Bilal Philips – Music In Islam

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the issue of music in Islamic society, where individuals are unable to produce music that is considered "outside the norm" or "rocky." The speaker explains that the musical instruments in Islamic society are not legal, but are used in certain festivals, which carry evil and evil elements. The speaker suggests that individuals may benefit from the musical instrument's beneficial elements, but it is unclear why.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim the name of the Most Merciful,

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I greet you with Islamic Greetings

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and welcome you to our program, contemporary issues in which we continue to look at certain

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Islamic issues, which have come under the spotlight of world attention, where some practices and beliefs, you know, are questioned by Western civilization

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threat, really pointing out that these things are irrelevant and not

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logical or they, you know, go against modern thinking etc, etc. And, unfortunately, some Muslims of ignorance, ignorance falling into these traps and have become diluted by the arguments which have been presented. So we tried to look at some of the issues and try to understand them some of the issues or issues where both Muslims and non Muslims ally, I really don't understand why. Why does Islam take a position on this or that and we hope to try to clarify these issues in our program. In this segment, we're looking at we are we will be looking at the issue of music from the Islamic perspective, music, which

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most people are aware that you know, there is some thing in Islam regarding music.

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Some degree it appears that it is prohibited outright or some people feel that, you know, Muslims are okay. In fact, musicians, okay, it's quite popular amongst Muslims. And, in fact, even the guitar in Spain was developed by Muslims when they were in Spain. Now, the actual issue involved here concerning music is that God has created human beings with a nature which loves

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we can see it with a mother singing for a child.

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Something like this, of course, Islam is not going to prohibit something which is part of the very nature of

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prohibited just for the sake of prohibition.

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So, in fact, Islam does not prohibit music outright,

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but it prohibits the harmful aspects of it.

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Music is accepted within a particular framework, but outside that framework, it has been forbidden, perhaps or seldom prohibited the use of wind and stringed musical instruments. And a very famous Hadith in which he said there will be people of my nation who will legalize fornication, the wearing of silk, for men, the drinking of wine, and the use of musical instruments. This is a hadith which is recorded by Imam Al Bukhari. very authentic hadith. Furthermore, he said that some people from my nation will drink wine calling it by another name,

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merriment will be made for them by the playing of musical instruments and the singing of adult female singers. This is also an authentic idea, which indicates the prohibition of the use of musical instruments in general, as well as that of adult female singers.

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Know folk songs, which which are

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sung by females are not not adults. This is to a mixed audience for example, and or by males, you know, accompanied by the Duff, which is like a small hand drum. This is something which has been made permissible across Ireland encouraged its use in weddings and festivals. And in terms of the recitation of the course, and it is, it is encouraged to be in a melodious voice but someone said Whoever doesn't sing the Quran is not of us. So there's this element of of music is accepted within the Muslim society, but that is kept within the bounds of certain festivals, festivities, the recitation of the Quran, etc. You know, and it's not it doesn't become like an obsession. The intent

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is that it should not become an obsession and the society because these instruments etc. They have a tendency to captivate the heart. They

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captivate the heart in such a way that it becomes the means that people will find solace. When they're down, they turn on the music, you know, and you know, this

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With instead of turning to God, instead of reflecting on God, they get their solace in music becomes a subsidy and they become attached to it in such a way that, you know,

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you know, this becomes like an addiction. And when we look at the element that produces music in the society, some people argue, but you know, it helps me to study some students will tell me, you know, that I study better when I listen to music, you know, and you know, others have radically different explanations.

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The point is that if music were beneficial,

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then the musicians would demonstrate that benefit in their lives.

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Where what you see instead, is that corruption, some of the most corrupt elements of society are found amongst the musicians,

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the drugs, the deviations, and in all the corruption, that's there, people committing suicide and all this kind of thing, concentrated in the area of the musicians Why? If this thing that they're producing is so good, then why don't they benefit from reality is that it, in fact, does carry an evil and the dark side, which produces that type of corruption amongst themselves, and in the end ends up, you know, corrupting elements of the society. You know, if you listen to the songs that are out there, and they're promoting promiscuity, and adultery is a sin and it is loaded in the songs and unfortunately, this is a very corrupted element.

Bilal Philips addresses one of the contemporary issues i.e. Music in Islam using authentic hadith stated by Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). This talk focuses on the acceptable and unacceptable framework of music in Islam, Muhammad SAW’s word on permissible and impermissible musical instruments, the darker side of music – how music captivates the hearts and ends up corrupting the elements of society.

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