Asim Khan – The Beauty of Iron – Tafsir of Surah al-Hadid – Episode 12

Asim Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and impact of the prophets and their impact on the audience. They touch on common language and its use in interactions with Jewish people, as well as the importance of Jesus Christ's message in the context of Islam. They also discuss the importance of following SunGeneration of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam, as it is the only way to achieve success in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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rosewood Billahi min ash shaytaan YG rajeem Bismillah Ar Rahman you're rocking wanna

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hamdulillah thank Allah Allah Allah for giving us a chance to study his books and to come closer to him by educating ourselves as to the meanings behind his speech soprano with the IRA. So this is sort of headed and we have reached Now verse number 26. We're at a loss of hands on assays while other Auto salonu, however Ebrahim that no doubt about it. We sent Noah and Ibrahim Noah and Abraham or Jana fiza Realty human Nobu waterwell Kitab, and we placed in their progeny, meaning the offspring of both of these prophets Nobunaga prophecy and scripture for me no more than that. And so from them, or some of them, were committed to guidance worker theory minimum, first of all, and but

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many of them, they became wicked, they became immoral.

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The last part of the head is an invitation to people of different faiths to accept the call of the Prophet sallallahu something like the Jews and the Christians and still the Quraysh who are reluctant to accept his message. So the last part of the sort of Hadid will kind of is like an invitation to those people.

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And one of the ways that the invitation is made is in order to make them inclined towards accepting the message of the promise that along with assylum The fact is highlighted that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is not a made up profit to his self self proclaimed rather he is from a line of previous profits connected back to figures that you reveal yourself, such as no han Ibrahim al Islam, so even actually said that no prophet nor

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he was someone that the Quraysh they used to admire and look up to, and some in some of the poetry they used to make mention of Nautilus and Amazon, so they used to revere him as somewhat important in history. And we know that Abraham is known as the father of all monotheistic faiths, yes, so the Jews and the Christians they both obviously respect and admire him as a man of God. So one of the benefits of mentioning them in the Quran whilst inviting them to accept the message of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is to say that look, the teachings of these great men who you know and respect and love is the very same message that is being brought by this one here. Mohammed Abdullah said a long

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while ago said why then would you reject it? Yes. So Allah says while other ottosson Abu sarode he said that the lamb in Lockhart is for possum as if to say I swear Allah saying I swear that we we are the ones who sent Noah, Noah and Ibrahim, which Allah freezeria team and Novato Al Kitab. And we placed in the offspring, meaning in the children that came from actually the way some scholars explain it is that all of the profits that ever came after these two, all came from the lineage of these two prophets. That makes sense for no Halley's comet is said that after the flood there was no one

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He's in existence except nor and his family. And so whichever Prophet would come thereafter would be a descendant of an of nor had Islam. But then in particular, Ibrahim alayhis salam is mentioned. Because we know that from Ibrahim and his Sunnah many prophets came from his offspring. Yes. So I mean, for example, his own children, his happiness married, and then afterwards many other prophets came. Like who? Who is a descendant of Iranian medicine?

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Yeah, okay, it's very good. And then use of Islam. Now let's go further down history. Who else is a descendant of Abraham in Islam?

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I said Islam, but he had no father.

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So how is he a descendant of

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam but let's go back to as a listener.

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How can he be disabled? I am a listener.

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Yes, through Maria Maria Sarah. Now she said Maria was a direct descendant of Islam as well. And you have forgotten a major profit in between? Yes, musalla. Moses, and in between Moses and Jesus. There was some set 600 years and there were many prophets that were sending between So does anyone know the prophets that were sent in between masala Salaam and Lisa Lindstrom?

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Sulaiman? Okay. What about the father of Superman? Okay, let's start with Superman. Who else?

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So we're gonna go all the way up to SLS. But in between, we've missed out some. Yeah, oh, the father of your hair is zecharia. Okay, so let's start again. So you got the Odin is ROM. So Mr.

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Zakaria got yahia You already said Islam and in between? Some scholars said unison is Salam also was sent. Yes. unison Islam was awesome. So all of these prophets, they came from this one man, Ibrahim, Alyssa, I mean, how blessed must you be that when he is resurrected on Yeoman Akiyama, he will know that from my descendants came such great men. Yes, and that's an honor. To Ibrahim minister. It is one of the reasons why these two men was selected in particular, is because of their prominence. Yes, because of the Sharif that they are given on about a lot because of how incredible they were. There are several submissions the reason why these two are selected is because they would connect or

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they would resonate with the target audience meaning Ankita when they hear the name of Noah and Abraham being spoken about in the Quran, they will listen.

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Yes, they will listen to so this is something that we know of what is the Quran has to say about this? The other day, I went to a Rukia center

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and brother they were telling me how he does performs exorcism. Yes, so somebody comes and they're possessed with the jinn. And he says we do things differently here. We do not beat people up, okay? And we do not torture the jinn, as some people do. All we do is we give our, I said okay, so what happens? He goes, Well, the jinn takes possession of the person's body, and then we speak to them and we tell them about Allah and he said, You will be surprised how many jinn they know absolutely nothing about Allah subhanho wa Taala nothing about what they believe some of them that shaytan is that up. This is what he's saying. And he's he has about 10 years worth of experiences. Mashallah,

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yeah. And then he said that he remembers one gene, he was a yahudi. And he said, when he asked him, who do you follow, he said, Follow musar Islam. He said, Have you not heard of Mohammed Salah? And he said, No, I don't know who this man is. I have heard of Isa, this is just speaking. But I don't know anything about this man, Mohammed. So you open up sort of a SFX. And you read to him the verses where he says ROM is saying that they will come after me. A messenger is movement with the name and that was one of the names of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. Yes, and he also mentioned possible karate with muscle Islam. So he said that the Jin was surprised that your Quran speaks about Musa Islam.

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Then he said that I am a learned Jew. I know about my book. So what else do you can you tell me from the Koran? So you managed to tell him other things about musala Cinema life? And then he accepted Islam at the hand of the sorority, and he left this person? Yes, I think soprano line. So he said that this is how we remove the jinn from people's body by giving them down. So he said, so that got me thinking about this verse because there's a benefit in the Koran mentioning these two prophets and that is to strike a chord with a target audience because you need to find common

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Round with those who you are in disagreement with. And that's an important principle and our that if you're trying to convince a Jewish man to become Muslim or Christian to accept Islam or an atheist, or anybody else, you need to have some kind of common ground in which in which you're going to start the conversation and move forward. Now, obviously, when it comes to Christians, we can speak about a set Islam, right, we can speak about sort of Medina, for example, every once in an open day, there was a this is a non Muslims being invited to the masjid for an open day, there was a Christian lady.

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And the brother was giving her vow. And he said, that, you know, Mary has a great station in Christianity. But is any chapter of your Bible named after her? So she said, No. And then he turned and opened up what is it sort of Maria, we have a chapter of the Quran named after Mary. And she was amazed by this. And we know that when the Muslims when they migrated to the senior on the joshy, and then some of the rage came, and one of those is to try and stifle, they stay there. That they came at the same time we are these people, they disrespect a service from they say is not the Son of God. And then Jaffer, even a bit on him, the brother of Allah He stood up and he gave a speech. And in

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that speech, he recited verses on sort of Maria, which reduced the Joshua and his priest to tears. So that is a clear example of the companion the person using common ground on which they are calling inviting others to Islam. Yes. Now somebody might say, what about the atheist?

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What about the atheists? And what Common Ground Do we have with a person who denies the existence of Allah? Do we throw that principle away for them?

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What do you think? Is the any common ground that can be struck with someone who denies the very existence of Allah? If she wanted to give it down?

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They are a creation. Okay. Anything else? Yep.

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They deny all the other reasons.

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Hello, I could wash out lots of water.

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Well, what do I say to that? Honestly, I don't know.

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Okay, the idea of intelligent design.

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Okay, so let's that's something to work with the fact that the Quran highlights the sophistication in the design of the universe. Yes. And even if you're an atheist, you cannot deny the fact that the universe and the way the earth in particular, has been, you know, made designed, organized in the greater aspect of the universe in a way that it produces life that that seems to be beyond a coincidence. Yes.

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So this is the masjid. We're talking about the Quran, and the Hadith.

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And this is verse number 2424.

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So perhaps also, another point that we could mention is the federa. The idea that human beings are born with a natural disposition to believe in certain things, or to appreciate certain things and an animosity toward some evil things. How do we explain that existence? Well, the Muslims explain it by saying that there is a maker creator to place that nature inside human beings, what is your explanation? Do you see? Yes, so this is, you know,

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a principle in doubt. Yeah, that you're supposed to call someone to common ground, and then build upon that. And the last part that knows best, then I'll say is that we gave in the offspring of these two men, two things, prophecy and keytab.

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One interpretation is that Allah made some of the offspring into prophets, and we mentioned some of them already. And some of them we gave them Kitab, which means scripture as well. So every prophet was given a scripture. We know of four scriptures, for example, we know that after Ibrahim alayhi salam, there was a thought.

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Yeah. And then there was a vote, and then there was in jail, and then the Quran, yes. Another interpretation which some said goes back to him. Now Abbas is Al Kitab refers to keytab the idea or the concept of human beings writing, yes, that a larger law inspired some human beings or a human being, with the ability to write. And based on that, that human beings then learn the idea of writing, as this is another interpretation. And then I'll say something homo did that from some of them.

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Or some of them were more dead, meaning committed to guidance.

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Not all of the children of these two great prophets were guided.

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Not all of them were religious. For men homo, that means only some of them were. Yes. And then others were Kathy Roman who facetune. Kathy means many, many of them. On the other hand, despite having these father figures, they were fasciae cone. And a fast ship, which is a single officer cone is someone who steps outside of the boundaries of a law into the disobedience of Allah, the Arabs would call the mouse for waste. Yes is another word for a mouse or voice. Because of a mouse, it kind of darts out of the hole in the wall, and out into the open, is in the same way a immoral person, he steps outside of the boundaries of Allah. So he is known as a facet from the same root

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letters. And some scholars say the faseb in particular is someone who commits major sins, not someone who dabbles in some sins, but someone who is seriously an immoral and wicked person. But what do we learn from this? One of the things we learn from this is that just because you are a religious person yourself, it doesn't necessarily mean your kids are going to turn out like that as well. Because if your father was no, and by the way, did all of know how they salaams children become religious and pious.

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They didn't do that. In fact, the Koran tells his son, he refused to board the ark, and he was drowned, which was very painful for loyalists to see his son, you know, drown and refuse Lata Camaro carefree and he said, don't be with the disbelievers. He said it to his own son. Now, what does that teach us? Many times, you know, if you are a bad parent, or you neglect to nurture the religiosity of your children, then they turn out to be corrupt. It is your fault, you are responsible you are to blame. However, if you try your level best, you try to send them to Islamic schools into madrasa you gave them good upbringing yourself, you're a good example to your children, and then they went off

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the rails and they became disobedient with bad character, etc, etc. Should you blame yourself? Should you say What did I do wrong? You know, my son, he's a drug dealer.

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And what did I do wrong? You know, I must be a bad person.

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Well, it depends not necessarily It was no * Islam a bad person. He wasn't a bad person. Look, man, his son said was a Muslim was a lot man, a bad person. No, you celebrate in the Quran is a great father figure. Yes. And even the global Islam, his many of his sons, they tried to murder one of his own sons. So even they, at some point in their life, you know, off the rails, as we would say. So one thing we can take from this verse is some reassurance that look, if you are a mother and father who tries their level best to, you know, raise their children islamically you know, sacrifice your money and your time and your efforts and they don't turn out to be that good. Then tell

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yourself that you know what, there was a man no had Islam and his children were like this is go, don't do not beat yourself up over this is this is beyond your control. It is in the hands of Allah, of course, you should continue to make dua and of course you should continue to try. But do not then blame yourself not last parthenos invest. Also, look at the wording of the verse for men no more than some of them were more that this is the singular mode that means one man, a woman committed to guidance. Yes, one person but Allah spoke about those who

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were evil and astray Allah use the plural, or kathira, middle facetune. As if to highlight that. Unfortunately, most of them were corrupt. Only a few of them are goods that makes you also think, isn't it? That's a pallet but a human is an arm and nor Harrison are from their offspring. Most of them are messed up. Only a few of them are guided. See the verse searches from singular to plural to highlight that. What does that teach us? It teaches us that

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if people despite having a good upbringing, even if we say having a great messenger, like we have Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And they most of his followers, do not follow his teachings and are corrupt and immoral is not a reflection on the teaching of the messenger is a reflection of the own condition. Yes, if people, for example, in our term, they do not follow the teachings of the process of them. Are they bad Muslims? Does that mean that they were given bad teachings by the messenger? No. It means that they themselves failed to listen to them as to who was a great man and had great teachings.

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And then the last one to say is somebody

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Faina 13.

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And they after we followed up those messages,

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or rather from Athena Allah 13. We followed up in their footsteps, more messages, what a thinner be at the 70 mark, and we followed them up with Jesus, the son of Mary is Elisa. So now Allah subhanaw taala. After speaking particularly about two messages, he then moves to speaking more generally about many other messengers. And he describes the other messengers, as not just messages that came, but messages that he made follow up a previous messenger. And the word use of following up is Athena, and from the root of the word Athena is the path here, which means the nape of the neck, the back of the neck, yes. So the idea is that Allah sent one messenger after another, so close behind

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him, that is if two people are walking and one is just behind the neck of the other one. Yeah. And that is a reflection of allows love and mercy towards the creation, that he didn't leave them. In misguidance, he sent one messenger. And as soon as that messengers guidance begins, become distorted by people becomes diluted a lot then replaces him and sends enough another one closely behind him. And the word 13, which means footsteps, it, it amplifies his meaning, because it's to say that not only they come closely behind one another, but they were in the footsteps of the previous one, as if to say they will, preaching the same teachings as the one that was before the Yes, they didn't come

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with different messages. Yes, the ethics and the morality that they preached were the same. They were following each other's footsteps. And this is when the mercy of Allah subhanho wa, taala to mankind, many of them, and then Allah highlights one particular messenger, Athena Berry, sabini, Maria, and we made them follow or we made Lisa follow those messages up. Yes. And Alison Islam is called the son of Mary. Mario. Interestingly, the only woman who's mentioned by name in the Quran is Maria Melissa. Yes, only woman and

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Christians they call him. Jesus Christ. Yes. Is there anything wrong with a Muslim calling? Elisa? Listen, um, Jesus Christ.

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What do you think?

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The word Christ calling as a Christ. there's anything wrong with that.

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The word Christ, from my understanding means the anointed one. And in Arabic, the word is mercy. In a lot also refers to mercy. Yes, the anointed one. So if you were to say Jesus Christ, is nothing wrong with that, yes, you can call him that. Because that is like saying, are you sir? Who is mercy having a module that is mentioned the put on as well? So I'm gonna highlight this one profit. Why? Because now the invitation is going to go out to the Christians. Yes, is what we are talking about in developing common ground. So I must say that we made Elissa Islam the son of Mary, follow up those messages

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to you now will indeed, and we gave him in jail mean the gospel. Yeah, so the scripture that was given to sell Islam is known as the gospel, right. And Aladdin describes the impact of the teachings of the gospel.

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He says, well, john, a few pulu, binladin,

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Rama that we made, a we placed in the hearts of those who followed him like his disciples, to things our offer and offer can be translated as compassion. And that can be construed as translators mercy, very similar, suddenly saying that the hearts of the people that followed me said Islam, meaning the Christians,

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were very tender,

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very loving, compassionate. Now, so panela, even a little today, we noticed that this is a characteristic of Christians, don't we? We notice that Christians generally speaking, they have they are very compassionate towards other people, is that they have this loving nature towards other people. And this is something mentioned the Koran, and its root is the teaching of the Indian. Now at our show, he mentioned something interesting. He said, Why did Allah highlight the effect of the Injeel on the hearts of the people, and that effect being to make the hearts tender and soft towards others? He said, Because Alison Islam was sent to the benefits that are in and many Israelis who

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suffer from a sour to the loop, hardness of the hearts and in sort of the head, it allows them all already mentioned in a few verses before sakasa kulu boom, so the hearts became hard like stones. So these people don't have hard hearts.

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Allah sent them a scripture that would be the antidote to that hardness that will melt their hearts and is designed to make them tender and become soft.

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So a lot a lot Delilah mentioned these two things. I'm not sure what he spoke about the difference between offer and Rama.

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Possibly possibly something to think about. So the differences are often Rama

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and Rama both refer to Ripa which means care and compassion but have different types. As for Rama, he's up for it is

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care and concern in a way that you don't want anything bad to happen to somebody else. Yes, you don't like bad things happening to other people. You have sympathy towards someone who is suffering. That is a lot for us to urashima it is the desire to want good things to happen to people. Yes, you want this person to be blessed. You want this person you're a well wishes, they say you want good things to happen to others. So I said both are tougher and that were placed inside their hearts. Maybe their hearts were tender, their hearts were loving their hearts were very compassionate. One of my other teachers told me that the difference between a rock and a hammer is that a lot of refers

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an act of mercy of Allah which every person agrees is an act of mercy. As for Rama, it refers to an act of mercy which people may not perceive it to be mercy in the first instance.

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Like something bad that happens to someone.

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In reality, that bad thing makes them turn back to Allah. So it was an act of mercy. But people don't see it like that. That is Rama Asafa It is something which is clearly an apparently an act of mercy from Allah. Allah knows the most best what is the real difference between these two words? And then Allah says what? Nia and monasticism now the in the Quran. The the idea of monasticism which is when somebody says, I'm not going to marry a woman anymore, I'm going to be celibate. I'm going to live away from society. I'm going to, you know, only worship God, and my life is only going to be servitude to God and nothing else. That's monotheism. That is not mentioned anywhere else in Milan

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except here. Yes. And Allah says, asked monasticism imitator, the Christians they invented it, meaning it's not from the teachings of Islam. It is not there in the authentic gospel. It is something that was introduced way afterwards. Now, who invented it, who is the person who came up invented many of these teachings

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have been tamed? malamala. He says it was a man called

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I forgot the Arabic actually, but in English, they refer to them as poor. Yes, Paul, is said to be one of the saints, okay of Christianity. And he came many, many years after he said Islam, and they've been tamer when I said about him that he was in fact, a

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convert from, from Judaism, but he was a hypocrite. And the reason why he converted to Christianity in order to basically distort the teachings of Islam, and he is the one who invented he said, the idea of Trinity. Yes, the idea of Trinity Paul is invented one is one imagined Trinity and also assumes the idea of monasticism is low.

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Now, the word EBITDA there from it, we get the word bid. You know, a bidder means

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innovation. Yes, they are the ones who invented it.

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Now, even if you said Allah is condemning them for this, is that they invented it. But somebody may say but Monosodium is a good thing. No. If you say you're not going to get married to anyone, you're not going to live in amongst people, you're going to seclude yourself and worship God and God alone. Isn't that a good thing?

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Now in a way it does seem like a good thing to do and that you dedicate your life to the worship of a lion. That's it, but less condemning it.

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Why do you think it's being condemned for isn't it a good thing?

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Okay, so you said that it may be apparently good but Allah knows that if you did practice this then things might start to get messed up. Yes.

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Okay, if you isolate yourself from people then

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okay, Allah wants you to be part of society. And you know, there's lots of tests that will come from people when you are what when you are amongst them interesting.

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You know, there's a story

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of a husband, that he wasn't a scholar for most of his young adult life. And then he came into the masjid. And

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he sat down, just came into my salon. So an old man in the back said, What's wrong with you? Today? You know, you come into mess. You're supposed to pray to God, that hadn't missed it. So he got up and he prayed to that after some time, he came to the masjid again. And he's praying to God because he knows now, the old man of the back said, what's wrong with you praying to Ricardo, you know,

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it's time for the why he knows what to pray right now. So he said, last time I came, the guy told me to pray this takami tells me not to pray. And I need to learn about this theme. He said that that incident spurred him on to become the great scholar that he was, yes.

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Why did I mention that story? is a very sad story because there is another iteration of say

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that a man who was praying okay in the time where you're not supposed to pray.

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He said to him that this is the time where the processor not said not to pray. So he said, there's not gonna punish me for praying to Him.

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Yeah, he said, he's not going to punish me for pregnant He said, No, Allah is going to punish you for going against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Yes, put him straight, isn't it?

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There's another story spotlight just reminded myself now that you know there's some American I think Moroccan and Tunisian people they have this tradition we offer they pray, they turned to the other person and they give them Saddam Hussein this Yes, no. So there was a rather very zealous Mashallah, he's, you know, he's saying this is a bit odd. This is a bit odd.

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So what he would do, or what he did is that when he finished praying the person next to him, you know, so aneko, gave his hand for Islam, slapped his hand, he slapped his hand away.

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This is a bitter, so the brother, he said to him, I didn't know slapping someone was sooner.

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I don't know slapping someone with Santa and spotlights almost like he slapped him back isn't in a nice way. So

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the reason I'm telling you all this story is because when we hear that Christians invented monasticism, and Muslim is basically to go to the extremes of worshiping God. It is wrong from the perspective that Aladdin asked you to do that. But you're doing it anyway. Now as a slave of God, zaev allow your men to do what he asked you to do, not the things he didn't ask you to do. From that perspective, it is wrong. Yes. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He also said kulu be the atom Bada, every innovation is misguidance. And in that is a wisdom, which is to say that even if you think is good, I am telling you it is misguidance Yes, I'm telling you, it is misguided. Most people

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that engage in in Acts of innovation, they're not doing it because they think is a bad thing. They take it because they think it's a good thing. Right? They're doing it because they believe that this is something that will bring them closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala that when you condemn them, this is innovation Don't do this. Their response is what's bad. What's wrong with them doing something that pleases Allah? Yeah, maybe from the perspective of worshiping him but from the perspective of following his guidelines of how to worship Him, you are failing. Yes. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke sternly about this. So the Hadith I mentioned is one another how to use a

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very famous Hadees is reported on the authority of airasia menasha, delta V emelina, hada, malice Ameen. hufa, who aren't that whoever invents something in our affair, which is not from it, it will be rejected. Meaning in the sight of Allah, it is not an acceptable deed is not accepted. So Allah is saying he's condemning them because they're doing something he didn't ask them to do. Now, one other wisdom behind it, which is what you were alluding to, is in the next part of the verse, Allah says Makka taberner. I lay him in Liberty law, or is one in law. We didn't prescribe that for them. We didn't mandate monasticism, for them in Liberty law did one in law except to seek the pleasure of

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Two interpretations. One is that we prescribe that what we prescribe was that for them to pursue my pleasure, ie through the prescribed acts of worship, that's what we what we asked for them. That's what we ask all of all of those who follow our profits. Second interpretation is interesting, Li saying that we didn't prescribe it for them, but I know why you did it. The reason why you engage in madness ism is in order to seek the pleasure of Allah. And that's interesting because Allah is saying that the act is wrong, but the intention is good behind it.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:57

So then somebody would say, well, then does that mean I'm going to get reward

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I'm doing it for good.

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Beloved one, I'm begging to seek the pleasure of Allah. No one was condemning it, despite the good intention. And that's a lesson for us, which is that if you want a good deed to be accepted, you must do it for the sake of Allah. And according to the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu, wasallam, you need, you need both things. You are the one who defines what a good deed is, is Allah and His messenger. So the long answer, you don't get to do, you don't get to define what good deeds are. Somebody may say, I'm doing a good deed, and then they find a strong but they say about, it's coming from a good place. You know, I'm doing it for a good reason. I think trying to think of an

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example, maybe you can help me out here where somebody does a good deed. He says he's doing it for the sake of Allah. But in reality, that's nothing to do with Islam is something which is outside of Islam.

00:35:52 --> 00:36:02

I think a very good example, not a controversial example, an example is acceptable by all people that this is not Islamic to do this. And somebody justifies it by saying here, but it's,

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it's coming from a good place, you know?

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do you think of one let me know inshallah,

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which is?

00:36:14 --> 00:36:16

Oh, this is a good one.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:48

Very good. So somebody who's a philanthropist, goes around, setting up charitable trusts, okay, building hospitals, building orphanages, and you know, people are praising this person. Or maybe it's someone who makes a significant contribution to the world of science and technology. Yes, he helped humanity on the basis of his, you know, scientific discoveries, like someone who passed away recently. And as people, they say, you know, this person should be praised.

00:36:49 --> 00:36:52

Actually, God himself would love this person.

00:36:53 --> 00:37:04

Because look, what he did was good. Or they would say, okay, even if he's a disbeliever The fact is that he did it for good reason. So therefore, it should be accepted now.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:22

But according to the Quran, and Sunnah, even if something comes from a good place, by it doesn't hold up to the standard of Allah and the prophet SAW said, it will not be accepted. Yes, it will not be accepted. Even there was a man, I forgot his name now spotlight at the time of the process, Adam?

00:37:24 --> 00:38:09

Sad, maybe remember this man's name. So he used to be very charitable, okay. And he used to host the hotjar that would come every year to Makkah. From all our all around the room, please, people come to do because it must have gotten used to had just the own shuki version of it. And he used to host the meeting. He used to feed them and used to give them water. So as of the last honor, she said jasola What about image Dan? Dan, what about Japan? Will he not be rewarded with paradise? Hey, look on what she does for people and the profits and losses that have been said? No, because he never once said alarm. Philly hottie hottie, yo, Medina, Allah forgive me for my sins on the Day of

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Resurrection, meaning he didn't have faith in Allah. So all the good things he did in this life, though they are good from a worldly sense. They're not good in the sight of Allah, and will not therefore be acceptable before law. And as a very difficult concept for many people to digest, isn't it? That you're just saying that someone does something good with a good intention is still not going to be acceptable unless he's a Muslim? Exactly. That's exactly what we're saying. And that makes sense. Because who do you want them to be accepted by?

00:38:42 --> 00:38:53

You want them to be accepted by Allah, but you don't believe in Allah? So how can you ask Allah to accept good deeds from someone who doesn't even believe in Him? Who disbelieves in him? who disrespects him?

00:38:54 --> 00:39:03

So what you are saying brother or sister is that even if you're good to people, and so if it if, if even if you're bad to Allah, it's okay. Because you're good to people?

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Isn't it? We should accept you as a good person because you're good to people. But that doesn't make sense. You're setting up a different criteria now? Yes. See, people have their own criterias of what is good and bad. For example, okay, let's say somebody, just just theoretically, he murders his mother and father in cold blood and he doesn't feel any regrets.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:27

He's a good person. He's a bad person.

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00:39:30 --> 00:39:31

good person, a bad person.

00:39:32 --> 00:39:37

Bad wrestler. You can't really imagine anyone who would say he's a good person, regardless of faith.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:50

Let's say that the same person who murdered his mother and father in cold blood doesn't feel no regret. He then saved four people from drowning random strangers, save them from drowning is a good person is a bad person.

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

Tell me how would society label this man he killed

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

His mother and father in cold blood and then afterwards he saved for people from drowning. But he called him a good person a bad person.

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is bad press isn't it? See, the thing is because in your mind Once you've done this crime of killing your mother and father, I mean, just imagine is this, you know, the thought makes you shudder. It doesn't matter. What did you do after that you're always going to be a bad person to not. See Allah says, In Allahu Allah Yangshuo au Shakopee waiuku, Medina Delica. Sha. Allah doesn't forgive someone who sets up rivals with him. He can forgive anything else. So the hierarchy of good deeds or sins has been defined for us by Islam. Okay, so Allah says, After telling us that they did it for a good reason, which is one interpretation. Fernanda, I will have coriaria to this always gets to me. Allah

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says, and they didn't observe it as it should have been observed. So Allah condemned them for inventing monasticism. And then Allah condemned them for not doing it properly.

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And makes you think that any how do we understand this? So Allah condemned them for saying, I'm going to be a monk or a priest who's going to live, you know, in the side of a mountain, are going to practice celibacy. I'm only going to worship God, I'm not going to interact with other people, etc, etc. So that's a innovation is condemned. And then Allah says Allah Allah Haqqani if they didn't observe it, as it should have been observed. How do you understand those two statements together?

00:41:35 --> 00:41:40

So one of the ways to reconcile it is that as a machine you mentioned,

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when a person

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says I'm going to practice monasticism, it is like taking a vow before Allah, another that Allah I'm always going to fast every day or every other day a lot. I'm always going to pray to you, this may not occur, Oh Allah, I'm never gonna get married. So now you landed yourself a double trouble. First trouble is that you've, you've got to make yourself do all these things which Allah doesn't want you to do. Number two, you've made an oath to the effect.

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Yes, so now what you're going to do, you have to break your oath, or you keep your oath. So Allah is saying that even though they put monasticism on themselves, they didn't fulfill the oath of monasticism. Yes, was Allah condemning that condemning them for breaking the oath. Another interpretation is is not a condemnation, that they didn't observe it properly. Rather, it is a matter of it's a statement of fact, to say that they invented masochism. And let me tell you, that they weren't even able to do it properly anyway, as if to say that it's unnatural to be like, this is not the way I created a human being to only worship Me and to divorce this world and to never

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gratify themselves, you know, with the opposite gender in a halal way. That's not the way I made human beings. So that is why they cannot keep up with it. He was part of law you hear about lots of stories from the church, have child molestation, and you know, *, etc, etc.

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And that kind of, you know, must be coming from the fact that they are trying to live by a standard which is unnatural. human being cannot live like that, and perhaps is one of the teachings from this verse as well. And then Allah says,

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the man woman whom, and then we gave to those who believe from them, the rewards meaning that those who didn't practice monasticism, those who live by the true teachings of Elissa Salaam, Allah gave them the rewards in full. And a prime example of this is Naja she Naja, she was a king of Ethiopia and the time of the prophet SAW Selim, he was one of those who was a true Christian. He is following the authentic teachings of the prophets that are of a certain a certain mother. And then he followed up that faith with faith in the next Prophet Mohammed said along with

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that Allah says what Cathedral minimum First of all, and the verse ends by Allah saying, and many of them, many of them were forced upon. Again, teachings of SLA Salaam, pure, they were supposed to affect the hearts positively, people that came after him then corrupted that religion, and what do you know, only a few of them remain devout, and many of them were facetune, meaning people that became wicked and corrupt as well. One of the lessons we learn from both these verses my brothers and sisters, is the importance of following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yes, Allah has given us the greatest prophet of war with the greatest book of all, which means that

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he has set us up for success. But the only way you will be successful is if you try to follow his teachings as precisely and accurately as possible avoiding innovations. Yes, if Allah gave previous nations such great prophets with great teachings,

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And then he highlights that they weren't. They failed on account of not following the teachings of their profits that it was a lesson to us that you also will fail as an oma, if you do not follow the way of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam May Allah make us of those who follow the teachings of our province that allowed us to make us a man and so no one Gemma otherwise sort of Lawson of Milan, Amina Mohammed, while Ernie was his main desire

An explanation of one powerful chapter of the Qur’an: Surah al-Hadid – The beauty of Iron.

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