Bilal Philips – The Best In Islam #31

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The host of a series on Islam emphasizes the importance of patientism and staying patient in order to achieve success in life. They stress the need for patience and the importance of being patient and not giving up. The importance of having a positive attitude towards one's parents, and the need for people to be patient with their parents and not let anyone convince them to be truthful. The host also emphasizes the importance of having a true heart to achieve justice and peace in Islam. They thank participants for their interest in the program and hope they will continue to participate.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. May Allah's peace and blessings beyond each and every one of you. I'd like to welcome you, their viewers to another in our series, the best in Islam. And this series, we continue to look at what Allah and His Messenger have defined for us, in Islam, in life, in our families, in our communities, as being the best. In this episode, we'll be looking at the best of paradise. What in paradise, after recognizing that,

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no is ever seen what is there?

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nor has any ear heard? What is there? nor has it even crossed the minds of any of us? How then could we know what is best? Well, Allah's Messenger did tell us what is the best pleasure of paradise. He said

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in the narration from suape that duckula atlan Jannetty Jana your kulula Who Tabata kabwata Allah to the Duna che and Zydeco fire coloane LM to buy it will Johanna Alam to the Kendall Jenner.

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What to net genome in an hour

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for yak shuffle hijab,

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for MA or to che and a hubba la him Mina novelry Ihlara be him as our gel. So Metalla Harding, Iiar Lilina arsenal and Husna was Jada when those deserving paradise enter it.

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Almighty Allah Most Blessed will say, do you wish me to give you anything more?

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And the people of Paradise will say, did you not bright enough faces, places in paradise and save us from the Hellfire

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you will then lift the veil and of the things given to them.

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In paradise, nothing will be there to them. Then gazing at their Lord, the mighty and glorious than the Prophet recited the verse. Those who do good will have the best reward and something more.

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So the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him here told us that the greatest of the rewards of Paradise would be seeing Allah, we have worshipped him in this life. Without seeing him. No one has seen him in paradise. This will be the greatest reward greater, far greater than any of the pleasures of paradise seeing Allah.

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As the Prophet Muhammad Salah explained in other narrations that we would see him like the way we see the full moon without anyone straining his neck trying to get up to look above others, to see the full moon, it's visible to everybody who will see him with that is that today, we see the full moon.

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And this would be as the Prophet SAW, Selim told us the greatest pleasure of paradise.

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And I'm sure each and every one of us can relate to that. And that that is something which is beyond our expectations.

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Something which we cannot even begin to imagine what it would be like

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and that will be for those who make it to paradise. We're moving on now. to patients.

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And the best of patience. A lot most great and glorious said in surah and Lisa verse 25, one Tasbeeh ru hydro lagoon wala who have Fuhrer Rahim. It is better for you to be patient for Allah is oft forgiving, Most Merciful. It is better for us to be patient, patient because

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is the key to success

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elsewhere and so Al Baqarah Allah told us, well, no blue no condition, mental health he will do.

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I will try you with something from fear and hunger. We're not gonna say mineral, I'm Wiley Well, amphis and our loss of wealth and loss of lives, what some are not, and the loss of the fruit of our deeds, our efforts, for best share is sobbing

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and give glad tidings to those who are patient, because that is the greatest

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test. If we are patient, then we will be given glad tidings of paradise of success in this life and the life to come. And who are those who are patient, Allah goes on to say Alladhina ADA Saba Tomasi, Abba, they are those who when calamity strikes, say, we belong to Allah, and to Him, we must return, that the whole of life and everything that happens in it

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is by the permission of Allah, and it is ultimately for

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our good, we accept that this is a law, who decides,

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whose life will be taken, whose property will be lost, who will be hungry,

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whose efforts business efforts will fail, all of that belongs to Allah. So, in the end, we will have to return to Him and answer for how we responded to how we dealt with these tests that we were faced with in life. So, the key for all of that,

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to get through all of it is patience. And that is why we find patients mentioned so many different places in the Quran.

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Now, some people might say, Well, some people are just patient people, and then other people aren't most people are not patient people. Most of us are impatient. That is the nature of the majority of human beings, we have impatient, we can't wait we won't get things done. Now. You know, this is the norm. So patience is something unusual, but yet we are called

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to do it. What this means if the fact that Allah has made this such a key point for us success, it must mean that it is something achievable by everyone. No matter how impatient you might be, or you think you are, it is possible to learn patience, and the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him and given us a formula. He said, Well, my you get a sub bar, your sub beer hula, whoever pretends to be patient,

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Allah will eventually give them patience. So if on the outside you pretend to be patient,

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you do the things that patient people do, or would do, but inside yourself, you're impatient, you really want the thing to happen. Now, we want things to change whatever, inside yourself, you feel that way very strongly, but externally, you

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maintain a facade of patience, eventually, you do that enough times, then it will become real, and the impatient that you feel within yourself now, when you first try to do it, it will go and you will be able to comfortably handle the situations in this way.

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So that was the prophet recommendation. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and Allah He told us, it is better for you to be patient, while antastic guru highroller calm,

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it is this is the bottom line. For each and every one of us, it is better to be patient. Moving on, in terms of people,

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we have a statement from probably Malik, which reiterates a point that we looked at earlier, among the points of what's best in the family

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of the lunacy. Minun Viner Kareem attain the best of people is a believer in the service of his two noble parents.

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This reiterates the importance of looking after parents taking care of them, serving them

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As they served us,

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when we were children are incapable of doing anything for ourselves.

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They changed our diapers, they bathed us, they fed us. We were totally dependent upon them.

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When their turn comes, we should be ready to be in their service, looking after our parents and the province wa sallam mentioned to noble parents, that meaning necessarily a special category of parents. But parents in general, have the right to be looked after in response or to reciprocate what they did for us when we were completely dependent upon them. With that, we'd like to take a brief break and see you after the break.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Allah's peace and blessings beyond each and every one of you. I'd like to welcome you, their viewers to another in our series, the best in Islam. And this series, we continue to look at what Allah and His Messenger have defined for us, in Islam, in life, in our families, in our communities, as being the best.

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In the previous segment, we were looking at, on one hand,

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the best of paradise, Allah's Messenger did tell us what is the best pleasure of paradise. He said

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in the narration from suape that duckula Jannetty Jana, your kulula Who Tabata kabwata Allah to the Dona che and Zydeco fire coloane LM to buy it with Johanna alum to the Kendall Jenner.

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For tonight Gina Mina na

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for yak shuffle hijab

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for MA or to che and a hubba la him Mina novelry Ihlara be him as our gel. So Metalla Harding, Iiar. Leila Dina arsenal and Husna was Jada.

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When those deserving paradise enter it.

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Almighty Allah Most Blessed will say, do you wish me to give you anything more?

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And the people of Paradise would say, did you not brighten our faces, places in paradise and save us from the Hellfire

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you will then lift the veil and of the things given to them.

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In paradise, nothing will be there to them than gazing at their Lord, the mighty and glorious than the prophets recited the verse. Those who do good will have the best reward and something more.

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So the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him here told us that the greatest of the rewards of Paradise would be seeing Allah. And on the other hand, we're looking at the keys to success in this life, which were patience. Those who are patient with the trials of this life will achieve the paradise and with it, seeing Allah May we all be among those who get the opportunity to see Allah. Moving on in terms of people.

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We have a statement from Khabib Malik, which reiterates a point that we looked at earlier among the points of what's best in the family

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of the lunacy. Minun Viner Kareem attain the best of people is a believer in the service of his two noble parents.

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This reiterates the importance of looking after parents taking care of them, serving them as they served us.

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When we were children are incapable of doing anything for us.

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they changed our diapers, they bathed us, they fed us, we were totally dependent upon them.

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When their turn comes, we should be ready to be in their service, looking after our parents and the province wa sallam mentioned, to noble parents, that meaning necessarily a special category of parents. But parents in general, have the right to be looked after in response, or to reciprocate what they did for us, when we were completely dependent upon them.

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We should be prepared, no matter what it takes for us to look after them. Unless things reach a point where you just absolutely cannot. It's beyond your ability. But in most cases, I would say, in the vast majority of cases, we are capable of handling, whatever our parents may go through. Of course, it requires being patient patients that we spoke about in the earlier segment of our program, that patience comes out now and how we deal with our parents,

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as they were patient with us, when they would change her diaper. And after changing the diaper just when you're finished, you did it again. And they had to go through the whole thing all over again. They held themselves they didn't hit you and so on. So you know others might,

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but they didn't. They're your parents. They were patient with it. So as they were patient when they were responsible, you should be prepared to be as patient if not more so, when you become responsible for them. Moving on, with regards to people and patients, the best of people, as described by the prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him or those with a clean heart.

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He said as narrated by Abdullah bin ombre. When he was asked, Are you nasty often?

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Which people are the best?

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He said Kulu mcMMO mill called Sudoku, Listen, everyone possessing a heart which is assessed and a truthful tongue. They questioned Kalu so don't go listen now caribou. For mama Moon will calm. We know what is meant by the one with the truthful tongue. But what is meant by one with an assessed heart call. The Prophet SAW Salem went on to say, who a turkey and Nucky law if Murphy Walla

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Walla has said, he replied It was He is the one who is pious and pure, without sin, or injustice, malice, or jealousy.

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So, in this narration, the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him described the essential characteristics that the best people should have. We that we, who are less than the best should strive for

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make that a target for ourselves. That on one hand, we should have a truthful tongue. That goes without saying that we should be only speaking the truth. What was our bill Huck, we speak the truth. We advise each other truthfully. We uphold the truth.

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But also, we are pious, because fearing Allah becomes the driving force for properly upholding the truth and upholding the truth, even when it is against us when it is not in our favor. When it hurts us

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the pure, those who have pure intentions.

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They are not doing things for any other ulterior motive. They're seeking the pleasure of Allah. They want Allah to accept their deeds.

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So their hearts remain pure in this respect. He replied, The one who is pious, he fears Allah.

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He's conscious of Allah.

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That is critical.

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For the truthful tongue, to be a value and to be consistent, because people might be truthful for periods of time for ulterior motives, but when difficulty comes when trying times come, they will lie. They will not be truthful. But the truthful tongue based on belief, belief in God is not one that is going to be truthful at all times, he will not compromise or she will not compromise the truth, simply in order to gain things from this world or to what cannot be achieved through honest means. That person should also be pure,

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pure from sinful intentions, that that is not their driving forces, they have their people have ulterior motives, people who have hidden agendas, people who are always seeking to deceive others, etc. Their intentions are not pure, and their hearts should be without sin. Meaning not that they don't commit any sins. But their hearts should not be primarily a sinful heart, a heart which is filled with sin does very little good, but most of what it is doing and it is driving the body to do is sinful.

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And also, it is not unjust, that heart should be a just heart to heart that seeks justice for itself, and for others, and upholds justice.

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Also, it should have no malice,

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bad intent towards others, nor should it have jealousy, in it dissatisfied with what other people have, because it is more than what we have. Driven by jealousy. This is the type of heart which makes people the best, free from these negative qualities. And this is what Islam calls us to having a good heart. And one NARRATION The prophet who was celibate said, there is a piece of flesh in the body. If it is healthy, if it is good, then the whole body is good. If it's corrupted, if it is sick, the whole body becomes corrupted and sick and that is the heart. So the heart is the base from which all things are done.

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If it is not a good fertile, healthy base, then what comes from it is not good, healthy or fertile. It is bad, it is unhealthy, and it is infertile. It is destructive. So, what makes us best is a good heart, a heart which drives a truthful tongue and is free from malice and jealousy towards our fellow human beings. With that, dear viewers, we'd like to thank you for being with us on this segment of our program, the best in Islam, and we hope that you will continue to follow the program in its many episodes to come. So I'm Anakin Rahmatullahi Oba wabarakatuh

Paradise [2 of 2], Patience, People [1 of 2]

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