Ammar Alshukry – Names of Allah – Part 5

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The history and importance of forgiveness are discussed in Islam, including the importance of forgiveness for a sad loss and the need for forgiveness to overcome emotional loss. The speakers emphasize the importance of forgiveness and offer advice to obtain it. The segment also touches on the history and origin of the culture of Islam, including the origin of the statement that everyone should be forgiven in a single way and the history of the term "take on forgiveness" being used as a excuse for actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know

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what other coffee is there?

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What other coffee is?

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Face the mic

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like this

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all right

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hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah

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while he also

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should have a look

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at it arises at Jabbar and Mata Kabira Kabir, a higher caliber mo solver.

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And now we finally last whenever was the last session we did, we concluded the the names that are mentioned in the end of salted hash. And now we come to a file.

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And it'll a file is also paired with another name, which is alpha four, which is also paired paired with an other name, which is allotter.

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And it's also paired with another name which is titled coffee.

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Okay, so we've got four names that we're going to knock out tonight. And these are the only names that we're going to do today inshallah, which is a lawful, lawful,

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lawful duty. Now

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as mentioned, we're less isn't

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with mercy forgiveness is paired with mercy remember.

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So a fool is a little thinking and he is forgiving and he's forbearance

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is the Most Merciful.

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One who is the most forgiving.

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And we when we get to know a lot as Georgia this should create in us a comfort and asking Him to forgive us a love for Allah as we attribute to forgiveness. There are many people who feel distant from Allah.

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And they feel distant from Allah because they don't know who he is. And so they commit mistakes. And in their lack of knowledge of a law, they think that these mistakes have become a barrier between them and accessing a lot as against forgiveness or accessing Allah's mercy. They say I've been bad, Mike, okay, I know you've been bad. No, no, no, I've been really bad. And so they feel that they have reached a level done something in their life, where Allah as those that cannot forgive them or Allah as they will be even more upset if they raise their hands and ask them ask for less forgiveness. And it's actually the opposite. That in fact, you know, it's very beautiful. It's

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amazing, actually, that the most vivid description that we have that I've come across at least, of a loss, happiness, you know, the most vivid description of a lot of happiness is that you come across in this and

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it's, it's the camel, right? The province of the Lodi center says a lot this is the this is the picture that a lot paints are the province of the lightest and and paints of a loss happiness. He says a lot is more happy with the repentance of his servant

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than a man who is in the desert with a single camel. And on top of that camel is his mother, his food and his sustenance and his nourishment and everything is on that camel.

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And in a moment that camel is gone.

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And all he sees in front of him his death. There's no there's no way he's gonna go. He's not gonna get very far. He's not gonna be able to survive.

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He's gonna die. So I like to think of this. How do you like a movie? The beginning of the movie, you have a guy he's gonna go somewhere. And he's bidding farewell to his people, right? And then somewhere he loses the camel. This is like, if Bernard was here, he would tell us which act that would be. But somewhere along the lines he loses his camel.

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And you can imagine him going through all

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All of the emotions that come with that, right desperation. First, he's searching for the candle everywhere.

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Anger, maybe

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sadness, you might have an emotional breakdown at some point. And then finally he comes to the conclusion that he's going to die. He's gonna die. And so he comes to grips with that fact. And as he sits down, awaiting death, all of a sudden, in that moment of submission, he sees his calendar right in front of them.

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And then you imagine this guy, however ecstatic, he must have become,

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he yells at the top of his voice Allahumma anti de Onorato.

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Oh, my Lord, You are my slave.

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And I am your Lord. And the province of the license says,

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he made a mistake, because of how

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happy he was.

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And so this haddie illustrates to us what that happiness was used as an example of the happiness of Allah as the origin, when one of his slaves says, Oh, I'm not going to drink anymore.

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I'm not going to

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whatever that sin is, I'm going to try my best. I regret it, I'm not happy with it, you deserve a better servant, I deserve to be better for my Lord. And I'm going to try to return it to you again.

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That is the happiness of our lives are given. So when people feel like they've committed something that's just put them beyond the mercy of Allah azzawajal. It's really because they haven't understood who Allah has done it is, Allah extends his hand during the date, to accept the repentance of the one who sins during the night, Allah extends his hand during the night, to accept the repentance of the one who sends during the day.

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The prophets of the light is and then he tells us that if we were to become a sinless creation, if we were to somehow not sin,

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we wouldn't be rewarded, we'd be replaced. The province a little lighter center says a lot as would replace you, with a community with a species with a group who would then commit since so that they could seek a loss, forgiveness and so that a lot has to do with forgiveness.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam he describes a beautiful Hadith that he calls Satan is the Father. It is the master of seeking forgiveness. And so this is a draft that we should all seek to memorize, we should all memorize this that the prophet SAW the light is and it says that whoever, whoever says it in the morning, and then passes away, they will enter into paradise and whoever says it in the evening and then passes away, they will enter into paradise. The end of that sin removes a person's the effects and the harms of that sin.

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For that day, the prophet SAW the light I said, I'm going to say to Mr. Farr that a person says a llama until it'll be oh my lord, Oh Allah, you are my Lord.

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Hallelujah. Dr. Nina habito. You have created me, I'm your slave. I'm your servant. Well, Anna, I decoded the Kama Sutra and I am upon my covenant to you. And my promise to you, as best as I can.

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Oh, there we go. Michel de masana. I seek refuge in You from the evil that I've done.

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A who would not have been aromatic Allah, I admit your favors upon me. Well, but we'll be them be and I admit my sin felt fairly, so forgive me.

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Because no one forgets for sins except for you. And the private so I sent him calls this the master of seeking forgiveness in this supplication in this in this conversation that a person is having with a lot as they're testifying to a laws witness, your your My Lord, they're admitting a loss favors. This is a site that I might have used to sin against you these years that I might have used these fingers that I might have used, they're all blessings that came from you, I don't deny that you're the one who gave me this money that I might use to sinned against you. You're the one who gave me this knowledge that I might use as a source of arrogance through which I sinned against you.

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You're the one who gave me this eloquence that I might use. That leads me to sit all of these things. They're not from my own accord. They're all from you.

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And I admit to my shortcomings, I admit to my sins.

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And I seek refuge in You from the evil of those sins, and from what I've done. Okay, so this and in this,

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say the list of fod. You also have a person trying to continue to stay true to the covenant that they made with a lie soldier. I stumbled I fall. And he says, when I had the karate master Todd, I'm upon my covenant with you and my promise to you as best as I can. And some days are better than others. And some days were more true to the covenant than others. And that's why this is a beautiful

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Two out that you make every single day in the morning in the evening, every day you're renewing your covenant with Eliza. You're renewing your promise with allies dogen. And if a person makes that covenant then they try

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to fulfill it as best they can. And they pass away during that day Chawla out of there of the people of paradise. And if they try, and they make that covenant in the evening, and they pass away during the night Charlottetown of their of the people of Paradise, the province of the light is

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in another beautiful Heidi,

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to Heidi that I want to share, speaking about the forgiveness of a lot of the first is uphold a law, the law and he says that the prophets on the line do send them he says about a lot as we get so both of these Heidi Heidi could see, I just could see is when the prophet SAW the lights and them is narrating from Allah Zoda So the first is that a Valera says that the prophet SAW the light is and it says that Allah as a year says that

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a slave committed a sin. And so he says, The slave then says Allah homophily them be, Oh ALLAH forgive my sins. And then Allah azzawajal says as another Abdi, them but for Allah and Allah horrobin Yahshua them when

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he says, My Lord, forgive me, he committed sin. And then Allah says, my slave has committed a sin. And he recognizes he acknowledges he knows that he has a Lord that forgives sins.

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And then the slave then commits the sin again.

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And then he says, My Lord, forgive me. And then he says, my slave has committed a sin, and he recognizes that he has a lord who forgives sins. And then the slave admits the same sin again.

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That if we had witnessed that same slave do the same sin three, four times each time, we would have slapped him, right? What are you doing? But Allah as he continues to say, my slave has committed a sin and he has forgiven. He recognizes that he has a lord who forgives since I have forgiven you, I haven't forgiven you until finally a law as though yet he says, there are many of us to look, at one point he will say to the slave, if he continues to say, oh, Allah forgiven me. And I'm saying this because a person may feel embarrassed that you know what, this is a particular sin that I haven't been able to get out of my habit. Like I haven't been able to remove this from my actions. From my

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daily scrolls, I haven't been able to erase it, I haven't been able to stop it. And so at one point, do you stop saying, Oh Allah, forgive me? At what point? Do I become shy? At what point do I say? Let me not keep standing in front of the door of a lot as a young man with the same crime and asking for forgiveness for it. The answer to that is never at no point. Do you stop asking a lot for forgiveness? And it may be that one of those points where you're asking ALLAH says, Do whatever you wish I have forgiven you.

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But you never know when he says that, right? So you have to keep trying and striving and arguing and and struggling against your soul. But you recognize throughout and that you never forget that a lot has yet is so forgiving, a lot as it is so merciful. The province that lies in them in another Hadith that he narrates, from a lot as Georgia and this is the idea of ns which is intimidate the Allah as he says, Yeah, Vinnie Adam, oh, son of Adam, in nakoma doubt any as long as you call upon me. son of Adam or daughter of Adam Wright, children of Adam, as long as you call upon me and have hope in me. First to luck, I will forgive you. Without nobody. I won't mind.

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I love that line. I won't mind.

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It's not going to come up again. I'm not going to be upset.

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There's not going to be any distance between us. I won't mind. Yeah, me, Adam, lo Bella genomica and Anna sama. Oh, son of Adam. If your sins were to reach the sky,

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from other stuff are tiny, and then you sought my forgiveness. I would forgive you. Yeah, I mean, if you were to come to me with the Earth's weight of sins,

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and then

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you sought my forgiveness. And then you met me not having committed shared with me that I took a call on the Columbia mafia I would come to you with what is equal to it of forgiveness. Now anybody here have the Earth's weight of since anyone here has sins that reached the sky?

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But yeah, Allah just saying if you have even that much, but if you seek Allah's forgiveness, I'm going to forgive you. I won't mind if you come to me with the earth suite of sins, and then you come to me not coming in shared with me, then I will come to you with what is equal to it of, of mafia. You know, the even and sort of broach a lot as it tells the story of a people who tortured believers and it's a very vicious story, the people of the trench, they were cast into a trench and they were burned alive and they were thrown into a trench. And Allah says in livina fraternal meaning on may not for millennia, tubal Balaam Abu Johanna.

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Allah says

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Those who try the believing men and the believing women, those who test the believing women, men and women like that, and he's talking about a great crime, he's talking about a community that was annihilated of believers. And they were annihilated in the most vicious way, being burned alive and thrown into the trenches thrown into these trenches where they would be burned alive. A lot, as he says, in a lithium battery minute or minute, two millennia to

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Allah says that, but they didn't repent. What does that mean?

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If they would have repented, what would happen?

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They would have been forgiven by Allied soldiers. And that's powerful, right? People who have committed that level of of war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against the community, and the law says, if they don't repent, they will have the Hellfire, meaning that if they did repent, even that community, even those criminals would have found a lot as they get to be forgiving and merciful. And so the notion of studying a lot as we just forgiveness is again, it's inspiring for us, but it's also something that we have to make sure that we learn and we communicate to other people. Allah says rubbish at meaning, the anila hoomin Allah He fondling kaviraj. Allah says and

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sort of give glad tidings to the believers that they have from Allah azza wa jal, incredible grace they have from Allah azza wa jal, vast grace, great grace. And so are we people who communicate the grace of Allah to other people? Or are we people who communicate doom and destruction and Hellfire to the Muslim community. We're going around making sure that everybody feels horrible about their lives, people commit sins and you are going and you're telling them that a lot as you're distancing them from a lot as origin. Right? A law says that's not what Allah says, Allah says, wish to remove meaning and abandon him in a life of one KB Allah, give glad tidings to the believers. Give them the

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good news that they have from Allah azza wa jal incredible grace.

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There's um

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you know, one of my teachers, he mentioned that he had went to

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high school. And he asked the kids in school, there's Islamic school, he asked the kids in the school, he said, How many of you feel like allies angry with you?

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I said, the majority of the kids raised their hand.

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Like really, like 16 years old, they haven't even done anything yet.

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But this notion just shows how

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the nature of allies isn't communicated to people, right. And that only increases them in their, in their books from a blog. One of the reasons why people become atheist is because they just, they don't understand that allies a little forward on Rahim.

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And at the same time, they are living a Harlem lifestyle.

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And so this becomes a conflict. Right? Nobody wants to sit there every morning thinking about how they're going to help.

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And so it just becomes easier for me to say, I don't believe in all of this in the first place.

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And so maybe a soul would be saved, maybe a person would be saved. If we did a better job, or if people did a better job communicating to others that know, whatever you do,

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you know, there's this one.

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One shot he's very well known for dealing with with celebrities.

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And just, you know, people who live a very alternative lifestyle,

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even if they're Muslim. And so he

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one of our teachers was in his, his company. And he said that this brother came, and he said to him, you know, very

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big, big superstar type guy. And he said, Yeah, I,

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you know, I committed a certain sin. I went out and things one thing led to another and I fell into a trap of a thought system. Okay? You're gonna be okay. Is it them? It's, it's okay. He said, you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. laws against Forgiving, Merciful. And the guys like breaking down, he's crying and saying to him, you're okay. Don't worry, you're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay.

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And then when he demands, however long he sat with him, when he left, she said to him,

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this must be like the 15th or 20th time that he's come to me with the exact same mistake.

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He wasn't mocking him. He wasn't saying like, this guy's a bad guy. He's saying to him, this is look at the emotion that he has, look at the mistakes that he has. And he's come to me 1520 times. Each time he's trying to fight this he hasn't been able to overcome it yet. My job is to simply tell him you're gonna be okay. Why because the laws are yet he knows that if this person were to be sincere and stay sincere, then even if they committed that sin 100 times 1000 times every time that they stand up, dust themselves off a lot as yet is ready to forgive.

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Right But we have to communicate that to people and we have to believe in that ourselves. We have to believe in that ourselves.

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That our sins inshallah to Allah are not going to be a barrier between us and a lot there's a beautiful house with a man so lots of Allah so yet he says

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will afford to attend Nashville a man will pay an adequacy he just said that from Anna. So the man was tested

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and he repented to a loss

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and then he says, are a bit wobbly malerkotla embellies

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Salima says Oh my Lord, forgive me, and grant me a kingdom the likes of which no man has ever had before nobody will ever have.

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And so this verse is literally in the same breath. in the same breath, he says, My Lord, forgive me. Now if you're making die and you say My Lord, forgiving, you're making the offer for forgiveness, you may not dare to ask for something else. Or law, just forgive me and that's it. I'm good. I don't want anything else. Just forgive my sense. But suit a man in the same breath. Oh, Allah grant me a kingdom the likes of which nobody has ever seen, nobody will ever have after that.

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So a lot.

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We gave him that. We gave him the wind and we gave him the gin and we gave him all of that type of stuff right away. All of that right, indicating allies, we just forgiveness and a lot of that is this notion that we should never our sins should never be a barrier between us and allies. So

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what are some of the ways to obtain allies and just forgiveness?

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What can we do?

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Number one is goodness to a less creation, not necessarily one in importance, but as far as my order goes, goodness to a lot as his creation. And so I will hold a lot out of the line he narrates that the prophets of the lightest and him says Will Ferrell a Marathi.

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Mr. Murat be Kelvin, Aleksey.

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He says that

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because we now have Carl aka Dr. Akash Perez at

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ofa. He says that a woman or a prostitute was forgiven. And what he says is the province of cinema strip, it says that a woman was for a, a prostitute was forgiven, because she gave water to a job a dog, she saw that the dog was panting out of thirst. And she said that this dog is affected by thirst. And so she took her shoe and she placed it into the wall and she gave this dog water, fantasize local minima for fear Allah bizarrely, she was forgiven because of that.

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prostitute, forgiving, forgiving water to a dog. What do you think would happen to a person if they helped another human being?

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If you were to go and donate water to the people of Flint, Michigan,

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and you did that, you don't think allies are gonna forgive you since you don't think that a lot as a Jedi would forgive your sins if you sponsored an orphan and one of these Muslim lands. These are the examples that a lot of it is giving us not just so that we can have this academic historical information of the one time that Eliza Jennifer gave a prostitute because she gave water to a dog. But for us to know that a lot as it continues to forgive, and a logic can continue someone who society would look at it and be like this is the most sinful person.

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And he forgave her completely because she helped something that in society is completely negligible a dog.

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That is the forgiveness of lies within another hadith of julio de la, he says the prophets of the lightest, and it says while a man was walking me in order to live she first said the man was walking and he found himself to be very, very thirsty for and has run for sheriff. I mean, when he entered into a well and he drank from it, and then when he exited, he saw that there was a dog that was panting out of thirst. And so he said, This dog is affected by the same thirst, right he related to the dog. He said, This dog is affected by the same thirst that I was just suffering from. And so he gives he goes back in and he gets water for the dog. And so he says for Shakur, Allahu Allah, He

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says, Allah has appreciated what he did.

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For Allah for Allah. So he forgave him. The Companions they said, Yeah, also Lola, well in an NFL behind me. He said, O Messenger of Allah Do we have reward for what we do with animals?

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And the prophets of Allah Islam said there is reward for kindness to every living thing.

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And this is like a headset that you want to just put on Billboard's downtown right? That the province of the license says there is reward for kindness for every living thing. Everything that we can be good to be can be generous to if a person is conscious of a lie. So again, inshallah tada it will be a source of reward for them.

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of the things that

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causes for people's forgiveness is for you, yourself, to forgive people, and for you, yourself to overlook people's faults.

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And for you yourself to look after them.

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Hooray. And also he narrates in Buhari, that also the loss of the license this kind of tells you when you die in us, for a

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colony for Tiana he was one who llama la jolla. Tasha was Anna, Patricia was alojado. He says that there was a Muslim businessman.

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There was a Muslim businessman who, whenever he would deal with people, he would lend people money. And so whenever he would lend people money, and if they weren't able to pay, it wasn't like a loan shark, he would go and send his cronies to go break their legs, he would say to Joe's or

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overlook him, maybe Allah as we will overlook our thoughts, our faults. And so he says, a lot as yet forgive that man because of that. And so when I'm in a position of strength, that I don't,

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I don't demand every single right that I have.

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I don't sit there and and and, you know, do this morass of of people that's so precise, and so severe, it may be that that person is severe holding people of account that they will be held to account in a severe way in front of a lawsuit. And so this person, he says, overlook it, they can pay great if they can't pray, don't worry about it maybe a lot as we will forgive us on the Day of Judgment. And so a lot of debt forgiveness, so forgiving, overlooking, overlooking between your,

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your, your siblings, your children, your spouse may settle WBC, they'll hope? Well, I can say the komeito les selja. He'll say the Camila can say the community. The ignorant person isn't the one who's the leader amongst this community. But the leader amongst this community, he kind of plays them sometimes they overlook things, they don't let everything bother them. Okay. And so doing that with other people also, I will hold ala narrates or the line who that the province of the light is and it says being a model Julian chief authority Raja was shokin

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for a holla hufa Shakur, Allahu Allahu Allah for Allah, He says that a man found an obstacle in the form of a branch. So this guy's walking down the street, he sees a thorny branch, it's in the way, it might have been a narrow path, this branch is blocking everybody. So he takes it and he moves it. So he says a lot has been appreciated him for that. He appreciated the action, and he entered into paradise. And so that simple action now if this person were to go and recount every action that he did, there might have been something great in there, there might have been a hedge, there might have been an overall there might have been fasting and so on all of these things, none of us, even

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ourselves, when we're looking back at our lives, we're not thinking of the time that we move the glass bottle from the street. That's not what we're thinking about. But that could be the action that takes a person to jedna. Now that's talking about a glass bottle, or you're moving an obstacle from the road.

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What about the person who moves an obstacle from a person's life?

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You you block an obstacle to a person's happiness, you block an obstacle to a person's success, you remove that obstacle from them, right? We become people who, who move these things for people. Because these things can be just as harmful as a thorny branch in the road.

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And we expect that a lot as they will appreciate it, just like he appreciated the action of that person. So long as it says I am as my slave expects me I am as my slave thinks that I have

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to wrap up one of the ways or there are a few ways that sins are forgiven in dunya.

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A few ways some of them, might they categorize them. So you have the first is it's the fault and Toba, that a person and some of them made them two different categories, but

00:28:38 --> 00:29:10

I'm lumping them together, it's still fought that you seek a lot as just forgiveness that you always stand at the door of a lot. I was gonna say not, but to knock would indicate that it's closed, right. And the door of allies we have is never close, but that you stand at the door of allies dogen constantly for you know, even when he says I used to. I used to we used to sit there and count the times that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam would make us default in a gathering. So while they're sitting down, and they're just conversing, they might be just talking about something normal from the dunya and the prophets, Allah cinemas with them. He's not going to be aloof and secluded and no,

00:29:10 --> 00:29:39

I can't talk about the dunya with you guys. Let's always talk about acid. I know he's there with them. He's president with them. But in his moments of quietness, they're looking at his mouth. And he's saying a lot of stuff will last a while and they would count and they were seeing one medalist we would hear the prophets I send him say stuff a lot 100 times. The prophet SAW them says yeah, you tube says Oh, people repent to Allah azza wa jal. Why? Because I repent to Allah as we do over 70 times a day, or 100 times a day.

00:29:41 --> 00:29:51

And so this indicates a spirituality and a focus and a relationship with Allah azzawajal that is actually very foreign.

00:29:54 --> 00:30:00

To many of us, lon Mr. Han. So the first is constantly seeking the last forgiveness and constantly repenting that you're

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Resistance seconds is good deeds good deeds races

00:30:05 --> 00:30:07

and the story of this

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is that a man a lot as a yes as welcome a slap in the heart was sort of one minute late it was 11 minute late in it has an attractiveness to yet Allah says established the prayer in the morning and in the evening

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at the two ends of the day, and at the approach of the night in that has an attractiveness say that good deeds erase bad deeds. And so there was a man who came to the Prophet cellulitis and then he had actually, it kissed a woman.

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And he was like, Oh my god, I committed such a major sin. So he went to work. And I worked on the line who said to him, to repent to Allah as it was to Allah and conceal your sin. Don't tell anybody.

00:30:49 --> 00:30:55

So he couldn't bear it. And he went to the line. And I was told to repent and consider yourself.

00:30:56 --> 00:31:12

So the man, he couldn't bear it. So you went sort of sort of loss of the lightest and, and little sort of lost a little later, he went to the province a law license after the prophet SAW the light is and don't criticize them. He criticized him pretty harshly actually, until the man thought he was gonna go to the hellfire.

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And so then the prophets Eliza was overcome and they realized that what he was was coming down on him. And then he recited this verse welcome a slot filled in how it was with him in a lady that has an attractiveness a at

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a law as we just said, and established the prayer in the morning the two times and approaching of the night where the good deeds erased bad deeds in the province of Eliason said to him, did you prefer do with us? And he said, Yes. He said, this is your answer that and so the man said, he also loves this verse reveal just for me. And he said, No, it's for my entire oma. And so we know that has not erased bad deeds. From avanta Ramadan erases the sins that's in between Juma to Juma the prayers one after another, they erase since Hajj, of course erases all our persons since the all of these things will do erases since all of these good deeds that a person does. They erase sins, and

00:32:02 --> 00:32:04

the erasers and their sins. And that's from the

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grace of Allah as

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the last way to have since removed from you in the dunya is calamities that befall you

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every pain that you experience, every harm that befalls you, that is all

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purification for you. And it's the removal of *. And no claim says sometimes a lot as we did desires a level for his slave in paradise. Allah wants you to be here. But your actions are late here.

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But Allah wants you to be up here.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:48

And so what he does does is that he throws a calamity or he casts a calamity upon that person.

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And then inspires them to be patient. So he gives them the calamity. And then he gives them the field to be patient. And then through that patient, they ascend to that place that allows the yellow ones.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:04

So that's a that's a great blessing.

00:33:07 --> 00:33:11

Yeah, so this is what I wanted to share with regards to these names of Allah

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hamdulillah cellulitis, and Ahmed.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:23

Next week is alcohol

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with an extra

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100. And I think we'll have a lot.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:48

No, it doesn't have to be stupid, it can be general, or it can be thinking about a particular sin. So either or, you know, something, you just reminded me of something? What happens if a person doesn't want to repent from a sin? Like, sometimes that happens, right?

00:33:50 --> 00:33:58

A person just over time loves the sin. What do you guys do? So even you'll find that those people like people will be like,

00:34:00 --> 00:34:22

No, actually. Yeah, sometimes they'll be like, you know, make draft for me, but don't make draft for me too much. Like, I just want to get out they will find that they're asking a lot of a lot remove all of these things for me, but this one, they're kind of not mentioning it, right? Because it's actually too enjoyable. What What does a person then do? So there's an app for that also, which is

00:34:26 --> 00:34:31

Aloma Happy belated, a man was a unifocal lovina ocarina for

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a lot make a man beloved to me, and beautify it in my heart and make hate it to me because that's the first step is like, my problem is that I don't I don't hate it. And so Karelia make this belief and forsook and transgression and disobedience. Make all of these things hated to me.

00:34:51 --> 00:34:55

A lot. Yeah, it's not relevant to your question, but I just reminded me to share

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please panic along with the letters

Names of Allah by Ammar AlShukry – Part 5

Clear Lake Islamic Center

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