Bilal Dannoun – Tafsir Al Fatihah

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The title of the Quran is discussed, including its use in various paraphrasal concepts and its use in various books and media. The importance of belief in Islam is emphasized, along with its use in various cultural and political settings. The segment also touches on the importance of praise for Allah's knowledge and actions, as well as finding out who is the true people of Islam. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of learning about the greatest chances at achieving success in one's daily lives.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen
wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad, while early he was happy as marine for praises due to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon all those who follow His guidance, we follow his way until the last day, respected brothers and sisters in Islam. Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Today inshallah to Allah.
priestess presentation is entitled explanation of soda to the Fatiha explanation of Surah Al Fatiha the mother of the book suta Fatiha is a very important chapter from amongst the chapters of the Quran from amongst the 114 chapters in the Quran. The first one, the very first one, the opening of the Quran is Surah Fatiha. And we have a hadith whereby in sahadi, whereby the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to Abu Zaid Ibn narla, one of the Sahaba he said to him, I will teach you the greatest. He said, I will teach you our mo surah filco and I will teach you the greatest surah the greatest chapter in the Quran, the like of which has not been revealed in the Torah and the
and not in the Injeel not in the Bible, and not in the Quran. So this surah this surah is superior to every other chapter.
And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said to him, it is Alhamdulillah he rocked the lion I mean, when he referred to it, he referred to it by the opening verse al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen meaning it is so little Fatiha in Sahih Muslim we have the hadith of Ibn at best for the Allahu Allahu Allah. That one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the company of gibreel of caribou. He was in the company
of Gabriel, when he heard a creaking noise coming from the heavens coming from the sky, a sound
jabril alayhis salam, he looked up and he said to the Prophet sallahu wa sallam, this is a doe in the heavens that has opened up, which has never been opened previously.
An angel came down and approach the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he said, I give the good news of two lights, I give the good news of two lights that have been given to you and which have not been given to any other prophet before you.
They are first you had to keytab the opener, or the opening of the key tab of the book and the concluding verses from Surah Al Baqarah.
The last a yet from Surah tillbaka, the second chapter of the Quran. So in this hadith
we know that sort of the facts of how was mentioned and the concluding is from sala de fora nevine hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. We know that the Quran is a living miracle.
every prophet that came,
came with a miracle or most prophets came with a miracle of some so but that miracle
passed away or cease to exist with the passing away of the profit of that profit. The only miracle that continues to exist
even though
the profit in in which that miracle was sent to
was Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah the only miracle is the miracle of the Quran. It will continue to exist until the end of time. The Quran as you know, my dear brothers and mighty sisters in Islam is made up of 114 chapters known as sower.
Each one is a surah. The Quran is made up
of over 6200 verses. There is some difference of opinion regarding the exact number of the verses because some verses are broken up differently. Some verses or might be considered one verse while others
Scientists considered them to be more than one verse. But what we do know is that there are at least 6200 plus verses. And then the plus ranges from four to 14, with a difference of opinion amongst the reciters.
We also know that the Quran is divided into Jews or Jews, it is a part. So there are 30 parts. And each part is made up of some 20 pages to the entire point and is made up of approximately 600 pages. And some most of the scripts that are in circulation will have 604 pages. And this is very useful to know when dividing our recitation up in order to complete the content. So, for example, whenever the month is 30 days, and if we were to recite 20 pages per day, one can recite the entire code and in a month from cover to cover.
We know that also each juicer or each part of the Quran is made up of another sub part and this is known as a his and so there are 30 Jews in the Quran. But there are 60 huizen in the Quran 60 is which are sub parts of the whole and also useful for those who are memorizing, and for those to keep a track of where the where they are up to in the Quran.
Now Alhamdulillah there are many books that exist in circulation, which are known as books of Tafseer. Tafseer means commentary. So it's not just a translation of the Quran. It's not just a verbatim word for word translation of the Quran, but it's more commentary giving us the backdrop. Now, the commentary, the purpose of the commentary is to understand the words of Allah Subhana, who were Thailand, and so that we can now apply the words of Allah Subhana what's island? So these words so we can understand the guidance that is intended behind these verses and the admonish admonishments that they are offering also to take heed of the lessons from the many stories that the
Quran has mentioned. Now today inshallah Allah we are discussing salty, fatty, salty, fatty, which is the first surah that is in the Quran. Now, just because it's the first surah of the Quran it doesn't mean that it was the first chapter that was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed Sawsan. And because we know that the first verses that we're revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were from Surah to Allah, the first five verses fo Bismillah Nicoletti Holla Holla Holla insane I mean, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah insana, mela, me, Allen.
Now, sorted Fatiha, as you heard is the greatest surah in the Quran the greatest chapter and what also shows us that it is a great surah Muslims recite it no less than 17 times a day in this solid it is a mandate. It is a requirement of the Select.
It is a requirement of the Select and it is to be recited in every record in every record of this solid.
This Sora is a ceramic makiya. other words it was revealed prior to the migration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. from Mecca to Medina. It was revealed in the mechi period of the Sierra of the life of the prophets of Allah while he was sending him and we know that the the sewer and the chapters that are makiya, the themes are very similar. So the makiya sewer, to do with al Qaeda to deal with a creed to do with our belief. And, and the most important aspect of our VEDA
is the belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, ascribing no partners to him whatsoever, that he is one with no equals. Also what is very important as part of our Arpita and part of our belief system as Muslims is that we believe and acknowledge that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Prophet, and is His Messenger, and that he is the seal of the prophets and the messengers, that there will be no prophet or messenger after him. So Allah while he was selling,
it is also important to belief to believe that there is going to be a day of judgment, a day of resurrection, a day of accountability, that after this, there is going to be
Heaven or *, these are the fundamental beliefs of a Muslim. Of course there are other aspects of belief that a Muslim is commanded to believe in. But these are very very important. Now, the fact you have Why is it called Fatiha, the Fatiha is the beginning. Okay, so, the fact is, the fact of anything is its beginning. So the fact is the first solar it is the beginning of the Quran and it's also the fact that of solid so when you commence your Salah and you say Allahu Akbar, okay, there is a dryer which is funny.
But then what is mandatory is the the actual solar reciting the entire solar.
Now, sorbitol fatsia also has other names. It's not just known as or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he didn't just refer to as Al Fatiha, it is known by other names. So it is known as 30. Hartle keytab, the opener or the opening of the keytab. The keytab is the book and the book here is the Quran. So it is Fatiha. tokita It is a common core an omen Qur'an is the mother it is the mother of the Quran. It is the mother of the poem because it contains the fundamentals of the Quran, it contains the fundamentals of the Quran, it contains creed, it contains a bed, it contains Sharia, okay. So we find that the the fact you have pretty much is now encapsulating the fundamental message
of the Quran. It is also known as a sub rule masani a sub rule masani, the oft, the seven oft repeated versus the seven oft repeated versus a several Masonic
because we repeat them in our daily prayers in every locker, so they are they're known as several Masonic. In the, there is a hadith also that
informs us that it is also known as the Salah. It is known as a solid and the Hadith found in Sahih Muslim
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gives us the Hadith bootsy whereby Allah subhanho wa Taala says Qasim to salata, benei ouabain. Abdi nice find that the Salah has been divided into two halves between me and my servants. Now here is specifically talking about certain facts. Why because he goes on, and he says, for either Karla labdoo when the servant he says al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen when he says al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen call Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says hamadani Abdi that my servant has praised me. So he referred to here as a solid also it is known as a Rukia it is known as Rukia. Now Rukia means Cuba. Now, this term Rukia is often used, when you
want to perform a recital or recitation upon somebody who is possessed or someone who is afflicted by the evil eye or by black magic or any magic of some soul.
Then you perform Rukia on this person. Now, there is a hadith Hadith, abou sighting of the a loved one who that we find in Sahih Muslim that he wants recited sorbitol Fatiha to a person who had been bitten by a scorpion
and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he met up with him, and this person was cured by the permission of Allah Subhana Allah and the Prophet I said, I met up with Abu Zeid, he said to him, when you drink and Rukia How did you know it's a Rukia. So he referred to as a rookie. Now, as I said earlier, so till Fatiha is a very, very important sort of in every Muslim must strive to perfect certain Fatiha and have this sort of Fatiha checked by somebody who was well versed with the Quran and that and the touch with of the Quran and the 13 of the Quran.
Because it's such an important Surah Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said la salata, Lemmon, lamea Krabi Fatiha till kita that there is no valid Salah for the one who does not read with the opening of the book. In other words, your Salah is defective it is deficient it is lacking is not acceptable. If you do not recite Al Fatiha now the question is here.
We know that for example, if you are praying alone
You will recite Al Fatiha in every Raka because you're praying alone, you're going to naturally be reciting it and then reciting a sort of after it, if it's the first two units of the prayer
and certain facts is to be recited in every rakah of the of the solid. So now, in saying that, does that what happens in the case whereby, whereby the person is praying behind an Imam, if you're praying behind an Imam, must you also recite Al Fatiha now, the the cream of the matter of this matter is as follows. Without going into the differences of opinion, there are differences or differences of opinion when it comes to the recitation of certain factors behind an Imam. And when it comes down to is this if the Imam is leading a silent prayer, so for example, it's
awesome. Then you recite Al Fatiha behind him in every era. If the Imam is reciting aloud press such as fudger Muslim Russia, then in the first two Raka you only listen in the second Raka are to record depending on the prayer with the Imam is silent he recite Al Fatiha Okay. Now for example we find some scholars, they actually say that when the Imam finishes reciting Al Fatiha loudly, then you and he begins the surah the next sola, he begins another surah after Al Fatiha. Then, he said they said that you should commence reciting Al Fatiha to yourself.
they say even that the Imam should have a slight pause or break just to allow people to recite Al Fatiha.
But that seems to be
one opinion and like I said the stronger opinion and Allah Subhana Allah knows best is that the fact the heart is only recited when the Imam is silent. Likewise
as I said earlier, if the Imam is silent, then of course, for all those units, any unit where the members silence you will recite Sultan Fatiha so it's a very important sorta and we to make sure that we perfect it and that we do recite it in our solar
correctly. Now
the next question that comes to mind, or a lot of people might ask is how many verses are there in certain Fatiha is it seven verses? Well we know according to the Hadith it is seven verses
because he said the prophet SAW Selim he spoke about a sub Alma
the seven oft repeated verses a sub Masonic but with his difference of opinion is is Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim a verse or none of us. Now if when you open up the must have must must haves will have a number one after the Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Now by the way the name given to Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is the best speller, the best speller. So this phrase Bismillah R Rahman Al Rahim instead of always saying Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim when we're referring to it we say it is referred to as the best smeller okay just like for example, out of the villa he misshapen the regime is referred to as what is referred to as the st either the st either. Okay, now with regards to the
best minute,
mm, a chef ei emammal, Chef de Lima, Hola, hota. Allah.
He stated that the best mela is include is actually inclusive. He said it is inclusive of the saltiel fatsia. And that's why you if you pray behind an Imam who is a sheffy, who who subscribes to the Shafi method, he actually recites it out loud. Okay, when he's leading the prayer, so he will say the tech miracle from Allahu Akbar, he will open up his list after himself. And then he will say Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Okay. Whereas other scholars who don't see that the best mela is a verse from amongst the verses of Surah Al Fatiha, they'll straightaway say Alhamdulillah they'll say Bismillah to themselves and out loud they would say
Alhamdulillah here have been on me.
So, this is with regards to the number of verses. So the majority of scholars they excluded, excluded from from the fact you have now. So therefore, according to the opinion of a man was Sheffield
When you say lady Malibu Beach la himolla Pauline that is the seventh eighth right enough to be a Monique darling therefore to him
the sixth area is Sarah Palin Latina and I'm telling him that becomes verse number six and then higher in maboob la monacolin becomes verse number seven
as for the STI the same our Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim It has nothing to do this is not
an area in this situation. It's not an area but it's something that we open up our Salah with So after we say so
whether it's my bed beanie or being a hot boy Yeah, yeah, that do I whether it's szczepanik Allahumma byham Dakota Baraka smoker, who there it said, the next thing that you say is our Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. And there is some difference of opinion amongst the scholars, whether we say the lamina chanology at the beginning of each Raka or whether it is only recited at the commencement of the Select in the first row only, and that seems to be the more sound opinion and correct opinion and Allah subhana wa tada knows best. Now when you say Allah Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. What are you saying you're actually seeking refuge? you're seeking protection.
Okay, from Allah subhanaw taala for the shaitan not to confuse you, not to confuse you with regard to the recitation that you were about to recite, okay, and not to confuse you regarding your recital, and not to misguide you, and not to lead you astray. Okay. That's why we say our author Billahi min ash shaytani, r rajim. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that whenever any of you thinks about something which goes against the belief, when you when you think about something which goes against the belief of Islam to say our the Billahi min ash shaytani, r rajim, because these are whisperings of the shape and trying to derail your imen trying
to misguide you and lead you astray. So, now we come to the best minute when you say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, what are you actually saying? Bismillah we often know that in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful or the Merciful, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, depending on the translation that you open up. So when you say Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, basically what you are saying is I begin
my recital, I begin with my, with my recital seeking the blessing through the names of Allah Rahman and Rahim. So now we know that men are Rahim to have Allah subhanahu otile as names and you're asking Allah so you're actually seeking the blessing. You're actually seeking a blessing when you say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Now, of course when it comes to eating and drinking, you only say Bismillah you don't say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. When you come to slaughter, your sacrificial animal or when you come to slaughter an animal for consumption, that is halal. That is permissible to be eaten. You say Bismillah you don't say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Bismillah Allahu Akbar.
Okay, so, so here we know that the best Miller is
is is actually seeking the blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now with regards to the best minute every surah in the Quran, every surah in the Quran, commences with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
are the best men, except for one surah which is sort of the tober which is the ninth chapter or ninth surah of the Quran. It does not begin with the best mela because of the commence the commencing words which are to do with war, which are to do with war and fighting. And so it's not befitting to have R Rahman r Rahim, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful or the Entirely Merciful and especially merciful and then talking about war. It's not a befitting context. It's not a befitting context as some ruler might have said.
And Allah subhana wa tada knows best. The man is one of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. One of the names of Allah is Al Rahman to Allah subhanaw. taala belongs the Most Beautiful Names. They'll smell. They're known as a smell Hostnet. So one of these names is men, okay, which means which is derived from Russia from Mercy is derived from Rama mercy. Now then we have our Rahim, another one of Allah subhana wa Eilis names, or Rahim, which is a name and an attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala, also derived from Rahman derived from mercy and it means the one who has mercy over his
servants in this life, and in the next life, in this life and in the next life now, from the mentors that Islam has taught us is to begin all of our actions, mentioning the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. First, why is that? There's a number of reasons why we say Bismillah Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
First of all, it brings a lot to mind before we do any action. So when you say Bismillah, you're going to remember Allah subhana wa Island, and you're going to remember that, that all decrees and the blessing is going to come from Allah subhanaw taala it's not going to come from your own skill in your own Jani Mary, it comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It also prevents one from doing evil actions. So when you're not mentioning Allah's Name, you're going to feel shy to to disobey Allah, so panel to Allah. So the more you are in remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala The more you are moving your tongue with the remembrance of Allah, then you're going to keep away from the Haram keep
away from evil.
Also, Allah subhanaw taala is going to support you now by mentioning his name. You know, you asked him Allah Subhana Allah to bless what you're about to do. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim,
Allah and of course, it reminds you of the purpose and the source, the source of fulfillment of that need, and that the source of blessings for that action and its final destination. Now we come to an hamdulillah Europe bill al amin and hamdu lillahi Alhamdulillah he or bill I mean, all praise all the hunt, all the praise is due to who to lead to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Rob Bilal, I mean, Rob is the Lord Allah, Allah mean is the world's The Lord of the woods. So now when we think about unhemmed and hamd is something that is Yeah, and it is a form of praising Allah subhana wa Taala and we say as Muslims that hamdulillah with the things go our way or not, how are you saying hamdulillah
whether things are going your way or not, you're saying hamdulillah like Alhamdulillah Allah Houlihan as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to say Alhamdulillah for every state, for every condition that we are in.
When it comes to sugar, no sugar is a form of gratitude and showing your things when you with sugar. Sugar is mainly for something that happens that is in your favor. Okay, that's the difference between sugar and between unhemmed so sugar is when something is in your favor, something a blessing that you have been given, okay, and sugar. You can you can you can, you can show your gratitude, okay, with your tongue, with your heart with your limbs, you know, you can show your thanks in many ways, unlike unhemmed, which is something which is limited to the tongue, and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Now, Rob belisle, I mean, Rob, who said is the Lord, and the always the better word to use
is the word Rob because it, it contains more meaning and it has more weight. So Rob, we know that when it comes to tawheed, when it comes to monotheism, that there are three areas of tawheed in Islam, there is so hidden rooby Roo phobia means that the head of Allah subhanaw taala, he is for example, the the Sustainer that he upheld, Allah is the controller, he is the owner, he is the giver.
So this is totally the rubia There is also Toshiba as smet was sifat So we see that this Sora contains all three categories of towhee it contains robbia as it as we just heard, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen, and He is the Lord of the worlds everything that is contained in these worlds, okay in this world
Alhamdulillah he Rabbil alameen Rahmani Raheem would be the towhead of the names, the names and the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala that we acknowledge that Allah subhanaw taala has names and attributes. Okay, then we're going to see shortly we're going to see to hit and Ooh, here are the three areas of tawheed that are all encapsulated in this in this chapter, which is the mother of the Quran on Omar keytab.
Now an Al amin is everything that exists apart from Allah, everything that is in existence apart from Allah subhanaw taala is an enemy. So now and hamdulillah Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Allah, Allah mean the Lord of the worlds. So here allow that mean are those who have an intellect Okay, which are the humans which are the jinn which includes the angels, okay, I mean, Allah Allah mean everything, everything that Allah subhanaw taala has created.
So He is the Lord of Allah, Allah mean.
Man, Rahim or Rama
Rahim we said the two names and we're seeing it again. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Now we're seeing it in the seven verses al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Ar Rahman AR Rahim.
Now the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, Maliki Yomi. Deen Malik. Ik is the Sovereign, the sovereign. He is the sovereign. He is the highest ruler. And there's also Maliki and one of the ways to recite Al Fatiha is Maliki Melaka is okay the king the king, he is the owner. Okay, he is the owner and he is the king. So he is the highest authority. Maliki young yummy yummy Dean. He is the the the Sovereign of the of the day of a dean.
Dean is the day of judgment here a dean the meaning of a dean here is the day of judgment
as the element has said to me as you know law who is very bad that be Amelie him because what is meant by this phrase or what is meant by this word Dean here is that this is the day that Allah rewards people for their actions. Okay. Now, yakin, Abu yaquina Stein yaka. Naboo means you alone we worship and You alone we seek help is Tiana Stein is Winnie seeking help. In yaka Naboo here Naboo comes from a bed worship you alone we worship which means this is here the hidden Lulu here so hidden oh no here when you acknowledging that only Allah subhanho wa Taala is deserving of your acts of worship. He yakka you alone we worship what he yakka nesta in and we seek the help from you alone
because you are the one that is able to help us.
So we have to hit an O here within this verse.
In other words, also we do not dedicate our acts of worship to anyone else you alone we fee you alone we seek help to work to worship you a year cannot do what yakka less time now that a better here came before the esteana dairy better than the help Why? Because we need the help of a bed to the bed is mentioned and yeah Allah help us regarding this a bed help us to achieve this a bed iya can Abu iaca next time
and we know that in the hadith of Ibn avesse when he was behind the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
on the writing animal, he said for the law for the law.
The Judo teacher is as tough as the law. He said the prophet SAW Selim he said to young men at best, he said to him, when you ask, then ask Allah, what is the standard and when you seek help seek it from Allah subhanaw taala This is the standard. So at least 17 times a day, we are asking Allah subhanaw taala to help us he cannot do what he cannot Stein. Now, now, this here is the first sort of first half of this sort of, remember we said that this surah is broken up into or divided into two halves. There is a one half which is pretty much praising and exalting and glorifying Allah subhanaw taala. Now the second half of this surah is going to be is going to be supplication. Okay,
so we've acknowledged Allah subhanaw taala that he is a man he is
he alone we worship he'll and we seek help. Now we don't we're about to ask him something yaka yaka Stein. And now here we go to ask him in a Surah Al Mustafa Dena means guide us in a guide us to Serato Mr. King, guide us to the path which is Mr. Kane which is straight, which is straight now.
When it comes to mankind, mankind, there are three types of three types of people. There are people who, who actually
Yani praise Allah subhanahu wa taala there are people who have knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala and they act upon that knowledge. So there are people who have knowledge about Allah and they act upon this knowledge, there are people who have
knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala, but they do not act upon this knowledge. They do not act upon this knowledge. And there are people who have no knowledge of a lot and so consequently they do not. They do not worship Allah subhanaw taala and that's what that's what you
Any person in the world is going to have to fit into one of these three categories. One of these three categories, okay? So either they either know Allah subhanaw taala, and they worship him or they know Allah and they don't worship him or they don't know are less apparent than and don't worship him.
Okay? Or it could be that they worship, they worship worshiping Allah, they might have a form of worship, but not to do with Allah Subhana without it because I don't know Allah subhanaw taala
so now
we've now mentioned the first half of sorbitol Fatiha now also what this what this half of the Fatiha teaches us that before we go on to now begin this.
begin this do
that it's important to praise Allah. So when it comes to our everyday do I before you actually ask Allah subhanho wa Taala then follow this system follow this this way of an Fatiha whereby you praise Allah, you say and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Yeah, Allah Yo man, yo Rahim. Now you also exalt Him and you acknowledge him. So you praise Him you acknowledge Allah pantallas names and attributes, okay? And the Sunnah also teaches us okay to add was sallallahu wasallam awabakal and the bnm Hama to sin, peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
So now we come to the Insert Alamo stocking. Now in this verse there is Talib Okay, there is encouragement there is inspiration. Okay. If Dena Surat Al musta came to you asking Allah Subhana Allah to guide you to the straight path. So there is there is a straight path. So, you're reminding yourself about and Allah subhanaw taala is reminding us about a straight path.
And the opposite of the straight path would be what would be the crooked path or deviant paths and we know that Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam One day, he drew a line on on the ground, he just he drew one straight line. And on each side of his straight line, he drew some other lines,
you know, veering off to the right and to the left. And he said,
he said this is this is the Serra de la Alamo Stockton that this that this path is the straight path, the path to Allah subhanho wa Taala. were under her that and he recited what and the Heather
serrulata mustafina This is my straight path
to follow it, what attributes to build and do not follow the the other paths.
So and then he mentioned that these other lines at the head of each one of these other lines is a shape and is the devil calling to that path. So we need to stay focused and that's what we're asking. We're asking Allah in a certain must takim Guide us to the straight path.
Sirocco, levina and amta la him the Sirat of those allatheena those, an anti lay him that you have missed out your blessing upon that you have bestowed your your niyama upon. So here again, we have a lesson here in acknowledging any blessing that you have, that we acknowledge that Allah subhanho wa Taala He blesses people
serrata Latina and Anthony now so therefore we should always be striving to find out who are these people? What are the lives about Scapa, Latina and untidily Okay, who are they? Who are these? Who should be our leaders who should be our mentors, our role models? Okay. serata Latina and I'm Tara him. And we know that those people that Allah subhanahu wa tada Allah has bestowed his blessing upon our dmba who are the prophets and the messengers? Who are Who else? They are the Cydia clean, the truthful ones who are truthful with their with regard to their belief, they are the Shahadat they are the martyrs, those who died for the sake of Allah soprano who are fighting for his cause. They
are the righteous people assigned to him. And we find this in an area in the code and
an MBA and the severe pain and the Shahadat and the side of him.
So here we have Sarah Latina and I'm telling him Hieronymus dooby
dooby I lay him unlike or the
Have those upon whom You have bestowed your favor and not of those whom or who have invoked your anger your hubbub, Elon Musk boob, la him. Masato Castro Mahabharata means anger, anger, and must obey Him. Those are lovers people you are angry with an Automat. When they give their seal of this, they refer to the Jews that Allah subhanaw taala is angry with the Jews, Who, who, who knew the truth, who know what the truth is, yet they do not apply this truth and enough to be I lay him
and the lien of those who got who have gone astray, and they are the Christians, and they have an aside or who went astray, attributing to their faith, that which is not of their faith, that which is not in their faith. They didn't have to be I lay him well upon lien. So there is here to him. In the previous verse, there was read there is encouragement, yeah, Allah, you know, enough Surat Al Mustafa came the straight path. Now here we have to be looking for the main path, the straight path, but there must be either him Allah baleen, be aware, Allah is reminding us beware of the motto be beware of those that Allah subhanaw taala
those people that are lost pantalla is angry with so this is Ted Heath here to be Allah him well upon him. Now,
this is where Surah Al Fatiha ends me is not from Surah Fatiha amine is not from Sultan Fatiha and mean is something that we are required to say after we recite Surah Fatiha in the solid in the solid. So, when you are in the sonnet the Imam says what a bomb lien Okay. Then he says I mean and we say a mean along with him
and there is merit and there is virtue in doing that. Okay. So air mean means our law answer my supplication because remember we said that Al Fatiha is made up of two halves. It's made up of a praising Allah subhanaw taala exalting Allah subhanaw taala glorifying him, then that comes to do at the end of the day that you're saying, I mean, now by the way, when you do say me with the Imam, and mean, the APA should only be prolonged for two counts how to cotton or how to cotton, which means you only say me. Now the mean can be prolonged for either two, or four or six counts, depending on how far how many counts, you normally end up on the end of your area that have in the second last
letter, a long vowel. So for example, if you if you are the type that says Alhamdulillah he'll not be lying to me. Rahman Are ye so if you don't have six counts, then when it comes to you, me and keep it consistent? Me you're allowed to do that. Okay, but the app part of me should not be prolonged for six count. And this is a common mistake, a common mistake that we find when it comes to the solid, and people saying I mean, so we said that I mean, it's not part of a Fatiha and mean means our law, answer my supplication.
And it's the only time that's been recommended to be said, when you are actually when you're actually in the solid. Now I'm going to end up inshallah huhtala with the Hadith that is found inside Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Allah the Exalted sin, I have divided the prayer.
I have divided the prayer here meaning Al Fatiha, I have divided into two halves between myself and between my server and my servant shall have what he has asked for. If he says Alhamdulillah he rockville al Ameen. Por la hamadani Abdi Allah says,
Allah says My servant has praised me. Each time you say
Alhamdulillah hirable al amin, you are saying Allah subhanaw taala says My servant has praised me. And when the servant says R Rahman r Rahim Rahmani Raheem, okay, Carlos, Allah esna Allah Ya. Allah says, My servant has glorified me. My servant has glorified me so praise me glorified me. And when he says Maliki or within
the Owner of the Day of Recompense Allah magetta any Abdi Allah says, My servant has glorified me.
And then when you say or when he says yes
Kinda about what yaquina Stein you alone we worship and You alone we seek help Carla have beanie ouabain Abdi de Massa and this is between me, between Allah This is between me and my abs and my servant and for my servant. Okay and for my servant he shall he shall have what he asks for he shall have what he asked for when he had the medicine. And when he says, He did not say La Palma, starteam serata levina and amta lay Him,
obey him well upon Nene, Allah says had the Abdi way up the mess and this is for my art, this is for my servant, and for my servant is what he has asked for. So as to this is what's happening when you're reciting certain Fatiha in your Salah. In your solar Heather Allahu Allah. Wa Salatu was Salam ala Baraka ala nabina Muhammad Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh