to Canada for two days. I grabbed my passport, grabbed by my carry on bag, told my wife I'm going to Canada. See you later. She's like what you're going to Canada.

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I flew to Canada. You know, I landed in Pearson airport, picked up a rental car went straight to the travel agency, which is literally about 20 minutes, not even 15 minutes away from the airport, dropped off my passport. And then I had to wait 24 hours, right? So I had to wait for my passport to be ready. So I drove from there. I flew all the way from Malaysia through Amsterdam, transited there to Toronto, picked up a rental car, went to the travel agency and then drove all the way to Montreal without sleeping, drove to Montreal rang the doorbell walked into my parents house. They're like what are you doing in Canada? Now remember, I was a student in Malaysia for four years. They hadn't

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seen me in quite some time. So they'll be like shocked. What are you doing here? You know, I told them this is the beginning to be yours. I'm going to travel like crazy. So I kind of

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spent the night there with my parents. The next morning, got up, passport was ready.

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No, sorry. The next day the passport was sent to Ottawa and then the following day. So I spent two nights in Montreal, the following morning, got up early drove right back to Toronto because my flight was leaving. So I drove to Toronto, picked up my passport, went to the airport, flew back to Malaysia, through Amsterdam spent I think another day or two there, packed my bags and we went for a walk. Why am I telling you this? I don't know that I was telling you this because I was mentioning the story of going for Ramadan with Chef. Yeah, Chef Brahim. Some of you might know him. He lives in Perth, Australia currently. And he's a you know, a dear friend, and has a special spot in my heart.

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And I'm telling you this because I always tell him you really have the qualities of Yeah, I like his setup, those qualities that we learn about the Prophet of Allah subhana wa Jana, He's so nice to his parents. So Pamela, we were, you know, in Mecca, and it was time for breakfast. And he brought his father and his uncle to I think two of his uncles along if I'm not mistaken, or his uncle and one of his father's friends as well.

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So they came from, and she Yeah, he's like, come down and sit with us. So I sat with them. He got up, he's like, I'll be right back. He got up. He went and he brought like plates of food. He had the bread he brought, and I'm not talking about amounts that was wasteful. Not at all. So kind of like his father's really, really particularly and I could see where he gets it from. Right. You know, he brought the food and he was serving, you know, he served his father and so on. He was serving his uncle. And I was like, man, I feel really bad. I need to do this need to serve. So I started like, following shift is, you know, lead there, I'm like, Okay, he's doing this. I'm gonna do it too. So

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he's like, you know, taking things putting it and he's like, no doubt you're our guest. I'm like, No, I'm not your guest. Like your dad. I got to serve your dad too. If you're serving your dad, I have to serve your dad. He and then his father's like, No, you came in sat at our table. You are our guest. It's so they're serving me and I'm sitting there going from high to low. This is so strange. But it was an amazing experience because I've learnt the importance of serving others, right how we're supposed to serve each other. And looking after one another. Many of us have kind of

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To add a bless, yeah, he and his family I mean, and so these qualities that we see in ya, Allah has sent a prophet. Yeah. And he sent them are so important. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, peace be upon him, the day he was born, and the day of his death. How did he die? Yeah, I know who sent him. He died in a gruesome way.

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You know, he was actually murdered

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lost some kind of water. Allah, you know, tells us peace be upon him. And that's the beautiful thing of luck calms our hearts that we might feel bad. We might feel like anger we might feel, you know, why did this happen? Why did people do some stuff like this to people who are pious people who are righteous, all he was doing was reading the Scripture, all he was doing was was doing exactly what I was what kind of data said he did, he told him to hold on to the Scripture, and he was well versed in it, but Allah Subhana Allah says peace upon him, the day he was born, the day he was died, and the day that he will return, you know, back to Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, of course, we see here

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you know, the story of

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the story of money, um, is going to begin now, right? We're talking about money, um, and it has sent up. And so a lot of bandwidth at it was going blank, I'm thinking this isn't Sora Yeah, this is sort of money. Right? So now lots of handling data shows us here the characteristics of

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money, and her story and what she goes through. And these are found in verses number, you know, all the way down 16, all the way to 37. And even a little bit past that, right. So from verses number 16, Allah subhana wa tada shows us money, I'm the mother of Isa Jesus, out of his senem and how she then becomes pregnant and the angel comes to her. And you know, the, it's mentioned, you know, the spirits or the ruler of a loss of habitat is blown into. What that means is the command of Allah subhanho wa Jalla takes place, and she becomes pregnant without having a spouse. And that's a beautiful thing for us. Because we see that Allah has completed this cycle. In our lives, we can see

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that, throughout the time in history, the cycle of a men, or a human being from no men, and no woman was created, who is that Adam and Eve who set up the First Men on earth? Then we see a human being created from men, with no woman. Who was that how well Allah created a woman for men with no woman, right? As in, Adam had no wife, Allah subhanaw taala created how what from a part of Adam and Eve sent him so she was created from, you know, a part of another human being. So a human was created from no men and no woman, a human is created from no woman, but from men.

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And then we see us as human beings we are created from men and woman, right? And I'm not saying that they weren't human, but us, you know, every, every other one of us, right? We are created from men and women.

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And then Allah subhana wa tada shows us that Millennium was a woman who a person a human being came from. So Jesus, Isa Ali Hassan came from a woman with no men. What what? Absolutely amazing, right? That cycle is complete. And so Allah subhana wa, tada shows us here millennium, Allah has sent him she becomes pregnant. And then she goes through the pains of childbirth. And she's ashamed. You know, people are going to talk about her. They're going to say things about her. She's not married, she has no spouse, how did this happen? She's worried, and she's worried telling about some headwinds. And I look how am I going to face my people, and she was going through such hardship and

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so much pain that she wished death. Right. And that goes to show us my brothers, that our sisters go through extreme hardship in child labor and birth.

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Or delivery, I should say, so much. It's not only not only during the, the, you know, the delivery part, it is also throughout the entire pregnancy, so much pain, so much difficulty, so much hardship, we need to be thankful to a muscle kind of way to * and not thankful because we don't get to experience that thankful that our spouse is able to go through this and he's patient with it a lot. It's such an amazing thing. However, when we think of it right, how difficult it is, to the extent that money is the mother of Isa explains to us how it feels that you you reach a point where you know what it might be easier to just be dead, and I wouldn't feel this pain anymore. And so she

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goes through that difficult

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Time and the ISA Allah has set up and is then born.

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And when she's born, Allah Subhana, Allah makes him speak. And he tells his mother, you know what, don't grieve? Don't worry, everything will be fine. Whoa, what's going on here? This child is speaking. And then Allah Subhana, who is Anna also provided for her dates from the tree, right? The dates that fell from the tree. And so he told her to go over to the tree and shake the tree and the dates will come down. How does a woman shake a tree? How does a man even shake a tree? It's difficult. We're talking about, like a date tree that is wide and thick. How do you shake that tree, and lots of headwinds added gave her the ability to, you know, just just put your hands on the tree

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and shake it and the local, provide, don't worry, do what's needed, take those necessary measures, necessary steps that are needed in order to seek your provision, and leave the rest to a boss accountable what to add. So the dates fell. And that's perfect nutrition data, perfect nutrition. My brothers and my sisters, in particular, if you are feeding a child, you're breastfeeding a child, then you need to be eating some dates, right? Because the nutrition that you get from the day, so I'm not saying overdo it, I have some dates that will be good for the child and a lot of time and good for you as well to give you the energy that you need. I say this every Ramadan, there isn't a

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day that I go through in Ramadan without eating dates. And if I do miss eating dates in the morning, then it's a difficult day for me. Like I get my energy from dates throughout the days of Ramadan. And today I had three dates. Maybe I needed to have more because I feel like I'm missing out on some energy today. Right? I feel like I have the energy. I'm not struggling at all in my class today. But I just feel like I could use a little more energy than a lot of penalties and issues as you know, he says speaks in verse number 33. And he says to recite, right, sorry to say to recite,

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he says that he's a servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala right, let's sit down where Allah Yama will lead to a little more to a little bit so hi yah. So again, peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die in the day I'll be raised back to life. And then Allah subhana wa tada shows us as well.

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He says, a servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is not the son of a lot. He is a worshipper of Allah. He worships Allah. He is a prophet of Allah Subhana Allah and he's a messenger of a lot of God, right? So that's what we believe as Muslims of hamdulillah. We then see the transition that we didn't even get into sort of thought, it's okay because we covered the story of Musa

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a few days ago. So then, in verses number 41, to 45 Allah subhana wa tada shows us here the story of Ibrahim with Christina keytab Ibrahim Indra, who can assist Deacon nebia. So Ibrahim Allah has sent him he tries to convince his father with beautiful words, beautiful advice, right that he gives to his father. And he speaks to him in a nice way. He says to his father, remember

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when he said to his father, oh, dear father, yeah, I bet he right. Why do you worship? What can neither here nor see nor benefit you at? All? Right, he talks to his father in a very respectful way. Why do you worship something they can hear? Can't see. And you know, it's not going to benefit you, you know that this is stone people are bringing these stones to you. You're carving an idol out of it, and you're giving it back to them? It's just stone, why do you do this? So he talks to his father in a nice way then he says yeah, but he Oh, my dear father, I have certainly received some knowledge which you have not received. So follow me and I will guide you to the straight path. He

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then says yeah, a bit again. Oh, my dear father, do not worship shape on that surely shape or Satan the devil is ever rebellious against the most compassionate he then says again, yet again, another time? Yeah, Betty.

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You in the a half. He says I truly fear that you will be touched by a torment from the most compassionate and become Satan's companion in Jannah. So we see here how you know he tries to convey his message to his father in a nice very peaceful, very respectful way. And as his father decides not to follow,

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we don't force the deen of Allah subhana wa tada upon anyone right. So he decides not to follow. So that is mentioned there and we see the beautiful etiquette of Prophet Ibrahim Allah His sent him in speaking to his father. If we go to verse number 66.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is showing us you know our amazement with being given life after death some human beings will say and, and a lot mentioned here, yet some people ask mockingly after I die, will I really be raised to life again? After I die will I really be raised back to life again, do such people not to remember that we created them before when they weren't

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Nothing like they were nothing. And Allah subhana wa tada brought them to life. us, we us, every single one of us, we were nothing. We were just a little speck. You know, the other day our you know, daughter's there was a there was a nest outside a robin Robin right. Robin's nest outside, and

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the Robin had laid some eggs in there three eggs, one of the eggs fell out and broke, like, I think the day that she laid them. And then she was sitting in there with two other eggs. And then all of a sudden we noticed for a day, two days, three days we don't see her. And there was one egg missing. I don't know where that that third egg went. But there's only one egg left in the nest and the mother abandoned it. So after a few days, you know, we took the nest down and the egg was in there. And the egg was cracked a little bit. So you know my daughter, she wanted to see what's inside. So we opened up the egg and the embryo was there. So you can see the beak. And you can see the eyes are really

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big and small beak is kind of gross. I don't know how she likes to

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look like a brain or look like a brain she says, but somehow that was there, right? And she looked at it and some had a lot It was really interesting because you get to see what a loss of handling data was bringing to life but didn't bring to life. See, the commandment alone is not there to live. So we didn't live

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from a Muslim kind of return. Right?

00:46:22 --> 00:46:35

And so, you know, people asking people question, how is it that we will come back to life Allah brought us to life from nothing? Don't you think he can bring us back to life once again? Of course. That's a no brainer, right?

00:46:37 --> 00:46:40

Then in verses number 9697 and 98

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Allah subhana wa tada places love in the hearts of the people who are righteous. And that's just the way Allah subhanho wa Taala does things right, in the lithium and wherever the sun he has he said yeah, how do lahoma would almost pan with Alice's as for those who believe and do good, the most compassionate will certainly bless them with genuine,

00:47:05 --> 00:47:06

genuine love.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:43

So they will have genuine love, it will be good people, they will be kind they will be good. And that is for those who believe and do good, right. So the people who believe in do good, they will naturally have good character, they will naturally have good, you know behavior, good morals, good values, and so on and so forth. They will be loving towards others, they will show love to others and others will love them in return because they are loving to them. And so it goes both ways. So my brothers and sisters when it wants to pen with Allah and loves one of us, he tests us and we're patient when we are patient with those tests and wants to handle data then increases those tests.

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And so we need to be patient with it. And the more patient we are, the more or less of handling data will increase us in status. The more he increases us in status, the more we will love us Academy data. The more we love the lesson kind of data the more people around us will love us

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and we will love them and we will get along and we will get together for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala let's move on inshallah we'll take something from sort of

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the beginning of sort of Baja, as we know who I

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am, both

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can report

00:48:22 --> 00:48:24

in Carrollton Mimi

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She's still almost done with Alice's says, aha, we have not revealed the plan to you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to cause you distress. This is not something that is going to make life difficult for you. In fact, this is easy for you of this world and hereafter. But as a reminder to those in all

00:48:57 --> 00:49:10

of what of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is a revelation from the one who created the earth and high heavens, the most compassionate, who is established on the throne.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:15

Where's the loss of talent is still

00:49:16 --> 00:49:57

a loss of habitat is established upon the throne, right he is high above the Throne. So my brothers and sisters, this surah is showing us an indication to the n being a book of guidance, but a book of ease and a book of joy and a book of happiness. A book that gets rid of anxiety, it gets rid of depression, it makes life easier for us why because we connect with a lot more than we connect with human beings. We connect with a Muslim man with Allah more than we connect with, you know, the the the the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala add. And then if we jump through it, so the whole suit has pretty much a story of moose and he sent him we covered a good chunk of the story of loose ends

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what's going on elsewhere and

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I don't want to go over the same things over and over and over again. However, I want to jump to verse number 113 and 114, which is like going right to the end of this, right? But that's okay. We can do that because we have the ability to just swipe on our screen and do that.

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But Allah subhana wa tada shows isn't the story of who's adding incentive? He is.

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Mussa added incentive is the profit that has mentioned the most in the end. Okay, there is no profit that is mentioned more by name in the end. And I don't mean that the majority of it has to do with profit Mossad is set up not at all. I mean, his name is mentioned more than the name of any other prophets. But when Allah Subhana, Allah says,

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you know, to the profits in the long run, I need to send him say, say, say do this, do that, you know, those are that's a lot referring to the profits in the long run, instead of conveying a message to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the book is being revealed to Muhammad, he's mentioned multiple times, but not by name. We're talking about the name of Musa from all the prophets and messengers, his name Musa Musa Musa is mentioned so many times in the Quran, Allah His setup.

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And then in verse number 113, and we sent it down as an Arabic word and very the warnings in it so perhaps they they will shun evil, or it may cause them to be mindful so they might think you know what, this is bad Let's stay away from it, or they will start to think and ponder over it. For to add a loan money could have a lesson plan with Addison exalted is a law the true king, do not rush to recite a revelation of the end. So telling the profits in the long run, do not rush to recite the urn, will profit before it is properly conveyed to you. And pray my lord increased me in knowledge, what does it mean? It's important for us to constantly ask Allah subhana wa tada for knowledge. That

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brings us to the end of what we wanted to cover for today inshallah Tana hamdulillah. And my brothers and sisters remember ask about some kind of mechanic constantly to increase us in knowledge, we need knowledge we need more and more and more and more knowledge. And that's important for us in this life, so much so that if we don't have more knowledge of this Deen, then we start to lose our way because as time has passed, or as time passes and things progress, we need knowledge in order to figure out how to apply the deen to the times that we're living in.

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And that can be done very simply, with an increase in knowledge we ask Allah subhana wa tada to increase us in knowledge to make us from amongst those who submit to Allah subhana wa tada there is another five minutes until the end for motive here in the GTA. Please use this time to make due to a loss of habitat as the last hour on the Friday window I was accepted and we are fasting when drives accepted as well. So we ask Allah subhana wa tada to grant us complete and full forgiveness to make us from those who are in the highest levels of Paradise ofin doses earlier, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to have mercy upon our parents and forgive them. And those of us who have lost loved ones to

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you know, grant them complete and full forgiveness. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make it easy for us to continue this month of Ramadan and on the day of judgment to drink from the hands of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you know Bill alanine or Allah subhana wa tada please remove this hardship, this pandemic that we're going through right now. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to add it to remove all the hardship of all the people that are suffering all over the world in all the different various countries that we know of. I mean, I mean, I mean the honorable alameen wa sallahu wa sallam robotica and then if you know how to do it, he was going to sell him which is

00:53:42 --> 00:53:50

not going to level hate on my brothers and sisters, without a level FICO or some a lot of sentimental American. Sent him where it comes to love you.

In this video we learn about the 16th Juzz of The Quran, from verse 75 of Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave) and all of Surah Maryam and Surah Taha.

Items we cover are:
– Story of Musa and Khidr
– Fitnah of Knowledge
– If the ocean were ink, it would not suffice to write out the signs of Allah’s greatness
– Simple formula to meet Allah
– Prophet Zakariya cries out for a child
– Prophet Yahya was named by Allah
– Characteristics of Prophet Yahya
– Maryam gives birth to Prophet Isa (Jesus)
– Prophet Ibrahim tries to convince his father and gives him nice advice in a respectful manner
– Some find it hard to believe they will be given life again after death
– The Quran was revealed to bring ease and not cause distress
– Reflect upon The Quran and do not rush it.
– Ask Allah to increase us in knowledge

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