Asim Khan – Tafsir Surah Fatiha – Part 6

Asim Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including the importance of worshipping Islam, finding the means to achieve goals, finding the means to achieve goals, and finding the means to achieve them. They also explore various theories about spiritual connections and the importance of learning from experiences and bringing happiness to oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah de Lyonne me, man,

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Monica woman de

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he cannot he cannot stand ID

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Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam, ala MV mursaleen, the Vienna Muhammad in no other early he was actually in some bad Symbolic Logic with regard to my dearest brothers and sisters. This is the sixth lesson now of this course that of seer of Surah Fatiha. We've got to verse number four, he can attribute to what kind of staring

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this was, is the most important verse in sort of

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even taming Allah narrates from hustle and bustle who said that it is said and 30 have super on that so 230 How is the secret of the Quran and the secret of Al Fatiha lies in two statements? That is a statement he cannot do what he can to stay as if to say that if you understand this one verse, you will have understood the core message of the Quran and Islam. So let's just begin by asking Allah subhanaw taala to grant us the understanding of this verse and to make the meaning of it really internalize and live in our hearts mean

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we said right at the beginning that sort of fair to her is split into two okay and that was because of the health and safety Muslim were the process and said that a law said for some to salata Bane, you have a nap The nice thing, a law said that we have

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divided the prayer into two half between me and half between my slave. I've been to marshmallow said that as for the part that is to do with Allah, that is in the beginning al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen or Rahman Rahim, Maliki amin and including the words he can Abu he said that is where the half that relates to Allah ends and ends on the note of Rohit at ends on the note of the subject of laws exclusive right to be worshipped then the next half begins with what

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what do you think it begins in the relates to the slave

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no it's er can Abu again he said it begins with he can I will do for the slave on the note of the rain and it ends with the the last words of Surah Fatiha This is the divide of the of the surah into two portions. Okay. The first part is talking about Allah, the second part is talking about the creation or us okay, this is the way to look at the surah. Now,

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if you look at this verse,

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we can see a number of things.

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Firstly, what is the translation of Air Canada kind of starting? The rough translation is to you alone? Do we worship? Yeah, or rather you alone? Do we worship? And you alone? Do we seek help? This is the rough translation. Now when you hear that word you can tell straight away is this is actually a declaration. It is a declaration you are declaring something, isn't it? You're declaring two things, you're declaring number one,

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that Allah, we worship You, we are enslaved to you. And the second thing you are declaring is that we seek your aid and support.

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Now if you reflect over that, you think to yourself, first of all, this is a declaration. We are saying something declaring that we are your slave or a lot. Yeah, we're declaring that. Are we being told to declare that or are we saying that voluntarily?

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You know, sometimes no Quran Allah says, say this, like all along, isn't it say Allah is one unique or sometimes Allah subhanaw taala chose us to say something else, or Allah commanded us yet

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You want us or Buddha or have become our mankind worship your lesson command to do something? Is it a command here? Are we being told to say this? When are we we're being we're saying it voluntarily.

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So the question is like, why are we saying this voluntarily? What has brought us to this point where something's happened in our mind as we're listening to what came before? And that's made an impact on us to the point that we feel we need to declare something now. The first thing we declare Allah, we are your slaves. By the way. Have you ever heard or seen anyone voluntarily? say he's a slave to someone?

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Obviously, voluntarily.

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Have you could even imagine that someone volunteers to be a slave one other person? It doesn't happen does it? We are volunteering ourselves as a slaves of Allah.

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So the question is why? Okay, we'll get to that inshallah. What Why do we declare that? And what are we declaring? A poverty Rahim? Allah explained it in the following way. He said he cannot do what we're actually saying is to you, oh, Allah.

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Here, he says, like a llama to you, oh, Allah, we humble ourselves, and devote ourselves and affirm that you are our Rob, and no one else. The second thing he can sustain, and you do we worship sorry. And in you do we seek help to worship you and obey you in every single matter of hours. We don't seek it in anyone else.

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Doesn't that sound like a duality? It doesn't it? We are making a dua to Allah for some help is well, what are we asking for help in

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to worship Allah? We said, We are your slaves. We worship you. And then we ask Allah for help to worship Him as well. That's interesting, isn't it? Like you just said, You worship? I love it. And you ask Allah for hope to worship? Yes. We'll understand that later. But the way our poverty explained it is like we asking Allah for something.

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Now, if you look at the sequence, you'll find something interesting. You've gone from Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen urashima, Rahim Malik, yoba. Nene, who are you talking about to the

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old phrase and thanks belongs to Allah.

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He is the master of alchemy. And then you said something else about Allah you described a lot as a rock man. Is that about you? is about Allah.

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Then what's the next thing Maliki Ahmed Dean who is the Owner of the Day of Judgment, Allah and now you are here cannot? We? Are your slaves? We seek your help. Are you talking about Allah? Or are you talking to Allah?

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is talking to Allah 90? So you've grown from talking about Allah to talking to Allah? Do you see how it shifted?

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Why? What Why? Why Has that happened? Why is it happened here? Why have you gone from talking about Allah to talking to Allah and even when you're talking to Allah, you are declaring something about who you are to Allah something has been said isn't it? That's made you reach this point. We agree on that. Something must have been said before this which brought you to the realization but what is it that's been said that brought you to this realization?

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What made you realize Hang on a minute, I'm the slave of Allah.

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Okay, so the magnitude was said before but what give me some details because we've studied all the previous verses so yeah.

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Okay, so if you just heard that allows the master or rather the Owner of the Day of Judgment and that's going to make you feel a certain way isn't it? It's gonna make you feel like you know what,

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I need to do something and that day is coming a lot owns that day I need to do the right thing What's the best thing I can do is to worship God. Yeah, a lot of good very good. Okay.

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What else though? Is it just one thing? Is it just Maliki on Medina just heard Maliki Ahmed Dean and that's what's brought me to this point where I'm thinking you know what I do so myself I need to worship Allah. What else? Okay, what about Rama Rahim has made you realize that you are the slave of God.

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Okay, so he's, you've just heard that God is so forgiving. man. He's forgiving his

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musgo right now and Rahim infinitely in the future to for the believers. And then you're thinking Oh,

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that means Allah may forgive me for what I've done let me so myself and be slave okay good any any other views about Rahman Rahim has impacted you to make you realize that you're the slave one law anything else

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is being controlled by a law that's true but that's not the meaning of man

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yeah so maybe that's coming before that

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ever give you a hint okay? What did we say was the greatest act of mercy of God to mankind? What was it? He's

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worshipping him know like what's that he's done so much for us, isn't it? But what's the best thing that Allah has done for us? Like what's the greatest act of mercy he's shown to us?

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He's merciful, yes, but how has he How is he showing that to us? Was it?

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I sense Allah for Allah, Allah will for an he said, a rush man, the Most Merciful? How exactly is alone so he taught you the Quran? He's 10 he sent you the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Who taught you how to worship a lot? Yeah, how taught to you how to watch most of the greatest act of mercy? Is what sending all the prophets of Allah Harlow center, right. So if that is the case, then if that is the case, then you're linking God's mercy to God's religion.

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And that religion is telling you to be a slave of God, isn't it? If you appreciate it like that, it makes sense. urashima is all around us. But the greatest show of Allah Rama is what the sending of this man Mohammed Asana mean, and what did he tell me to do? He told me to worship Allah. He cannot do Haha, isn't it? Armando Rahim is pushing you to this realization. So what else?

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Anything else?

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Yes, very good.

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Okay, so it's very similar to what the brother said fact that you had lies All Merciful right now and into the future makes you feel like you need to you you're able to be forgiven. And how are you going to do that? Uh huh.

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This is not the instruction.

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Okay, but we're not talking about how it links we're talking about what made you realize this, so you're saying it yourself to Allah, Allah, I just realized that actually, I am your slave to worship you. Yeah. Anything else? Yes.

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Okay, so the previous have summed up

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the, the attributes of a lot, okay, the main attributes of Allah. And that's what's brought you to this realization, okay. Like what? Tell me what kind of attributes so if you go by verse by verse, and you're right, you're right. So Alhamdulillah Hara, in what? attributes of Allah did you just hear about or learn about that made you one step closer to this realization?

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Yeah, that is the rub. Yeah, there are lies your master. And as soon as you realize your master is thinking, Okay, what does that make me? He's like, yeah, so Rob, the rupiah of Allah brought you to this point. What else? Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah horrible. I mean, a Rahmani Raheem that gave you attributes of God as well that he's almost civil.

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Uh huh. So the attribute of mercy is a pivotal, a pivotal attribute of Allah agreed it is, is and that is why the name or rush man is never coupled with any other name. And this is never the second of any two names either. And then Maliki Ahmed Dean is also talking about Allah as the Owner of the Day of Resurrection, and by consequence every other day is go Okay, good. There's two other things. Okay. There's two other things we can mention. First of all, there's actually five reasons that are pushing you to this realization. The first is that you learn that Allah is the one who deserves all praise and thanks a lot is to be praised for everything he is and everything he does. Alhamdulillah

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The second is that he is the author of Bill al Ameen, the master of everything that exists. And then the third is that he is a right man.

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The fourth is that he's a regime and then he is Maliki on within his five reasons why you've been given that you should realize with all of this, you know what I am then I need to worship you online. Yeah, I need to worship you Allah. There's another way of looking at it too. And that is that the three main tenants of Islam have been mentioned the three main tenants of Islam. What are they? Eman in Allah? Eman in rissalah. The man in

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faith in God, faith in his messengers and faith in the AFA. Yeah, this core message which is encapsulating these three is the message of every single profit center human beings. Yeah, so you've just heard Okay, actually the faith in God Alhamdulillah

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and watch about faith in the ACA what versus giving us that medical but what versus giving us a faith in prophets and messengers

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Rahman Rahim Mashallah. Very good he

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Rahmani Raheem? Because the greatest act of mercy is the sending of the messages. Yeah.

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In fact, there's another reason. And that is the previous three verses encapsulated the three pillars of worship. You know, what the three pillars of worship are? You worship a law, with love,

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with fear, and with hope, hope.

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So when it came to worship Allah with love, which part of the words before

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encapsulating that message?

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Very Good heavens. olahraga. These youngsters, man,

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I gotta get some better chocolates for these guys. It's been done. And how do we set a hand here is to praise and it has a connotation of love, to praise out of love. Yeah. So praise out of love. Okay, what about the tenant of hope? That's an easy one, right?

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When you hear Rahmani Raheem, as you were saying, you sense a feeling of hope. There's hope for me. Even though stuff for law, bad things I've done in my life. I'm like, Alright, man, Rahim does hope for me to worship Him. And then what about fear? Again, and I'll carry on with the fear. The three pillars of worship,

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are being mentioned in the previous three verses. So all of these reasons come together to culminate to have an impact on the sincere listener says that he turns around and says, You know what? Now I need to sort myself out, he can I will do what he can to stay. Okay. He cannot will do what you can to stay.

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Right. I've got a question here. I don't actually remember why I asked it. But I'll ask anyway. What's the job description of a slave?

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What's the job description of a slave?

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Yes, to carry out everything that the master asked tonight. If someone says I'm, you know, be my slave.

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You think you know, God, I gotta do everything. He says. Whatever he says, I've got to do. I've got a choice. No choice. Exactly. The idea is that you've got no choice, your will, doesn't count for anything anymore. It's everything about the master. Whatever the master wants me to. That's why I have to do that's the job description of a slave.

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But the thing is, the verse says he cannot do you alone, do we? What? Wish? worship, right? We're talking about being a slave to God. And we just said that the job description of a slave is to do everything the master asks.

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That means that there is a difference between worshiping and being obedient. Isn't it? Like, let me give you an example. Can a person

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worship Allah, but not be slave?

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Is it possible

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isn't it? How is it possible you told me

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the criteria

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Okay, so brother said that you might be watching well, ah, but not upon his criteria, the criteria as set by the person certain good, but let's say somebody does do that. Let's say somebody prays five times a day for Ramadan, being the Hajj he's worshiping Allah, but it doesn't necessarily mean he's a slave of a lot. Is it? At the back that you want to see?

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The brother next to you want to say something?

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Okay, he might keep doing it because everyone else is doing it. Okay, interesting. But there's more to it than that as much clearer than that is, the

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slave won't have a choice of what to do.

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We do worship online voluntarily. It's true.

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There's something else. So can you not worship Allah and at the same time, be a bad slave, or not be a slave?

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how someone could pray five times a day, but have bad character, like what like,

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goes run,

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speaking badly about people,

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that his parents

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is a fraudster

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tries like a lunatic, etc, etc. Yeah, so he might be worshipping God. But is he really the slave of God? Because once you go to the slave idea of being a slave, is that you got to do everything the master asked you to do, isn't it? And what the master is asking you to do could relate to how you behave with him, or how you behave with his

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creation. Right? So the idea of being the slave law is far more broader than the idea of just worshiping a lot. But what is amazing is in the Arabic language, the word ariba, encapsulates both.

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It encapsulates both the idea of worshipping and the idea of enslaving, they're both come together inside one word. That is why when you say Naboo, you are saying both things. We only worship you Allah, and we only use slaves, okay? And it's a very

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it's a bit difficult to get your head around the idea. But you know what? Allah says in Surah Yaseen.

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Allah had the LA come, yeah, Benny, Adam, Allah to Abu

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shaper, isn't it? Allah says he has seen.

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Allah will say this to all of mankind especially disbelieved on Yeoman. tiama lm alaikum? Did I not take a covenant with you all? Allah that you would not? What?

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worship Who? Say

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that you would not worship Satan. But Do people really worship Satan? I'm talking about those bunkers, people, you know, that go around being satan worshippers? I'm talking about people in general, are kuffar really devil worshipers?

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You say?

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Tell me explain to me how do we understand that verse? Allah is saying to mankind, didn't I take a covenant with you, oh, children of Adam, that you don't.

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Translation worship shaytaan? Like, how do we understand that? We don't find people praying to say, john Dewey.

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By doing whatever he asked you to do isn't

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very good. Here. We're giving you something already.

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Sir, yes, restriction at the moment is running on lows at the moment.

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The brother said that the way we understand Allah terrible, the shape on don't worship shape on his don't obey him. When he asked you to do all the sins, all the bad things he asked us to do, once you go along with him and start doing them, you're actually worshipping Him,

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in the eyes of Allah, because you are obeying Him, just like a slave is supposed to obey his master GC, the idea of enslavement and worship is actually one in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala that he wants us to worship Him and to be his slave, mean to obey Him. We ask you to do you do what he asked you to stay away from you stay away from? That is how my brothers and sisters, we can actually worship Allah 24 hours a day, isn't it? By doing the acts of worship, and by obeying him outside of worship times, isn't it? By working as we in jobs we're supposed to, by behaving with others in the matter we're supposed to, by avoiding harm things by doing all of that, that actually is an act of

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worship to our

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If you intended it, and therefore your 24 hours a day can be a day of worship of Allah. So it's very powerful to appreciate this idea. Now, looking at the verse in more detail, he cannot understand what is what does that mean? We covered a little bit of it now, which is that linguistically The word rabada means enslavement. It also means love. Yeah, the ancient Aragorn called the woman who is adored as a nabooda. Love is called a condition as well. And also enslavement. Also enslavement, and that is why they call the slave the arbiter like the literal slave of the master. They call him the arbiter, the art. Yeah, the art. So it's got the meaning of worship. It's got the meaning of love.

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It's got the meaning of enslavement. What I found interesting is that, do you know what the Arabs called the sunflower?

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They call the sunflower, Abba. The shrimps are bad, the slaves of the sun. And I got really interested, that's why they calling the sunflower, the slave of the sun.

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And then I started to google it around. And then I found that the sunflower has what's called a Helio tropic nature. And what that means is that the sunflower,

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it tracks the movement of the Sun throughout the day, from east to west, and it faces the sun every time in every part of the day. In the morning, it faces the east, and in the evening of faces, the West alone. The idea of the sunflower moving like this with the sun, is the same idea that is inside the word Alibaba.

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So amazing, isn't it? The idea of love, and the idea of following and the idea of being in all, that is what they would refer to as Santa. So linguistically, this is the meaning of Elberta, enslavement, love and worship, in terms of the Islamic meaning, like religiously, if someone was to ask you, what does that mean, like religiously speaking, even Tamara Hammond has a very good definition. He said, Larry bother. It is a small German, it is a comprehensive term, as in his saying is very broad. Don't look at it in a very narrow way. It's a very broad idea. And it relates to he said, everything you have bought a long while your ball, everything that Allah loves, and is

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pleased with. So you think to yourself, what kind of things does Allah like, love, and he's pleased with all of those things. The inside the definition of a ladder, and then he said mineral equality will learn from speech, things that you see as well as your physical actions. But you know, what? Whether that be internally or externally, what acts of worship Can you do internally that no one can see? Is?

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Okay, other creation Yeah, but we're talking about yourself. Like, you tell me an example of an act of worship, which is hidden from everyone's eye because actually inside of you, fasting is not quite there. I'll explain why.

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Now, what type of intention would you mean like

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this okay.

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Love, love.

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Loving for the sake of Allah or loving oneself? Yeah. Loving Allah is an act of worship. It is from the greatest of acts of worship, isn't it? But can you see someone like loving Allah?

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He can't, can you? Even if you bought a T shirt

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doesn't necessarily mean inside the heart. They love it. When you can tell from the way they behave, but you can't see the act of worship. It's internal. Any other examples? Is

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how, again, how can Allah reliance and not trust in Allah Anything else?

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They could have been lowered your heart you remembering a lot, very good. Anything else?

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Okay, again, if you think about good intention, what do you mean? You have an intention to do something good, isn't it? And you didn't get a lot. So all that's remaining is your intention. Isn't that intention? How is he an act of worship is in wood? Who because that intention was to please Allah isn't it was to please Allah, he never got to carry out. But this is internal, therefore. Very good. Anything else?

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Patience, very good. Patience, you know, like jacobellis. What does he say when his children come and saw use of economic go cute. Pray say southern Germany.

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sovereign Jimmy are gonna have a beautiful patience. Can you see a man being patient?

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You can't, can you, but it's still being done way internally. So, it will take all of that internal and external like Salah, like on Hajj like fasting would be considered external because it requires an external act to break it. Yeah, internal internal, all of that is covered inside the idea of a bother.

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Okay? It's very broad isn't it everything that Allah loves and is pleased with it is inside the concept of abeka another way of looking at it is anything that attracts reward here anything that if you do a lower reward can be considered an act of worship, okay, this is you want to say something?

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Do our very good, is it inward? Or outward?

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Would you say is hidden? Or would you say something you do? Like outwardly that you can see and you can hear

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very good emotion law and it catches

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very good. Da is another output act of worship very good. So we are declaring er can Abu Do you? We worship and worship is all of that we just discussed Okay, you alone. We do this for we slave ourselves to you. And we worship you. Then you say what kind of staring? Yeah, I can assign is the ANA is the verbal noun of

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what is the ANA mean? Is the other means not just to seek help, the police pattern that is it doesn't just mean to seek help. It means to seek help, because you need it.

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This difference? Okay. And I was thinking of an example for this. And I thought sometimes my wife when it comes to our young kids, she says to the kids, can you help me bake a cake? Okay, then she doesn't need the help to bake a cake. She just wants to preoccupy them for an hour. So yeah. She doesn't want it doesn't need them to help but make the case he just wants to be occupied. But karma today, okay. I realized the the real meaning of str. Because for the for the past few days, my back has been bit messed up. So when you know anyone has a back pain is that no, you become very weak. Yeah, there's not many things you can do is very uncomfortable. So there was a delivery today for or

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rather yesterday for a mattress, single mattress light. And it came in is downstairs in the corridor, and we had to take you upstairs. Yesterday, I put it off. And today I was putting off as well, because backs are strong enough. Then someone was around. So I said can you help me? Take it off the stairs. And when I said help me that was pure esteana

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because I can't do it without the help of the other person. You get that? That is the arm. So you ask you're saying to Allah, we seek your help wouldn't be the right word, support and assistance will be better. Okay, support and assistance. And that's very powerful. Because what you're saying to Allah, is that Allah, I not only need your help, but I can't do it without you. I can't do without y'all. I need you. I can't do without you. And also you are saying that a lot. I'm trying to do it. But I can't complete it without your support and help. Yeah, that is what you're saying. He cannot really like you have the word to our you heard of this word tau one tau one wild river Chaka,

00:33:42 --> 00:33:53

what's the translation? help one another? Yeah. In good and piety. The idea of helping one another meaning to our you need each other

00:33:54 --> 00:34:14

to accomplish something. In the same way. We are saying to Allah, we need you. We need you. We can't do without you. Yeah, we can't do that we try. But we cannot. What's the name of the concept in Islam, which relates to this idea of telling Allah? I try? I can't do it without either.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:16

What is it called?

00:34:17 --> 00:34:22

When you saying to ally need your help to achieve something? Because I can't do it myself?

00:34:23 --> 00:34:28

Very good to what could I have to give something for this? I'm not sure I'm not. Please pass it on.

00:34:30 --> 00:34:57

To what cool? What cool is this idea that you need a lot. You need a lot. And you can't achieve what you want to achieve without a loss help, isn't it? This is typical. But the other side of thought cool is that you're going to try and take the means in order to achieve that objective. That means that olanzapine has given so this is this is a rather and this is their arm.

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

And if you think about it, that's the actual question.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:07

message of Islam. Yeah, the core message of Islam is what? In a sentence, it would be.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

A lie is our master.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:23

We need to worship Allah. And we need to only rely on him for everything in our life, isn't it? There'll be like this summary of Islam. Allah is our master, we are slaves we need a lot,

00:35:24 --> 00:36:15

isn't it? And that's why he cannot Buddha kindness therein is the secret of a 30. And 30 is the secret of the Quran. And this type of message is given in the Quran many times the idea of worship and the idea of the worker. So I have a few references here and sort of hood verse number 123. Allah says, fat Buddha, whatever Kalani, so worship Him in slave yourself to Him and place your reliance upon him in Surah erhard, verse number 30, similar call who are a Bella Bella, who are a tawakkol to LA he metab say he is my master, no one were the worst except him upon him to replace my reliance. And to him do I turn to again sort of hood verse number 18, ali tawakkol to LA he will name in you

00:36:15 --> 00:36:33

do I place my trust and reliance and to you do I turn to the same idea? worshipping only Allah is leaving yourself only to Allah and also to rely only on las panatela? What came first to seek Allah's help? Or to declare that you are asleep?

00:36:34 --> 00:36:36

Which came first? At the back then

00:36:38 --> 00:36:52

that you asleep? If you think about it, it may not make sense because why are you asking Allah? Allah has assistance and helpful What is it? Like so many things but what's the main thing you ask Allah is help and assistance for?

00:36:53 --> 00:37:02

To worship him, right? So you're saying Allah, we worship you. And then you say, We need your help to worship You shouldn't be the other way around.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:10

You acknowledging that you need allies help to worship him. Okay.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:34

But it's the art is to seek help, seek the assistance you acknowledge that you need to seek, but even then, it should be first and like it should be, we need your help. And then we are your slaves. We worship you. So what's the benefit in this sequence? rabada and then str, STR and then Anglada. What do you think? Any ideas?

00:37:45 --> 00:37:49

Okay, that's very close. save a lot of this.

00:37:52 --> 00:38:00

Right? If you say asking for help, first you might be neglecting the worship. Very close. Yes.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:10

If you Oh, okay, so you're saying you're not really qualified to ask Allah for help if you're not a slave.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:12

Okay, interesting. Yep.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:25

Which one is your favorite? obeah

00:38:27 --> 00:38:35

Yeah, cannot do any bad. This is to hate the very bad Oh, he did. Oh, here. He has confessed. You're very close to he. Yes.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:45

Very good. Very good. Because even though you're a dentist, you still deserve some chocolate sometimes I think.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:50

This is one of the wisdoms mentioned. It is a show of

00:38:51 --> 00:38:52


00:38:53 --> 00:39:17

attitude to a lot. I'm not going to put myself first I need help. I'm going to put a lovefest Allah, I'm your slave first and foremost. And I need your help to be your slave. So that is more respectful, isn't it is showing a more beautiful attitude is go to Las panatela. Okay. Anyway, let's move on. Now. This is the final Second. Second last slide.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:32

There's some linguistic tools being used in this verse to make it very unique and to make the message more powerful. Okay, let's these tools. The first tool is switching of word structure.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:56

The second tool is a transition from third person to second person. The fourth linguistic tool is the use of a V instead of an eye. And the last is the middle placement of this verse, that it is placed directly in the middle of sort of artifact. Okay, and let me start with that one first.

00:39:57 --> 00:39:58

Look at the screen here.

00:39:59 --> 00:40:00

This is

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00

Refer to her.

00:40:01 --> 00:40:11

Okay. If you were to count the number of words before he connected with what kind of stallion you would count 13

00:40:13 --> 00:40:15

if you were to count afterwards

00:40:17 --> 00:40:20

in a Seraph, Mr. serrat. And Nadine, Anjali,

00:40:22 --> 00:40:23

you would count

00:40:24 --> 00:40:25


00:40:27 --> 00:40:47

this verse is bang in the middle. Yeah, it's right there in the middle. The placement of it is already kind of giving an indication that the message of this verse in particular is super important, isn't it? That's one linguistic tool. The other one in the beginning we said switching of the word structure.

00:40:48 --> 00:41:10

I'm gonna break this down for you instead of saying he cannot do the normal simple way saying Naboo iaca. And now in English, the best way to understand it is like this if I said to you, bro, what did you have for lunch today? You say hi to shwarma Okay, so what do you drink? He said, I drank coffee. So what did you go? I went to the mustard.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:16

Maybe you switch around? I said, bro, what do you need today? shawarma, I had

00:41:18 --> 00:41:24

a very poor ticket. So I know we have lunch. So what did you drink? Coffee? I had

00:41:26 --> 00:41:31

thank you what was going on in? Where did you go bro? mustard? I went

00:41:34 --> 00:41:35

at what is he read poetry?

00:41:37 --> 00:42:01

So switching around the word structure, he never said we worship you Allah, you said you it is who we worship is switched around. And that has given us a connotation of exclusivity. Okay, as if to say it is only you, you would ever do this for?

00:42:02 --> 00:42:07

And then what is it that we do only for you? Naboo we worship you.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:36

And here it is say we seek your help. We said it is your help that we seek. And even when you hear the other round, you can tell the person is trying to make a point, isn't it? Isn't it? That's the idea you get? You're trying to make a point here that No, I didn't eat anything. I shwarma That's why you get the idea. This idea. So you switching around the word structure. That's that's another linguistic tool. There's two out four. What's the other ones you mentioned?

00:42:38 --> 00:42:41

Was the other mentioned switching the words around middle placement.

00:42:45 --> 00:42:48

Use of wi instead of high and you have to really appreciate that.

00:42:49 --> 00:43:00

You're praying your Salah by yourself. Okay. And you say your can Naboo where you can assign that known is the known for we

00:43:02 --> 00:43:13

instead of saying Erica Abu, it is you I worship and enslavement. So it is you I seek help when you're saying we instead of I

00:43:14 --> 00:43:29

have you ever thought about that? Like saying it we Why are we saying as a we as a communal thing, we worship you. We secure but to be honest, is a prayer. I mean, prayer is very personal and private, isn't it? Like why? What's the wisdom behind that? What do you think

00:43:31 --> 00:43:31


00:43:33 --> 00:43:37

a congregational prayer? Okay. You mean the congregational prayer?

00:43:39 --> 00:43:44

Every congregational prayer, okay. So it's a reference to every congregational prayer

00:43:46 --> 00:43:50

Okay, anything else is accompanying inshallah.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:11

Very good. It shows unity that we together should be worshiping you Allah and we together should be seeking your help. And in that there is a message of unity. Yeah, there's a message of unity. Instead of saying I we are saying we that expresses unity. anything different?

00:44:12 --> 00:44:13


00:44:17 --> 00:44:20

Oh, Masha, Allah said a bit louder. Please.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:25

Take this one.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:30

You are affirming that Allah, you own everything?

00:44:31 --> 00:44:46

No, just me. Everyone. You own them. You're the master of everyone. You're not just the master of me. We all need to declare ourselves as slaves to you. Yeah, very good. anything different. Anything else you want to do?

00:44:57 --> 00:44:58


00:45:00 --> 00:45:20

Okay, they you do not you are not a true believer until you love for your brother. What you love for yourself? Yes. So you're saying this is some This is like the idea of being together? Isn't it? The unity? Again? Yeah, what the brother said the Unity factor. Okay. I think you lost

00:45:27 --> 00:46:15

the Royal we, when Allah says and we created this the majestic we wouldn't be the majestic we it is that literally the plural? Yeah. Okay, so these are some of the wisdom and the last linguistic tool is the transition between third person to second person, you went from speaking about Allah to speaking to Allah. It's like saying, he went here, he did this, he said, and you are this and you say this, you see the difference here, you go from this to that. And that in Arabic serves a number of purposes it serves the purpose of what they call 10 ship, the sermon attracts the listeners a because you just switch from talking about this. He did this, she did that they went this and then

00:46:15 --> 00:46:26

you say this, you see the shift. Okay, that's one of the another reason why they use it is in order to give curb closeness you are being brought close to Allah with the shift in the transition.

00:46:27 --> 00:46:28

Right? Okay.

00:46:29 --> 00:47:14

Use the pay activity, to be honest, not much time for that. Now, the last time what are the lessons that we learn from this verse, there are three, the first lesson that we learn, and probably the most important is that Ava is more than just worship, isn't it? We learned today that it is not just about a worshipping Allah, a bird is about being Allah slave. And that is doing what Allah wants. obedience to Allah. If we are obedient to Allah, that is the real meaning of being of any bad, and that is to be his slave. The second spiritual lesson we learn is to feel dependent on Allah and not independent from him. That when you say he cannot do what you can to stay in, you should realize

00:47:14 --> 00:47:16

that you know, Allah, we need you all the time.

00:47:18 --> 00:47:57

And the opposite of that feeling is what to feel like you don't need a lot. You can do it by yourself. We don't need a lot of money or the law, you can make it yourself. And you know, a lot of us suffer from them. For example, when you talk about your achievements in life, the way you talk about your achievements is very revealing as to how much you rely on allies in it. When you talk about how much money you made, or how much you earn or your qualifications, and it's the I did this, I achieved this goes my hard work, my this my that, that shows that you feel that you achieved it without Allah's help.

00:47:58 --> 00:48:05

What is amazing is that even though Allah saw that you had a bad attitude towards him, he still hooked you.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:18

So the slave should realize he cannot really what year Can I stand in a line need you. And I should reflect that my need of you in the way I speak about myself my achievements in my life.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:30

The last is how people fall into shape. And this is a little bit of an interesting tangent. You see, er cannot be the way you're kind of staring. If you really reflect of it.

00:48:31 --> 00:48:32

So you okay.

00:48:37 --> 00:48:44

You can't do anything with Alonzo. True. It's very true. Very good point. So how do people fall into schilke?

00:48:46 --> 00:48:50

These two reasons why people end up worshipping others alongside a lot.

00:48:51 --> 00:49:28

The first is that they feel there is somebody else in this world that can bring them happiness, or save them or deliver them from some harm. Okay. So for example, the Quraysh it was what, who they felt, besides allowing it as well, I could bring them happiness in their life and liberate them from harm. Who was it? The ideas, he had the ideas, they felt that these idols, they could bring them happiness? And let's be honest, my brothers, human beings, why did they?

00:49:30 --> 00:49:33

What do they want in life? Like, what does everyone want?

00:49:35 --> 00:49:37

What is it what do people want in life?

00:49:39 --> 00:49:42

Happiness, isn't it is the pursuit of happiness.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

The Pursuit of Happiness is literally what drives people to do what they do, or to be saved from harm. Yeah, say from pain to the pleasure or pain theory, basically, right? So when someone does shit, they are doing shit for one or two reasons, either.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

They feel that there is something else out there that could bring them happiness, or deliver them from home.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:14

So for example, they ask what are your idols or saints or anything else for

00:50:16 --> 00:50:27

a better future for a child that they can't have for more money for protection from diseases, those type of things that they're asking for?

00:50:28 --> 00:50:32

Who can you ask that from? Or who's the only one you can ask that from?

00:50:33 --> 00:51:06

A lie, isn't it? Because the idea of those things coming to you is divine. Isn't it is divine light who can give you happiness in your future? You can give you a kid if you can't have a kid who can make you have money, who can make you a rich person overnight? Who that idea of help coming from someone is divine source. So when somebody feels that there's something else out there that can do this, they start to fall into Schick. Okay, what's the second reason why people commit chick?

00:51:07 --> 00:51:11

Why would somebody end up worshipping an idol

00:51:12 --> 00:51:27

or a saint or something else? The first reason already mentioned is they feel that they can harm or they can bring happiness to them or they can avert harm what was another reason yes

00:51:29 --> 00:51:30

because the ignorant

00:51:31 --> 00:51:36

okay, but ignorant of what ignorant of what that God should be worshipped along.

00:51:42 --> 00:51:44

Okay, so

00:51:45 --> 00:51:56

if somebody's ignorant that there is only one trigger or they know there's one true God but that he should be the only one to worship does that automatically mean you're going to start worshipping a cow an idol? a saint?

00:52:04 --> 00:52:05


00:52:11 --> 00:52:11


00:52:14 --> 00:52:23

Okay, so they ignoring the clay evidences that say you should only worship Allah but the question is does that automatically make them worship something else?

00:52:25 --> 00:52:26

What do you think?

00:52:29 --> 00:52:32

Okay influence of other people but why did those people believe that?

00:52:34 --> 00:52:35

What do you think

00:52:36 --> 00:52:36


00:52:39 --> 00:52:41

the forefathers what are the forefathers did?

00:52:44 --> 00:52:45

neglects Hello.

00:52:48 --> 00:52:51

Come on brothers who's got the answer? yourself? What do you think

00:53:03 --> 00:53:06

they see something which they think is divine using

00:53:08 --> 00:53:14

Can you close your clothes? One more person because the time who's really wants to answer like,

00:53:16 --> 00:53:16


00:53:17 --> 00:53:20

can't neglect the weather is it is not over there. Okay, yes, I could go on it.

00:53:23 --> 00:53:26

Oh, they want to use them as a an intercession

00:53:30 --> 00:53:40

need to go through someone? You do two brothers. Mashallah. Very close. Okay. Now the question is this. So you have to be and the question is,

00:53:41 --> 00:53:53

somebody feels that they're not good enough to go directly to court. Because of all the rubbish. They need to go through someone. Right? That's what you're saying. Isn't it? An intermediate? Right.

00:53:55 --> 00:53:59

What did they believe about this other person? intermediary?

00:54:01 --> 00:54:03

Yes, they got what ability? Like?

00:54:07 --> 00:54:11

Very good, very good. This is the answer. Mercury.

00:54:12 --> 00:54:13

Yeah. Anything anything that doesn't

00:54:16 --> 00:54:17

know that?

00:54:18 --> 00:54:47

Yes, the your idea of an intermediary. I'm not good enough to go directly to a line to go through someone with someone. The someone that you feel has some power and control over the face of the universe, isn't it? Someone who could make something happen, isn't it? Isn't that the whole idea of intercession that you get in trouble with your boss, right? And then your boss is like, you know what, I'm gonna let you go. And then you're like, No, no, I know the boss's son.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:59

Isn't it? Let me go to the boss's son and say keys are so meow. And he says, Don't worry. I got it under control. Phones up his dad. That look he's my best man.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:00


00:55:01 --> 00:55:54

what is that say? No problem. See what happened here is that you believed, doesn't matter what the dad said, the son has the power to change things. Do you get this idea? This idea is schilke. You know why? Because only Allah has complete power of the universe. And these two reasons are brought together in one verse in Surah Surah verse number 111, Allah Ponce's, Holy Quran hamdulillah Hilda de la Mia. Wala done wollombi akula who Sherry configure work, while I'm Nicola huali. umina don't work kabiru takamura an amazing verse. Allah says, and say, the praise and thanks is due to Allah. Firstly, secondly, the one who never took a son.

00:55:56 --> 00:56:08

He never took a son. So which of the two reasonings of shake is this? The idea that there's someone who is God, like, oh, the idea that there is someone who has power and influence in the universe?

00:56:09 --> 00:56:16

which one to believe the God of the sun? Which type of ship case is the first of the second?

00:56:18 --> 00:56:18

What do you say?

00:56:19 --> 00:56:23

The second one, maybe? Because the example I gave is,

00:56:25 --> 00:56:30

if God will bat a son, what does that say about son? Who's the son? The sun is like?

00:56:34 --> 00:57:07

Yes, the Son of God, right? That must mean he's God like, isn't it? Well, it was a villa, that must mean his divine. And if you believe someone is divine, that they have the power to what bring you happiness, or deliver you from home. This is reasonable one, then Allah says, Welcome we are kulambu Shahrukh Khan Fillmore, and Allah has no partner in his dominion, in His Kingdom in the universe. What reasoning is that? One or two?

00:57:08 --> 00:57:29

Number two isn't a lie, saying there's no one else out there that has the power in my kingdom to do anything? I don't have a partner in that whatsoever. While I'm your cooldown, Willie, you mean as an ally does not meet a protector to save him from weakness? Which type? Is that one or two?

00:57:31 --> 00:57:36

If you needed an helper to get things done, what does that say about the helper?

00:57:38 --> 00:57:39

That He what?

00:57:41 --> 00:57:42

What is it?

00:57:43 --> 00:57:49

Exactly? He's an aide meaning, well, I hear the law. God cannot do it without this one, isn't it?

00:57:50 --> 00:58:37

And again, that's second reasoning, to believe that there is someone who has control over the universe. So in this one verse, Allah is telling us shake is absolutely false. Regardless of which reasoning that you believe in? How does it relate to sort of fatsia really sort of hard to because pseudo facts is telling us only you Allah do we worship? As in, you're the only one who can bring us happiness, and can save us from harm. And you're the only one who can help us. Because you alone control everything. Nothing else is a partner or a rival to you in having power over the affairs in this universe. Do you see this? Here? Can Abba kind of Stein teaches us how to save ourselves from

00:58:38 --> 00:58:43

last point is what's the link to the next verse? The link to the next verse? What is the next verse?

00:58:45 --> 00:58:47

Yeah, can Abuja kind of standing?

00:58:48 --> 00:59:01

There, sir, as Mr. King, Guide us to the straight path? The link here is, is very, very clear. In that you just declared yourself a slave to God. What's the job of a slave?

00:59:06 --> 00:59:07

To listen to what

00:59:11 --> 00:59:18

to listen to what the Master says. Exactly. So what are you doing? You said you're the slave of God. And now what you're waiting for?

00:59:21 --> 00:59:24

The waiting for commandments. You're waiting for instructions. You're waiting for

00:59:25 --> 00:59:47

the do's and the don'ts. How do I be your slave a lot? In a Seraph, Mr. team? Guy, we took the straight path, the path where you lay down the guidance to see the connection. Beautiful. I'm your slave. And now I'm ready. What do I need to do now? I need those instructions of law and looking sort of Baccarat Allah says Alif laam Meem. Then Nikita Bula Eva fi

00:59:48 --> 00:59:49


00:59:50 --> 00:59:59

It has guidance. In fact, yeah. You said I'm your slave. And now the rest of the Quran comes and says here's the guidance. You want it in the Quran. Okay.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:06

This brings us to the end of the does Hana column have the cash Lola and stuff hirokawa to break. What is a Kumar?

01:00:08 --> 01:00:21

Any questions, five minutes for questions. People can leave, sisters can ask questions and they put at the bottom of the stairs. Okay. Anyone needs to leave, they can leave no permission. Any questions from brothers? Yes. Okay. Go ahead.

01:00:25 --> 01:00:26


01:00:28 --> 01:00:32

A lot of people can benefit. Sit down, sit down, sit down. Are you gonna say?

01:00:36 --> 01:00:37


01:00:39 --> 01:01:14

Okay, good question. The brothers asking is there sometimes it was comes down for a specific reason or incident? Is there an incident in which the sort of fell to her came down? There is an opinion, that sort of fathia was not revealed in Makkah, it was revealed in Medina. Okay. And the reason why they said is because of an iteration where the professor said, I'm so used to a companion Should I not teach you words to see in every salon and then he recited sort of her to her. Now here, the scholars said, some of them said sort of it was therefore reviewed in Medina not in Makkah. Other scholars would like if it ever happened, I said no.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:49

So what I said to her, was reviewed in Makkah, and then the person recited it again is in Medina, in order to to teach someone something. Yeah, it will teach someone something. So in that way, it can be said to review twice. The first is when it came down initially. And second time when it came down in order to respond to a question like pull out the Gerbil fell upon us. They said it was revealed before and then it was rude again when the person was affected by a black magic, you see. So this is the same Milan

01:01:53 --> 01:01:55

brothers, sisters, any question for sisters?

01:01:59 --> 01:02:03

No Christian sisters. Yes, it is Marshall always understand everything the brothers always struggle

01:02:04 --> 01:02:05

was always struggling.

RIC brings to you an 8 part in-depth intensive Tafsir, Linguistic analysis and lessons learnt from Surah Fatiha with Ustadh Asim Khan

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