Assim Al-Hakeem – Lessons In Fiqh 26

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary © The history and importance of praying during the month of carrier are discussed, as it is crucial for achieving spiritual health and well-being during the time. The importance of not going around the Kaaba during prayer, drinking during the period of bleeding, and not taking positions during prayer. The importance of praying during "IT" in achieving spiritual health and well-being is emphasized, as it is necessary to repeat the prayer every day to avoid bleeding. There is also discussion of the transmission of Islam to various generations and the importance of not praying when others do not believe it is obligatory.
AI: Transcript ©
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Aim hamdulillah are Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah he will add he also have he omitted Arabic. Salam aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh and welcome to lessons in fact, we are still studying the chapter that deals with menstruation and we have like three hadiths left inshallah and then we should move on afterwards. So the first Hadeeth in today's program, how do you number 126,

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nerd Basha or your loved one.

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When we came to a place called serif, I mentioned that and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said to me, do what a pilgrim does, meaning regarding the rights of hygiene ombre, except that you don't circle

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circumambulate the Kaaba until you are purified.

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This Hadith tells us the things that a woman who has menstruation that she should be avoiding, or she should not do. Now, you recall, a couple of programs ago we said that she must not pray, and she must not fast while she has a monthly period. And in this Hadith, Asia, may Allah be pleased with her tells us that she was with a prophet alayhi salatu salam during the Hajj. And how many times are a sorcerer performed Hajj only once, and that was known as hugetlb wahdat farewell hedge. And I was with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and all of a sudden she had her monthly period. So she cried. And she felt sad with it. And when the Prophet came at his thoughts, he told her that this is

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something natural that all females have. So, you do exactly what the Muslim, the person who is performing pilgrimage or Hajj

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does, with the exception of that you do not go around the carrabba you do not perform tawaf

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Of course, this you have to add this to the previous stated by the prophet, Allah is awesome that she does not pray or fast. So if someone with little knowledge comes to this hadith and says that the Prophet says is awesome, that you may do whatever pilgrim does except do not perform tawaf. Then he said, Okay, then I should ask you this prayer. Is that acceptable Zeki?

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I don't know.

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Is that acceptable? The question is, is prayer acceptable from her?

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No, no, because she is menstruating. So this Hadith, we have to put it alongside with the Hadith, where the Prophet says that a salatu salam, that menstruating woman does not pray and does not fasting. And also she does not go around the Kaaba. Also she does not enter the masjid. You remember most of the evidence we mentioned yet,

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like six or seven

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programs ago, where it states that a woman menstruating woman does not enter the masjid.

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Do you recall it? Yes, I do. What what Which one was it? There was a we talked about a hadith where the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam told Ayesha to hand him something.

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And she only stuck out her hand. She She objected, and she said that are menstruating. So the Prophet told her your menstruation is not in your hand. So it's okay for you to put your hand inside the mosque, which meant that the Prophet agreed that her objection was correct that she may not enter the mosque, but she's not entering the most only her hand is entering the mosque. And this tells us that she is not allowed or menstruating woman is not allowed inside the mosque. So from this hadith

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We learn that if a woman wants to perform pilgrimage, she may do every single thing except entering the mosque at the masjid. And except tawaf. Of course, prayer is by default, we don't have to repeat that again. She may make Vicar she make Tell me Ella Baker mahoma bake, she may make supplications and pray to Allah azza wa jal ask Allah for forgiveness or to grant her anything that she wishes, this is all acceptable. And this comes in handy, especially for the sisters that come for ombre or hedge. And a lot of them they make their timing when especially when they're coming from abroad. They make their timing to reach when she is in her purity, period, the 23 or 24 days, and this is

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not a must. And they start to ask how do you say it's not a must when we cannot bathe and declare our alarm? It's very simple. A female pilgrim or a female sister who has her menstruation can declare a haram can say the baker lahoma ombre or can sell a byculla hatch, regardless of her purity. Because this is something different. You need purity in certain things. So don't confuse things altogether. The things that you need purity in are a handful, prayer,

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entering the masjid for tawaf, and this is a disputable

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issue among scholars

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holding the Quran again as a matter of dispute among among scholars, but anything else. Purity is not a prerequisite for example, fasting must be pure, too fast.

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You have to be pure too fast Mustapha. It has nothing to do with it. Whether it's sexual impurity, or the minor impurity. If I want to fast I fast. Purity has nothing to do with fasting. Likewise, purity has nothing to do with performing pilgrimage. It all depends on circulating the Kaaba or performing your prayer. Other than that, it's okay whether a sister has the menstruation or not.

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The following Hadith Hadith number 127

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narrated mirth radi Allahu Allah. He asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is lawful for a man regarding his wife when he is menstruating? He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, whatever is above the

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waist wrapper is low for so in this Hadith,

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the Prophet says that whatever is above the waist, it's okay. So for a man to enjoy with his wife, whatsoever, waist and above, then this is permissible. The Hadith is not authentic. There is a weak Hadith and the doing of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam differs with this because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to enjoy himself and he used to enjoy himself with his wives when they were menstruating, does any everything except *, so whether it's above the waist or below the waist, it's okay providing that there is no *. And again, the Hadith is his wife so we don't pay much attention to it. The following Hadith and which is, I believe the last

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narrated by almost Salama now will be pleased with her during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the woman having bleeding after delivery, many personnel will refrain from prayer for 40 days. And in another narration.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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didn't command her to make up for the prayer bond during the period of bleeding. Okay, this hadith tells us that

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other than menstruation women get the bleeding that prevents them from prayer, which is the bleeding after they give birth. And usually the period is you know it. It's approximately 14 days and nights. Some scholars say that it may increase up to 60 Days and Night. Some scholars say that during the first 40 nights after giving birth

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She must not pray. And she must not allow her husband to have * with her, regardless of she's bleeding or not. And the authentic verdict of scholars is that if a woman after giving birth is bleeding, she has the top ceiling of 40 days a night. Other than that is considered to be normal bleeding is not considered to be any fast. Because women should stop praying and fasting if they have their menstruation height, and if they have the fast, which is

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the bleeding that she gets after giving birth, but there should be a maximum. And this is an issue of different opinion amongst scholars, some say 60 days is the maximum and some say only 40 days. And the most authentic is 14 days as we have heard in this hadith. Now what happens if she is pure?

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Before 40 days, some scholars say nevertheless, she should stay the full 40 days. Other scholars, which is the most authentic say, well, it all depends on the blood. So if the blood stops after one week, then what she has to do is perform obligatory bath. And that said she can pray and fast and her husband could have * with her. There's no problem in that. If it stretches up to 20 days, again, 30 days, again, 40 days. Yes, she performs also. And she prays, if it's 41 days, the 41st day is not included, it's not accounted for. Because it would be just normal bleeding, it would be a vein, like in the case of almost the harbor. So from this, we learn that a woman that that has

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her menstruation and a woman after giving birth, this bleeding money, they should not they must not and they it's not acceptable for them to fast or to pray that they don't have to repeat the prayer. Both of them don't have to repeat the prayer. But they have to repeat the fasting. And why is that because you have five prayers every day. So if you ask them to pray 35 prayers at once it's more difficult. As for fasting, it's 30 days every 12 months, so and they would only break like seven or eight days. Throughout the year. It's easy for them to make it up. I think we have to break so stay tuned. We'll be right back in Sharla

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your brothers and sisters would come to a new edition of escoda. I have two questions. Please go ahead. You can read it in Arabic. And you can also understand the meaning in your own language, the different the fussier and interpretation of the meanings of

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almost every language that exists on earth by the grace of the water or Zamzam is for whatever intention you drink, it was solid from Egypt, his father as the way and he asked about how can you help very,

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very bad or the act of worship is a part of the unity of worship has to be paid to Allah subhanaw taala and in accordance with the guidance of His Prophet sallallahu

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah and welcome back.

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Now to begin a new chapter. And this chapter deals with a very essential thing in our lives, which is prayer. So in order for us to pray, we have to pray on time. But a lot of Muslims don't know what is the time to pray until they hear them and then the person calling for the prayer. Therefore, this hadith tells us about the times of each and every prayer when it is permissible for us to

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To pray. Now, the chapter is called the times of salaat. The Times of prayer and prayer by itself is different than any other form of worship.

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Because one,

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all other worships, such as the cat,

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the push do pilgrimage, fasting, it was all revealed and instructed to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on Earth.

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prayer was revealed to the prophet SAW Selim,

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and heavens, in the event of Israel and marriage, when the prophet SAW Selim was

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taken to the heavens. And

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was revealed to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, three years before Hydra. So it was revealed to a prophet or someone he was in Mecca, before migrating to Medina and most worships, and all forms of worship. were given to the Prophet alayhi wa sallam through an intermediate, and that is the Archangel Gabriel. he conveyed Allah's instructions to the messenger sallallahu sallam, in most forms of worship, except Salah.

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salaat, was given directly in heaven, by Allah azza wa jal to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which indicates its importance. It's not any other form of worship.

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Otherwise Allah wouldn't have done it himself.

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if you look at prayer, you would find the blessing of Allah azza wa jal in it. Because our Prophet told us a La Jolla, Selim that at the very beginning, Allah wrote and decreed that we should pray how many prayers per day 50 prayers per day, which amounts to two prayers per hour.

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Even when you're sleeping. So 50 do you have 24 hours, this is almost a prayer every half an hour. And this is a lot. So when the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, learn this, he went down, and he was met by Moses, may peace and blessings be upon him. We love Moses a lot. And why is that? Because he asked the Prophet so what did I tell you? He told me that he has decreed 50 prayers for us to pray. He told him go back again, and ask him for forgiveness and to reduce because I've lived with the Jews for a long time. And I know your people, you know, Muslims are the cousins of Jews, they are the sons of a sick and we're the sons of Ishmael. So, the brothers, so there, there are our cousins.

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So the Prophet went back as Hassan. Allah dropped five of them, and five, and five, and every time he meets Moses, Moses goes, goes to him and say, go back again. They're not gonna tolerate it until Allah azza wa jal made them only five prayers during the day and night. Moses told him, go back to him again. He said, I'm so sorry. I'm shy, I cannot wait so many times. I don't feel I don't think I can do it anymore. So Allah azza wa jal, with his great generosity, said that I have said it's five prayers, but I have declared that you will be rewarded for 50 prayers. And, and these wordings do not change. If Allah declares something, it stays as it is. Now, compare the difference psyche,

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between 50 and, and five, if Allah azza wa jal has declared it to be 50 on us would have would we have been able to do it? Definitely not.

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And nevertheless, though, Allah is generous with us, and he made it 55 yet still people say, Well, I think I have 20% discount this morning. Why? Well, 100 fudger prayer. I never pray fudger prayer. It's only Aloha, samagra, Manisha and some people say, Well, I'm better than you are. I have 40% discount, because I don't even pray ask for prayer. And this is a major sin. It's not something of your own choosing. You know, you cannot delay prayer because I don't feel like praying today. It's not it is something that is essential and that is why it is the second pillar of Islam. Immediately after the testimony. The Shahada comes solid

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And scholars say nothing of the worships

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the forms of worship that a person does nothing of them is considered to be blasphemous not to do, except Salah. For example, if somebody does not fast at all, until he dies, he has committed a major sin. But scholars don't consider him to be

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to be captured. Now, if a person

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does not pray, period at all, the companions of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam considered this to be a sign of blasphemy, and a sign of one of the things that nullifies Islam. So any person that says La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, and does not pray, period, he is not a Muslim.

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Why? Because the Prophet Allah is Allah sub says, and the Hadith is inside Muslim, the oath, or the thing that's binding binding us, the thing that's between us and them is solid, and whoever abandons Salat is not a Muslim.

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It He states that clearly. Now, again, rather rushdi we don't go to people and start to classify them. I hear a lot of a lot of times people come to me and say, I have this friend in at work, and he doesn't pray. So shall I say Salaam Alaikum? Yeah. Is he considered? Is she considered to be a Muslim or not? Yes. Is Muslim still Muslim? I mean,

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there is there is classified cafe this someone we say coffee, because he left the Salah.

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Even Si, si can do it, you know, even he can do it, or someone who

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left the Sala because of I mean, the reason I explained to you what you mean, you are asking, Is it the same? That if a person does not pray because he's lazy?

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And a person that does not pray? Because he doesn't think it's, it's it's a fault? Are they equal?

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The majority of scholars say whoever abandoned Salah does not pray, because he doesn't believe it's obligatory. He's a Catholic. This is the consensus of all scholars.

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They differ in those who leave and do not pray because of laziness. And the authentic opinion is that whoever abandons prayer, whoever does not pray out of laziness is a Kaffir. Because if you go to the first one, the one who does not believe it's obligatory, any person that believes anything from Islam is not obligatory, and it is obligatory is cafard. So whoever comes to me and say, fasting Ramadan is not obligatory, I don't believe in this. What would we regard him Kaffir if a person says Hajj is not obligatory, we would regard him as Catholic. Now, if someone does not fast Ramadan out of laziness,

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would we regard him as Catholic? No, he's a sinful person. And if he does not perform pilgrimage out of laziness, he is still a Muslim. But if he does not pray, out of laziness, the prophet tells us whoever abandoned Salah is cafe

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and he did not say whoever abandoned this fasting is coffered, whoever abandoned pilgrimages, cafard whoever abandons the cat is covered he only mentioned Salah which means that only Salah if you abandon it out of laziness, or out of believing that it is not obligatory and it's not a far they're both alike. And this tells us how important salaat is. You have a remark? Pardon me? Maybe I just want to ask to make sure that what I believe is right or wrong okay.

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But there is differences between we can say caffeine cottageville and Milla

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one things that we can say caffeine, but he's not. It's not. I mean, he's not more that is not rejected from Islam from Deen of Islam. But

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we know exactly that. If I have an example I have a friend or I have a someone. Then he left the Salah. He left the prayer five obligatory prayer. He just left it like that. He just left it like that. I mean, he lays you we can say you lazy he's not his accept it. order from Allah and from Russia Lula. But can I say to him that you're not caffeine? I don't say like that. I didn't say that you are caffeine but what you are doing is caffeine is clean.

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Again, I have a Chanel Gemma, and we don't want to go into details because it needs time to explain this. There's a difference between saying that this is q4. This is something that is part of the things that nullify Islam, and saying that a person is a Kaffir. designating a person by himself. There's a difference by saying whoever does this falls under this category of copper, and my saying that pinpointing a person and saying that he is a Catholic, there's a difference.

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In both scenarios, I'll give you another example. We say that all non Muslims are in *.

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Do we have any problem with this? All and Muslims are in *. Now I know that john is a Christian. I cannot go to him and say, john, you're in *. No, this is unacceptable. JOHN dies, he's dead. He's buried. I cannot say john is inhale. Because if I say that someone is inhale, then I am doing something beyond my knowledge and kocot capability. I don't know if john embraced Islam seconds before he died. But I can say that anyone that dies Christian, and he has heard about Islam and knows about Islam, and yet still refuses to believe and embrace Islam is in * without identify without

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pointing a person in particular. Likewise, I cannot say that a person is in general. I would say that a Muslim who prays five times and is good Muslim, he's in gender. I know Ali is a Muslim, and he died and we buried him. I cannot say, Ali isn't Jana, he's my brother. He prays with me in the masjid, he fasts, Ramadan, he does this and that, yes. But if I say that he's in Jeddah, then I have looked into Jenna and I can tell who's in there and who's not and this is not applicable. And it's not possible. So we don't

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point people and say they are in gender or in their in *. By the way, the Christian bit. If we say that all Christians are in *, don't think that this is extreme. Because if you go to the Christians themselves, they will tell you that anyone that is not Christian is in *. So if you go to the Buddhists themselves, they'll tell you, yes, Islam is a good religion. Christianity is a good religion, but they're all in *. And if you go to the Sikh, it's the same thing. If you go to the Jews, it's the same thing. Everyone that believes in a religion thinks that his religion is the only religion that is accepted by Allah. And that is that is why this is the test. That's why you as a

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Muslim should look into other into other religions and see if they qualify to be the one or not, and you will find that they don't. Only Islam qualifies, but this is an obligation that I'm throwing at you and you have to cross examine it. Also, the Christians have to do this and the Jews have to do that. I'm afraid that this is all the time we have for today's program. So until we meet next time, Family Law was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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