Ali Hammuda – Sacred Truths – It’s all or nothing!

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The importance of fear and hesitation in Islam is discussed, as it is a fundamental source of comfort for Muslims. Examples include setting targets, praying fasting, religiously speaking, and setting passage. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to be prepared for difficult situations and the importance of following Prophet's teachings and avoiding pursuing perfectionist activities.
AI: Transcript ©
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Upon laying the Dow,

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we had a had the story of a new Muslim sold to accepted Islam.

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And such story actually, he, he accepted Islam Allahu Akbar.

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And then he had this niggling thing in his mind, because his hobby was to do sculpting, you know, sculpting live animals, human beings, objects. And he obviously read somewhere that in Islam, this won't be a problem. So you went to the share, who gave him a shareholder? And he said to him to Azure,

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and why can I do this? My thing? I'm like, This is my life. I do this like, Oh, this is my everything.

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And the sheriff tries to leave this topic. This is your new, you got bigger things to think about basic things to study extra. Yeah, don't worry about that.

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But he couldn't leave it. It wouldn't even said, You left me what he left dissatisfied with that answer.

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And then SubhanAllah indianic went through his head so much. He eventually said to himself, he left us Lord

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Allahu Akbar. So for him, he was struggling to get his head around the grasp of being a Sunni Muslim, as we all are, is better than having no Islam, of course altogether. And this is the problem with the all or nothing approach. And that is why Allah subhanaw taala he said, first up Allah, Mr. Bhatt, and fear Allah as much as you can.

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This is a savior of a principle. And this Quranic principle is, in fact, a refutation to the perfectionist fallacy.

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The idea that a perfect solution exists and that you should keep searching for it before taking action. This is a totally illogical hindrance to your happiness and to your success, as we saw in the example which Muhammad shared with us.

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Instead, the Quran reminds man that perfection is a divine quality exclusive to Allah subhanaw taala. And no matter how hard a person may try, he can never give his node his full views even if he is operating at his maximum capacity as a worshipper of Allah.

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Allah said Kela learn Jacobina Amara, no man has not yet accomplished God's commands.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would stress the exact same meaning saying for either under how you do Command che in fedrick anymore who were either allowed to come be a Marine, but that to me, Hamas Tata atom that if I prohibit you from something,

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then stay away from it. But when I command you to do something, do as much as you can from it.

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So due to these evidences, and others, the scholars of Islam deduced fifth he Maxim's legal Maxim's like what they say about what ought to be able to buy Bharat necessities permit the impermissible.

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They have a second Maxim which is merliah Young kilo to Harold Domingo, you're gonna have one, whatever it cannot be avoided, is pardoned in the Sharia.

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A third Maxim Lalaji by Mohyla Hijazi Why not haram, there is no obligation with inability, just as there is no impermissibility With necessity.

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So the application of course of these Maxim's are not left for the judgment of the average Muslim, but the point of sharing them with you is to display the compassionate and fluid nature of our Islamic religion, one that is so sympathetic to our weak nature. And I want to give you examples of these filthy Maxim's in application, federal law as much as you can, what do we carry out with what with water, if that is not possible, then you have to move dry ablution using clean soil as an option, funeral as much as you can, the obligatory sauna is to be carried out in a standing posture. If that is not possible, then one is to pray, sitting down if need be lying down. Fasting is an

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obligation in Ramadan. Those who are ill, however, can break their fast make them up on other days.

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Those who are chronically ill, they feed a poor person for each day of fasting missed.

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Hajj is an obligation upon every Muslim.

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But that's only if you are want financially and physically able, if you are compromised, that obligation falls until whatever circumstance changes

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in joining good and forbidding evil, that is to be done physically. Evil is to be changed physically for those in authority. If you can't you change it verbally if you can't you change it internally by testing it.

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So this amazing principle of fear Allah subhanaw taala as much as you can, it's amazing. The

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application is wide. And it's not just useful in the Philippine Eagle discussion. But also in the day to day struggles of Muslims fear Allah as much as you can. It gives solace comfort to so many different types of people. It gives solace to the newly practicing Muslim,

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you're going to come across huge amounts of information and instructions to do or abstain from things. And this principle tells you slow down take it one step at a time, limit your source of information for now, fear Allah as much as you can see,

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it gives comfort also to the active Muslim who feels like he or she, they just want to do it all and dip into every Islamic project that comes their way. This principle says to you Wait, hold on, be focused, be well defined.

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And to set yourself targets that are ambitious, but realistic, try as much as you can.

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This principle also gives comfort to the student of knowledge who feels overwhelmed by the mission ahead. This principle reminds him or her that the premature dive in the deep end will end up drowning him. And that knowledge is an endless shore. So fear Allah as much as you can.

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This principle also gives comfort to the callers to Islam, so that they are not dissuaded from their path. Because of the prevalence and the variety of sins that are out there. They feel so outvoted this principle reminds them that even prophets did not uproot every iota of evil. What they did do, however, was that they feared Allah as much as they could.

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This principle also gives comfort to those unable to apply every aspect of Islam for whatever socio political political reason. This principle reassures them to move away from that tendency of dropping it all. Because Islam teaches us that what cannot be attained in its entirety should not be dropped in its entirety. And I want to share with you now a few examples of doing what you can fearing Allah as much as you can in the past and present.

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The first is an example pertaining to Dawa

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when he was imprisoned Prophet use, have found himself unable to discharge his duty of inviting his entire community to Islam. So what did he do? He feared Allah subhanaw taala as much as he could, and within the confines of prison, he became active and invited his cellmate so it's now

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a second example of pertains to the hijab. This noble act of worship has unfortunately been outlawed in certain places of the world.

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And seeing that relocation for some is not possible. And also day to day necessities means that avoiding the public sphere is also difficult. Such women would be advised, generally speaking to address to dress as near as they can to the Islamic hijab. And above all, to fear Allah as much as the

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third example is the Friday prayer.

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And the weekly, the chef and he jurist was in prison. So on every Friday, he would bathe, apply these fragrance. And when hearing the call to the prayer from within the cell, would walk towards the prison door, he knows that he's not going anywhere. Presumed I would say to him, Allah have mercy on you where you going? He said, I'm going to respond to the call of my Lord, that God would say to him, may Allah have mercy upon you please go back. So I believe he would walk back to his cell and he will say Allahumma inni. Egypt to the Hague familia, only, Oh Allah, I tried responding to your caller. But they predicted me. He did this every Friday despite knowing the outcome. But

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what did he do? He wanted to show Allah this principle in action, I'm fearing you might load as much as I can.

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A fourth example is governance. Many assume that just because you are in a position of power, right? The Reformation and change is as simple as the clicking of a button or the pulling of a lever. Now that couldn't be further from the truth, even those in power are bound by the same rule that says fear Allah as much as you can. And a fine example of this, again, is Prophet Yusuf. He was appointed as treasurer of Egypt as a position of power. But the country the king of that country, and the community don't forget, they weren't Muslims.

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So commenting on this humanity, no Tamia, he said, It is well known that because of their CO for their faithlessness, they inevitably had certain customs of reaping money in Haram ways and spending it for the benefit of the King kings associates and his family and soldiers and community as opposed to spending that money in according to the accordance to the prophetic way of justice. Use if he says, Even though Tamia use of, however, was not able to do all what he wanted, according to the religion of Allah because his people would not comply with him.

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However he did what he could in Upholding justice and goodness. And then he says what are the Kulu who document only the top law Mr. Bottom, all of this comes under the umbrella of fear Allah as much as you can.

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Another amazing example of this is Anna Joshi the negative or the senior king who embraced Islam secretly at the time of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he found himself unable to govern according to the dictates of Islam.

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And commenting on this Imam Pablo Tamia, he said that under Joshi was not able to govern according to the Quran, because his people allow up Runa who Allah radically would have disapproved.

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It will take me then said, it often happened when a person would find himself needing to act as a judge between the Muslims and the Mongols, and even as an imam. And his desire was to uphold a particular element of justice, but was not able to do so. In fact, he is prevented from doing so Allah, He says, does not burden a person to beyond his scope. See, I just want to pause here for a second and show you had these examples existed today. Many people will be given them the red card straightaway Kafeel, you're not applying their religion of Allah. Sometimes it's not as simple as that. They really are behind closed doors, trying to fear Allah as much as they can. So think best

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of those, especially those who display that which is good.

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So back to Anna Joshi, the negative king whom we said was not able to apply all of the elements of Islam. In fact, his people thought he was a Christian. So maybe he was reading from the

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Psalms or the Gospels, and he was perhaps wearing a cross, but that's what he could do it no Tamia, he says Anna Joshi and his likes. Despite this, they are blissful people in Jannah.

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Despite the fact that they had not applied the laws of Islam that they were unable to apply.

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Rather, they would govern according to what they were able to govern.

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So in reality, the manifestations of this principle are infinite, which displays the immensely compassionate and pragmatic nature of our religion.

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And whilst Islam does not expect perfection, it does expect a human effort towards perfection, whilst acknowledging that we will never reach it, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is the team who will talk so come as close as you can to righteousness, but realize you'll never attended or come as close as you can to righteousness, but you will never attain perfection.

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Powerful obsessions, like perfectionism can stop us from even starting, stop us from progressing and equally important stop us from finishing. The reality is that we cannot pursue an endeavor without some sort of imperfection and so when your perfectionist tendencies begin to surge tame them with this principle of Allah must have art and feel Allah as much as you can

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well being happy

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being healthy another

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obey shield Oh, oh and

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Follow up on Holy War Island.

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Feel oh one is Zerlina Hooton Zilla.

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