Bilal Dannoun – Covering The Faults Of Muslims

Bilal Dannoun
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Muhammad, Allah Allah He was happy he h main

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praises to to Allah in May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon all those who follow his spinner, his way his methodology, his creed is up either until the last day, respected brothers and sisters in Islam Salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Today inshallah, who Tyler, we will be discussing some of the verses and some of the hadiths that are related to some of the topics mentioned by mm unknowing and we've entitled today's lecture presentation as covering the faults of Muslims and fulfilling the needs now Amendment No we Rahim Allah, huzzah Allah, he has a chapter, which is entitled Babel, sexual Allahu muslimeen when you Anisha it her era, that pretty much it is the chapter related to covering the the our art or the faults of the Muslims and the prohibitions of,

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of spreading, of spreading the faults and the shortcomings of Muslims. Basically, without there being Aurora, without there being a need.

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Now, the word here that we know we use is our Roth IRA. Now, when we think about the word our, you're our

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word, our is of two types, there's your physical, so, those parts of the body that you need to conceal or hide from others, that others are prohibited from looking at. So, the our for example of a female is all of her body, except for her face and her hands up to her wrist. So, the rest of her body is our okay.

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So, according to some scholars, according to some scholars, the outer of the female is all of her body, hence, we have women who wear the niqab or the powder, okay, so they cover all of their body. So, there's an opinion out there that states that our of a woman is all of her body. So, none of it should be seen by strangers, and there's an opinion that states only her face and only her hands up to her wrists may be seen

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and each has the proofs and evidences and this isn't the time and place now to be discussing this particular issue.

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So, so, there is our there is there is also an out on mohalla which is the your private parts. So, this is a serious hour. So, this is definitely our that should not be that Muslims must ensure the covering of the private parts and that we have been prohibited from of course, you need looking at another person's hour. Now, so, that's the physical sense now there is another hour which is a sort of a non non tangible outcome he can't really the our art and here and this is what even though we means by our here or our art is the faults, the faults of of Muslims of the faults of others, you know, we call them in Arabic or another word is are you here are you by the false and and that

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should be probably with maybe some persons or morals or some person's ethics or a person's you know, bad behavior or

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you know, any bad way of dealing doing dealings with other people when it comes to transactions, okay.

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So as Muslims, we have been commanded through the Quran and Sunnah to conceal and hide the faults of other Muslims and not exposing the false Okay, and the shortcomings of other Muslims unless there is a good reason to do so, unless there is a good reason, then you shouldn't be going about telling other people about somebody somebody is you know, shortcomings or you.

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So, if there is no necessity, if there is no necessity, then one should conceal the shortcomings and faults of his Muslim brother or his Muslim sister, okay. And, you know, because you know, some as human beings, sometimes we are making mistakes, and we are making mistakes out of what it could be out of ignorance. Okay, it could be doing something that a person does not deliberately do that mistake. Maybe they just don't know. So then you go and expose them and you see

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If you talk about their faults when they had little knowledge probably about it, okay?

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So, so therefore we have a duty to conceal and to hide the faults of others unless there's a necessity. Now let's give an example of this.

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Let's say you know about someone who is who have a like a business or they're a merchant, a tradesman.

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A person who does trade siara and this person is he deceives others and he lies to others when it comes to buying and selling. Okay?

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So what you do you know that he's a liar, you know that he's lying to people you know, and he makes all these oath you know, Wallah, you know, this and I, you know, I'm selling it to you at cost price and, and what have you, you know, these sort of lies, okay? So you don't just go about well, warning people against that person, you actually come up to the person, you should come up to the person instead of that person. Look,

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I know about your lies, I know about your deception, okay, I know that you're deceiving others, I have evidence and proof and whatever, you know, of course, you need to be certain that this person is lying, and this person is deceiving others. And I'm just here to remind you to fear Allah, okay? And stop doing this. If you don't stop doing this, then I will expose you, I will tell people about you. So put a stop to it. So you come up to the person and you talk to them and you told them what you were doing is wrong. Okay, but you don't go about just exposing the person without even you know, telling him anything about it. That's the sonic approach to the Islamic approach is let's you

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know, let's give them this let's warn this person Allah azza wa jal when it comes to mankind and some of the transgressions that were committed by mankind in the past Okay, you know, whether it was the people of lat you know, the people of lot and he said and prophet Luke and the homosexuality, okay. And, or whether it was any people who were committing major in justices in allies that will punish them straight away, what did he do? He sent them profits, he sent them messages, he's, he gave them a chance. He sent them books and scriptures. He said, Look, you know, if you don't the Prophet would say if you don't believe Allah is going to send you a punishment you know even in the

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in the case of you know, a stylist lm and they asked for you know, they asked for a table spread in a table spread you know, you know comes down and they still don't believe or in the case of silent profit silence they asked they asked the Prophet that they asked the Prophet sila to bring a camel a pregnant she camel out of a rock, okay, and then we will believe he said well look if you don't believe in you know, there's gonna be a punishment. And then you know, a she camel comes out and it's pregnant and and you know, they didn't they basically at the end of the story is I kill it. Right they kill a camel that was sent by Allah azza wa jal as a miracle that Allah subhanaw taala he

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punishes them. Okay. So, let us use this approach when we're dealing with people and none of us are perfect. Nobody is perfect in a perfection only belongs to Allah azza wa jal. So, we will have our shortcomings we will have our fault we will make mistakes. Let us not, you know, crucify people, let us not be crucifying people at the very first instance that they make a wrong move, no matter who they are, no matter how good you think they are, okay, oh no, he should have known better or she should have known better. Okay. We are human beings. At the end of the day, we will make mistakes and Eliza gel, you know, has created us in such a way that we all make mistakes. And that's why the

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concept of repentance is there and Toba is there. Okay. So, this is something to keep in mind, because many of us are crucifying people. And many of us are writing off people, okay, and defaming others. Okay. Over mistakes, and you know, that could that that person may, you know, he could repent from if he was given mostly given advice.

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if the person however, does not take heed of your advice, you've given them the advice, Look, you've given them the advice and they're still not taking heed, then yes, you can expose the person, expose them, because then it's not fair for the people that are doing business with this person. Okay, why should they all be oppressed? Okay, because of this one individual. So, there are conditions there are conditions and there is a method or strategy in doing that. Now, remember, no Rahim Allahu taala in this chapter covering the faults of the Muslims. He mentioned one verse one verse only. And he mentions the verse

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That is

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found in sort of, sort of newer. Okay, and it's verse number 19. So 24th chapter so to know, verse 19, and also kind of water Island. He says in the levina you have buena and Tashi alpha to Phil Levine, M and hula hoop. Aleem on Fifth dunya. When Pharaoh will love We are number one and two, let's Allah mother, indeed, Indeed, those who like that morality, fashion, even morality, be spread or publicized

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among those who have believed, will have a painful punishment in this world, in this life and in the Hereafter, if you like for immorality, to be spread, your punishment will not only be in the Hereafter, but it will also be in this life and ally knows and you do not know. Now this particular area

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was revealed regarding an incident, the backdrop or the background of this area is regarding an incident that that happened at the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And it happened to none other than a shot of the Allahu anhu.

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And this incident is known as the incident of the sexual if, if, if means a lie, or a concoction, it's made up. It's nothing but lies if now the story that I quickly mentioned to you, I'm not going to mention all the details of it, because it's a long story. But this story is a famous story. And you can read up about it in sahadi in the chapter called mahasi, which is the battles and it's also found in Sahih, Muslim

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in the chapter of repentance or the chapter of Tobin. Now, what happened is that at the time of the Prophet Mohammed saw Selim, you know, Mohammed wa sallam had more than one wife. And when he would go to travel,

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what he would do to be fair, as to who's going which wife will travel with him, they will draw lots of you know, like, putting names in a hat and taking out whose name it is. So it was at a show was going to travel with him.

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So, he shadowed the loved one. What about her is now accompanying the promise, I said, let me know I shall he married her when he married her. She was, you know, nine years old. She was young in Bhutan, the process Helen died, she was about 18 years old. She was quite young, and she's very petite very, very light. Now, the custom at that time, the tradition was these, you know, women were placed in what's known as a is as a holding edge, how that edge is like this encasement maybe like a basket or, you know, she would sit in it, and then what would happen and she's carried up and put on the camel, for example. Okay.

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So, so what she goes along with a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to one of these travels, and on the way back, on the way back, they stopped at night for some sleep. And then the prophet SAW Selim commands for the caravan for the for this group to make their way back. Now what has happened in this time when the process has given commands for Let's move on. I Isha has gone to relieve herself going to the toilet. Okay, so she's gonna lift the group, and she's gonna lift and then what's happened is that she's come back, and everyone's gone. So what they did they rate they lifted the hodesh that she's normally in, and she's so light, you know, they didn't realize that she's not

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in it. You know? So they've put it up on the camera, okay, and it's going off. Everyone thinks that, you know, I show the love on her is in there. So,

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so she comes back and she was, you know, you know, she probably said, you know, things like what we would probably say today, oh my god, Where is everybody? You know,

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you know, who knows what she said Allahu Allah. But she, nobody was there. So she's very intelligent. She, she, she said, Look, I better stay where I am. they'll realize that I'm missing they'll come back to the spot where they left. So she stayed with right now, she's there waiting to see you know, who's going to save the day. Then who comes along? One of the Sahaba His name is software and he had been in waffle. So Flan event el mapa. Now so Flan is one of the he was one of those people who would

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fall into deep sleep. Yes, people that that that deep sleepers, and they don't wake up to any alarm, no matter what's going on. Now. The world could be just caving and coming to an end and they're just asleep. Right? He was one of those deep sleepers. So everyone had taken off here sleeping. Okay. So when he woke up he's making his way and who does he come across? He comes across Isha like LaWanda

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Now, how does you recognize her? Then? Don't I wear hijab? Yes, they wear hijab, but he had known her before he Jen. Okay, so obviously she's there. He has recognized her Oh, that's Ayesha. And he known her before the picture wasn't revealed until about the 60 year of the hit of the hero. Okay, so he recognizes Ayesha, he doesn't speak a single word. He doesn't say anything at all. But what does he do? He does sound to his to his writing animal that makes a noise. So the writing animal now is making a noise. Okay? And

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she notices that he's, he's there. So then he brings the animal to her, she gets on, she gets on the animal. Okay, whether the horse or the camel and doesn't say doesn't even speak to her nothing. He allows her to ride and they go where they go straight to Medina.

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in Medina, we have the hypocrites, we have the Mona Fiona, they are looking for anything, anything to undermine Islam, and the prophet SAW Selim and his honor. And what do we have here? Well, well, well, you know, we probably say what has the cat brought in? Okay? So what has happened? You know,

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Isha is coming in out of town with this strange man. So the hypocrites now they start to concoct a story. And I say that, and then the story is so flat, even more awkward with Russia? Well, two people, male and female out in the desert, you know, they've probably got an up to stuff, and they start spreading the news. Now, in the meantime, I said, well, when she becomes ill, because of the journey, whatever, so she stays at home. Little does she know, there's his talk. the talk of the town, is I Isha, you know, comes back with software. And they were alone. Okay. And there were three, even amongst the talk, the talk to some of the Sahaba. And there were three companions who

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actually started spreading the story as well. That's how that's how believable, you know, that they were making the story to be. So

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the prophecy I sell them, you know, he used to come and visit visit, I saw her at her at her family's home, and just ask about her, how is she doing and leave? But you should notice the prompts I send them is sort of also, you know, not talking to her the way he normally would. So, you know, the, the news has gone into the prophet SAW center. But he's, you know, he's not not even any he doesn't know what position to take. You know, she was out in the visit, she was alone. She's come back, there's this talk going on, you know, these things can really, really do, you're hitting. So

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what happened is that so the talk is going around, even the prompts I send them he said to the ones he said tonight he said, if anything has happened and repent to Allah azza wa jal, then repent to Allah azza wa jal, and she was in there, she was crying for days on end, you know if you can just imagine how hard it was on poor instead of the loved one. And she was being patient until What happened? until Allah azza wa jal, he reveals 10 verses, he reveals 10 verses, okay about this very incident, and he declares, issues innocence.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the levina, you hibou you have boonah and feshie alpha heisha tofield Levine, Amano, la whom either La Mancha dunya will ask your will love We are no more Antonia talman Indeed, those who like that morality should be spread or publicized among them, those who have believed will have

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among those that believed a painful punished, they'll have a painful, painful punishment in this in this world and in the hereafter. This was one of the ads, okay, talking about spreading lies and spreading rumors. Okay. That's how serious the issue is. Don't go spreading lies and don't go spreading rumors you can be punished in this life before they hear after. So this was the only the incident that happened at the time of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you can just imagine what was going through, you know,

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his life and the prophets I said limbs life, but imagine how how rejuvenating and How refreshing and how good he felt when those verses revealed clearing her of her innocence, you know and and of any wrongdoing. Now when it comes to this area,

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This idea talks about those who like those who like that immorality be spread.

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Now, there's two meanings here, there's two meanings behind the liking of, of the spreading of immorality.

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The first one is those who like for a morality

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to be spread throughout the Muslim community, throughout the Muslim community. And this can be done by way of work by way of like, you know,

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immoral movies, you know, movies without any morals or,

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you know, movies that, that, you know, incite or promote, you know, Promise, Promise, Promise security, you know, or it could be through, you know, music or it could be through,

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you know, it could be through magazines, or it could be through websites, so,

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causing fitna to spread causing fitna okay to spread, you know, so this is one way that this could happen. This is one way of allowing immorality to spread, especially, for example, in the Muslim country. And, and especially, for example, if you have the authority, if you are a person of authority, and you allow you allow for this, this forms of immorality to be to be spread.

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So and you have the authority to put a stop to it, then that becomes very, very serious, that that person those people can, will have punishment in this life and in the Hereafter. So it's just a matter of time, it's just a matter of time. The second type of meaning, the second meaning behind the liking of the spreading of immorality, is liking for immorality to spread regarding a certain individual individuals, whereby you're pointing the finger about a certain person, will you cause malicious gossip? You know, Reba, talking about somebody talking about somebody, by way of LIBOR or by way of Nima slandering the person, okay, by way of Bhutan by way of lies. Okay, these are very,

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very serious perils, and vices of the tongue. And that's why

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the prophesies send them, you know, he actually said that one of the punishments, one of the punishments of the grave is that people talking about others lever, you know, the story when the part of the process that he passed by two graves, and he heard the inhabitants of those graves, the people of those graves being punished. And then when he was asked about the punishment, he said, one of them was being punished, because, you know, he never, you know, he used to go about talking about others even talking about people. Now, when it comes to, I think it's very important to understand that if there's a benefit in talking about others, you know, and it needs to suddenly needs to be

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said, in Fine, go ahead, but only limit your talk and your speech to the issue. So let's say for example, I'll give you a typical example.

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Let's say a sister, let's say a sister wants to marry a man who has, and she wants to do some research about him. And she asked certain individuals about, you know, this tutor, or this, this brother or man that she wants to marry. Okay.

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And so someone, you know, she asked someone, and I say, Well, look, you know, when it comes to marriage, he has, he has a really, you know, bad temper, he's very stingy, or he's, he's abusive, physically, verbally. All right? These are things that you know, but if there's something other things that you know about that person that has nothing to do with affecting the marriage, maybe, you know, just things that between him and Allah azza wa jal, you don't need to, you don't need to go into Nitty gritties. He just needs to speak enough that could you know, that to do with marriage issues. Okay? That's very important, very important to not go overboard in in talking about a

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person, but just talking about those elements that are needed for the question and for that person to make a decision and informed decision.

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So that's something to always keep in mind that we are allowed to talk about the faults of people when it comes to these circumstances if it's going to have an impact in a relationship.

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So this is something to keep in mind and those people who go about talking about others and spreading fitna and rumors, okay, then these people will have a punishment in this life and a punishment in the hereafter. Now, remember, no we were him a hula hoop Eilat. He mentioned that

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A number of Hudis a number of studies to do with the covering the faults of Muslims. Now the first Hadees that I want to mention that I want to mention to you

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talks about the merits and the reward in the virtue of covering up covering up for your Muslim brother or your Muslim sister. And we need to keep these a hadith. You know, in front of us, we really need to keep them in front of us.

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Now, the Hadith is the hottest of Abu hora de Allahu Allahu Akbar, Abu huraira, Allahu Akbar. He mentioned this hadith funny Sahih Muslim, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Yes to Abdullah Abdullah and cydonia in satara, who La Jolla malkia.

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The prophet SAW Selim said that Allah will cover up on the Day of Resurrection, the defects are the faults of the one who covers up the faults of the others in this world. You want Allah to cover up your faults, you want Allah to forgive you, your sins, your honor to pardon you be from amongst those who cover up the faults of other Muslims. Think about spreading them because of some personal vendetta, or because of some personal credit, the gratification or self gratification that you're going to get out of it. Okay, this is something that we need to remember, we all want Alaska jet to cover up our faults. We want Alaska gel to cover up our faults in the Hereafter, if that's what you

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want. And I'm sure that's what you want, learn and practice to the art and the skill of covering up the faults of other Muslims. Okay, so it's, it's something that Allah azza wa jal loves, Allah loves it when we cover up the faults of others. You know, you know, you remember when you were at school, you know, don't be a dhaba, you know, or a DB doctor or whatever we used to call it, okay, so, you know, don't go dobbing people in you know, why are we doing this there's a benefit we see. See how there's always an exception if there is a benefit in doing so. Yes, go ahead. But give people the benefit of the doubt. Give them a chance. Give them a chance just as Allah azza wa jal gives us

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chances to repent and to turn back to him.

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So let's pantalla if you are one from amongst those, who cover up the faults Allah of others, Allah gives you a matching Allah matches Allah you know matches the reward

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or matches your actions by rewarding you in the hereafter inshallah who Tyler

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Now there is another Hadith that mmm no Rahim Allah, Allah mentions, which is originally found the mahaya Muslim and it's the hadith of Abu huraira Allahu Allahu Allah also, and this hadith talks about the Mujahideen Umoja Hoon, okay, the Mujahideen, okay, those who

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openly talk about this sin. There are those people who actually suck out of proud they're proud that about what they did, or they openly expose their shortcomings or their faults. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said kulu mata mo alpha il al Mujahideen kulu mata masa Illa Mujahideen. He said that every one of my followers will be forgiven, except those who expose their wrongdoings. Allah forgives you. But if you go and openly expose your shortcoming and your sin and your wrongdoing, your wrongdoings Okay, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will not forgive you couldn't do Mata masa. So all every one of my followers will be forgiven, except those who openly who expose

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openly their wrongdoing wrongdoings.

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And then he goes on and he says an example of this is that of a man who commits a sin at night, who commits a sin at night which

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which Allah has covered for him. And in the morning, he would say to the people, I committed such and such scene last night, while Allah had kept it a secret during the night Allah has covered it up in the morning he tears up the cover provided by Allah Himself. Okay, so this type of person for him to do that he must have a lot of fear of Allah so is it for you to do something wrong? come and say yeah, I did that last night. There's a there's an issue. There's an issue with this person's fear of Allah azza wa jal and reverence of Allah azza wa jal

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and such a person normally does not repent from a sin.

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Because to openly say that you must have a quality

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Meaning that you don't repent. You don't have the fear of allies though. So this is the Hadith of the Mujahideen, those who openly expose since the lesson we learn here, that if you do commit a sin, keep it between you and Allah azza wa jal keep it between you Allah don't expose it, don't expose it. And however if for example, you want to know how to be cleansed of the sin, or what is the atonement, or what are the steps that you need to take to cleanse yourself of the sin, then my advice or the advice of the trilemma is going to be general to come up to a chef or a scholar and say, What is what should a person do in such in such a circumstance?

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What should a person do? Who has done such and such a thing? You're not obligated to say I did such and such a thing and how can I repent? You're not obligated to do that. Okay, so get into the habit of just speaking generally.

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The next Heidi's in another Hadith Mmm, no Rahim. Allahu taala. He mentioned in this chapter is about a man is about a man who drank intoxicants who drank some wine.

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This Hadith is Phantom Bukhari. And this hadith is the hadith of Abu hurayrah or the Allahu anhu. Okay, and then, who drank or drank wine was brought to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and the prophet SAW Allah while he was selling them, and he asked, and he is the process 76 of the Sahaba beat him,

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give him a bt for for what he has done. So some, some of some of them they struck him with their hands and some with a garments, making a whip, and some with a sandals. And when this drunkard person had gone, some of the people they said some of the people they began to curse him and they said May Allah disgrace you. May Allah disgrace you. Now keeping in mind that this person who was a drunkard who was a drunk person, he was a Muslim.

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Muslims commit wrongdoings not supposed to, but it happens we're not perfect. We're not prophets were not messengers. We're not MBA,

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okay. So, this person

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committed this sin of drinking, after he was beaten up and gone people accusing him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says let aku Hakka he said let akuto hakkoda lead to a lie shake on do not say do not say this.

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did not help the devil against him in his narration. The promises tell him say he is one that loves Allah. He loves Allah. He's a Muslim he says Allah Okay, so here the person selling is also pointing to his good points going to helping the shape on and making him worse. What do you want him to become a caffeine? You want him to be disgraced? Is that what you want? What are you perfect? He made a mistake. he'll receive a punishment for it he's received his punishment okay. And and now he has been atone for his punishment by way of this punishment of this of this way of you know them beating him

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So again, we don't want to help the show fun in making Muslim Muslim brothers and sisters any any enter into a more worse situation or case because at the end of the day, they are still Muslims. You know at the end of the day allows them a gel can forgive any sin that you commit any major sin is forgivable in Islam, except for sure that you die in a state of shift. You die in a state associating partners with allies of origin. Okay, you will not be forgiven for that. In the Lucha, Lucha Pharaoh I used to be he was a funeral Madonna, Danica Nemanja, that alone will not forgive that, that that partners be associated with him, but he will forgive whatever is apart from that. So

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even if a person commits major sins, he may be forgiven. He may be forgiven it's up to the Rachmat and the mercy and compassion of Eliza virgin.

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But I love does not forgive shift the United State of ship. So we should not write off a person. And that's it. He's a bad person and crucify him for life. Let's see, because he committed one wrong action. He made one mistake people change by the way, you know, some of the Sahaba work, you know, you know, the probably the worst of people prior to Islam, then they became the best of people. Can people change? Yes, people can change

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give people the benefit of the doubt. Give them a chance, no matter who they are, whether they are your children, whether your parents, whether they are friends, whoever they may be, give people a chance to change and change happens over time. It might not happen in a day or two or a week or two or a month, give people time to change and use different methods and shallow data and bringing about the change.

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So, this hadith as some scholars, they said that

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well, there are people who believe that there is no fixed punishment for a person who drinks alcohol. Because the professor said, I'm just allowed them to beat him up. Whatever they throw at him, whichever way they beat him up. There was no upper limit or lower limit, let's see until he went right. But later on, we learned that the prophesies send them he ordered for 40 lashes 40 lashes for such a punishment. Okay, so the more correct opinion and this was the case in the term of abubaker that if you were convicted of drinking alcohol, the prescribed punishment which is known as the had the had the prescribed punishment is 40 lashes in a slam for the one who drinks alcohol.

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That's if you are in a Muslim country, and the Muslim authority.

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You have been convicted of drinking alcohol. Okay, it's 40 lashes.

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And that was the case. During the time of perform homicides, lm and the case during summer bunker and during the early times of Omar, however, Omar later on, changed it to 80 lashes, how much changed to 80 lashes. Now, some scholars they said the reason why it's allowed for this to happen is because Omar is in is in a position of authority. And when you have a position of authority, you can increase the punishment or decrease the punishment as you see fit being in a state of authority. Okay.

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And, and it can be used on the fact that the process lm gave the punishment to that drunkard person, okay without limiting it, because he can he can he can do that. But the more correct opinion is that it's 40 it's 40 lashes and Allah subhanahu wa Tyler knows best. Now, the next chapter that mmm No, we were him a hula hoop Tyler, he mentioned is Babel, cada Hawa, age and muslimeen which is fulfilling the needs of the Muslims fulfilling the needs of the Muslims.

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And here he mentions a verse from the Quran Allah circle hedge was 77 lots of panel Tyler says, What final Hurrah La La come to play on what's a little higher, higher means goodness and do good that you may be successful, that you may be successful. And you may well know Rahim Allah who to Allah He mentioned a couple of Hadith here to deal with this chapter. And the first Hadees is the hadith of Eben Amar by the Allahu anhu man

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that is usually found the Bukhari and Muslim

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said I will Muslim and Muslim a whole Muslim that is a Muslim is the US is the brother of another Muslim. So, you know, we all know

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about you know, your biological brother and your biological sister, your siblings in how do you feel towards them, you know, you you know, you help them out, you cover up for them, you have their back, you know, all those things, you know that you do for them. Okay.

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So, so the process Selim wants us to be like that with our brother from another mother, or our sister from another Mister, okay? Allah azza wa jal wants us to be like that with him. Okay. So,

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the prophet SAW Selim is a Muslim, Muslim, lay of the moho while you slim who He said He needs a wrong team know that he handed over to one who does him wrong.

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And then he goes on and he says, Man can if he has a fee, man can he has if he if he can allow houfy Hagerty woman for Raja and muslimin quarterbacks and serve Raj Allahu anhu Bihar Kuru baton min Cora Bo mo pm woman cetara Muslim and satara hula who Yeoman Kiana if anyone fulfills his brothers needs, Allah will fulfill his needs.

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If one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection. And if anyone covers up a Muslim, he says Allah will cover up his sins on the Day of Resurrection. How beautiful is this hadith when you help out your Muslim brother or your Muslim sister and you interact

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See, and you come in and you help them out. And you help them, you know, overcome their dilemmas and their hardships, and you make life easier for them, Allah will make your life easier. And Allah will make you here after easier. So for all those people who make it difficult on people who make it difficult on the Muslim brother or the Muslim sister, what we say to them, you've got it wrong. It's about making it easy, and not difficult on people.

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Not making things difficult. If you know, for example, you know, you have a brother or a sister that is in need, and they're going through a tough time, come in and intercede and help them out, help them overcome this dilemma that they're in. And we're lucky, you will feel happy. And I'll make you happy in this life and allies that will make you happy, more importantly, in the hereafter when you need that happiness and you need that help you need that aid. So let us not be selfish. Let us always continue to be selfless. Let us always help others not be an obstacle. It's so sad being an obstacle. You know, especially sometimes we have for example, we have sometimes, you know, two

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people that want to get married to one another.

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Okay, we have two people who want to get married to each other. And they're compatible. And they love one another. And the person has good deed, the brother has good deed, the brother has good. The sister has good deal. Okay, everything is ready. But the parents, for example, they say no, we don't want to marry them off Why? Or he's not from he's not from our village, or he's not from our culture. He's not from our country. He's not a doctor, he doesn't have X amount of, of income, you know, coming in. Okay, so what do they do, they act as obstacles, and they make it very hard for these two people to get married. Okay, this is not the way that Islam has taught us. We need to make

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the things easier on people not be making things hard on people. And during the time of Omar, Ahmad, Allahu Allah, he heard of a story about two people who loved each other. And he wanted to be with each other. But, you know,

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because they were from different tribes are from different clans or what have you, if people were making it very difficult for them to be with each other. Right? So then,

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so then Omar says, He said, If I was around, if I was around during that time, I would have done everything in my power to get them together. That's what Islam teaches us. Islam teaches us to be considerate of other people's feelings, okay, to help each other, to be there for each other,

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to fulfill the needs and that's why even though he titled this chapter, fulfillment, for the fulfilment of fulfilling the needs of the Muslims, that's what we want inshallah to Island.

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So, in the next Hadees, he mentioned the similar Hadith is the hadith of Abu huraira. The Allahu anhu originally found the second Muslim,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said he he removed from a believer, one of these difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of these troubles and above resurrection, and he who finds relief from a hard pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him on the direction and he who covers up the faults in the sins of a Muslim, Allah will cover up his faults and sins in, in this world and in the hereafter.

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Allah supports his slave, as long as the slave is supportive of his brother, and he treads the path in search of knowledge. A law makes that path easy, leading to Agenda for him. The people who assemble in one of the houses of Allah reciting the book of Allah, learning it and teaching their descends upon them, the tranquility and mercy covers them, the angels flock around them. And Allah mentions them in the presence of those near him. And he who lags behind in doing good deeds, his noble lineage will not make him go ahead. Saudis is talking about many beautiful traits that a Muslim should have. But remember, now we are him allowed to Allah He mentioned that because of the

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phrase that he he removes from a believer, one of his difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of these troubles on the 12 resurrection. And he who finds relief from a hard press person, Allah will make things easy for him on the Day of Resurrection. So it's about you know, going invade and getting your hands dirty and really working in a working with the Muslim brothers and sisters. And that's what that's the promise I sent him. He said what he

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said now you know how to combat that your head buddy I think he may have said that none of you are true believers until you love until you wish for your brother what you love for yourself. It's about time you know that many Muslims are stopped in being selfish and really start working together as one big team is one big family inshallah hota Island.

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The next chapter that you may not remember know him, Allah, Allah, he mentioned and this is the last chapter that I want to conclude with is Babel. shefa. Babel scheifele. shefa means intercession. Okay, interceding.

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And he had he mentioned a moment ago we mentioned that the verse from the Quran from sooth and he said, is truth. And he said, verse 85, a loss of power to Allah says, men Yes, fat shafaq and her senecan Jaco Laguna, cbrne minha. that whoever, that whoever intercedes for a good cause will have a reward there off you will get part of that reward.

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And he mentioned a hadith the Hadith that is found the Bukhari and Muslim narrated by Abu Musab al Sharia law, one law, that whenever a needy person would come to the prophet SAW Selim, he would turn to those who are present and say, if you make intercession for him, you will be rewarded.

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You will be rewarded.

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The next had he said, Mm hmm. Allahu taala. Included is an interesting Hadith. It's the hadith of movies and Barrera now, movies in Berea were to was slaves. And Barrera was the murderer was the the slave of artichoke a loved one. And one day, he said, Allahu Allah emancipated her, he set her free. Sorry, she set her free. And

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I'll just go through the Hadith and then expand on it.

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So it's the heaviness of urban adverse or the level underreported in connection with the case of buddy Laura Adela, who and her and her husband, the process, lm said to her, it is better for you to go back to your husband, she asked a messenger of Allah, do you automated through so he replied, I only intercede. She then said I have no need for him. Now what happened? movies, movies, he loved her. He loved Barrera. Okay. But when Barrera was set free, she has now the choice to either stay with her husband, because they're slaves or, or just to move on from him. Now movies,

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the process lm came to know about movies, and how much movies passionately loved barrier.

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And so

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the prophet SAW Selim, he wanted to do goodbye movies. So he comes to a barrier. And he says, and he says to her, you know, how about you take back movies? Why don't you go back with him? You know, he loves you. He cares for you. He really wants you. And she says to the process, Selim, are you commanding me or are you ordering me? Or are you just interceding?

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You see, because if the professor Selim is ordering her to take him back, I'm not gonna argue the process.

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Because Islam teaches us submission and surrender to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah.

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So if that's what Islam says, if that's what you're saying, a messenger of Allah, then I'll take him back. But if you only interceding, it's just intercession. You know, you're trying to get us back. And that's what because of what Maurice wants, then I don't have any needs for him. I don't want to get back with him. He said, Well, I'm just interceding.

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But what do we learn from this Hadith, the importance of interceding that you know, someone, for example, a husband and wife, for example, who are separated, or who are going through some, you know, marital hardships, and you know, that you can make a contribution that will help this relationship, then make a contribution, or, you know, someone that can help bringing the services of that person that's how that's what, that's what's important here. So, interceding, interceding, coming in and helping your Muslim brothers and your Muslim sisters inshallah hutan. And so, this was the story of movies and the body Barrera

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and, and the, the, the chapter of intercession of scheifele. In shallow today, we went through three main areas, or three main topics, or three topics from the other side when we went

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through the topic of

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covering the force of the Muslims. So covering the faults of your Muslim brother and your sister, unless you see there is a need not to do so. And there's a good outcome out of it.

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We went and looked at the fulfillment of the needs of the Muslims fulfilling the needs of your Muslim brother and your Muslim sister. And we looked at intercession and shall we ask Allah azza wa jal to benefit us from what we have learned and what we have heard. And we ask Allah Subhana to accept our righteous deeds into greater sincerity and this loss in everything that we do inshallah, to Allah.

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Allah to Allah alum or sallallahu wasallam. What Baraka Island a beginner Muhammad

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