Tom Facchine – Minute with a Muslim #028 – How could a JUST GOD allow Evil & Hardship to exist

Tom Facchine
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The speakers discuss the definition of what is "good" and "fire" in relation to life. They argue that the definition is limited to worldly help and that there is a capacity for moral action and a moral world. The speakers stress that the definition is not just about actions and actions lead to outcomes, but also about actions and actions leading to results.
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One type of Creator would allow such evil and hardship to exist. Another common doubt when people are thinking about God, the Creator or the existence of a creator or not, is well, okay, now we have the modern world, we have modern medicine were able to kind of cure diseases and, and before that life was nasty, brutish, and short, everybody died in their 30s or 40s. And they had horrible lives. And so well, that's not even historically true. But even if we assume for a second that it was historically true, maybe in Europe, it was historically true, what's responsible? Why How could a just God right allow that to happen? Like, why would he? What type of help is that to the creatures

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or the creation? What type of creator will would allow such evil and hardship to exist? And there's several answers to this question. But the shortest one is that your definition of what's good, and your definition of what divine help looks like is strictly limited to worldly help. And it completely neglects the existence of a soul, first of all, what's good for the soul, and it completely neglects what's good for the afterlife. And that's why, you know, it's completely phony and fictitious, the people who say these days that, well, it doesn't really matter what you believe in, as long as you're a good person, as long as you're nice to other people. The most important

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thing is what you believe in, it affects if you're going to be good to somebody else. Or even better yet, it affects your definition of what good will look like, okay, somebody who believes in a soul, and who believes in an afterlife is not the same as somebody who doesn't believe in the soul or believe in an afterlife, they are two fundamentally different human beings, they are two fundamentally different moral agents. And the capacity that they have created for moral action is completely different. The person who believes that they're going to be held to account by a perfect creator with eternal consequences, even if they have to do it, you know, grinning and baring it like

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not really liking it, they're going to do the right thing, at least more often, than somebody who thinks that we're just worm food once we pass away, and that life is just it, and then you die. And then you've got nothing after that. And if people don't, if people don't believe this, and they should read history, and they should look into history, especially what happens in times of war, what happens in times of famine, what happens in times of chaos, because it's easy to sit in the first world, when you have a full stomach and you have an electricity bill, and you have an internet bill, and you have Netflix and say, well, everybody, it's all the same, right? No matter what you

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believe in everybody, as long as you're a good person that doesn't matter what you believe in, go to the war torn countries go to the countries that experienced famine, go to the countries where there's oppression, banditry, you know, there's gang violence is lots of different things. The people who are doing the right thing, the people who aren't caving in to their narrow, personal interests, they're the people of faith. They're the people who believe in the soul, the people who believe in the Creator. And that's not to say that every single person who believes in those things is a good person, because there's a lot of people out there who are deluded, and there's a lot of

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people out there who are insincere, who are actually hypocrites. But just because that's true. It doesn't mean that faith in itself is to blame or is irrelevant. No faith is the single most important thing when it comes to creating the capacity for moral action and a moral world.

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