Ammar Alshukry – Ammar Ibn Yasser Fought in the Military Until His 80s

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and legends of the Japanese military, including the use of muskets and guns in war, the disassembly of the samurai into their culture, and the importance of the jujitsu and its cultural significance. They also touch on the significance of nutrition and conditioning for martial arts, and the origins of the term " calories" in the UK's culture. The speakers emphasize the need for both physical and mental conditioning for martial arts.
AI: Transcript ©
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So did you know that jujitsu is actually the

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original form of the samurai? And when the samurai were disbanded, because, you know, guns came about and muskets, in fact, towards the last 100 years or so?

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swords were not even their primary weapon. What was their primary weapon? A gun?

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Musket, the samurais? Yeah, wow. In fact, they would have the musket, then they would have like a spear. And then if they lost both of those, then they would reach for the sword. Samurai were the official military of Japan. Yeah, the Japanese? Well, it was It wasn't just Japan. But there are different tribes, there were different lords. There were different nations within Japan. And the samurai were essentially the fighting force that they had. And what was interesting is the samurai themselves will be representative of the rulers that they served. So if a ruler was generous, a samurai would be generous. And if the ruler was oppressive, decembre would be oppressive. And

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meaning they would alter their natural character, a Samurai is essentially synonymous for soldier, a soldier a stormtrooper might be a good guy. But if being if he's being commanded by Darth Vader to invade something, yeah, they still oppressive soldier. Right? The same thing with the samurai. But what was interesting was with the samurai were they were disbanded. Because they were one no longer needed. And to all this technology, military stuff came into play. Part of the disbanding of the samurai why? Why didn't they just adapt? You're talking about the military and all of that. And so the samurai kind of were disbanded, because there's a whole culture that was attached to samurai

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too, and they wanted to westernize so they were forcibly disbanded. Yeah, it was through the Japanese government, that they're like, no more samurai. Part of that is now the Japanese don't even have an army. But now that we don't even have an army. Exactly.

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What was interesting when I'm writing it, it came back. Well, I mean, I'm sure in some old villages and stuff you can find it but what the remnants of what the samurai were, is found in the art of jujitsu. And what's interesting is that the civilian form of jujitsu, which is judo, that's essentially Japanese wrestling, without much striking or anything like that. So if you want to learn wrestling, without striking, use it learn judo, if you want to learn the jujitsu without the wrestling, you learn Aikido. But if you want to have the aikido and the judo and the striking all at once you learn jujitsu, what if you want to have the aikido and the striking and happy that also and

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the data? Yes, the theology? Yes, the theology has nothing to do with it. Okay. That would have been a plug for your own dojo. Yeah. But like you could have said after you deal with that, either, I guess is comes first. Well, that just sounds weird. But I did have that's like, that's like amazing. After you don't have to look there. Are there fundamental spiritual elements or seven try to propagate? Yeah, absolutely. They have different like spiritual things that they attach to a gallery, which is the South Indian martial art, which is, in fact, they say, to be the founding martial art for things like kung fu. I saw this viral YouTube video of this nine year old woman.

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Yeah. Masters color, and she teaches it. Yeah, girls self defense. And they're basically trying to bring calorie back. Because guess who disbanded calorie? The British? Absolutely. And so they basically almost lost it because the people who knew calorie rose up against the British military and the British, like not no more of this. We're banning the teaching of this martial art. And, but now they're bringing that back. However, it's just the the issue is it's been several generations, several generations of not having it. It's like, okay, how do you make it practical? Right. It's not even a martial it's not even sports or what I feel like calorie is also the same way that Indian say

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Well, it's calorie me too. How many calories does how many calories? How many calories does this soda have as a batting Indian accent? So well, it's all good. It's interesting to see the evolution of all this stuff. But the thought that comes to mind is the thing that I've always wondered about this fascinated me, especially with, you know, Islamic history and stuff. When I learned about its history, the whole of it is unlike the the narrative about their martial nature. And the conditioning that they must have had to have, like you hear stories about, they're in battle, and they're fighting their enemy. And the guy with a single soup, and you hear this in Japanese stories

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as well, in a single swoop, he's able to kind of go in half. Yeah. And not only that, their ability to build him that I wanted that. Yeah. And he said, It ain't about the sword.

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It's not about the sword wielding it's exactly like people talk about the stories and people talk about the weapons but no, almost no one cares to take a deeper look at the conditioning and what it like, how did they do that? The nutrition the type of guy

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Ladies they were

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no but like there's got to be more detailed to it. I'm just sad that they don't communicate what that is. I don't need that when you're talking about people who are fighting well into their 50s Yes. What was the name of this a hobby that everybody wanted to stay away from? Because it had if he was the one that was killed than the one who kills him was on the wrong side and I'm monitoring acid. I'm not even was it? Oh my gosh, you're asking me about my namesake.

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Modeling asset, of course, and the Prophet satellite is a model would be killed by Atul Bhatia. Okay. So abbazia means belly means transgressing. Yes that our model will be killed by the transgressing party. And so Ahmad was killed. But the thing is, that guy was like, 80 plus years old, and he was fighting in the military. And he was considered to be amongst the fiercest fighters. I don't know about the fiercest fighters part, but definitely fighting and campaigning into his 80s Absolutely. How this was during that he died during the get off of it in Maui. Yeah, you're talking about a good 30 years after the death of the Prophet civilized. 30. That's a lifetime for some

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people. Even it himself. It is in his 60s at that point. And he was it is a fierce warrior. Yeah, absolutely. Never lost the battle. And he's got about a 60 year old today. They were getting ready for retirement there. Yeah, they're in an old home somewhere.

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So not then they're they're mentally preparing themselves to go to an old home. Yeah. But anyway, that's the end of this clip. I just wanted to kind of share that. Great.

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Great, well, I was wondering, is this going to be like, are we gonna segue into the name of Allah on that note, we end this clip, do leave a comment below. Yes. And having said that, we're gonna just move on.

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