Assim Al-Hakeem – The Role Model – Prophet PBUH #09- The way he talked

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary © The importance of speaking a few words in religion is emphasized, as it is art and honor. The use of words in court is emphasized, and the importance of providing evidence is emphasized. prophets use words like "slack" and "will" to influence their rhetoric, and the speaker uses examples and examples to illustrate the meaning behind these words. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not mentioning people by name and not following the way of thinking, while highlighting the importance of not providing evidence.
AI: Transcript ©
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And welcome to this new episode of the role model sallallahu alayhi wa early he was alum

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speech is a gift from Allah azza wa jal

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and Allah favored us over other creations of his with this blessing and

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the way a person talks

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is indicative of his in intellect.

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Um, Robin will ask me, I'll be pleased with him said that a person's tongue is a piece of his mind.

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Which means that when you speak, this is an indication of your caliber. And what

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a person you are

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Jabra and assembler may Allah be pleased with him used to describe the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, as a person who would prolong his silence, and laugh a litre.

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And this is a sign of wisdom,

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of dignity, that you don't spill your guts all over the place. Rather, you maintain your honor, you don't talk

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without any legitimate reason. And when you do, you don't take the whole hour or the whole event, spending it on talking just for people to look at you and to listen to you.

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Without any doubt,

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the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was the most articulate

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person to have ever

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speak in the language of the Arabs or any other language.

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He said about himself alayhi salatu salam, I was given the concise of speech.

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Meaning that it's a gift from Allah azza wa jal

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to speak a few words. And

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it these words contain so much information and value that you may need volumes to write them down in.

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For example, in mL mL dotnet. One of the most known hadith is to everyone.

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Verily, deeds are judged by intentions. There is no form of worship that this hadith is not involved in.

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And every single book that Muslims have written include this hadith.

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Also the beauty, the beautiful phrase, the beautiful sentence, the legal Maxim, Lao Bharara, voila, there are

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causing harm nor reciprocating harm.

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Don't do this. This is a law in two words, louder or louder. And you can cascade this to all aspects of life.

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Also, the beautiful legal statement that all jurors and judges and those dealing with the Law No. And this is one of

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the most needed laws to be implemented. Albena to Alamanni da, William, meanwhile, I'm an anchor. Someone comes in accuses me

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of taking his money of * his sister of a shameful act. Anyone could accuse me of doing this.

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Should we listen to him? The Prophet said no, are a salatu salam. He has to provide the evidence to prove his allegation. Elba unit to eliminate that anyone woman coming and pretending that or claiming that someone raped her?

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Should we hang him? Of course not. She might be a big liar.

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Give us the proof

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that can stand in a court of law, not just allegations in tears and the likes.

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If that person claiming

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is false, or is unable to bring evidence to back his claim. The Prophet says I saw Sam will yummy new alum and uncle. Then the accused

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You must swear by Allah that he did not do this end of story

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95% of people's allegations and cases are solved through this magnificent phrase.

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He was given the concise of speech. And

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the Prophet Allah. So Sam as described by mother Aisha, when he spoke,

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he didn't speak like 60 miles per hour.

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He wasn't fast, and just throwing words right, left, left and center. Rather, he used to speak in a very eloquent and articulate fashion that everyone understands every single letter that he is saying.

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And she says that if a person wanted to count the number of words that come out of the prophets, mouth, Allahi Salatu was Salam, they could have done that.

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And as we Malik says, When the Prophet spoke, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, sometimes, not all the time, sometimes, when needed, he would repeat what he had said three times, so that people would comprehend it. And this is a form of drawing people's attention, and ensuring that what was said, is not to be neglected.

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Once he came, and saw his companions performing will do, and they were very tired after a very long journey. And he had noticed that some of them due to being taught so tired, they were not washing their feet and heels properly, so only the top of the foot.

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So he said three times while on the kabhi Mina na Whoa, to these heels from hellfire. And He repeated it thrice. And you can guess what impact this left upon those who were making woudl

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also the prophets Allah Salam would

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give salam three times when wanting to enter a house, and this is like ringing the bell. So we'd say salam, Aleikum. Adhaan no response As salam o alaikum. At home, shall I come in no response As Salam Alikum at home if there is no response, he would go and leave.

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And also the Prophet once was sitting with his companions in the well known Hadith to all of you. And he said, Shall I not tell you about the biggest of all major sins?

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And he repeated this question three times. So you can imagine the audience's attention

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to what was coming afterwards. And the prophets, Allah salams rhetoric was straight to the heart.

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Because he used to select and choose the best of words.

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Blue madness Alaba we when the Prophet was in Makati, his salatu salam

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heard of a man

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and he's they told him that he's crazy. He's insane.

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And Ahmad was someone who did drop here and did exorcism.

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He dealt with taking the jinn out of the people, though he was not a Muslim, but he had this ability in him.

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So he went to the Prophet and said, Listen, I know how to cure insane people. So would you like me to help you?

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The Prophet alayhi salatu salam did not say to him, What do you think? If you think I'm crazy, I'm mad. Get out of my face? No. The Prophet replied to him with these beautiful words in Alhamdulillah. Madhu who want to stay no. Mejia de la Vela medulla Alma Yobe. Lil fella had yella what a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa de hola shady Kala, what a shadow and Mohammed Abdullah Soto and Bart.

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The man said, Whoa, hold your horses down. Repeat this. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam repeated it three times. Then the guy said, Listen, I've traveled the world. I heard food soothsayers wordings, fortune tellers, those possessed by gin. I've heard the

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poets I've heard aerators I've never heard anything similar to what comes out of your mouth. And this is the most optimum of all rhetorics, and the man accepted Islam on the spot.

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Beautiful words that come out of his mouth. And the prophets, Allah wa sallam

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was also in a, in a way, as we use this terminology, diplomatic in the sense that whenever he wanted to say something that might be repulsive to some, he would pave the way,

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because it has has to be said.

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So, in a hadith, once the Prophet addressed the companions, and said, Listen, I am to you, as a father, to his children. So I teach you, when you defecate, do not face the Qibla or you give your backs to it. And he orders of three stones to cleanse yourself with, which is like

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toilet tissues, and three wipes minimum. And he forbade them from using dung, or bones, in cleaning themselves. And He prohibited a person to clean himself using his right hand. So, the Prophet gave her introduction to his teachings with these beautiful words, I am like a father, to his children.

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Sometimes when he spoke, he,

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you used to swear by Allah azza wa jal, to put emphasis on what he says, though everybody believes him. But this is needed to draw your attention, and to give importance to what you're about to say.

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And he usually use the word or the phrase, will Levine fcb by whom my soul is in his hands.

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In other incidents, the Prophet SAW Salem would pause a question

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so that he would draw their attention. Like in the well known Hadith, I said, Runa, minimum of less, do you know, who is a person who's broke?

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And they said, the one who doesn't have money, then the he clarified it to them said, No, he's a person that comes on the Day of Judgment, with lots of prayers, fasting Chatterjee, but he slandered this man, hit that one back bit, this one, the shed the blood of that one, took the money of this one. So he comes on the day of judgment, and he gives each one he had drawn done

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from his good deeds, and if his good deeds are over, before giving back what he owes to people, then they give him from their bad deeds, and then he would be thrown into *. This is someone who's truly broke.

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So was the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, a person

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who's described as loud

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so that we know people when they speak,

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in gatherings, they're so loud, they're so dominant. You can't hear anything except what they say. Was he like this? Well, in America, dad, may Allah be pleased with him says, Whenever the Prophet SAW Selim entered a gathering or a room or a hall, he would give, he would give the salam

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lead level that someone who's awake can hear. But someone who's asleep would not be awakened by

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so the prophets tone was very moderate. And very delicate.

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He would not enter like, every time we're in the masjid, especially in Ramadan, before prayer time or during between event in a coma. People come into the message us Shut up or they come Rahmatullah.

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Why are you shouting? Why are you giving salam as if you're the imam for everybody? And this is not a single person. You get like 5070 people coming in. Everybody's shouting his head off.

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This is not from the Sunnah. Yes if you come and pray to arise in this someone you know, you privately say somebody Graham's Allah shake hands, no problem and that. But the Prophet when he entered the room, he would say, Send Amati kumara Allah, so those who are awake, can hear, but those who are asleep would not be bothered by his Salam.

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And when it was needed, he would raise his voice,

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as in the case of Friday hotbar he's giving a speech. He's addressing 1000s of people. It's not logical to speak about *, and Heaven, and about warning people of the day of judgment from the day of judgment by saying, and you have to fear the Day of Judgment. And Hellfire is frightening. It is so hot, it is so intimidating, people will fall asleep. No, the Prophet SAW Selim, whenever he gave a hot bath, he would raise his voice and his cheeks would grow, and his veins would appear as if he's warning the people, there's a an army coming to attack you.

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Just now, how would a person warning people from an army coming to attack them, he would definitely shout at them. And this is also to draw their attention. The Prophet

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alayhi salatu salam would use a lot of parables, or examples. So he would say, and he would use his hands gesture to illustrate. So he would say, those who remember Allah and those who don't, or the house that people remember Allah in it, and the house does not remember Allah in it, it's like a dead person and a living person.

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And he would show it and illustrate it through gestures by saying, I was sent and the hour like this, and he would show the resemblance between the index and the middle finger. So this is him. And this is a day of judgment, that distance or the timeline is very close to one another. And sometimes he would throw puzzles, also to draw people's attention. The Prophet said once Alice's, there is a tree that it leaves never fall. And it's like a Muslim. It resembles a Muslim. Tell me about it. So everybody was giving their guesses about the plants they know.

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And then the Prophet said, it is the palm tree.

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And this shows you that the resemblance between a Muslim and a palm tree and finally, the prophet Salah Salem used a very needed advocate for us today. When talking, he would not

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people's names in the public. So I he says,

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If the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was told

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something negative about a person

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the purpose the Prophet Assam would never go and say publicly, why did so and so and named the person why did Abdullah do this or say this?

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Like in the hadith of ignorant look BIA,

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Eman, the prophet dispatched salatu salam to collect the Zakat money. So the man came after few weeks and said, Oh prophet of Allah. This is the Zakat money I collected from all the different tribes. And this is a gift that was given to me.

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So the Prophet, or Islam, got onto the pulpit, praise the law of facilitation upon the Prophet SSM and said, Why do we employ people to collect as a cat? And they come back to us saying that this is your cat and this was given to me? On what basis? They were given a gift. Shouldn't they stayed in their father and mother's home and see whether people will give them a gift or not? The answer is definitely not. Because this is a bribe.

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Had you not been an employee by the government or the by the privatized system? Nobody would have come to your house and said listen, he this is a gift for you. But because you're collecting the cat

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they're cut, they're wanting you to cut them some slack. And this is why they're giving you something underneath the table. And this is a bribe. In this hadith the Prophet did not say, Why did Ebner to be did so and so and so

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he just simply said it vaguely and generally, and this is an etiquette we Muslims need. If you go to YouTube, or Instagram or whatever they call them snapshots on social media, you will find brothers

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mentioning by name this day, this scholar this individual and stripping them actually, metaphorically, that is, otherwise it would be integrated art. They were stripping them and exposing them and they said this and they said that they said, and it's back and forth between them. It's like volleyball,

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throwing the ball from one court to the other.

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And they're wasting the Muslims times. And they're slandering one another, and they're losing a lot of good deeds. And each one of them say, I'm doing it for the sake of Allah. I'm exposing him so that I would warn the Muslims and it's all a private Vendetta.

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It's all something inside their hearts filled with malice and envy and may Allah protect us all. Yeah, he wants to warn against someone. Don't mention them by name. Just say generally speaking. Don't follow this way of thinking, follow the mainstream of scholars trusted scholars, someone who's not controversial, instead of saying Sheikh so and so or Dr. so and so or there is someone so and you fill people's hearts with malice and, and hatred, rather than filling it with peace and deen and proper knowledge

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