Bilal Assad – Enjoining Good & Forbidding Evil – Part 1 of 2

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary ©
The importance of pursuing a passionate pursuit of religion for spiritual health is emphasized in the segment. The speakers discuss the rise of Islam in Apopka and the need for people to be advised on how to express themselves through social media. guidelines and behaviors related to religion, including dressing up and not disclosing personal information, are also emphasized. The importance of avoiding harm in publicity, avoiding false accusations, and avoiding confusion is emphasized. The segment also touches on the title "Okay" in Islam, its portrayal of actions and legends, and its use in praying and commanding.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So brothers and sisters, as we always do in the beginning, the state of our brothers, sisters and Philistine has not stopped. Although the media has calmed down and people are starting to find it difficult to share information. It's being censored. We do not forget. So let's begin with the diet for them along the circle and NFE Philistine, well I'll give victory to our brothers and cousins and Philistine, Oh Allah, save them and take them out of their misery. Oh Allah, give them victory against their enemy, Oh Allah, Oh Allah stop and oppose their enemies, stop them in their tracks and give mercy to those who have passed away among them. The Muslims and the the oppressed and the

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victims may Allah subhanho wa Taala make the children among them among the birds of paradise and are waiting for them in Jannah. My last point, I'll admit the martyrs into the ranks of the martyrs and the righteous and the prophets, I ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive our shortcomings, and to assist us against this oppression. Brothers and sisters, it doesn't stop you keep being making awareness, it is not time to be cowardice or to be lazy about it or to give up we always make up for them. We protest whatever we can. We talk about it wherever we can we share information as much as we can, within our ability. Smilla rahmanir rahim.

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And now, I want to begin a topic, which I think is very important for our community.

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And it's something that

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can be sensitive as well. But it's very important to talk about very important to guide my Muslim brothers and sisters.

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So the topic about enjoying what is right and forbidding what is wrong.

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The reason I chose the topic is because I found a lot of our brothers and sisters, especially, although they're very sincere. And as they get more religious.

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This topic

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is not really well known to them.

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they get a little bit misguided in how to apply it. And so I have seen some of them

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turn what is meant to be good to worse.

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And they may have caused unity into disunity. They may have turned people away from the religion rather than bring them closer.

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So I want to talk about this topic in a little bit of detail.

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But first, I want to say a motivational word to you all. Since I've just come back from the UK and we haven't had a class for a while. Please invite your friends to come to the mosque,

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invite them to come and listen.

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Even if the topic is not interesting, or they know it. There's something else about coming to a gathering like this here or anywhere not just my talk anyone could be another speaker here, even for GMAT, or whatever it is.

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there are people out there who find it very hard.

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mentally, emotionally, they're struggling, they're lonely,

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they feel isolated, some of them

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are quite sad and they don't know how to get out of certain problems. So being with the community and being gatherings like this has a very positive effect on your spirituality your mindset your heart and just your general well being.

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So listen to what the Prophet peace be upon him said the Hadith ism Sahih Muslim and its meanings also in the Quran of course, that the Prophet peace be upon him said

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Well Mr. Ma Coleman forbade him member Utila

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not, there isn't a single gathering of people whenever they gather in one of the houses of Allah.

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A masjid for example, your clue and our Kitab Allah, they recite the book of Allah or they study the book of Allah waiata Dara, sunnah who FEMA they know him and they study among themselves, meaning they talk about the teachings of the Quran, like what we're doing now. Or you recite it together by sitting in circles or someone's teaching you or you're listening. Whatever it is in the masjid in learners Allah Tala hemas Sakina except that peace and tranquility descends upon them you start feeling that beautiful sense of serenity and peace in that gathering. Well, her she had toma Rama and mercy encompasses them you actually feel it

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the mercy of brotherhood the mercy of see

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stood the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala making you feel it will have fat woman Mala ICA and the angels surround them and spread their wings until they reach the sky. Where the cuddle hormone Allahu Fiamma and ainda and Allah mentions those people, among his angels

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with him. In another Hadith in Bukhari, he says that there are a group of angels who roam the knights, and the days and these angels, their mission is to look for wherever there are groups of gathering, where they remember ALLAH together, where they learn about their Deen together where they have come together, to praise Allah to remember Allah it's called zikr such as reciting Quran

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coming together to Say Subhan, Allah Alhamdulillah Allah Allah Allah Allah reminding one another, talking about the hereafter Allah the deen

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except that when they find them, they surround them and they extend their wings. And then after that, they, Allah subhanaw taala asks them, where were you even though he knows and they see our OB, we were at one of your groups of your servants. And he says What the What were they doing while he knows they will say that they were making despair Subhanallah glorifying you praising you, saying Leila Illa Allah remembering you together.

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And he says,

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and what do they want, even though he knows what they want? And they say they want paradise and your forgiveness?

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He said, What if they were have they seen paradise? They say no. says What if they were to see it? They say if they were to see it, they would work for it more intensely.

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And it says what else? They say they gathered for your sake out of your love? Who says And have they ever seen me? And they say no yada. And Allah says to them, what if they were to see me? And they say if they were to see your job, their worship and the intensity of the obedience and worship to you will be multiplied beyond measure said on what are they seeking refuge in? Or do they? Is there something they're afraid of? And they say yes, Yara, it is hellfire.

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It says what if they were to see it? Have they seen how far they said? No. They say no. And then he says, What if they were to see Hellfire they reply, if they were to see hellfire, they will be more intensely striving to do everything to stay away from it.

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And then Allah says to them, bear witness that I have bestowed My pleasure upon them. And I have granted them Paradise, and I have saved them from the fire. That will not say that if they were to die that day or that night, that's what they get. Then an angel says, Oh my Lord, there was a person who entered upon that gathering. He wasn't part of that gathering. But he had a worldly matter with someone. So for example, he came in because let's say you had some wealth owing to someone in that gathering or some business, but he sat down a distance waiting. And Allah says, and I count him as part of the gathering.

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And then Allah says homeowners Jolla, sir, oh, la Yosh, ca b him jelly. So these are the real gatherings. These are the gatherings Allah loves. These are the real gatherings and their companions who are associated with them. Even if you're sitting aside and you're coming in for something, you're just waiting. They are blessed by their gatherings. So the angels encompass even the person who comes in,

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had some business with someone and waits. You're part of that gathering. So the gatherings of remembrance of Allah are the best gatherings.

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Having said this, brothers and sisters, I now move on to my topic. First of all, I quote a verse from the Quran is an introduction ALLAH SubhanA wa Allah says in surah earlier Imran our bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim, Golden Dome,

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methane or chlorine gentilin Sita Munna been in Mountain View, we're done have we now needed him

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carrying with me no, never been.

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You went out the best people brought forth for the guidance and reform of mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and you believe in Allah.

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From this verse brothers and sisters, let us analyze a few things. First and foremost, Allah subhanaw taala praises the nation and Ummah, the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it is no fool you're not praise them based on their ethnicity or their gender, or what color or group they belong to. So Muslims are not just Arabs. They praises them for three things. Number one, the fact that by following the messenger Muhammad Salah sentences

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The Messenger of Allah, they enjoin

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others in doing good wherever they see an opportunity to help people reform for the better, to advise people to develop and do goodness. And wherever they see an opportunity to do projects, for example, or work together on establishing some program, which helps people improve and change their ways to better and they call to that which pleases Allah and that which is good for people, whether it's universal values, or Islamic values, anything that is good,

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this ummah is favored because of that, and they are favored also for

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forbidding what is wrong, they forbid what is wrong

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on anything that is universally accepted, such as oppression and injustice. And they come together to voice their words and to physically work together to stop it, whether collectively or individually, and they forbid evil, where they can for people around them individually, their families, their friends, the community, wherever they can. And the third quality is that they also believe in Allah, meaning they are sincere, they do it for the sake of Allah. They don't do it out of pride or attention or seeking any

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material gain. They truly want Allah's pleasure. And by believing in Allah, it means that they look at themselves before they look at others. They practice what they preach as much as they can. And if they make the wrong, they try to improve themselves as well. They are genuine, sincere people who are wise, believe in Allah and will only do things in a way that Allah is pleased with.

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So these are three qualities that make you the best of nations, any nation which calls to good and prohibits evil, rises above other nations. That's where the value is.

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and the tone of this verse, is not a turn of a law making you a judge over people. It's not telling you, you command good and prohibit evil in the literal sense, meaning you go around every little thing that you see someone doing wrong, you act like a police officer, or a judge, or an authority, whether it's in public, in private,

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or on social media.

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Allah is not giving you and me and authority and judgment over people,

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but a goodness of wanting good for others and to help the community individuals to get better in the most wisest and good way with genuine intentions.

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It means helping and advising the community you live in and individuals you interact with is what the scholars said wherever you can, and wherever there is a good cause, to change bad to good, good to better and minimize the bad. It can be done on a collective level or individual level. For example, helping someone improve on something stopping someone from committing a wrong act against someone else or against themselves. Teaching educating, writing discussing can be done by action and behavior. For example, if talking is not good role modeling, in a gathering and a public speech, through a second or third party, you might go to the Imam and say Imam there are people who come to

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the masjid they're very bad to their parents, there are people still not praying there are people who are dishonest in their trade. There are people who are like this and they they maybe can give a public hopper and eat mangoes a hookah without exposing or pointing at anybody. It's called wisdom and goodness, that's Command and good and preventing evil depending on the need for right, or the seriousness of the wrong.

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Different approaches are needed from

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big intensities such as protests and even physical action if needed. And some are not wise to say or do anything at all, depending on the situation and harm versus the benefit, clarity versus ambiguity of the of the situation, and knowledge versus ignorance of the situation. All of this comes within the guidelines and the wisdom of enjoying that which is right and forbidding that which is wrong commanding that which is good, and prohibiting that which is wrong. My brothers and sisters, what is the ruling among the scholars about prohibiting what is wrong and in joining what is right.

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They said that majority of them said that this is a collective obligation not on every single individual. Not every single individual has to at all times, command good and prohibit evil in all circumstances. It's a collective thing. It's called an

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Arabic followed Keifa an obligation that if a group of the community do it, the others don't have to do it. So long as there's something happening about certain topics as they are needed, the rest don't have to take on. And I'll give you an example of something that is really a put off. So social media has opened the door for anybody and anyone good and bad, knowledgeable or ignorant,

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egotistical or genuine, whatever they are,

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to just type whatever they want.

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And what caused me to talk about this topic are a few things. So I don't know if you've seen Alhamdulillah Hamdulillah. With the rise of the current events in Palestine, it's prompted a lot of people to look into Islam, non Muslims. We talked about this last time. And I've seen a few times where they've come up on social media saying that they've become Muslims, and they want to talk about their journey, and how beautiful Islam is.

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But unfortunately, as after a few weeks, we've seen the same people come up on social media crying.

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When I first converted or reverted to Islam, they're crying out of happiness. I was so disheartened to see them posting that they are crying

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out of disappointment

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against to disappointment with the Muslim community.

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These people come to talk about their Deen they still knew. They don't know the whole religion, or maybe they know some things but they're slowly step by step getting better. They have the uncircumcised says we don't know.

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And you find I've seen some of them comments.

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100 comments after each other over the span of one day or two days, everyone's saying the same thing. If they're a sister, your hijab, your makeup, your lips, your eyes, your dress, appearing on social media, you've got music in the background. Don't say that say this. Alright, one person says another person says it third person's at 200 Everyone's saying the same thing.

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If it's a brother, again, brother, you should get rid of those tattoos. Brother Go and get laser brother do this. And you got all sorts of different and some advices are really not even true. For example, it doesn't have to get rid of the tattoos.

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It doesn't. That's in the past. In fact your interviewer and probably harm him or her laser therapy can cause cancer. So you've got to get advice from doctors. Yet you see some muscles coming up acting like super Muslims Masha Allah and they think that they're advising them in a good way.

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Some of them they might come up with steal an earring or or a nose ring. Don't wear a nose ring, you're almost there just converted maybe a week ago.

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Even some of the whole Muslim, we don't know the circumstances they come up they want to do a good deed on social media. Unless it's something really really openly wrong and bad. We can advise them we're going to talk about how we do it. But you see what I mean? Over and over again.

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you don't bring people closer you deter them like that.

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And that is why Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, Udo Isla Sevilla Rebecca will Hekmati one more a little Hasina. Call to the path of your LORD with Wisdom

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and with godly advice.

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What does wisdom mean in Arabic Bill hikma? It means to place an action or word in its right place. Reflect ask seek advice, when is the right time to say what and to whom?

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Or is it the right time? Or should we or should we not? What are the why should we do it? You need advice then just jump there. So one of my favorite elhassan means what is godly advice. The godly advice is what would make that person feel better, or learn more and not make the situation worse. I can give you one major problem with advising people on social media or in a gathering. One major problem is whenever Just look at yourself if somebody advised you in front of someone else.

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Or they took or they advised you alone. And there's someone who really knows you, for example, which one are you more likely to take the advice from the person who advise you in front of others, or the person who found a good time and maybe even chose a good friend to approach you in a way where you're not put on the spot?

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Of course in private, and even then in private who is the one that's going to advise them? They might turn around and say I don't know you? Why are you advising me bro? They're not going to understand.

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So you got to have wisdom and good luck.

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advice what would make things better not worse.

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Imam Shafi Have you all heard of Imam Shafi? When a great Imams, he wrote a poem. He says I'm Madani buenos HIQA Ben ferati

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approached me with your advice alone to the site

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was your nickname nasiha Hatha field Gemma it avoid advising me in front of others for in must have been a nursing nowhere on

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advising in public in front of others is one type

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Minato btw la stma one type of humiliation and degradation which I do not want to listen to

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for in high left any while site accordingly if you disagree or you disobey what I'm telling you right now fill out Thirza either alum Tata to it, then don't go complaining and chucking a fit. If I don't listen to you or want to hear what you have to say. The point is, don't advise people in public

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and also see whether the device is good sometimes you might spare them just because you're quite DM someone they just keep spamming them until they just get sick of it.

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That is why Allah says in the Quran, about the from Ibrahim Ali Salam and the children of Israel with Moses and others they said are up benna Allah Johanna fitna, Lila Xena CAFO our Lord did not make us a fitna

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a problem and a mischief or a corruption for those who disbelieve another verse for those who believe. Meaning do not make us a cause by our actions and our sayings to deter those who disbelieve away from Islam, or to look at Muslims in a negative light and give them a justification. Do not make us a cause to just give them a justification to attack us in our religion.

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We told you these guys look at them, all they do is attack each other. If their religion was right, they would be united. Now I might as well stay a Christian I might as well stay an atheist I might as well stay a Jew I might as well stay or whatever, we're better off. That's what it means when in Medina and also Democrats fitna to those who believe meaning muslim meaning but between each other. A person may be on the verge of getting better in a den or not. And they look up to certain scholars and Shetland, they see people fighting Muslims over each other. This one is cancelling out that one that one is saying this one's a deviant. And that one's the misguided person and not one Don't

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listen to him. And this one's uh, blah, blah, blah, blah and listens or whatever, over fighting like this, deterring people away when their intention was to try and protect people. But instead it's deterring people this person might say, Man, I'm just I'm really just trying to, I'm just trying to pray the physical right now. And then I'm trying to figure out whether Allah exists. I got issues, man, I've got problems in here I'm seeing. These are religious people. They're more, they've got more anxiety than me. They got more fights than I had with my mates, I might as well just go there before I go in the deep end here. That's and brother, you know, me, I've been in dollar for a long

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time and Hamdulillah. And I've spoken to a lot of the deities that, you know, that have been in this scene. And what we learnt along the way is that this approach is turning people away and causing more disunity and deterring young people from coming closer. We don't want to do that.

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So for that for those of us who have humbler carry this religion, and we've been honored with the Quran, we need to approach it and teach it in a way that Rasul salAllahu alayhi wa sallam used to teach it. Whenever someone came to the Prophet peace be upon him, and told him about someone or a group that is doing something wrong. He would never mentioned their names. He would not point to them, he would not even make it. Even hint who is talking about? In fact, he's to get up on the member and he would talk to everybody as a community. And he would say,

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my bad or awkward aquarium and your following acha acha Why do I hear that there are some people doing this or that and he would say it so carefully. So as nobody would even know who is talking about the maker general and public. If you really want Darwin you really want to improve the situation and turn people towards Allah subhanaw taala you would always be very careful reflected ask for advice in what is the best approach and if you can't find it, don't do it, because you might be causing more harm than good.

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So brothers and sisters,

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I want to go through this.

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I want you to understand something else. And this is directed to us as Muslims living in the modern time. And most of us in the Muslim world or in the Western world. Some

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Speak in English, therefore I'm talking to the majority of the Muslims are living in the Western world. When you give Dawa and you want to command good and prohibit evil,

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you've got to understand the society and the modern world that you live amongst, and then approach it accordingly. You do remember that in the Quran, Allah constantly tells us about the prophets he sent in history, each type of people they were sent to, they had different norms, different customs, different mindsets, different moods. So he would send the prophets and messengers in the language of his own people, what does it mean in the language not it doesn't mean literally just their language, like Chinese or Arabic, know, in the language means in the way they understand,

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in the same con, in the same customs mindset, in the same

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approach, that they like to be approached or would listen, so he would understand His people. That's why since some prophets will be harsh, others were softer, others were eloquent, others were straight to the point, there was some of them who would approach them through other means others direct talking, and so on.

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For the children of Israel, for example, they had to send two probes at the same time, one soft, one, stern, more Sally's and Mr. Stern, and her own allies salaam was soft, they needed both. So we need to understand Saudi will live in and mostly in the West brothers, sisters, whether we like it or not.

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The modern world,

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they will agree that you need to stand up together and oppose any thing that is universally unjust. So anything that harms anyone else, and Hamdulillah, as you can see in a protest, so many Muslims and non Muslims stand up together with this common cause against injustice of what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Isn't that right? But when it comes to individuals in the modern society, individuals don't like being approached. If you try to come and tell them about right or wrong, Muslim or non Muslim, they're gonna tell you, what's it to you, mate? What's it to you? That's my personal life, who are you to come and tell me that I'm supposed to do this or not do that mind your

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own business.

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Now, you can sit there keep fighting and protesting and making posts about it and making little gatherings about how wrong it is. Or you can sit there and say, This is the reality, this is the situation you can't cheat. That's the society you live in. Find out what is a better approach.

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I've been a teacher for nearly 20 years of Hamdulillah. And I've educated young people, some of you are here among us, isn't that right? And I've seen them grow, and go into society. I was born here as well. I studied overseas, but I was born here, I was raised here. I understand this community in this society. And hamdulillah we've been involved in Dawa in all walks of life, all different religions.

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Ask people who have experienced with people. And I can tell you brothers and sisters, don't fight it that way. The Muslims, like the palm tree, you lean with the wind, you're smart, you're intelligent. We grab books, we learn about emotional intelligence, we grab books, we learn about the art of how to communicate, grab books about management and business. See how for example, a manager talks to his or her employees, what is the best way of being a leader. And now take that and use it in your data. Use it in your obligation, wherever it is, where you can help advise someone good, and advice somewhat stay away from bad use that use the art of emotional intelligence and communication styles.

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The pre modern world of our scholars of our great scholars said some amazingly wise things. But not we cannot take all of their method anymore, because their method was appropriate for their time.

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They used to have allele Alpha. They used to have an Islamic state with a caliph a caliphate where they had literally territories and empires of Islam that ruled in accordance with the Sharia. So their commanding of prohibiting a good and evil was on a higher level than else today. You can't do the same as what they did. So why am I saying there's some religious people who would humbly get more knowledgeable, they go to the traditional books, and that's excellent. But they try they don't know how to take that and apply it in the modern world.

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So that's an art Dawa is an art.

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So if you know that somebody is like that, and we live in a society where people don't like to be told or approached, then we're going to find a different approach.

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I have neighbors who are non Muslim

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and mine

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I have a right next to me. We had four different neighbors that shifted and changed their houses.

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Each one of them by the will of Allah.

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We gave them Dawa.

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But how did we give them now?

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I don't remember much conversation about religion with them.

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I remember normal conversation and behavior and actions, they would see us the same if for example, dress like this, say my mother and sisters in the hijab, aide would come would do things I would share with them. We talk to them with smile to them, we give presents to the children.

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Events came along such as COVID We spoke about it. And every opportunity as I got closer, I would chuck in a few

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verses from the Quran without them realizing I'd say in our religion, we don't do this. We do that and it generates discussion. As you can see brothers sisters.

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Dawa is not only one way.

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First, understand the people you're talking to.

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Same goes with your family, with your friends with Muslims at the mosque with Muslims in your neighborhood Muslims that Islamic organizations with sheriffs and Imams, anybody,

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be careful and take a step back and realize okay, what's the best approach? How can I advise?

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So I'm going to talk quickly about two parts about commending good and prohibiting evil or in joining good and forbidding what enjoying what is right and forbidding what is wrong? The two parts are easing sha Allah for us to go by number one I called the rules and conditions what are the rules of enjoying good and prohibiting the wrong and number two, the etiquette and manners, the mannerism of how to approach it. So what are the guidelines?

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The second one are the mannerisms all from the Quran and Sunnah. Do you want to follow the Sunnah,

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then let's go. The best person is a de de Allah. And a DI is an art an expertise in education and knowledge. Number one, I'll say quickly the 10 rules and guidelines and the 10 etiquettes and mannerisms quickly and then I'll explain or discuss each one briefly. Number one, the 10 rules and guidelines in

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in joining that which is right and prohibiting what is wrong number one, you must be knowledgeable about that matter which you are about to command good or prohibit evil. Number two, you need to approach it in priority. You got to prioritize what to approach and what not to approach what's more important than another. So prioritize. Number three, you must make sure that it does not lead to a greater bed a greater wrong by preventing a wrong will it lead to a bigger wrong. If it leads to a bigger wrong, you do not change it. Number four, you must be aware of the background circumstances and norms of the people individuals before advising or opposing. Number five.

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There are situations where the good and the bad are mixed, such as coming to a mosque and finding that people are praying five times a day. But you notice within their prayers, they're doing some wrong actions or there's some wrong things around and when they're mixed. What do we do in that situation? Number six scholarly differences of opinion do not fall under commanding good and prohibiting evil, scholarly difference of opinion. Such as when people follow a different school of thought, or you know that there's a difference of opinion among scholars, you do not command good and prohibit evil in this case, you can talk together and discuss but not commanding good and

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prohibiting evil. Number seven, the wrong that you are advising about has to be public knowledge has to be done in public meaning the person who's doing the wrong, it's a public thing, not private, meaning you don't go spying on them and prying on them to find out and then give them advice. Number eight, the wrong that you are trying to change is in the present, not in the past. You don't go and try to

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prohibit the evil of something that's already in the past in your mind this person you keep going at it. It's gone now, number nine, choosing the best time to command good and evil and number 10 avoid passing judgment on the person whether then, or later on. Now we go to the 10 etiquettes and mannerisms. The approach number one, you must approach it with number one sincerity. You have to be more or less sincere and genuine for the sake of Allah. You're not

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Pulling up for superiority or egotistic gains, or narcissistic gains or, or control or because of your low self esteem, you want to say that so that you can feel like in controlling someone else has to be sincere for the sake of Allah, really wanting the best for them. Number two, you got to be patient, you're not allowed to sit there and getting angry and upset because they didn't listen to you. It's no longer sincere, you got to be patient, and you got to find the right ways don't give up very quickly. Number three, conveying Do not judge the very two different things convey Do not judge. Number four, you must not expose the person. If it's an individual

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or a

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particular group, if it's not that serious, and there are two types, you must not expose that person at the time you give them the advice or after you give them that advice. Okay, we're gonna go through that. Number

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five, you must approach it with gentleness and kindness. Do not shove it down their throats do not engage in fruitless argumentations with them. Then there is humbleness you approach it with humbleness for the sake of Allah, you don't approach it like you're better than others.

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Number six work on improving yourself in practicing what you preach. Number seven, avoid a gathering avoid a gathering engaging wrongfulness until they reengage in something good again. Number eight. I think number nine accept advice from others just as you advise others and number 10 seeking support and advice from those you trust in advising others so you have to seek advice from other people say how do I approach this bro? Can you give me an advice? What do you reckon? Should I do it? Should I not get advice? So let's go through them quickly a discussion part one rules and guidance knowledgeable. I want to spend a few minutes on this knowledgeable

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Imam and Noah we divided it into two types. He says knowledge is divided into two types clear common knowledge which everybody knows such as you shouldn't drink alcohol, such as murder, such as betrayal such as cheating in business such as dishonesty, everybody knows them.

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Number two expert knowledge only scholars are allowed to speak about expert knowledge many people love to go and read a booklet and they jump on to talking about expert knowledge differences of opinion different are clear and he heard the names of this the name of that this is not your place brothers and sisters. This is for the scholars to speak if they don't speak you don't speak. In fact you shouldn't speak.

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Even Tamia in his book L is the karma says la Mora Bill Maher. Oh fu N. Yeah, Motorola Moto filiana and in the manconi, Ilam and Kirner. For clear and female Yep, moral behavior clean and female Yun Han a person should not command or prohibit evil unless they are well versed and knowledgeable in what they are committing what they are prohibiting.

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And you are not permitted to commend good and prohibit evil on religious matters that you assume to be the right way. You go and read a book and then you come up with a conclusion. That's the religious verdict. Then you start going advising and commanding rebutting others based on your personal assumption, or your personal judgment. without help from the scholars, you make that judgment, or your cultural customs. Some people they advise other people on religious grounds when they don't know that it's actually their customer and culture.

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Or your own scholars or school of thought. You have one or two scholars that you follow the others they follow other scholars they follow other schools of thought but no, you insist with a right you're the wrong command and prohibiting on these grounds. You got to be very careful with them brother says unless it's very, very clear, and then you do it with very

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sound and respectful ways. I was

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praying in the UK as Imam they wish I stood the moment the Michelle were behind and they asked me to pray

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nothing special. We're all equal 100 Allah but they asked me to pray him. So on social media, we had people who were saying to me even here at the mosque, for example, they're saying wear a hat.

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I've got to wear a turban or I think they call it toppie or something like that. I think a name like that. Now I understand where they're coming from. And I had even a letter come to the mosque saying make sure that he wears a cap even when he goes to the toilet, even when he sleeps. Whenever he's facing people I have people who say Brother What are you teaching the youngsters you're not wearing caps, you should be practicing sooner.

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Now it's okay don't get upset it that's fine. We get this all the time. But here's the thing, when I reply, and I try to explain from grounded knowledge from long, the only years of study and training with scholars and mache of talking about these concepts and these issues

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they still won't accept it and they continue you are doing wrong you are doing wrong. These are matters which are not clear cut, and sometimes they don't understand that there is a customer and culture involved. So for example, in certain customers and cultures they wear turbans in others they don't some they wear the long hats on the short at some don't wear anything. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam wore a turban and a cap on his head, not because it was a religious sunnah, but it was a customary culture of the Arabs. He was an Arab who wore like the Arabs, Abuja hurlan. Abu Lahab also wore for example, the turban and the cap just like the Muslims, they'll be fighting on the

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battlefield near wearing the same. He wore it before he became a cent as a prophet and afterwards and he wore one time a Roman cloak and another time he wore a Persian cloak.

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And there Kuffar the disbelievers. Why to show diversity, but it's also awesome once didn't wear anything on his head. How do we know because the Hadith where he described that he is the part his hair in the middle. So he certainly didn't wear it every time when he went to sleep and went and come into the bathroom and everything. And people don't know the difference between sunnah that is religious and Sunnah that is not religious. So the practice of the property that I sell them are in two types, the ones that are religious, they become part of the religion and the ones that are either based on customs, traditions or personal likes. For example, the Prophet peace be upon him

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did not like eating lizard meat.

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call it an invalid once came the hadith is Sahih Muslim the or I think one of the other six books, it's authentic and Commonweal. It came in eating lizard meat, and he approached the protests and prompts to sell them said no, no, I'm not used to that in my upbringing. How I grew up I don't eat that so and of course I was sad and didn't like it. So he moved away while hug No, and it kept eating the lizard and the prophets Allah Selim was watching him. He did not forbid him nor command him, which means it's okay. Now, if I sit there and say, you should not eat lizard meat,

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out of love for the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you were practicing the Sunnah. Am I allowed to say that? No. That has nothing to do with a religious sunnah. The Prophet peace be upon him like the color white and green.

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This is not a religious sunnah. Allah did not convey that to the Prophet and say tell the Muslims that believes this is part of their religion.

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From science, I'm like pumpkin soup. That's his personal desire. He liked the shoulder of a LAN nobody's gonna say if you love the Prophet eat the shoulder of a lamb.

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So brothers and sisters

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who were in Izzat I had some people say you can't hold a microphone while you're praying. Amen. One of them said your prayer is invalid SubhanAllah. Now I know for certain that this person is either ignorant or probably has been told something and hasn't really studied it. I can tell because that's also our Salem Imam Abdullah Humbert stays authentic. It is also our sentiments the way he is odd while he's in prayer, he would move it like this and we're around him. He would fix his turban and wrap it around him as he is already in solid. He carried on mama the young boy or is in solid and picked him up. So that if there is a need in Salah to move around in a certain way, then it's okay.

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Carrying a microphone. You know, I had to go through a lot. We had the stand. And I could carry it with my hand. They go would you like the standard before we started praying? I said no, I'll carry it.

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With the mangoes at the back. It says he's going to have problems.

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People are going to oppose him.

00:43:36 --> 00:44:10

They will 5000 people behind me the microphone, you had to put your mouth really close. I already tested it before. Now to me that was distracting. Because when I go down and up, I have to move my head and I have to get close like this enough to move away. That means I've got more movements inside the more distractions. So I chose to carry the microphone because I had to put it close and with my hand there is less movement and more concentration and the 5000 people can hear the person replied, No, you can get someone else to say Allahu Akbar behind you.

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Say okay, first of all, the reason why at the time of Amato the whole affair they had someone say Allahu Akbar behind them he said that the people can hear you from behind the purpose with a microphone does that

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then I said what about the Quran? The guide behind this report and as well. Now the Quran is not part of the Why did Allah say and when the Quran is being recited, be quiet and listen to it. How are the people praying I'm gonna listen to the Quran.

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So what I'm trying to present to you right now I'm giving myself as though I smell is meant to guide us all and now brothers and sisters, is when you want to commend good and prohibit evil. Don't just jump to things that you shouldn't know you don't know but you know, you don't know about it. You think you do.

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And when someone presents you something else don't fight for crying out loud. Can't do that. Some

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once said, don't cut your nails on a Thursday. It's a sin. Who told you that man.

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If you cut your hair, you've got to bury it. Because on the Day of Judgment, you'll stand on it. And I've heard these bizarre things, and I will fight you.

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Some people come and tell you, you cannot eat shark meat, haram to come who said is haram is followed some opinion from some book, if you haven't got enough knowledge about this area.

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If you follow a particular method of school of thought, fine, don't impose it on other people. So command to go to brief him requires knowledge, not only knowledge on the subject, but also knowledge about the person and I know Maghrib is approaching, I just really want to finish this part. And next week, and shall I want to do part two of this.

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I saw a pic for example, a post a post, somebody put pictures of certain machete and speakers and covered their eyes.

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And while having those pictures, he or she had an eminent scholar, eminent respectable scholar who I respect and a high degree talking about the subject of people who are storytellers.

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He says, Be careful of the sauce. The sauce is an shadowy terminology of people who used to exist who used to go out and tell fake tales to people. They are really usually religious figures or people want to influence others and they say we are telling them fake tales to get the hearts spiritual. And the sheriff was talking like that.

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I'm looking at these people this person has put there and I'm listening to the share and they are two worlds apart. What the sheriff is talking about and what this person is accusing the speakers of doing is not even there. He's saying that the source of the people who tell tales lies and they don't tell the people that this is not true in order to influence them. Not one of these speakers does that. They tell stories, but they're not lies. And that is a sunnah in the Quran.

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Nearly half of the Quran is stories. And Allah says fogless will sell Kasasa Allah Allah homeopathic karoun Lago de cana few Kasasa him eyebrow another verse leoline and Burb Mecca, Anna Hadith. And you've Tara Ancelotti, also, tell them the stories so that they may remember and reflect in their stories are many wisdoms and lessons

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for people of brains and intelligence. So again, knowledge

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Ibn Taymiyyah says it is not when they make a mistake on a rate what they genuinely thought was true. So some people genuinely think a story was true. Later on. They found they find out it was fake. And God help them in for the next 10 years. They're going to be called deviants and storytellers.

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So, we got to be very careful brothers sisters,

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are also assalam said Moncada also say in English.

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Whoever slanders a believer as a Kaffir.

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Then he or she.

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It is like murdering or killing them how this isn't body process. And I'm also said, if a person says to another person to his brother, or sister, Hey, careful.

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Then one of them is the curfew. And the other is not one of them is going to take it if he's not going to return back to him that is in Bukhari was also SLM said, no believer should slander or judge another person as being a first look first at the somebody who is constantly disobedient to Allah.

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When Allah yami he will not even slide him is being careful.

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Except that it returns back to the person who

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set it to that other person returns back on you. If that person truly is not a first sip, and is not a careful role Buhari,

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a modern scholar by the name of Sheikh Saleh al Fosun, who I respect immensely was asked precisely about labeling a Muslim character or mushrik. And he said, Allah did not put upon you to decide who is or who isn't. The cliff who is or isn't. Even if you saw something that you assume is this judgment is resumed is this judgment is

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left exclusively to the highly notable scholars, not to individuals and common people.

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And another scholar that I'm sharing with Malcolm is quoted Imam so yoti is saying, if it comes to choosing between the two, I would prefer the sin of calling an openly gay

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After a disbeliever a Muslim, then calling a Muslim a Kaffir

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I repeat Imams cod says if it comes to choosing between the two I would prefer the sin of calling an openly care for a disbeliever a Muslim, even though that's a sin, you can't say as a Muslim, because he's not but he says between the two it'd be less of a sin than calling a Muslim McCaffrey and we all know the great hypocrite

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Oh in Medina what's his name?

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obeyed Mr. Rule.

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When he died or salsa, Salem wanted to make a stir for fame and praise and as over and over again until Allah says no, I will not accept we will not use the font will not be accepted for them because he was an open hypocrite but it's also our cell and preferred to assume well of him rather than gopher.

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Some people say I do it out of anger for the sake of Allah. I called him a coffee because I'm angry for the sake of Allah. No, that is a wrong place of anger.

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Some people they say look at him, he sits with misguided people and innovators we have to commend good and prohibit evil. My brothers and sisters when the scholars said Do not sit with the innovators and the misguided people and the corrupt people what they meant. What they meant was this. This is a unanimous agreement. It means while they are engaged in them as guidance. If they are doing something misguiding during that time, don't sit with them.

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If it is directly promoting them as guidance as well, not casual seating.

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modern scholars who talk about this are many examples of Shahara Haley who says it is when they are engaged in the act not when they are not such and when not when they are not such as your relative colleague neighbors. How also you're going to give Dawa if we don't even sit with them. What if you marry a woman from the people of the book? She's a Christian, don't sit with her. Can you imagine that? Can't even sit with her.

00:51:59 --> 00:52:23

What about your cousin's your relatives? What about the verse? Well, I lost my dad says if your parents are disbelievers, don't obey them but still live with them on good terms. What about the A and the Quran where Allah says they and how to Allah when Allah and Allah new katello confit de Nicola mutatio. Come mean, they recommend terbaru Hama, tuxedo LA, Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and justly and equitably with those among the disbelievers who do not drive you out of your homes and do not fight you because of your religion and faith.

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And you're going to get into interact with them.

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So, finally, Allah says, and this is a great evidence

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in Surah, six number 68 When you see those who are engaged in blasphemy against our signs, so it's not just people who are innovators, misguided, these are openly blaspheming the Quran swearing up the Quran in a gathering.

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Allah says turn away from them, meaning leave their gathering, until they begin to talk of other things. What does that mean? It means you can come back and sit with them if they change that engagement.

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Because there's still benefit we still have to be around giving Dawa and showing deen and so on. Then do not remain after recollection in the company of those wrongdoing, people those wrongdoing people.

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My brothers and sisters, I'll stop here now in sha Allah Jota isla.

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And I'd like to say just finally, especially my young brothers and sisters who love Allah and His messenger. I know that you love Allah and His Messenger, and whatever you say, and whatever you've posted, whether you're here in the masjid or on social media listening, I assume well of you that you really assume that you really want to do the right thing. And you've been told maybe, that this is the right thing to do. And I'm advising you as a father and uncle and a brother.

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That some scholars, it depends on how people ask them the questions I have set with many great scholars overseas in my time. And I remember many times people be sitting in the audience or a student would specifically ask a question with a motive. And the scholar is oblivious these scholars they're very oblivious. A lot of them don't have this art of of reading people's intentions. They're not very they're not slide they're not to face like like the way most people are, like street smart.

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A lot of these scholars, even my shades Rahmatullah they are lame. They passed away. They just get stupid a lot in businessmen. They're not what you think they're not like geniuses in everything. They're really good at their Deen. So these students, they deliberately ask question with a motive in order to target something to get a particular answer. And that's why you will listen to one scholar, the same scholar or YouTube question. And a very similar question. Very similar topic with two different answers. I'll give you an example. You want an example?

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You love it.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

Okay, so when I was in the UK

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some sisters were concerned and protesting about this so called fatwa. I don't know where it came from.

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Young people shared it and I don't know where it came from.

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They said a woman cannot wear a jacket over her eyeball.

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That would be a sight. You imagine a husband and wife. They're walking in the cold the blizzard.

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He's got his jacket on.

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It's a waterproof jacket.

00:55:40 --> 00:55:53

It's Katmandu Jack has got his thing on the thing on top of his head, not a single drop of water's coming on his skin. And this poor sister has been told the wrong footwear. She's wearing her jacket inside.

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She's got to pull him out and his job like that.

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And she's soaking water

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coming onto his job.

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Because she's wearing that it's stuck to her ears and her neck and her and she's just so miserable or soaking with water over it. Come on, man. Is that Is that something? Is that is that? Is that what Islam says?

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Anyway, I asked Where did you get this hot woman? Where'd you get this nonsense? Camera jacket?

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What Islam says for both men and women is that your our? There are two conditions. Don't wear something that is deliberately tight, revealing or transparent.

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Jacket is not tight revealing unless you deliberately like those leather jackets fit into the catwalk.

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be wearing a jacket because of the cold man because of the rain.

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So they refer to a particular shirt and Imam a scholar. I won't say his name but he's amazing. Masha, Allah, Allahu I went and listened. I said, Man, I gotta see what's going on here. Maybe because I respect the scholars. But I'm always skipped because I've seen how students and people take information from scholars and they run with it without clarity.

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If you're a seeker of knowledge, and you've been around knowledge, you'll understand what I'm saying. I'm just telling you the secrets that people don't know.

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Maybe sincerely, but that's what happened. So

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I went and listen to this scholar, same question Wallahi in Arabic, can a woman wear a jacket, a jacket, I will mail you some mobile, because I will cover what it's called gave different names over that area, because of the cold knowing that she just really is doing a sincerely because it's cold and because of all that. And he said, That's a matter concerned with women, they know their affairs. It's not for me to say anything. The condition is a Saturday. That's what he says the condition is that she's properly covered. That's all whether she wears this or she wears that or this or that. That's her concern. We don't tell them how to wear

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that's it.

00:57:54 --> 00:57:55

Well, that's all

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and next two weeks I just found

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no more talking about it.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:05

And the poor brother, Mufti, man he copped it.

00:58:06 --> 00:58:16

Look at him. He's telling the sisters not to listen to the advice of the scholars He's telling him to dress not in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah over a jacket.

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And what I'm talking about when Sisters is this you have to be in it to know it from outside it's hard for you to judge things but there's what we're saying knowledge you got to know the circumstances you got to know the story behind it you got to sit with the person you got to be on a close range

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and finally Allah says yeah, you're Latina manager Tony Walker feed on metal one in Nevada one ism are you who believed

00:58:42 --> 00:59:12

avoid excessive suspicion? Indeed, some suspicion is sinful and Allah says what a thoughtful Melissa look behind. Do not follow that which you have no full knowledge about. Indeed, in a summer we'll watch out for adequate Luca and on Houma Sula, your sight your hearing and your heart all of these you will be accountable for inshallah next week, we'll continue with the rest of these 10 points. As for now, how they will Salalah on Ebina Muhammad only or selfish mind

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