Ammar Alshukry – Easy Key To Jannah

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of culture creators and not just the culture of the people they are in. They share their experiences of being a culture creator and encourage others to say hello to people they know. The negative impact of social media on people, including the belief that everyone is supposed to be treated similarly, is discussed. The importance of kinship and connecting with family members, especially those who cut off others' messages, is emphasized. Prayer in the night is also discussed, and privacy concerns are addressed as a topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Do you say set out why they come to those who you know, and those who you don't know?

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Do you say salaam aleikum to those out on the street? Out and About?

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Even beyond that?

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For those who are not listening? Do you say good morning to them? Do you say hello to them? Do you spread greetings of Peace to them?

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In the south is something beautiful that's done. It's considered part of Southern hospitality. People are very nice and welcoming. And they say hi, and good morning and things like that. So maybe we do that.

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But it's very important that I Muslim community, that we be culture creators, and not just culture consumers. Meaning that if I'm in Houston, and everybody says, Hi, good morning, how are you? I say Hi, good morning. And how are you? Because that's what everybody does around me. But if I go to Chicago, and nobody says, Hi, good morning, how are you? I don't say Hi, good morning. And if I go to New York, or if I got any of these places, you know, I had an experience

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where after moving to Houston, and I got used to this Hi, good morning, how are you business? And so I went to New York. And I started saying hi and good morning to people. And everybody was ignoring me.

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I said to myself, like this is becoming like a tourist.

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But then I thought to myself is saying hello. Is that from macadam? Hola Hola. Yes or No? Is it good character? Yes, it is. And so if it is good character, then the believers are, oh, we love it. We have more right to it.

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And we shouldn't be vessels of beauty and goodness, everywhere that we go.

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Not because it's the culture of those around us. But because it is our culture.

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It is our de. And so I thought to myself, No, I'm going to double down. And I'm going to say Hi, good morning loudly. Maybe I wasn't saying it loud enough. I'm going to say it louder now. And I'm going to make eye contact now. And I'm going to make sure that I've said it clearly so that everybody around knows that I'm not talking to somebody on the phone. I'm talking to them directly. And so I did it. And over that weekend, when I made sure to be clear and loud and proud.

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Every single person said good morning back to me. Every single one. Everyone said hi how are you?

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The reason is because people's fit. People are inclined to good character. So the prophets of Allah Hi, Sam says f Xu Sidama Bina calm, it is something that is incredibly disturbing. It is something that is incredibly disappointing that we build beautiful massages, we spend millions of dollars on massage. But if you walk into that measure that nobody responds to your system, how do you feel about them as

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it can be worth millions of dollars, I'm not going to come back.

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The Salon makes people feel welcome. The Salon makes people feel seen, the salon makes people feel, beloved, I felt that I didn't look my other shade either for how to move to have up to actual cinema benaco. And so make this our habit that we don't simply say send out to those who we recognize. But we say sent on to those who we know and those who don't know, the promise of Elijah said themselves and next he says other mcbomb feed people, feed people.

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And I have a challenge as well. Anytime anybody goes anywhere in the Muslim world, anywhere in the Muslim world, whether they go to West Africa or East Africa, whether they go to the Arabian Peninsula, whether they go to North Africa, or they go to Southeast Asia, or whether they go to the subcontinent, whether they go to Europe, go to Turkey, no matter where they go. What's one thing that everybody comes back raving about everybody?

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Not just the food, but the hospitality. They will insist and feed you and feed you and feed you and feed you and feed you and feed you.

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Now we're 1% of the population here in the United States. Are we known for our hospitality? Are we known for feeding people?

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We're known for wrestling each other when we go to a restaurant, if I go I'm into a restaurant, I'll fight with him over the bill. If I go with other Muslims, I will fight over the bill and I will do that. But does broader society recognize our hospitality and our generosity? And if not, then the question is why

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are we culture creators? Are we simply consumers, if people don't pay then we don't pay. And if that culture doesn't exist, we don't create it. The prophets of Allah they send themselves to feed people. Allah says we'll put him on a banner either hook the human skin away a team and when I say Allah, in the monitoring community, he laughed loudly to me and was actually called in and a half in the

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middle of being a human I wasn't completely wrong.

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They feed the poor and they feed the imprisoned and they feed the orphan and sort of the inside is the Meccan Surah how many Muslims were there in Makkah, there weren't that many. This is talking about a non Muslim population that the believers are feeding.

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And number three, the province of Allah is and themselves will single on ham. He says connect the ties of kinship.

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We love our friends, friends are fun. We get to choose our friends, but Allah subhanaw taala chose our family

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Allah chose our family and he obligated that you connect with those family members. Allah chose that uncle for you. Allah chose that cousin for you. Allah chose those parents and those grandparents and Allah chose your nieces and your nephews, Allah chose your children and your grandchildren. Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala selected them for you. And then he commanded that you connect the ties of kinship and the promise that Melania is setting himself that is not been McCarver. It is not reciprocity. You know, you have some family members who you send the message, and they respond back with flowers and hearts and all sorts of beautiful things. So you want to keep sending them

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messages. And then you have another uncle who you send them messages to and he always leaves you on read he never response.

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You call them they never respond back to you. And that's difficult. And you always or you might feel that I'm going to stop reach Alpha last like I reached out to him a million times and he doesn't respond. But the prophets of Allah they sent him said no, Scylla is not a golfer, connecting the ties of kinship is not reciprocity. You're good to them, and they're great to you. And that's wonderful. But connecting the ties of kinship is that you connect with those who cut you off.

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And it is a great, great act of worship. It is a beloved act of worship to Allah Subhana Allah rasool Allah, Allah Allah as the name says, civil or ham. And number four, the last he says will suddenly will be lady when national near free in the night while the people are asleep. The first three things the prophets of Allah, it was in upset have to do with our treatment of each other. And the fourth one has to do with our worship of Allah Subhana Allah

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that you make your audience Allah the night prayer is the prayer that is the least expected to have any sort of video or any sort of showing off. There's nobody else who sees people know if you come to join or not people know if you come to vote are also remote it to some degree in Asia and Fajr. Even though those are the hardest prayers on the munafo because they have the least audience. But the night prayer for person prays in the night, that normally they've prayed their five prayers, nobody prays the night unless they have their five prayers in order. And a person who prays in the night

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someone will be Lady and the prophets of Allah Sam says when national Nia This is a person who is

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infused with love for Allah Subhana Allah.

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And this is a person who's seeking nearness to Allah. There was a man who was very, very successful in his dialogue. And they asked him not just about that well, but this is also about family this is about relationships. But this man, when he was asked, Why are you so successful? He said, I talked to Allah. He said, I talked to my people about Allah. And I talked to Allah about my people.

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The four things are

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actually sent out spread the center. Number two is feed people. Number three is connected ties of kinship. And number four is pray in the night while the people are asleep. What will happen he says the theologian Methodists around you will enter paradise and peace upon him as a mentor Mustafa you were looking for stuff through nonverbal right

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but hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while it looks like this an instrument can feel a lot of maintenance or look at agenda and probably they have been put into a habit whenever the becoming another marker Rabine 100 podium I learned a lot from it and fusina Blaha exactly Hunter Edelman circa Antonio Hamada, Allah who have similar nomenclature to monitor who will be hearing and obeying the Masoretic mentor I think I'm out to value whenever he doesn't want me to hold up it and slightly but dunya with 10 along maybe a smile you know of sliding work you know, other than a beta which I've always I mean what I thought when I don't know what I'm also not looking at them and I

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don't know what else I don't see but then IVDD know when they die the dunya Amina Willa my beloved Mina whether in NRMC Alana y daily agenda here darling maybe like Medicare, I'll come over I mean, I'm gonna come from America. Melda Bernie, so the law alumnus you want to dine on what I mean what Hamilton on multi misdemeanor solid lie that's the only loss about

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