Ali Hammuda – Palestine Reimagined #06 They Predict Tomorrow

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The interviewer discusses the importance of the Prophet Muhammad sall campaigns in settling for peace with the state and addresses the Israeli entity's fear of survival and political future. They criticize the current Israeli government for its actions and call for a moral justification for settler colonialism. The speaker also touches on the upcoming expiration of Israeli seventyth anniversary, the conflict between religion, religion, and culture, and the need for peace negotiations. Additionally, they mention a former Israeli Prime Minister expressing concern about the state collapse and calls for a moral justification for settler colonialism.
AI: Transcript ©
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Won't you tell me about the wonders that

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you saw in the land of Abu Simiyan?

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This was the question which the prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam asked a group of companions

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who had just returned to Medina from the

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land of Abyssinia.

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One of them responded with a remarkable story

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and he said yes indeed, O Messenger of

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While we were sitting one day

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an old nun belonging to the religious class

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passed by carrying a vessel of water over

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her head.

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A young man crept up from behind he

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placed one of his hands between her shoulder

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blades, and he shoved her causing her to

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fall to her knees, which also caused the

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vessel to shatter.

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So she stood up,

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she turned towards him and uttered these incredible

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She said to himself

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She said, O treacherous one,

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you shall come to learn

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on that day

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when Allah sets the footstool

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And He gathers the first and the last

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of creation

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And their hands and the feet

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about what they earned.

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For Surfata'alamu

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Ghadan. On that day you will know how

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the matter between you and I will be

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settled. You Allah.

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Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was moved when

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he heard these words and he said,

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She spoke the truth, he said she spoke

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the truth.

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How can Allah

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sanctify a nation that does not take the

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side of the weak, against the strong? He

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Many words are now associated with the Zionist

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Due to crimes that were connected to it

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from its very

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Till the most recent atrocities in Palestine and

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perhaps in the events that I'm sure will

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follow in the future

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Terms such as genocide or ethnic cleansing,

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chemical weapons, depleted uranium,

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collective punishment, apartheid, displacement and so on

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So naturally this leads us to ask the

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very same question which the Prophet

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asked in the story that you just heard.

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How can Allah sanctify a nation?

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That does not take the side of the

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weak against the strong.

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Now in terms of the context of Palestine,

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Muslims don't need to answer that question, that

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prophetic question.

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Because it seems that Zionists themselves are now

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realizing a common answer.

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The Israeli entity suffers from the chronic complex

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of fear for survival that is reflected in

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its public discourse of its intellectuals and journalists

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and academics and thinkers.

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And in the speeches even of its prime

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ministers. It's such a rare situation

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as you

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hardly find a country in the world

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that discusses the idea of its survival or

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its continuity

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A leader or a party may lose power

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The state may change from one regime to

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But it does not cross the minds of

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its elite or the minds of the citizens

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that the people,

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the country,

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the state are subject to extinction

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But with the Israeli entity

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matters are very different.

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Allow me to demonstrate this

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Consider the perspective of Benny Morris, a professor

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of history in the Middle East Studies department

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of Ben Gurion University

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in Israel.

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He boldly stated in an interview

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that a situation in which we rule an

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occupied people that have no rights cannot persist

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in the 21st

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in the modern world.

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And as soon as they do have rights,

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meaning the Arabs,

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the state

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will no longer be Jewish.

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They, the Arabs, have no reason to give

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in because the Jewish state can't last, he

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said. They are bound to win. In another

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30 to 50

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years they will overcome us,

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come what may.

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Now just like Morris, you've got Abraham Berg,

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a former speaker of Israel's Knesset from 1999

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to 2003, and a former chairman of the

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Jewish Agency for Israel. And he also deems

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the current Israeli state to be facing an

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collapse. Berg had the following to say in

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a provocative

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titled the end of Zionism. He said note

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this moment very well,

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superstructure is already collapsing like a cheap Jerusalem

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wedding hall, only madmen continue dancing on the

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top floor

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while the pillars below are collapsing. Moving on

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to an article in the Israeli newspaper, Yedi'ud

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Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak

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expressed fears that Israel's imminent demise would come

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before its 80th anniversary.

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He said throughout Jewish history

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The Jews have not had a state for

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more than 80 years except in 2 periods.

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The period of King David and the period

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of Hasmone.

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Both of which mark the beginning of its

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disintegration in the 8th decade.

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And then he added that the current experience

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of the Jewish Zionist state was the third.

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And was now in its 8th decade as

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well, And he feared that the curse of

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the 8th decade would descend upon it, as

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it had descended on the previous one.

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Ehud Barak also pointed out that

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they are not the only ones who are

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afflicted by the curse of the 8th decade.

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He said America broke out in civil war

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in its 8th decade.

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Italy turned into a fascist state in its

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8th decade. Germany turned into a Nazi state

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in its 8th decade and was the cause

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of its defeat and division.

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And in the 8th decade

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of the communist revolution, the Soviet Union disintegrated

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and collapsed.

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So there you have it.

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And then you have the likes of Ilham

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Papeh in a recent interview, who is by

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the way an Israeli historian. He said that

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I think Israel is not just a state.

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Israel is a project.

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It's a settler colonial project, and I think

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we are witnessing the beginning of the end

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of this project.

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He said it's the only state in the

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world that lobbies for its existence,

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not for its policies,

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not for its better economic performance

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But for its very moral justification

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He said: It's losing that battle

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Then he said that just as a historian

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I can tell you that when projects like

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settler colonialism are reaching their last phase Unfortunately

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they can be

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quite a long period.

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And it doesn't happen in just 1 or

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2 days. And the problem of course is

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that they become more brutal

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and ruthless.

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This sentiment

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and skepticism

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about the future of the Zionist project amidst

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themselves is not at all surprising. I

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mean for starters you've got the Israeli

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FANEMA Research Center publishing its findings in the

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Hayom newspaper that 33%

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of Israeli youth

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are seriously considering immigration from the occupied territories.

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While 44%

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of them see no future in Israel.

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You see, you also have another issue.

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You have a non homogeneous group of ethnicities,

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cultures, loyalties and ideologies, which find themselves unable

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to unite

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Even beneath the banner of Judaism.

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You have public opinion

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that is rapidly shifting in favor of the

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Palestinian cause.

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You have arrogant behavior

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and an utter disregard for the truth, which

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is isolating the Zionist project, which in turn

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will widen the internal conflict

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as a result of holding each other's party

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responsible for the chronic failure that Israel

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is suffering from.

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You have conflicts that are no longer just

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between the right

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and the left.

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They now include disputes between the right,

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the extreme right, between the religious and the

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secular communities, between the easterners and the westerners.

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Between the Ashkenazi

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Jews of Europe,

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and the Sephardi,

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the Eastern Jews,

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and the Falasha, the Jews of Ethiopia,

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and other sects, and between the Orthodox

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or the Zionist Jews, as well as between

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the Arabs and the Israelis and

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with each war that erupts, the discourse about

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the future of the state of Israel is

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But what we've come to realize is that

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the main enemy of designers project is not

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a supernatural event

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But the recklessness of itself.

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And in reality no one can assert a

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precise date for the end of the occupying

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But many

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seem to believe

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in the inevitability of this end.

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We go back to the question of the

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prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Anahu

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Salaam. How can Allah sanctify a nation

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that does not take the side of the

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weak against the strong?

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And indeed

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oppression in Palestine

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never lives until old age.

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