Asim Khan – Gems from Surah Yusuf – Episode 02

Asim Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of storytelling in shaping Islam is highlighted, citing the example of a woman selling items on eBay for $101 and listing them on eBay, which was too high for her. The transcript also touches on the use of "has" in Islam, with "has" referring to gratitude or success, and how it can be a bonus for others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of helping people in their most desperate situations, even if they do not feel the same way.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh brothers and sisters out there Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. And welcome to gentlemen. So the use of these are some of the gems that I find the most compelling and the ones that really affected me. So inshallah I hope that in sharing them that you also feel some of that connection that I feel with these parts of the Quran. Before I dive into the next gem from this amazing surah, again, something about storytelling, there was a social experiment that was done by three journalists. And what they did is that they bought $101 items, and they listed them on eBay. However, before listening them on eBay, they reached out to

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authors, and they asked them to write short stories about each item. Something like for example, there was a horse's head, a tiny little horse's head. And an author would write something like this belonged to my grandmother, she gave it to me on our deathbed. It's been with me all my life. And now I'm really strapped for money. So I'm going to have to sell this is there. Is there someone who can give this a home, for example, like this. And they found that when they listed the wonderful items without those stories, that they sold for practically the price that they bought them. But when they place the story in the description, some of those items were sold for more than 100 times

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their worth. That horse's head, for example, sold for $66, even though it was just a $1 item. What did they conclude from that they concluded that storytelling is the most impactful way of transmitting message, that if there's something you want to tell someone, then the best most engaging way is to wrap it up in the form of a story. And that's why I find it so amazing that Allah subhanaw taala has filled the pages of the Quran with so many stories. I mean, look, stories of story of Adam alayhis salaam, the story of use of a story of Maria the story of Asya all of these people and more you find that Allah has told us the story in detail. By the way, the story which

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occurs the most often in the Quran is the story of Prophet Musa Addison Moses. It is said and I don't know how authentic This is, but it is said that had a Jewish person read the Quran not knowing that it was a book given to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he would think it was the Taurat that was revealed to musala Islam simply because most as mentioned so many times. Okay, so now I want to share with you a gem from the surah Allah Subhana Allah will say,

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watch out Oh, he'll be feminine, da

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da da, da da do that, you know, II mean as he the

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they sold him for a cheap price for the raw him for coins, enough that you could count them on your fingers. And they were regarding him that he then we're going to translate that right now. What is this verse about? Well, when use of an Islam is thrown into the bottom of will and remember that he's 10 years old or around about that age, he is rescued. But unfortunately the person that rescues him is going to capture him as a slave and then sell him on in the slave market in Egypt. It's like, you thought things got better, but in fact, they just got a lot worse. So when they selling him off, a lot describes how they sold him of washer Oh who be feminine. Boss, Allah said they sold him for

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cheap price. And then the coins if you could see how few coins they were, you could count them on your fingers. And they were regarding him Zahedan the words that I didn't translate. Isaiah is someone who is an ascetic, which means someone who doesn't care much about this world. He doesn't care about the dunya.

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In the context of the story, in the context of the story, it refers to them, not appreciating the real value of who they were selling use of a restaurant. Obviously, the simple message here is that they sold someone and they didn't appreciate that he was invaluable. There is no price that he could put on use of that would be a match. However, there's more deeper meanings. Firstly, Allah described how little they priced him in three ways. Firstly, that it was box and box literally means dirt, cheap, dirt cheap, like someone who's selling something off the back of a van, someone who's stolen something. And then he's sending it off. Maybe like an iPhone, which is worth 1000 pounds and

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someone says I'll sell it for you for 200 you're already thinking in your mind. Why is it 200 pounds? Is it stolen? Something's

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Not right here. That's the first thing. But then unless he's mad Duda that the coins that were given for him will matter, though that you could count them on your fingers. And again to show that it was really, really cheap. What can ofI human is hitting the third description is that they were regarding him, zahavi, meaning they didn't appreciate his value. What is the deeper meaning here? You see who is used to being sold into he is being sold into the country of Egypt. Useful so Rama grew up, he will after serving after being a slave, he will be thrown into prison. And in prison, the king of Egypt will have a dream, a dream that disturbs him and he is desperate for the

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interpretation. Does anyone know the interpretation? No, no one does except for who useable Islam. And not only is that a disturbing dream, but the interpretation of that dream is how to rescue the people of Egypt from a family who can unlock that dream useable Islam. And he does. He tells the king how not only what the dream means, but how to stop or how to manage the nation through the time of depression.

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So use a very solemn he sold a lie selling us to the people of Egypt for such a small price. But yet he will come to the aid and deliver them from such a massive crisis. Live to say, you know, they didn't realize how this man will come to benefit them in the future. And so panela that teaches us a number of things. Firstly, you never know what Allah has planned for your future.

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If Allah has planned something great for you and your future, you may never know today, just like use of Allah, some couldn't have known is being sold as a slave today. And they don't even appreciate how much I'm worth even on the market. But you know what Allah appreciated him. And Allah subhanho wa Taala, planned for him a great future. That's a message of hope brothers and sisters, that today may be bleak. But you never know how you are going to become the savior of other people in the future. The main thing is have hope use symbolism never gave hope in Allah. He knew that though things are bad. I'm in the care of Allah from beginning to end. The other really beautiful

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thing is, you never know how beloved someone is in the sight of Allah, you may see someone, he may be a beggar on the street, or he may be someone who doesn't have a fantastic job, or someone who doesn't have a degree or someone who doesn't drive a nice car and you think to yourself, oh, these people that beneath me, I'm better than these people. But you know what people thought about us. They saw him being sold as a slave, they probably thought to themselves, who is this boy? What is his mom and dad done for him, he's been sold as a slave worth nothing. But in the sight of Allah, he was worth more than all of them. Subhana Allah. And that teaches us brothers and sisters, when it

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comes to Muslims, when it comes to your Muslim brother and sister never judge them. Never think to yourself that you are better than the biLlahi they may be 10 times better than you in the sight of Allah. Why? Because they are a man, because they have faith because they have trust in Allah. And that has raised their position. The final thing is teaches us our brothers and sisters, is that when we think about use of alius, and the fact that once he was sold as a slave only to become like the king of these people, is that if people treat you bad, if people are mean to you one day, it doesn't mean you should be mean right back to them. Isn't that true? When you said was in prison later on.

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And the king has a dream, he could have said to himself, man, these people made me a slave and throw me into prison for no good reason. I'm innocent, why should I help them for they can go to *, they can die in this depression in this family. But he thought to himself, no. Allies give me a chance to do something good for other people. Now, even though they mean to me, I'm not going to be mean right back. In fact, I'm going to do something to help them. And in helping them that not only does it save them, but in fact, he became more honored in the sight of Allah. In fact, he became a hero in the sight of humanity. Because we read his story today and we think wow, use of even though

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they were so bad to you, you help them in their most desperate time. Because think about what do you do? You come up with a plan, which was for the first seven years, or from for seven years, what you should do is all the harvest, eat a little and store most of it. Now that the family is going to kick in when it kicks in. It's going to last for seven years. But you know what, you've stalled enough for the first seven years. So when those seven years come use what's in the stall houses.

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And ration it out. And you will see by the time the famine goes away, you will still have enough food. And then he says the year that's going to come after that the 15th year, as if to say he's given a 15 year

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plan, financial plan to help the country in the 15th. He says, Allah is going to bless you, you're going to have lots of food, you're going to have lots of harvest and you can make juice, meaning you have so many so much fruit and vegetable, you know what to do with it, you can make juice out of it. He told them all of that. Why? Because as a Muslim, we should help the people around us no matter what. And in helping people. Are we actually helping ourselves? What does that mean? You see, you help other people. Because allow, appreciate it and allow we're pleased with you. If the people are happy, that's a bonus. If people don't appreciate it, you know what I didn't do for you? I did it

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for the sake of Allah, Allah. Can Allah Shakira Allah Allah says, Allah is and always will be appreciative, and all knowing, see, sometimes we do things in life, other people, and they don't respect it. They don't say thank you. They don't appreciate it all. I think Hang on a minute. I see it. I know about it. I appreciate it. Isn't that enough? Isn't it enough that Allah will reward you It should be enough, just like it was enough for us about Islam. It should be enough for us as well. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to inspire us through the story of use when Islam We ask Allah Subhana Allah to meet those people that benefit others benefits society, even if they are not very kind to

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us long. I mean, discipline lock in. A lot of people

Ustadh Asim Khan dives into a journey into the life of Yusuf (AS) in which he extracts key lessons from which we can learn from and be inspired.

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