Bilal Philips – Best of Tawheed – Fanā – The Union of Man and God – Part 1

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the idea of Islam being one, with the outer being the inner and the inner being the inner, and the inner being the outer. It also touches on religion, union between the soul and God, and the holy water. The segment emphasizes the importance of learning and practicing before achieving goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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salam, alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, I'd like to welcome you, dear viewers, to another in our series, the best of tawheed, we're now going to look at some of the ideas, which are promoted by the leadership of this movement, this underground

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with a surface face movement,

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which competes with mainstream Islam, this movement considers itself to be the haqiqa the reality, whereas what is followed by mainstream Islam, the shediac is the outer, they have divided Islam into an outer and an inner, and they are the custodians of the inner

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reality is that, of course, Islam is one, there is no outer and inner. In that sense,

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the outer depends on the inner and the inner depends on the altar. And they were both taught by Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. So there isn't a need for special teachings,

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special spiritual trainings, for people to understand the inner,

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the Sahaba didn't go through this. They understood Islam

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externally in terms of its ritual, and internally in terms of their faith.

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So that is Islam. And that, as long as it is protected, represents Islam from 1400 years ago, I will continue to represent true Islam until the end of this world. Now those who have chosen this other path, the path of the haqiqa to reality. We hear from them a variety of claims, among their leading proponents,

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and how large

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who is in the list of saints, he claimed

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that he and the law were one and the same. He claimed that he was a law

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that he and the law had become one. He used the phrase, and Aloha. That's what he's famous for. And I am the embodiment of truth. And of course, in saying that, he was linking himself to a law, who, in

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three chapters of the Quran

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will take Surah Al Hajj

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its 22nd chapter, verse six, Allah says there, that it can be an Allahu al Hawk.

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I know who your Hill motor that is so because the law is the ultimate reality

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and it is he who gives life to the dead.

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So when knowledge claimed that he was unhappy,

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and this claim became widespread, you know,

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he was eventually taken before the Islamic court

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and questioned, what are you claiming?

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Are you claiming your law

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you better take this back. Otherwise, that is such an outlandish such a heretical claim

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that the only constant

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would be death, a death sentence. But al Khaled stood up in the court. And he opened his cloak. And he said, there is nothing inside of this cloak, but Allah.

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So the court had no other option, but to rule that he should be executed.

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He was unwilling to recant his claim statement.

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And he was executed to protect the society from the evil of his claim. Now, where did that concept come from? This idea, that man could become one with God, actually, this is the essence of what was known as mysticism.

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mysticism, a philosophy that has been around for a long time, from the times of the ancient Greeks,

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is defined as an experience of union with God, and the belief that man's main goal lies in seeking that union. So the origins of mysticism, you can find it in the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers, like Plato, and his work, Plato's symposium, in which he identified various ladders of ascent, composed of steep and hard steps, whereby a union of the soul with God is finally attained. So, Plato outlined the spiritual journey to that conclusion, a parallel concept can also be found

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in Hinduism,

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where the Atman, or the human soul

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is linked with the Brahman, the impersonal absolute Soul of the World.

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And the belief that

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the ultimate goal

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is for the Atman, which is within the human being, to reunite with Brahman.

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This is the goal of

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Hinduism. Now, this

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was shared in the Christian world, by Gnostics

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of the second century onwards,

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and they were found all over the Christian world.

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This ideas were promoted,

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until they crept into Islam, with those who had converted from Christianity who had philosophical backgrounds, etc. And they reinterpreted the same thoughts

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with Islamic terminology, and the main title which was given to the mystical union between the human soul and the divine, claimed the divine soul of God was finer,

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and finer, phila

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for now, meaning, the dissolution or the melting, the

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disappearing disappearance of the human soul within a law. And they identify the steps in the ladder of Plato, they call them mahkumat.

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and highlight, these are the two

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that were found in each of the steps of the ladder. And the main route by which the individual would go up the steps of the ladder was Vicar, Decker became the main tool, the spiritual exercise, which would raise that individual up the spiritual ladder, and they're developed a number of different schools. Among them are branches, sharing this common thought, and the founders of these different orders or branches. Many legends and fairy tales were made up about them, what they did, what they are able to do and

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similar things you can also find in the writings concerning Hindu monks and Christian monks in the monasteries etc.

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we now developed

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a new creed, a creed whose goals were now different from those that were stated by Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the new goal was dissolution of the human soul into God becoming one with God.

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The goal which the prophet SAW Selim gave us was paradise, entering into paradise. And there was nothing about when we're in paradise becoming one with God, no. In fact, we talked about the point of seeing God in Paradise, that this would be the greatest pleasure which was given to us. But we the finite beings can never become infinite allies the infinite. So when you talk about dissolution of the human soul into a law, that's talking about the soul, the human soul becoming infinite, after being finite, so this violates the attribute of a laws infiniteness.

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Having no beginning and no end, it violates it, if we can accept that human beings can share in that attribute with that their viewers are going to take a brief break, as we look further into other related beliefs similar to this. And ultimately, we'll be looking at the concepts behind it, what is the argument that are used by those who promote this set of beliefs? What is the arguments from the Quran, or from the Sunnah, that they use to support it, because of course, they are, they claim to be Muslims, they are within the body of Muslims. And in order for their ideas to be acceptable, they have to have Islamic evidence to give it legitimacy. So we'll be looking at that, after the break.

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Welcome back from the break.

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And prior to the break, we had begun to look at a concept which is the core of what is known as mysticism, where the goal of human existence is to

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find the union with God. We mentioned that this is an ancient thought

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of Greek philosopher Plato, he outlined it in his work called Plato's symposium.

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And he outlined the steps that one has to go through to achieve it. He said that his basic thought, entered into Christian mysticism,

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and was further developed given different terminologies.

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And when Islam and golfed these areas, there are some who took from these thoughts, these ideas, and created an Islamic version with the same goals.

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And we mentioned a particular individual and her Lodge, who was one of the leading proponents of this concept, the idea of the union of man with God,

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that human beings can

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dissolve themselves into God.

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The title given to it when a person reaches that state was funner.

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And we said that finale was very similar to Nirvana of the Buddhists and Moksha of the Hindus, where the human soul is finally released from its cycle of reincarnations. It has reached its way up the ladder till from the Hindu perspective after going through the stage of being among the Brahmins, they become one Brahman, the universal soul. So the Hindu ideas were absorbed along with what came from Christianity and what was read and extracted from the

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Ancient works of Plato and others. And the same ladder was recreated

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by these individuals.

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It steps were divided into what they call maklumat. stations, and highlight states, states of being and stations that you arrive at step by step. And the way to get there was through liquor. This was the spiritual route for the individual to reach that state. And then of course, they prescribe the car being the remembrance of Allah. And we know Prophet Mohammed salatu salam did tell us to remember a law

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and different occasions, and he gave us specific words of remembrance phases of remembrance, meaningful statements.

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For example, He told us to say Subhan Allah, Glory be to Allah 33 times after our daily prayers,

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and also to say Alhamdulillah

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all thanks All praise is due to Allah 33 times, and also to say, Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater than everything in this world 33 times after our daily prayers, so this was known as thicker. It's one of the terms used to describe it. But Vicar, or remembrance of Allah was not just restricted to that. Prayer itself

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was remembrance of Allah.

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Doing Hajj is remembrance of Allah, serving one's family, taking care of one's family is remembrance of Allah.

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Whatever we do, whenever we are conscious of Allah in doing it, then it's a part and parcel of remembrance of Allah.

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The prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him and said, that the best way to live this life is with one's tongue, moist from the remembrance of Allah, that it should govern all aspects of our lives,

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remembrance of Allah, but what has happened is that in this cult,

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or this parallel religion

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Sufism Vicar now takes on a whole nother

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form, it becomes something which was unheard of and unseen in the time of the Prophet Mohammed Salah. So you had people doing all kinds of head movements, turning their heads as they're saying, and choosing only words, a law repeating a law, a law, a law, backwards and forwards, turning their heads this way, that way, spinning around in circles, jumping up and down, and you can go on YouTube, and look at

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Sufi liqueur, and you will see it going on all kinds of forms, shapes, colors, and they claim this is remembrance of Allah,

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doing things which the prophet may God's peace of lesbian panem never did.

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It never taught his companions to do it. They were not known to do it. But this new way,

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took on a life of its own, it was the way to the union with God.

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And the forms that it took,

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you can hardly mentioned

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the various variations that developed out of it, each group, each movement had a different style, a different way.

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what was common amongst them was the repetition, you know, so many times 1000s and 1000s of times, that it is by this repetition, saying over and over again, the individual would,

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would rise spiritually. So even so much so that some would take a law, just the name of a law by itself a law who, and

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use just the end who or from who, who, I just repeat Who, who, who, over and over again and then when you get 100 people saying this, you know

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200 300 people saying it sounds like like wolves like wild animals.

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