Bilal Philips – Sources Of Knowledge

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The importance of knowing the five pillars of Islam is emphasized, including belief, actions, and words. The use of shirking actions and words is strongly emphasized to avoid confusion and mistakes. The importance of following the " madhab" of "canon sallahu" is emphasized, as it represents a violation of fundamental laws and values. The use of "any" in the title of the book is also discussed, as it represents a way to avoid confusion and errors. The importance of avoiding sleeping on one's stomach is also emphasized, and the use of "talk" in the title of the book is discussed as a way to accept advice and set a schedule for one's education.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters

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in the previous

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I began to speak about

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the sources of knowledge,

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what are the primary areas of knowledge that we have to seek

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and that was in continuation from the previous football which addressed this primary responsibility which Prophet Mohammed Salah line it was

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based on instructions from Allah subhanho wa Taala placed on our shoulders, when he said dolla bill me for it Allah cola Muslim seeking knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim.

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So, in the previous code,

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we spoke about the primary areas of knowledge, knowledge of a law and knowledge of the Messenger of Allah, these are the primary two areas.

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Following that,

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we have knowledge of the five pillars of Islam, since Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, with divine instruction had identified these five pillars as the foundation of Islam.

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So much so

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that when a Bedouin came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, and asked him

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about what was required of him. And the prophets are seldom told him, the five pillars, one after the other. And after each pillar, the Bedouin would ask, Is there anything further, and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam would add? Well, you may

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voluntarily do this additional worship or that additional worship, and each time the veteran would say,

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I'll just do what is obligatory on me.

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And when the prophet SAW Selim had finished his explanation, and the Bedouin turn to walk away, the prophet SAW, Selim turned to his companions and said, He will be in Paradise, if he's truthful.

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He will go to Paradise, if he's truthful. If he truthfully does those pillars, as he said, he would do no more and no less. This was enough, do what is obligatory on me, no more and no less.

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And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam affirmed that that is sufficient to take him to paradise. So this is then telling us that this, this is a primary area of knowledge that we need to have knowledge of the five pillars of Islam, thorough knowledge, to be able to fulfill their right.

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knowledge of the first pillar of Islam actually includes what we spoke about, in the previous football.

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Belief in a law

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that there is no god worthy of worship besides Him. It is our Shahada tan, and that Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, is the last messenger of Allah.

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So the knowledge that we should have of the Shahada time is what is sufficient to keep us away from shirk.

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Because that is the essential expression that we make when we say, I shall do Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, this is our

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clearing ourselves before our law from shirk.

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that there would be no shark, in our thoughts,

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in our actions, in our words, in our relationships,

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it would be free from shark

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in all of its forms.

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Of course, there is major ship and there is minor ship, and we should be able to distinguish between the two.

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So our primary area of knowledge in this regard involves knowledge not only of tower tawheed in the sense of a law's dominion over his creation, his attributes

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names, as well as what it means to worship Him alone.

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It also includes the opposite of all of this, where we direct acts of worship.

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We give attributes of Allah to others.

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We don't recognize a laws,

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complete control of our affairs. And we attribute things which happen in our lives to others.

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Or to a law, unfairly.

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When we say, Why did this happen to me?

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With question, this is not fair. I don't deserve this. When a calamity strikes, if that is our reaction, then this is a reaction of

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people say it all the time. I don't deserve this. What did you do for this to happen to me?

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This is not fair.

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This is like what Satan said, when he was told to bow before other is very similar. Satan was saying, Why should I bow to this man,

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I'm better than him.

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It's not fair to be asking me to bow to this man who is inferior to me. I'm created from fire and he's created from clay.

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It's the same expression.

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But we hear it all the time.

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This is shirking our expressions. And it represents a serious deficiency in our faith and our belief.

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Similarly, when we say, well, I've had to endure Mohammedan masuleh, Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is the last messenger of Allah.

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This is a commitment to follow his instructions

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to follow primarily the madhhab of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. That's what that is a commitment

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that he is the only one who we would follow blindly.

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He is the only one who we would follow blindly unquestioningly.

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We would not compare what he said, was what we think to be reasonable, and decide that what is reasonable is better than what he said.

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We will not find ourselves in that situation.

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Anybody else who has made rulings, has made decisions,

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has given opinions. Anybody else is subject to questioning.

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Using our reasoning, this doesn't make sense. Let me hear somebody else's opinion. Maybe this isn't correct. Maybe this was a mistake. All of these are Reasonable

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Doubts and feelings that we can have for anybody, even if it is Imam phoolan.

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Or Imam,

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He was a human being.

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And he could and would make mistakes for us to think that he ma'am so and so never made a single mistake. Every one of his rulings is 100% correct. And that's why we can follow him blindly.

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If we believe that, if we say that, then we have destroyed. We have undermined we have violated our commitment to follow only Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam blindly.

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That is a violation.

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But it is something that we hear all the time.

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It is widespread in the oma

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where each nation, each community follows a particular madhhab to the exclusion of all else.

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Following a madhhab is not in and of itself wrong.

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It isn't in and of itself wrong because the man hub represents the efforts of scholars

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tradition of scholarship, which has sought to follow as closely as possible, the madhhab of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. So we have if we understand it like that, that they are making efforts to try to follow the madhhab of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, but they were human beings, meaning that there will be mistakes in their efforts, then there is no problem, we can follow their efforts, we can benefit from the efforts because for most of us, we don't have sufficient knowledge to go and extract the rulings and the laws etc, back from those original sources, we don't have this knowledge.

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And to claim to do so,

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when we don't have this knowledge, is even worse deviation.

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Because for sure, we will fall into grave error, and we will lead others into grave error.

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So, following a madhhab is not in and of itself wrong.

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if knowledge comes to us,

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that a position which is held by our mahtab, the one which we follow, that this position, is actually

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in contradiction to the authentic clear related rulings from Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam.

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Then we should be open minded enough

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to seek clarity, get a better understanding.

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And we approach it with that openness. If we don't, if our minds are just closed, when somebody says, Is this a no, I'm a sharpie.

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And the story

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I will pray my minute in every fudger.

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Why, because I'm Shafi.

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If we do that, then we have violated our commitment to following Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam,

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So we have to be clear on our commitment to the Shahada

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that we submit to the commandments of a last one to Allah, and to the commandments of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.

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And we don't make a distinction between the two, because the loss of 100 Allah Himself said, Well, my UTM Rasool Allah, whoever obeys the messenger has obey the law.

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So a law says there is no distinction between the two.

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And we should treat their commands different in a different way, from the way that we treat the commands of other human beings.

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As a professor Solomon said,

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law tell him a flippin female fimasartan Harlock no obedience is due to our laws, creatures, if it involves this obedience to Allah,

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to Allah and His messenger.

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disobedience to Allah means not just disobedience to what we find in the Quran.

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But disobedience to what the prophet SAW Selim also said.

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So a friend of mine, fairly recent convert to Islam,

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who I was speaking to yesterday,

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mentioned that he had gone to Yemen

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and he found the people they're very friendly. But he found one problem amongst them, big problem.

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Most of them too hot.

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Hot is a leaf, which they true. And so oftentimes when you see them, they will have their mouth like this.

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They're chewing the pot.

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And the scholars of Islam are unanimous. That part is a form of intoxicant.

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But it is widespread

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amongst them.

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So when this brother tried to say to them,

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this thing is not permissible in Islam. They say Well, where is it in the Quran, you show us in the Quran where Allah said it's not there.

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This was their response.

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And of course, you will not find it

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Said anywhere in the Quran. What is haram?

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You won't find that.

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But you will find where Allah says, My takamura sufu woman, how come and who Fanta who, whatever the messenger has commanded you take it and whatever he has forbidden you leave it.

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And that is sufficient to say that this is haram by the Quran. And this happened in the time of the prophet SAW said love, companions of the liveliness road. He was teaching the community that

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plucking eyebrows is haram.

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And women like to pluck eyebrows.

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So the word got to one of the women that have to live in Massoud was saying that plucking eyebrows is how

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and she was half of the Koran.

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So she came to have to live in this room and challenge them and said,

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is the prohibition of plucking the eyebrows in the Quran?

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And he said, Yes.

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She said, I've read the Quran from cover to cover and I have not come across it. Where is it? So he quoted the same verse, Mata Kumara Suzaku, Oman Hackman, who,

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whatever the messenger has given you, take it, whatever is commanded to do do it, whatever he has forbidden, you leave it,

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and the prophets are seldom cursed. Those who plucked eyebrows and had their eyebrows blocked.

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so commitment to

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Allah and His Messenger, in our Shahada time means fundamentally obedience to their commandments.

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Believe in whatever they have narrated to us.

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Whatever a law has narrated in the text of the Quran,

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when he said

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that vulgar name,

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built a wall,

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which blocked

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the garden, the May Gollum tribes, from overrunning humankind.

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And somebody says, Where is that wall?

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We now have satellite photographs of the whole earth.

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Google Earth, we can go anywhere. Where is the wall?

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What is our response?

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Our response should be it is there.

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Where exactly we don't know.

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But the law says that we'll coordinate did it.

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We believe that it was done.

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We don't have to see it to believe it. Yes, we do say Seeing is believing

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us in certain contexts. That's when you say something and he says something we say Seeing is believing show it to me. But when a law says something, that is enough.

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That is enough.

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I don't have to see it, to believe it.

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This is what acceptance of the Shahada time means that we don't have doubts about what the last one has told us. Nor do we have doubts about what Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam instructed us

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when he instructed us not to sleep on our stomachs 1400 years ago.

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The companions of the Prophet sallahu wa sallam

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did not ask him why. He said this is the way that people have held lie. He compared it to discourage them from doing so.

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But when he found a companion lying on his stomach, he came and nudged him with his foot. Don't don't don't lie like that. Don't lie in the stomach don't do.

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So from that generation onwards, Muslims avoided those Muslims who knew Islam, avoided sleeping on their stomachs.

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Some of you might wonder, is it Well, I've never even heard that. Well, yes, Prophet Mohammed Salam

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instructed that we should not sleep on our Starbucks is so nervous to sleep on his right side, with his knees bent, head under his arm under his head. This is how he laid. So you can lie like that, or on your left side or on your back, but don't sleep on your stomach. This is the instruction of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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a few years ago,

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scientists, actually about 20 years ago,

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I read an article, which was published in Time Magazine,

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in which they were analyzing the latest developments in surgery on the spine.

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And they spoke about the various operations, new operations which had come into the knowledge of human beings they were performing on the back.

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And at the end of it all, they had a list of doctor's recommendations to avoid problems of the spine.

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Number one on the list was, don't sleep on your stomach.

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That was number one on the list.

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And they went on to explain why

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scientifically, because the spine, when you lie on the stomach has no support in front of it just soft organs. When you lie on your back, you're directly on the bed, if you have a firm bed, and that gives support to your back. But when you lie in his stomach, all in front of it our intestines and your stomach, and your other organs, your liver, etc, etc. So the size spine tends to sag downwards. And they said that this is one of the major causes of what they call sway back, where people in old age you see them, they can't walk straight anymore, the back starts to curve.

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As a result of that,

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as one of the problems, there are other greater problems. Anyway, Muslims didn't have to wait 1400 years to find out, they just stopped sleeping on the stomach.

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Of course, in 1989

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in 1989,

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scientists in the UK

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studying what was known as cot death,

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or SDS Sudden Death Syndrome, where little kids who are one year old months old die in their sleep, for no apparent reason they wanted to try to find out what is the cause? What has led to this. So they sent out researchers into the homes of families whose children had died

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and asked them to list the circumstances of the room temperature all these kinds of things around the child when it died. Was the room temperature high? Is it low? Were you smoking in the room? You know, what kind of mattress did you use a variety of different things asked.

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Then they took all of this information, put it in computer, correlated it to find out what was the common factors

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which would then indicate probably this is a reason

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when they put it in.

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The first major factor which came out of it was children put to sleep on their stomachs.

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So they immediately announced in the newspapers in the UK, they passed it on to the US etc. And to the rest of the world maybe didn't reach some of our countries, far away from the centers. But it was announced from 1989. Medically, people were instructed not to put children to sleep on their stomachs and this was against conventional wisdom. Because the nurses midwives who deal with small children commonly will put the child to rest on its stomach, when it has colic, etc. You know, it's crying and this is gas, whatever, they put it into the stomach and it seems to go away. So it was well accepted. You put them to sleep on the stomach. But now the doctors are saying don't do it.

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Nine years later,

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statistics showed that with the promotion of not putting children to sleep in their stomachs, that the rate of cut deaths had dropped over 70%

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And I just read in Time magazine just a week ago,

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them talking about other factors that they found. But they mentioned again in that same article that

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stopping the sleeping on the stomach had reduced, continue to reduce beyond that time to now over 50% further.

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But Muslims didn't have to wait 1400 years to notice. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam instructed us, and we do it.

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That should be our approach. We don't have to have this kind of evidence. Though it is useful, it is helpful. It's a reminder to us, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam instructed us based on what was revealed to him by Allah subhanaw taala.

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So in the same way we accept,

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in our Shahada what Allah has said, we also accept what Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam has said.

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I asked a lot smarter Allah to give us the blessing, of understanding and accepting the instructions which he has given and his messengers given that we have a desire to follow a devoted desire to follow whatever we have been told by Allah and His messenger. I ask Allah to put a love for Allah and His Messenger in our hearts, which would cause us to give up what others say which contradict what the law and the messenger have said,

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as the last one to Allah, to put sincerity in our hearts to obey Allah and His Messenger, so that we may succeed and gain paradise the end of this world aku kolyada was stopped for a lolly welcome.

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