Ammar Alshukry – Unbreakable – Imam Malik

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The "medina's Mom," a woman who grew up in a culture where her father was a teacher, is considered the most famous and most famous person in history. The "medina's mom" is a woman who grew up in a culture where her father was a teacher, and is considered the most famous and most famous person in history. The "medina's mom" is a woman who grew up in a culture where her father was a teacher, and is considered the most famous and most famous person in history. The success of their recent marketing campaign is discussed, along with the potential for growth in the future. They have had success with other brands, including KFC and Costco, and have worked with their own brand, Golden]].
AI: Transcript ©
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Who said that?

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Nobody said that.

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anybody just saw Yeah, the reason is that as I'm presenting, I'm actually talking to somebody

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some 45 Names of Allah over the course of the weekend and so if you're interested in finding out more about it and receiving emails about registration and things like that, then simply fill in your name when the sheet gets to you and if you're not interested, then don't fill it in. And either way, it's fine inshallah.

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But that course is called His Majesty unlocking the names of Allah so it's about learning about the names of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Okay, so I think we should be ready.

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This series that we're doing over the next four, Fridays Inshallah, not counting next Friday, because next Friday is Thanksgiving. But we're gonna start immediately after that, not because it's Thanksgiving, but because there's the economic convention next weekend. That's the point. But the weekend after it, we're going to be covering the 14th moms. And those are today we're covering Mr. Mallika Chawla. Next time we get together, it'll be covering a mama Shafi with just come out and monkey. And then the weekend after that, we'll be covering Imam Amma to check them out. And McKee then the weekend after that. We'll be covering Imam

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Abu Hanifa with Shira hooded and hopefully maybe we'll be able to continue after that and cover more Imams because the Imams of the muda hip are more than actually those four. These four are the ones whose mother had lasted 1400 years. But there were other muda ahead of them as the hub of the people of Egypt, the Imam of the people of Egypt, whose name was relatedness. And he was a contemporary of Imam Malik there was also the Imam of Al Shabaab in Lima Mendoza, who was also a contemporary remind Malik and other Sofia and authority and Iraq and others who all had a mom that was the vahidi they all had their own mother. Hey, are you ready to start Abdullah?

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hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah hide earlier so have you seen him Stephen conceal la Chateau La ilaha illa de la sharika Asha Muhammad and Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu Taala Bo Salam Okay,

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so I know we have Africa and I'm smarter than keeping people between them and their food. So inshallah we're going to keep this relatively short, as much as I can. While we're talking about one of the greatest Imams that Islam has ever produced. The imam of Delta Hegira Imam Malik Ibn Anas or him whole life to Allah, what are the Imam Malik just to backtrack and start from the beginning. Then you have to start with his grandfather, Imam Malik. He is the son of Ns ibn Malik even abbiamo and Malik ibn Abi amor was the one who migrated from Yemen to Medina. So Malik Imam Malik is originally from Yemen. He is all a bill awesome. He is an Arab ethnically and he migrated or his

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grandfather either migrated from Yemen to Medina, and that is where Imam Malik grew up and his grandfather narrated Hadith, and his father NS narrated Hadith. And his uncle's, his paternal uncles, the brothers of his father, they all narrated Hadith. And so Maddie grew up in an environment of knowledge. His father is not an a Sydney Matic, the Greek companion his father is an active nomadic even abbiamo so different person. Imam Malik Rahim Allah to Allah He grew up actually as at a very young age. He wanted to become a singer.

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And his mother directed him towards seeking knowledge. And when he talks about his parents, he talks about two main events that really pushed him towards knowledge. The first was his mother, taking him when you know he had wanted to be a singer as a young child, his mother, then she took him and she dressed him in the clothes of the scholars. And she took him to the gathering of Robbie O'Brien and Olivia to write he would be his first teacher. And he was someone who had influenced Imam Malik deeply and she told him she said hos min min Adebayo Robbia Kabbalah and tell him in elmen. She said, Take from his, his manners take from his disposition before you take from his knowledge, and

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so no mother even my mother has a great follow on him. She has a great bounty and favor that she did for him by directing me in the first place to knowledge that his father was a narrator of Hadith even though he narrated very little nonetheless, and Malik's brother whose name was another was senior to Imam Malik and he was the one who is known as being a student of knowledge. And so Imam Malik says that one time my father asked us a question he asked us a mess Allah and

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My brother got it right and I got it wrong.

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And so his father, he told him, he says, You're playing with her mom, you're playing with pigeons has distracted you from knowledge. And so in my mind, it says For me live today dyadic federalism to many Hormoz sub Icynene. He says, I became angry when my father said that it upset me as father criticizing him and saying, You've been joking around and you're playing with birds. And so he said to him,

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and this was a very normal pastime for people in Medina at that time. And so in my mind, he said, I then became angry and that inspired him to go and be with his shift had been homeless of dramatic Nicodemus, who would be one of his main teachers also, and he stayed with him for seven years, based off of that or starting with that. So Imam Malik Rahim Allah Allah, he started studying with Ravi Ravi, who was one of the great scholars of Medina. And he studied then was Abdullah of dramatic Nicodemus and he stayed with him for seven years, and he continued to ascend and descend and ascend in his knowledge till he became the great Imam. So much so that there is a Hadith that's actually

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reported in Timothy. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, You should call annual tribute Natsu Akbar the evil

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or yoke Lunella in Fela, you do not had an Allama mean alamin Medina, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says one time or he says A time will come when people will travel on camel. You know traveling on camel indicates traversing great distances because when you're going on a great journey, you're crossing the desert or what have you. You don't travel on a donkey. You don't take those trips on a on a on a horse, you take those gifts on a camel and so when people are striking the backs of camels, the province that Allah has sent them says they will not find a person who is more knowledgeable, then Alleman, Medina, the scholar of Medina. So this hadith is reported by

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Timothy and it is controversial and its authenticity. But the scholar said, if we were to believe that this had this hadith is authentic, then this hadith is not speaking about anyone other than Imam Malik. Why? Because the prophets of Allah they sent him said that they will not find the person greater than the scholar of Medina, the scholar. Now there was never a time in Medina where there was one person who, who deserved that label that label of the scholar of Medina, there was never a time in Medina where there was one person who had that title in an undisputed fashion like the Imam, or the time of Imam Malik. So during the time of the Sahaba, there's obviously the sahaba. There's

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many people in Medina, the generation that came after, there's what's called a seventh, the seventh fuqaha of Medina, there was seventh grade fuqaha many of them were the children or the grandchildren of the sahaba. And so these were this the time of the seven foot Baja.

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And then even amongst the shoe of Imam Malik, the generation that came after the shoe of Imam Malik, there was again, there was none of them that could be pointed out and said, This is the one who is the scholar of Medina.

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Yet, during the time of Imam Malik himself, he was undisputed. There was no one who could have that title, there was no one so much so that the phrase became well known la you were Malik Hill Medina, it became a phrase that people say that photo is not to be given, while Malik is in the city, while Malik is in the city of the province of Allah, Allah is Allah. That is how unchallenged his position was, as the scholar of Medina, how did he get to that stage? Well, one we start with his teachers

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who was ready to write, to write is one of the the the first person that Imams Maddix they did with and Robbie had to write he was called on how to write not because he was somewhat because there were two schools of thought, during those early formations of, of, you know, you study this in the evolution of FIP, the two early schools of thought with regards to

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the schools you had the school of array, a hello array, and you had the people of Hadith. The people of Allah you were generally the people of an era. And these people were a people who did not have many traditions that came from them or the traditions were very corrupted. The people of Iraq there was a very,

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a turbulent society. And so people like Imam, Abu Hanifa, and others, and because of the distance between them and the lands of wedding Mecca and Medina, the sparsity of traditions, they would depend on their analytical reasoning, their debate their discussions, to coming up with fifth rulings and fifth conclusions.

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to ask for the people of Hadith and generally the the other three are considered to be scholars of of inclined towards this school or Imam Shafi Imam Malik for sure. And he might Muhammad for sure. And the madman, a mama chef, a merge between the two a little bit more. But so let me add to write because of his dependence on analytical reasonings. And because of his ability to, to deduce and analyze a hadith, he wouldn't just stop at the Hadith, but he would analyze and he would be able to actually come to conclusions on things that many of his peers were not able to because they wouldn't have that analytical prowess. And that strength, he was called Arrabiata. Right. Even though many of

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the scholars they considered him to be one of those who has the most knowledge with regards to the Sunnah. What did Imam Malik take from Libya, he took from Robbia the reverence for the people of Medina and the actions of the people of Medina, but maybe I told why he used to say, alpha and alpha have been a year meanwhile heading Anwar, he will say, you know, this concept of the people of Medina basically to summarize, in my mind, he used to view that the actions of the people of Medina was something that would be considered worthy of contemplation and something worthy of, of respect. Meaning that the actions of the people of Medina in and of itself is a is a source of legislation

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for us. The city of the province of Allah and Islam during the time of Imam Malik was the city that, you know, the Sahaba had lived in, and it still had this still had the fragrance of prophethood.

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This was a place where 1000s of companions lived, and all of them died. And so the habits of these people in and of itself is something that is not for nothing, right? So Imam Malik, he took that from Arabia to write this concept of the people of Medina animatic himself, he said, the prophets of Allah, they are setting them came back from one of his battles. And they said that he's talking about the Battle of the book, having 30,000 companions, 10,000 of them died in the city of Medina, should I then leave the actions of these people that are so infused by the presence of the companions for a community where they only had one companion or two companions, or three companions,

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undoubtedly, the presence of 10,000 companions in the city of the province of Allah to send them where they lived every day of their lives and where they died, infused with the culture of the people there. And so he takes this from Robbie, I told why his second teacher is dramatically Hormoz and even Hormoz. Malik stayed with him for seven years.

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And those seven years were an exclusive seven years, he's he stayed, he stayed with him longer than that, as far as him being his shift. But for seven years, he said, I would go every day, and I would stay in the house of Libyan homos in the morning, and I would stay until the evening I would not leave until nighttime. And for seven years, he was doing this law, he would not mix, the teachings of Abraham was with anyone else, he wouldn't go to anybody else, he would just stay with him. Now he'd been homos was an old man during the time where medical studying with him and he was blind. And so in my mind, it would would lead him to the he would lead him to the salah. And he would spend his

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time with him and he would stand outside of his door. And he would not knock and he would wait for even hormones to be coming off for the pair or to service him in some way. And so even homeless would notice maybe at a time, you would notice that maybe a sound would be made or a rustling would be made outside. And he would ask one of his servants and he would say who's outside and she would say to him, there's nobody outside except for that young blond hair blond haired man. And so even homeless would say bring him in, bring him in. Hi there, Adam oneness. This person is the scholar of the people. And even though in my mind, it was very young at that time, where he's going in and out

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of even homeless, his house, even hold on was recognizing that this man has a capacity and this person has a potential and has possibly a great future ahead of him. And so he spent, you know, one of the lessons that we learned from this just this episode is that even that Imam Malik stayed with us for seven years.

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That's a long time to stay with one shift. And you'd be very rare to find somebody who would, who would spend that amount of time just with one teacher. However, there were many people like that during his time that they would just study with a person and he might might have himself we're going to come later to when he became a teacher, he would have students who studied with him for 20 years. 20 years, they just stayed at his feet and they would not leave him for anybody else.

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Why because that is how knowledge is built.

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Day in and day out and day in and day out and being able to see a person in their moments of happiness and in their moments of sadness and sucking up the knowledge that you have from them. You know, one of our shows I'm doing better. Yeah, he was telling us that in his homeland of Vietnam.

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that there's one of their mashallah he's 90 years old. And this shift students are 80 something years old. And 70 years old, they've been his students for 50 years and 60 years, basically their whole lives. They've been with this shift study. And there's you obviously in their own right, but they never left their teacher. And they continue to study with them and benefit with them. Sometimes people they do what's called Event hopping, right every week, and they're going in there. They're bouncing around from one program to the next. And there's a seminar here, and there's a, there's a crash course here, and there's a lecture here, and they're just going around bouncing around from

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one person to another. And each time, it's a different teacher, and each time, and then over a year, two years, three years, 10 years, they're doing this and they find that they haven't actually built anything. They just keep tasting appetizers from here and from there. And it doesn't build for it doesn't build for them any knowledge. And so having because this requires an incredible amount of patience that you're sitting there with a teacher again and again and again and again, for a long, extended period of time. But in my mind, it stayed with had been homeless for seven years. And in fact, later on, he would tell his students, and he said I knew some people who stayed with their

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shoe for 30 years studying with them. And so his students, they said, we understood him to mean himself with his chef, even hormones.

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Of the other teachers of Imam Malik was naffaa, the freed slave of Abdullah Hebner, Omar. And now fair was,

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he was a slave that Abdullah Muhammad had, and Abdullah Slee freed him. And NAFTA was originally Persian.

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When I'm alive now, I'm going to realize the brilliance of NAFTA. And that Nafa himself was very inclined towards knowledge. And because of his ability to understand Hadith and memorize Hadith, and he basically sees this incredible ability in this person, he continues to direct him and encourage him to seek knowledge. And so now if it would learn from Ebola, and he would narrate from Aisha and he would narrate from Abuja, Audrey, and he became the great bastion of Ibn Omar Smith himself,

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and a great authority on the fifth of Ivanova. And so Malik, but nothing was known to be incredibly harsh.

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And he was known to be just someone who was a very pleasant in that sense. And so, Imam Malik would to not bother naff here.

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He would walk, and he would stand outside of his house, just waiting for an outfit to come out.

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And then he said I would walk up to him, I think as if I wasn't intending him. Like I said, Hey, I just happened to run into you. Right? Not acting like he'd been waiting outside just waiting for this moment. Why? Because he didn't want to bother him. And so you said I say Saddam, I take him to him. And then I would separate from him until he would enter into the message. And when he would enter into the masjid, I would walk up to him again. And now I say my colleague neuroma, because

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what was even Mrs. position on this and that, and then he said, he would answer me, and then I would leave.

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That's it. That's the only thing I would I wouldn't sit there and ask for more. I would, because he didn't know Right? At what point would he have overstayed his welcome. And so he would go and he did this again, and again, and again and again, until he collected so much from NAFTA. Well, he did this by, you know, being very, very strategic. And we see this with Mr. Malik when he's when he's in that stage of learning. We see him being very strategic and very patient and very committed with regards to how he would seek knowledge and recognizing that not all of his teachers are the same. Some teachers have different personalities, and he mama Shafi he said in his in his

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mama Chava and he said and in some verses that he wrote, he says it's built on oral Jaffa. Meanwhile, I limit for him not also the inmate fina for it

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for a lamp hospital, Allah moral autonomy, satin, he says, Jonathan, let

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me say I tend to jelly, jelly, fuller hayati. He says it's been Jaffa he says Be patient with the hardship of an illusion aloof teacher, not all of your teachers are going to be there welcoming you with a smile and a happy face and not everybody's going to some some teachers are going to be mean some are going to be nasty, some are going to be rude, some are gonna have personal defects and all of these types of things. And you might miss Chavez, Jaffa and be patient with the sourness of this harshness from a teacher

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why he says because the the the imprinting of knowledge is in there repelling you

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that he's like, that's where the knowledge is. And whoever does not have the the patience to go through this sort of subjugation while learning, that person is going to taste their, they're going to taste bitterness in either way. Either they're going to taste the bitterness of of the humiliation of the learning process, or they're going to taste the bitterness of ignorance for the rest of their life. If you're not going to be patient with learning for one hour, then you're going to have to taste the bitterness of ignorance your entire life. And so Imam Malik is learning from Nafa. And some people you know, contemporaries of Imam Malik, they were they were, you know, they

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were students as well and they said, you know,

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what do I want with this guy? Not here, what do I want with him? And so in my mind, he continued to learn with him and he benefited in a way that others in it so the third teacher of Imam Malik is nothing and Imam Malik you know, that chain of narration became considered to be the golden chain and Hadith. This is the golden chain when Malik narrates from NAFTA, who never is from Abdullah lived near Omar who narrates from Rasulullah sallallahu. There's some even said when you add a mama Shafi to the chain because the mama Shafi learned from medic who learned from nonfederal learn from the live number will learn from the province level a lot so they just said this is the golden chain

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and Hadith. Nasser was known to be the most precise narrator in Hadith, it was said that there was never found a mistake in the narrations of NAFTA.

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No mistakes ever. And so in my mind, it said, when I hear a narration from Matt, when I have a narration, when I have a narration from NAFTA, I do not care at all if I don't hear from anybody else.

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It is as good as gold. He's saying NAFTA would die. Imam Malik was born in the year 93. He was born in the 90 year 93. It was said that he was born in the same year that NSEP Malik is the companion that he passed away and NAFTA would die.

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And Imam Malik was 24 years old. So here we have all of this happening and Imam Malik is in his teens he's in his 20s also of his great teachers is the great scholar of Hadith Eben Shihab Zubiri

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and eventually habits. So he was a rock star amongst the scholars of Hadith. And he was considered of the junior Tabby, when you have the category of kubalik, Tabby, these are the people who met who spent who their learning was from the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and then you have the junior Tabby and the people who saw the Sahaba the but the majority of their learning is not from the Sahaba themselves, it's from the senior tabby. Okay, so they saw the sahaba. So they're considered Debian, but the majority of their learning was not from those habits off it was from the senior Sahaba.

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Imam Lozi image sorry, Imam Ibn Shihab Zoofari even she happens to he was,

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he's considered one of the nodes of Hadith. So many chains go through this man of Hadith. And when he came to Medina, and the Imam Malik lived in Medina and he never traveled when we learned about Imam Ahmed in sha Allah and a couple of weeks, my mama traveled all over for knowledge. Imam Shafi traveled for knowledge, Imam Malik never left Medina other than Hajj he stayed in Medina used to say in Medina title loan, that Medina is better for them. Lowcountry alimony if they only knew and he would stay in the city of the province of Allah Allah said love now, when even she had came to Medina.

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He is this great scholar of Hadith. And his gatherings are filled and filled and filled with scholars in Medina. Nobody has access to him. Or Malik does not have the ability to access this man. He wants to study with him, he wants him to narrow it. And yet he's there's still so many scholars in Medina who are so much more senior to him. They are the ones who are crowding the shelves. They're the ones who are taking up his time. And so on the day of it eat.

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Imam Malik says to himself had a yo Munia Hello fi heap Nisha. He said today is a day that eventually have will be free. On the day read everybody's taking their family to chemo. Everybody's busy. Nobody is thinking about attending the Halaqaat the message on that day, right?

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But Imam Malik because that's all he wants, and that's all he cares about. On the day of Eid.

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He's at the gates of or the house of events you have.

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Anyways, you have asked who is outside

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and they tell him a young man is outside he comes in. He says what do you want? What can I do for you? He says had Disney Tell me. I want I want you to narrate Hadith

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And so he helps us them okay.

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And he narrates them one shot 40 a hadith. And Hadith when they're narrating Hadith, it's not like us when they're narrating Hadith the hadith is not just the text of the Hadith, but it's also the chain, everybody who's narrating it. That's the Hadith. And so he narrates them 40 a hadith with their chains. And then Imam Malik is writing them down or writing them down, writing them down. And then he says to him Zinni, give me more. And he says, No, that's enough.

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He says, Go back and memorize these a hadith. If you memorize them, you will be from the fourth

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Imam, Mr. Maryk says to him, I'd have to memorize them.

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And then eventually he gets up. And he walks over to him and he grabs his scrolls, and he comes back, and he says, had Disney narrate to me.

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And so Mr. Maryk, he then narrates every Hadith that he just heard,

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and send events you have, he says to him,

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and him in a way at the end, he says, Get up, you are one of the vessels of knowledge. Right, but even mighty had a talent. Absolutely. He had a talent for this. But it's not that it was just talent without incredible effort. He had incredible effort. And he also had incredible reverence. He had incredible reverence for the son of the Prophet stumbled ideas and literally things that were, you know,

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there were many people who had knowledge and there are many people who have talents. But these scholars, these Imams,

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they had things that were between them and Allah subhanaw taala.

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A love a reverence. There was there was as there were special ingredients that they had. And so when you leave, you see the reverence that Imam Malik, for example, had for the synonyms of the province, someone like this, and you see that he,

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he would not ride in the city of the Prophet.

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He never wrote anything, never would a camel never rode a horse or anything. And he would say, I'm too shy to I would be embarrassed that I ride over the earth that is embodied, that is enveloping the body of Rasulullah sallallahu s&m He was asked, why did you never narrate from Ahmedabad? He didn't.

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Why did you not narrate from Ahmedabad to dinner and he said, I had an opportunity to.

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I had an opportunity. I met him once and he was standing and there were students around him, they were all recording his a hadith. And he was standing there and it was so crowded, he was standing and everybody was standing around him and they were all recording Hadith. But then why didn't you narrate from him? He said, Because I did not feel it appropriate that I write the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu ala send them while I'm standing.

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Right, this this reverence, you know, forget standing, we nary a Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam was sitting down, right, we're, we don't have that approach. And he had that approach. And so Allah subhanaw taala, raised him because of his lowering himself, because of his reverence that he had in his humility for Allah Subhana Allah and for His messengers of Allah, and the examples of that with him or a lot. Imam Malik,

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his gatherings

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he never taught until he consulted with his shoe. He never taught until he consulted with his shoe. And by the way, just one of the lesson, there's two lessons here from from here so far. Number one is the patience with regards to staying with a teacher because by the way, one of the things when a person has a teacher and that teacher is investing their time in you, and then you leave, right or you just you disappear for a week or something like that. That takes away from their respect for you as well. They're reverence of you. I had one chef that I knew he had a number of students that he would teach every Sunday morning.

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And he would spend whatever time he spent, you know, teaching them and this was a class that was going on for years. Every Sunday morning, every Sunday morning, every Sunday morning. He's there, rain, wind, snow, hail, he's there.

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And then there was a big seminar coming to the city, big shifts, big event.

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And so he said, how this class disappeared, right? They want to go and attend this event.

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But he said before that happened, he said, there was only he said, he sold me this. He said there I had one student, and this student came up to me and said, Would you allow me to go and study with this particular ship? Would you allow me to go and he said, this student when he came and he asked me that, and he's telling me this because of of how impressed he was that this student had this level of

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have manners and respect for him and his time, right? And his knowledge that he came to him and he asked them that, and you know what? It may, it may be that you, you ask your teacher this and say, can I go and attend this? Or can I, and they might say no to you.

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And they might say no to you. And that is a benefit also, that your chef says to you, you know what? No, that isn't important for you right now, for you to learn. I know, it's really attractive. And I know that it's chef so and so. And I know that it says in this, but I mean, come on. We've been working on sort of Doha for three weeks, I want you to finish it, right, or whatever you've been, we've been working on this, or this is more important for you right now. And so that's also the benefit of actually having an intimate relationship with a teacher where you're day in and day out, because they know you, and they can actually develop you from one stage to the next.

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The other is consultation. Imam Malik would not go and do anything without consulting his teachers. If he was invited to go meet and Emile, he would consult Roberto right. And in fact, he said, I never sat down to give to teach. I never sat down to teach until 70 of my teachers, 70, shoo, they all said that I was qualified to do so. He didn't just get up and speak. And in fact, this was one of the statements that he made when one of his own students of drama didn't cast him and Mr. Merrick had a number of very famous students. Probably his number one students was abdominal Qasim, and Abdul Rahman at one point, someone had come and asked the fifth question.

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It's so Imam Malik. He then got an abdominal mocassin. He answered it. Imam Malik is right there. And I've got 100 positive answers. And so in my mind, he got up angry. And then he walked inside his, he left the Mejlis. And so they understood that what he was upset by by this person answering in the presence of his ship, and then he came back. And he said, a 250 Abdurahman, do you get federal?

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I did not get for two until 70 of my shoe said that I was qualified to do so basically, who said that you're qualified to be News? I'm your shift and I'm not. Right. But this concept of you know.

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I have a story about that. Because when you're giving fatwa What are you doing? You're basically speaking on behalf of Allah and his and his messenger. That's what you're doing. When you get federal you're basically speaking on behalf of Allah. And one of the benefits of, you know, even when you say this is how bad

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or you say this is haram, a lot of times we say it, and it's just like breathing. It's just another breath we took this is haram and this is

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and this is such a difficult phrase to say you are saying the ruling of Allah from above seven heavens is that this is haram and the ruling of Allah from above seven heavens water still Allah Azza wa sallam came with is that this is how you're debating it on Facebook Easy as pie right? Whereas they would have such difficulty in saying this themselves the great Imam so much so that Imam Ahmed for example, you will never find him saying that something is haram. People would have to they they learned the language that he uses almost like a code you become familiar with when you learn from him. Much. For example, he would say he wouldn't say that it's haram he would say a crow

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who I dislike it. He wouldn't say that. It's haram. You say I dislike it. Some of my teachers I learned from them they'll never say that it's halal or haram they'll say you shouldn't do that. I would not advise that.

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Right not saying why because a saying that something is haram and saying don't think it's something that's very, very weighty you if I were to if I were to sign the signature of a doctor, like Well, Dr. Abdullah is my friend though. He went to med school. I did it but we're boys.

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So I sign a signature on behalf of Abdullah, for example, I get caught. It's a criminal act. I'm signing the signature of a doctor. And yet when you're saying that something is hot out or something that's haram, you're signing the signature of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.

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How disastrous is that? So Imam Malik Rahim Allah He did not sit to teach until 70 of his teachers had said that he was qualified to do so. Right really being patient with regards to that. Then,

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when he did his modulus was one of incredible honor and reverence and respect.

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Imam Malik, he was described as being like the Sultan in his gatherings and Imam Malik himself. He, he was incredibly committed to seeking knowledge when he was when he was in that stage. He would stand outside of the houses of his shoe, he would stand for hours just to learn one Hadith, all of that he would do.

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He even sold a part of his roof

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gets Hadith to continue to seek knowledge and he's doing away not just with his luxuries, but he's doing away with necessities so that he can sell so he can continue to seek this knowledge. And then when he came into the decision of being a teacher, Imam Malik Rahim Allah He was described his description is that he was very tall.

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He was very, he was very pale. He was very white, Lata Isla, probably Allah and he had a large beard that covered his chest.

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His hair was blonde or blonde dish, it was very, very light. And he was incredibly handsome. And what increased his handsomeness was the clothes that he used to wear.

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Imam Malik would wear very, very, very luxurious clothes. He would dress in fineries he would dress in very expensive clothes. He would people would describe him and they would say I would say I saw in my Malik, for example in us wearing a what we call a portra or like a shawl over his head and the quality would be so high they said that it would look like the clothes of kings. Imam Malik would be sitting in his gathering, and he would look like a king in his gathering.

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And he would say that humility is in the religion it's not in your clothes. Humility is the place of humility is in the heart. Imam Muhammad was asked the man Muhammad came much later my mama's are students remember Chevrolet mamas Japanese students, my medic, Mama Mama died in 240 and Imam Malik died in 179. So there's a lot of time in between them. Mr. Mohammed was asked,

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Can a person have 1000 dinars can a person have? Like we will say, Can a person be a millionaire, and still be a person of Zeus still be a person of asceticism? And the amount Muhammad said, yes, a person can be a millionaire, and still be as, you know, a mom, man now Fine, I'll throw him on the road. These companions were very wealthy, but they were still as hiddenness. And then they said, Well, how can a person do that? How can a person have incredible wealth and still be as Zaheer does basically mean someone who's someone who's detached from the dunya? He says that the money be in their hand and not in their heart.

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That's how that the money be in their hand and not in their heart? Well, they said, Well, how can it be in their hand and not in their heart? Like, what's the symbol of that? How do we know that and he said, they're not

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happy. I mean, their happiness does not increase if the money increase, and they don't become sad if the money decreases.

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That's how you know that that person, the money is in their hands, and it's not in their heart. Nonetheless, Imam Malik, he wore incredible fineries. And he ate in a he ate very well, as far as food goes, because he didn't see that Zuma was, in fact, he saw the opposite. He saw that if a person more like really, really worn out clothes, because that's what some people did. And they were very coarse clothes. He said, this was the best show Hold on, that this is simply this is doing the opposite effect that you are trying to wear religiosity. Right. And so I've actually been to

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I've been to I've attended lectures where the chef came on, I don't even know if the person was a chef. But he was I think, a student of a chef. And this man came, and he sat down, and his clothes looked so worn out that I actually I was like, What is this man? Like, can we get a GoFundMe for this guy's outfit? Like this man was just he was dressed. And this was like, He's, he's like this. And this is showing that he doesn't care for the dunya at all. Right? He's just, he's someone who doesn't care about his clothes or anything like it.

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In my mind, he saw this type of attitude, you are the person who's like that, he said that this was a person who's like, this is a, they're doing that to show off basically. Right? And the opposite is true in my medic, he, he dressed well, and he saw there was nothing wrong with that, and there were others. The point here is to show that it's not just one lane. It's not just one manifestation. He was righteous and he worked incredibly luxurious, close, in my mind Rahimullah but at the same time, he saw that as a source of reverence. He saw this because of what out of respect for the Sunnah so much so that he would ask his students if his students came to his house, he would have the person

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who was answering the door, ask them what do you want? Do you want Messiah in? Do you want fatwah? Or is it Hadith that you want? And so they would ask and if they answered that they wanted Hadith, if they want answered that they wanted Messiah and he would come down and be ready for them right away. However, if they said that they wanted Hadith, they want to narrate the Hadith of the prophets of Allah. They said, No, we've already seen glimpses of how revered or how much reverence Imam Malik has for the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sena. So he wouldn't come down until he bathed, and then he dressed in beautiful clothing, and then he would have

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who lived in his house, so that the scent of the house, the aroma of the house would be appropriate to sit down and recite the a hadith of the prophets of Allah de Sena. So he had this incredible reverence that we see again and again and again. Imam Malik Rahim Allah, he saw that his clothing was part of manifestation of the respect that he had for the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu they are setting up Imam Malik, he also used to consider from also some of his HDI that is he would say that the scholar should not go to the marketplace.

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The scholar should not go to the soup and they should not buy from the soup. Why? Because he said that the people do not understand the people do not understand the status of the scholar. He says, even though this will take away from their money, right, because now you have to hire someone to go to the marketplace to go buy for you. But he was so careful and cautious of his role as the scholar and this is his he had, but he was so careful of his role as a scholar that he didn't want to diminish is that is why because he's carrying the Hadith of the Prophet somebody sent me imagine you go to the marketplace. And then you find the Imam Malik over there arguing with some guy over the

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cost the price of a chicken right? It's gonna take away from the father of the Imam and so because of his reverence for that, you see the Imam just walking around in the mall. However, the scholars of it Andalus they didn't see that problem. Imam Malik would never be seen without any mama. Because these types of things, they differ from culture to culture and place to place. Imam Malik would never be seen with without an imam ever. And yet, the scholars of an Andreas Spain, Muslim Spain they would, they would walk outside without it in my mind, they would go to the marketplaces and they didn't see anything wrong with that their culture was different. But this is just I think it's

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beautiful when you see the the absolute respect that Imam Malik has for the Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam and for the knowledge that he had, for example, he said, you know, his gatherings were gatherings that were incredibly filled with awe, Imam Abu Hanifa is gatherings are filled with debate and discussion until they come to a conclusion about mathematics was the complete opposite there was no discussion.

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In my marriage narrates Hadith, nobody even raises their voice. A person would come and say sit down why they come in the gathering, and nobody would say anything. We're just kind of like,

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you know, they will sit as if they were birds on their heads, even though this was not necessarily the desire of the Imam but he had the ads, Allah subhanaw taala placed on this man so much all that people could not help, but that they sit in his presence and have this reverence for him. He my machete said, I would be careful how I turned a page in the presence of Imam Malik, everybody in the gathering is just on their best behavior as he narrates a hadith and he himself was someone who did not. He himself had a very strong personality where he didn't he did not accommodate people's.

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So one time a person.

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This person had

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a person who was from the IRS, one of the had some karamba, to the province that Elijah is in.

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And so he was his father had sent him because people would send them to study with Malik and he would come to, he came to the gathering. And because he's from Ireland, great. And, you know, he's used to that level of reverence and respect and all of these type of things. He came, and he's stepping over people's shoulders to come and sit right next to my mother.

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And so as he approaches, he finds him I'm Malik not moving for him.

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So now it's awkward. You're standing there and you don't find this spot. My mic doesn't move for him at all, and doesn't even acknowledge His presence.

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And then he

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figures out a place to sit but then he goes in, he complaints. His father, his father writes a letter to medical himolla. And Maddie writes back to him and he says, As for your son,

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he is like anybody else in the gathering?

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He sits where he finds a spot. If you come early, then you get to sit close to the to the this the scholar, and if you don't, then you say wherever you find a spot, that's it, you don't have any more right. And so he himself has a lot to add. Not only that he used to say that the of the adverb of the scholar is that they don't laugh. They're laughing should simply be smiling.

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That's it You don't see you know, kicking back and laughing you know? So no, that's gonna take away from the, again, this is his approach for him, Allah to Allah and so this his students, they never counted a single time or medical law and who was was laughing He said all he did was ever smile. That's all they ever saw for him. In my mind, he had his two most famous students Rob dorama, didn't pass him and have to live in one of the live niwa. Both of them came from Egypt and both of them study with him. I'm married for 20 years.

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Imam Malik when he

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Abdullah had never

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At one time, while he was sitting in the gathering of Imam Malik, people began to run into the masjid. And they were saying, there's an elephant, there's an elephant.

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And apparently there was some sort of traveling exhibition or circus or what have you and Medina was they were the people in Medina, were seeing an elephant. And I want you to think back to that time, where are you going to come across an elephant? I mean, they're reading solos or feet, right? But where are you gonna find that? There's no Zoo. So many people, unless they had traveled to a place where elephants are part of the natural habitat, they've never seen an elephant before in their life. They've had it described, and they've, you know, but that's it. And so you have a day where there's an elephant in the city, what are you going to do? Everybody leaves,

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except for Abdullah Ave.

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And Mike says to him, why didn't you leave?

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And Abdullah said to him, I came from Egypt. I didn't come from Egypt to see an elephant.

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I came to see you.

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And so Imam Malik loved that response. Right, that notion of you know, sticking with your teacher and not being distracted. And because Imam Malik was impressed by him, he continued to bring him close now and continue to give him more attention than he gave him before. And

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he would give him like, you know, he gave him special attention, and even special correction and deep. So one time I'm delighted me will have yet come into the Mr. De Malik was giving the giving the night that he was coming into the message he was in the gathering. And then all of a sudden, he gets up and he goes, and he prays to us. And then he comes back down, and he sits in the gather. And so in my mind, I asked him, and he says, Well, what, what did you get up for?

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Why did you get up? And he said, because I remembered that I had not paid the tuition is a lot. That's why I ran up to go. And so in my mind, it said, By Allah, what you have got up for is not more rewarding than what you left,

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right, showing him that the two workers you can always pay at any point of time. But if you had gotten up and you missed the Hadith, or you missed two, or three, or you missed the gathering of knowledge, and you've actually lost something that you might not ever be able to get again. Right? So again, he's he's positioning him and he's giving him that tibia. In my mother hemiola, near the end of his life.

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He became ill with an illness that prevented him from from seeking knowledge, from sorry, not from seeking knowledge that prevented him from teaching, from going to the masjid from At first he would stop going to the geneticists, and then he would stop going to the gym. And then he would stop going to the masjid altogether. And eventually, when the people asked him, Why is it that you stopped? He said, Not everybody can give them. Not everybody can give their excuse. But he had a hammer Hova would end up

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being he ended up passing away in the year 179. And one of the great things with regards to Imam Malik and one of the major lessons I feel that a person learns from him is his sincerity. And I'll end with this, his sincere to him Allah to Allah is manifested in a lot of ways. Some of it is just immediately from hid the quotations that he made. So in my mind, obviously, he wrote the great book, The Moto Moto is the earliest book in Islam after the Quran that has reached us. There were books that were written earlier, but none of them reached us except for the most part, that's the earliest book in mathematic mathematics book and the mathematics book was, it was said that it was

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on the instruction of the Khalifa who basically told him he said, just write for us a book collect for us a book that is,

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you know, that avoids the strictness of even aroma and the laxity of even a bass and the strange opinions of Abdullah hitting

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the microphone.

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So avoid, right for us a book that avoids these things. And so Imam Malik, he wrote the most part and the Moto is has a number of things it has, it's not just exclusively a hadith book, it also has the statements of medic himself, it also has the statements of companions, it has the actions of the people of Medina

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it's a lot of different things. Nonetheless, it's the oldest book that was written. Now,

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whenever a person, you know, you you you write something or you do something and if it becomes popular, which is did

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people begin to copy you, people begin to copy you.

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And so, in my mind, it was approached and he told him so and so also wrote a book and he called it unlock but

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you got a copycat someone wrote a book and he called it and what, so in my mind, he then responded and he said, McEnaney law he,

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he said, whatever is done for Allah subhanaw taala that is

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It's going to remain.

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If you do it for Allah,

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then it's going to remain, it's going to be it's going to remain on this earth and if not, it's going to remain with Allah subhanho data and the heavens. And so it teaches us this, this, this, make your audience ALLAH SubhanA data always make your audience Allah don't worry about the people, the people will love you one day and they'll hate you in the next, or they will hate you one day and they will love you the next day, it doesn't really matter. All that matters is whether Allah subhana Dada accepts from you. Number two, Imam Malik, he says about seeking knowledge in the first place. He says I didn't learn knowledge to teach.

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I learned it for myself.

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Wahaca, that kind of nurse. He says and peep the people were all like that is teachers, all of them. They were like that. I had a chef of mine, who told me he said, there was this one brother, who was one of my students. And he calls me and he says, Sure, I have

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I confirmed teaching the fifth class transactions at such and such messages.

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So I need you to teach me the federal transactions.

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And he said them, you confirmed teaching something that you don't even know. He said, Yeah, can you give me like a crash course and stuff? He said, No, I'm not gonna give you a crash course.

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You're not qualified to teach it. But not only that, it just gives you the mindset of, you know what, I'm going to, I'm going to I'm going to teach this so let me learn it. Right. Imam Malik. He says no, I learned it not to teach it I learned it from myself why to worship Allah subhanaw taala. With this, I wanted to know how to worship Allah with this. And so part of you know, one of the one of the symbols of sincerity or one of the signs of sincerity rather, is that you actualize what, you know, I didn't every thought he says yeah, he fully in alignment, yeah, fully in alignment, that knowledge calls out to action. When you learn something, it calls out to action. If the action

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comes, then the knowledge remains. And if the action doesn't come, then the knowledge departs. Right? Because knowledge is what knowledge is, is is what strengthens or sorry, action is what strengthens that knowledge. It's what makes it permanent. And so Imam Malik he says that I learned it, I didn't learn it to teach it. I learned it to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala with it, and that is the way that people were. And so in doing so Allah subhanaw taala raised him as well. So this is math as sort of what we could present of the clrv mathematic or some of the clrv mimetic and the Charlotte owl, we're going to continue not next week, but in two weeks time. As for next week,

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there's the econo convention and inshallah the week after we will begin again, with Chef Michelle come out and McKean Charlotte to add on one of the lies that they've just said, I don't know if anyone cares for question and answers, but if anybody does have a question, you're most welcome to Ask otherwise, I will see you in the

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community hall for this athlete or what's left of it inshallah.

00:53:00 --> 00:53:03

Okay, yes, yeah. Yes, sir. Thank you.

00:53:05 --> 00:53:05

I realize that

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each and every one of them.

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00:53:25 --> 00:53:27

Look at the West African region.

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This meetings?

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As far as?

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So, the question then is, what are

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the factors that actually

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contribute to that?

00:54:12 --> 00:54:18

There are a lot of factors, some of them, one of the main factors is the students of the chef. So, for example,

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where the students go, the students of that Chef go, where they established schools where they established their own students, that's where his knowledge remains. And that's where his knowledge spreads. And so when we talk about the modality, for example, there were lots of modalities that actually died out they it wasn't just those four, there was an imam in Egypt, who was on par of Imam Malik, in fact, the mama chef and one of the students of Imam Malik, he said, and that scholar, his name was relatedness. And I hope that we'll be able to cover him also in this series as well because he's a great Imam. And he was the the undisputed scholar of Egypt at his time, and yet his mother

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didn't even know

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In Egypt, and the mama chakra he says a laser in the earth common Malik he says late to me is more stronger and fifth than Matic however, what does he say? His students squandered his knowledge.

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The next generation, they didn't pass on his knowledge. He didn't have people who, who went and and so that caused it to doubt. So when you're looking at these types of places, one thing that you look at is the activity of the students who were the students, where did they travel? Who brought the Maliki madhhab to West Africa, for example. That's number one.

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Number two, is political support. And this is incredibly important when you have a

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political or when you have a state, and that state then sponsors this metadata.

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And so it makes this madhhab the its curriculum and in all of its schools and all of this, this is one of the strongest things that supports. So you look at for example, the Ottomans with regards to the Hanafi madhhab and how they spread the Hanafi madhhab everywhere you look now for example, with regards to the Hamburg he might have been Ceridian right? And so the Hamburg he must have received incredible support in our modern time why because of the sponsorship of Ceridian right and so it's bringing all of these students from all over the world and it's teaching them the embodiment of and then when those students go and they travel back to wherever they came from now you have the humbly

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made up spreading because that's what they're trained in right and so this is going on throughout history so you have that factor as well political support state support economic support it's all very very very

00:56:36 --> 00:56:39

these are very important factors to that yes

00:56:41 --> 00:56:42

thank you very much

00:56:43 --> 00:56:44

you're very welcome

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so what do you want to get out

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one person

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because we have another agent

00:57:58 --> 00:57:59

so, it's really up

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to you.

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00:58:06 --> 00:58:08

some of them have similarities some of

00:58:10 --> 00:58:11

you mentioned that

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we have

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I think

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of something

00:58:25 --> 00:58:26

my knowledge

00:58:33 --> 00:58:35

the meaning but then you mentioned

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00:58:42 --> 00:58:43

a lot right Abu Hanifa

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is the school

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and then

00:58:51 --> 00:58:53

recently I misunderstood because

00:58:55 --> 00:58:59

he said that this start with the text but we care about the animal but the fact

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of the other side because

00:59:08 --> 00:59:08

we said

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this is

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so we want to get into here

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and then we'll focus on before

00:59:25 --> 00:59:26

we have any other supplements

00:59:28 --> 00:59:30

and what what is acceptable

00:59:32 --> 00:59:33

for example,

00:59:34 --> 00:59:35

this flu

00:59:38 --> 00:59:41

shot we can be combined with this

00:59:43 --> 00:59:44

has always been a

00:59:47 --> 00:59:47


00:59:54 --> 00:59:55

so it's very important

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

Another way

01:00:04 --> 01:00:05

let us make this

01:00:07 --> 01:00:07

a brilliant

01:00:18 --> 01:00:18


01:00:23 --> 01:00:24

the one

01:00:28 --> 01:00:28

This is

01:00:34 --> 01:00:35

Zack gonna say thank you very much

01:00:36 --> 01:00:49

particular I hope that I hope that we'll be able to add a lot more Imams to this series no promises yet right now I have commitment for the four that's where we got committed before but inshallah we'll see because I saw the licen hammer died out of Cyprus

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