Ammar Alshukry – Jummah Khutbah 17-11-2023

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the historical context and importance of knowing the history of Islam and investing in a relationship with Allah Subhanaw taala. They stress the need to secure support for Islam and not be theist. They also discuss the success of their work in helping people achieve success and success in various fields, including resilience and resilience. They use words like "verbal" and "anything that causes you to feel like the world is against you" as motivation for success, and mention a "verbal" word that describes success as a result of hard work.
AI: Transcript ©
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appraisers do to Allah we seek His guidance and his forgiveness and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves and the whispering of our desires, whom Allah guides no one can misguide. And whom you allow us to be misled. No one can guide and I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, Allah and having no partners, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his slave and His messenger and his perfect worshiper, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says in the Quran, Oh you who believe, fear Allah as he deserves to be feared and do not die except in a state of Islam. And Allah says, all mankind, Fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and produced from

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that soul its mate, and made from their combination many men and women, so Fear your Lord whom you ask each other by and by the ties of kinship, verily, Allah is Ever Watchful over you. And Allah says, Oh, you will believe fear Allah and say that which is correct, he will correct for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, then they are indeed victorious.

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To proceed, I want to share in this brief hold about a hadith that many of us have heard many times over.

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But in this period of current events, as we're rereading through the Quran, we're seeing meanings that we might have never paid attention to before.

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And we are appreciating and analyzing and benefiting from the same verses that we've been reading all of our lives, but we're seeing them in lights that we had never experienced before. And similarly, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu you're setting them

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the promise on the light is and it says in the Hadith as reported by Timothy, even ambassador, the Allah Anhui said, that I was with the province of Allah Allah who is sending them when he said to me, yeah, hula, a knee or a limo car kalimat.

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Young man, I am teaching you some words.

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And I used to be amazed.

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And we used to be amazed that the province of Allah is setting them gave this great Hadith that I'm going to share with you to a young man 10 years old or 11 years old. And the scholars would wonder how is it that the province of Allah is sending these this depth of meaning was given to what we would consider to be a child. But now when you reread this hadith, you would wish that all of the children of Azusa all of the children have full esteem that they have this hadith inscribed in their hearts, because it is something that those children need to know. And it is something that our children need to know. And it is something that we need to know so much so that you mama know we had

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this as the 19th Hadith in his 40 collection.

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Therefore the law,

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preserve the commandments of Allah, and Allah will preserve you.

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Preserve the commandments of Allah, did you do to Jack? Preserve the commandments of Allah you will find Allah with you.

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Is there any of us who does not want Allah subhana dialogue with us in our times of difficulty?

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And yet the province still allottee who is setting them says no Allah.

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No ALLAH SubhanA diatas commandments, do what Allah Subhana Allah commands to be done. Follow the commandments of Allah, and you will find Allah Subhana Allah to Allah with you. In another version of this hadith he's established in a life and Raha Yeah, and if Kofi should know Allah Subhana Allah, Allah during the times of comfort, Allah Subhana Allah will know you during the times of difficulty and distress. And so the time to invest in a relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is not when your world is being turned upside down, even though there will come a time in your life where your world is turned upside down, because that is the nature of the human experience, but the

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time to invest in a relationship with Allah subhanaw taala is when life is good, and the body is healthy, and the family is well and the bank account is is satisfactory, and the community is safe. That is the time to invest in a relationship with Allah subhanho data so when times change, ALLAH SubhanA data knows you in that difficulty as well. Well sort of lost the lights and and continues and he says eat us out. First Lila, what is the stand for Sterling Villa that when you seek the help of someone seek the help of Allah. And when you ask, ask Allah

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there is an important equation that appears in the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we should all know Allah Subhana Allah simply says in Surah Kamala Lavalle Bella calm, we're a little confirm that lady I'm sort of coming by the Allah subhanaw taala says, if Allah subhanaw taala were to support you, then who is going to overpower you? What if and if Allah subhanaw taala does forsake you? If Allah were to forsake you then who is the one who's going to be able to support you after him? Well, yeah, a little confirming the lady and solocom embody what Allah Allah He for you to me known and upon Allah let the believers rely and so even as we're mobilizing and even as we're trying

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to engage and capture the audience of the entire world for our causes, that a person makes sure that the greatest audience for them to secure is the audience of Allah subhanaw taala that the greatest factor in their equation of success is to secure the support of Allah subhanaw taala beyond the support of any politician, beyond the support of any funds, beyond the support of any hashtag beyond the support is the support of Allah. If Allah Subhana Allah says yes, then it doesn't matter who says no, and if ALLAH SubhanA diatas says no, then it doesn't matter who says yes. And then the province of Elijah who is sending them he says, what an ummah

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lowish terminal for obesity, let me offer Oka Illa Bucha in October, Hula, hula

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and know that if an entire nation were to gather to harm you, if the entire world were to gather to benefit you or to harm you, they wouldn't be able to benefit you or harm you except with something that Allah Subhana Allah has already written for you to let you sleep and Ilana Khattab, Allahu Allah, say that nothing will afflict us, except what Allah Subhana Allah has written for us who will Molana Allah is our protector. That theology that belief that after that, what ALLAH SubhanA data wrote, it is going to happen and what ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada did not write, that I'm not going to actualize that belief that there is no one who can benefit me beyond Allah subhanaw taala. And there

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is no one who can harm me beyond Allah Subhana Allah allowance. This is something that we carry, know that if the entire world, there going to be times in your life where you feel like the world is against you, there are going to be times in your life where you feel like everybody at work is against you, there is going to be a time in your life where you feel like public perception is against you, but that the believer have this resilience. This is this dignity that comes with knowing that if Allah subhanho data is behind me, then there's no one who can overpower me. And if Allah subhanaw taala does not allow it, then there's no one who's going to be able to harm me. And

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then he says it in a column, which refers to sort of the pen has been lifted and the ink has dried, ie destiny has been written. But there's another version of this hadith as well, where the province of a lighting system adds some beautiful meanings. And he says what I love and the Muslim Assad, he says, Uh, no, that victory comes with Southern and I want to just pause here very briefly, but this is very, very important.

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The province of Elijah send him says no, that victory comes with southern suburbs, generally 95% of the time we translated as patients. But sub it is such a bigger word than patients. suburb is resilience, its endurance, its dedication, its perseverance, its resilience. SUBUD is discipline sub is grit. Sub is being able to overcome obstacles, it is the ability to continue to consistently do something, even when the results don't seem like they're around the corner. And if you were to look, when the province of allied SMM says victory comes with sort of this word,

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if you were to look at anybody who's successful in any field of human endeavor, whether it's in scholarship, whether it's in athletics, whether it's in business, whether it's in politics, no matter. Any interview, you watch of anybody successful any biography that you read of anybody successful, you will find that they are different in their intelligence. They're different in their resource resources. They're different in their opportunities, their personality traits, but the one thing that is shared amongst all of them is this attribute of sub.

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Business number one failed business number two failed attempt number one failed attempt number two failed. They continue to show up until they were eventually successful, while I'm in the muscle mass level, and why is this so important for us that we realize that we as a community have to have resilience for us to achieve any victory that we are seeking, that we have to be able to meet obstacles that we have to not fatigue after month number one, or month number two, or day number one or day number two?

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child psychologist I still remember this during COVID We had a community wide Muslim community wide

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zoom call with famous child psychologist Dr. Leonard Sachs.

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And he said that those psychologists had defined that research had defined that the greatest predictive quality in children as to their success is the discipline that they had developed by the age of 12.

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That sub

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the ability to be consistent the ability to do something even when you don't want to do it. And Allah subhana wa Tada says, Yeah, you will live in Spiro wasabi row rabito top Allah Allah Allah with different everyone. Oh you who believe have suburb and out suburb others and have Taqwa of Allah and holdfast and have Taqwa of Allah that you may be six

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Last fall, and Rasool Allah and Allah subhana wa Tada he says in Surah Al Baqarah yeah you're living in Amsterdam will be Sabri or salah. What's the thing it'll be somebody asked Allah He mentioned this twice, seek help in

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prayer that's turning to Allah subhanaw taala making absolutely, but also endurance resilience. The province of allied SNF says wylam and non Muslim Assad

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will follow Jim Alcorn and know that relief comes with the difficulty with endometriosis long and that with every hardship is automatically met to muster for the lady we're looking for stuff thrown over for right.

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hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hodeida cyber center Seema cathedra.

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For those of you who are just joining, we simply went over today, the Hadith the famous hadith of Ibn Abbas as reported by attending me the word the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told Ibn Abbas and he said,

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protect the commandment of Allah, Allah will protect you protect the commandments of Allah, you will find Allah with you. When you ask, ask Allah when you seek the help of anyone seek the help of Allah, and know that an entire nation if they were to gather to harm you, they wouldn't be able to get they wouldn't be able to harm you with anything more than what ALLAH SubhanA data has written for you. And if they had gathered to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except with the loss of Hannah data has written for you.

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The pen has been lifted and the ink has dried. So we ask Allah azza wa jal on this blessed day that Allah Subhana Allah accepts from us our actions that he accepts from us. Our prayer that he accepts for us are do ask that Allah subhanaw taala relief from us our hardships that ALLAH SubhanA data grants us a resilience that he loves, and a resilience that allows us to overcome any obstacle Allahumma NNSA local general Makabe Hammond called environment when Oulu becoming a novel Makabe I'm encoding yml Allahumma attina husana Taqwa Zeki Hunter Edelman Sokka Antonio hom hola Allahu Maximilian I'm in Russia to come out to who to behave in and I will be in a Marcia attic I mean I

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take them out too but you're gonna be a genetic women Elia Kinema to hold up it and I'm sorry, but dunya Mattia and Allahumma the USMA in out of Saudi and our Cortina over the mount of Katana, which is I mean, which I thought

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was soon Allahumma Adam and Diana were Nottage animals. Santa Fe de Nina. Well, Shi the dunya Aquila Amina when I'm a beloved in MENA whether it anatomists Ilana wedge Allah Ginetta here Donna butyl hermetic El Hamra. I mean, Rob Graham who come out of Baroness Lyra Roberto who might come out of ban is a lira rabbit hole Mac and to be honest the lira Allahumma hammock when animals will die phenom and Kobina fee for this thing alone Miko Lahoma in in your McMullen Wayne lahmacun la nostra annual McCullough NASA Allahumma Shimada home what have motorhome well Taco Bell shahada Vera hermetical hamara Hamina la monsoon homeless Warren Kabira Allahu Montserrat homeless man Kabira sal

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Allahu Allah is

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