Assim Al-Hakeem – The Role Model – Prophet PBUH #16 – The way he woke up

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary © The Prophet's use of the process of waking up from sleep and avoiding death is considered a form of worship, and advises against washing one's hands during sleep. The importance of praying in the middle of the night to eliminate nightmares and avoid dangerous dreams is emphasized, and caution is given against sitting down during night prayer. It is emphasized that praying in the middle of the night is crucial for achieving the reward of one's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Today, we're going to talk about the way he woke up from sleep.

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And as we've mentioned earlier that the Prophet dealt with sleeping and waking up as a form of worship

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as a ritual that is surrounded by a car and deeds and tasks that would draw us closer to Allah azza wa jal

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Whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would wake up, he would say Alhamdulillah Allah the Ohana, bad Amma Amma Tana, where la Henault shore a very short, concise dua. Praise be to Allah who has brought us back to life after causing us to die. And to him is the resurrection.

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And as we all know, sleeping is

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a Brethren of death.

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And a person who is asleep is almost in the state of death. This is why in paradise, there is no sleeping. No one sleeps in paradise. It's

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joyful time for eternity, because death is no longer long longer existing in the Hereafter, neither in * nor in heaven.

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And whenever the Prophet sallallahu Sallam woke up from his sleep, he would start by brushing his teeth so that any

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odor would disappear. So he used to use Well, I didn't bring my muscle back today. No, I did. He used to use this miswak and he used to do this sideways with his mouth so that when he recites the Quran, the smell of his mouth would be pleasant. We know that when you go to bed, by default, sleep would cause your mouth to not smell in a nice way. So he used to begin with the sea work. Then he would perform Moodle.

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And why would he perform Moodle?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as reported by Bukhari and Muslim

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told us that when we go to sleep,

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Satan ties three knots

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at the back of our heads, stating with each not sleep, there is a long night ahead of you, meaning you can wake up a little bit later you can wake up half an hour or an hour later, until the break of dawn maybe until the day is up. This is how Satan works. So he ties three knots.

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If the individual wakes up and remembers Allah like the prophets Allah is Assam dua Alhamdulillah and Lady Hannah or the other daughters we will mention

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shortly inshallah. So if he remembers Allah, one not is untied. And if he performs widow, a second knot is untied. And if he stands up for prayer, the third knot is untied. So when he wakes up in the morning, he wakes up fresh, feeling good. Or otherwise, if none of these three were to take place, then he would wake up lazy and feeling down. Then we said that the Prophet would begin with Wadhwani salatu salam.

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It is worth noting that there is a Hadith where the prophet said alayhi salatu salam that we should not insert our hands in a bucket before washing it three times.

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And the Prophet justified this by saying because one of you during his sleep,

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does not know where his hands had been.

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Now remember,

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this hadith was stated when they did not have faucets. So the only containers of water available were buckets. So in order

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to dip your hands in, or to scoop some water you had to dip your hands in. And this is what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us not to do.

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And he said, You don't know where your hand spent the night.

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Some people thought that this is referring to impurities in the Jassa.

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And this is not true.

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Yes, it is a possibility that you may

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touch your private parts, while asleep,

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or someone's else private parts. But this doesn't mean that your hands are soiled and there isn't Jassa

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washing their hands, after waking up is a form of worship.

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Because even if I were, for example, to wear my gloves,

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and go to bed, in the moment I wake up, I take off my gloves. Would I be exempted from washing my hands? Because I know where my hands were. And they were protected with these gloves? The answer's no, you have to wash your hands as well.

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Because this is a form of worship. Now,

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the Prophet also SallAllahu Sallam ordered us when we wake up

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to do

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or to blow our noses after rendering our noses three times and he said that Satan, or the devil sleeps at your nostrils. So when you wake up, you don't see shaytaan you don't say a see the devil, but you comply with the instruction and you raise your nose and you blow it three times as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has instructed you to do

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there are other narrations

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which stated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as per the Hadith Oh even I best me I live at peace with him and with his father. Whenever he woke up in the middle of the night,

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he either wiped His face with his hands

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trying to wipe the traces of sleep

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in an authentic hadith, he would wash his hands and face recite the last 10 verses of surah Allah Imran and then goes to bed again.

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To wake up again afterwards, recite the 10 verses of Alia Imran and perform a withdrawal which is moderate, not perfect, not

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the minimum but in between and then commence or start. His night prayers are tahajjud

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so this is also part of the confirmed sunnah.

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One of the duo has the beautiful daughters that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to observe when he wakes up in the middle of the night is the following long dua. It's a beautiful dua but it shows you how the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam dealt with sleeping and waking up as a form of worship and getting close to Allah azza wa jal.

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So the Hadith goes, whenever he woke up for night prayer, he used to say, Oh Allah, to you, praise or to you be praise. You are the light of the heavens and the earth and everyone in them.

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To you be praise, you are the sustainer of the heavens and the earth and everyone in them.

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To you be praise. You are the sovereign of the heavens in the Earth and everyone in them. To you be praise. You are the truth. Your promise is true. Your words are true. The meeting with you is true. Paradise is true. * is true. The hour is true. The prophets are true. Mohammed is true. Oh Allah, to you I have submitted

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in you. I have put my trust in you. I have believed to you. I have repented with your help and guidance. I have debated and to you. I turn for judgment. You are our Lord

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unto you is our return. Forgive me, for my past and future sins, for those who have committed secretly, and those who have committed openly and for whatever you know more about than me, or then I, you are the one who brings forward and the one who puts back, you are my God, there is no god but you and there is no power and no strength except with you.

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Imagine, if you were to wake up every single night four night prayer, and say these beautiful words,

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what would your connection Be with Allah azza wa jal? how strong your trust and reliance and dependence on Allah would be? This is what every one of us should observe. How to follow a role model sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also

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part of the first things that he used to direct us to say Alayhi Salatu Salam

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is the following words. He says whoever wakes up in the middle of the night and says, immediately not asking, what is the time not checking his mobile phone for messages? Or checking the news? Timeline? Don't the first thing he says. After opening his eyes. The ILA in llama who the hola Cherie Keller, the whole mole cola hold him. Well, who are the Coolessay in Kadir? Alhamdulillah. Or Subhan, Allah? Allah Allah illallah wa Allahu Akbar, wa ala how Allah La Quwata illa Allah. Then, after saying this, he says, Oh ALLAH forgive me. Or he asks Allah for dua or Allah pay off my debt, or Allah make me succeed and securing a good job or Allah guide my children and wife, any dua. The

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Prophet says Allah so salaam, whoever does this meaning saying the vicar, then asking Allah, Allah will answer him.

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And if he were to pray, Allah Who will accept his prayer,

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some of us may encounter nightmares.

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And they wake up terrified and frightened.

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What is it that they're supposed to do? What did our role model tell us to do? Salah hottie or yourself. So the Prophet, when it comes to dreams, told us that there are three types.

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A dream that you wake up,

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feeling happy, seeing something joyful, and pleasant. The Prophet said, this is a glad tidings from Allah, that's a good vision. Only tell those who love you, so that they would interpret it to the best of meanings. And you will be optimistic by that.

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Number two, you may see something that you wake up frightened of something that is scary and nightmare.

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The Prophet says Allah is awesome. The moment you wake up, what should I do? Seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Devil Satan.

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Three times you say, I will do we let him in the shaytaan the regime, you say that three times, then spit to your left, three times dry spitting.

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Then do not tell anyone about it. Not a soul, not a friend or foe.

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And another narration the Prophet says are set up and then stand up and pray to recognize

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this would eliminate and annihilate any danger of such a vision and just throw it in the dustbin. Forget about it, it's not going to harm you. The Prophet says that it is not going to harm you. The third vision or dream is what you see related to your day to day activities. You booked a flight you go to bed or what you see is planes and airports, checking in things related to your journey, your mechanic or what you see in your dreams are engines and grease and oil and racetracks etc, and so on. This is from your sub conscience. This is this has no significance at all.

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So if you see a bad dream, this is what you should do.

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Seek refuge in Allah three times, spirit dryly to your left, never tell a soul about it and pray to recognize and prayer has a profound effect an impact on our peace of mind, and the tranquility that we may find. And this is why the Prophet said alayhi salatu salam, the best of prayer, after the 5/4 prayers is the prayer in the middle of the night.

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And the prophets, prayers alayhi salatu salam,

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as well as his forms of worship, were the most perfect.

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And whenever the Prophet did something, he fixed it in his routine.

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And he would say, the most beloved de to Allah azza wa jal

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is what you're consistent on, even if it's little.

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So whenever the Prophet did something of good deeds, alayhi salatu salam, he would be consistent with it till the end of his life.

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And that is why his habit, his sunnah was to pray night prayer.

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So if he were to miss his winter, his night prayer, due to an illness, or any other legitimate reason, he would make it up in the morning time, when it is the Doha time after the sunrise by 15 minutes, or 10, till before the Sudan of the hurt by five to 10 minutes. This is the time of Doha prayer. And this is the time which the Prophet SAW Allah Salam used to make up for his missed night prayers. Bearing in mind that according to mother, Aisha, he used to pray 11 rockers sometimes 13

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So, when he make them up in the morning time, he does not pray them in odd numbers. So instead of praying 11, because there is Witter, and which it can only be done during the nighttime, he adds a rocker and he prays 12.

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So he prays to to to a set of six.

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And these are 12 records, to make up for the missed

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prayers that he missed during nighttime.

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The prophets prayer are a salatu salam was beautiful.

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And we mentioned this in previous episodes that it was long, not like our Ferrari Imams.

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Rather, he would probably pray in one Raqqa three of the longest Sutras of the Quran, Al Baqarah and Nyssa. An earlier Imran and he would not recite it quickly. Rather, he would recite it in a slow fashion, contemplating and pondering upon the verses. Whatever he passes by a verse of mercy he would ask Allah for His mercy. And whenever he passes by a verse of torment and hellfire, he would seek refuge in Allah as well.

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And the Prophet used to pray standing up sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, until the end of his life when he became old and tired. Mother, he says, when he gained some weight, he used to pray, sitting down. And this is for night prayers. And also have some may Allah be pleased with her, reported the same that the Prophet never prayed, sitting down until a year before his death. And he used to pray voluntary prayers sitting down and how to sit when you sit down. You can sit normally, or you can sit, crossed legs, which is the most comfortable and

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convenient way of sitting, especially if you're prolonging your recitation.

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Having said that, what we see from some of the brothers from the subcontinent, insisting on praying the Sunnah after maghrib or Asia or after Lahore in the masjid.

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Insisting on praying and sitting down, this is not part of the Sunnah.

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And they think that oh, I've read somewhat

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or I've heard a share saying that it is a sunnah to pray sitting down. This is not true. The Prophet did that Hallahan salatu salam, when he got old and tired,

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due to the problems and due to being overwhelmed by the people.

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Besides, the Prophet told us in an authentic hadith alayhi salatu salam, that the prayer of a person standing up is best, and he's related that to voluntary prayers. And whoever prays sitting down, he will only get half of the reward of a person standing up. So you should not pray sitting down if you have the energy and if you're young and don't have any reason to sit down, because this is not part of the Sunnah, except for those who have a legitimate reason. I pray to Allah azza wa jal that we succeed in following our Prophet alayhi salatu salam is a role model

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and that we try to follow his sunnah in all aspects of life, so that we may be led to be resurrected under his flagship on the Day of Judgment. Hi there Allahu Allah, when he spoke to your enemy Illa he Aslam

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