Ali Hammuda – Building the Quranic Community – Overview of Surah Al-Hujurat

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The Surah title discusses the concept of ethics and pre requisite behavior in community settings, including regulation and behavior in secret. The speaker uses the Surah Al gerat to describe the principles of morality and ethics, including the importance of having a lower level of empathy towards others. The segment also touches on the definition of Halina and who she is, as well as the importance of preventing social mal-equivalence and providing a reminder of the importance of preventing evil behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Being mean so early

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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabina Muhammad in wa ala alihi wa sahbihi igmi in Rabat Sharla let us continue our discussion on the Quranic community glimpsing over the University of ethics known as surat al pejorative. The apartments the 49th chapter of the Quran.

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Now, surah Taha gerat is thematically set to be centered around a tarbiyah to lochia little own little Islamia, nurturing the good characteristics and behaviors of the Muslim ummah.

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And although Allahu Girard speaks of general manners and ethics, the essential caveat, which you ought to have in mind as you are reading the surah all the time, is that only a person with a man can embody those ethics and characteristics outlined in a pejorative, meaning a man is a pre requisite for a person to assume those ethics. How so?

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Well, let us begin by defining Iman, Iman is cold on Bill Listen, something of speech with your tongue the actions of the tongue, with the steel can build genuine and validation of the heart. Where I'm alone Bill Jabari, he will or can an actions with a person's limbs to substantiate that person's Iman. And although as we mentioned, it is loosely translated to belief, it actually encompasses all of these meanings together.

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So how is an E man then a prerequisite to a person assuming the ethics of Aloha gerat?

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Well, it is not possible for a person to accept to be regulated by Allah subhanahu wata Allah and His messenger Allah He is Salatu was Salam, except if they are movement, meaning if you believe that Allah and His Messenger, have the authority to regulate you, then you are a movement. And so naturally, you are going to listen to what they tell you. Because in your mind and conscience, you are saying to yourself, He who created me, and sent a messenger that he selected as the Virgil, he sent Muhammad Ali his Salatu was Salam know what is better for me as far as my ethics and interactions are concerned, then me myself, they know what is better for me than me myself. Allah

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azza wa jal says, and beat you I will be meaning I mean, foresee him, the prophet is more worthy of the believers than their own selves. So in religious communities, those who lack Eman also defy the idea of being regulated as a concept. They don't like that an external body should regulate that ethics, anything as far as they are concerned, should be allowed, there is no objective morality, there is no objective ethics or behavior and anything can be acceptable so long as this as the society accepts it.

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Without Eman most will only regulate their external manners and their interactions. And most will only do so when they are the subject of direct scrutiny, either by the sensibilities of the society around them, or the scrutiny of the government or the state, that would stop them from being bad or going against the social norms, or stop them from committing crime, whatever is considered illegal at the time. And unless a person is conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala and conscious of the fact that Allah is

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Ever Watchful over us, whether we are hiding or in a community, where we are in front of the law or on our own.

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How will a person regulate their behavior in secret, it is impossible for a person to regulate their behavior in secret knowing that there is no one of the community or the law watching them except if a person is cognisant of Allah subhanho wa Taala also known as a mean, a person of iman.

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Similarly, you cannot expect a person without Iman in Allah and His Messenger, to put them both ahead of yourself. Because a person without Iman will not see that Allah and His Messenger were either Billa are both ahead of himself. And a person without Eman tends to deify himself or herself, that they are the ones who should dictate the rights and the wrongs in every sphere of life and they are the ones who ought to dictate the ethics and the behaviors of the community.

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Therefore, we can state that the theme of Alhaji rot is actually to nurture and perfect the mannerisms of the maroon of the believers.

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Remarkably, Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses the believers in the Surah through the medium year, you have Lavina Manu O you who believe five times so in a matter of 18 verses, five of those verses are preceded with year a you Halina and who you who have Iman. And on one occasion Allah subhanho wa Taala says, yeah, a Yohannes what occasion is this?

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When Allah subhanahu wa taala speaks of Taqwa Taqwa is God consciousness, a deep cognizance of Allah subhanho wa taala. That drives a person to do good and to stay away from evil.

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And since Allah azza wa jal will use the concept of Taqwa to define the status of a human being, it becomes fitting for the address containing taqwa and the value of a human being to be addressed to all of humanity, movement and careful, I like almost to tell them that the distinction of Taqwa it breaks all bounds of belief and creed and ethnicity and nationality and tribes. The distinction of Taqwa applies squarely on every human being. He or she who has the most Taqwa is the noblest in Allah sight, irrespective of whether they are mean or careful. And obviously, only a movement will have Taqwa. But it is the criterion, the benchmark that Allah is outlining and all of humanity needs

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to be attentive when Allah subhanho wa Taala is outlining this benchmark

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Surah Al gerat pays particular emphasis on perfecting the characteristics towards one another, in one another's presence in one another's absence towards the first IQ. And so the first step are those who possess lower levels of Eman or may be hardly any Eman. Nonetheless, they are still Muslim, they still have the conviction in their hearts in Allah and His messenger and so on. But they possess the lower levels of iman how we deal with such people.

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And in each circumstance, Allah reminds us of his ultimate knowledge of what exists in the depths of the people's hearts. So again, and again, Allah reminds us of his knowledge of the Unseen of what is within of what is in the outer sphere. So Subhanallah we are reminded that Allah azza wa jal is knowledgeable of everything that happens not only our external interactions, but also how we feel towards one another.

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So, the surah addresses five objects, when it comes to those ethics primarily. The first is Allah azza wa jal.

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The second is the messenger Allah His Salatu was Salam, the third or the for SERC. As we mentioned, the deviants the people with less Eman

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the presence of believer, your min fellow

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Brother and sister when they are in your presence and the absent movement, when they are not in your presence, so five subjects of your ethics, each of these interactions are preceded with year a you have Lavina Emanuel and therefore, you are learning occurs five times.

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Now, it is not possible to introduce upright ethics and characteristics, and to remedy a community and bring it closer to becoming the exemplary community, except when you weed out the illnesses brought about through pre Islamic ignorance Silja Helia, particularly that'll help gerat Or a lot of Al gerat is directed at those new communities that came to Islam in the latter part of the Dawa, as we will find out, after all, prevention is better than cure. So, how gerat remedied a number of bad social ills and ethics brought about from LJ Helia, including harshness, bluntness, hearsay, argumentation, mockery, evil suspicion, spying, backbiting, showing off, and also counting your

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favors upon their recipients known in Arabic as men, meaning to say to somebody I have done such and such a favor for you, so you ought to pay me in return. So I'll gerat will remedy all of these social ills, before introducing the upright ethics, and this and the superior characteristics brought about by the pure religion of Islam, that had now spread in the precincts of Arabia, and that was seeing 1000s of people embrace it. Such remedies are imperative for us as individuals living in today's century in our social interactions with others, and improving our own community, and bringing it closer to that of the earliest companions that are the Allahu Taala on home. May

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Allah subhanahu wata Allah forgive us from our for our evil it was an ethics and allow us to embody some of those we will discuss in a lot in the forthcoming episodes. So stay tuned with us while hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

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B means

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stay tuned to Islam 21 See to catch the front row for the online Masjid

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